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Mattia vs Andrea - IFW73_3

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Mattia vs Andrea - IFW73_3
« on: February 23, 2017, 06:10:17 PM »

Just click here to go straght to the video:

The fight - yes this is more a fight than just a plain wrestling match - begins with Andrea assaulting Mattia with an incredible determination and aggressiveness. She takes him down securing the tighest headlock we have ever seen, doesn't let him go, uses her body and weight to put as much pressure as she can to his neck and head, tries to choke him!
Coming back from the initial surprise, he fights back and once he breaks free and is ready to counter-attack... he finds his head scissored and again squeezed between Andrea's legs!
Andrea's strategy is now obvious: she knows that she must use all her agility, speed and technical skills to wrestle even with a man who has given hard times to many at IFW. And indeed she doesn't leave him the time to breath, rest, and put his thoughts together. Point is: how log is Andrea able to keep such a hight and pauseless rhythm?
Mattia on the other hand needs to "survive" Andrea's madness and slowly, gradually try to overpower her physically once she starts to get tired, if that ever happens.
Her scissors against his pins. Her willpower and concentration against his muscles.
This match is somehow nasty, they play fairly but it's quite clear that there's no love between the two: it's the furthest thing from a friendly mixed wrestling match that you can imagine, and it will most certainly keep you glued to the screen from the first to the last second.
For sure there's a final winner, a humiliating victory pose, a pissed off loser.
This is a magnificent ultra competitive mixed wrestling video, do yourself a favour, go on and buy Andrea vs Mattia and then let us know how you liked it!

More vidcaps, over one minute free video preview and full video download here:

Thanks for reading.

Ric - IFW
