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PHIL-07 Jungle Fight Is Now Available!

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PHIL-07 Jungle Fight Is Now Available!
« on: February 11, 2015, 12:47:16 AM »

PHIL-07 (Jungle Fight) is an Asian Female Wrestling Video fight out in the jungle between two pretty girls from the Philippines named Tala vs Riza. This is a dirty fight in which both girls will do anything to win including choking, kicking, punching, slapping, hair pulling and biting!!!

Tala is wearing a pink skirt with a green top. Riza is also looking good wearing a pink skirt and a pink and white striped top.

Both girls learned how to fight on the dangerous streets of Pampanga where they work in the historic "Angeles City" (Red Light) district. 

The winner of this fight will earn big money and gain respect from the other girls working the street.

Who will win??? Buy the full-length download to find out!!!