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Starlet (repost of an old story)

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Offline jjr9

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Starlet (repost of an old story)
« on: November 25, 2012, 07:10:28 PM »

He parked his car in the lot and went to the door.  It was locked so he knocked, and Mike Bridges came along in a minute to let him in the gym.  “Sorry about that, “ he said, “ but I didn’t realize what time it was.  Instead of the girl I asked to help Gloria in this try-out, one of Gloria’s biggest rivals here at the gym showed up and wanted one last match before Glo took a job with you, and they’ve been arguing with each other about it for about twenty minutes.  Thought we would be done long before you got here, but they’re both too stubborn.”
Mike was the owner of the gym, a fit gentleman in his early sixties though his health and physique would make him pass for a man fifteen (or more) years younger, except for his white hair.  He quickly shook hands with his visitor.  The man was Ronnie Duke, owner and CEO of a small women’s wrestling organization.  He was about Mike’s age, but he was getting a potbelly and losing his hair.
Mike waved for him to follow and started to hurry back to the main gym, where the ring was.  “I hate to rush you, but I’m a little worried about that argument.  Gloria was keeping her cool when I left, and I’m not worried about her at all.  Nancy could lose her head and take advantage of my absence, though.”  He led them through the door into the gym.  In the ring, a lovely blonde in a tight, white one-piece outfit had a half-Boston crab on a much larger black woman in a neon-purple leotard.  The blonde was Gloria Peters, 22-years-old, 113 pounds, and 5’3”.  Looking at her, most would think that she was some kind of centerfold or model.  Her opponent was Nancy Stand, a strong-looking black woman of 36 years who had a skull-cap of short black hair, stood 6'2”, and weighed over 200 pounds.  Her physique reminded the visitor of the wrestler Reggie Bennett, very thick but curvy with a very large ass.  Her body was soft in places like her belly and heavy breasts, but she was even stronger than she looked.  From the welts and bruises forming on Gloria’s breasts and face, she was obviously mean as well.  “Oh shit, they started a match while I was gone!”
As they watched from the door, Nancy was trying to drag herself to the ropes while Gloria cranked up the pressure on her knee, hip, and lower back with a single-leg Boston crab.  Mike told him, “That’s one of  Gloria’s best holds.  She’s in great shape and all, but she still gives up a lot of weight and strength to most of her opponents here, especially Nancy.  The half-crab takes a lot out of them and sometimes gets a submission.”  Nancy finally grabbed the bottom rope, and Gloria released the hold cleanly.  Ronnie looked at Mike with a little bit of surprise.  “Yeah, that’s the one thing you have to know about Gloria.  She fights like a nun.  Wouldn’t break a rule or take a cheap shot if you offered her a million dollars.  Costs her a lot in bruises in most matches because even the nicest girls that she faces are willing to do a little hair-pulling or biting if they have to.  Still, she’s here tonight because she’s got one of the best records in the gym to go with that gorgeous face and body.”
Nancy had gotten to her knees, and Gloria moved to grab her by the left arm.  As she did, Nancy drove her right fist between Gloria’s legs into her crotch.  She followed up with two more in quick succession, and then she grabbed two handfuls of blonde ponytail and slammed Gloria’s face into the mat.  Mike coughed slightly and said, “Nancy is just the opposite, as you can see.”  In the ring, Gloria was being choked with her throat over the bottom rope and Nancy lying across her shoulders.  “Nancy likes to hurt her opponents as much as she likes winning.  She’ll do anything, rule book be damned.”  As he said it, Nancy stood and put one foot on the back of Gloria’s neck.  She used the other foot to kick her in the ribs.  “I’d better get back in there and stop this.  She’ll do anything if she thinks she can get away with it.”
Ronnie grabbed him by the arm gently.  “If it’s okay, Mike, I think I’d rather see this finish out without a ref.  I’d like to know just what Gloria can handle on her own.”  Mike opened his mouth to protest, then closed it and nodded.  Tonight could be very profitable for him and the blonde, but he didn’t mind letting Gloria take a beating if it helped his own chances.  He motioned for Ronnie to move a little closer to the wall near the door.  Long experience had taught him that the layout of the lights was bad in that area.  A person or persons could stand there and have a clear view of the ring while being completely invisible in the shadows.  Once hidden, Ronnie had a question.  “You said Nancy was Gloria’s biggest rival.  Did you mean her size?”
Mike shook his head.  Almost whispering, he said, “Actually, those two are have been feuding, sort of, since Gloria joined the gym’s wrestling club.  Nancy just hates Glo for some reason, and Gloria seems to thrive on the challenge of beating a woman twice her size.  Most times, Nancy wins in a fairly dominant fashion, just overwhelming Gloria, but Glo has surprised her a couple of times to steal a victory.  She won their last match, in fact.  That’s why Nancy demanded a final rematch instead of Stacy, and Glo was willing to give her one, just not tonight.”
In the ring, Nancy had pulled Gloria to her feet by the hair and scooped her off of the mat.  Carrying the blonde to the corner, the bigger woman hung her upside down on the top turnbuckle, making sure to hook Gloria’s legs so she couldn’t get loose.  With Gloria helpless, Nancy unloaded on her.  She hit her with knees to the stomach, punches to the crotch, kicks to the breasts, foot chokes, and stomps to the head.  She pulled her up by the hair until she was parallel to the mat and threw her back down into the corner.  Backing up a few steps, the big woman charged forward and nailed her little foe in the face with a baseball slide that looked like it almost ripped off Glo’s head.
Ronnie nudged Mike.  “How long do you think this has been going on?”
He shook his head.  “It can’t be more than five or six minutes.  This started after I left to let you in the gym.  In the past, these two usually only last around ten minutes before Glo ties up Nancy or Nancy beats down Gloria.  You see, Gloria doesn’t have a lot of muscle and uses technique to take control and tie up opponents.  Nancy is a brawler, mostly, and tends to overwhelm her opponents with brute force.  When it’s Gloria, Nancy tends to act her most brutal.”
Nancy had unhooked Gloria’s legs and let her collapse to the canvas.  The blonde was barely moving and offered no resistance when Nancy dragged her to the middle of the ring and laid her on her back.  With a running start, the big woman bounced off of the ropes, leaped over Gloria to bounce off of the opposite ropes, and dropped her elbow into the smaller girl’s heart for what certainly seemed to be the end of the match.  Then, she howled and grabbed her arm as pain and numbness ran through it.  At the last instant, Gloria had managed to roll to safety, and Nancy had driven her elbow into the unyielding mat.
Gloria was hurt, but for the moment she could still move faster than the confused Nancy.  She made a lunging tackle that forced the big woman face down on the mat and caught her injured arm in a hammerlock.  Holding Nancy with the hammerlock, she was able to re-position herself so her knees pinned the injured arm and freed her hands to apply a chin-lock.  The girl that had looked so close to painful defeat had turned things around completely.  Nancy was pinned under the blonde with her left arm forced up behind her and her head being pulled back painfully.
Ronnie spoke up.  “I see what you meant by Gloria taking control with technique, compared to Nancy using brawling.  I would have bet that Gloria was about thirty seconds from an ambulance ride, but now she’s riding the big girl.  I’d still bet on Nancy to put her out, though.  She obviously knows how to put a hurting on someone and has one hell of a size advantage.”  Ronnie seemed a little disappointed in the reversal by Gloria.
Mike looked over at Ronnie, the man who would be making the final decisions.  He was smiling.  Mike felt a little spike of adrenaline.  If Ronnie was pleased, Mike’s plans had an even better chance of working out.  Mike was starting to grin too, when Ronnie asked, “What’s Nancy doing?”
Looking back at the ring, Gloria was still in charge, leaning way back as she bent the older woman’s neck and spine.  Out of her sight, though, Nancy was using her free arm to fiddle with the top of her leotard.  “I’m not sure.  Maybe the way she’s being pulled back is pulling down her leotard.”
Ronnie smiled and said, “You may be right, but I think it’s something else.”  He wouldn’t explain what he meant so they went back to watching the action.  Gloria had released Nancy’s chin and was turning her attention back to the arm.  Grabbing it with both hands, she did a forward roll off of Nancy that pulled the arm up as far as it would go and then some, causing the big woman to scream in protest.  The blonde moved in to continue on the wounded left arm, but once again, Nancy lashed out with her right fist in an illegal punch to the breast.  Gloria screamed as the punch stopped her cold and left her open for a second punch to the chin that knocked her flat on the mat.  Ronnie laughed and pointed, saying, “I knew it.  She’s got some sort of brass knuckles to use on the bitch.”  Sure enough, they could see as Nancy got to her feet that her right hand had something covering the knuckles.  Whatever it was, it was effective.  Nancy dropped down onto Gloria, driving that loaded right hand into her forehead with a loud “CRACK.”
That last punch obviously knocked Gloria out cold.  The gorgeous blonde’s arms and legs jumped on impact and went limp, and her angel’s face rolled to the side with her eyes closed.  Nancy stood and poked her with a foot but got no response.  It gave her a minute to massage her injured arm and get the feeling back into it.  Then she turned her attention back to Gloria.  Pulling her into a sitting position with a handful of hair, Nancy slapped the blonde’s face until she opened her eyes.  The sparkling blues were dazed and unfocused as Gloria tried to regain her wits.  She never got the chance because Nancy slammed that loaded fist into her forehead one more time.  Gloria fell backward again with her eyes half-closed, nearly unconscious again, but that wasn’t good enough for the big brawler.  Putting her knee on one of her opponent’s grapefruit-sized breasts to hold her down, the brutish black woman pumped five more short, hard punches into the girl’s head, making her legs kick weakly with each blow.  After the last blow, Nancy raised her fist, looked at it, and smiled at what she saw.
From their hidden position, the silent audience could see what pleased the big woman.  Her “brass knuckles” appeared to be wrapped with white tape, and that tape now had a red stain on it.  Obviously, Nancy’s blows had cut open Gloria’s head and drawn blood as well as knocking her out again.  To prove it, the lovely blonde’s head lolled to the side so she was “looking” at the two hidden watchers, and they could clearly see a trickle of blood beginning to seep from Gloria’s hairline.  Clapping almost without sound, Ronnie chuckled at the sight and smugly whispered, “I knew that cutie-pie was going to get squashed.  I hope Nancy isn’t done with her.”
Mike, grimacing slightly at Gloria’s predicament but not about to interfere, whispered back, “If I know Nancy, she’s not.  I didn’t mention it before, but when Nancy has defeated Glo in the past, I usually have to make her stop the punishment and end the match.”
Almost as if she could hear him, Nancy chose that moment to continue her assault on her now-helpless opponent.  Scooting backward, she grabbed the girl’s feet and stood with them, turning her slowly.  Tucking Gloria’s feet under her arms, Nancy fell backward and catapulted the unconscious girl into the ropes so her throat came down across the top rope.  The vicious move caused Gloria to “slingshot” back to the canvas, awake again and weakly curling on her side as she choked from the blow to her windpipe.  “Time to wake up, bitch!”  With a rough kick to the shoulder, Nancy forced her victim onto her back and then kneeled on the blonde’s throat.  Looking down and sneering into Gloria’s blue eyes, Nancy gloated, “I’ve always wanted to rip you apart like this, but Mike was always there threatening to throw me out if I didn’t follow the rules.  Too bad for you that he’s off doing whatever because you’re dead now!”  Grabbing a handful of hair, Nancy stood and pulled the weak-kneed girl up with her.  “This is something I’ve really wanted to do for a long time!”  Forcing Gloria’s head between her knees, Nancy grabbed her at the waist and yanked her into the air for a powerbomb, throwing her to the canvas so hard that the little blonde literally bounced from the impact.  Stepping over the quivering girl, Nancy lined up her fist and drove a loaded punch into Gloria’s left breast.  Gloria squealed in pain as the black woman laughed.
Gloria was pulled up to her feet by a handful of hair and looked as though she’d fall in an instant if Nancy let her go, but to everyone’s shock, the little blonde suddenly exploded into motion and delivered a standing dropkick to the black woman’s midsection.  The unexpected kick sunk deep into the big girl’s stomach and drove the wind out of her, making her stagger backward, bent over and hugging her middle.  Glo hit the canvas on her side and took a few moments to collect herself before getting back to her feet, but she was in motion immediately once she was up.  She bolted into the ropes and used them to launch herself back at the bent-over Nancy to deliver another stunning move, a sweet scissors-kick to the back of the bigger wrestler’s head.  This put Nancy face-down on the canvas with Gloria’s shapely leg draped over her head, but this time Gloria seemed slower to get to her feet and shook her head repeatedly.  Clearly she hadn’t completely recovered from Nancy’s loaded punches to the head.  It was probably those punches that made Gloria straddle Nancy’s right arm and try to pry the “brass knuckles” off of her opponent’s hand.  Unfortunately, she didn’t put her weight on the arm and let herself become too focused on the weapon.  Nancy was able to reposition herself and nail Gloria with a nasty kidney-punch that arched her back into a position sitting on her knees.  Displaying her power, Nancy pulled her over backward by the hair so Gloria was across her shoulders and stunned the hidden audience by standing with the blonde in a torture rack backbreaker.
In the ring, the brutal woman was talking trash to her captive opponent and dropping to her knees to punish Glo’s spine mercilessly.  “What’s the matter, pussy?  Can’t wiggle out of this one?  Can’t think of some cheap-ass speedy little trick to save yourself?”  Nancy walked to the corner and used the second turnbuckle to jump a good 4 feet into the air before dropping to her knees in a move that looked like it could have snapped the blonde’s spine.  Gloria was limp and barely conscious from the agony in her back and reduced to high-pitched squeaks as her only protest to the punishment.  “Oh, listen to you!  You’re not a fucking pussy!  You’re a fucking mouse, squeaking when she gets stepped on!  C’mon, little mouse, you tell me I’m the better woman and I’ll finish this quick!”
Whether it was defiance or lack of clear thinking, Gloria surprised the duo in the shadows by weakly shaking her head and whimpering “no.”  Unfortunately, she annoyed Nancy with her response, drawing a roar of rage from the big woman that resulted in Glo’s body being lifted into the air and slammed across the turnbuckles of the corner.  It was clear at this point to everyone, except maybe Gloria, that Nancy was the definite winner of this match as the blonde hung bent over the turnbuckle hardware, completely helpless.  It was just as clear that Nancy didn’t care much about winning when compared to hurting the blonde badly.  Again, she arranged Gloria so the blonde’s feet were hooked into the top turnbuckle and hung her in the corner in the dreaded Tree of Woe.  Another flurry of boots and knees pulverized the battered girl, and then the big brute backed away to the opposite corner.  Like a pro football player, she dropped into a 3-point stance and charged across the ring at maximum speed to hit Glo with a spear that damn near shattered her ribs and back.  After that, Gloria looked to be out-cold again, but the vicious heavyweight didn’t care, slamming into the tiny blonde with a second spear.  She probably would have given Glo a third as well, but the force of the second was enough to untangle the girl’s legs so she fell on her head in a broken heap.
Nancy finally paused in her destructive rampage, breathing hard and bathed in sweat from her exertions.  It seemed for a moment that she wasn’t sure what to do next.  She obviously came up with a new idea though as she grabbed Gloria’s left ankle and dragged her to the center of the ring.  Then, in a shocking move, Nancy grabbed the straps of Glo’s one-piece and pulled them down to her waist, baring her breasts for everyone to see.  Frowning down at the perfect globes of milky flesh, Nancy growled, “Always wanted to do this,” and clamped her powerful hands on the beautiful mammaries in a pair of vicious claw holds.  It took about ten seconds for the cruel attack to rouse Gloria, and the sight of those blue eyes put Nancy into overdrive.  Roaring once more, the black brawler displayed her awesome strength again by lifting Gloria completely off of the mat by her breasts, letting her dangle inches above the canvas, but she hesitated before finishing the move.  Rather than slam her victim to the canvas, the brute walked forward to the ropes and threw her over them to the hardwood floor of the gym.  The sound of Gloria’s body hitting the floor echoed throughout the empty gym as did her scream of agony and the thumping that followed from her convulsions of pain.  Nancy’s laughter rang out as well while Gloria stilled to a twitching mass on the floor, utterly helpless as the black woman left the ring to continue the punishment.  The smaller girl appeared unconscious again and unable to resist as Nancy manhandled her up again.
At this point, Mike was literally getting scared because Nancy looked like she was ready to really kill, or at least cripple, the pretty little blonde girl, and profit or no profit, he didn’t want to see Gloria hurt that way in his gym.  “Ronnie, I know you wanted to watch the girls go, but Gloria’s had it!  I gotta stop this before it gets any uglier!”
Ronnie seemed reluctant to stop the carnage, but nodded after a couple of seconds.  He then started to walk forward out of the shadowed area, leading the way.
Nancy was bending the blonde over, and she pulled Gloria into an inverted position for a piledriver on the hard floor.  She was about to finish the move when she saw the group coming toward her.  Startled, she asked, “How long have you been there?”
Ronnie spoke.  “Long enough to like what I saw from the two of you.  I didn’t come here to see you, but you’ve got a job if you’re interested.”  Ronnie liked big, busty bad girls, and his roster had plenty of them.  He didn’t have anyone as big and as strong as Nancy, though, and he liked her no-mercy style.
“Are you going to hold her like that all night or finish the move?”  Ronnie was smiling as he asked.  “I like your style.  I always enjoy watching someone putting the boots to a cutie-pie like her myself.”
Nancy smiled back and dropped Gloria headfirst onto the floor.  Getting up she said, “I planned to finish her, sign it, and then go find you.  I figured Mike had taken you to his office.”  The pretty blonde was a broken heap at Nancy’s feet.  “I’ve wanted to really tear into her for a long time.  I hate a real goodie-two-shoes.”
“Sign it?  What’s that supposed to mean?”
Nancy took a few steps to her left and reached into the gym bag there, one she’d brought with her.  “Because she looks like a  movie slut, a lot of girls call this bitch “The Starlet” when she’s in the ring.”  Nancy pulled out a permanent marker.  “I was going to use this to write “Starslut” on her forehead and maybe her tits, too.”  Nancy grinned.  “Something to really remember me.”
“Well, put it away for now and take my offer instead.  I’ll even promise to give her to you for your first pro match.  I’m offering her a job, too.  According to my watch, she fought you for at least 20 minutes, and I saw her put you in trouble a few times.  She’ll make a perfect ‘face’ for the fans.”  Ronnie was really smiling now.  Along with big bad girls, he had a love for feeding little good girls to his bad girls.   “Put Gloria under a shower and clean her up?  When you’re done, bring her to the office so I can tell her the good news.”  He put his arm around Mike and started walking toward the door.  “While we’re waiting, we can talk about adding your gym to the list of sites for our shows.  I’ve got all the papers, and I can see that you’re set up with enough bleachers and floor space for a crowd of a few hundred people.  That’s perfect for our shows, and it’ll give us a place on this side of the city.”  They began to leave the gym.  Ronnie stopped suddenly and turned back to Nancy.  “I just got an idea.  Don’t say anything about getting a job yourself.  In two weeks, I have a special “all-cage-match” show lined up.  Imagine Starlet’s surprise when she sees you climbing into the cage with her for a rookie-versus-rookie death match!”

To be continued…


Offline ballz_billy

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Re: Starlet (repost of an old story)
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2012, 09:56:31 PM »
are you that jjj11100 guy the same...he used the girls you used and writes just like you...

either way AWESOME story and we need more of this sexy blonde


Offline jjr9

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Re: Starlet (repost of an old story)
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2012, 12:14:50 AM »
No, not the same person, but I like his stuff, too.

I just found this old story and I'm looking forward to picking it up again.