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Society Poll Fight - Serena vs Lyanna

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Offline Freddy (B.A.W.)

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Re: Society Poll Fight - Serena vs Lyanna
« Reply #45 on: September 15, 2014, 05:49:58 PM »
Voting is officially closed on this poll after 7 days....and Lyanna is declared the winner....congratulations to Lyanna :).

Yes :)! I won again, as I did bet on Lyanna's win! Society fights are increasing my money a lot! ;D

It was a clash of goddesses! "Goddess Lyanna" defeated "goddess Serena" this time! But I hope we'll see much more about their feud!

As we are waiting for the ending of the story by the "goddess Michelle"(yes, she is in my personal Olympus too), I post two pics, representing my fantasies about Lyanna posing over her defeated rival's body and having "fun" with Serena during the next night! ;)
Enjoy it!

Blondes do it better!


Offline Michelle

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Re: Society Poll Fight - Serena vs Lyanna
« Reply #46 on: September 16, 2014, 06:51:36 AM »
The Finale

Lyanna’s right hand latched onto Serena's wrist while the left grabbed her elbow, the right pulling while the left pushed, twisting the arm HARD and forcing Serena to bend over to avoid having her arm dislocated, Serena dropping to her knees!

“Now it’s your turn to feel the pain…what is that you called me…. Puttana?”  She twisted Serena’s arm violently down and those close to the arena floor heard a barely audible “CRACK” as Serena screamed out in agonizing pain!  

“That’s right Serena!  SCREAM for all these people!!!

Serena squirmed violently, panic rising up in her! She knew she was in deep trouble – from this position, there were a myriad of ways that Lyanna could hurt her badly enough to ruin any hope she had of winning this fight.  The problem was she was already hurt, her body wasn’t responding and no amount of heart and desire could fill that void!

“What do you have to say to these nice people?” Lyanna said mockingly.  “Are you ready to admit that I win?”  Serena ground her teeth so hard that her jaw ached, but said nothing, trying to focus through the pain, to think of a way out of this.  Finally in anger Serena screamed out,

“No!!  No!!!

 GAWD NO!!!  

Lyanna dropped into a half crouch and jammed her knee into Serena’s back hard, grunting herself at the pain it was costing her own exhausted, battered body, but putting even more strain on Serena’s contorted arm and spine.  She ground her knee into Serena’s arching back, Serena’s torso going to the ground, her face inches from it!  As she began to push herself up, knowing she had only moments to react, the knee that slammed into her back and drove her back to the floor told Serena that she had taken a moment too long.  The agonizing pain in her arm and back were just too much when piled on top of everything else.  Serena’s body was crying internally for mercy!

“Oh, since you told me earlier I was going to be taught a lesson!” exclaimed Lyanna tauntingly.  “I’ve decided I want to learn how loud you can scream!”

Serena just couldn’t take any more!  She had reached the limits of even her endurance!!

“All right!!!"  "No more!!!"  "NO MORE!!!"  “PLEASE!”

Serena screamed as her fists pounded the floor in frustrated fury, as much at herself for being lured into Lyanna’s trap as she was at  Lyanna for being the architect of this previously unimaginable defeat! THIS WASN'T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN!!

Lyanna rose immediately, alleviating the agony, then without warning, she dropped sharply to her knees, her hard shins pinning Serena’s upper arms to the rug!! Serena shrieked in pain again,


Serena squirmed and writhed but there was little she could do and besides, she had already submitted.  She was done…. spent…. it was over!  Now she was about to feel the full extent of what it meant to submit, here in this room.

“Attention!” Lyanna called out.  “ATTENTION!!”  “Serena has something to tell you!!

Serena stared blankly into space as she opened her mouth, and then closed it again.  She knew what she had to say, but the complete emptiness that gripped her heart also held a tight vice-like grip on her throat too.  She knew she would not be able to get the words out without sobbing, without breaking down in front of the entire crowd.  She also knew that she would have no choice.

How had it come to this?  What in God’s name had gone wrong?  Had she not trained hard enough? Fought hard enough?  Her mocking words to Lyanna, before the fight, had now came back to haunt her now.  She tried to choke back a sob, and failed.  Tears flowed freely down her cheeks.  She tasted them on her lips; it was the salty taste of defeat.  The salt in her tears stung her bruised face and cut lip, that cut lower lip trembling badly as the sobs began to flow uncontrollably

Lyanna held her by the hair, controlling her, turning her head so that her tear-filled eyes could scan the entire crowd.  Then she noticed something in their eyes she hadn’t expected.  She noticed that “expectancy”.  They couldn't wait to see her humbled, shamed and humiliated!  Some were smiling at the spectacle of her, a Society winner,  kneeling before them in complete and utter abject shame. Some were openly disappointed in her, some bitterly; obviously ones who had lost money betting on her.  But their feelings at losing a “bet” did not compare to the despair and anguish Serena was feeling at this moment, it did not compare with the emptiness, the almost complete loneliness that she felt inside.  There we some in the crowd that wore an expression on their smug faces of contempt, as if she was something less than human.   For all the times she had felt a part of the Society, now she never felt less a part at this very moment.  Then, right in front of her, almost close enough to reach out with a trembling hand and clutch, was someone who was truly shocked…or so she thought…. Michelle.

Her “friend and lover” looked down at her with an almost blank expression.  Her eyes were welling with tears; her lower lip trembled as did her beaten friends.  Her face was flushed all the way down to her chest.  Then Michelle looked up over Serena’s head to Lyanna and her expression suddenly changed, almost chameleon like.  Michelle took a long deep breath, her firm pert breasts straining the extravagant white leather vest that clung to her torso like a second skin.  Her breasts heaving, her taut abs, the contoured muscles and their definition showing just below the bottom of the vest, along her V-shaped torso down to the waistband of her tight leather pants.   Michelle’s leaned in and her full, creamy lips parted, her pink tongue flicked across Lyanna’s seductive inviting lips.  Serena had seen that look from Michelle before and she knew what it meant.  It was as if Michelle took a hot knife and stabbed her in the heart and TWISTED IT!  

The “look” that Michelle had given her wasn’t one of sympathy…. wasn’t one of love…it was one of disgust and contempt!

Michelle might just have cut Serena’s heart out and held it in her palm, curled her fingers around it and crushed it in her vice-like grip! Serena knew that look, the look she thought she would never see.  Serena knew that look and she began to sob uncontrollably as she knew…as her body trembled…she had lost Michelle.

Lyanna pulled on Serena’s hair, pulling her head up.  Serena blinked up at the blonde as she held Michelle’s icy gaze for a moment, then looked down at Serena.  “Your time is up whore,” she said.  Serena's body shook like a loose leaf in a fall New England breeze, her thoughts rampant and jumbled,  Then she heard Lyanna say the words she had dreaded hearing,

“Say it.”   “SAY IT!”

Serena’s lip trembled.  “I…sub…submit…” she stammered, as a succession of sobs forced their way out between her words.  “I submit to Lyanna.  She’s…the better woman…in every way.”  Serena felt a deep dark chill run through her body as she spoke those words.  Those words that cut to her very soul.  Her body began to almost go lifeless in Lyanna’s grasp, the look of despondency so clear and apparent on her flushed contorted facial features.  

“Lyanna is…the true champion.  She’s…better than me.”  


Before she could finish, her head hanging shamefully down between her arms like a frightened dog, her mind awash in the pain and misery of defeat.  It wasn’t physical pain though that was affecting Serena.  In fact, physical pain, not matter how intense, would have truly been preferable to THIS!

Lyanna stood over her.  “This is a Society’s winner?”  “Are you kidding ME?”  

“This is the best and the brightest?”…the chosen one who was to have some fun and show me just how superior she is!”  There was smattering of laughter from the crowd.  Lyanna smiled as she pulled her back upright, bending her backwards, displaying her for all to see…her matted hair in wild disarray.  How superior do you feel now cxnt?”

Serena knew exactly what Lyanna was doing – showing her off, beaten in body and broken in spirit, for them all to see.  Serena had done that herself, more times than she could count. She had done it to Lyanna herself when they last met and Serena had been the victor.  Was this what it felt like?  Had they been beaten down as low as she had been taken tonight?  She feared not, hoped beyond hope, but she knew better.  Somehow.... she knew better…and somehow she knew it was far from over!

She the heard Michelle whisper,

“We reap what we sow”

“What else do you need to say lovely?” Lyanna prompted her by jerking hard on the handful of matted black hair.  “What else do you have to say, WHORE?”

“Tell ME!”   “TELL THEM!!”

Serena swallowed hard, the lump in her tight throat almost choking her.

“Lyanna…is my queen…”

she stuttered and slurred the words between sobs.  “…I have only one.” Those last few words were almost swallowed up by an uncontrollable wailing as she burst into almost frenzied and frantic tears.  It was sickening enough that she had to say it.  Her stomach was churning, she was going to be sick and she knew she had to hold it back, try and salvage SOME pride and dignity! It was even worse than she had feared... she felt the doubts taking over her thoughts.....that it might be true!   Could she have beaten Lyanna?  At this point no one was thinking about that.  It was as if her previous victory over her was an almost fading, distant memory, much like a mirage on the desert sand, the clarity dissolving by the minute in something without any recognition, any clarity, any meaning.

Lyanna jerked Serena’s head up higher and stared down into her defeated enemy’s moist, red, flushed and contorted face.  Tears and sweat had streaked the Italian brunette’s features, her red-rimmed eyes now puffy, glistening streaks running down her cheeks to her jaw – the badge of her dishonor, the seal of her anguish.  The cries of the crowd in support of her were pretty much gone.  Lyanna leaned down and whispered in her ear,

“Feel it!  Feel every ounce of the pain!”

It was almost as if Serena was beginning to believe that she deserved to lose!

“Remember the pain,” Lyanna told her,

“Remember how you feel right now…and remember this…it’s only the beginning”  “If we meet again, this is nothing compared to what I will do!”

“Watch me take…what you thought you had.” "Or really NEVER had it"   She glanced down again at Serena as Michelle broke into a broad smile.  Michelle then then bit her lower lip and slowly reached out her right arm, extending her forefinger and touched Lyanna’s cheek, stroking slowly down over the smooth creamy skin, down her neck to her shoulder.  Serena's gaze followed her lover’s touch, spellbound, her tear-filled eyes wide.  Lyanna closed her eyes and purred, then turned her head, still watching Serena, and kissed the tip of Michelle’s finger, then let it slide between her full, dry parched lips as she suckled it for a brief moment.  Michelle smiled as she withdrew her arm, pressed her finger to her own lips and gently sucked on it, her large dark brown eye widening a bit, an almost evil twinkle filling her dark brown pupils.  

“You have lost everything now whore!” Lyanna repeated to the defeated champion who knelt at Lyanna’s feet.  Serena’s lip trembled as the tears flowed freely.  She closed her eyes in total abject despair as the tears tumbled own her cheeks, her tightly closed eyelids unable to constrain the flow.  Nothing could control her emotions, the depths to which she felt so crushed.

“But…we must remember our glorious tradition!”

She gazed over her shoulder, back toward the center of the arena.  “I have a prize to retrieve!”  She twisted Serena around; turning her in a half circle on her knees, then drug her forward by her hair to the center of the area.  Serena just managed to get her hands out to brace herself on all fours, her head hanging down so low between her arms, her forehead barely an inch from the ground.  Lyanna swung a leg over the brunette’s slim waist to straddle her, her body facing out over Serena’s bikini covered ass.  Lyanna SLAPPED Serena’s sweaty ass HARD with the palm of her left hand, the resounding wet smack echoing throughout the room!  She reached down, wrapped the fingers of her right hand under the waistband of Serena’s bikini bottom at the base of her spine, and JERKED AS HARD as she could!!  The elastic snapped as Serena yelped out, the sharp sting only adding to her pain!!


Lyanna lifted the torn bikini over her head and twirled it in a wide circle a few times…smiling broadly.   She then leaned down and whispered in Serena’s ear,

“If you ever want to find your thong.  It’s going to be front and center in my trophy case BITCH!”  “I wish I could always preserve the smell of your BEATEN pussy on it for as long as I LIVE!”

Lyanna then slapped Serena’s bare sweaty ass HARD twice in rapid succession, the loud smacks again echoing throughout the arena, the audience gasping with each loud slap!

Serena’s back arched, her head coming up as she screamed out, gritting her teeth through the stinging pain!  Lyanna then screamed out,

MOVE cxnt!!!

Serena barely hesitated before she reached one arm out forward, along with the opposite knee, as she began her slow crawl of shame from the edge of the arena area, carrying Lyanna on her back.  Lyanna smiled to herself at the thought of the proud Serena humbled this way.  There had been flashes of light from the crowd as cellphone cameras went off when she had taken the “bitch’s admission” of surrender, and there were even more flashes going off now.  She had no doubt that Society members around the world already knew the fate of their “former” winner and were getting a stream of high definition texted pictures in vivid full living color showing every moment of her disgrace, every colorful nuance and detail of her downfall.  

She shook Serena’s hair like the reins of a lazy mule.  “Come On!  Faster puttana!  I want to get to the best part!”  The crowd began to move in closer, walking beside and behind her and her “mount”, laughing along with Lyanna.

Lyanna tossed the bikini bottom out a few feet in front of Serena; the torn thong lay almost in the center of the mat on top of the embroidered Society seal.

“Go pick it up, bitch!”

Lyanna ordered, still holding Serena’s hair.  “You know what to do!”  Serena stretched her head forward and down.  Lyanna tugged on Serena’s matted jet-black hair, making her beaten opponent pull against her grip to accomplish the task, forcing her feel the pain and the burn in her scalp on top of the shame of it even more vividly.  Serena strained hard, the veins in her neck bulging, as she finally was able to lower her face enough to take the wet, torn bikini bottom in her mouth and lift her head up again.

Lyanna reached over the brunette’s shoulder, plucked it from her teeth and held it aloft.  

“Oh, this is so so very pretty!”
she laughed.  

She wrapped the thong around her left forearm, pulling it tight, wearing it on her arm as if it were a badge of honor, the flag of the conquered.

“And now comes my favorite part!”  There were murmurs spreading throughout the crowd now, that low rumble that you just know is going to grow in intensity from the assembled they know "its" about to begin.  They knew what was coming. Lyanna seemed to be almost giddy with anticipation, but she wanted to savor the moment, savor her fallen foe’s downfall, make her remember the humiliation she had felt when she lost to her earlier in the year.

She rose up off Serena and drew the brunette up with her, to her knees.  Pressing one hand into the back of Serena’s neck, she pulled back on her hair with the other, arching the beaten brunette’s back until Serena’s tangled, wet, long jet-black hair dangled on the upper curvature of her firm, tantalizing butt and her hands hung down near her ankles.  

“Take a good look at her!” “I took her APART!!  “I SHOWED HER UP!!”  “I earned to right to take my prize…to use her like a cheap whore that she is…and that’s just what I’m going to do!”

“What was that you said, earlier tonight, mocking me, taunting me as if I didn’t deserve it?” she asked mockingly.  The onlookers laughed.  “First though, I’ll give you a special treat…you get to lick something much tastier than you ever have!” The laughs turned into cheers and the audience erupted in loud applause!

Placing one foot beside Serena’s knee, pressing her captive’s shoulder against her thigh, she spun and swung her other leg over Serena’s body until she stood with the brunette’s neck trapped between her powerful thighs, back arched, arms dangling, chin pressed against Lyanna, staring up helplessly between the blonde’s out-thrust breasts.

Lyanna reached down, slipped a finger under the edge of her thong and pulled it aside to expose her wet glistening labia.  She saw Serena stare at her inviting pussy, the pinkish, wet tingling lips, inches from her eyes, then look up again.  Their eyes met and Lyanna saw the anguish there and she drew more power from it.  She inhaled, slowly and deeply, her chest rising and swelling as the look in Serena’s besieged eyes sent a rush of elation and power flowing, surging throughout her body, energizing her and making her forget her own aches and pains.  This was what she had worked, trained, sweated and suffered for.  She licked her lips and murmured,

“You know what to do!

Serena had only a moment to draw a gasping breath, suggestive with the scent of perspiration and of much more as she smelled her enemy’s fierce arousal – the lust of victory.  Serena’s lips parted and her long, wet pinkish tongue appeared, extending slowly, flicking like a serpent’s and reaching down between Lyanna’s thighs, held open by Serena’s neck trapped tight between them.  Only when she had fully extended her tongue did she hook the tip upward and touch Lyanna’s flushed wet, mushy lips.  Lyanna gasped and shuddered, the motion sending a tremor down her body and into Serena’s too.

“Oh, bitch…you DO that like you like it!”

“What is it you said to me last time…Eat me puttana!

A ripple of amusement wafted through the crowd, followed by scattered gasps.

Serena extended her tongue, tasting Lyanna’s musk, and lapped a long, excruciatingly slow stroke as Lyanna sweet soft lips, slick with sweat and desire, parted for her.

Lyanna began to roll her hips, letting her arousal grow, straining to urge it own to a peak of arousal.  There was no need to hold back now.  She could indulge herself all she wanted at her “bitch’s” expense.  The physical pleasure, the waves of pleasure flowing through her, all building to a crescendo, was beyond her imagination!   Even in her wildest of dreams and thoughts, had she imagined this moment could be this awesome!   Still, that was not the sweetest part of the pulses of excitement and power that were flowing through her.  The best thing…. the very best thing of all…. was the vision of who was kneeling helpless at her feet, serving her with lips and tongue.  She had beaten the best, had broken the best!

That exhilarated thought sent the first explosive spasm through her body like a as if a tsunami had slammed its tall powerful wave against the shoreline!  Lyanna screamed out, clutched her breasts with both hands, her fingers sinking into the ample, soft flesh, threw her head back and roared out her euphoria loud enough for all present to hear, her body thrashing, shaking the beaten brunette beneath her like a leaf as Serena moaned, whimpered, lapped and sucked with desolated diligence at her trickling, throbbing pussy.

Serena’s long rigid tongue wiggled deeper and deeper, searching and probing, lapping at her inner wet, much folds of skin.  She finally found the hard bud of her clit, flicking at it, lapping, sucking slowly at first, then faster, harder as Lyanna began to rock her hips back and forth, thrusting herself against her beaten foe’s lips and tongue.  Her thighs tightened and she screamed even louder as her juices seemed to flow with abandon, an onrush that had no control!  She faintly heard Serena cough, felt the pressure of her captive’s throat against her thighs as Serena swallowed, but all that just a backdrop to the raging storm of Lyanna’s uncontrollable lust.  Again and again the tremors shook her as she took her pleasure from her conquered rival, her orgasm shaking her to her very core!

Slowly, though all too quickly for her, the spasms began to slow, the throbbing began to disappear and she found herself hunched over Serena’s limp body, still panting for breath, trembling and shaking, yet basking in the glow of her ecstasy.  She lifted her head, shoved the blonde hair off her face with one hand, and gazed around her with a smile.  The onlookers gazed back at her, as there were a few more cheers and a ripple of applause in acknowledgment of her victory.  

“Look at me!” Lyanna screamed loudly and Serena started, but then looked up at the Lyanna through the wet, dripping, matted strands of dark hair that hung down over her forehead and dark sullen eyes.  Her eyes met Lyanna’s, and Lyanna saw the mixture of anger and disappointment, the indignity of defeat and the staunchness of defiance.  “You fought well tonight, Serena,” said Lyanna, smiling.

“You lost!”

She paused and smiled, “but nobody says you have to like it.”  She pointed over her shoulder toward the archway that led to the dressing room from which Lyanna had emerged.  “Now go…lick your wounds.”  


Serena dropped back to all fours and began to crawl once more, across the expanse of the arena to the far edge, then through the crowd as they made way for her.  As her hands reached the white carpet, the audience broke into the traditional slow handclap, which accompanied her as she made her “crawl of shame” through the crowd.  Lyanna lost sight of her as the audience closed around her, but still she followed the Italian brunette’s progress by the movement of the crowd, standing naked and proud, battered but satisfied in victory, until the onlookers turned back to face her and broke into loud cheers.  She took a bow and beamed at them, reveling in their approval that she had so long sought and desired.


The Aftermath

Lyanna sat immersed to her neck in the enormous whirlpool tub that took up most of the bathroom adjoining her dressing room, letting the jets of steaming water ease the aches and pains in her tired battered muscles.  She leaned her head back, closed her eyes and smiled to herself.  Tonight’s victory had been hard fought and hard won but it had been a resounding victory nonetheless.  None before this had been nearly as satisfying.

A sound behind her startled her as she jerked her head up suddenly and turned it, looking back over her bare wet shoulder to the doorway.  Her eyes opened, then widened at what she saw.

A tall, willowy brunette stood leaning her right shoulder on the doorframe, smiling at Lyanna.  She held a bottle of champagne in one hand, the bottle swinging a little from side to side like a pendulum, and two flute glasses in the other.  When Lyanna had last seen her, she had been dressed impeccably in tight white heather pants and a leather vest.  Now she looked no less delectable, completely naked.  Lyanna’s eyes roved over the other woman’s body from head to toe and back again.  She smiled.  “Why Hello Chelley.”

Michelle returned her smile.  “Why Lyanna!  Congratulations!  Fancy meeting you here!”

“Thank you”, shaking her head and trying to stifle a soft giggle.

Michelle held up the bottle and glasses.  “I thought you might like some company to…celebrate your win.”

Lyanna’s smile broadened.  “Now that would be wonderful.”  Her voice was a silken purr.  She pushed herself up out of the bubbling warm water a little, her full breasts rising dripping from the water.  She drew her knees up, crossed her arms over them and looked at Michelle…and then to the tub… in a most seductive wordless invitation.

Michelle crossed the room slowly, her long legs striding and in two steps she reached the tub.  She set the bottle down on the tiled edge of the tub.   With the glasses still in her other hand, she swung her long lithe sexy legs over the lip, slowly letting them descend into the water, then ever so gently lowering herself onto her knees between Lyanna’s legs.  She smiled as she handed one glass to Lyanna, and then picked up the ice-cold bottle again.  They held one another’s gaze meaningfully as the Michelle filled both their glasses about halfway.

“It’s been a while hasn’t it?” said Lyanna.

Michelle’s smile broadened.  “Too long.”  She leaned forward and their arms entwined. “What shall we drink to?”  “Hmmm?”

“Oh I know….”

“To winners!”

“To winners,” repeated Lyanna and sipped her champagne

“Pretty sore huh?”  Michelle whispered.

“Uh huh” Lyanna responded.

Michelle smiled, the corners of her mouth turning up as she leaned in and whispered,

“Let’s see if we can take your mind off those aches and pains, shall we?”

Michelle too took a sip, then carefully lowering her glass.  Her other hand slid slowly up Lyanna’s arm to her shoulder, then up to the back of her neck.  Still smiling into Lyanna’s eyes, she leaned forward and their lips met.  Lyanna stiffened only slightly as Michelle’s tongue slid between her slightly parted lips, but gasped as Michelle’s mouthful of champagne squirted into her own mouth, carrying the scent of her about-to-be lover.

Their mouths each opened and they literally consumed one another in a deep, savage passionate kiss, setting their glasses aside, embracing tightly, hands roving slowly over each other’s bare wet slick skin, searching each other’s body.  Michelle’s smaller but shapely, firm breasts pressed firmly into Serena’s more expansive bosom, their nipples digging hard into her soft wet flesh as Lyanna’s had done earlier in the evening when they had hugged, though this was a very different kind of embrace.

She rose to her knees and felt Michelle’s hands slide down her wet slippery back, her hands coming to rest and cupping her firm ass, her long slender fingers digging into the tensed flesh, lifting them, easing them apart, then lifting her higher still.  She purred lasciviously as she felt the warm pulsating stream of water jet on her lower back, then between the cheeks of her butt…then lower still.

Michelle slid one hand around her hip, dipping between their bodies, then between Lyanna’s thighs.  Lyanna moaned lustfully, her body lurching as she spreadher legs a little further, shuddering as Michelle fingers parted her wet, mushy lips, opening her to the reach of the water jet, cupping, directing the flow between her thighs.  She shuddered at the warm, wet caress of the water and clung tightly to her lover’s body, growling into their deepening kiss.  “Yes…yes…oh yes…oh God yes!….

Far from the end………….maybe

« Last Edit: September 16, 2014, 04:02:04 PM by Michelle »
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana, 18th century Spanish philosopher

"We're the Sultans of Swing!!"

"Remember What The Door Mouse Said"


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Re: Society Poll Fight - Serena vs Lyanna
« Reply #47 on: September 16, 2014, 09:31:45 AM »
I just want to say thank you to everyone who voted in the poll (even if you didn't vote for me :P ) and those who posted as members of the audience who were lucky to get to witness such a close, back and forth battle. Sometimes these polls become one sided affairs but that was never the case with this one as it kept me on the edge of my seat with Serena and I being tied most of the time throughout the week. As always a big thank you goes out to Serena whose posts added to the story between us that now spans two Society fights, making this fight even better than our last which I didn't even think was possible. And no one should overlook that none of this would have happened if not for Michelle, not only did she bring me into the Society story along with Scribbler but when he couldn't be here to run it Michelle stepped in to take on the monumental challenge of running this Society poll and I for one can't wait to see what she does with it next!

I also on a personal note hope that the line at the end, "Far from the end…………." means we might see some more of what happened after the fight!


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Re: Society Poll Fight - Serena vs Lyanna
« Reply #48 on: September 16, 2014, 04:21:27 PM »
I want to thank Lyanna and Serena for being part of my story...and for once again being part of our Society event.  I couldn't think of two better people to represent why the Society events are as popular as they are...and why they represent...we hope...what can be the best of what poll fights can and should be.

I thank Serena so much for her efforts, and even in a loss, she as always exemplified a grace and class that makes her a favorite of the Society.  I am so happy to call her my friend and I hope she knows how special she is to me.  Thank you again Serena!

My congratulations to Lyanna on a hard fought, well-earned victory!  She shows what is best about this series and her efforts and talent helped to make it easier for me to put it together and make it work.  Her hard work and talent was definitely on display and I hope she knows I appreciate it beyond words.  I have known Lyanna since she came here and I consider her a very special friend and confidant.  Its people like her, and Serena, that make doing the Society series very special and a lot of fun.

it does take a lot of work and a lot of time to do one of these.  At times it gets frustrating but in the end its always the people that make it worth it, those that compete and also those that also participate.  I want to thank Freddy (Blondes Always Win) for his very funny and hilarious contributions,   Thanks to the azpapers, the wolverines, the marlus, ThePurpleVixens, the Young Guns, York, sinclairfan, frankietrasktalk, Jessie Fights and the list goes on and on.

Above all I want to thank my friend and mentor, The Scribbler.  The Society was his "baby" and I was entrusted with the privilege of carrying it on.  My goal has been to continue it in the same tradition that he did and rest assured that I will continue to do just that.  Hopefully we'll maybe even add a few wrinkles to it to make it even more entertaining and fun.  

We do this for you all and we sincerely hope you enjoyed it.  I had a ball and can't wait to do the next one!

The next Society contest will be in approximately 4-6 weeks, depending on scheduling for myself and possible participants.  I have been asked by several about participating as contestants and for those interested, I would ask that they PM me and we can then get together and see if we can make things work out as far putting together some great match-ups.

Thanks again to everyone...and I'll see you around campus.

« Last Edit: September 16, 2014, 04:46:51 PM by Michelle »
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana, 18th century Spanish philosopher

"We're the Sultans of Swing!!"

"Remember What The Door Mouse Said"


Offline Sinful Senorita Carmen

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Re: Society Poll Fight - Serena vs Lyanna
« Reply #49 on: September 16, 2014, 05:47:56 PM »

Let me also respond for Eva... Eva says:   :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

Fucking Michelle is a GENIOUS WRITER if I ever did see one.  I want her writing one of my matches


Offline Lindsay_Sexfights

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Re: Society Poll Fight - Serena vs Lyanna
« Reply #50 on: September 16, 2014, 07:03:54 PM »
im very impressed. it is rare that i write something in that forum and mostly just check things out but it would be a shame to not support this great stuff. it was fun to follow this fight with those two girls. serena and lyanna were doing a great job and lyanna should watch out because im coming for her in our yahoo match soon (hopefully soon  ;) )

oh and at last but not least some words to michelle... wow what a great writer, very talented. i guess she is the best matchmaker on fcf and no one can doubt it. i mean look at all this effort. ok, maybe it is not so much effort for her because she likes it to do it and she seems clever but it is still amazing!

cant wait to see the next fight  ;)
Hey, don't punch me! I wear glasses :P



Offline Serena77

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Re: Society Poll Fight - Serena vs Lyanna
« Reply #51 on: September 16, 2014, 07:18:39 PM »
I lost! Is there someone who didn't understand it? :D That's Ok! Don't worry! I'm ready to have another "war" like this anytime ;)!
I have now a record of 3 wins and only 1 defeat in Society! It's not too bad! Most of all, I had a lot of fun doing it, no matter the final result! Having fun is the most important thing to me in doing pollfights and I gained it! It was really a special one!

Thank you very much to all people who voted in the poll, especially to they who posted comments! I gained a lot of votes and I'm proud of it! I hope you all had a lot of fun and enjoyed the show! Kisses to my supporters! :-*

Congratulations to my rival (friend ::)) Lyanna! Thank you for doing this with me! It was crazy, hot and funny! We are a great match-up, honey! You had your revenge and you really enjoyed it! You earned it as you won a hell of a fight! I did my best but it wasn't enough! You were the better woman today! But it would be different in the future! Be ready ;)!

Thank you so much to Michelle for hosting this! You did an hard job and you did it in the best way! I'm sure all people appreciated your story, your intro, your summaries, your "commercials", your "dreams" :D, your "grand finale"! Thank you for being so foolish and special! Thank you for being.............YOU! I'm so happy and proud too to call you "my friend"! I'm always available for you! :-*

Now, as Lyanna said it, I go to lick my wounds!
Hey, Michelle! I need some "Goody's headache powders" now! ;)
Kisses to everybody :-*



Offline Michelle

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Re: Society Poll Fight - Serena vs Lyanna
« Reply #52 on: September 16, 2014, 09:22:36 PM »
im very impressed. it is rare that i write something in that forum and mostly just check things out but it would be a shame to not support this great stuff. it was fun to follow this fight with those two girls. serena and lyanna were doing a great job and lyanna should watch out because im coming for her in our yahoo match soon (hopefully soon  ;) )

oh and at last but not least some words to michelle... wow what a great writer, very talented. i guess she is the best matchmaker on fcf and no one can doubt it. i mean look at all this effort. ok, maybe it is not so much effort for her because she likes it to do it and she seems clever but it is still amazing!

cant wait to see the next fight  ;)

It always helps when I have people like Lyanna and Serena working with me.  Its a lot of fun for me anyway....but they add to it and it makes me want to do that much better for the hard work that they put in.  These are truly a "team" effort.....they really are...I just try to frame things and give guidance as necessary. 
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana, 18th century Spanish philosopher

"We're the Sultans of Swing!!"

"Remember What The Door Mouse Said"


Offline Freddy (B.A.W.)

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Re: Society Poll Fight - Serena vs Lyanna
« Reply #53 on: September 17, 2014, 12:08:52 PM »
The story ending by Michelle is amazing!  :o Humiliating session was never so hot in Society series!
Lyanna enjoyed herself a lot ;)! Serena, my dear, you are the sexiest loser in catfight history ;D!
Honestly there are no losers at all!
Michelle, Lyanna and Serena are truly winners here! We are so lucky, having the chance to enjoy their talents on this site!
Kudos and "hats off" to the three catfight goddesses!
Blondes do it better!


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Re: Society Poll Fight - Serena vs Lyanna
« Reply #54 on: September 17, 2014, 07:27:52 PM »
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Michelle keeps getting better and better in her stories and writing.  This was a very wonderful read and I would be honored one day to be the subject of one of Michelle's writings, even if it involved a cigar  :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Drop me a line...I'm in the book :)

We may need to talk...I'm always looking at potential Society matchups....
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana, 18th century Spanish philosopher

"We're the Sultans of Swing!!"

"Remember What The Door Mouse Said"


Offline Michelle

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Re: Society Poll Fight - Serena vs Lyanna
« Reply #55 on: September 18, 2014, 10:04:16 PM »
im very impressed. it is rare that i write something in that forum and mostly just check things out but it would be a shame to not support this great stuff. it was fun to follow this fight with those two girls. serena and lyanna were doing a great job and lyanna should watch out because im coming for her in our yahoo match soon (hopefully soon  ;) )

oh and at last but not least some words to michelle... wow what a great writer, very talented. i guess she is the best matchmaker on fcf and no one can doubt it. i mean look at all this effort. ok, maybe it is not so much effort for her because she likes it to do it and she seems clever but it is still amazing!

cant wait to see the next fight  ;)

I should have an announcement soon on the scheduling and who will be in our next Society Poll...... so stay tuned :)

Thanks again for all the support :)
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana, 18th century Spanish philosopher

"We're the Sultans of Swing!!"

"Remember What The Door Mouse Said"


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Society Poll Fight - Serena vs Lyanna
« Reply #56 on: September 25, 2014, 07:42:51 AM »
CONGRATS to LYANNA ... ANY time it takes over 100 votes to win. You know BOTH ladies gave it their all!!

Michelle .. FANTASTIC poll ... well done... and wonderful input by you, and both ladies fighting in it!!

Serena ... cold compress ... and TLC for you here ... Not a win .. YET respect to BOTH ladies.. Very close to the finish!!
