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I'm Tyler's fiance 19 year old Katie-I fist fight Mrs Fuggiti English Teacher

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Mra Fuggiti was my English Teacher for 3 years in high school, and Tyler was in the class in his senior years. Tyler had more than a cruch on Mrs Fuggiti, and they are both into foot fetish. She used to take her shoes off in class and Tyler sat up front because they would get all excited.

Mrs Fuggiti is 31 years old, 5'7", 150 lbs



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Mrs Fuggiti



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I'm Katie. I'm 19 years old, I am Tyler's fiance. Tyler bought me a big, diamond cluster engagement ring. I am 5'2", 125 lbs. Dd you ever have a teacher that you didn't get along with. I used to back talk Mrs Fuggiti and I would get her so pissed off that I knew she just wanted to slap me silly. I would try to provoke her to lose her temper.



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Tyler bought me this big, diamond cluster coctail engagement ring that I wear on my right hand.



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This is the blue dress that i wore to fist fight my old High School English teacher Mrs Fuggiti



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This is what the 31 year old English teacher was wearing when we had our fist fight.



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My fiancé Tyler and I had totally different memories of Mrs Fuggiti. She was my English teacher for my last 3 years of high school and she was my fiancé Tyler’s English teacher in his senior year of high school. In our senior year we were both in her English class together. Tyler and I had only been going out for about a year when we were in our senior year of high school, and I couldn’t fuckin believe how much they flirted with each other. I never said anything to Tyler while we were in high school. Tyler sat right up front, right to the side of Mrs Fuggiti and I could see her staring at him, and him peaking at her. They both had some kind of foot fetish and I could see Tyler taking his shoes off in class and Mrs Fuggiti taking her shoes off. Tyler was definitely hot for her, I could tell and she was even hotter for Tyler. I don’t know if Tyler ever noticed, but every time they would have their little foot fetish, Mrs Fuggiti would have a big wet spot on her dress. I always thought the cow was fingering herself under her desk………

Mrs Fuggiti and I had never got along from the very beginning, even before my senior year.  I guess you could say we rubbed each other the wrong way. She was always very cocky, confident, dominant and bossy. She was always ordering student around and I was a rebellious, occasionally foul mouthed student that doesn’t like to take shit from anyone.  There were quite a few times that I backed talked Mrs Fuggiti. I could see on her face that she was really fighting the urge to slap me hard across my face, and as time went by I would play a game trying to make her lose her temper. I had quite a few run ins with Mrs Fuggiti before I graduated, and I almost didn’t graduate because of that bitch, and I got detention and suspended a couple of times because of run ins with her.

Tyler and I got engaged about 6 months ago and Tyler bought me this big diamond cluster engagement ring. It wasn’t until just a few weeks ago that I found out that there was a lot more of a relationship between Tyler and Mrs Fuggiti than I thought there was. Here is a copy of the frist email on found on Tyler’s computer.

“Here are the pictures that of my 12tth grade English teacher Mrs. Fuggiti. Her name is Ashley. She turned me on so much and she knew it. And I always had more than a suspicion that I turned her on too. From day one I think she took advantage of my foot fetish. She would always wear high heels and shoe play with them every single day knowing I was watching. Whenever she caught me staring, she would just smile and lick her lips and then start playing even more. Even when I took my shoes off she would stare at mine. One time she was even covering one of my other classes and came and sat down right beside me and started showing off her feet. I had my shoes off and I think she got really sexually turned on. Amazingly though, near the end of the class she finally just looked at me and went "it looks like you have enjoyed sitting up right in front of my desk this semester as much as I enjoyed having you here Tyler. She nodded down to my feet and laughed with a big smile. One time also she was behind me in the hallway and said hi Tyler and i turned around and said Oh hi Miss Fuggiti and she laughed and after walking away i turned around quick and she was looking at my ass She had a temper too and she would always yell at people. It seemed like she enjoyed that I liked her feet, but what she didn’t know was how I would have fantasies of her slapping the hot female students senseless and then taking them over her knee and spanking them. I especially would fantasize about my girlfriend Katie getting Mrs Fuggiti so angry that she would slap Katie into a bloody mess and make Katie lick and suck on her feet.  Mrs Fuggiti was on her college swimming team and besides teaching English, Mrs Fuggiti was the swimming coach. She’s was more than 6” taller than all of hot senior girls that I would fantasize her dominating. She outweighs all of them by at least 20 lbs too. I always pictured her as a tough kick ass lady. It was such a rush fantasizing about her beating and forcing her will on smaller high school senior girls, especially Katie. It would drive me crazy picturing big, strong tough Mrs Fuggiti making little Katie lick and suck her into an orgasm.

Then I found recent emails between Tyler and Mrs Fuggiti. It seems like Tyler ran into Mrs Fuggiti about two months ago when Tyler ran into Mrs fuggiti at a diner and she took her shoes off and put her feet up on his side of the booth and he had started worshipping Mrs Fuggiti’s feet right in the diner. Then in the next email Mrs Fuggiti told Tyler that her and her husband had separated and she invited him over to her house. At the beginning it was just feet, but soon Mrs Fuggiti was telling Tyler that he is the best lover that she ever had. She was telling Tyler that she fantasizesabout him making love to her every night and every day, and that she can’t wait to see him again. I was already infuriated, but then I saw Tyler told Mrs Fuggiti that he was engaged to me.
I couldn’t believe what a jealous bitch Mrs Fuggiti is, and how vicious she is. As I read more emails, Mrs Fuggiti told Tyler that I was a foul mouth little bitch, and he deserves a lot better than me. She told him how many times she wanted to slap me silly and take me over her knee and spank me and teach me respect and teach me manners. I could see that her emails were getting more and more intense. She was getting more and more infuriated that Tyler didn’t want to break off our engagement.

Then apparently she found out that Tyler is just as passionate about woman fighting as he is about her feet. She started telling Tyler that the sex got much, much better when she told Tyler stories about her beating the shit out of me, and of her teaching me manners and respect, and of her dominating and humiliating me. I was even more infuriated. I can’t believe this stupid old cow is fucking my fiancé, and I can’t believe what she was saying about me in these emails, and I can’t believe this old cow thinks she can beat me up.

 The last few emails talks about her having a big party on her patio at her house, and that there were going to be a few other teachers there and she would like nothing better than if Tyler would bring me to her party so that she could knock the shit out of me and break up our relationship, and so that she can show me and everyone what happens to a foul mouth, stupid little bitch that talks back to her and pisses her off like I did to her for years during high school. She tells Tyler that after she knocks me into a bloody, blubbering, crying mess, she would make me her slave, and make me lick and kiss her feet. She had the fuckin nerve to say, “Come on Tyler, you know how hot it would be for me to make each and every one of your fantasies cum true. You know how hot it would be if I made you little bitch fiancé eat my pussy in front of you and all of my friends.

I told Tyler to tell this big old cow that he was bringing me to her party, and that I don’t know anything.

Things really come to a fuckin head when Tyler takes me to Mrs Fuggiti’s party. I don’t know what it is but I have always gone way out of my way to antagonize Mrs Fuggiti. I didn’t act that way with any of the other teachers. It’s lile I always knew that one day we would be slugging it out for real, and I would really knock the shit out of this big mouth, and teach her a fuckin lesson she will never forget, & although she and Tyler thinks that she’s so fuckin tough, and they think she can beat me up, I’m going to knock the shit out of that big old cow,and I will do everything to her that she had threatened to fuckin do to me, and even more.”
So I’m at the party with Tyler and the party is on a huge patio out behind Mrs Fuggiti’s house. There are about 30 people at the party and I recognized a few of my old teachers and a couple that was from my high school. I’m wearing my blue dress, high heels and stockings. I’m looking around and I see her. There she is, Mrs Fuggiti, sitting on a lounge chair looking and acting like a fuckin queen or princess, with about 8 people around her like she’s the fuckin center of attention. She looks up and see’s Tyler and she calls him over. Tyler leans forward and he kisses Mrs Fuggiti. I say, “Hi Mrs Fuggiti, remember me, it’s Katie. Mrs Fuggiti’s expression changed and she said, “Oh it’s the foul mouth, disobedient little bitch. What are you doing here.” I’m going to play my game, and I say, “Oh I’m here with my fiancé Tyler, Look at this beautiful engagement ring he bought” and I hold my right fist out and show Mrs Fuggiti and then I spin from side to side showing it to everyone.

Mrs Futtiti grows visibly angry and she says, “Tyler deserves a much better woman than you Katie you stupid little bitch, and you deserve to get slapped silly and taken over me knee, and taught your manners and  respect.  By now it seems like everyone in the crowded back yard has stopped what they were doing and is looking. I’m looking down at Mrs Fuggiti and I put my hands on my hips screaming, “What was that you stupid old cow.” I’m wearing 3” heels, but Mrs Fuggiti is wearing 4” heels. She’s 5’7” and 6’1” in her feels. I’m 5’2”, and 5’5” in my heels. She weighs 150, I weigh 125.
Mrs Fuggiti gets to her feet and she shoves me back screaming, “You’re going to get out of here and leave Tyler with me you pathetic little bitch or I’ll beat the shit out of you.” I have always loved teasing this old bitch and I show her my engagement ring and I scream, “Do you see this ring you stupid old cow. Tyler is my fiancé, I’m engaged to Tyler and I wouldn’t leave him with a stupid, pathetic old cow like you.”


Mrs Fuggiti loses her temper and she takes the open palm of her right hand and she slaps me “bam,” hard, right across my face, so hard that I’m seeing fuckin stars for a second as she’s spun half way around in a circle from the force of her hard slap. The crowd is cheering as I’m just standing there, my face is getting redder and redder until I fuckin lose my temper, and I she just comes swinging back around and I send my own right fist right at Mrs Fuggiti’s face, but quickly Mrs Fuggiti raises her left hand up and she catches my wrist in mid air. Then with her own right fist she smashes it “bang,” right into my nose. Blood starts rolling from my nose as my head snaps back, and I go stumbling backwards on my high heels and I almost fall over.

I put my hand to my nose and seeing blood I show Mrs Fuggiti my bloody fingers screaming, “Look at what you did to me you flabby old cow, I’m fuckin bleeding.” My face is beet red in anger and I lunge at Mrs Fuggiti. I grab her dress and as I start to shove Mrs Fuggiti back, Mrs Fuggiti shoves me back, and Mrs Fuggiti’s dress rips right off of her body in my hands as I stumble backwards on my high heels and I almost fall over. Mrs Fuggiti is standing there in her sexy white push up bra and little white lace panties and now the crowd is screaming. I’m crazed and I go right after Mrs Fuggiti again. I leap right onto her, wrapping my legs around Mrs Fuggiti’s waist. I grab Mrs Fuggiti’s hair with both of my hands and I starts wrenching her head back and forth and back and forth. I’m shaking Mrs Fuggiti’s head like a rag doll and ripping fuckin hair right out of her head, and Mrs Fuggiti is screaming, “AAHH, AAHH, MY HAIR LET GO,” as she goes stumbling backwards on her high heels under the weight of me, but just as Mrs Fuggiti is about to fall over, she spins me around, and Mrs Fuggiti falls on top of me onto the hard cement. “OOOFFF,” She knocks some of the air out of me, and I’m coughing and gasping for air.

Then while I’m trying to catch my breath, Mrs Fuggiti sits up on my stomach and she balls both of her fists up hard and tight, and she starts pummeling my face. First she starts “right fist, “bam, left eye, left fist, “bam,” right eye, “bam, bam, bam, bam,” back and forth and back and forth screaming, “I can’t believe that any man would get engaged to a nasty, foul mouth little bitch like you. You think you’re so fuckin tough with that ring. I’m going to beat you up and then I’m going to take that fuckin engagement ring right off of your finger, and then I’ll beat you up with your very own engagement ring on my fist.” She starts knocking the shit out of my face again. Insanely Mrs Fuggiti is punching me and beating up my face, until my eyes swell up and turn black and blue. Mrs Fuggiti screams, “You cheeky little bitch, you don’t know just how long I’v been waiting for the opportunity to knock the shit out of you and teach you some manners. You don’t know just how long I’v waited to teach you respect.” My face turns beet red and I start bucking and kicking and screaming, “Get off of me you stupid old cow,”but Mrs Fuggiti is bigger and stronger than I am, and I can’t  knock Mrs Fuggiti off of me, but 
my hands are free and I reach up with my right hand, and I take my long, sharp fingernails and I start scratching, grabbing, trying to tear open Mrs Fuggiti’s face. Then with my left hand I start grabbing at Mrs Fuggiti’s hair and trying to punch at her face. Mrs Fuggiti’s leans back trying to get away from my sharp fingernails and she manages to grab my wrist, but as Mrs Fuggiti leans forward to hold my wrist down to the cement, I raise my head up and I clamp my teeth down hard, right onto Mrs Fuggiti’s left breast, right through her bra. Mrs Fuggiti lets out a bloodcurdling scream, “AAAAAHHHHHH,” as she leaps up off of me trying to get to her feet, but Mrs Fuggiti trips and she falls over onto her ass. You can see bloody red teeth marks on Mrs Fuggiti’s white bra, and Mrs Fuggiti is just sitting there rubbing her aching breast crying out, “You bit me you bitch. I’m going to fuckin kill you,”

But, I get to my feet and I take the sharp point of my right high heel and I kick Mrs Fuggiti “boom,” right in her ribs. Mrs Fuggiti groans “OOOWWW, and now Mrs Fuggiti grabs her ribs. I move to the side and I take the same right foot and I kick Mrs Fuggiti “boom,” right in her stomach. Mrs Fuggiti groans “OOOFFF,” as she puts one of her hands to her stomach. I scream, ‘You think you’re so fuckin tough you fuckin old cow.” I’v lost my temper and I kick this old cow’s stomach again, and her hand, “boom,” and Mrs Fuggiti groans “AAAHHH.” I scream, ‘I’m going to make you my slave Mrs Fuggiti and I’m going to show Tyler and all of your friend just what a stupid, pathetic old cow you really are.” I send my right high heel at Mrs Fuggiti’s stomach again, but this time Mrs Fuggiti reaches up and she catches my foot in mid air, and I fall over onto my ass on the cement with a bang, but I kick my legs and use my hands to back away from Mrs Fuggiti and the two of us gets to our feet to fist fight each other again.

I’m up first and just as Mrs Fuggiti gets to her feet, I take my right fist, the one with my big, diamond cluster ring, and I send it plowing “bang,” right into Mrs Fuggiti’s nose, making Mrs Fuggiti’s nose bleed. Then before Mrs Fuggiti has a chance to think, I take that ring, once again that big fuckin ring and I smash it “bang,” right into Mrs Fuggiti’s nose again screaming, “You think that just because you’re a teacher that you’re so fuckin tough, you think that you’re going to beat me up cow. I smash her fuckin nose again, “bang,” right with my ring and  Mrs Fuggiti’s head swings back, and when Mrs Fuggiti’s head comes back forward again, blood is really rolling from her nose. Mrs Fuggiti puts her hand to her nose and she sees her own blood, and now Mrs Fuggiti really loses her temper and she starts screaming, “Look at what you did to me you stupid little bitch, I’m bleeding. I’m fuckin bleeding. I’m going to kill you. I am going to fuckin kill you bitch.
Mrs Fuggiti pulls her right fist all the way back to knock my face in, but before Mrs Fuggiti can throw her punch, I take my fuckin big, diamond cluster engagement ring and I smash it “bang,” right into Mrs Fuggiti’s teeth. You can hear my big diamond ring bang against the enamel of Mrs Fuggiti’s teeth, and Mrs Fuggiti’s lips split open under that sharp ring, and blood is rolling from Mrs Fuggiti’s lips and it’s starting to fill up in her mouth. I’m clearly winning at this point and I’m starting to beat Mrs Fuggiti up. The crowd has gone silent, they can’t believe that a 19 year old girl is knocking the shit out of the 31 year old English teacher/swimming coach who is much bigger and stronger than little I am, but Mrs Fuggiti’s face is bright red and Mrs Fuggiti has loses her temper.

Mrs Fuggiti can see me pulling my right fist back to punch her in her face with the big ring again, but Mrs Fuggiti really doesn’t care. She lunges at me, and I send my right fist “bam,” right into Mrs Fuggiti’s left eye. You could see the impression of my big diamond ring on Mrs Fuggiti’s face, under her eye and a blood is rolling from the cut on the cut on Mrs Fuggiti’s cheek, and Mrs Fuggiti’s eye starts to swell up and turn red, but my punch doesn’t seem to have any effect on Mrs Fuggiti as she grabs me by my fuckin hair with both of her hands, and she starts wrenching my head back and forth. She’s shaking my head like a fuckin rag doll, and I’m crying out, “AAHH, AAHH, MY HAIR LET GO.” Then Mrs Fuggiti lets go of my hair and she grabs my dress with both hands. She yanks me up so that my fuckin feet are practically dangling in mid air, and she screams right in my shocked face, “You are going to be so fuckin sorry you stupid little bitch.” Mrs Fuggiti shoves me back full force. My dress rips right off of my body in Mrs Fuggiti’s hands as I go stumbling backwards like a limp, weightless floppy doll on my high heels until “boom,” my body hits the cement wall of the house hard, and “bang,” my head does too.
I bounce up off of the wall and I’m just standing there in my sexy black bra and little black lace panties and now the crowd is screaming.”  Mrs Fuggiti walks right up to me and she laces her hands right through my hair, and she holds me up so that my feet are practically dangling In mid air again, screaming insanely right in my startled face.  “I’m going to teach you manners. I’m going to teach you respect you stupid little bitch.” She shoves my head back, “bang,” right into the cement wall of the house. She bounces my fuckin head right off of the concrete. Then she holds me up by her fuckin hair again, screaming in my face, “I’m going to make you my slave bitch. You’re going to do whatever I fuckin tell you to do, and from now on you fuckin big mouth, you’re going to refer to me as Mistress when you want to speak to me, you got it” and I don’t say a word, I’m fuckin startled.
Mrs Fuggiti is bigger and stronger than I am, and now it has become obvious that Mrs Fuggiti is the one who’s in charge. She starts “bang, bang, bang, bang,” cracking my fuckin skull over and over again against the hard cement. She’s hammering my fuckin head against the concrete again and again until first I start seeing stars, fuckin stars, and my legs start to get all rubbery, and then I just get this silly little smile across my face, and I start crying out, “stop, please stop.”
Mrs Fuggiti stops bashing my skull, and she holds me up right in front of herself and she starts laughing and screaming right in my dazed face. “You want me to stop beating you up Katie you stupid little bitch, then tell everyone that you’re my slave, tell everyone that you’re going to do whatever I tell you to do, and you better address me as Mistress.” I can’t beleive this stupid old cow is beating the shit out of me like this and I have tears welling in my eyes and I cry out, “Alright, enough, you win enough.

Mrs Fuggiti lets go of my hair and my knees just buckle right under me, and slowly I start to slide down the cement wall of the house.  Mrs Fuggiti starts laughing viciously as she screams, “where do you think you’re going you stupid little bitch, I’m far from finished with you yet,” and she leans forward and she grabs my hair and she wrenches me standing straight up on my feet. My head is burning and I scream, “AAAHHH,” from the pain of having my hair ripped right out of my head. Mrs Fuggiti lets go of my hair, and my fuckin legs are all rubbery. Mrs Fuggiti grabs my limp right hand and she holds it up in the air, and Mrs Fuggiti starts laughing as she screams, “Now I’m going to take your engagement ring Katie.” She grabs the finger, the one with the ring and she starts wrenching at that ring until she pulls it right off of my finger. She rips my fuckin engagement ring right off of y finger. Tears start rolling from my eyes and  I cry out, ‘My ring,” as I feel my huge diamond cluster engagement ring leaving my finger.”
Mrs Fuggiti puts my big ring on her own right hand and then she holds it right up in my face. Mrs Fuggiti starts showing me my engagement ring, just like I was showing it to her before, and she starts laughing as she screams insanely, “Look at it bitch. Look at who has this ring now you stupid little bitch. Now I have Tyler and I have your precious engagement ring too, but I’m far from finished with you yet.” I’m so fuckin startled I don’t know what to do or what to say. I can’t believe that I’m looking at my ring on her hand and I start crying even harder, crying out, “Please give me my engagement ring back and let me go, I’m begging you,” but Mrs Fuggitti is crazy and she’s still really pissed off and she shows me the ring, my very own engagement ring on her fist screaming, ‘You thought you were so fuckin tough with this ring. You thought you were going to beat me up with your engagement ring, and teach me to respect your relationship with Tyler. Now I’m going to beat you up with your engagement ring Katie you stupid, pathetic little bitch. You thought you were going to make me your slave and humiliate me. I’m going to knock your face in with your ring over and over again until you beg me to be my slave. I’m going to make you beg me to do whatever I tell you to do, and when I’m finished with you Katie you pathetic little whore, you’re going to be very sorry you ever started fuckin trouble with me.”

I’m already feeling sorry that I started trouble with this stupid old cow and I’m crying and I start crying out, “PLEASE ENOUGH I’M SORRY. I’M BEGGING YOU MRS FUGGITI, I’M VERY SORRY, PLEASE I‘M BEGGING YOU I’V HAD ENOUGH, PLEASE DON’T DO THIS TO ME.” Mrs Fuggiti is crazy and she loses her temper again. Her face turns beet red and she grabs me by my fuckin hair with her left hand and she shows me my ring, my very own engagement ring on her fist screaming, “Look at it Katie, WITH YOUR OWN ENGAGEMENT RING BITCH.” Mrs Fuggiti pulls her right fist all the way back and she takes my ring, and the sends it plowing full force “bang,” right into my nose, straight into it. Blood is really rolling from my nose as my head snaps back, but Mrs Fuggiti has me by my fuckin hair and she pulls me forward into her fist again. Mrs Fuggiti is insane and she starts “bang, bang, bang, bang,” hammering my nose with her fist. She’s knocking my face in with my very own engagement ring on her fist. She gashes the bridge of my nose, cutting it open with that big sharp ring and blood is starts rolling down my face. I just get this totally shocked and startled look on my face, I can’t believe that this bitch is this crazy.

I cry out, “STOPPGRRR,” I then I try to cry out, that I’m fuckin bleeding, but blood is gushing from my nose and filling up in my mouth and I just sputter and blubber blood as I cry out, “I’M BLOO.” I can’t even contemplate how insane this woman is. My teacher, my fuckin  high school teacher, she holds her right fist up in my face again screaming, “Look at it bitch. I’m knocking your face bloody you pathetic little bitch. I’m going to make you my slave. I’ll teach you. I’ll fuckin teach you. When I’m finished with you, you will have learnt manners and respect you pathetic little whore, and you’re never going to go anywhere near my Tyler again. I’m scared, I’m really not prepared for what this crazy woman is doing to me. I’m crying like a little baby and I start desperately crying out for help, “Tyler please help me, someone please I’m begging you please help me,” but every man’s cock in the crowd is rock hard and ready to burst and the woman are all soaking wet, and all the teachers were really cheering Mrs Fuggiti now. Mrs Fuggiti grabs my sexy black bra and she rips it off of me, exposing my breasts in front of everyone. The crowd is screaming. Mrs Fuggiti starts laughing as she screams, “Look at those flabby, pathetic little breasts everyone. I’m so fuckin embarrassed, so fuckin humiliated.
Mrs Fuggiti punches me, “bang,” right in my nose again, right with that ring and “crack,” you can hear the bone of my nose crack and the fuckin silence. The crowd has gone silent. It’s so silent you can hear a pin drop. The only sound that you could hear is me, as I’m crying like a little girl. Mrs Fuggiti screams “Say it.” My body is tingling, I’m shaking in fear and my teeth are chattering, and I can feel a change in me. All the anger, all of my rebellion, all of my confidence, all of the fight seems to have been knocked right out of me and I realize that my only choice is to give in and submit. I feel submissive and start crying out, “Alright, alright I’ll be your slave.” The crowd is really cheering, but I’m not prepared for how crazy and vicious Mrs Fuggiti is.

Mrs Fuggiti still has a hold of my hair and she pulls me over onto my hands and knees on the cement. I scream, ‘AAHH,” from the pain of having my hair ripped out of my head. Mrs Fuggiti starts dragging me, by my fuckin hair across the rough cement on my hands and knees. She’s swinging me around the patio like a little rag doll, scraping my fuckin knees up, and I’m screaming, “AAAHHH, AAAHHH STP, PLEASE STOP,” but Mrs Fuggiti is crazy and she’s not going to fuckin stop. She drags me right over to a lounge chair and she grabs my panties and she rips them right off of me. Then she sits down and she drags me right across her lap. She has me draped across her knees and she takes the open palm of her right hand and she starts “bam, bam, bam,” spanking the left cheek of my ass, and then “bam, bam, bam,” spanking the right cheek of my ass. I’m crying like a little girl, and I can just imagine that I look like a little naughty girl getting spanked as she’s cracking the open palm of her hand over and over again  on my ass and my ass is all swollen and black and blue. She’s leaving huge bloody red welt marks on my ass and my ass is on fire. It’s burning and stinging and I’m begging, please stop, I’m sorry, please you’re hurting me.”

Mrs Fuggiti stops spanking my ass and she screams, “You disobedient little bitch. Tell everyone that you’re my slave. Tell everyone that you’re going to do whatever I tell you to do, and you better call me Mistress or I’ll stand you up and I’ll knock the shit out of you all over again. I’m scared and I’m totally submissive to Mrs Fuggiti now. Desperately I start crying out, ‘I’m your slave Mistress. I’m your fuckin slave Mistress. I’ll do whatever you tell me to do Mistress, I’m sorry, I’m very sorry for the way I acted Mistress, Please I’m begging you Mistress.”
Mrs Fuggiti dumps me off of her lap onto my hands and knees on the cement screaming, “now you’re going to lick and kiss my feet whore. Take my shoe off and worship my foot.” I’m Mrs Fuggiti’s slave and I have no choice. I remove her shoe off of her left foot and I hold her foot right up to my mouth and I kiss her foot. She screams, ‘Kiss it again bitch, and keep kissing it until I say you can stop.” I’m kissing Mrs Fuggiti’s foot, right there in front of all of these people, and the crowd is cheering and cheering. Mrs Fuggiti screams, “Tyler, Tyler take a good look at this. From now on you’re wimpy little ex-fiancé is going to be cleaning our feet every day with her tongue, right Debi.” I can’t believe she is making me say this to Tyler, but I’m scared and I’m submissive and I cry out, “Yes Mistress.” Mrs Fuggiti screams, “lick it whore. Lick my foot clean.” I start licking Mrs Fuggiti’s foot over and over again. I’m licking her foot feverishly like a dog licking its master.
I look up and I’m so fuckin embarrassed as I see Tyler standing right over me and Mrs Fuggiti, and he’s looking down at me completely submissive to his fantasy woman. Tyler is watching me all swollen and bloody and black and blue, with all the fuckin fight punched right out of me, I’m crying like a little girl as I’m being totally dominated and humiliated by this big, old cow. Mrs Fuggiti makes me kiss her other foot. “Remove my shoe whore, lick and kiss my other foot.” I’m so embarrassed, so fuckin humiliated in front of the teachers and the neighbors and all of these people, but most of all in front of my very own fiancé. I’m licking her other foot again and again and again.

Mrs Fuggiti screams, “Tyler, bring me my pocketbook. I see Tyler walk away. I’m still licking and kissing this old cow’s feet. Tyler returns and Mrs Fuggiti laughs as she screams, Now I’m going to get up bitch, and you are going to lay your head down on the lounge chair.” The bitch gets up and she walks around screaming, “put your head down,” as I lay my head down on the lounge chair. Mrs Fuggiti is behind me and I can hear the crowd getting all excited as Mrs Fuggiti takes out this big, huge rubber strap on dildo and she straps it right onto herself. Then I can feel this big old whore bitch grab me by my fuckin hair and I feel something push up against my anus.
All of a sudden I feel this sharp burning pain as this cow, this dirty old bitch shoves that big, hard erect cock right into my ass hole. I let out a bloodcurdling scream, “AAAAHHHHH,” as I stand up straight and I start trying to jump, leap, twist, dance off of that huge, erect rubber cock screaming and crying out,  “OOOWWW, OOOWWW, TAKE IT OUT, PLEASE TAKE IT OUT,” but Mrs Fuggiti has her right hand laced tightly through my hair and that big hard erect rubber penis shoved deep into my ass hole and I just can’t get away. She starts taking me out. She marching me around in front of each and every person in the crowd screaming, “Now Debi, you’re going to tell everyone just how sorry you are for all the times you disrespected me.” She’s fucking me up my ass. She’s dominating and humiliating me, and I can’t look into anyone’s eyes, but Mrs Fuggiti beat the fuckin shit out of me and I’m scared and I start crying out, “I’m sorry, I’m very sorry. I was wrong for all the times I disrespected you Mrs Fuggiti. I’m very sorry.”

Mrs Fuggiti starts laughing again as she screams, “Tell everyone how happy you are that Mrs Fuggiti is teaching you manners and respect.” Tears are streaming down my face as I cry out, “I’m very, very happy that Mrs Fuggiti is teaching me manners and respect.” She’s plunging that big hard cock into me over and over again and I’m crying like a baby, and I’m still dripping blood. Mrs Fuggiti laughs as she screams, “You think I’m a cow, Debi. You have the fuckin nerve to come to my party and call me a cow. Now you’re going to show everyone just which one of us is the cow Debi . You’re going to moo bitch, you’re going to moo and tell everyone that you are the cow.” She starts taking me out again. She’s marching me one by one in front of each and every person at the party. She marches me right in frot of the first person and Mrs Fuggiti is laughing as she screams “Now moo for Mrs Morris cow, moo and tell her that you’re the cow.”
I have no choice, this fuckin bitch has beat me up and now she’s really giving everyone a really good show. I’m crying, but I’m scared and I look right into Mrs Morris’ face and I start to ‘MMMOOO, MMMOOO, MMMOOO,” over and over again. I’m so humiliated, I’m crying like a baby and I cry out, ‘I’m a cow. I’m a fuckin cow,” and then I start to moo again, “MOOOO, MOOOO, MOOOO.” She humiliates me in front of each and every person at the party until she marches me right up in front of Tyler. She’s holding me up right in front of my fiancé, and I’m all knocked silly and pathetic. This bitch, this fuckin cow has me all  pummeled and bloody, and I’m weak, and I’m standing right in front of Tyler and I’m “MOOOOOO, MOOOOOO, MOOOOOO,” mooing pathetically, as she keeps pounding that huge fuckin dildo over and over again into my aching, burning ass hole. Then she stops, and she pulls that huge cock out of my ass hole and

Mrs Fuggiti starts laughing as she screams, “Now get on your hands and knees slave and lick this cock clean. Lick it just like you lick Tyler’s cock. My whole body is in so much pain I can’t feel the pain any more, I can’t feel the humiliation either. I just want to do everything and anything that this totally crazy, insane bitch wants me to do. I want to do anything I have to do to make this totally painful, humiliating experience be over.”  I think to myself, “Thank god the pain has started to subside from getting fucked up my ass with that huge rubber penis. I’m still really dazed and suddenly I think to myself, “whatever she wants me to do I should do exactly what she wants me to do, no maybe even more, and THIS MAKES ME START LAGHING,” as if I know a secret that no one else knows. I grab that cock with both of my hands and I’m thinking to myself, “THIS IS TYLER’S COCK,” and that makes me start laughing even harder. I bet this bitch, this crazy bitch can have no fuckin idea of why, but I hold that cock right up to my lips and I shove it right into my mouth and I start sucking it as if I was sucking Tyler’s big, hard cock.
I’m giving this big, hard erect rubber cock the very best blow job that it will ever experience. I’m sucking off Mrs Fuggiti’s huge penis right in front of everyone, and I’m loving it. The crowd is not only loving this, but I know just how big and hard and erect every man’s penis is that is watching this, and I’m imagining that every woman witnessing this hot, sexy fight is soaking wet at this point, so I start giving everyone a real good show. I’m sucking on that big dildo passionately, and I can bet everyone can feel my lips and my tongue on their…………

I look up and I can see big, tough Mrs Fuggiti is overflowing with juices and her wet, hot juices are dripping down her legs. Mrs Fuggiti pulls it out. She yanks that big, hard rubber cock right out of my mouth and she screams “Now lay down on your back slave.” She makes me lay down, and I can’t believe I’m saying this, but this is so erotic. Big, strong dominant Mrs Fuggiti has punched all the fight right out of me and now she has made me her slave. Mrs Fuggiti stands right over me, with one foot on one side of my head and her other foot on the other side screaming, “Look up, look up at me bitch.” Tears start to flood my eyes, but my pussy is tingling, its starts to vibrate as I realize this big tough cow is about to make me lick her cxnt. I’m strait, I’m not into woman, and although I have forced other woman to suck my pussy after I beat them up, I have never even considered licking another woman’s cxnt.
I start shaking in fear. My teeth are fuckin chattering and my eyes are over flooding with tears, and my tears are streaming down my cheeks as I look up desperately begging Mrs Fuggiti, “PLEASE NO, NOT THAT, I’m BEGGING YOU NOT THAT.” Mrs Fuggiti is laughing as she sits down right on my stomach an she’s smiling nicely as she says, “What’s the matter Katie, you don’t want to lick my cxnt.” I’m crying and crying, but I am fuckin startled and I don’t say a fuckin word.” Mrs Fuggiti’s pleasant attitude quickly changes to crazed and insane and she holds my ring up in my face screaming, “You haven’t learnt yet.” Then she takes my ring, my very own engagement ring and she smashes it “bang,” right into my teeth. You can hear my own diamond cluster ring bang against the enamel of my teeth. This old bitch bashes my teeth in. She cracks and chips my front teeth, and splits my lips open with my very own engagement ring on her fist, screaming, “answer me when I ask you a question.” My eyes are over flowing in tears again. I’m spitting blood and bloody pieces of my teeth right out of my mouth as desperately I start crying out, “Please let me lick your pussy Mistress. Pease let me suck your cxnt Mistress. I’m sorry Mistress. I will do whatever you tell me to do.”  The crowd is screaming.

Mrs Fuggiti raises up over me, she’s holding her soaking wet, hot cxnt just inches over my face and she screams, “Kiss it slave, kiss my cxnt.” I raise my head up off of the cement, and my head is all wobbly, and my eyes are still swimming around in my head as I put my lips right up to Mrs Fuggiti’s cxnt and  I kiss it. I kiss my old English teachers soaking wet pussy. Mrs Fuggiti screasm, “Kiss it again you big mouth, and keep kissing it until I say you can stop. I’m kissing Mrs Fuggiti’s pussy over and over again. Mrs Fuggiti screams, “Tyler, Tyler take a good look at this honey, each and every one of your fantasies are coming true Tyler. Look at her everyone. Look what happens to stupid young bitches that need to be taught manners and respect. She raises up off of my face screaming, “Tell Tyler and all of these people just how much you respect me now Katie.” I really don’t care and I start crying out, “Mrs Fuggiti has taught me respect and manners Tyler. My Mistress taught me respect everyone.”

Mrs Fuggiti is laughing as she screams, “Alright Katie, now you’re going to moo again, only this time you’re going to moo right into my cxnt. Now moo bitch.” I don’t want to get my teeth bashed in any more and frantically I take a long deep breath and I start to “MOOOOO, MOOOOO, MOOOOO,” over and over again like a cow. Mrs Fuggiti lowers her cxnt right onto my mouth and I’m mooing like a cow “MOOOOO, MOOOOO, MOOOOO,” over and over again right into my senior high school English teachers wet, hot pussy, and the crowd is going crazy. I look up and I see Mrs Fuggiti’s  nipples are rock hard and beet red and ready to burst. She screams, “suck me off Katie, eat me out.” I start eating my teacher. I start sucking off this big, strong dominant woman right in front of tyler, right in front of everyone until Mrs Fuggiti starts ‘OOOOOHHHHH, OOOOOHHHHHH, OOOOOHHHHH,” right on my face. Then she gets up off of me and she grabs Tylers hand and they walk off into the house leaving me totally bloody, beat up and humiliated in front of all of these people…….. 




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  • I love catfights!

Mrs Fuggiti beat me up


Offline koolswan

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very nice story...loved the build up. The fight was described really well making it hot.


Offline JIMBO1962

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This is one of the best stories on this site
It's easier to see the books upon the shelf          then it is to see yourself          George Harrison 1977


Offline ralbright2010

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Great story. A dominant woman humiliating a younger woman. Very Very hot !


Offline ralbright2010

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Loved it. Ms. F is one stone cold Domme Bitch. Would love to see what she does to her slave next!!