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Mindy vs Latosha one sided hallway fight. (unfinished)

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Offline Megatron44

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Mindy vs Latosha one sided hallway fight. (unfinished)
« on: May 20, 2017, 09:30:03 AM »
       it was late in the day at school. Mindy, an 18 year old honor student, champion runner and world class nerd is putting her books away and is about to go to lunch. the small petite four eyed girl is startled by a hand slamming on her locker door. it was a tall black girl named latosha. this 21 year old freshman stood 5'11, 198lbs of muscle and fat with a body mass index of 27. while mindy is 5'4 and in only 120lbs and a body mass index of 20, but she has a runners body so she is in much better shape.

Mindy is scared of latosha for she is a large black girl. "W What do you want Latosha?" mindy says in shaky voice. " I wont' yo lunch muney.'" Latosha says very hood like..... (to be continued)
« Last Edit: May 20, 2017, 09:31:14 AM by Megatron44 »


Offline Megatron44

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Re: Mindy vs Latosha school yard fight
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2017, 09:43:43 AM »

( First off i just want to say i am not racist in the leasts, i am black myself but the more i thought about this story the more i want to do it. and also this is my first story here so hope yall like it.)

       It was late in the day at school. a crowd of kids surrounds two girls that are about to fight. A small petite white girl warring a fruffy school like uniform and a large black girls warring a super tight white dress that leaves nothing to the imagination.

 Mindy Kesler: a tiny 18 year old white girl who is a senior, collage bound and a champion runner so her body is in great shape. not an once of fat on her, shes only 5'4 and only 110lbs of bone and muscle. Mindy is a bit scared but she refuses to give her opponent her lunch money, she finally decides to stand up to her bully.... speaking of her bully...

Latosha brown: she is 5'11 and is 189lbs of pure mean, muscle and fat. shes a 22 year old freshman who likes food, dick and beating up white girls. ( because shes scared of other black girls) shes large and voluptuous, having a light skin color and looking a lot like Rhiana and prince in the face. Latosha is very beautiful. but her attitude, foul language and low I.Q. make her very unpleasant to be around. the dress has three big wholes on the sides slightly cutting into her fat exposing her quivering skin.

Mindy tries to talk to her. " Please Latosha, i need my lunch money. you've been taking it for three weeks now. n now y your going to haft to take it f f from me." poor mindy says in a shaky voice. " Bitch shut up. imma' take it...Den' beat yo' ass allll-up an down da' screet'."the large Latosha says being very uneducated.

The large black girl lunges at the tiny white girl. it looks like a buffalo is about to over take a deer. Latosha's large ass reveals it self as her dress rises from her running thick thighs, her heathing breasts wobble back and fourth and up and down almost spilling out, and her pot belly jiggles from side to side. which actually made latosha a little nauseous but she ignores it.

Fear covers the mindy's face and tears streamed from the white girls eyes as Latosha grabs mindy's hair and begins pulling and swaying the poor girl like a rag doll. Latosha showed amazing power as she just whips her around as if she is trying to rip her head off. all Mindy could do is just cry out in pain as she hits the giant black girls arms but they were just taps.

Suddenly Mindy remembers her old karate classes. she collects herself a little and slams a fist on Latosha's soft right cheek. it did little damage but it got the big girl off of mindy. " DIS' GON' BE A BAD DAY FA' U'." Latosha said in a small minded way. latosha rushes her again and grabs mindy's hair but Mindy with all her might throws her knee right in the arrogant black girls soft jelly belly. Latosha immediately lets go and grabs her soft belly moaning like a wounded dog. "UUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh." she says as she kneels down. the fight is suddenly gone in Latosha, her belly burned like fire. Mindy stands the poor large black girl up and continues to pound her soft belly then works her way up to her soft big titties making them pop out and then work her way up to her face. " Ugh ugh ugh uugh ugh ooofff..." latosha sounds like a crying dog. her fat jiggling everywhere.

Latosha tries to walk away but mindy drags her back. " where are you going? you want to go home now huh?" she swings her back. latosha eyes rolling dazed and confused. Mindy swings with a right cross knocking the large chunky black girl out cold. latosha falls like a redwood her thick thighs spread apart showing all her goods for her dress rose all the way up to her large fat breast.

Mindy pats latosha on her thick jelly belly making it ripple like a pond. " you black girls sure do eat a lot." she says waking up Latosha.
Latosha sits up tears running down her face feeling very humiliated. " So I can keep my lunch money?" Mindy says with a smile. Latosha reluctantly nods yes. " Are you going to bother me again?" Mindey asked. Latosha nods no like a scared little girl. then latosha asks. " C can me an u be be cool?" latosha asks sniffling and snorting. " sure." Mindy replies. the small white girl helps the large black girl up on her feet. latosha's dress is still up but she dosnt care for she is still a bit dizzy. " I need sa-one' to protect my fat i like u'." latosha says as she hugs mindy mashing her large fat black breasts in mindy's face. Mindy smiles as she grabs hold of latosha's bruised belly. "Ugh." Latosha lets out a whimper from the pain of mindy holding her big belly. " shake it off bitch." Mindy says being very direct. Latosha with out hesitation says. " ok ma'am."


Offline Megatron44

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Re: Mindy vs Latosha one sided hallway fight. (unfinished)
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2017, 09:49:13 AM »
ok, im new to this site, i tried to edit my story but i made it a quote....somehow, so my bad.


Offline Megatron44

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Re: Mindy vs Latosha one sided hallway fight. (unfinished)
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2017, 07:00:34 AM »
thanks,  ;D oh i cant find the modify button anymore.  :-\


Offline Megatron44

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Re: Mindy vs Latosha one sided hallway fight. (unfinished)
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2017, 08:23:18 AM »
yeah thats weird, well if you guys dont mind some of my stories may be in quotes. lol