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Queen of the Ring - by J. Coleman

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Offline gmenn

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Queen of the Ring - by J. Coleman
« on: February 04, 2013, 09:22:46 AM »
Queen of the Ring
Short Story by J. Coleman

     Elizabeth's meteoric rise to world champion of the World Wrestling Alliance was a testament to her physical skill and her unflagging desire to win at any cost. Elizabeth felt no remorse over the people she had to step on to get to the top and there were many.
     As her fame, notoriety, and money increased, so did her need to totally control and dominate everything and everyone within her sphere of influence. She was as brutal in business and personal relationships as she was in the ring and those who wronged her or opposed her in even the smallest way quickly learned that she was an iron fisted autocrat who was not to be trifled with.
     Elizabeth had entered into a relationship with her long time manager, Mark, and things began to deteriorate once she won the title belt.  Mark's role was now reduced from manager to boyfriend as Elizabeth took over every aspect of the business and their personal life and called all the shots. Finally tiring of Elizabeth's ruthless behavior and self centered power trip, Mark confronted her and she responded by firing him as her manager.
     Mark had previously released all his other wrestlers at Elizabeth's request so he could focus all his energy on her career alone. Now, with no wrestlers in his stable, he had to begin again and he hit the jackpot while on a business trip to the Philippines.
     While attending a wrestling venue in Manila, Mark saw a promising young female wrestler named Miana. She was well trained, well conditioned, had a killer instinct in the ring and Mark saw the potential in the shy but incredibly strong young Philippino girl. He signed her immediately after her match to fight from his stable.
      Just 3 years before, Miana had been a waitress in a small village just outside Manila. She worked 7 days a week to support a mother and several brothers and it was a difficult existence. One night after work she was attacked by two men outside the small cafe where she worked. By chance, a talent scout was passing through the village and had stopped for a bite to eat. He watched with fascination as the 5'1 brunette waitress easily dispatched her two male attackers with crude but effective self defense techniques. He quickly signed her as a wrestler and began her training. 3 years later she was the number one contender in the Philippines and slated to get a shot at the championship.
     Back in the U.S., Mark began Miana's career quickly and with his connections he was able to easily get his new client top matches in large arenas to quickly increase her popularity. Miana racked up win after win against larger stronger opponents who fell quickly after underestimating the tiny dark haired girl's ability.
     As Miana burned through the competition, Elizabeth began to take notice. She had remained in contact with Mark but as Miana's career began to take off, he stopped returning Elizabeth's calls.
     Outraged at being snubbed in this manner and with her own career now on the brink of faltering through her own mismanagement, Elizabeth barged in Mark's office and begged him to take her back as a client.
     Mark now represented Elizabeth, Miana, and 3 lesser fighters who were card fills for smaller venues. Within a few weeks, Mark and Elizabeth were once again dating but this time it was more complicated because he found himself falling for Miana. The situation soon escalated out of control and Mark knew he would not be able to continue to manage both Elizabeth and Miana, especially since Elizabeth was the champion and Miana was now the number one contender for the championship.
     Mark called them both into his office and spelled it out for them in no uncertain terms that he would only manage one wrestler and that would be the one who presented him with the championship belt at the end of their upcoming title match. Miana placidly agreed to the terms with a shy nod but Elizabeth just smiled an evil smile as she visually sized up her tiny opponent. She expected to easily defeat the Philippino girl and claim not only her title belt, but Mark as well.
     Then, to add her own flourish to the scenario and exercise her need for control, Elizabeth added a stipulation that there would have to be a mutually agreed upon humiliation ceremony at the end where the loser kissed the winner's foot in the center of the ring. Miana was openly disgusted by the suggestion but Elizabeth was adamant about it and Miana had to agree in order to get her title shot.
     The championship match was scheduled to be held in Singapore and as the day of the match rolled around, the atmosphere was electric. The outdoor arena that seated 100,000 was packed to capacity as colored lights flashed, music blared, and eager spectators enjoyed the preliminary matches leading up to the main event which was the title fight between Elizabeth and Miana.
     As the stadium lights finally went down, the main event fighters were introduced with Miana first. With little fanfare and only minimal applause from her small but loyal group of followers, the petite brunette made her way to the ring and slid between the ropes with graceful agility.
     Miana was wearing a red and white one piece bathing suit with black lace up ankle boots. Her body was stunning and her well proportioned "C" cup breasts provided nice cleavage in the low cut bathing suit. The sharply defined muscles in her short legs rippled as she walked around the ring waving to the crowd before retiring to her corner to wait for Elizabeth's entrance.
     The champion's entrance was garish and meretricious in the Rick Flair style with a loud rendition of Space Odyssey blaring, flashing strobe lights, and huge displays of pyrotechnics. Then as Elizabeth slowly walked toward the ring in a shiny pink and black satin robe and cape that dragged about six feet behind her, two young girls barely in their teens ran ahead of her sprinkling rose petals on the ground to mark her way.
     Her reception was mixed as it always was with Elizabeth. Half the crowd loved her and cheered while the other half usually hated her and booed because of her brazen disregard for the rules and her haughty arrogant demeanor.
     Nearing the ring, the statuesque blonde dropped her robe and climbed into the ring in a pink and black one piece bathing suit, black fishnet pantyhose, and black leather lace up boots that came to just below her knees. Her 44 inch "D" cup breasts strained against the skin tight bathing suit, threatening to burst out of it at any second.
     Elizabeth made her trip around the ring, stopping at each corner to climb the corner post and shake her massive breasts at the crowd; a move that had become her trademark since winning the championship.
     Miana watched with silent disdain from her corner as the buxom blonde whorishly flaunted herself at the crowd. As Elizabeth then neared Miana's corner to climb the post, the blonde simply brushed the small Philippino girl out of the way, dismissing her without a glance or a care in the world as if she was a humble servant of the great champion.
     When the fanfare finally subsided, the ring referee called both combatants to the center of the ring and ran through the rules. Elizabeth glared down ominously at Miana but the small brunette just stared at mat, unwilling to engage in the psychological games Elizabeth like to play to intimidate opponents prior to a match.
     The championship match was scheduled for one fall with a sixty minute time limit. If time expired without a pin, Elizabeth would retain her belt by default so the pressure was all on Miana to take the fight to the big blonde and wear her down enough to pin her and take the belt.
     As the two warring women returned to their respective corners, the bell rang and it was show time. Miana came out cautiously watching the big blonde while Elizabeth pranced around the ring avoiding the brunette and trying to make her look foolish. The crowd cheered and the large television screens at each end of the stadium stayed fixed on Elizabeth and her antics, completely ignoring the challenger.
     It was a clear hot humid night in Singapore but a thin veil of smoke still lingered from the pyrotechnics that had heralded Elizabeth's arrival, creating a fog like atmosphere around the outdoor stadium.
     Miana's calm defensive style of wrestling was being immediately put to the test by the tall blonde who refused to attack and just kept moving around the ring. Miana tried several times to grab her elusive quarry but the blonde slipped away each time. The crowd soon began to boo and voice its disapproval at the lack of action and Elizabeth then suddenly made a surprise move.
     Rushing the frustrated brunette, Elizabeth drop kicked her right in the chest and sent Miana reeling backwards against the ropes as the crowd erupted with loud cheers and applause.
     Miana bounced off the ropes and lurched back toward center ring where Elizabeth was waiting for her with a clothesline but the wily little brunette slipped under the outstretched arm, spun around behind the blonde, and jerked her head back by the hair to where she could get a rear headlock on her. Elizabeth quickly straightened up and in doing so completely lifted Miana off the mat as she clung to Elizabeth’s neck.
     Elizabeth then bent over quickly at the waist and flipped the small girl over her head, planting her solidly on the mat with a loud thud. Miana's back hit the mat so hard, she bounced several inches after impact and before she could recover, Elizabeth was on top of her in a reverse straddle pin.
     On her knees straddling Miana's stomach and facing her feet, Elizabeth leaned backwards and wiggled her ass in the little brunette's face to taunt and humiliate her. The move drew mixed reaction from the crowd with the cheers outnumbering the boos by a slight margin.
     Elizabeth then sat back on Miana's chest, crushing the girl's breasts under her body weight. Raising a fist ceremonially high in the air for the entire crowd to see, Elizabeth threw a vicious punch into Miana's stomach bringing a loud grunt from her victim. The referee dropped to his knees to get ready for a three count but Miana kept one shoulder off the mat as Elizabeth continued to abuse her.
     Two more gut punches rocked Miana's abdomen as she struggled to buck off the 150 pound blonde Amazon. Then as Elizabeth leaned forward to get enough distance to slam her ass back down on Miana's chest, Miana threw her legs up and caught the blonde around the neck between her ankles.
     Pulling quick and hard, Miana dragged Elizabeth down to the mat between her legs and rolled away before the bigger girl could recover. Miana jumped to her feet and brushed her long dark hair out of her face as a boiling mad Elizabeth slowly got to her feet with a hate filled glare directly at her opponent.
     Elizabeth charged at Miana in a bull rush with a growling sneer on her face, slamming into the brunette and driving her backwards into the turnbuckle of a neutral corner. Elizabeth began driving her knee into Miana's stomach again and again as the smaller girl hung there on the turnbuckle absorbing blows.
     Beginning now to feel anger and lose her composure a bit, Miana lashed out with a vicious punch that caught the blonde on the cheek, snapping her head to the side and stunning her. As Elizabeth stood up straight and teetered on wobbly knees, Miana climbed the ropes in the corner and launched herself at her opponent.
     The flying lunge slammed Elizabeth down onto the mat with Miana on top of her and laying across her chest. Miana held Elizabeth's left arm down tightly against the mat with both hands while pinning her other arm to the mat between her legs, waiting for the referee to administer a count. The crowd booed with verve as it took the referee too long in their opinion to start the three count on the blonde and by the time he leisurely got to two, Elizabeth kicked up a shoulder and yanked her arm out from between Miana's legs.
     Grabbing Miana's hair from behind, Elizabeth wound the long dark tresses several times around her clenched right fist which tightly secured the hair to her hand. She pulled backwards hard as Miana screamed in agony from the vicious hair pulling. Elizabeth's face twisted into a smile as the brunette's screams echoed throughout the stadium.
     Arching up and flipping the small girl off her onto the mat, the blonde quickly got to her feet. Still clinging to Miana's hair, Elizabeth began dragging her victim around the ring by the hair. Miana groped and grabbed at her tormentor but the hair pulling was too painful. Finally Elizabeth stopped the dragging and lifted Miana up by the hair to drive a knee into the girl's tits.
     Miana was now on her knees facing Elizabeth and seeing the bright pink of the crotch of Elizabeth's bathing suit, Miana threw a hard uppercut right into the blonde's crotch that connected solidly and dropped Elizabeth to her knees. Elizabeth wailed in pain and her face twisted into a grimace as she released Miana's hair and grabbed her crotch with both hands.
     With both hands on her crotch, Elizabeth's face was exposed and Miana took advantage by launching another savage punch that split Elizabeth's lip and knocked her down. A small trickle of blood ran from the corner of the blonde's mouth as she writhed in pain on the mat, still clutching her sore crotch.
     Miana quickly grabbed her opponent, rolled her onto her stomach, and climbed onto her back for a rear choke hold while in a straddle pin. Elizabeth thrashed and bucked but Miana hung on and rode her like a cowgirl while clinging tenaciously to the blonde's neck.
     Elizabeth's size finally enabled her to dislodge the small Philippino fighter and roll her off to the side. Each wrestler quickly struggled to her knees and they exchanged punches to the face before locking together in a sumo style hold with their breasts smashed flat against each other.
     They struggled around for a few seconds exchanging body punches until Elizabeth again used her weight advantage to force Miana down to her back and climb atop her. Miana quickly rolled Elizabeth off her and as she tried to get up, the long legged blonde snaked her legs around Miana's waist in a body scissors.
     Elizabeth slammed Miana down hard, constricting her powerful thigh muscles like two boa constrictors to force the air from Miana's lungs. The brunette groped and clawed at Elizabeth's thighs as she tried to suck in air. She tore several holes in Elizabeth's fishnets as her fingers dug into the blonde's thighs to pry them apart.
     Elizabeth rolled back and forth and with each roll she slammed Miana hard against the mat, tossing the small brunette around helplessly like a rag doll. Miana's incredibly long hair flew wildly in every direction as her small body was tossed around. Elizabeth was enjoying her sadistic torture of her nemesis and was unrelenting, slamming her again and again until she was limp and no longer fighting back.
     Releasing the scissors hold, Elizabeth got to her feet and lifted Miana up by the hair to show the crowd. She let go of the hair and Miana crumpled into a heap on the mat but rather than seal the win with the easy pin, Elizabeth instead decided to climb the ropes in her corner and shake her tits at the cheering crowd.
     As Elizabeth played to the packed house and allowed her ego to run unfettered, Miana began to regroup and regain her composure. Seeing the obnoxious blonde display herself shamelessly for the horny cheering men in the stadium, Miana silently and quickly got to her feet and charged toward the corner.
     The crowd screamed out warnings but Elizabeth was too caught up in the moment and didn't see Miana coming. The brunette angrily launched herself and slammed into Elizabeth, sending the off balance blonde flying over the ropes and down onto the grass outside the ring.
     The stadium was actually a soccer stadium and the lush grass cushioned Elizabeth's fall slightly but as she got up, Miana dove at her from the top rope, tackling her onto the grass. There was about an eight foot wide area between the ring and the makeshift fence that kept the ground level crowd back and as the two wrestlers hit the grass, their legs snaked together and they rolled right into the fence.
     An all out cat fight now erupted between the two busty vixens with each one wildly hissing and screeching while pulling hair and grabbing at one another. They rolled the other direction several times and then back toward the fence again before the referee finally got to them and got them separated.
     Order was restored and the fighters were escorted back into the ring but now the gloves were off and the cats within were unleashed as the two rival females glared at one another casting icy barbs with their eyes.
     As the match resumed it was even for a long time with each skilled wrestler employing every hold and technique in her arsenal to disable and pin her adversary. The heat was now beginning to be a factor as perspiration made their bare flesh slippery and difficult to hang onto while trying for takedowns and holds.
     Each girl used every clinch to employ some kind of illegal tactic without the referee's knowledge. Tits were pinched, nipples were twisted, pubic hair was grabbed and pulled, and each came away from clinches with teeth marks on various parts of their bodies.
    The match was now down to the last ten minutes and Elizabeth was employing evasion techniques to milk the clock and win by time expiration. Miana knew what Elizabeth was doing so she turned up the heat and attacked with everything she had but whenever she attacked, Elizabeth would just get her in a clinch and hang on to her as precious seconds ticked away.
     Elizabeth was now openly taunting Miana and pointing at the stadium clock that continued the countdown to defeat for the small brunette. Miana let out a snarl as she charged at the haughty blonde, driving her back against the ropes. They hit the ropes together and bounced back as Elizabeth grabbed Miana's hair and spun around quickly. As she came out of the spin, she used Miana's hair as a whip and sent the brunette flying toward the opposite ropes. Miana came reeling back off the ropes totally out of control and the blonde caught her with a solid punch to the face that bloodied her nose and dropped her to the mat.
     This time there was no celebration and no climbing the ropes as Elizabeth dove on top of Miana and wrestled her onto her back. Lying across the brunette's shoulders now, Elizabeth went for the pin to seal her victory with the referee already there and counting even before the pin was finalized.
     Miana kicked up a shoulder but was pinned back again for another two count. This process repeated itself three more times with each pin getting a two count before Miana was able to raise a shoulder.
     Finally grabbing a handful of blonde hair, Miana pulled Elizabeth's head backwards by the hair and lifted her enough to throw a punch into the blonde's huge left tit as it dangled and swayed beneath the girl's body.
     Miana now took control of the match, pummeling Elizabeth's heavy mounds with both fists as the blonde struggled to defend herself. Less than five minutes now remained as Miana threw everything she had at the tall blonde who was back on her heels and fighting for her life at that point.
     The tiny Philippino girl was vicious now as she got a body scissors on Elizabeth and continued to torture the girl's massive, vulnerable tits through the cotton swimsuit that offered little protection. As Elizabeth's defenses weakened, Miana turned up the heat even more; brutally mauling the blonde with methodical precision until Elizabeth was literally in tears.
     Then Miana rolled Elizabeth onto her back and straddled her, using her knees to pin the blonde's shoulders to mat. The referee slowly began his count but there was no sign that the blonde had anything left to give so he counted her out as the crowd erupted into a thunderous cheer that shook the stadium to its core.
     As Miana got up to the raucous cheering of the crowd, Elizabeth sat up and looked around in disbelief that she'd actually lost. The ring announcer was proclaiming Miana the new world champion as Elizabeth just looked on with horror on her face. Miana was smiling widely as sweat dripped from her small body.
     Elizabeth just wanted to escape and hide at that point so she headed for the ropes but Miana saw her and grabbed her by the hair, dragging her back to the center of the ring. Reminding the blonde of the stipulation that she herself had insisted on, Miana presented a boot clad foot for Elizabeth to kiss in front of 100,000 screaming fans.
     Elizabeth refused and again tried to get away but Miana tackled her, flipped her on her back, and again straddled her while sitting on her huge tits. Elizabeth bucked and thrashed as she sobbed openly with a close-up of her tear stained face on both big screen television screens in the stadium.
     Mark then entered the ring, dropped to one knee near the two women, and presented Miana with a diamond ring and a marriage proposal. Elizabeth was furious and began kicking and screaming but Miana subdued her with a hard slap to the face that silenced the blonde as Mark slipped the ring on the brunette's finger.
     As Miana then got up and celebrated by raising her championship belt high in the air for the crowd, a humiliated and beaten Elizabeth slid out of the ring and headed for the locker room followed by a crowd of reporters and popping camera flashes.
     Once the festivities were over, Miana and Mark headed for the locker room and once there they saw Elizabeth was already showered and dressed. Miana then reminded Elizabeth of their side bet which Mark questioned with a furrowed brow, unaware that they two women had even spoke about the match without him present.
     Elizabeth hung her head and nodded as Miana smiled and turned back to Mark. "We're all going back to your place for the weekend," Miana said with a knowing grin.
     "We are?" Mark asked. "All three of us?"
     "Yes," Miana cooed, rubbing an index finger over Mark's chest. "You and I are going to make love to each other while our 'bitch' over there gets tied up and is forced to watch."
     Mark looked over at Elizabeth and then back at Miana. He was stunned.
     "Consider it my engagement present to you," she smiled as she turned and headed for the shower.
The End


Offline LeeRoyCrane

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Re: Queen of the Ring - by J. Coleman
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2013, 10:20:13 PM »
Great story.

Though, I do think it would've benefited from more showing and less telling.

For example....instead of Miana explaining what would happen to Elizabeth, the scene should immediately transition to the bedroom, where a bound and gagged Elizabeth is forced to watch the lovers.  Adding insult to injury and pleasure to pain, Elizabeth has a double sided vibrator inserted into her to ensure she remembers the humiliation and shame to the fullest.


Offline LoveSexyJobbers

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Re: Queen of the Ring - by J. Coleman
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2013, 04:39:38 AM »
Hey Mickey ( Gmenn ) I lked it  :)
You never grow old until you stop being young