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Savannah vs Erin

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Offline steviecftr68

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Savannah vs Erin
« on: May 11, 2016, 03:12:25 AM »

Savannah and Matt just finished a piece on the Erin Andrews stalker trail.  As the network cut to a commercial break Savannah turned to Matt and commented… “Oh please!  The bitch is going to make millions off of this not to mention all the free publicity for her.”  Matt nodded in agreement as he eyed Savannah’s cleavage displayed by her low cut dress. 

What neither of them realized was that the microphone was still hot and a lot more people than those in the studio heard her comments.  Erin just stared at her TV with her mouth wide open. “Bitch?  Publicity?  How about I pay you a little visit and you can say that to my face!”

“Do you want me to start your car for you?” Matt teased Savannah as they left the studio.  She just gave him a dirty look.  “Have a good weekend and keep your head on a swivel.” He offered as advice as they parted ways.  “Man I wish I could be a fly on the wall when Erin catches up with her!” He thought to himself.

Monday morning rolled around and Matt eagerly greeted Savannah as she entered the set.  “How was your weekend?” he asked as his eyes traveled up and down her body trying to inspect for any battle damage.  “The blonde bitch never showed if that is what you are asking.” Savannah told Matt as a disappointed look crossed his face.  “Let’s go!  We have a show to do!” she added as she slipped into her seat behind the anchor desk.

At the end of taping Savannah headed to her dressing room.  Once there she kicked off her heels and opened her wardrobe to change out of her dress and back into comfortable clothes.  She closed the door to the wardrobe and in the mirror on the door she saw someone standing behind her.  Actually she felt their presence as a chill ran up her spine.  Her face turned white when she saw the facial expression of a very pissed of Erin Andrews.  “What’s the matter bitch? Having second thoughts?”
Startled, Savannah just stared at Erin for a moment. Erin slowly walked over, standing face to face, she was actually several inches taller than Savannah but that was because she was wearing 4 inch heels and Savannah was now barefoot. “I said what’s the matter bitch, having seconds thoughts?” Erin sounded even angrier.

“I’m not scared of you, don’t try to intimate me!” Savannah now trying to summon up courage.  Both women stared at each other. Erin was in a short beige colored dress; her blonde hair was full and wavy, hanging down to her shoulders. Her gray eyes burned with intensity. She looked strong and powerful as her 36-23-33 measurements fit her well.
Savannah was in a short black dress, her dark hair was not as long as Erin’s but it shaped her face well. Her hazel eyes were also filled with anger. She was also a match for Erin body-wise, although her breasts were smaller. Her measurements are 34-27-34 and she was a little heavier.

The silence was broken as in a flash; Erin slapped her rival across the face. Savannah’s head snapped to the side as she squealed and she quickly retaliated with her own swing to Erin’s face but it was caught the tall blonde. Erin was ready for it and grabbed Savannah’s hand, twisting it. Both women began to struggle for control. Savannah was stunned at how strong Erin was. The fighting females grabbed each other’s hair trying to establish an advantage. Erin kicked hard at Savannah’s legs, the long heels leaving gashes in her shins. Savannah kicked back but her barefeet were no match for the spiked heels of her enemy. By now both females were bent over at the waist, Savannah seeming to get the worst of it. Desperate, she lunched forward and the high heels of Erin, once an advantage became a disadvantage as lost balance and fell backwards!

The tall leggy women rolled on the floor trying to get on top of the other. Suddenly there was a loud banging on the door. “Is everything okay in there?” It was Savannah’s assistant. Instantly the fighting stopped. Like two school girls, Erin and Savannah released each other and stared.  “Savannah what’s going on, are you okay?”  “Yes, everything is fine, we just dropped something, I’ll be right out.” Was Savannah’s curt reply.

“We settle this tonight, in the basement of the Hellcat club, I know the manager, and he will let us do this, 7 o’clock, unless you are scared.” Erin spoke as she sneered.  “This is between you and me, I don’t want anybody around.” Savannah replied.       “Oh we will be alone, I have the keys right here, and it will just be woman to women, if you show.” Was Erin’s response. “I will be there.” Savannah quietly replied.
With that both women got up and straighten their dresses and hair. Erin put her shoes back on and walked out. Savannah sat down and rubbed her bruised legs and feet. She wondered if she has made a dreadful mistake accepting this challenge.

Savannah was nervous as she pulled into the dimly lit parking lot of the club.  Looking to the scrap of paper with the address scribbled on it and then back up at the address on the building, “Yup, this is the right place.” She said to herself as she exited the car and walked towards the lone door of the building.

Erin proved tougher than she had thought when the two tangled in her dressing room.  She knew that she had to face Erin here and now or the angry blonde would just come looking for her.  Taking a deep breath Savannah entered the club.

Not a single light was on in the building except for the bright lights directly over the ring.  She didn’t see Erin but she could hear the tell-tale sound of a heavy bag getting pounded repeatedly.  Erin was in great shape and Savannah wished she had tired herself out before they climbed into the ring.

Erin heard the door close behind Savannah and stopped her little warm up.  The blonde sportscaster dropped her gloves and started heading to the ring as well.  With the towel she had wrapped around her neck she wiped the bead of sweat that she had worked up waiting for the newscaster.

Savannah dropped her gym bag and was the first to enter the ring sliding under the bottom rope, stopping in one of the ring’s corners.  Erin smiled when she saw Savannah come into the light.  Wearing shorts and a tank top, Savannah’s build didn’t scare Erin at all.  The brunette’s arms looked thin and weak.  A wicked smile crossed the blonde’s face as she climber the ring stairs and entered the ring by stepping over the top rope like Stacey Keibler used to minus all the ass shaking.

“Ready to get your ass kicked?” Erin broke the silence.  “Or do you just want to apologize on the air tomorrow?”  The cocky blonde continued.  Rather than reply, Savannah just lashed out with a right cross to Erin’s chin.  The blonde was stunned and surprised by the move.  Not letting Erin clear her head, Savannah charged right in looking to gain the advantage.  While Erin was the aggressor in the dressing room, the brunette knew she had to get out to a good start or the blonde would make her pay.

As Erin turned back to face Savannah, she was met with another fist to the chin.  This time she spun and tumbled slightly.  The brunette followed up by charging in, her body crashing into the blonde’s, sending the sportscaster into the corner.  Surprised by her good luck, Savannah pressed her advantage, pinning Erin in the corner facing away from her.  It was then she noticed the towel wrapped around the neck of the blonde and grabbed hold of both ends.  “It looks like the cat fighting gods are smiling down on me today!” she taunted Erin as she pulled the two ends as hard as she could, tightening the terry cloth around the sportscaster’s neck like a noose. Erin became frantic as the towel was pulled tightly around her neck, closing off her air supply. She could not believe how fast things had transpired as she struggled to pull Savannah’s hands away from the towel. But her rival held on tightly pulling for all she was worth.

In shear desperation Erin managed to twist her body around, facing her enemy as she wildly threw punches and slaps toward the brunette’s face. Luckily she was able to connect on one, striking Savannah’s nose, causing her to quickly release the towel. The injured fighter rolled away holding her damaged nose as blood began to flow from it. Erin also rolled away, trying to regain her breath.

The tall females lay on the floor trying to regain composure. Savannah stared at her bloody hands, looking shocked that she was bleeding. Erin continued to breath heavily, trying to catch her breathe from the attempted strangulation.  They stared at one another and slowly rose to their feet. Both were barefoot, dressed in tank tops and shorts. Both had pulled their hair back but numerous strains were now loose from the first encounter. They nervously began to slowly circle each other, each knowing they were in for the fight of their lives.

Feeling confident after her early success, and not wanting Erin to go on the offensive, Savannah pushed on despite the throbbing in her face.  Flushed with anger the brunette pushed forward.  Soon her fist started flying seemingly hitting Erin from every possible direction.

Erin was slightly caught off guard again at Savannah’s aggressiveness, but not as much as last time.  After the first couple of blows found their mark hurting the sportscaster, she was able to cover up and protect her head and face.  Erin retreated towards the corner, allowing the brunette to press on.  Savannah’s remaining swings bounced off of Erin’s arms and sides doing very little damage.  Soon the newscaster’s attack slowed as she punched herself out.  Erin waited for the right moment and pushed out of the corner towards the pretty winded brunette.

As Savannah swung one more wild hay-maker designed to take off the blonde’s head, Erin ducked under it and delivered a devastating blow to the newscaster’s belly.  Having covered sports extensively for years, Erin had picked up quite a bit of technique having watched many a boxing matches.  The blow was textbook!  The blonde had set her feet, twisted her body, and was able to get maximum torque and force into the blow that instantly double up the brunette.  She also covered quite a few hockey games and was now dating a member of the Minnesota Wild.  Her next move would make her new boyfriend very proud!

With Savannah pitched forward at the waist, Erin grabbed the back of the brunette’s tank top and pulled it up and over her head.  The move bared Savannah’s lacey and modest breast.  But more importantly it trapped the brunette’s arms in the material of the shirt.  Erin took full advantage!  Holding the brunette hunched over with one hand, the blonde started throwing fist after fist into Savannah’s already damaged belly. 

The newscast felt each blow sinking in deeper and deeper as her stomach muscles started to fail her.  In desperation, Savannah shoved Erin with everything she had, sending the sportscaster stumbling backwards.  Now standing across the ring facing each other Erin let out a big grin.  Savannah had no idea why the blonde was smiling until she felt the cool breeze on her now hot and sweaty body.  Erin waved Savannah’s tank top over her head several times before tossing it out of the ring.  The newscaster, now standing there in just her bra and shorts glanced down at her reddening belly.  In anger she once again charged at the blonde.

It was obvious that Erin was a better fighter than Savannah but the tall brunette had always been an underdog in almost everything her entire life. So she charged at her blonde rival head first, pushing her back in the corner. There the two leggy fighters struggled for advantage like two desperate MMA fighters, kicking and throwing punches as their bodies were in close. It was an intense struggle as Erin began to get the advantage. She was slowly able to get Savannah in a headlock as the two fighters continue to tangle. Grunts and moans filled the room as the fight for dominance continued.

Erin held Savannah in a brutal headlock in her right arm and punched her mercilessly in her face, head, and body, over and over again with her left.  Savannah held on to Erin with all her strength trying to get her head free as she was also pulling Erin’s hair and punching her breasts and stomach. But the dark haired girl’s blows were getting weaker and weaker. Soon the kicking escalated. Legs and feet traded strikes as both women cursed and moaned when a blow hit a weak spot.  Finally Erin drove her knee up into Savannah’s pelvic bone with a thud! A muffled “Ugghh” came from her victim’s now bloody mouth. Erin could feel her foe begin to slump in pain but a last ditch effort, Savannah’s knee banged into Erin’s knee, causing the blonde to cry out in agony. Both fighters went down as Erin release Savannah’s headlock and grabbed her damaged right knee.

The lucky kick had caused the anterior cruciate ligament to tear and Erin was now in excruciating pain, holding on to the damaged knee! Savannah rolled away, holding her bruised pelvic bone. The fighting stopped as both females were breathing heavy. Savannah looked like a mess, her left breast was hanging out of her torn bra, and blood was running down her chest from her nose and mouth. Her face was bruised and her hair was a mess; some of it was torn out. Her body ached from the punches of her hated enemy.
Erin’s top had been torn and her bottom lip was bleeding. Her left cheek was red and starting to swell from a wild punch that had connected during the fray. Her long blonde hair was everywhere, some of it on the floor next to her. She knew the injury to her knee was very serious as the throbbing pain would not go away and it began to swell. Fear began to fill her heart but at the same time she knew she had to fight on.

Savannah stared at her injured rival as she tried to catch her own breath. She thought about limping away but part of her wanted to humiliate Erin. She had also hated her and now was the opportunity to finish her off while she was hurt. Erin made eye contact with her, still holding her swollen knew. “I hate you, bitch, you will pay for this” she cried out. Savannah began to slowly crawl toward her rival, saying nothing. Erin continued to lay on the dirty floor but she released her knee and put her hands out as if she was getting ready scratch her attacker’s eyes out.

Stopping about half way to the blonde, the brunette newscaster gingerly made it up to her feet.  Erin had no idea what Savannah was up to, but in her current state it couldn’t be good.  When Erin made no effort to rise to meet her advance, Savannah knew she had hurt the blonde pretty bad.

Savannah closed the distance between the two until she was just short of where Erin lay on the mat.  The brunette swung her right leg backwards like she was going for a long field goal.  Out of reflex, Erin drew her arms back in a pugilistic stance to try and protect her head and face.  Just as Savannah swung her leg forward Erin closed her eyes in anticipation of the painful blow that was about to arrive any second.

The field goal attempt was a fake!  Just as Erin closed her eyes and braced for the blow, Savannah stopped her swinging leg and planted it just short of the blonde.  When no kick came Erin opened her eyes but it was too late to prevent the brunette’s next move.  She looked on in horror as the newscaster had bent down in front of her.  Before she had a chance to withdraw her injured leg, Savannah grabbed hold of her ankle and gave it a mighty tug.  Erin let out an ear piercing scream as the brunette stood with the ankle of Erin’s damaged leg tightly in her grasp.  Taking a step back Savannah gave a hard tug to Erin’s leg dragging her across the mat.

The blonde howled in pain as the cruel brunette started dragging her around the ring like it was a four corners match.  Erin felt like her leg was getting torn off from the knee down.  Without the ACL protecting the integrity of this vital joint that was pretty much what was happening.

In mad desperation Erin reached forward towards Savannah latching on to her shorts. She pulled frantically trying to stop the brunette.  After a few seconds the fabric began to tear and the shorts came down around her legs, causing the newscaster to stumble backwards, falling hard on the dirty mat. Kicking off what was left of the torn shorts, an angry Savannah rose up, naked from the bottom down.  Between her long legs was a neatly trimmed dark bush. She also removed what was left of her ruined bra, tossing it to the side. Her perky 34B breasts were covered with red marks from the fight. 

“If I’m going to be naked, so are you!” Savannah moved quickly at her wounded foe, pulling at her shorts as Erin struggled to fight back.  A fierce tug of war ensued as the shorts gradually came off but Erin still had one good leg and she knew how to use it. I well placed kick landing in Savannah’s stomach brought the dark haired fighter slumping forward, followed by another hard kick in the face!  Savannah fell backwards holding the blonde’s shorts but now stunned and holding her jaw.  She was in massive pain. The hard kick had broken her jaw!

Things began to slow down quite a bit… Both women had taken some pretty nasty punishment from her rival and questioned the wisdom of their confrontation.  Savannah, while moving a bit sluggishly, clearly had the upper hand when it came to mobility.  Erin clearly was the better of the two fighters.  While still sitting on her ass, nursing her injured knee, she just had to wait for the brunette to come into striking distance. 

Savannah knew this too.  She carefully circled Erin, trying to avoid another powerful blow from the blonde’s long stem.  Staying clear of Erin’s “good side” the newscaster lunged in and grabbed hold of the blonde sportscaster’s tank top.  The material stretched and the material was about to tear in half.  That is when Erin swung her good leg in an arc striking the brunette behind her knees, sweeping them out from under her. 

Savannah completely forgot about Erin’s tank top as her feet flew up in the air and she crashed to the mat back first.  A split second later the back of her head crashed down as well.  As Savannah’s head swirled in pain as her jaw was shaken from the impact.  When her jaw bone was stable she fought through the pain.  Now not so much for the brunette.  Erin tossed her badly deformed tank top out of the ring and crawled towards the downed newscaster. Savannah’s jaw was badly throbbing. Blood and saliva ran down her chin, her teeth were hurting and she was getting delirious. Still she knew she must summon the courage and strength to fight on. Erin was hurting as well, her knee swelling badly. Both women knew the end may be near for one of them as they slowly crawled naked, toward each other. For a moment they paused, starring at each other. But then they simultaneously charged at one another, claws out!

Their bruised and sweat covered nude bodies clinched together as a hand from each went in the other’s hair and the other free hand wildly punched. Erin knew Savannah’s jaw was badly injured so she tried her best to connect. Each blow brought a cry from Savannah but the older fighter pushed against the younger’s bad knee and Erin yelled out as they both fell side by side on the mat. An intense struggle began for the upper hand as the women rolled. Erin hooked the inside of Savannah’s  mouth and pulled as the brunette cried out! She kicked hard at Erin’s knee eliciting a similar response.   Eventually Savannah was able to get on top. There was a pause in the fight as Savannah looked down on a frustrated Erin. “Give up now and I won’t hurt you”
 “Never you cxnt!” was Erin angry response.

Savannah, in the dominant position, let fly with an open hand slap to the side of Erin’s face.  The pretty blonde felt that the top layer of skin had been forcefully removed from her face as she cried out in pain.  Satisfied with the results, Savannah cranked back her hand for a second wicked slap that she would aim at the same point of contact. 
Erin wasn’t a very good sport and had no intention of letting the brunette get off another uncontested swing.  As Savannah started the forward arc with her hand, Erin thrust forward with her hips and grabbed the side of the newscaster’s head by the hair. A combination of being thrown off balance and a sharp tug by the roots of her hair sent the brunette crashing to the mat next to the newscaster.

The blonde followed up by kicking out with her injured leg, painfully rolling up and over the waist of the brunette.  Still holding on tightly to Savannah’s hair, Erin swung a nasty slap of her own finding the side of Savannah’s face.   The poor brunette saw stars and cried out in pain as Erin made contact.  Not only did she have to deal with the painful blow, the ends of Savannah’s broke jaw rubbed against each other on impact.   

Now it was Savannah’s turn to have tears rolling down the sides of her face.  Erin smelt blood in the water and grabbed Savannah by the hair with her second hand as well.  With a firm grip, the blonde started banging the back of the brunette’s head on the canvas.

Savannah’s world was spinning out of control; her face was on fire as the excruciating pain from the broken jaw and her head being repeatedly slammed against the canvas was more than she could bear. Erin’s weight was grew heavier and heavier as the blonde sat on her foe’s midsection. Savannah tried in vain to pry the strong blonde’s fingers from her hair to no avail. After a couple of minutes Erin asked, “Give up or she I continue to torture you, you miserable cxnt?” Savannah tried to answer but her mouth could barely move; it was too swollen to pronounce the words. “ugghhh… you bitch” was barely understandable from the tall dark haired amazon. Erin spat in Savannah’s face.

But in a surprise move of desperation, Savannah reached up with her long arms and with both hands, grabbed hold of Erin’s 36 C’s! Digging her nails in, she was able to latch on to the beautiful globes. Her blonde nemesis squealed in shock and reached for the attacking hands, frantically trying to pull them off. ‘No, let go of them!” But with renewed vigor the newscaster’s nails dug in even deeper. Soon blood started to drip down from the deep scratches and finally in anger and rage the sexy sportscaster gave up the resistance and went on the attack herself, digging her own nails into Savannah’s breasts.

“Ooooowwww…” was the cry from the brunette. So began the unspoken challenge to see who could outlast the other as breasts and nipples were attacked without mercy. Erin’s nails were longer and dug in even deeper into her enemy’s breasts. Savannah cried out and both fighters began to moan as damage was being inflicted on their once proud mammaries. It seemed like neither woman would give up and continued to maul other.


Offline steviecftr68

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Re: Savannah vs Erin
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2016, 10:54:37 PM »
I'm writing this catfight story with an annoying member and we were looking for some feedback on what we have wrote so far. Any thoughts?


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Re: Savannah vs Erin
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2016, 12:30:36 AM »
I'm writing this catfight story with an annoying member and we were looking for some feedback on what we have wrote so far. Any thoughts?

Thoughts: How about "annoying"?

Erin Andrews just went thru a horrible court trial where she was the victim of stalking and having video of her (nude) being distributed worldwide on the Internet. This is a great idea for fodder for some story.....because?


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Re: Savannah vs Erin
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2016, 11:21:29 PM »
Conclusion to Savannah vs Erin fight:

After what seemed like an eternity, the stalemate was broken when the women seemed to simultaneously break their grip on each other’s tits.  Erin rolled off of Savannah, grabbing her chest, trying to massage away the pain. 

For several moments neither woman moved as they licked their wounds glad the other woman didn’t attack her while she struggled to recover.  Both were hurting and struggled to continue.  Is this how it would end?

The brunette newscaster was the first to move.  Erin was facing away from Savannah still clutching her chest.  The brunette wanted to end it right now knowing that she herself wouldn’t last much longer if Erin once again gained the advantage.

Just when Erin had done enough pain management that she felt she was able to re-enter the fray, she was grabbed from behind by the hair.  With a mighty tug, Savannah yanked the blonde into position and slammed her legs shut.  The news caster locked her legs at the ankles and started cranking up as much pressure that she could generate on the sportscaster’s lovely head. 

Where Savannah was hurting the most was her jaw and her now very sensitive breasts.  In the position that she was in, these two vulnerable targets were far removed from the reach of the injured blonde.  Erin sunk her claws into Savannah’s thighs trying to break the hold.  But with a firm grip of Erin’s long blonde hair, the newscaster made sure that the sportscaster wasn’t going anywhere!

Erin tried to bridge in an effort to pull her head free, but with her badly damaged knee she wasn’t able to gain enough leverage.  As the blonde struggled, the brunette released the grip of Erin’s hair with one hand and started firing fist into the side of the sportscaster’s head and face.  Erin was in big trouble as she now was fighting to gain freedom, but now she also had to try and defend the blows raining down on her from behind.

She was successful in blocking some of the blows, but a great number of them were still finding their mark.  Erin’s right eye began to swell shut and blood now freely flowed from her nose.  In desperation, the blonde kicked up with her good leg, flipping her body up.  With her leg fully extended her only hope would be to score a direct hit to the face of the brunette.

The desperation strike hit its target with a wet crack as Savannah moaned in agony, her nose now broken and her already fractured jaw on fire! The tall brunette struggled to maintain her scissor on Erin’s head and before she realized it her own head was now trapped in between her blonde rival’s thighs. Somehow the two hellcats had ended up in a 69 position with heads trapped in each other’s graphs. Each clawed violently at the other’s thighs in a frantic attempt to be free. Savannah’s face was in indescribable pain as her jaw and nose were swelling up. Erin’s normally strong legs would be capable of outlasting any other female in this position but the torn ACL was having a weakening effect on the hold. Both fighters were weakened by their multiple injuries and the length of the fight.
Erin never expected any of this. She thought Savannah would be easy prey.
Savannah had exceeded her own expectations, having only been in one fight in high school and losing badly. But now it came down to who could outlast the other in the vicious hold. Savannah crossed her ankles, trying to put more pressure on the battered blonde’s neck. Erin tried to do the same but her injured knee was on fire. Both girls uttered muffled threats towards the other but neither would give in. Finally after several more agonizing minutes, Erin’s legs betrayed her and Savannah was able to free her head from the dangerous 69 lock. Now she was able to breathe better and keep the pressure on Erin’s neck until she was sure the tall blonde had no fight left in her. Erin soon became eerily still, passing out on the blood stain canvas.
Savannah rolled a safe distance away from the motionless body of her rival. She stared at her unconscious enemy. She looked down upon her open hands, bruised and bloody. She started to sob uncontrollably. The fight had taken it’s terrible toll on her physically and emotionally. She would never be the same and neither would Erin.



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Re: Savannah vs Erin
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2016, 11:48:40 PM »
At this time  this is a horrible idea.   Some people  just don't think.
Life's   a Bitch, and so am I.