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Interracial Domination - Asian Callie vs. Black Keisha

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Offline CA Sleeper

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Interracial Domination - Asian Callie vs. Black Keisha
« on: April 08, 2013, 01:37:27 AM »
Interracial Domination - Asian Callie vs. Black Keisha

Keisha, an attractive and muscular black woman, blinks as she walks into the brightly lit venue where she is scheduled to to battle with Callie, the slim Asian hottie.   Adorning the walls are a scores of pictures of Callie dominating and humiliating her foes.  In one, she places a tight-bodied Asian with chestnut hair in an incredible backbreaker.  In another she pulls an unconscious blonde off the mat by her hair.  Callie, also known as the Belly Punch Queen, has talked smack about defeating Keisha for months.  Finally Callie called out Keisha and they are scheduled to fight here at Callie's home club.

Keisha is dressed in pink shorts and a pink belly shirt.  She stands 5'8" tall and weighs 180 pounds.  She walks down past rows of fans and climbs into the ring.  The crowd goes silent for a few moments as they size up the competition for their favorite.  Callie is an impressive 15-0 in fights in this club, and sports a bubbly personality and a very sexy physique.  Keisha is an unknown for the crowd.  Keisha feels oddly nervous in front of the clearly hostile crowd.

Suddenly the Eye of the Tiger blares on the sound system and the crowd goes wild.  Callie is bouncing down to the ring, dressed in a red silk robe that hits at her thigh and pumping her fists to the music.  She climbs into the ring and shadow boxes with a flirty smile.  She then slowly unties her robe, delighting in the attention of her fans.  Callie then pulls out a Japanese fan and uses it to partially cover her body as her robe slides off and hits the floor.  Callie has the crowd eating out of her hands as she entertains them with her fan dance.  Finally Callie folds up the fan.  Callie is wearing a skimpy cheetah print bikini, and her body, covered in baby oil, glistens under the lights.  She waves at the crowd and flashes them a grin.  Callie then gyrates her hips and dances for the crowd in a seductive manner.  Keisha is incensed that she has to wait through this ridiculous striptease. 

Callie then walks up to Keisha.  "Glad you didn't chicken out.  Ready to fight, bitch?"  Keisha's face flushes with anger.  Callie points at her chiseled abs and then at Keisha's.  "I can give you some ab workout tips so you can look like this."  Callie runs her hands down her sexy abs.  Keisha is now in a white hot rage.  She is determined to dominate this haughty little whore and humiliate her in front of her fans.  The girls head to their corners and the bell rings.

As Keisha struggles to control her temper, Callie spears her.  Keisha loses her balance and hits the mat, and the crowd roars.  Callie begins to pummel Keisha, "Hey big girl, get ready to be beaten down.  The bigger they are, the harder they fall."  Keisha rolls free and regains her footing.  The crowd begins to chant for an early victory, surprised at how well the much smaller champion is faring against Keisha. Callie rushes Keisha again, pressing her advantage with a barrage of punches to Keisha's gut.  As Keisha rolls on the floor, Callie quickly scales to the top of the ropes.  Just as Keisha regains her footing, Callie jumps from the ropes.  The crowd roars, then becomes silent as Keisha catches Callie mid-air and slams her to the mat.  Callie belly flops onto the canvas, then writhes around in pain.  As Callie rolls onto her back, Keisha hits Callie with several roundhouse punches to her flat tummy.  "Some gut busters for the queen."  Callie howls in pain, but manages to roll away to a corner. 

Callie wobbles as she struggles to regain her footing.  Keisha turns to the crowd, "I am going to take apart that little tramp.  Show you how a pole dancer fares against a real wrestler!" 

As Keisha is grandstanding to the crowd, Callie picks up her fan and cracks it over Keisha's head.  Keisha sees stars and nearly hits the canvas.  Then Callie jumps onto Keisha's back and puts her in a sleeper hold.  The crowd roars, and Keisha feels her whole body going numb.  Her eyes flicker, and tears of shame start to stream down her face.  She is about to be woman-handled by a foe she outweighs by almost 80 pounds.  "Nighty night, bitch!" chortles the now-confident Callie.

Just as Keisha is about to collapse, she digs deep and manages to step backward frantically several times.  She crashes backwards, sandwiching the hard-bodied Asian fighter between her and the ringpost.  Her back crushes against Callie's tight belly, knocking the wind out of Callie.  The crowd goes silent.  Keisha uses these couple of seconds of respite to toss Callie off of her.  Callie falls to the floor, her belly heaving as she struggles to get some air in her lungs.  Keisha strikes, pulling Callie to her knees by her silky hair.  Keisha throws incredibly hard punches into Callie's tender abdominal region.  Callie's abs are screaming in pain.  Keisha then throws Callie over her shoulder, gives her an airplane spin and tosses her like a ragdoll to the canvas.  Callie's eyes glaze over and her body twitches on the mat.  Keisha, surprised by Callie's fortitude, determines that she needs to win this now or risk a humiliating defeat.

Keisha stands over the still twitching Callie.  She then places her hapless foe in a boston crab.  Callie screams out in pain as her body in painfully arched by the stronger combatant.  "Look how flexible she is," Keisha roars.  Callie is in terrible pain, tears completely blinding her.  Keisha suddenly flips Callie onto her back and drops her butt onto Callie's face.  Keisha laughs at Callie's muffled screams of protest.  Callie's legs twitch and jerk about frantically, and she claws frantically at Keisha's ass.  Finally Keisha manages to grab one of Callie's ankles. 

Callie tries to scream her submission, but the sound is completely muffled.  "MMMM... MMMM... MMMF..."What's that?  You give?  Can't hear you."  Finally Callie's struggles morph into weak squirming and then no movement at all.  Keisha holds up Callie's arm and lets it drop to the mat.  The crowd is completely silent.  Keisha places Callie in a matchbook pin, pressing down on Callie's ankles so they touch her ears.  Keisha points Callie's sexy ass straight in the air for Callie's dejected fans to admire.  Keisha pounds the mat ten times slowly.  "Slut is DONE!" she yells to the crowd .  She slaps Callie's face, but Calle is out cold.  She has defeated their champion.

Keisha flips Callie onto her stomach, then puts her knee on Callie's back.  Next Keisha cradles Callie's delicate chin in her hand.  She pulls Callie off the canvas by her chin, her knee firmly pressing Callie's belly to the mat.  Keisha then slaps Callie until Callie comes to, her back arched painfully as Keisha forces her to stare at her fans.  Tears of pain and shame stream down Callie's face.  Keisha's anger at the repeated prior taunts from her sexy Asian rival continues to rise.  It is not enough that she has defeated Callie.  She needs to have her way with her, abuse her and toss her down once she is spent.  Destroy her so thoroughly that it is unclear if the mental or physical devastation is worse.

"You guys deserve to see what a real champion does in the ring.  Enough with this saucy little stripper."  Keisha's slaps Callie's ass for effect.  "Want me to show you how it is done?"  There is a murmur in the crowd as some express a nascent interest in Keisha's offer.  "Showtime."

"What shall I do to your queen?" she yells to the crowd.  There is a slight murmur, but no one speaks audibly.  Then a chestnut-haired Asian cutie seemingly explodes, "Put her in a backbreaker, nearly break her in half, and then choke her out!"  Keisha recognizes the girl from the backbreaker picture.  The tables have turned, and the sadistic bitch is now at the mercy of a foe for the first time.  Keisha bends Callie's back over her knee.  Callie shrieks in pain.  As Callie whines and moans, Keisha gives the crowd a wrestling clinic, "Just press on her knees and her chin.  Keep applying the pressure.  Harder and harder and harder."  Then, "You tired of her whining too?"  Callie's squawks of protest suddenly become muffled MMMFFF MFFF MFFFs as Keisha covers her mouth with her hand.  Finally Keisha rolls Callie off her knee. 

Callie can only whimper and twitch on the mat.  Keisha then pulls Callie up by the hair and places her in a sleeper hold. Every time Callie is about to go unconscious, Keisha slaps her awake.  "Not yet, my pet."  Oddly, the crowd gets more and more vocal and excited as Keisha works over their former champion.  Callie twitches and twists with the little strength she has left until Keisha finally whispers "It's time" into Callie's ear and chokes her out. 

Keisha then hauls Callie off the mat by one limp arm.  She shakes her beaten foe, but the smaller Asian cutie is completely out.  The crowd becomes more excited.  She then drops Callie to the mat, places her foot on Callie's tight belly and raises her arms in triumph.  The crowd began to cheer.  Merciless bunch thinks Keisha.  Then Keisha decides to exploit that trait.

Keisha straddles Callie's pelvis and slowly and sensually strokes Callie's belly, whipping the crowd into a frenzy.  Callie comes to with a slight smile on her face, then realizes with a start that her hated foe is taking advantage of her publicly.  Keisha leans down and places her hands on Callie's breasts, pinning her back to the floor as she looks down into Callie's almond-shaped eyes.  Keisha imagines spraying whipped cream on those tight abs that Callie flaunts, then slowly and sensually licking off each drop before the frenzied the crowd.  Then Keisha returns to reality.  Still straddling Callie, she yells to the crowd, "What should I do to her next?"  Callie is completely helpless, tears of shame streaming down her face, being treated as Keisha's personal toy. 

From the back of the room an attractive blonde yells, "Strip the stripper!"  Keisha, working the crowd, says, "What do you think?  Another sexy striptease from this tart?"  The crowd begins to chant, "Strip the stripper.  Strip the stripper.  STRIP THE STRIPPER!"  Callie pleads with Keisha, "Not that.  Please don't humiliate me like that." 

Callie's requests arouse Keisha, she has no intention of showing Callie any tender mercy.  Keisha laughs and slowly unties Callie's top as her vanquished Asian foe sobs.  The top pops off and the crowd leans forward, anticipating that her breasts will be freed from their moorings.   The fans audibly sign as they realize that Callie is wearing an even skimpier, black PVC top under her cheetah print top.  Keisha grabs the cheetah top and ties Callie's arms over her head.  Callie is completely defeated, turning her head from Keisha in shame.  Then Keisha violently rips off Callie's bikini bottom.  Callie is wearing a micro black PVC g-string under the bikini bottom, further disappointing the crowd. 

Keisha is about to free Callie of her remaining lingerie, then changes her mind.  She yells to Callie, "All that talk and you still doubled up on your bikini.  Guess you knew I would own you."  Then to the crowd, "She even manages to disappoint you when DEFEATED." 

Now the crowd has completely turned on Callie.  "Punish the bitch," they chant.  Keisha turns Callie over her knee, relishing the remarkable fall from grace by her smack-talking rival.  She places her left hand firmly on the small of Callie's back and picks up Callie's folded fan.  Callie's wrists are literally tied, and she is completely immobilized.  Keisha, delighting in the helplessness of her foe, pulls back Callie's shiny black g-string and playfully lets it snap back against Callie's tight ass.  Keisha presses Callie's taut belly against her knee with one hand and the switch rains down until Callie's ass is bright red.  "This...SLAP..will teach talk...SLAP...smack...SLAP...about me...SLAP SLAP SLAP." 

Callie is whimpering uncontrollably, begging Keisha to stop.  Keisha laughs, loving that the scrawny tart who had the audacity to come to the ring dressed like an exotic dancer and offer her workout tips is being dominated before her once loyal fans.  Callie's belly is pressed tightly against Keisha's knee.  Keisha then pulls a red lipstick from her pocket and writes "Kicked by Keisha" on Callie's tight, red ass.  The crowd roars as Callie cries silently.

Keisha then drapes Callie over her shoulder.  Callie's arms hang limply against Keisha's back as Keisha  carries her 360 degrees around the ring.  Keisha stops frequently and points out the message scrawled on Callie's tight butt.  She can feel Callie's warm tears against her back, and is aroused that her foe is being displayed in this manner.  Finally Keisha tosses Callie to the mat and jumps up on the ropes, raising Callie's bikini bottom over her head.  Callie, on wobbly legs, tries to escape the ring.  "Not so fast," yells Keisha.  Keisha grabs Callie's hair, forces her to her knees, yanks back her head and forces the bikini bottom into her mouth.  She then covers Callie's mouth with both hands.  Callie squirms and claws frantically at Keisha's hands, but her squirming and clawing gradually stop and she passes out. Keisha drapes Callie's limp, sexy body over her shoulder, carries her onto the center of the ring and slams her to the canvas.  Callie is completely out and does not stir.  Keisha then pulls out her lipstick and draws a red target on Callie's belly.  She then ties Callie's feet together with some rope, tosses the rope over a beam and hoists Callie up so she is hanging by her ankles.

Callie is now hanging upside down, ankles and feet tied together, wearing a barely there black g-string that sparkles under the lights.  Keisha playfully strokes Callie's belly, making long, soft rings around her navel.  Finally Callie comes to.  Keisha says to the crowd, "Behold, the belly punch queen" before landing a final blow to the center of the target she painted on her  barely conscious rival.  The blow knocks Callie out again.

To the blonde and chestnut-haired Asian, "Ladies, if you want payback, here's your chance." 

She then spins and leaves the venue.  She hears a THWACK, THWACK, THWACK in the background as she exits the arena.



Offline bishopberkley

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Re: Interracial Domination - Asian Callie vs. Black Keisha
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2013, 01:39:43 PM »
Enjoyed that. I like how the crowd are so into it. I love the sound effects in CAPS, gives it a comedic feel to balance out the brutality.


Offline Cumminsgirl3

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Re: Interracial Domination - Asian Callie vs. Black Keisha
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2013, 06:14:44 PM »
I really liked that one, I like how she was the dominant queen but by the end she is beat down absolutely loved it


Offline Miss Marvel

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Re: Interracial Domination - Asian Callie vs. Black Keisha
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2013, 07:22:37 PM »
Hi CA, your brilliantly written story made my defeat at Keisha's hands a little easier to take. I'll have my revenge soon.


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Re: Interracial Domination - Asian Callie vs. Black Keisha
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2013, 10:33:47 PM »
Well done Keisha, well writen CA Sleeper
Blondes are cool Brunettes are Hot!!


Offline CA Sleeper

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Re: Interracial Domination - Asian Callie vs. Black Keisha
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2013, 09:43:25 AM »
Thanks for the compliments.  Glad you liked it.  Thanks to Callie and Keisha for being in the poll and story.


Offline CA Sleeper

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Re: Interracial Domination - Asian Callie vs. Black Keisha
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2013, 04:27:09 PM »
Looks like Callie is as brave as she is beautiful and is ready to get back in the ring.  I hope someone takes her on soon.


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Re: Interracial Domination - Asian Callie vs. Black Keisha
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2013, 03:51:49 PM »
Looks like Callie is as brave as she is beautiful and is ready to get back in the ring.  I hope someone takes her on soon.

Thanks CA  ;)
Keisha got lucky this time!


Offline CA Sleeper

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Re: Interracial Domination - Asian Callie vs. Black Keisha
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2013, 04:07:36 PM »
Just voted for you in your new cage fight poll.  :)  Keisha did get lucky.  ;)