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Taylor Swift and Katy Perry: The Bitter Princess vs Empress Battle

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Offline herboyfriend

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  • Hi, it's Katy Perry! better be afraid.
Katy Perry can’t think of her nemesis Taylor Swift without feeling sick with rage...
A while ago, something happened between the two bitter enemies which Taylor’s fans for years were desperately hoping for and Katy’s fans  thought impossible. In a boxing match, Taylor won, and stood, smiling victoriously, in triumphing poses over a destroyed Katy sprawled on the floor at Taylor’s feet.
Katy, at the time, was in severe shock at what happened, and avoided meeting Taylor, but, eventually, also swore to get her revenge and reestablish at least the old pecking order between them: ’Taylor may be able to conquer me on the pop music market, and I don’t care if she outsells each of my albums five times over in just one day or outsells stadiums and sings to audiences eight times the size of mine, but let’s just be clear about one thing - that fucking boxing match was a mere freak accident for me and a freak lucky strike for her. I will fight the bitch again, and there we will go back to the old situation, her getting a good thrashing Californian style!’

What fuelled Katy’s anger was the discovery that the pop music industry has now, since the most recent time of Taylor’s utterly and thoroughly crushing of Katy’s pop album, has begun to describe Taylor as the ’empress of pop’ while the same sources still call Katy a mere ’princess of pop’.
So, the motherfucking bitches think I’m practically her servant? I don’t think so! Oh no, you fucking bitches, I - don’t - think - so!’

Taylor watched the interview in which Katy announced her intention of getting back in the ring with Taylor, and told her friends about it with glee: ’She’s not had enough yet! Haha! Just imagine. Do you remember that moment when in the middle of that fight I suddenly noticed that wet patch on the front of her boxing trunks, and I masturbated the perverted little bitch to an orgasm? I wonder if she just wants to cum again fighting me in the ring? She can if that’s what she’s craving for, but this time I’ll rub her little lesbian pussy until she passes out!’

Katy Perry and Taylor Swift fix a date on which they’ll fight again, Taylor hoping to continue and deepen her new experience of conquering Katy, and Katy determined to reverse Taylor’s ‘freak’ victory back to ‘the old, natural, and established for years order’ of her thrashing Taylor.

Each woman entering the ring in a stunning outfit, they compete with each other while one of them will be voted for the better looking, sexier lady, and after a test of strength through an armwrestling contest Taylor and Katy will step into the ring together for a new wrestling match...

Katy Perry: 33 years, 5’6”, 59 kg

Taylor Swift: 28 years, 5’10”, 60 kg





« Last Edit: September 13, 2018, 01:45:28 PM by herboyfriend »
Every excess is fine as long as you don't overdo it.