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Crays Hill: Round the back of the van

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Offline ohdannydanny

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Crays Hill: Round the back of the van
« on: March 14, 2010, 08:49:48 PM »
The trailer my dad shared with his new wife was visible from the van I shared with my mum.  I often looked out at it wondering what my dad was up to.  I'm sure my mum did the same.

The money she'd earned from her fight had gone to repaying some of the debt she owed her ex-husband and in her need she'd gone out to try and hold down a job, something which made us even more of a couple of pariahs in our community of settled travellers.

I'd fought my way through a few weeks at the local school, but sitting in a classroom didn't suit me, so instead I sat in the trailer gazing over at my dad's.

The door to their trailer swang open and I saw my sister storm out.  She'd obviously had an argument with my dad or step-mum.  I call her my sister, but she's not really.  She's not even really my step-sister.  She's my step-mum's daughter from her previous marriage, so fuck knows what that makes us.  She's a couple of years older than me and pretty hot in a tom-boyish kind of way – short hair, sharp chin, all angles.

We have a love/hate relationship. She hates me and I'd love to fuck her.  She gives off those angry, fuck-off vibes, which coupled with her dark, romany looks really get me going.

As I watched her stride off, a black BMW pulled up in the mud outside my dad's trailer. I knew that car.

My heart thumped as first that dick Roger stepped out of the car, then the woman who fought my mum got out the passenger side.  She was a bit far away and had her back turned to me at first.  But  as she turned side on, and those great tits of hers swung in to view, I knew it was her.

I pressed my face into the window of the van to get a better view.  The couple walked into my dad's trailer.  What the fuck were they doing there? The only explanation I could think of was they had returned so that the woman could fight my step-mum. 

Now, that was a fight I couldn't miss. I'd love to see my step-mum get the shit kicked out her by that woman.

I burst out of my trailer and quickly covered the ground to my dad's.  I looked around to make sure no one was noticing anything.  I only saw a few kids hanging around; I guessed they'd be too vacant to know what was going on.

But just as I reached the trailer and was about to open the door, a voice called out sharply for me to stop.  Leaning against the corner of the trailer, arms-crossed, tight-mouthed, glaring at me, was my sister.

Softly, she cracked, lost eye contact.

“Please,” she croaked.

I went over to her and silently we walked away from her trailer.  She kept her arms folded as we walked; it pushed her tits together and I shot a lot of sideways looks at them, so it took me a while to realise she was crying.

She led me round the back of one of the caravans to get as much privacy as you can in a gipsy site.

“How can you put on with it?” she asked.

“Up with what?”

“With knowing your mum's a whore.”  Oh.  So that's what she thought.  She thought the couple had come to have sex with her parents.  I wondered if I should fill her in about what was really happening.

“You don't know your mum's a whore...” was all I could manage.

“Are you a fucking idiot?” she said. “That same fucking prick with the same fucking hooker who fucked your mum have come back and now they're fucking my mum and dad.   How is that supposed to make me feel?” 

I shrugged feebly.

“Do you know what they were saying about your mum last week?” she asked.

“No,” I replied, and I didn't want to know.

“Half of 'em were saying we should kick you out.  Or just up sticks in the middle of the night and leave you here.  Half of 'em were wondering how much your mum cost and whether she was worth it.”  She was hurt and was trying to hurt me.

“And now they're going to be saying that about me and my family,” she said, as she started hitting me in the chest.

“Ah, look at the whore twins getting in a tizzy.”  The voice startled us.  A small group of kids were stood watching us, three small dickhead boys, all younger than me, a little shit of a girl and this older girl, Jordan.  She was about the same age as my sister.  She was a proper looker, but a right tart. Today for example she was dressed in a tiny skirt and tight top for no real reason. She was also a fucking bitch.  She loved winding things up and it was her who was speaking.

“Fuck off,” said my sister, turning to face the group.  I made threatening faces at the other smaller kids but they just laughed and jeered at me.  It's what pikey kids are good at.

“You make a lovely couple, the son and daughter of two manky whores,” said Jordan stepping forward out of the group.  Vacant kids?  Not gipsy kids, especially not the young ones, they all knew what had been going on. Or close enough anyway.

“Fuck off Jordan. You're a fucking slag. Difference is you give it away for free,” shot back my sister squaring up to her.  She'd gone back to folding her arms.  Jordan copied her.  I  just stared at their tits.

“Hit 'er, Jor!” piped up the younger girl.  The boys giggled behind their hands.

“What do you reckon then?” said Jordan stepping in closer, “your mum or his mum?”

“I'm warning you Jordan...”

“Who do you reckon cost more...?”

My sister swang for Jordan.  Jordan knew it was coming and put her arms up and kind of blocked it.  They were a tangle of arms, trying to throw punches until Jordan grabbed a handful of my sister's hair and yanked her head down hard.  My sister had a grip on the neckline of Jordan's tiny top and as she was pulled down the flimsy top ripped right down the middle.  It was the first time I'd seen Jordan in her bra and fuck me what a sight it was.  No wonder she was such a tart.  I would be with tits like that.

With my sister bent double Jordan kneed her in the face and then kneed her again.  The young girl watching was jumping up and down and cheering.  The boys were still giggling behind their hands.

My sister tried punching and kicking out against Jordan's legs.  Jordan swang her around by her hair until she lost balance and tumbled into the dust.  Every time she tried to get up Jordan pulled her off balance again so it looked like she was dragging her through the dirt.

My sister began kicking out wildly and tripped Jordan to the floor.  Jordan lost her grip on my sister's hair, but managed to snag her t-shirt, which pulled up her head and trapped her arms.  The only way out for my sister was to back out, leaving her topless and her t-shirt in Jordan's hands.  Jordan tossed it to the floor.

They squared up, Jordan in her bra, my sister completely topless.  My sister's tits were a pretty good size, pert and pointy. But Jordan's were awesome, big and bouncey.  My sister could get away with not wearing a bra, but Jordan couldn't.

Their bodies were layered in the dust which had stuck to the sweat on their skin.  They looked like proper gypsy girls, topless, fighting in the dirt.  I was almost proud of them.

My sister glanced at me.  My guess was she was worried how she looked, or if I thought Jordan was too much for her. 

“Get her,” I said.

The two girls went swinging for each other again.  This time they both caught two big handfuls of hair. The hairpullling was vicious and personal.  They winced and whined and spat and snarled as they swang each other around.

Eventually, Jordan slammed my sister up against the back of the caravan and leaned her body weight into her to pin her there.  My sister tried to squirm away but she was stuck.  Me and the pikey kids wandered in closer to get a better look.

Jordan's bra had been pushed out of shape in the scuffle and her bare boobs were pushed right up on my sister's.  They were so much bigger you could barely see my sister's tits.  I wondered what it was like for my sister, being so overwhelmed up top; I wondered if she even noticed.

My stuck sister brought her knee up swiftly between Jordan's legs.  I'm not sure if she kneed her right in the pussy, but Jordan went ballistic, throwing wild punches into my sister's head.  But at least my sister wasn't stuck any more.  My sister was swinging punches right back at Jordan and caught her on the side of the face with a couple of good shots which knocked her to the floor. My sister jump on Jordan and sat on her chest and punched and punched at her head, until the younger girl who was watching joined in and tried to pull my sister off. 

I ran in to get that little brat off my sister.  I pushed her in the face and she fell to the floor and I kicked out at a couple of the boys who'd started encroaching.  The fight was obviously over so my sister got off Jordan, who picked herself up and stormed off, picking up and putting on my sister's t-shirt.

“Fuck you both, you deserve each other, you fucking bitches,” she yelled back at us.  Her little gang of kids followed after her.

I looked at my sister.  She stood with her hands on her hips, breathing heavily.  I watched her tits bob up and down.  She looked at me as if she was expecting some kind of congratulation.

I walked over to her and took her semi-naked body in my arms and kissed her and felt her tits.  I undid her jeans and pulled them and her knickers to the floor.  I pushed her up against the back of the caravan and shoved my cock inside her.  She locked her legs around me and kissed me and I slammed myself into her until I came.  She looked into my eyes and stroked my hair.

After a while I put her down.  She put her jeans back on and I gave her my t-shirt.

By the time we walked back to her trailer the BMW was gone.

“How about same time tomorrow I meet you back behind that carvan and we can talk about what just happened in your parents' trailer,” I said.  She looked at me in disgust.

“Fuck off you dick!” she shouted and ran off into the trailer.  Whatever bond we had behind that caravan had quickly dissipated.

I set off back to my van ecstatic that I'd shagged my sister and seen Jordan's tits all in one day.  In fact, I was thinking about their fight so much that it took me a second to realise there was someone in my van when I opened the door.

Sat on my bed, as if she was waiting for me, was the woman who'd fought my mum.


Offline griffin

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Re: Crays Hill: Round the back of the van
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2010, 06:39:47 AM »
Really nice story.  I liked this one better than the "Mum Fights" story.  Hope to see a rematch with the sister and Jordan.