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5 hard fought catfights

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Offline WildAtHeart

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5 hard fought catfights
« on: April 19, 2018, 06:45:39 AM »
Fight 1) After a stay at the hospital, I am about to be released when the cute candy stripper comes by for a visit to say good bye in her special way....
my wife walks in dropping her dress before dropping her jaw and pulls the candy striper off me and one girl has a longer stay in the hospital

Fight 2) Take one of my friends (Sydney) to see a movie after my girlfriend tells me she cannot make it and the boring movie leads to sex
when suddenly I hear a "what the fuck" and my girlfriend (Lauren) stands in the isle looking pissed and grabs my other friend and claws cum out....

Fight 3) Dancing at the club when two girl catch my attention and after awhile, each decides they want me exclusively and decide to fight for the right to cum home with me tonight...

Fight 4) 2 groups of girls put on a competing car wash on my property and fight to decide who gets all the profits...I get the losers....

Fight 5)  Jezabel and Sarah both want to fight the league champion and I decide to let them fight it out for the chance to be in the main event...I fuck the loser as the winner prepares for her match...




Offline Interested fightfan

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Re: 5 hard fought catfights
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2018, 09:49:20 AM »
candy striper