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Milk - Sweat - Cum: Anne vs 3

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Offline roleplaygirl84

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Milk - Sweat - Cum: Anne vs 3
« on: July 14, 2022, 08:30:34 PM »
Here we we start with the pics....


Offline roleplaygirl84

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Re: Milk - Sweat - Cum: Anne vs 3
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2022, 08:31:30 PM »
"You're crazy!"
That was my first reaction when my girlfriend revealed to me what she was up to.
I had met her three years ago when she boxed topless in a ring in front of an audience.
I wasn't the only one spellbound by the sight, but I was persistent enough to flirt at the time and the result was that we now had a child together.
"But Lukas. I'm completely serious about this. We need the money!"
Anne had agreed to a fight with 3 fans, which irritated me quite a bit in her current state. She had given birth only two months ago, her belly was still weak and her abdominal muscles anything but fit.
Not to mention her breasts had grown two cup sizes and full of milk often so sensitive that I was not allowed to touch them as before.
"How much do you get?"
"Fifteen hundred, per man. And I wear a moral bathing suit." She stroked my face to reassure me.
I nodded. That was enough money to keep us afloat for three more months.
What I didn't tell her was that I planned to watch the whole thing from my hiding place.

In the evening I sat down in front of the PC and turned on the stream. I had hidden several cameras in the boxing club and would be able to watch the fight from home. The baby was already fast asleep when the three guys entered the ring.
They were nondescript guys all over fifty, all with big beer bellies and some with little hair.

I had to giggle, because the men were wearing only thongs themselves. And then came my girlfriend. My jaw dropped. Bathing suit? No way! She wore a white leather thong with matching bust lift. Her milky tits were virtually naked and unprotected!
What was she thinking to present herself like that?
The men whistled in appreciation and even before she climbed through the ropes into the ring, they each got a hug and kisses on the cheek!
I clenched my hands so tightly that my knuckles stood out white.
Unabashedly, the horny guys felt her heavy breasts, cradled them in their hands and one even kissed her areola.
This was not the way it was arranged. I was aware that my girlfriend had been a sex object during their fights for years. But that she now presented herself so openly made me furious with jealousy. As soon as she entered the ring, she put on her white boxing gloves and tied them. Then she put her full breasts over the top rope and her three opponents were allowed to lick her nipples one after the other. My girlfriend threw her head back in pleasure and closed her eyes while the first guy was already licking her sensitive nipples and the first milk was dripping out.
His big cock was already sticking half out of the thong.
What was I supposed to do? I couldn't intervene and I couldn't leave the baby alone either. The club was at least a half hour drive away.
It took only two minutes for my girlfriend to shiver all over. She held on to the ring rope, trembling. I knew this facial expression all too well: she had come! Obviously, the opponents had irritated her nipple so skillfully that she could not suppress a climax. I too had already given her bosom orgasms, but that now three such sleazy guys were able to get her the same made me furious.
And then it started. Two opponents waited outside the ring while the third was her first opponent.
A gong sounded and the two circled each other. There was a lot of laughter at the beginning of the round and both let their fists fly. My friend's guard was good, and she kept hitting her male opponent with quick hard straights that sent him reeling.
All of them were clearly bigger than her, but it seemed that she could take him on.
Spellbound, I followed the fight. The round was damn long. Five minutes! Then the bell finally followed and they were both breathing heavily. The guy had mostly tried to hit her face and breasts, but Anne had defended herself perfectly. She sat down on the stool in the corner of the ring and when she spread her legs a bit I saw that her thong had a slit. It was open and her little hairy pussy was clearly visible. This slut!
Still, I was aroused and my cock was getting rock hard. Should I really....?
I thought about whether it would be ok to jerk my cock while my girlfriend was standing there in the ring with these strange men.

There the second round started and it was the turn of the next opponent. The round started just like the first: my girlfriend had a good cover and brutally hit the fat belly of her opponent while his punches only tested her cover. Her thick ass cheeks quivered and her milk-filled breasts bounced in the bust lift. I couldn't help myself and took my cock out of my pants to really enjoy the spectacle.
After a few minutes Anne's thrusts and attacks became less. The first swings went into the void that she had become slow and her opponent had enough time to duck.
WHAMMMM! "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!" He hit her hard from below in her belly which was still covered with the stretch marks of pregnancy. The leather penetrated deeply, driving the air from her lungs.
SMATTTTTTTTTTTTT! "FUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKK!" No sooner had her guard dropped than an uppercut thundered into her left tit that sent milk splattering across the ring floor in front of her as well as her opponent. She held her bosom staggering, which, as full of milk as now and with bulging mammary glands, certainly reacted quite differently than during her fights back then.
She had always endured many hits to the breast and had always prided herself on her taking qualities, but now the recent pregnancy had turned the tide.
Several more hits smacked her in the face. Not really hard, but enough to irritate her. The big fat guy was obviously rock hard and his lance had slipped out of his thong while he was cornering my girlfriend.
SMACK.....CLOPPPPPPPP......WHOPPPPP......the leather sank into her belly button several times, making the flab wobble in waves.
Anne was panting and moaning very sexily and I was getting hornier and hornier. She bent over and the round ended her opponent with an uppercut into her dangling right breast that thundered the plump titty meat against her ribs.
Anne sank to her knees as the gong sounded.

During the break, she leaned back in the corner and one of her opponents was kind enough to hand her water. Her breasts stood out plumply from her and milk bubbled constantly from her teats. The other two unabashedly jerked their hard cocks with their boxing gloves at this sight.
Before the third round, not only the belly and chest of my girlfriend was full of milk, but also the rest of her body was covered with sweat and shone erotically.
Now it was the turn of the third opponent. Completely rested and fresh, he met his opponent who had already had 10 minutes of fighting behind her.
The two danced around each other and Anne hit hard and unerringly in the first two minutes of the round. Straight and uppercuts nearly took the mountain of a man off his feet.
She hit him on the chin, he lurched forward and his nearly 200kg half fell on her, pinning her in a corner. Groaning, he held on in a clinch and pressed her back into the corner with his weight, half unintentionally. Then suddenly another guy grabbed her upper arms and held her down.
"Come on! Finish her off! I'll hold the horny bitch down!"
Her opponent shook his head to regain clarity and then he lashed out: Left-Right-Left-Right slammed the leather into her belly. First the solar plexus, then the navel and finally he hit the ovaries.
Anne's legs went soft, but she was held upright and now followed a series of blows to her breasts like I had never experienced before.
SMATTT....SMACK......SMATT.....SMATTT....BAPPPP....innumerable uppercuts and swingers hit her plump milky tits and rammed the milk out of them while her tit flesh kept taking off under the blows, deforming brutally and landing slapping on her belly.
Her DD didn't come to rest and the sound of leather on wet breasts filled the entire ring.
Punching bags! Her tits were like a punching bag for training, on which the giant went wild.
Anne moaned and screamed while oodles of milk squirted.
After probably almost 100 hits, the guy paused and lifted her left breast with the boxing glove. He put his lips all over her areola and sucked hard.
Anne gasped! With pain? From horniness? When he moved to the other tit, milk ran out of the corners of his mouth.
And then it happened: he probably licked her teat with his tongue while sucking hard. "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH YESAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Anne came a second time and her body was rocked by a great climax. Powerless, she sank down on the padding and sat on the gymnastics hump.

The round was over and the three guys laughed and clapped in. Obviously, one of them was also close to climax. He came into the ring, spoke something to my girlfriend who then lifted her breasts with the boxing gloves. They shone, dripped milk and were strongly reddened.
And then he squirted! His hard cock ejaculated large amounts of sperm with force on her breasts. Anne gasped excitedly and the hot cum covered both udders.
I was close to orgasm myself. I did not understand myself and my excitement, nor that of my girlfriend. But she looked so incredibly horny!
"Your areolas are perfect targets! So big and dark and now decorated by my sauce!"
The gong sounded for round four and Anne came out of nowhere: SMACK! She thundered a brutal hook into the balls of her opponent standing in front of her. His thick veiny cock rammed up to his belly and he screamed out loud.
The mountain staggered! Anne got shakily to her feet but delivered two punches on target: his chin! His head snapped to the side and WAMMMMMMMMMMMMM! He landed on the floor.
His two buddies laughed at him as he lay there and Anne had proven that she was still a force to be reckoned with. She pounded her fists together and her breasts jiggled seductively in the heave.
"Come on big guy! Come get some more!"
She bent over him and cum slowly trickled from her fat tits. It pooled on the areola, then on the nipple, and dripped into his own face. The giant tasted his own cream on his lips and everyone laughed.
SMATTTTTTTTTTTTT! But out of nowhere he thundered the boxing glove into his opponent's cxnt! The leather crashed onto the labia and clit protruding through the slit and Anne yelped. She held her pussy while her opponent got back on his feet.
He again took on Anne's bust, which was swollen and reddened in the cups of the bust lift.
She had to hold on to the ropes, which were bouncing under the force of the blows and her body weight. SMATTTT! SMACK!!!!WHAPPPPPP!!!! Anne threw her head back, arms spread wide, and had to take endless hits in her horny tits. Then the next one took his turn without waiting for the next round.
WHAPPPP.....CLOPPPPP!!!!! Her tits served as punching bags, milk still splashed in large quantities. Then one took her right breast while the other took her left.Opponent number three snuck up behind her and held her arms so she wouldn't slump.
I jerked off while my wife's breasts and her abs were slowly taken apart.

THING! The gong sounded, but no one stopped. When her breasts were glowing red and bruises were already forming, they let go of her. But the guy behind her pulled her into the corner while the other two spread her legs and placed them on the middle rope of the ring.
What a sight! Her defeated sweaty body hung almost as if crucified in the corner of the ring and her cxnt was wide open.
And then they took turns: the first, by now completely naked, knelt in front of her, kissing her pussy before sinking three quick hard punches.
"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH GODDDDDDDDDDDDDD!" Anne reared back, breathing heavily. Then the next one followed, coming very close and squeezing her breasts with his boxing gloves. His reward was new amounts of milk splashing on his belly.
CLOP!!!!!!! His following knee kick to her pussy lifted her whole body before she slumped moaning.
And at that moment, I exploded! I squirted large amounts of cum all over my laptop! "AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" The whole screen and keyboard were soiled, but how these naked fat guys worked my girlfriend made me hornier than ever.
The third licked and sucked her clit until it was hard, then boxed it several times with pleasure. Anne screamed! "FUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKK!"
But she didn't get a chance to go down, because the now two opponents at once hooked her under and supported her. One opened the leather bust lift and then they placed their heavy DD udders on the top rope.
Their stiff cocks brushed over her sweaty ass cheeks and again and again she pressed her glans between them and enjoyed the friction.
On the other hand, opponent number three lunged from above and rammed his boxing gloves into the tops of her tits.
From below, the rough rope supported and so he pressed the remaining milk strongly squirting through her nipples.
My manhood did not even go limp again so aroused was I. The three took turns, dragging their tits over the rope and placing them again and again on it respectively near the corner before hard blows hit the tops again.

SMACK...CLOPPPP....AHHHHHHHHHHHH!"Please! My tits have had enough!"
Anne pleaded to her tormentors who then switched targets and worked her belly.
Wet claps accompanied each impact into the soft target area, leaving imprints.
Her hair stuck to her face in sweat, the ring ropes bounced under her weight and she gasped in exhaustion as her belly reddened and her weak abdominal muscles weakened more with each blow.
Her body shook with exhaustion and the fight had been going on for over 30 minutes. Sacked on her knees and her three opponents, by now all naked and rock hard, finally wanted redemption.
The first grabbed the stool from the corner and pulled it into the middle of the ring. Only now did I see that it had a large opening in the middle.
The other two grabbed my friend and placed her weakened body across it. Her swollen slippery DD tits barely fit through the opening, but eventually dangled down with the help of sweat and cum.
So she knelt there in doggy position and it was clear to me what would happen. She didn't even have to take off her thong to dive into her wet cxnt. The first one grabbed her thick ass cheeks with his boxing gloves, sealed his fat cock and sank it deep inside her.
"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH GODDDDDDDDDD!" Anne reared up and moaned in pleasure. Then he began to fuck her. Her sweaty ass cheeks quivered under the fucking thrusts and in addition he boxed her too. probably didn't hurt her, but just looked horny. It didn't take him long to fill her up with his cum! He came loudly and I could not believe that my jealousy had turned into lust. Watching my wife have sex with strange men was something I couldn't have imagined an hour ago.
The second fat sweaty boxer took Anne even harder and his penis was enormously thick. She moaned and enjoyed his every thrust. He fucked her so hard that her sagging milky tits stuck in the hole of the stool, slapped into each other and dripped steadily.
The third knelt in front of Anne, grabbed her sweaty hair and forced her lips over his glans.
What a sight! Fucked from behind and front at the same time, my girlfriend whimpered towards her third orgasm. I jerked off again and it only took a few minutes for me and my girlfriend to come again. I at the PC, she in the ring filmed by my cameras. She got her fotze flooded again and the rest of the sperm fired into her mouth.
My heart raced - Anne hung exhausted and virtually naked over the stool.
Then I guess the three of them took care of her. They helped her up, hugged her and they kissed. Then they all disappeared from the scene, probably to the shower.
An hour later, I heard my friend come home. She looked completely wiped out and threw her gym bag into the hallway.
"How was it?", I asked innocently.
"It was okay." She reached into her pocket and waved a wad of money.
"Were the guys nice to you? Did they treat you good? Tell me."
"Yeah yeah. Don't worry about it." She came over and kissed me. I didn't tell her that the kiss still smelled like cum.
"Sorry but I'm tired." She turned and left me standing in the hallway....


Offline mixtko8910

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Re: Milk - Sweat - Cum: Anne vs 3
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2022, 09:57:55 PM »
Another fantastic story !!! I give one hard cock! Way up!!!
Find me on Trillian mixtko8910