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The New Girl

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The New Girl
« on: July 29, 2016, 06:03:28 AM »

My last breakup was pretty rough. I had been dating the girl for a couple of years and although, I loved her, she lost interest. She left me for another man. I began to see another girl, Allison, at my gym. I wasn't looking for anything serious, but Allison fulfilled everything that I was missing. She was younger, wild, and adventurous. I had always dated more uptight and conservative girls. Allison was a nice changeof pace for me. She stood 5'10" and weighed about 140 lbs. She worked out constantly and had a pretty solid body. She boxed for fun and showed a good amount of skill. When she started coming on to me, it was hard to say no. She wore low cut tank tops and would always make it a pointto show off her cleavage. Allison had raven black hair, was well tanned and had upper sleeve tattoos on both arms. She bartended at a local hot spot and we began casually seeing each other as friends with benefits. After a while, I began to shy away from her. She was overly aggressive and obsessive with me. After she began
to stalk me. She would ask where I going and who with. She didnt like the idea that I wasnt looking for anything long term with her. She began
to call my phone constantly, text me, and even showed up at my house drunk shouting. She eventually stopped bothering me and I went on with my life.

A couple of months later, I met Melissa. Melissa was a cute, intelligent, and shy woman, who happened to be a fairly successful eye doctor.
She was stand offish at first, but quickly warmed up. At 5'3" and 100 lbs, she was quite an energetic young woman. We started dating and

As time went on, Allison must have caught on. She began to start up with her usual calling, texting, and stalking. It got to the point where I
had to explain the situation to Melissa, who was unphased. This brings me to the events of last week.

Melissa and I had decided that, after she got done with work, we would go out and have a few drinks. As soon as we walked into the door, my heart
leapt into my throat. I saw Allison at the bar and she looked right at me and smiled. She looked absolutely phenomenal. She walked over to me
and wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me. As she did, she pressed her breast against my chest, grinded her hips into my groin, and
whispered into my ear, "I have missed" you. This both aroused me, and made me extremely uncomfortable. She then turned to Melissa and asked, "..and who might this be?" As she towered over Melissa, she attempted to run her fingers through Melissa's hair. Melissa backed off, and leaned away. I introduced them.

Melissa, recognizing the situation, stood up to Allison and said, "You need to leave my boyfriend alone." Allison responded with the obvious,
"What are you going to do about it?". They started to threaten each other and I intervened. I pulled Melissa away and headed to the patio.
Melissa told me, "I am glad that you stepped in there." Despite the initial tension, we had a good time. After a few beers, Melissa got up to go to the bathroom. I needed to go as well so we both went. When I was done I came back and sat at the bar and started to watch TV.

A few minutes had passed and Allison came up to me and started rubbing on me. She had applied a layer of lipstick and makeup. I told her to get away from me, because I was seeing another girl.I will not lie to you, I was very aroused, but I was not going to throw away my relationship with Melissa with this psychotic, obsessive, drunk. She wrapped her hands around me and gave me a solid kiss on the cheek, smearing her lipstick all over me. I pushed her away.

Moments later, there was a commotion in the bathroom. One of the bartender's pointed at Allison and said, "You, out of here!" I looked in confusion, at Allison, before glancing over at the bathroom door. I saw Melissa violently sobbing, half hunched over, being held up by two other women by the arms. Melissa was bleeding from her nose and lips. The blood was streaming down her face, staining her shirt. Her face was starting to swell.
I looked over at Allison, who was smirking at me and shrugging. I looked at her hands and realized that her hands were swelling up. My fears
had come to fruition. Allison had beaten up my girlfriend in the bathroom. As Allison left, I helped Melissa outside. Through her tears and sobs,
she told me what had happened.

As I sat her down near one of the planters outside the establishment, she told me that she did need any medical assistance. I helped clean her up
as she explained the details. Apparently, when she exited the stalls, she saw Allison waiting there for her, ready for a fight. Melissa
tried to backpedal out of the situation, knowing that Allison would wipe the floor with her in a fight. Allison started to explain the nature
of her relationship with me. Melissa was not backing down from the fact that we were dating, but was not looking for a fight. As Melissa started realizing how delusional Allison was, she decided that is was time to walk away. As she attempted to walk passed Allison, she was shoved into the wall. "Don't walk away from me!", said Allison sternly. Melissa was getting concerned. She went for the door and Allison grabbed her again with her arm and threw her back to the wall with force. As Melissa hit the wall, Allison threw a punch into Melissa's sternum. The punch hit Melissa in her
solar plexus, as her fist drove down into Melissa's sternum. With Melissa's back pressed against the wall, she was pinned to the wall. Allison's
fist was holding her against the wall as Melissa's torso folded around her fist. Melissa began to gasp and hyperventilate. She was in a state of shock and panic. As Allison pulled her fist away, Melissa started to fall forward. Allison caught her with her right arm and pushed her back to the wall with the strength of one arm.

Melissa was doubled over struggling to stay up, struggling to breathe, and trying to endure the pain. Allison was trying to talk to Melissa, whose mind was in a different world, staring at the floor. To get her undivided attention, Allison grabbed a handful of Melissa's blonde wavy hair from the
back and yanked her head up and cupped her chin in the palm of her hand, so that she could look Melissa in the eye. "Stay away from him if
you know what is good for you." Melissa responded, "Fuck you!", through her grunts of pain. Allison shook her head and "tsk"ed loudly as she
drew her fist back and punched Melissa square in the mouth. The punch landed in between her upper and lower lips, cutting them both. The punch
spun Melissa around and she clung to the wall. She began to stand herself back up checking to make sure she didn't lose a tooth. Allison spun
her around and was setting her up for another punch.

Suddenly, Melissa pushed Allison back and threw a punch at her obliques and threw a followup hook to Allison's face. Melissa's first punch
struck Allison's abdominal wall, glancing off and causing little damage. Allison caught Melissa's second punch and responded with a straight right
to Melissa's nose. Melissa, now bleeding from both nostrils, was in a combination of fear and rage. Allison began to taunt her, telling her
how soft she was and how weak she was. Melissa threw two more hooks at Allison. Allison swayed back at the first one and Melissa came back with the second. Allison ducked under the punch and responded with a bolo uppercut into Melissa's liver. As soon as Allison threw the punch, she knew the fight was over. Allison's punch hit Melissa in the side and drove towards her shoulder bladed. An intense pain engulfed Melissa's insides as she dropped to hands and knees, grunting and moaning in pain. She began to sob. Allison grabbed Melissa's hair and jerked her head up. Both of Melissa's hands were cradling her torso. Allison punched Melissa in the jaw, knocking her out, face first on the floor.

Allison turned and walked to the sink and began to clean herself up. She looked at her knuckles, which had Melissa's blood on her. She then
applied a layer of lipstick and makeup as Melissa lay on the floor drifting in and out of consciousness.

Melissa slowly rolled up. Blood was dripping onto the floor from her face. She started to push up from the ground, slowly gaining her bearings.
As she pushed up from the ground she felt a sharp pain and she rolled into the wall. Allison had kicked her in the same spot where she had
thrown the bolo uppercut that dropped her. The force of the kick was so strong that it rolled her into the wall. Melissa curled in the fetal position
because of the pain and began to sob, as Allison walked out of the bathroom. After a few minutes, two women came into the bathroom and saw her
on the floor.

As Melissa finished explaining the story, I could not help but feel bad. Melissa had been beaten up and humiliated. I had a lot of explaining to do.
It didn't help that I had Allison's lipstick smeared all over my face. Melissa decided that it was best to get medical attention, just to be safe.
As I we were sitting in the waiting room, Allison walked out of the ER with her hand wrapped up. Melissa turned and avoided eye contact. Before walking out the door, Allison smirked and said,"You should have seen the other girl." With that she winked, blew me a kiss, and walked off into the night.