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Alisa_fitness1 vs Goofeysloth (mixed submission wrestling match)

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Offline goofysloth

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I've been a fan of this for a while. I actually started having cyber matches about 6 months ago.  This was my first cyber with the stunning alisa_fitness1 and she gave me the go ahead to post it here.  It was a wonderful match and I hope we have more to come.  Let me know what you think, either here or on PM.


goofysloth: Hey there.

alisa_fitness1: hiya!

goofysloth: Are you still up for an apartment style submission match?

alisa_fitness1: sure
alisa_fitness1: what other rules would you like?
alisa_fitness1: I put a lot of effort into my matches

goofysloth: That's good to hear.  How much set up before the match do you like. I've been in situations where people wanted to start right away and others where someone wanted to write a huge fantastical story before it.  So, both extremes in other words.
goofysloth: No other rules I can think of besides the no low blows.  I guess it would be good to know if you want to have knockouts or not?

alisa_fitness1: KO's are hot

alisa_fitness1: and I can just set us up
alisa_fitness1: let me ask..what are your stats?

goofysloth: Do you want first submission or knockout to win or something like best of 3?

alisa_fitness1: first sub or KO
alisa_fitness1: as far attire..I'm not conservative
alisa_fitness1: I hope you show off a little?
alisa_fitness1: ;)

goofysloth: I tend to have matches with just a pair of gym shorts. Something like
goofysloth: Is that alright?

alisa_fitness1: bikini briefs? or sexy thong? haha
alisa_fitness1: ;)
alisa_fitness1: speedos

goofysloth: Lol, how about you choose? :)
goofysloth: Lol, if you want I guess it can be bikini briefs. They tend to ride though :P

alisa_fitness1: oh well, that will happen If I attempt a suplex on ya

goofysloth: I'm sure I have nothing to complain about once I see what you wear ;)

alisa_fitness1: ;)

goofysloth: lol

alisa_fitness1: will probably run away in embarrassment
alisa_fitness1: :)

goofysloth: Mmmm, try me.

alisa_fitness1: ok..get ready..
alisa_fitness1: I'm posting the intro

goofysloth: Go for it :)

alisa_fitness1: We have decided on my place to settle a little wrestling match that we have been talking about for a few week, after having some chats in a wrestling chatroom, and I'm very excited to get the chance to put you in your place, and I have already shown you to your room to change and I leave you to do your thing while I trot over past the wrestling area to my master bedroom where I close the door to get ready..strip off all my clothes, I go to my top dresser draw and pull out my favorite electric-blue thong satin panties, with the words "love pink" on the front crotch, then slipping them up my thighs, covering my completely shaved, waxed pussy, snapping the white, lacey straps in place on my hips, which are hugging my hips and trailing to my lower back and disappearing into my strong, tight glutes, walking to the mirror and fixing my hair as my 36DD tits remain open and bare..mtc
alisa_fitness1: I don't tie my hair up, and then I walk over to my nightstand, grabbing my vanilla and coconut-scented body oil, and rub down my entire body, getting that shiny sheen look all over my muscles as I take in the scent with a big breath..mmmmmm.."perfect" as my hands roll over my perky, light pink nipples which are already stiffening from my excitement of taking you on and working you over as I then leave the room, barefooted and into the wrestling area, walking onto the mats, which are about 8" thick, to absorb some slams , and they cover the 30' X 30' big room, as I get to my corner of the mats and get to stretching as I wait for you to enter.
alisa_fitness1: yt

goofysloth: We had been chatting on a wrestling chatroom for a while.  I have been in some matches here and there but none were very challenging for me.  When you described yourself it seemed too good to be true.  When you sent picture, I thought it couldn't have been accurate.  I didn't mind though, if you were anything similar to it, I would be fine.  When you opened the door and I saw you, my mouth almost dropped.  You were exactly as advertised.  I got excited, not just because of how incredible you looked, but also, because I thought you would be a challenge.  You let me into a changing room where I could get into my gear and you move along to get into yours.  I cannot wait to see what you get into...mtc

alisa_fitness1: (nice start!)

goofysloth: I actually do put my hair up.  I normally have light brown hair that goes just past my shoulders and I put it in a tight bun so it doesn't get in the way.  I lift my shirt up over me and drop it to the ground.  I take off my shoes, socks, and my shorts.  I strip down to my bikini briefs hoping to maybe distract you a bit and catch you off guard.  I look at myself for a moment.  I'm happy and proud about how I look.  I keep in shape but I'm not a huge body builder, that never really appealed to me.  But my legs to have a tendency to catch people of guard.  Leg day is something I never skip.  I walk out and meet you where you've set up the mat.  I see you and how good of shape you are in....maybe I did need to get into a more intense body building routine... I do smile though as I realize...this is going to be a good match. yt
goofysloth: (Thanks, you too!)

alisa_fitness1: :)
alisa_fitness1: (this could be really good here)

goofysloth: (I think it's going to be a good match up :) )

alisa_fitness1: I start doing my stretches when I see you enter the room, and I smile, looking at your near naked body, matching mine, looking to see any weaknesses and something I can go after as I see if you have the confidence I do, while I do this, I bend at the waist and do my final hamstring stretch, feeling my thighs loosen from the long stretch, and then straighten up, shaking out my arms and legs and then walking to the middle of the mats to wave you on, crouching in my stance.."ready to see who is better hon? Time to put up or shut up!"  as I get my serious look on for this match with another opponent who thinks he is worthy to be on the same mats as me  yt 

goofysloth: I smirk.  "Will do. One moment though, I need to stretch too." I do my stretches in front of you hoping to intimidate you a little.  I eye you, also trying to see if there's any weaknesses, but also, if there's anything you're particularly distracted with that I can take advantage of.  After seeing you I know I'll need any advantage I get.  I stretch out all my muscles to make sure I'm ready and loose.  Then I meet you on the mat, lean forward, wink, "Ready when you are sweetheart." yt

alisa_fitness1: My eyes scan your body as you come on the mat to join me now, I lick my full,red lips as I feel my heart starting to pound in my chest from the excitement as well as some nerves that happen before any match like this with an unknown opponent, and my feet start to move side-stepping to my left to circle you slowly, my hands at tits level now as I crouch , bending my knees for a nice look while my firm ass cheeks press out behind me…as I close the gap between us, my right hand reaches up for the back of your neck and my left hand reaches out for your right shoulder, seeing how we will lock up

goofysloth: I see you lick you lips and I can help but to bite my lower one.  This has the promise of being one of my best matches.  And against someone like you...Almost as if you're reading my mind lean in a bit, giving me a nice look.  I try to blot that out of my head now.  I can't afford to be distracted.  Everything feels abuzz. I always get this way before a match, but it's never felt like this.  Then, you close in towards me and go for a lock up.  I do as well.  I match your movement and then immediately try to push  forward, wanting to try to push you down, hoping that if I can't quite out muscle you, my speed might at least surprise you. yt

alisa_fitness1: We both lock up and I feel your grip on my body as well as my tits jiggle side to side with my movements, trying to stay focused on you as you then push your weight and body into mine and I start to take a few steps backwards, and you follow, so I try to go with it now, and I move my hands down to your arms, gripping them at your triceps, dropping to my ass and I try to thrust my feet up into your abs if I can pull you down with me, attempting a monkey flip..'hiyyyyyyyyyya!

alisa_fitness1: yt

goofysloth: I start to push you back.  I have this. I got this.  I smirk as I begin winning this test of strength...Then, you end it.  From our talk I wasn't expecting you to pull something like that.  You get out of the test by  falling back, continuing my motion, and flipping me over you.  I fall for it like a rookie.  I fly onto my back on the mat and am suddenly grateful for the cushion it provides.  I still feel a jolt as I land though.  I quickly roll to my feet and get up before you can get any advantage and look over to you. "Good one. You won't pull that one on me again though." yt

alisa_fitness1: I pull you with me, and my feet hit into your tummy and see you flip over me and SLAM back to the mats as you roll over and get to your knees and I roll to my left shoulder, looking to get back to my feet as my knees come under me, placing my hands in front of me to prepare for anything you can throw at me
alisa_fitness1: yt

goofysloth: As you put out your hands and start to get up with your knees still bent I quickly try grab the back of your right wrist with right hand and attempt to pull you around.  I want to wrap my arms around you, lift you up, and squeeze  you in a reverse bear hug. yt

alisa_fitness1: I start to get my defenses up and I look to wok off my knees and get to my feet, when your hands reach for my wrists, gripping it tightly as you step around behind me, you then wrap your arms around me as I get to my feet .."uuuuuuuuuughghg!" feeling your crotch pressing into my butt cheeks as my hands reach down for your hands, trying to unclasp them in my first attempt to break out ..My tits swaying and bouncing right over your grip on my abs
alisa_fitness1: yt

goofysloth: Glad I was able to catch you off guard I continue with the hold.  I feel my crotch against your butt cheeks and I can only imagine you begin to feel that more.  I feel a bit bad about that but brush that off as I feel your hands trying to unclasp mine.  I try to redouble the effort, wanting to put pressure and work your abs.  I attempt use my height advantage to lift you a bit in the air to put on more pressure. "You're going to need to do more than just hold my hands dear." yt

alisa_fitness1: your bulge presses to my firm ass cheeks and I grunt as you start to hold my abs and squeeze with your arms, making it feel more uncomfy and harder to breathe.."ugughghg!" as you then lift my feet off the mats, making it hard for me to have leverage as my legs and feet kick in the air..'let gooo..put me dowwwwwwwn!" my right arm reaches forward and I point my right elbow towards your body and I try to wrap it around mine and try to slam it back into your right side or your ribs..I don't have the best angle from your arms around me, but have to try something
alisa_fitness1: yt

goofysloth: I squeeze, putting the pressure on.  I can tell it is beginning to work.  When you tell me to put you down I'm about to shoot back with something I had hoped would be witty, but then I feel a pain.  "Ack" You manage to nail me pretty good with your elbow.  When I feel a sudden sharp pressure, instinct makes me drop you.  When I do I realize that I need to try and keep on the attack, I attempt to hook my right leg around the front of yours and try to push the two of us to the ground so I can land on top of you. yt

alisa_fitness1: My elbow slams into your right side and I tag you and I get the reaction I want as you feel it and I feel your arms loosen, and you drop me and I land on my feet and try to slip away from you, but your right leg starts to come in front of my right leg, and I start to stumble forward, so I reach back with my right hand and my left comes around my tits and I try to grip your right arm as we go down, and if I get it, yank on it hard to try to flip you to your right shoulder as I go down, trying to avoid you landing on top
alisa_fitness1: yt

goofysloth: I seem to barely manage to trip you up when you manage to save yourself.  I get you to the ground but you successfully maneuver the fall to where we're both on our sides.  I am pretty surprised by how you do this and grunt as I land on my right side.  The advantage I had evens out and I know that I need to try to fix it.  I quickly try to wrap your higher left leg with both of mine around your thigh so I can try to squeeze and put pressure on it.  Meanwhile I want to grab your right wrist with my left hand and push forward so I can try to push you onto your back and get on top of you. yt

alisa_fitness1: ( are a great wrestler hon)

goofysloth: (Thanks, you too. :) )

alisa_fitness1: we both hit the mats and land on our right sides as we fight for position, still trying to hold your right arm your left and right leg come around and wrap up my left leg easily as you start to scissor it, my strong quad feels your bulge as you put pressure on it.."uuuuuughhg,,bastard!" while your right arm reaches over my tits , pressing on them as you grip my right wrist and I get forced to my back, turning into you now , my right foot presses to the mats as I try to bridge and turn into you, but you having my leg is tough
alisa_fitness1: yt

goofysloth: I almost manage a sigh of relief as I get you flipped on your back but you quickly lift up your right leg and flip us over side by side the other way...great...I decide to work on building the pressure on your leg and squeeze more, hoping to add the pressure on your leg and numb it making it less useful to you.  I attempt to get both your wrists so I can try to twist your arms around each other under your neck.  I know I don't have the leverage to go for a choke, but I hope to at least pin them in place. yt

alisa_fitness1: trying to work off my back, as my right foot plants to the mats and my hips thrust upward, but you still have my left leg trapped and I can't turn all the way from your legs and hips blocking my way, "ughghghghg!" can't turn us as my glutes squeeze and try to push on and turn, but your squeeze on my left leg is effective feeling it tighten and unable to move it at all from your legs trapping it too well, you start to reach for my wrists, trying to keep them from you, but your weight pushes down and you grip them and push them against my neck, struggling to get off my back..
alisa_fitness1: yt
alisa_fitness1: (tough spot right now)

goofysloth: I feel you flexing and pushing but I manage to have you trapped beneath me.  I keep the pressure firm on your leg and try to keep your arms trapped. "I thought this would be harder." I lean forward, wanting to leverage myself to a better position.  I also want to lean in next to you and whisper in your ears as I try to squeeze my legs to send a pulse of pain down your leg, "Do you submit."
goofysloth: yt
goofysloth: (I believe in you, I think you can get out of this.)

alisa_fitness1: "me submit to THIS?"  GRRRRRRRRRR as I grunt and struggle under you, pushing my right leg down now as my right heel looks for your locked ankles and I wedge it between your feet and shins as I try to work it into your legs while turning my hips back into you again, you squeeze your thighs on my leg and I flex it to try to counter your squeeze, trying to move and shift it while kicking my heel at your legs.."open them!!"
alisa_fitness1: yt

goofysloth: I feel you begin to fight back.  Your's more than I expected.  I feel the pressure begin to reverse, my legs start to hurt and ache.  I realize that there is no way I can keep the pressure going.  So much for an easy win.  I hope that I've at least done enough damage to your left leg where it'll be less effective.  I accept fate and quickly let my legs loosen and attempt to scoot forward onto your stomach.  With your wrists already in my grasp I attempt to try and flip you over onto your stomach as I scoot up. yt
goofysloth: (Nice job!)

alisa_fitness1: (thanks)
alisa_fitness1: I'm able to get your legs loose and I feel my leg get released, feeling the pins and needles up and down my leg as I need to get the blood flow back, and even though I have my leg loose, you are already working the next move and I keep staying on defensive, annoying me as you scoot up on my stomach and my tits jiggle from my movements as I try to shift my hips back and forth, and when you attempt to pull me and turn me, I plant my legs hard to the mats, and thrust up with my hips, bridging to try to buck you off before you can turn me
alisa_fitness1: yt

goofysloth: Trying to keep you on the defensive I successfully land on your stomach.  As I try to flip you over you surprise me when you thrust your hips into the air.  I lose my grip on your hands but manage to plant my hands on the ground above your head for balance.  I then attempt to wrap my legs around your now lifted body wanting to fall to my side, with you still on your back and hoping to get my legs wrapped around you in a body scissors to put pressure on your abs again. yt
goofysloth: (trying to keep that offense going until you turn it around on me)

alisa_fitness1: (wow..can't do anything on that move..another good follow up..uuuuuuuughghg!!)

goofysloth: (I do love me a good scissors, and that opportunity was too good to miss ;) )

alisa_fitness1: I feel confident with my thrust of my hips as I feel your weight starting to lean over and if I can get anther buck, you will be off, but you lean to the side, and counter it, and while my lower back and body is off the mats, you slip your leg under my body and over my abs and you lock in another scissor hold , this time on my hard abs, and I try to tighten my abs as fast and hard as I can to try to counter the squeeze, holding my breath in as best as I can as you drop to your side, allowing your legs to hit me longways, which is bad for me as I mooooooooooooannn out in discomfort..tits upward as my thong panties mold to my lips from my bridge as my hands slap to your thigh on my abs..
alisa_fitness1: yt

goofysloth: I smile as I hear your long moan. It's music to my ears.  I continue the pressure, squeezing...and squeezing.  You manage to tighten your abs to lessen the initial blow but I don't let up.  Your hands slap my thighs but I know, compared to how you must be feeling, those slaps are nothing.  I try to lift myself in the air a bit with my elbow for some added leverage and pressure but I try to keep left hand on the ground ready to move and my right on my leg close by so I can attempt to protect myself from any punches you may throw my way.  Also, I want to wait for your right hand to be in grabbing distance so I can try and get a hold of it and trap it again.  In the meanwhile though...I just squeeze, wanting to soften your stomach and make you lose your breath. yt

alisa_fitness1: "uuuuuuuuuuuuughghghhg!!!" you squeeze your strong legs harder on my core, my abs are strong, but your legs cut into my muscles hard as I gasp, feeling my face turning slightly red as my fingers grip your thigh harder, giving you the idea on how much this hurts and then you impress me even more by turning to your elbow and pressing up, lifting your hips for more leverage and I mooooooooooooooooooaannn..loudly at the result of this effective addition to your hold and I freeze u from the pain, losing my bridge now as my ass slaps to the mats and my abs begin to collapse from your thighs..I try to get my elbows up and point them towards your thigh muscle as I weakly try to push my elbows into your meaty thigh as you work my personal trainer body hard in your thighs
alisa_fitness1: yt

goofysloth: I hear your moans and see your face turning red.  It's working.  When I leverage myself to add more pressure I am rewarded with you losing the bridge and falling onto the floor....Then you use your dang elbows again.  You jam your elbows into my thighs and I instantly wince in pain.  "No you don't, not again."  I try to lean in to grab your arm closest to me.  I hope to catch it and pull it away from my leg however I worry that it's too far away for me to reach. yt

alisa_fitness1: my elbows press into your leg and I try to do as much as I can to prevent you from squeezing more, as I fall to the floor and get weaker from your move, as you start to reach over for my arm, I dig in and try to push and while I do that, my right leg twists and I try to latch onto your ankles again from the side, my knee is twisted hard , but I need to try something as your scissor hold has really taken a toll on me here as you then grip my one arm, and I try to use the other arm for pressure
alisa_fitness1: yt

goofysloth: I can feel my scissors start to loosen as your elbows dig into them.  Then I manage to get a hold of one of your arms.  I know I'm hurting you, but the pain in my leg is increasing.  I know I'm softening your core, I'm pretty sure I've hurt your leg, and I don't want you to damage my leg too much.  I decide to take a gamble.  I loosen my legs a little as I attempt to pull your arm back, not wanting to twist it but pull you towards me.  I want to try and pull your back to my chest, re-lock the scissors from behind, and put you in a full nelson.  This is a lot to try at once, I know things can go wrong, but if I lock this in, I have you trapped. yt
goofysloth: (I hope it doesn't seem like I'm trying to be a super, I just saw openings and I hope that I left it open enough where you can stop it from happening if you thought you were able to)

alisa_fitness1: ( are wrestling perfectly)
alisa_fitness1: (I'm just very realistic when I wrestle)
alisa_fitness1: (I'm not going to just break out of your holds after you have been really wrestling perfectly)
alisa_fitness1: (I'm worn down from being defensive)
alisa_fitness1: you grip my one arm and I struggle to pull it from you, but your scissors is still making my tummy ache badly, slowing me down to the point where each move I make, you can counter it and put me in a position that's even worse as you pull me and turn me towards you and my arms fall off your thighs while your other arm reaches under my arm and start to bring your arms up, trying to fight you from locking on your fingers on my neck, trying to push my neck up and resist as I grit my teeth from the pain of your scissors as my waist turns in your legs.."uuuuuuuuuuuughghghg!!"  trying to power in my arms to stop the your legs try to lock, my right leg tries to come up and bend my knee to maybe prevent the scissor to close again. uuuuuuuuuuuuuughgh! yt

goofysloth: I start turning you the way I hope.  You keep your head back, fighting against me putting you in the full nelson.  My scissors is hanging on but with your knee up it's not locked very well at all.  I decide to go for it.  I let go of your right arm with mine, hoping that you lower it to try and get yourself out of the scissors completely.  During this, while my left arm is still attempting the now half nelson, I want to attempt to wrap my right arm around your neck that you've been trying to keep pushed up and convert my hold into a sleeper. yt

alisa_fitness1: my knee gets in the middle of your legs as you try to secure me in your hold again, and your right arm starts to snake the other way now as my head was fighting and pushing up on your full nelson, but your arm latches onto my exposed neck that I was trying to push up, and you are just on your game as your arm grips the front of my throat and "aaaaaaaaaaaaacckckk!" as my hands drop from your legs and I try to reach up and pull at your right arm.."nooooo...noooo" my tits smacking each side of us as I fight you, not paying attention to my legs because my head and neck is most important right now
alisa_fitness1: yt

goofysloth: I do my best to secure the sleeper.  I try to lean back and now that you're not paying attention with your legs, firmly lock in my scissors on you again too, hoping to get the sleeper/reverse scissors combo.  I don't have the sleeper fully locked yet as you are still fighting it, but I continue attempting to push your head down with my left arm and I flex my right trying to add pressure to your neck. yt

alisa_fitness1: my feet grasp the mats, as I try to turn my hips and move, but you latch your legs on me again , feeling them squeeze into my abs again and I moooooooooooooooooaannn out in pain , grunting as you work my head in your arms, my hands reaching up as I try to claw and pull your arm away, but you have it locked in, as I feel my neck getting squeezed now as my chin can't get lower since your arm is stopping that as my body is now stuck against yours as my legs flop on the mats, in your tight grip
alisa_fitness1: yt

goofysloth: I lock in my moves that I want. Now all I need to do is try and keep them in.  I feel various beads of sweat on me and I'm glad that I have my hair up or it would be worse.  Whatever the case is though, I'm sure that I'm no where near as exhausted as you.  I got lucky from the start once I got you to the ground.  Now I need to just hold firm. I continue pushing your head forward into my arm.  I maintain the sleeper and the body scissors.  I whisper to you, "This is it hun.  Tap out or pass out.  Which one is it?" yt

alisa_fitness1: secure the legs and now you secure the arms, and you sink both in now and my fighting is at this point very weak from all the times I have had to defend and fight my way out, as your sleeper starts to get into my head, feeling dizzy after about 30 seconds of your squeezing my neck, moaning out as I hear your "choices" which I don't like any of them
alisa_fitness1: yt

goofysloth: "If you don't choose the choice will be made for you sweetheart. I'm not letting go until one or the other happens."  Keeping you pressed against me, I feel your movements begin to slow down. I hold firm. yt

alisa_fitness1: "uuuuuuuughghg...nooooooooooo...I...submit..I submit..."  Don't knock me out! as I feel your arms getting tighter and tighter, laxing in my fight against you, tapping the mats with my hands
alisa_fitness1: yt

goofysloth: I can tell you're tapping.  I hold in my moves a moment more and then release a breath I didn't realize I was holding, and then I release the holds.  With you still on top of me I lower my right arm down to your stomach and keep my left holding your head to make sure it doesn't fall on the ground in case I didn't release soon enough.  "I got you, take your time, take your breath slowly." I roll you to your side where you can catch your breath again. yt

alisa_fitness1: you continue to squeeze me in the sub hold and I feel my eyes getting heavier as you grip my neck and work me over, moaning as my body starts to shake and grunt as you then release me and I flop over on the mats, hurting and in pain and numb from the sleeper, " got me..I want a rematch soon!"
Let me know if you like anything I write. Have requests or interested in a cyber or a collaborative writing idea?  Let me know!


Online carolsingapore76

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Re: Alisa_fitness1 vs Goofeysloth (mixed submission wrestling match)
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2017, 04:48:39 AM »

very nice match
me into wrestling, catfighting, erotic, tagteam, fun , rough tough, all at the same time if possible lol dont matter who win so long its good let me know if ur interested in chatting or more..5'7" 160

BTW it be nice if you can reply to messages


Offline Lil Tina

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Re: Alisa_fitness1 vs Goofeysloth (mixed submission wrestling match)
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2017, 05:14:18 AM »
Nice match...thanks for sharing :)


Offline goofysloth

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Re: Alisa_fitness1 vs Goofeysloth (mixed submission wrestling match)
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2017, 08:34:42 PM »
Thanks all! I tried to edit the post but it doesn't look like I can. I've been asked to update the handle.  Alisa_Fitness's Trillian handle is actually alisa_fitgirl and mine is what it says.
Let me know if you like anything I write. Have requests or interested in a cyber or a collaborative writing idea?  Let me know!


Offline joymitra77

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Re: Alisa_fitness1 vs Goofeysloth (mixed submission wrestling match)
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2017, 08:55:00 AM »
thanks for posting a very interesting match! Congrats to u both


Offline ross18

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Re: Alisa_fitness1 vs Goofeysloth (mixed submission wrestling match)
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2019, 02:44:52 PM »
That was a great match!& I loved the way you were both so generous in your comments to the other one. Thanks!))
I’m set to be travelling through Europe shortly - would love to meet some fellow wrestling enthusiasts and wrestlers!I’m aiming to spend some time in Germany particularly, and am flexible for other ideas.