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Just Leave Me Alone

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Just Leave Me Alone
« on: May 31, 2013, 08:16:15 PM »
Just leave me Alone

It was a drizzly dull damp October morning in San Francisco and the big brown haired girl was entering the school for the first time having just transferred in from her previous school in a different area of San Francisco. Her name was Nancy Bell and she was living with her Aunt for now. How long she was going to be there was at this time unknown.

Nancy was not a particularly pretty girl; she was more plain and ordinary. She didn't smile and she was wary of everyone. It didn't take her long to see who the trouble makers were, the bullies. It was Sally James and her quartet of followers. Sally always tried to intimidate the new girls in the school and invariably she was successful until the day she met Nancy. Sally was a tall girl standing around 5 ft 10 inches and weighing about 140 lbs. Sally noticed Nancy walking across the school yard towards the building and she went to cut her off with her follower’s right behind her.

She stepped in front of Nancy and said, “Welcome to our school. I’m Sally and I pretty well run the show around here. Just letting you know so we don’t have any misunderstanding around here, you understand.”

“No problem, I stay out of your way and you stay out of my way we’ll be fine.”

Sally stood there silently for a minute; no one had ever stood up to her like that before. “Are you asking or telling?”

“Neither, just stating a fact,” answered Nancy as she continued walking towards the main building leaving Sally and her peons standing in shock.

Sally wasn't happy about how their first meeting went but she decided to find out more about Nancy before she challenged her again. After all, Nancy stood just as tall as Sally and with the baggy sweats that Nancy was wearing it was hard to tell what kind of shape she was in.

Later that afternoon Sally got to see what kind of shape Nancy was in when they had Phys Ed together. The class was in the weight room and their teacher was a former strongman winner Ed Shatko. He was huge, 6 ft 6 inches tall and weighing around 350 lbs.

He was taking the classroom through the weight room explaining every machine and what body parts it worked on. At each machine he would get one of the girls to come and try it out. He got to the leg extension machine and after explaining how and what it worked he asked Nancy to try it out. Nancy got in and adjusted the lower leg bar to where it was comfortable. Ed put the pin in at 100 lbs. Nancy looked down, pulled the pin out and put it back in at the bottom of the stack of weights at 300 lbs. She sat up straight and pounded out ten reps to the teacher’s amazement and the classrooms.

Ed leaned forward and asked Nancy quietly, “do you have gym shorts on under your sweats?

 Nancy nodded yes

Ed asked, “Will you do another set without your sweats on so the classroom can see the muscle groups that this machine works on?”

Nancy peeled her sweat pants off and there was a collective gasp from the classroom. Nancy’s legs were heavily muscled and chiseled. Her quads were immense, each one almost as thick as her waist. Nancy had a 26 inch waist and each thigh measured 24 inches around. Nancy got back in the machine and as she straightened her legs her quads jumped out and pulled, quivering as the weight moved.

Ed spoke, “As you can see, Nancy is familiar with weightlifting equipment and has I suspect trained with weights for a long time. Am I correct?”

Nancy shrugged, “All my life pretty well.”

They moved onto the next machine, the leg press. “Nancy, would you do us the honor?”


Ed asked, “How much should we put on for you?”

Nancy replied, “Let’s go with eight.”

Ed said, “Eight plates it is,”

Nancy said, “No, I meant 800 lbs.”

Ed looked at her for a minute, “Are you sure?”

Nancy nodded as she stacked nine plates on her side of the machine loading it up to 810 lbs. She got under the footrest, got her feet positioned evenly and with a grunt pushed the weight up off the pins. She turned the pins up so the weight could come all the way down to her chest. She let her knees come apart so the weight could come down lower and she forced out ten reps, her legs bulging and quivering as the weight went up and down.

Ed was amazed; this young school girl was the strongest female lifter he had ever seen. Sally was watching quietly scheming on how she was going to put this wonder girl in her place. Her followers were watching Nancy and then Sally. What was Sally going to do they wondered.

Sally knew she couldn't ask one of her peons to fight Nancy and she also knew it would do her no good to take on Nancy and lose. Sally was smart enough to know that Nancy was a force to be reckoned with and that she couldn't match Nancy’s strength. Sally knew, the best she could hope for was they both leave each other alone. She just had to confirm that.

The class continued and Ed used Nancy exclusively to demonstrate the various machines. Nancy did squats at 450 lbs., she did bench press at 315 lbs. for reps. She often times did the whole stack of plates on a machine. Several times classmates would get on the machines to see if they could move the weight that Nancy moved. In all cases the weight did not move. The classmates were in awe of Nancy. Sally did not like what she was seeing but what could she do about it.
Later that afternoon after school Sally was waiting for Nancy on the school steps. Nancy came out of the building and Sally saw her. Sally motioned for Nancy to come sit with her. Nancy sat tensely waiting to see what Sally wanted.

Sally spoke, “I’ll get right to the point. You are unbelievably strong and I run the show at this school. I don’t want to fight you because frankly I think you would probably kick my ass but understand I’m not going to give up running the show here.”

Nancy replied quickly, “Look Sally, I’m not interested in your show or whatever you want to call it. I just want to be left alone. I’ll stay out of your way if you’ll stay out of mine. All I ask is just leave me alone and I’ll leave you alone. Is that fair enough?”

Sally smiled, “That’s fair enough for me.”

Sally for the first time in her life said, “Thank you.”

Nancy got up and she said, “I have to go, I’m supposed to be at the gym in half an hour. I’ll see you around.”

Sally answered, “See you around.”

A truce had been reached and life went on. Sally bullied her way through school and left Nancy alone, in return Nancy never saw any of the bullying that Sally was involved in and she went along her merry way. One day a common classmate of theirs, a tiny oriental gal by the name of Robin asked Nancy if she could talk to Sally for her. Nancy shook her head and said, “I agreed to stay out of her way if she agreed to stay out of my way. I’m sorry but I can’t help you.”

One of Sally’s peons overheard the conversation and relayed it to Sally. Sally was very happy to hear it and she made a point of catching Nancy and thanking her again.

Nancy shrugged her shoulders and thought nothing of it, just leave me alone she thought.

Sally was curious and she did some digging around. She had an inside person on student registry, a gal that she had blackmailed in the past. Through her contact she found out that Nancy had been expelled from her previous school because she put the school bully in the hospital and damned near killed her.  Sally took a day off from school and her and her followers went for a car ride to Nancy’s former school. They looked up the girl that she beat up and managed to find her in the schoolyard extorting a student out of her lunch money.
Sally walked up to her and introduced herself, “Hi I’m Sally James. You've got a good racket going here, very nice.”

The girl looked at Sally, “Why are you here. What do you want?”

Sally replied, “I want information, that’s all.”

“What kind of information?”

“I want to know everything you can tell me about Nancy Bell.”

The girls face went white, “You want to leave her alone, don’t mess with Nancy.”

Sally was surprised; this tough girl was scared shitless of Nancy.
Sally asked, “What happened between you two?”

“I made the mistake of trying to blackmail her and it backfired. I thought she was just a muscle-bound softy with no killer instinct. Boy was I wrong; she was like a machine, not feeling anything. She damn near killed me without even batting an eye. If the cops hadn't have showed up when they did I’d be dead right now.”
The girl continued, “Let me guess, she’s going to your school and she’s stepping on your show. My advice, don’t mess with her, she’ll kill you.”

Sally explained the deal that she had agreed to with Nancy and she was just looking for possible helpful information.”

The girl advised her again, “Look, you managed to negotiate a good deal between the two of you. You keep your part of it and she’ll keep her part, all she wants is to be left alone.”

Sally returned home with very little new information but a new found respect for Nancy.

One day after school a carload of guys from somewhere out of the neighborhood were cruising hassling the women of the neighborhood. There were four of them, two black guys and two Hispanics and they were trouble looking for a place to happen.

It was Sally’s misfortune to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. She just came around a street corner as the car came around the same corner in the other direction. The car stopped and started to back up as the guy nearest to the window began taunting her.

“Hey baby cakes, you want ta go for a ride?”

Sally just ignored him and walked a bit faster. The car sped up and kept pace. The guy continued taunting Sally.
C’mon sweet thing, we’re going to a party. You wanta come too?

Sally started to run, she was getting scared. The car sped up and passed her. She slowed down to a fast walk and breathed a sigh of relief. They were gone; she was OK, thank god. Suddenly a young black guy stepped out of an alley right in front of her. She stopped as she recognized the guy from the car.

“You know sweet cheeks, it’s not polite to ignore someone. That someone might not take to kindly to being ignored.”

The other three stepped out of the alley and they surrounded her. She was terrified and started to cry. She knew she could bust one of them in the balls and maybe get two but four on one she didn't have a hope. She was in a heap of trouble and she knew it. The first guy grabbed her around the waist and held her off the ground. She kicked up and back behind her and smashed her heel between his legs crushing his balls. He shrieked like a girl and let go of her as he sank to his knees holding his hands in his hurting crotch.  She turned and saw the other three of them surrounding her. She backed away from them as they circled her cutting off her escape.

The other black guy rushed her and clothes-lined her sending her crashing to the ground stunned. The two Hispanic guys swarmed on her holding her down as their dark friend got down between her legs and punched her right dead center in her pussy. She screamed and curled up in a ball her hands holding her crotch. The two guys holding her down were fondling her breasts as she tried to squirm out of their grasp. The black guy spread her legs again and was lining up his knee when suddenly he went flying off her and hit the brick wall beside Sally.

The noise of his head sounded like a bell pepper when you drop it and it pops open. He lay against the wall with blood seeping from his nose, ears and mouth. He was seriously fucked up. Sally looked up and saw Nancy. Her face was twisted in rage like Sally had never seen before.

 Nancy reached down and grabbed the closest guy and she picked him up by the front of his shirt and threw him ten feet in the air against the same brick wall as his unconscious friend. The guy hit the wall with a dull thud and he sank to the ground half unconscious. Nancy grabbed the last attacker and she got him in a head lock and twisted his head every way but Sunday making him scream like crazy.

 Sally got up on her feet and watched as Nancy hoisted the man above her head and then body slammed him onto the ground. He laid there his back arching in agony.

 Nancy turned to check on Sally. Nancy smiled as she watched Sally kick the unconscious black guy in the balls over and over again. Nancy grabbed the guy in front of her and put him in a full nelson and she turned facing Sally. She hollered, “Sally, over here.”
Sally turned and smiled as she walked up and without warning kicked her foot up into his crotch driving her shoe up into his balls crushing them and causing him to scream as his crotch exploded in white hot pain. His legs gave out and the only thing keeping him from sinking to the ground was Nancy holding him up.
Sally stood there admiring her handiwork when Nancy shook her captive attacker like a wet rag. She suddenly stopped and she put more pressure on the hold forcing his head forward as he screamed in agony. There was a loud snap as his eyes rolled back in his head. Nancy let go of him and he sank to the ground all twisted up and not breathing. Nancy had broken his neck killing him instantly.

Sally stood in shock as Nancy strode over to the two guys against the brick wall. The guy that Sally had kicked was just staggering to his feet. He was backing up with his hands in front of him. Nancy was walking towards him almost daring him to break and run. Suddenly he reached and pulled a switchblade out of his back pocket. He stopped and held the knife out in front of him.

Nancy feinted with a left to his head and he stabbed forward to her right. She blocked his arm with her right and grabbed his wrist with her left. She squeezed his wrist and the knife fell from his grasp. She squeezed harder, the muscles in her arm bunching up and flexing as his wrist gave up and collapsed on him. Nancy squeezed harder still, crushing the bones in his wrist breaking his wrist. He howled like a wounded animal as she released him and she grabbed his other arm twisted him around and she reefed his arm up between his shoulder blades. His shoulder dislocated and separated as she tore ligaments and tendons in his shoulder.  She turned him around and she picked him up and slammed him down over her knee back first. He screeched s there was a loud pop. He rolled off her knee onto the ground where to his horror he found he couldn't feel his legs.

Sally couldn't believe the cold blooded destruction Nancy was dishing out. Nancy turned to the brick wall and she grabbed the Hispanic who was starting to stir. She picked him up by his shirt and slapped his face ac couple of times waking him up. He looked at Nancy’s eyes with terror in his face. Nancy turned him around and kneed him in the stomach and as he bent over she grabbed the back of his shirt with one hand and the back of his pants and ran across the alley and drove his head into the side of their car leaving a big dent in the front quarter panel.
He fell to the ground in a heap as Nancy opened the door and hit the trunk release in the glove box. She grabbed the guy and draped him over the trunk and drilled her fist in his kidney knocking the wind out of him and making him screech again. Nancy motioned Sally over. She draped the guy over the rear fender placing his hands over the edge of the trunk. “Here you hold him up, don’t let him slide down.”
Nancy went to the back of the car; she reached up and grabbed the trunk checked to make sure he hadn't slid down, and she slammed the trunk closed as hard as she could. The trunk slammed shut crushing his fingers and he screamed as he tried to pull his mangled fingers out of the trunk. He twisted and turned in agony as his hands exploded in pain like he had never felt before. He finally laid across the trunk in shock, sobbing and begging for Nancy to open the trunk.
Nancy left him there and she went back to the brick wall and grabbed the Hispanic from the wall and she turned and kneed him in the stomach bending him over in agony. She took him over to the car dragging him on his knees. She laid his head against the center pillar and she reached back and slammed the door on his head. He grunted as his head caved in crushing his brain in his broken skull. He took a couple of feeble breaths and collapsed. There was no pulse and no breathing. The last guy was still up against the brick wall, blood still seeping from his mouth and nose.

Nancy grabbed Sally and said, “Hurry, we have to get out of here.”

They turned and ran and disappeared into the neighborhood as the sounds of sirens could be heard. The papers the next day told a story of a gang fight over drug territory, not once mentioning anything about the two girls.

Sally had a new found admiration and respect towards Nancy. She never mentioned anything about that afternoon and Nancy never mentioned it either. Whenever they met each other Sally always nodded to Nancy and they always stayed out of each other’s way.

One day that was all to change. Two things happened; first there was the fight after school. Sally had the little oriental gal, Robin, pinned up against the school wall. She was punching the smaller girl in the stomach over and over again until the smaller girl leaned over and threw up, her stomach punched into mush.
Sally was getting ready to continue kicking the tiny girl while she was o the ground when suddenly a hand grabbed Sally’s shoulder. It was Nancy, “Stop Sally, she’s done. You've made your point. There’s no need to hurt her more.”

Sally looked into Nancy’s eyes and she could see Nancy pleading, “I don’t want to interfere but I can’t watch you destroy her. Please stop.”

Sally nodded ad backed away silently telling Nancy, I owe you this one.

Nancy nodded back as she picked the little girl up and brushed the dirt off her. Nancy walked Robin home and the n continued on her way to her home.

Later that evening Nancy was at the gym working out. She was just finishing her squats and was doing her scale back with 495 lbs. on the bar. She noticed 4 strange girls come into the gym and they noticed her. Nancy knew right away there was trouble brewing. The four girls approached Nancy as she replaced the bar on the rack.

The leader of the four girls was a tall heavyset brunette with a pock marked face from too much acne as a youngster. She looked at Nancy and she said, “We have a question for you. Where were you around 6-7:00 last night?”

“Who wants to now?”

 “I do, now give me an answer.”

Nancy smiled and replied, “Not with an attitude like that I won’t.”

“Look, if you give us an answer and it checks out we won’t have to beat you but keep stalling and we’ll beat the answer out of you.”

Nancy smiled, “That’s awful kind of you. I was out and about and I rescued a schoolmate of mine from 4 punks who were ganging up on her. What’s it to ya?”
You killed two of them; one of them was my brother. I’m going to make you pay for what you did.”

Nancy laughed and asked. “You and who’s army? Besides, he had it coming, they were going to rape that girl and who knows maybe even kill her.”

“Well, watch your ass girl cause when you least expect it we’re going get you. You might be as strong as an ox but when we gang up on you, you’ll be done for.”

Nancy glared at the heavy brunette and growled, “Bring it on bitch; I’m not scared of you.”

Suddenly the owner of the gym, Ed Shatko appeared, “Is there a problem here girls?”

The heavy brunette replied, “No, no problem, we’re just ironing out a disagreement.”

“I suggest you and your friends leave and don’t come back.”

The foursome turned and left all the time acting tough and glaring at Nancy.

“What was that all about?”

“Nothing,” replied Nancy.

“Bullshit, now c’mon Nancy, tell me what’s going on?”

Nancy sat down on a bench with a sigh and as Ed sat down beside her she started talking, telling Ed everything that happened.
After Nancy had told everything Ed asked, “Do the police know about this?”

“It doesn't appear so,” stated Nancy.

“You actually killed two gang members and put the other two in the hospital, unbelievable! So who are those four girls that were just here?”

“I don’t know about three of them but the big girl is the sister of one of the guys I killed. She’s looking to even the score.”

“Where is the gal that you rescued?”

Nancy shrugged her shoulders, “I haven’t got a clue, why?”

Ed knew from experience being a former gang member and a retired cop that the foursome would probably hunt down Sally, beat her up and then use her to force Nancy to fight them on their turf under their rules.

“We have to find Sally before they do.”

“Why,” asked Nancy, not comprehending what was going on.
Ed explained as they rode in his pick-up truck heading to the school. They skidded to a stop in the school parking lot where a bunch of kids were milling about. Ed jumped out of the truck and asked the nearest student, “Have you seen Sally lately?”

“Yeah she was just here but those four girls ganged up on her and took her away. They beat her pretty bad.”

“How long ago was she here?”

“You just missed them by about five minutes, we all came running out when we heard the screaming but we were too late.”

Ed pulled his phone out and started talking to the police on the other end explaining the abduction of Sally. The conversation went on for a few minutes and Ed hung up.
Everyone was waiting for Ed to say something. He spoke, “The girls are students from Holy Trinity downtown and the heavy brunette is Sara Joseph, her brother was Gerome who got killed a few days ago. The police are sending a squad car to the school, squad cars are also being sent to all four girls’ homes as well as a swat team to the gangs club house on Kingsway Ave. We’ll find Sally, don’t worry.”

Ed was thinking to himself, yeah, we’ll find her but I don’t know what kinda shape she’ll be in.

They drove over to the school downtown and parked. As they got out of the truck they were greeted by three of the four some. Sara spoke, “So look who’s here. Are you looking for your friend?”

Ed nodded and Sara continued. “Don’t worry, she’s fine. If you want to see her again here’s what you have to do. Meet us at the abandoned Warehouse on 149th street at 10:00 tonight. You come alone Nancy and you bring Sally’s three gang friends. You all be prepared to fight. There will be four fights one of my gang against one of Sally’s gang, no holds barred; no rules except there will be no interference from other gang members. If there is interference the corresponding fighter is disqualified. The winner  is decided when the other fighter can no longer continue because of being knocked out, killed or submits and the winning fighter says it’s over.”

“If one of my team wins we keep the losing fighter at the warehouse for the evening and you can come and pick her up in the morning at 7:00 if there is anyone from your team able to do that. If you team member wins they get to go home tonight. The final fight will be between me and you Nancy but any winning teammate that I have will also be in the ring too. It could be all four of us against you or it could be one on one. We’ll see as the evening goes on.”

Nancy said, “Weapons?”

“Yes, you bring it you can use it. Anything around the warehouse is fair game.”

“What if a fighter gets injured, broken bones, etc.?”

Sara smiled, “Injuries are a part of the fight, the match is over when the winning fighter has had enough and accepts the submission.”
Ed spoke, “There is no way in hell that we’ll agree to that.”

Sara shrugged, “Then you don’t get to see Sally until we’re done with her. You may never see her again.”

Suddenly a squad car came around the corner and the siren came on. The squad car skidded to a stop and two policemen jumped out with their guns drawn. Sara turned and faced the two officers, “Can I help you?”

“Are you Sara Joseph?”

“Yes I am, what can I do for you?”

“You can start by telling us where we can find Sally.”

“I wish I could help you but I haven’t got a clue right now where she is.”

Sara wasn't lying, at the present time Sally was tied up in the trunk of a car and Sara had no idea where the car was.

The police were stymied, they weren't expecting that answer. Ed huddled up with the two officers and he explained what Sara had proposed to them about the fights at the old abandoned warehouse. They exchanged words and the two officers got in their car and left.

Ed then turned to Nancy and they talked for a while as Sara patiently waited. Ed asked Nancy, “This is a hell of a position they have you in, you agree they’ll beat the shit out of you, you don’t agree they beat the shit out of Sally. What do you think?”

Nancy replied, “I’m all for it, they don’t know what they’re in for. I’m looking forward to it. It’ll be fun.”

Ed stood in shock his mouth was wide open and he was completely stunned. That was definitely not the answer he expected.  “Are you sure?”

“Oh yeah, they have no idea what’s coming.”

Nancy turned to Sara and said sternly, “Bring it on bitch. I’m looking forward to this. Your ass is mine, you and your gang are all dead meat. This is going to be so much fun.”

Sara was stunned; she was completely surprised by Nancy’s reply and her comments. This was not a person who was afraid, this broad was nuts.

Sara said, “Just you and Sally’s three gang members, nobody else, just you four.”

Nancy smiled, “That’s all we need bitch. Same goes for you.”

The two agreed and Ed and Nancy climbed in his truck and left.

Ed was worried, as strong as Nancy was she still faced the possibility of fighting four girls at the same time. Nobody knew anything about the four girls, were they experienced fighters, were they real dirty and viscous or were they average run of the mill cat fighters?
Ed also didn't know anything about Sally’s gang members either.

He decided to get all four of them to the gym at the same time and talk to them. He also put the word out that he wanted information about Sara and her gang. Sally’s three friends arrived together in a mini-van and they entered the gym. Nancy was already there working out with light weights loosening up for the upcoming fight. She was doing squats with four plates on each side of the bar which weighed 415 lbs with the collars. She was playing with it, her mind somewhere else.
Sally’s friends were watching in awe, they had heard that Nancy was extremely strong but they were stunned with what they were watching.

Ed got them all huddled together. He started asking questions of all four of the women, most of the questions going toward Sally’s friends. Ed was taking notes as he listened to the answers he was getting. It didn't take long for him to find out that the only one with any fighting experience was Rita. She had fought six times over the last two years. She had lost three but more important she had won her last three and in her last fight she had put her opponent in the hospital.

Kendra and Karen had never fought before and they were nervous. Ed wanted to spend some time with them before they fought. Suddenly there was a slam as the front door to the gym opened. One of Ed’s prize pupils had a scruffy little guy with him and he shoved the fellow towards Ed.

Ed caught the young kid and held him up. His pupil was Raul Sanchez and he said excitedly, “This worm has information for us.”

Ed looked at the young kid, “Is that right son?”

“Yes sir. Sara and her gang are bad news man. You don’t want to mess with them, they fight real dirty and they’ll hurt you just for the fun of it. Sara is the meanest of the bunch, she’ll bite, claw and kick you. Her friends are mean too but they’re not that good. They never pick on anyone unless they know they can beat you. They’re bullies.”

“Who are Sara’s friends?”

“Chelsea, Bonnie and Kris are their names. Chelsea is a hanger on, she a coward if she gets challenged. Bonnie is mean but she’s not that good of a fighter, you get the advantage and she’ll turn turtle. Kris is mean and she’s fought before. She’s dirty but not trained. She has no finesse she just wades in and goes wild.”
Ed thanked the scruffy kid and gave him a 50 dollar bill as a reward for information. “Thanks son, I appreciate what you told us. One question though, why did you come to us, was it just for the money or is there more to it?”

The little kid answered, “I want to see Sara and her gang get their ass kicked. They've been beating up everyone they see at school and a lot of us are sick of it. I wanted to help if I could. you should know that there is going to be a big crowd watching and Sara’s brother and his friends are going to be there. I wouldn't expect a fair fight at all. All of us that are fed up with Sara are going to be there tonight.”

Ed turned to Raul, “Go get everyone you can and bring them here, we’re going with backup tonight.

He looked back at the scruffy kid “Thanks son, Raul will give you a ride home.”

Raul left and Ed turned to Rita, Kendra and Karen and said, “OK go get dressed into whatever you’re going to be fighting in and meet me at the ring. Then he pulled Nancy aside.

“Tell me what you need and I’ll make sure you get it.”

“Give me a pen and paper and I’ll make a list.”

Nancy wrote out a list and Ed checked it over,  he smiled a few times, he had a puzzled look on a couple of the items and then he made a quick call.
Ed rewrote the list into four smaller lists. He gave one to one of his students, Kenny, and told him to go to the hardware store and get the items on the list. He gave Kenny some money and sent him on his way.

Suddenly the gym door opened and two of the scruffiest biggest hairiest bikers strolled in. The blonde biker, Mike, stuck his hand out and Ed shook it. “I’m glad to see you; it’s been awhile hasn't it?”

Mike nodded, “That it has Ed; hey I’d like you to meet Shemp. I came over as quick as I could. What’s up?”

Ed explained about the upcoming fight and showed Mike the list. “I need these items for tonight, do you think you can help us out?”

Mike looked at the list and laughed, “Sure thing man, give me half an hour and I’ll be right back. I have a couple of other things at the clubhouse that I’ll throw it.”
Ed held his hand up, he looked around the gym for someone and couldn't find what he was looking for. He turned back to Mike, “I was going to get this list filled by someone else but I’m short on people, do you think you can fill this list for me too?”

Mike looked at the second list and smiled. “Yeah this is no problem; I’ll stop at the army surplus store and see what I can find. I’ll be right back, gimme about an hour or so. Yeah I need about an hour.” He turned and laughed, “Someone’s in for a world of hurt.”

Ed strolled out of the bar and watched as Mike and Shemp rode off. He walked over to the grocery store across the street and picked up the items on his last list.
He was back shortly and was laying out the items on a big banquet table. Kenny entered with a gym bag of items and they spread them out on the table too.
Nancy came over and checked out the items. She took a can and turned it over and read the label, smiled and said, “Perfect this’ll work great.”
Ed looked at the can and at Nancy, “What’s that for?”

“You’ll see.”

The door opened again and Mike and Shemp came in carrying a gym bag bulging with stuff. They spread their stuff out on another table and Nancy went through it all item by item. Some things were obvious, brass knuckles, chains, ropes, whips, a pool cue which got some strange looks, metal pipe, thumb tacks, etc.
Some of the items weren't so obvious like hairspray, lighters, wasp spray, bear spray, vinegar, a plastic bat, barbwire, and an aluminum baseball bat. There were also some chimney bricks, paintball gun with pellets, some MMA gloves, and knee pads.

To be continued.


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Re: Just Leave Me Alone
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2013, 01:14:29 AM »
Bravo.  Fantastic setup.  I really didn't expect the story to go the direction it did but you got it there naturally and built the anticipation for the showdown fights perfectly.
RIP the account of Sophie Cees.