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Amy & Cheryl & Jazmin

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Offline Super Deadly Ham Attack

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    • Super Deadly Ham Attack
Amy & Cheryl & Jazmin
« on: March 22, 2019, 12:30:25 AM »
“Amy Valencia.”
“Oh, Amy!” The front desk guy looked up from his PC. “Hi. Are you here with Cheryl?”
“Yup,” I beamed. I didn’t get to meet up with my girlfriend that often - our work schedules kept us apart a lot of the time - but this weekend was one of those times, and I was loaded for bear; my suitcase was packed with all kinds of toys for us to use on each other as well as a few changes of clothes for us to hit the town in. It was 6 PM on Friday night, and after meeting up in the room we’d start by making love for a while, then ordering room service and watching Netflix until we fell asleep, then go out on Saturday. I’d had a long week, and it had been too long since I’d seen Cheryl. I was smiling in anticipation as the clerk slid me a keycard - the room was in Cheryl’s name, and she’d get her own card when she checked in, but it looked like I was here first. I went up to the room and unzipped my suitcase, humming to myself as I got changed into something nice to greet my girlfriend in: white and pink frilly panties and a completely sheer, lacy silk top. I swung open the closet door and gave myself a once-over, really wanting to knock Cheryl off her feet when she arrived.

Pretty good, I decided; I have narrow shoulders, B-cup breasts topped with small, dark nipples, a pert little butt, and my best feature - long, smooth legs, freshly waxed. My skin is fairly light, looking even whiter in the fluorescent overhead light in the room. Next up I grabbed my makeup kit and went to the bathroom. I have large, pretty dark eyes and set about emphasising them with just a little eyeliner. There wasn’t much I could do with the rest of my face; it’s a bit rectangle-shaped with a strong jaw and slightly large nose. I decided I’d just put on some dark lipstick and call it done. My dark hair was shoulder-length in a plain, straight cut with bangs; I’d have gotten something nicer, but this meetup was on slightly short notice. I was just about done inspecting myself when I heard a loud knock at the door. Now who was that? Cheryl would have her own key, she wouldn’t need to knock. I threw on one of the complimentary robes and went to peer through the peephole. There was a pretty good looking black lady outside the door. I unbolted it and swung it open.

“Amy Valencia?”
“Do you know this woman?” She thrust her phone at me, displaying a full-screen picture of her with her arm around my girlfriend.
“Yeah, I mean... what is this?”
“I’d better come in.” She walked past me as I stared dumbfounded at her phone. I absentmindedly closed the door behind me as she walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge.
“Who are you?” My alarm bells were going off. I took a closer look at my visitor. She was an inch taller than me - 5’9” to my 5’8” - but that was probably due to her wearing sneakers versus my bare feet. Her black, curly hair hung just past her jaw. She was very pretty, oval-faced, large dark eyes, a wide nose, and a sensuous mouth, covered with ruby-red lipstick. She was definitely bigger than me, broader shoulders, at least a C cup, and a very round heart-shaped ass. I at least had her beat in the legs department; her torso was longer than mine, but my legs were much longer. “Who are you?” I asked again. “How do you know Cheryl?”
“My name is Jazmin,” she told me, taking her phone back. “And why don’t you tell me how you know her first?”
“She’s my girlfriend-"
“I fuckin’ knew it!” Jazmin yelled. “Bitch, she’s my wife!" I stood there in shock as she launched herself at me, slapping my face so hard I fell down, gasping in pain. "That's my wife you've been fucking, you god-damn slut!"

"What?!" She glared at me as I unsteadily got to my feet. "She’s married?! I didn't know!"
"Well now that's too bad, but it's not gonna save you from this ass whipping!" she yelled, coming in aiming a knockout punch at my face. I ducked it, desperately lunging forward, wrapping my arms around Jazmin; I only meant to get in so close she couldn’t punch me, but I had more momentum than I realized and ended up tackling her, both of us down on the carpeted floor. I went to choke her, but she got her left hand under my chin, pushing my head back until I was staring up at the ceiling; I tried slapping at her, but without being able to see the best I managed was a few glancing hits on her arms and chest. Unfortunately, Jazmin had her other hand free and used this to latch on to my left breast, squeezing it through my sheer top. This hurt like hell and I screamed until she let go; for a second I felt blessed relief, but she was just getting her hand inside my top, and I resumed screaming as she started pinching and squeezing my nipple.

Desperate to get away, I simply stood up, cursing both at the pain in my chest and my idiocy at not thinking of this earlier. I backed away from Jazmin and she got up as well as I tried to rub some of the soreness out of my left breast; it felt like it was on fire. Jazmin put her hands up in a boxer’s guard and I copied her stance and closed up with her. Overcoming my surprise, I was filling with anger; if this bitch wanted a fight, I was going to give her one. She tried to attack first as we closed with a slap at my sore chest, but I deflected this with my forearm, then hauled back and gave her the most powerful punch I could, a overhand right, my fist landing square on her nose. She stumbled backwards with a muffled yell, her hands over her nose and mouth. I followed her, hitting her with a left in the stomach, and she bent over; I grabbed her red tank top, pulling it over her head and trapping her arms. I happily took a few free shots on her, punching and slapping her bare stomach and bra-covered tits, until she managed to get the tank top off, throwing it aside with a snarl. We circled, both of us with our fists up.

“You’re tough,” she spat. “But I’m tougher. How long have you been fucking my wife?”
“Four years. How long have you been married?”
“Six and a half.”
“Damn-” she came at me without warning, leading with a massive right. I ducked this and came up with a short uppercut, but Jazmin weaved out of the way, throwing a quick left jab that smacked into my jaw. I ignored the pain and grabbed her hair with both hands, trying to knee her in the crotch, but she turned her leg and my knee only hit her thigh. In return she grabbed my open robe with both hands, pulling me forward into her own knee strike, this one landing in my tummy; I gasped and she pulled my head down, bending me over, getting a headlock with her left arm and slamming clubbing blows into my back with her right hand. I grabbed her hips, but I was too stunned to do anything else, and her third hit knocked me down to my knees in front of her. She took a few step back and then charged, aiming a kick under my chin; I threw myself to the side and she chugged past me. I got up and ran after her, and before she could turn around or even stop I tackled her from behind, taking her down to the ground on her chest with me on top. I quickly unhooked her bra, thinking I could wrap it around her neck and choke her, but I barely had it off before she rolled over and shoved me away from her. We both go to our feet, and Jazmin mistook my intention as she snarled “We gonna fight like this?” and started unbuttoning her skirt. She kicked off her shoes, then whipped her skirt off, standing proudly in front of me in just a black thong. Her large, slightly drooping breasts were summited with huge, dark areolas and thick nipples. “Yeah, get a good look!” she yelled. Then: “Okay, get that robe off!”

I just stood there still holding her bra, a little overwhelmed and not sure what to do. She walked up to me, smacked the bra out of my hands, got a two-handed grip on my robe and tore it off, then grabbed the shoulder straps on my top and pulled this off and threw it away. We were both just in our bottoms and went toe to toe, a little shock running through me as our hard nipples rubbed against each other.
“Six and a half fucking years,” Jazmin rasped. “You aren’t the only one she’s cheating on me with, you know. You’re just first on my hit list.”
“Why are you after me? I’m a victim, too. You should be going after Cheryl!”
“Believe me,” Jazmin snarled, “She’s gonna get what’s coming to her, too. I’m saving her for last. I’m gonna beat up every one of her girlfriends, then confront her. I got it all planned out. I’m gonna ask her, ‘are you cheating on me?’ and because she’s a lying bitch, she’s gonna say no, and then I’m gonna whip out pictures of me standing over all her little girlfriends. Then when she’s reeling in shock that I found her out, guess what? That’s when I beat her ass and divorce her. Ooooh, it’s gonna be sweet. You’re just the first step.”
“Jazmin-” Before I could try to talk any sense into her she wrapped her arms around me and started squeezing. I returned her hold, and we stumbled around the room, our breasts pressing together, both of us pouring on as much pressure as we could. We ended up tripping over each other’s feet and we crashed down to the ground together on my right and her left side, still squeezing, both of us grunting as we tried to overpower the other.

Just then the door swung open and Cheryl walked in, looking at her phone. She was coming right from work and had on a pink suit top and skirt with a white T-shirt underneath, stockings, and black high heels. I have to admit I found her incredibly attractive; she’s a few years older than me, early 30’s, but she’s still a beauty with a heart-shaped face, blue eyes, a small nose and full lips. She’s my height, but with a very curvy hourglass figure - natural D-cups, a round butt, and legs just as nice as mine. Jazmin and I froze staring at her; only after the door slammed shut did Cheryl look up to see her wife and her girlfriend, naked from the waist up, bearhugging each other on the carpeted floor. She dropped her phone in shock and then turned around to leave.

"No, you don't!" Jazmin screamed, releasing me (and I, her, in surprise). "No, you don't!" and she launched herself at Cheryl, tackling her hard to the ground. I just watched in open-mouth shock as they fought; Jazmin had hit Cheryl from behind, taking her down on her chest, but Cheryl quickly rolled over and kicked her wife hard in the left it with her high-heeled shoe. Jazmin screamed, covering her chest, and the next kick went between her legs, the tip of Cheryl's shoe smacking into her opponent’s crotch. Jazmin reeled back, wailing; I started slowly getting to my feet, as did Cheryl, who ignored me, coming in and attacking her wife. Cheryl grabbed a handful of Jazmin's dark hair, keeping her wife bent over, then started laying punches into the side of her head; Jazmin took four of these before falling to her knees, then Cheryl backed up a few steps, charged forward and punted her wife's head like a football, snapping Jazmin's head back as she went over backwards, hitting the ground and curling into a ball.

“Cheryl!” I screamed. She turned away from her wife to look at me.
“Amy! Hii!”
“Hi? Hi?! That’s all you have to say to me?”
“Hi, honey?” I stomped over to her with a growl. I pointed behind me at Jazmin:
“Was she telling the truth? You’re married!?”
“Yeah,” Cheryl sighed, like I’d just accused her of using up all the hot water or something. “Well, I guess you had to find out sometime.”
“And you weren’t going to tell me?” I heard my voice wavering; I was trying to act tough, but hearing confirmation from her on everything Jazmin had told me was so upsetting I was trying not to cry.
“No, I wasn’t - Amy, what do you think you’re doing?” I had put my fists up to fight. “Amy, please. You want to fight me, too? Do you think making me me knock you out is going to make you feel better?”
“Fuck you,” I hissed. “You fucking lied to me! You broke my heart!”
"Whatever," Cheryl tossed her hair dismissively. "We were just having fun together."
"Having fun?! I loved you!” I felt hot tears sliding down my cheeks. “How could you do this to me?!”
“God, Amy, you’re such a drama queen. You’re a fun side piece, but that’s all. You know, I probably would have dumped you already if it wasn’t for that thing you do with your tongue-”
That did it. I attacked in a blind rage, screaming a war cry and lunging at my girlfriend; I don't know if she egged me on on purpose, but she easily ducked under my arms and kicked me in the stomach. The pointed toe of her shoe slammed into my belly button and the fight and air left my body as I let out a loud, whoofing groan, bending over and covering my tummy. Cheryl took a step back and kicked me in the face; she hit me so hard the next thing I knew I was laying on my back, staring up at the ceiling, a warm trickle of blood running out of my nose. Cheryl was standing over me with a mean sneer on her face, lifting her one foot over me.

"No!" I screamed, but it was too late; she brought her high heel down on my right breast, using the thick, chunky heel to squash my boob against my ribcage. I howled in agony, covering myself; Cheryl lined up another stomp, but Jazmin came to my rescue, tackling her wife from behind and taking her down to the ground. I could have cried with relief as they tussled; Jazmin tried to pin her wife down, but Cheryl managed to roll over and started grabbing at Jazmin's tits, executing a vicious double nipple twist. Jazmin screamed, leaving herself open for Cheryl to push her off. She started getting to her feet as Jazmin lay on the carpet, moaning; I had also gotten up, and Cheryl turned to me with a sneer.
"Even the two of you dumb bitches teaming up on me can't beat me! Come on!” she waved me on.

We closed, and I made sure to look out for her kicks; her god-damn shoes seemed like a very effective force multiplier. Sure enough she faked a slap at my bare chest and then came in with a crotch kick. I caught her ankle, leaving her hopping on one foot; I pulled her towards me, and she barely managed to stay standing, having to grab onto me to avoid falling. I slammed a knee between her legs, savoring her groan of agony and her eyes squeezing shut in pain. I hit her with a followup right to the stomach, then pushed her backwards away from me, lining up my own kick to the crotch. I didn’t have my shoes on, but this still must’ve hurt pretty bad as I felt the top of my foot slamming into her pussy. Cheryl bent over, holding herself, but before I could do anything else Jazmin came up behind her wife, kicking her left leg out with a snarl.  Cheryl fell backwards to the ground with a yell of surprise. Jazmin pounced, laying on top of Cheryl, her tits covering our opponent’s face, her hands grabbing Cheryl’s wrists and pinning them to the ground.

“Get her fucking shoes!” Jazmin screamed. I only was able to even make an attempt at this as Cheryl was blinded; unfortunately she had on strappy high heels that wouldn’t be easy to get off. I got a solid grip on the right one and started working the straps, but it was only half off when Cheryl got me with a blind left kick that unfortunately hit me right in the face. I went flying backwards, coming to rest dazed; my nose had started bleeding again, and I tasted coppery blood running into my mouth as I slowly rolled over and started getting up. I saw that Jazmin had lost her grip on Cheryl, who had managed to get up; they were facing off on their knees, Cheryl attempting another nipple twist. This time Jazmin saw it coming, grabbing her wife’s wrists and slamming a headbutt into her face. Cheryl pulled her hands free, covering her nose where her wife had hit her, but stayed vertical - I was honestly impressed; I heard the loud smack of the top of Jazmin’s skull smashing into her wife’s face from where I was laying. Cheryl was dazed, though, and Jazmin slammed a hard punch into her stomach as I climbed to my feet. Cheryl leaned forward against her wife, and before she could do anything else I came up behind her, getting her in the strongest choke I could, laying my right arm across her neck and squeezing. Cheryl gasped, trying to reach back and grab me, but her wife took a strong hold on both her wrists; between the two of us we had the blonde immobilized.

At least for a few seconds before she managed to get her legs out in front of her, trying to kick her wife away. Jazmin grabbed for her feet, dodging a frantic kick Cheryl aimed at her face and managing to catch the blonde’s right foot; the shoe here was already half-off, and with a snarl Jazmin yanked it off completely, ripping the thin strap that was holding it on. Cheryl drew her other foot back for a kick, but before she could land it Jazmin slammed the shoe she was holding into her wife’s face, the thick, chunky heel smacking into her nose and mouth. I’d been choking Cheryl long enough that she didn’t even have the air for a scream, only managing a strangled gasp. Jazmin gave her two more hard hits, and I felt Cheryl going limp, leaning back against me. Jazmin tossed the shoe, then got the other one off and tossed this away too.

“Stand her up,” Jazmin ordered. I switched grips from the sleeper into a strong full nelson, getting up and pulling Cheryl along with me. Jazmin gave her a few slaps to make sure she was fully awake for what was coming next. Then Jazmin started hitting her wife, giving Cheryl a hellacious beating; I could feel the impact of the black woman’s punches even through the blonde’s body. Jazmin stayed away from Cheryl’s head at first, sticking to her belly and tits; Cheryl absorbed a few shots stoically, then started grunting each time her wife landed another punch. As Jazmin kept working her body like a heavy bag Cheryl began groaning at the stomach hits and gasping at the tit shots. Jazmin had started working in grim silence, but began letting out little grunts of effort with each swing, then started yelling at her wife between hits: “Fucking bitch!” she yelled before slamming a right hook into her wife’s stomach. “Six fucking years!” she howled as a prelude to an uppercut that slammed into the bottom of Cheryl’s right breast. “This is for lying to me!” A hooking right that smashed into Cheryl’s side. “And all the other shit you did!” A straight left, smashing Cheryl’s boob against the ribcage. “Deleting my stuff off the DVR!” A low right, hitting just above Cheryl’s crotch. “And pretending you don’t know why they’re gone!”
Jazmin delivered a lengthy laundry list of complaints along with the beating; halfway through, she finally began to unleash hits to the face, turning Cheryl’s head left and right with hooks to the jaw, mixing these up with straights that smashed into her wife’s nose and mouth. Finally Jazmin came to the end: "And THIS," Jazmin wound up a knockout blow, "is for cheating on me with this whore!" Her fist exploded under Cheryl’s chin, and I felt her go limp in my arms again; if I hadn’t been holding her up there’s no way she could have stayed standing. I released the full nelson and Cheryl bonelessly slid down my body, coming to rest on her left side. Jazmin grabbed a handful of her blonde hair, yanking her up to her knees, tilting her wife’s head up so they were staring at each other, then drew her fist back and hit Cheryl with one last finishing punch, blood flying from the blonde’s mouth as she went back down on her back.

We both looked at Cheryl, semi-conscious, her eyes closed, sobbing helplessly on the floor. 
"Sorry about that whore remark," Jazmin mumbled. "You want a turn?"
"Fuck yes, I want a turn. Stand her up."
“All right, yeah. First, let’s get her clothes off.”
This was pretty easy; Cheryl was beyond resistance, and we stripped her naked. Jazmin had marked her up a bit - I guessed she’d have a nasty black eye the next day, and her boobs were red and swelling a little from Jazmin’s punches. Her wife picked her up, sliding behind Cheryl and getting her in a full nelson; it was my turn, and I stepped up to Cheryl, copying Jazmin and giving the blonde some light slaps to her face to make sure she was awake to feel the full impact of every punch I was about to give her.

Where Jazmin had been controlled fury, carefully choosing her hits for maximum impact, I was a screaming berserker; I just flung the hardest punches I could, most of them landing in the middle of her torso, either the top of her stomach or the bottom of her tits, but my wild fists ended up going everywhere. I mostly remember a few individual moments - Cheryl’s head snapping backwards from an uppercut, the back of her head thunking into Jazmin’s face; Cheryl mewling in pain as a big left hook smacked into her ribs; a gasping sob coming out of her as I dug a straight right punch into her beaten stomach; a shower of sweat flying off her left breast as I sent it flying with a hook; two of my my knuckles busting open as my right hand slammed into her jaw. 
Jazmin finally stopped me: “Take your last one. We don’t want to kill her.” I took a few deep breath and lined up my final hit, a huge overhand right to her head. Jazmin released Cheryl just before my blow landed, my fist slamming into the blonde’s face, sending her flying backwards to fall to the floor with a thud. She was a mess; her face was swelling, her left eye half-closed, a cut just under her right eye weeping blood, her nose trickling from both nostrils, and her upper lip split completely open. Her breasts were two beaten, inflamed masses of flesh, and her stomach was a map of dark bruises.

I turned to Jazmin: “What do you think, has she had enough?” Jazmin laughed, a mean cackle: “Fuck no. There’s no point in beating her up any more, but we’re gonna have real fun now.” She went over to where my suitcase lay unzipped, flipping the lid open and pulling out the two strapons I’d packed. Jazmin tossed me the six-inch neon pink one, and I put it on while Jazmin strapped herself into the ribbed black eight-incher. She went to the bathroom, filling up a cup of cold water, then came in and threw it on Cheryl, who came around with a groan, looking up at the two of us with fear in her eyes (well, her right eye; the left was too swollen shut to show anything). “You heard that?” Jazmin screamed at her. “We’re gonna have the real fun now, honey!”

At Jazmin’s direction, I opened the closet door to reveal the mirror hanging on the inside, then pulled Cheryl up to all fours, getting a strong headlock on her with my left arm, dragging her over so she was facing the mirror. Jazmin came up behind her, giving her wife’s ass a few swats. She had the bottle of lube I’d packed in her left hand and squeezed a generous amount into her palm, then started jerking off the strapon with it, coating it liberally. Finished, she wiped her hand on the small of Cheryl’s back, then got a grip on her hips, scooting forward. I had to apply a fair amount of force to keep Cheryl steady as Jazmin slowly hilted herself and then started fucking her wife. I watched Cheryl’s face in the mirror; at first she had on a look of determination, but as Jazmin kept thrusting, the blonde’s expression softened, then became completely slack; her mouth hung open and her eyes rolled back in her head as she grunted with each stroke Jazmin drove home. I had to switch grips to keep her head from falling, getting a handful of her blonde hair, keeping her face aimed at the mirror.
“Fuck,” Jazmin groaned. “This feels great!”
“It’s stimulating your clit. They’re a little more expensive, but I think they’re worth it.”
“No kidding,” Jazmin grunted. “I might finish before this bitch does.” She choked up her hip movement, switching to short, deep thrusts; Cheryl’s grunts started running together, changing into a whining, guttering moan, getting higher and louder until Jazmin finished her, finally howling a wail of pleasure as her wife drove her over the edge. Jazmin pulled out and I released Cheryl, who flopped gracelessly to the ground.

“Hey, Amy. You ever spit-roasted someone?"
"Well, first time for everything. You want the front or the back?”
“Ahhh… front.” Jazmin grabbed her wife’s ankles, dragging her a few feet into the center of the room; Cheryl was still on her chest and I can’t imagine this felt nice on her boobs. I got in front of Cheryl and we pulled her up on all fours again. I held on to my girlfriend’s head with both hands; her mouth was hanging open and I slipped the strapon between her lips, then started fucking her mouth. She drooled and gagged on my fake cock, which just egged me on to piston it in between her lips even harder, savoring the moment where it hit the back of her throat at the end of each thrust, the contact sending a delicious little jolt through my body where it touched my clit.
Behind her, Jazmin had vigorously stated fucking Cheryl’s ass, and I made eye contact with her; she had such a sleazy leer of enjoyment plastered on her face I almost burst out laughing. She winked at me, then started going at her wife even harder. I could guess from what I could see of her hip movements that she’d gone from embarrassing and exerting dominance over her wife to just wanting to cum, and it didn’t take too long; Cheryl’s body shook as her wife finished, Jazmin’s strokes getting harder and rougher as she threw her head back with a cry of joy. She must’ve had quite a powerful climax as she pulled out and almost fell over backwards.
“Wow,” she gasped. “I gotta get one of these. Uh, Amy, did you finish yet?” Jazmin asked. I shook my head no. “Well, why don’t you ride her face?”

This sounded good to me; as much fun as dildo-fucking Cheryl’s mouth was, it wasn’t exactly tight, which was limiting the stimulation the strapon was passing on. I pulled out, giving her face a slap, and we rolled her over. I didn’t bother taking the strapon off; it was set high enough on my hips to leave access to my pussy, and and I straddled Chery’s head, my back to her feet, slowly lowering myself down until my crotch was resting on her nose and mouth. Jazmin sat down behind me on Cheryl’s stomach: “Amy… don’t tell me you’ve never done this before?”
“Ummm…” I was happy she couldn’t see my face flushing.
“Ahhh, I’ll help you.” She scooted up until her tits were pressing into my back, which was nice, and her strapon was jabbing me just above my ass, which wasn’t great. “Okay, for beginners, get a good grip on her hair.”
“Good. Now, press your pussy against her mouth.”
“Got it…”
“Now start with a rocking motion, back and forth.”
Hey, this did feel good. It felt even better as Jazmin reached around my body, cupping my tits, leaning forward and licking my neck. I’m afraid in my inexperience I may have been putting quite a bit of weight on Cheryl’s head, but I was beyond really caring about that, losing myself in pleasure, pressing my hips down as I felt myself approaching orgasm. When it came, it was one of the most powerful ones I could remember, washing over me in a crashing wave that blew everything else out of my mind; pleasure shot from my crotch like lightning, and I heard myself screaming in ecstasy, felt myself leaning back against Jazmin’s warm skin, her fingers dancing over my nipples, the warm heat of Cheryl’s mouth teasing my pussy. I came down slowly, rolling off my girlfriend, coming to rest on my back, panting, totally drained. I heard Jazmin padding off to the bathroom to take a shower; by the time she came back, wearing a robe, I was just about able to get up, and she helped me into the bathroom for my own shower.

When I came out I thought we were done, but Jazmin had a question for me:
 "Hey, can I get some pictures of you with her? Blackmail material, you know. If I wanna divorce her ass later on."
“Sure.” Jazmin made sure my face wasn’t visible in any of the pictures just in case - either I was standing with my head out of the top of the frame, or had my face turned away from the camera. We got a ton of pictures; I put the strapon back on and got some of me fucking Cheryl with it, then her sucking it, then me sitting on her face, the two of us in a 69, Cheryl kissing my toes, Cheryl on all fours in front of me, a whole bunch more I don’t remember. Then we got dressed, I packed my suitcase, and Jazmin gave me a hug and a startlingly intense kiss. She put her arm around my shoulders as we left her ex-wife and my ex-girlfriend a sobbing, beaten mess on the cheap hotel carpet: “So, tell me more about that thing you do with your tongue...”


Offline Super Deadly Ham Attack

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Re: Amy & Cheryl & Jazmin
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2019, 12:06:44 AM »
After the big blowout with Cheryl, I started going out with Jazmin; at first I thought it was just a rebound for both of us, but I found out that Jaz is a delight - warm, funny, genuine, kind, and the sex was great too. I realized we were really together for it in the long haul when Jazmin and Cheryl’s divorce was finalized and we started, maybe, thinking about getting married ourselves. The last thing I expected was to ever see Cheryl again, and we started getting ready to move in together. In fact when my girlfriend first walked in with a deep scowl I thought the place we’d been looking at was sniped. Instead I felt my stomach churning as Jazmin handed me a challenge letter that had been slipped under the door of her apartment. It was unsigned and right to the point, offering us a two on two match against Cheryl and her new girlfriend; our ex really knew how to get under Jaz’s skin, and even if I’d wanted to duck the fight, Jazmin practically had steam coming out of her ears after reading the letter. It listed a time - 8 PM next Friday - and a place, a suite in a seedy “motor lodge” downtown, as well as a keycard to get in.

We packed our strapons and lube - to have fun with our defeated opponents - as well as two sturdy set of handcuffs and two ball gag, in case we had to keep them under control and quiet. Jaz had taken Cheryl’s strapon after the original fight, so they were both outfitted with the clitorial stimulators; we were really planning on enjoying ourselves if we won and got to use them. If we didn’t win - well, I preferred not to think about that.

“Are we forgetting anything else?” Jazmin asked right before we left.
“Oh! Yeah - do we have a name for our team?”
“Two Shades of Brown,” Jaz suggested.
“You know I hate those books. What about, like…” nothing was coming to me. “Uh, Amy and Jazmin.”
“Okay,” she laughed. “Yeah, we’ll go with that. C’mon.” When we got to the room, Cheryl was waiting there for us with her partner. I hadn’t known quite what to expect, but I certainly wasn’t expecting a 6’4”, 220 pound giant.
“This is Meghan,” Cheryl said her snotty fake sweet voice. “Meghan, this is my asshole bitch ex Jazmin and her little whore slut Amy.”
“Hi,” Meghan grunted. “Get undressed, we’re all doing this naked.” I caught Jaz’s eye as we stripped down; if she was worried about the stature of our opponent, she didn’t show it. My heart was pounding, but I tried to follow her example - I knew Cheryl would relish any fear she picked up from us.

Each of the teams had a corner of the room; we laid our bags there, and Cheryl and Meghan had their own stuffed duffel bags in their corner, no doubt full of stuff to use on us if we lost. The four us met, completely naked, in the center of the room. I cast my eye over Cheryl; she hadn’t changed, and I had to admit she was still beautiful, although on close inspection she was just starting to develop fine lines around her eyes. Her teammate, Meghan, towered over me - she was overweight, but even without this she was just a huge woman, outfitted with wide shoulders, broad hips, massive tits topped with dark areola and long nipples, a bit of a gut, and thick, powerful limbs. Her brown hair was just past her jaw, worn loose in the back, asymmetrical bangs in the front. Her face actually wasn’t too bad looking; she had large features, big brown eyes, a wide nose, and thick lips, all set in a round face. She was staring down at me, not exactly glaring, more the look of a woman getting ready to just stomp on a particularly annoying bug.

“Well,” Meghan started, “I don’t have all night. Which one of you is first?” She smacked one big fist into her meaty palm. Jazmin made to step forward and face her, but I beat her to it; almost before I knew what I was doing I yelled “Me, bitch!” and took a step towards her. Meghan tossed a snotty “This won’t take long, sweety” over her shoulder to her partner; Cheryl and Jaz left the fighting area to go to their corners as Meghan was now fixing me with a cold-eyed glare. I knew I’d have no chance against my huge opponent if she managed to get more than a few hits on me or grab me with her massive hands, so I was planning on fighting as dirty as possible right from the get go, knocking her down and making sure she didn’t get up. There was no signal or anything that the fight had started as I darted forward and aimed a kick up her between my opponent’s legs. Meghan saw this coming too late, trying and failing to grab my ankle. The top of my foot slammed into her pussy and she lurched backwards in pain. I dropped to the ground and unleashed a sweep kick, my foot slamming into the back of her left knee. Her thick leg buckled and she went down to a kneel; I hopped up to my feet and darted around behind her, kicking her in the back of the head, hearing Jaz cheer as Meghan went down on her chest with a grunt. I went to start laying stomps into her, but she rolled over and lumbered to her feet with disappointing resilience. Well, I’d just have to knock her down again and hope it stuck this time.

I took a deep breath and we faced off. Unfortunately my options were limited; her crotch and legs were her most vulnerable spots, but I’d hit both of them already, and I knew she’d get wise to my strategy sooner or later, quicker if I kept hitting the same spots. Well, I’d just have to put her down for good before then. I figured she’d be looking for another crotch kick, and faked it as we came close; sure enough this dropped Meghan’s hands as she tried to grab my ankle a second time, leaving herself uncovered. I angled up, doding her hands and slamming a kick into her tummy, hoping to bend her over - but she took the hit and stumbled backwards, still standing. With a roar she came back at me, aiming a huge slap at my head. I ducked, darting forward trying to grab one of her legs, but this was a mistake as she slammed a knee into my face with shattering force. I flew backwards, landing gracelessly on my back, stunned.

I heard Jazmin yelling at me to get up; Meghan’s shadow fell over me as my huge opponent approached. I realized with a gasp that she was going to try and land a body splash on me; if she got her weight into that move it would be really bad for me, and I desperately rolled away. Meghan had angled herself at 90 degrees, aiming to get her body against mine, but she ended up with a headbutt to my midsection, her face slamming into my stomach. This didn’t feel great, but she didn’t quite hit me right, and luckily she was a bit stunned, giving me time to hop to my feet as she made it to her knees. I charged her, aiming a kick at her head; she saw this coming too late and I nailed the punt, the top of my right foot coming up underneath her chin, snapping her head back. I hit her with enough force to knock her over, and I saw a trickle of blood oozing out of her mouth as Cheryl screamed abuse at me.

I really wanted my massive opponent to stay down this time and started stomping her as hard as I could; I landed the first one square on her face, my opponent bringing her hands up to cover her head. I moved down slightly to her uncovered chest, crushing one of her huge tits into the floor under my foot. Meghan screamed, making a beginner mistake as she tried to grab my ankle; this hadn’t worked yet and didn’t work now either as she just wasn’t fast enough. She paid for this as my next stomp landed deep into her tummy, drawing a agonized moan. I’ll give Meghan this, she could take a lot of punishment; she managed to roll over, and I slammed another stomp into the back of her head, but she somehow kept moving, pushing up to all fours. I backed up, then ran at her, landing a running punt into her hanging gut, my foot coming up and smashing into her stomach with enough force to flip her over on her back again.

“Fucking stay down!” I shrieked. Meghan’s tummy was starting to bruise, and I landed another stomp there, my opponent covering the spot with her big hands. She sat up, and I backed away just enough to give me run-up room for another punt. Unfortunately Meghan saw this coming with enough room to duck off to the side, and I completely missed her, almost falling over and stumbling  a half dozen steps past her before I could come to a stop. By the time I was able to halt and turn back to my opponent,  Meghan was on her feet and lumbering into her corner, where I guess she tagged out by pulling Cheryl into a disgusting open-mouthed kiss.

“Tag, babe!” Jazmin called. I kept my eyes locked on Cheryl and her partner as I backed up into my corner; my girlfriend slapped my shoulder and got into the fighting area as I stepped out. Cheryl came out for her team, and I was a bit worried as Jazmin faced off with her ex-wife. My partner is a big, tough woman, but I knew first hand that Cheryl was an incredibly dirty fighter, and I had to resist the urge to cover my eyes with my fingers as the two women closed. Cheryl opened with an attempt at a double nipple twist, but Jaz saw this coming, grabbing the blonde’s wrists and kicking her hard in the stomach. Cheryl hunched over, frustrating Jazmin’s followup kick; the blonde jumped back, pulling her hands out of her surprised opponent’s grip. Jazmin followed her, paying for her aggression as Cheryl slammed a punch low into my girlfriend’s stomach, just above her crotch. Jaz powered through it and kept coming, trying to get her hands on Cheryl, but the blonde kept retreating; this time she treated her ex to a kick between the legs, and that was enough to stop Jaz as she yelled in pain at the low blow. Cheryl came in on her, getting a double-handed grip on Jazmin’s hair, yanking her opponent’s head back and forth. Jaz tried to grab her ex’s hair in return, but it looked like she was having trouble seeing where Cheryl was - the blonde was apparently really making her dizzy shaking her head side to side and back and forth - and the best that Jaz could do was getting her hands on Cheryl’s shoulders. This ended up doing no good as Cheryl unleashed a series of wicked knee strikes; she landed two in her ex’s stomach, the second one dropping Jaz to her knees, then one to the face that laid her out flat on her back. Cheryl followed this by dropping an elbow into Jazmin’s stomach, leaving my partner gasping and helpless.

“Come on, babe!” I pleaded. “Get up!” She made a start, but Cheryl was stalking her; Jaz was only up on her knees as the blonde went behind her and slammed the tip of her elbow into the top of my girl’s head. Jazmin dropped back to the floor, limp. “Booooooo!” I screamed. “Boooooooooo!” Cheryl ignored me, rolling Jazmin out on her back, laying down on top of her, off-center on her left side. She started deploying an erotic attack, sucking on her ex’s neck, teasing Jazmin’s dark nipples. I knew from my own time dating Cheryl how good this could feel, and watched with mounting, helpless anger as Jazmin’s nipples got hard, her breathing becoming deep panting as Cheryl worked her over. The blonde lowered one hand to my girlfriend’s crotch, slipping a finger in, and I saw Jazmin’s fingers curling into the carpet.

But I think Cheryl had overplayed her hand; Jaz was stunned, but it was too early in the fight for her to just lay down and let herself get finished off like this. She rolled away from Cheryl and stood up, and I could tell she was raring to go, but I figured she should probably take five to recover and called for a tag. Jazmin stood staring daggers at her ex for a second before coming over and tagging me. I gave her a hug and told her she was doing great before stepping out to face off with the enemy team. I was curious to see if I was going to be up against Cheryl, but she was tagging with her own partner, and I waited as Meghan came out to square off with me.

“Gonna break you in half this time,” she spat, charging forward and trying to grab me. I managed to get around her arms - barely - and slammed a side kick into her stomach. She grunted but kept coming on, and before I could try another kick or even back up she turned, wrapping both large hands around my neck and squeezing. I gasped, grabbing her wrists instinctively, then started gagging as she closed off my windpipe.
“Amy!” My girlfriend screamed. “Amy, get her off you! Come on!”
I shot a frantic kick between Meghan’s legs; she whimpered as it hit home, and her grip was weakened enough for me to slip out of her grasp. I backed up, panting, rubbing my sore neck. I couldn’t afford to make another mistake like that. Meghan came at me, her face twisted into an angry snarl; I decided to try to fake her out again, coming in with the same fake crotch kick I’d fooled her with earlier in the match. She fell for it a second time, once again trying to grab my ankle, and I darted around to her right side, kicking her knee out. She went backwards with a shriek, hitting the floor hard on her back. I jumped, aiming both feet into her big gut; I could hear all of the air leaving her body as my soles slammed into her tummy. She rolled onto her side, holding her stomach, wheezing. I kicked her in the back, flopping her over onto her chest, then laid a stomp into the back of her head to make sure she didn’t start getting up too soon, relishing her groan of pain as the bottom of my foot smashed into her skull.

This kept her down, and I moved down her body, going down to her big thighs. I started laying stomps into the backs of her knees, hoping this would keep her from getting up. Meghan screamed with each hit, which was a good sign, but after only three or four she managed to sit up, her face a bright red mask of fury. I took an instinctive step back, my fight or flight response screaming at me to run as my huge opponent climbed to her feet, groaning with pain as she put weight on her knees.
“Fucking bitch!” she screamed. “You’re gonna pay for that! I’m going to break your fucking legs!” She advanced on me, hands wide. I backed up, realizing I was in even deeper trouble than I’d thought; I had made a beginner mistake, forgetting our position in the room, and the furious Amazon who wanted to kill me was between me and the safety of my corner.

I only had one chance, and I took a deep breath to prepare myself, then charged at Meghan with a scream, aiming a dropkick at her right knee. My feet slammed into her kneecap and her leg buckled; Meghan went down into a pained kneel, which was great news for me. What wasn’t so great was that my dropkick left me laid out flat on my back just a few inches away from her. I guess I should have just tried to run past her and kick her leg out on the way, but it was too late now as she was close enough to clamp her huge right hand around my neck and squeeze. On instinct I wrapped both hands around her thick wrist, my eyes bugging out as she choked me. She added her other hand, and just like that I was in deep trouble, gasping and squirming as Meghan stared down at me with hatred in her eyes. For a second I thought she might kill me as I thrashed underneath her on the floor. My hands fell off her wrists and my vision started swimming. I could hear Jazmin yelling something, but it sounded like she was underwater; my tongue fell out of my mouth and the room started going dark. Meghan finally eased up just before I went totally out, bringing me back around by slapping my face, spit flying out of my mouth as I came back to consciousness.
“You ready for this, bitch? You won’t get up from this!” She pulled me up to my feet, her big hands lifting me straight up off the floor, lifting me up straight up over her head. She had one hand on my shoulderblades and one on my crotch, holding me up so I was almost touching the ceiling, looking down at the floor, impossibly far away.
“Please,” I squeaked. “Don’t -”
She did, throwing me down with as much force as she could muster; I slammed into the ground on my chest, half knocked out again. I couldn’t move as I felt her placing one big, sweaty foot on on back.

“You awake down there, asshole? Remember what I said? I’m going to break your legs now!”
She used her foot to push me over on my chest, then squatted down next to me; she grabbed my right leg, draping it across her shoulders. “Let’s start with this one.” She stood up, and I ended up hanging off her by my leg, the top of my head brushing against the floor. This hurt a bit, but the really bad part started as she wrapped both hands around my ankle, then started bouncing up and down, wrenching my leg with each movement. For a second I was completely immobilized, in shock at how much this hurt; then I heard myself screaming over Meghan’s rhythmic grunting as she worked the hold. Before I passed out again I managed to get both arms around her right thigh, holding on for dear life; this didn’t stop the agonizing pain shooting out of my leg, but it reduced it to a manageable level, and I now just felt like I was being stabbed in the thigh instead of feeling like my limb was about to rip off. Meghan must have noticed - probably because I went from helpless, pathetic shrieking to mewling moans of pain - as she gave up the hold, dropping me roughly on my head.  I looked up at her as she stood over me with her hands on her hips; she looked even bigger than before, looming impossibly huge over me, her face locked into a disgusted sneer.

“I’m done playing with you now. It’s time for you to break, little bitch!” She grabbed my shoulders, pulling me up to my feet; I took a wild, sloppy swing at her face, trying to back her up, but she caught it with her left hand, her right balling into a fist and slamming into my stomach with breath-stealing force. I bent over, and she pulled me forward; with a scream she lifted me up for a powerbomb, seating me on her shoulders. I knew if she managed to execute this move I’d be finished, and locked my legs around her neck with the all the desperate energy I could muster, raining punches down on the top of her head. For a second the whole fight hung in the balance; my right leg was badly hurt, throbbing with pain as I poured as much power as I could bear into it. My heart felt like it was going to pound out of my chest as Meghan stumbled a half step back with a grunt; she couldn’t finish the powerbomb and took another shaky step backwards, then fell, her huge body slamming into the floor. My calves got crushed under her shoulders, but it could have been worse. I found myself sitting on my opponent’s neck.

“Get out of there, babe!” Jazmin shrieked from our corner. I climbed off Meghan, gingerly - my lower left leg and entire right leg felt like they were on fire - but luckily my opponent had taken the brunt of my weight on her windpipe, and she’d only managed to sit up, rubbing her neck, by the time I had hobbled into my corner and tagged out. I sat down, trying to rub some of the throbbing agony from my legs as Jaz faced off with Cheryl. They grabbed each other in a hug, pressing their breasts together, both women moaning as their nipples rubbed against each other. I could see Cheryl trying to slip a leg between Jaz’s thighs, but my partner stopped this with a kiss, tipping her head forward and locking lips with her opponent. In addition to turning each other on, they both started trying to pull the other into their friendly corner for some double-teaming; the combatants ended up locked in some kind of bizarre dance, both of them trying to get the other turned on as much as possible while also forcing them across the room. Jazmin was a little stronger, and was making slow progress on pushing Cheryl back towards me, but she was still pretty far short of the mark as Cheryl broke the kiss, darting down to lock her lips around her opponent’s neck.

For a second it looked like Cheryl had gotten herself the upper hand; my girlfriend couldn’t get her own mouth into position to return this attack - I think the best she might’ve been able to do was lick the blonde’s ear. Instead, she let Cheryl push her back a step, then braced her right leg behind Cheryl’s left. The blonde couldn’t see this, and Jazmin tripped both women down, landing on top of her ex. Cheryl wasn’t stunned for long, but it was long enough for Jazmin to do a 180 and get into a 69 position on top, her head darting down between Cheryl’s spread legs. In return Cheryl pulled Jazmin’s hips down and started going right back at her. My heart was pounding watching my girlfriend duel her ex; they’d been married almost seven years and knew how to work each other, and I prayed that Jaz wasn’t overconfident that she could make Cheryl cum first - if my girlfriend got eliminated, I knew our opponents would have no mercy on her, and it would be my turn after that. Peering at the two women, I could see they were using different techniques; Cheryl was going at her ex with long, fast licks, her tongue pressing into my girlfriend’s pussy; Jaz focused more on her ex-wife’s clit, tonguing and sucking on it while pumping the blonde’s slit with two fingers. Both of them squirmed and gasped as I waited to see who would come out on top. It was Cheryl; I wanted to cry as I saw Jazmin’s face going slack; her fingers kept working her opponent’s pussy, but her tongue stopped moving, and I knew she was almost there.

“Come on, babe!” I screamed hopefully. “Come on, you got this! Don’t let her win!”
“She’s toast!” Meghan yelled at me. “Watch - your bitch is finished!”
She was right; I balled my hands into fists, trembling as I watched Cheryl take my girlfriend up to the limit. But before she went over the edge, Jazmin managed to escape; the advantage of being on top is she was able to just roll off Cheryl, who must’ve assumed that Jaz was finished, and wasn’t holding her in place. Jazmin still wasn’t in the clear, though; she was panting, her face flushed and her body shaking, looking like a stiff breeze would set her off. Cheryl came right at her, squawking in surprise as Jazmin executed a neat hip throw, depositing Cheryl flat on her back. Before the blonde could move Jazmin was between her legs, grabbing her opponent’s ankles and pulling her legs off the floor, squatting crotch to crotch over her. Jazmin started tribbing her, Cheryl going back at her as best as she could from the ground. I nervously watched through my fingers, certain I was about to see Jaz cum and fall to her opponent’s mercy - but it never happened; she used her position to destroy Cheryl instead. I stood there dumbfounded as Jazmin somehow turned the tables on her ex. Had Jaz been faking the whole time? I asked her after the match and she just winked, so I guess I’ll never know. I suppose it didn’t matter in the end. What did matter was that Cheryl was about to get eliminated.

“Break, bitch,” Jaz panted. “You’re finished!” Cheryl couldn’t help but obey, pushed over the edge. She was reduced to a moaning, limp pile of twitching limbs and blonde hair on the floor. I kept a close eye on Meghan, ready to intercept her if she made a move, but she stood with her arms crossed, scowling, as Jazmin dragged Cheryl over to the radiator and cuffed her to it. Jazmin came back over to our corner, covered in sweat and beaming.
“You like that shit!” She clapped me on the back. “One down. So, you want to finish the big one
off by yourself, right?” I just stared at her. “C’mon,” she laughed, throwing her arm around my shoulders. “Oh, I’m sorry. You should have seen your face. Let’s try and get on either side of her, right?” To her credit, Meghan didn’t look afraid at all as she came out to face both of us.

“Okay, one chance,” Jazmin barked at her. “You want to give it up right now?” Meghan started cracking her thick knuckles with a glare. “Kinda hoping you were gonna say that,” Jaz growled. We split up, knowing our remaining opponent couldn’t face both of us at once, and she chose to turn her back on my girlfriend, throwing herself at me with a scream. I jumped back away from her, Meghan’s fingers barely brushing me; before she could do anything else Jazmin tackled her from behind, my girl getting all her weight into the hit, her shoulder slamming into the back of Meghan’s knees as she took the huge white girl down to the floor. I pounced, dropping both knees into the back of Meghan’s head with a satisfying crack. This left her stunned long enough for Jaz to orchestrate our next move; we split again, each one of us going to one side, both of us grabbing a wrist. We pulled Meghan up to her knees, then yanked an arm each straight out, and started laying kicks into her chest. Meghan wailed as we destroyed her tits, her boobs starting to swell and bruise as we kept slamming our feet into them. I mixed in different techniques, alternating side kicks that smashed her fat tits into her body with lifting punts, the top of my feet slamming into her breasts. Meghan tried to hang on, stoically taking our punishment for a moment, the only sound the loud smacking of skin on skin; then she started moaning and gasping with each kick, then her head slumped forward and she started sobbing as we annihilated her.

“Switch!” Jazmin yelled. We both changed which leg we were using, leaving off Meghan’s front, instead laying our kicks into her upper back and shoulders. The exertion made my legs start burning again, but considering the treatment our opponent was getting I couldn’t really complain. After a few minutes of this we went behind Meghan, each one of us pulling the arm we were holding straight back, then braced one leg on her shoulder, pulling her arm and pushing with our feet. The big woman screamed and wailed for a bit, then finally broke, retreating into helpless, gulping sobs; she’d held on through her tits getting destroyed, but I think we were about to wrench her arms out of her sockets as she started begging for mercy.

“Stop!” she screamed. “Let me go!”
“You give up?” Jaz barked.
“Yes!” Meghan blubbered. “Let go, you beat me! I’m sorry!”
“You’ll do whatever we want!”
“Please! Anything! Oh, god! Stop, please!”
Jaz nodded at me and we released our opponent, who flopped forward on her chest. Jazmin planted her foot on Meghan’s shoulder and leaned down to hiss in her ear:
“Gonna have some real fun with you now. Go ahead and try some shit,” Jaz ground her heel against Meghan’s shoulder, drawing a gasp of pain, “see what happens. Understand?”
“Yes! I said yes!”
“Great,” Jaz leaned up with a grin. “Well, get on all fours.”
“I can’t,” Meghan pleaded. “My arms…”
“Sheesh, you’re a weak fucking bitch after all. Okay, Amy, go get strapped in.”

I got into mine as Jaz got herself and Meghan into position; my girlfriend sat down in front of Meghan, pulling the white girl’s face between her legs, while ordering her to lift her hips, sticking her ass up in the air. When I was ready Jaz waved me behind our beaten opponent. I saw what she was going for, taking a bottle of lube with me, getting on my knees and quickly applying a healthy amount of lubricant to my dildo and Meghan’s fat pussy. Meghan appeared to enjoy my fingers applying the lube as she twitched. This didn’t escape Jaz’s attention as she yelled “Yeah, you lovin’ this? You’re really gonna love what’s next! Amy, give it to her!” I tossed the bottle to the side, stopping to get a solid grip on Meghan’s wide hips before pushing in, both of us moaning as I slid home, mine high and happy, my defeated opponent’s low and earthy. I made eye contact with my wife as I started fucking Meghan; at Jaz’s barked command the big girl started eating my girlfriend out as I took her from behind.

From experience I knew the strapon felt best with deep strokes, and that’s what I gave Meghan, focused completely on enjoying myself; if she came, great, if not, I wasn’t going to lose any sleep over it. I can’t say without reasonable doubt that she climaxed before I did, but I’m pretty sure I remember feeling her tense up, then release at some point, and I had to hold her hips up for a little bit after that, so let’s just say she had an orgasm while I was enjoying myself back there. Jaz was holding Meghan’s head in her hands, and was keeping her backed off a little bit, making sure I was going to cum next. It didn’t take too long from that point - the teasing clitorial stimulation was really working for me, and the glow of victory seemed to make it feel just a little bit better.

“Fuhhhhhhhh,” I moaned. “Oh, shit. Jaz, I’m going to cum.”
“Yeah, come on, babe,” she egged me on. “I wanna see it! I want to hear it!”
I started thrusting faster, my hips smacking into Meghan’s butt with each long stroke, panting as I fucked our beaten opponent. I squeezed my eyes shut as I reached the promised land, wailing in pleasure, finishing myself with a half dozen rough, short strokes. Warm numbness spread over my body as I pulled out, leaning down and resting my face on Meghan’s sweaty back. I thought Jaz was going to make Meghan finish her now, but she surprised me, hopping up and walking over to get her own strapon, lubing it up as she walked back over. We ended up switching positions; I went around to Meghan’s front while Jaz went behind. Instead of sitting down and having her eat my pussy, I kneeled in front of Meghan, cupping her chin with both hands, pushing the strapon into her mouth. Behind her, Jaz started working the dildo up our beaten opponent’s asshole.

“This is for hurting my girl,” Jaz growled, giving Meghan’s wide butt a spank. Despite her tough act, she was actually having a little mercy on Meghan; She was going to fuck her ass until she came, but she was pretty close from the oral attention she’d already received. We double-teamed Meghan, me fucking her mouth and Jaz her ass for a few minutes; we both picked up the pace as my girlfriend approached her climax, Meghan drooling and grunting. Jaz finished herself with rough, fast strokes, panting in satisfaction as she peaked and came down. We released Meghan, who flopped to her beaten chest, her ass still up in the air shiny with lube; she was completely destroyed. Jaz came over and gave me a hug, pressing her sweaty chest against mine, our strapons rubbing together.

“Whew, we really kicked their ass. What do you think?”
There was nothing left to do to Meghan, but my eyes turned to Cheryl; she was still cuffed to the radiator, and where I expected her eyes to be blazing with fury, she was staring at the ground in defeat.
“What about her?”
“I’m finished with her. She’s beyond contempt; I’d be doing her a favor fucking her face. You want to do anything with her?”
I found I didn’t; I’d gotten all my hurt feelings out on her the first time we’d scuffled. Suddenly I just kind of wanted to go home and forget about the whole thing. We shed our strapons, both of us fitting into the shower with a little difficulty; after getting cleaned up and dressed, our last look at our beaten opponents before we left was Cheryl still struggling to free herself from the radiator - she shot us both a pleading look we ignored - and Meghan still passed out on the floor, her face looking strangely peaceful. Jaz blew a kiss and we were out the door. It didn’t occur to me until the next morning that we hadn’t left the key for Cheryl; it was the last time we saw her, and I wonder sometimes if she’s still cuffed to the radiator in that dingy hotel room.


Offline SunnyB

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Re: Amy & Cheryl & Jazmin
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2019, 09:39:45 AM »
WOW, this is one of your best series ever! So kinky, erotic & HAWT!!!  :P ;)

P.S. As a FtM transman, I'm blushing though to confess that in this case I loved imagining myself as the cheating Cheryl in the first one ... getting double teamed and fucked by her wife and girlfriend ... and in the 2nd one as the tough, big butch Meghan in the 2nd one, getting the same humiliating treatment ... OMG!!! :o ??? :-[ :'( ... LOL!!!  ::) :P ;D
Proudly butch and living as a 'man'. In this catfight fantasy there are no losers, and in the end all should be winners!


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Re: Amy & Cheryl & Jazmin
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2019, 01:31:56 AM »
Well, I thought I was all done with this, but SunnyB inspired me to write another chapter; I want to say thanks not just for inspiring me, but also for helping me with the story from start to finish (hoo boy, don't even ask how the paragraphs looked before he had a crack at it). Enjoy...

* * *

“God fucking damn it,” Cheryl grumbled, pacing. “Fucking asshole bitches. Fucking piece of shit-”
“Honey,” Meghan tried. “Would you please try and forget about it? Can we focus on something positive? I got those Hamilton tickets-”
“Fuck Hamilton!” Cheryl screamed. “How can you ask me to get over it? Were we in different fights?”
“Baby, look. We took our best shots, and we lost. That’s it. It’s over-”
“It’s not over,” Cheryl hissed. “You want to leave it like that?”
“Well, no. But what else can we possibly do?”
“I know a guy.”
“Fine. Get your guy and do whatever you want. But after that, I’m done. I’m serious,” she drew herself up to her full height. “After this last thing, either you’re done with them, or I’m done with you.”
“Okay.” Cheryl held up her hands in surrender.
“Well, you go talk to your guy. I’m going to take a hot bath.”

Half an hour later Cheryl was sitting down at an empty table in a downtown bar. The bouncer, Sonny, wandered over and took the seat across from her.
“Cheryl, you look great.”
“Thanks,” the blonde grunted. “You look like a man.”
“I am a man. Are we here to catch up, or you got a job for me?”
“I need two women taken care of.”
“How taken care of we talking?”
“The works. I want them beat up until they can’t stand, and I want them fucked until they can’t think. And I want it all live streamed so I can watch.”
“Ooh, now that sounds expensive,” Sonny rubbed his chin.
“I’m sure. Five thousand, split however you want between you and your partner-”
“Yes…” Cheryl’s eyebrows went up slowly. “Don’t tell me you’re going to take them both on yourself...?”
“Yeah, you think I can’t?” Sonny flexed one admittedly impressive arm.
“No, just… look, Amy’s a little crybaby, I’m sure you could beat her face in no problem. But don’t underestimate Jazmin; she’s one tough bitch.”
“So am I.”
“Okay, fine. So I’ll give you five thousand to take care of both of them. And I want you to livestream the whole thing to me. Okay?”
“Sure, easy money.”
“Here,” Cheryl plucked a stack of bills out of her wallet. “Two and a half thousand in advance - you'll get the rest after completion of the job."
"Thanks, it's gonna be a pleasure," Sonny grinned.

* * *

We’d finished moving into our new place, but hadn’t unpacked yet; the kitchen, master bedroom and attached bathroom were most of the way done, but a few other rooms were completely bare, or just had boxes stacked up in one corner. I was in the library despairing at the huge stack of boxed books and wondering where to start when the doorbell rang.
I got up and went to answer it; standing there was a dude I’d never seen before, maybe six feet tall and pretty ripped; he was wearing a plain black T-shirt and jean shorts, and I could see the muscles rippling in his arms and legs. Weirdly enough, he was wearing what looked like a high-end GoPro type camera around his neck, the little red recording light on.

“Amy Valencia?” he peered at me.
“Yes?” I held my hand up to cover my face from the lens. “Is this a YouTube prank or something? I don’t want to be on your channel- hey!” I yelled as he pushed past me.
“And where’s Jazmin?”
“Here,” my girlfriend came around the corner. “And who the fuck are you?”
“Sonny,” he said, like that meant anything to me. “Cheryl says hello.”
“You better come in,” Jazmin growled. She lead Sonny into one of the bare rooms; this was the future craft room, fifteen by fifteen feet with light blue walls and hardwood floors. “So, what’s the deal? You here to get your ass whupped?”
“Something like that,” Sonny growled. “Who’s first?”

“I am,” I volunteered before Jazmin could say anything. I came around to face Sonny. “Rules?”
“Anything goes.”
“Fine. You better take off anything you don’t want ruined.”
I stripped naked and Sonny did the same; I almost did a double-take as he pulled his boxers down to reveal a hairy pussy and a big, fat clit protruding at the top.
“Yeah, you like that?” he noticed me looking. “Got your dinner right here, little girl!” I tried to think of a good comeback, but the best I could do was a basic “fuck you”.
Sonny kept the webcam around his neck, but nothing else; he had a bag with him and set up a second camera on a tripod. I also spotted two strapons peeking out the top; it was going to be that kind of fight. I took in his naked body quickly; he was about six feet, so he had four inches on me, and he looked even more ripped naked, maybe 175 pounds of muscle. I pushed down the second thoughts I was having about volunteering to go first. He had long, shaggy brown hair and nice eyes. What was a guy like this doing Cheryl’s dirty work for?

I didn’t have a chance to ask as we raised our fists and closed. Sonny surprised me with his speed; I thought a dude his size would be kind of slow, but he came in behind a lightning fast left hook. I managed to duck under it, but that left me completely out of position as he slammed a short right straight into my stomach. He had good form, getting enough power into the hit to wind me as I stumbled back, covering up, soaking up his next two hits on my forearms.
“Come on, babe!” Jazmin yelled. “Fuck him up!”
I came forward with a kick at his crotch, but Sonny faded back and I whiffed; I was out of position again and this time he hit me with a right hook to the jaw. The room spun and I hit the floor hard on my chest with a groan.

“Is that all you got?” Sonny yelled down at me as I rolled over. “You gonna start crying?”
“Fuck you,” I growled as I got up.
This guy was too strong to box with; I’d have to try something else. I wanted to fake him out, so I put my fists up like I was going to keep trading punches with him and closed up. Even watching his hands to see what he was going to do, he almost took my head off with a right hook. I went under it, still coming; Sonny seemed surprised, and I managed to grab his shoulders and slam my knee up into his stomach. I went to give him another, but he covered his midsection with his hands.
Of course, this left the rest of him free and I took a half step back, winding up and unleashing my best overhead right to his head, my knuckles smashing into his mouth with a satisfying thud. Sonny stumbled back, covering his mouth; I came in to land a kick to his stomach, but to my amazement he recovered enough to push me away with a snarl.

“Is that it, kid? That your best?”
“No,” I hissed. “THIS is!”
I darted forward aiming a kick between his legs, but he caught my foot, and I stood there on one leg staring at him in surprise. He came in with a clothesline, his forearm smashing into my neck, and the next thing I knew I was on my back, staring up at the ceiling and rubbing my windpipe. Sonny grabbed two handfuls of my long hair, yanking me up to my feet; he shoved me back, then came at me with a left hook aimed at my face.
I took this hit square on the jaw, the impact turning my head, and Sonny unleashed a combo: A right to my stomach, left to my side, right to my ribs, a crushing left that squashed my right boob flat against my ribs, right straight to the face, and a finishing uppercut that left me on my back seeing stars.

* * *

“Yes! Yes!” Cheryl was so excited she jumped out of her seat and started shadowboxing in front of the TV. “Finish her off! Hook- straight - uppercut- Yeahhhhhhhhh!” she roared as Sonny laid Amy out, his fist exploding under her chin, her head snapping back as she went over, slamming into the floor, fat tears running down her cheeks as she gasped in shock. “Finish her! Break her fucking skull open!” Cheryl shrieked as Meghan rolled her eyes.
“They can’t hear us, right?”
“No,” the blonde stared intently at the screen. “Look, watch this!”

* * *

“Come on, babe,” Jazmin pleaded. “Get up, you gotta keep fighting!”
“Forget it,” Sonny sneered. “This little crybaby’s finished already. Isn’t that right, little crybaby?”
“Fuck you,” I sobbed, slowly rolling over. Before I could get up Sonny was there in front of me, grabbing my hair again; this time he pulled me forward, rubbing my face into his hairy, wet pussy. His big clit slipped into my mouth, and I heard him moan. I needed some time to recover and started sucking on it, hoping to distract him; it worked, but only for a few seconds before he pushed me away with a grunt.
“Time for that later. Get up and fight, unless you want to give up. Yeah,” he sneered, “just lay there and I’ll finish you off quick, little crybaby.”
“Fuck off.” I’d managed to stop crying, rubbing my nose with the back of my hand. “I’m gonna rip that dicklit right off you!”

As we closed I made an obvious grab for his clit; his hands dropped to protect it and I shot forward, grabbing his shoulders, bracing my foot in his belly and rolling backwards, monkey flipping him over me. I heard him hit the hard ground with a loud thud, and when I spun around and stood up I could see he was dazed, probably from the back of his head hitting the wood floor; he got up before I could press the attack, but he was moving a little sluggishly as he came at me this time.
I darted my head back from his left hook, throwing my own right at his stomach; he powered through it with a grunt, slamming a left into my belly. I tried to grab him in a clinch, but he was too fast, unleashing a right hook to that jaw that turned my head with the impact, then a slower, powerful straight right to the stomach that bent me over. He grabbed my hair and slammed his knee into my face; then he pulled my head between his legs, and with a grunt flipped me upside down, holding me there for a second as the blood rushed to my head.
“No, no, no!” Jazmin screamed. “Put her down!”
“Bad choice of words,” Sonny sneered.

* * *

“Yes! Yes!” Cheryl howled. “Kill her!” Even though the muffled audio on the cameras, the dull thud of the top of Amy’s skull being driven into the floor was startlingly loud. Sonny released Amy, who flopped bonelessly to the ground, laying in an awkward heap of limbs.

* * *

“You fucking piece of shit!” Jaz came out of her seat screaming at the trans man. “Why don’t you come fuckin’ fight me, coward?”
“Soon,” Sonny promised her with a shit-eating grin on his face. “But I’m not quite done with the crybaby here.”
I looked up seeing several images of Sonny swimming in my vision as he rolled me on my back; he lowered his crotch onto my face in slow motion, then started giving me a very rough facesit, grinding his hairy pussy against my nose and mouth, pressing the back of my head into the hard floor. For good measure he reached down and started slapping my tits with his left hand; I think his right was playing with his clit, which at least meant it wasn’t punishing my boobs.

All I could do was lay there and endure it as best I could; it wasn’t exactly relaxing having Sonny up there pushing my head against the hard ground, fucking my mouth, and smacking my tits, but it did give me a chance to recover at least a little bit, and by the time Sonny was cumming on my face, I was determined to show him that he’d underestimated me.

“Now you just lay there, crybaby,” he taunted me as he rolled off. “Time to destroy your asshole wife now.”
“We’ll see about that,” I gasped, catching my breath.
“Please, what do you think you can do?” He yanked me up to my knees painfully by my hair, pulling my face to his wet pussy and big clit that protruded like a mini cock: “You’re just my fuck rag now, you know that?”
SwiftlyI leaned forward, getting his clit in my mouth, and bit down. Sonny let loose the loudest, most blood-curdling scream I’d ever heard; he stumbled back, hands braced on his upper thighs, and I could see tears sliding down his face as he gasped in shocked pain.

I stood up, took a single step towards him, grabbing his shoulders and angling his body down; I kneed him in the crotch, aiming for his clit instead of his pussy, and I could feel my knee slam the very sensitive bundle of nerves into his pelvis. That was too much for Sonny as he fell down, holding his clit, sobbing and moaning.

“How’s that?” I leaned down to scream into his face. “Who’s the crybaby now, pussy?”

I’ll give him credit he tried to push me away from him, but he was weak with agony and I easily slapped his arms away. Not taking any chances, I laid down on the floor above Sonny, pulling him between my legs; the back of his head rested against my crotch as I locked in a figure four choke with my legs, grabbing my right foot and pulling up to add even more pressure as I squeezed. Sonny grabbed my thighs and started trying to pull them apart; for a scary second I thought he might be able to pull this off, his arms shaking with effort, but he couldn’t quite manage it. After that he tried to roll over, rocking his body back and forth; this didn’t work either, and he was reduced to uselessly slapping my legs as I squeezed his neck.

“You got him, babe!” Jaz cheered from her seat. “Knock his ass out!”
“As you wish,” I grunted, pouring on the pressure as Sonny clawed at my thighs. His face turned bright red, then his tongue fell out of his mouth; he started drooling on my legs as I pushed my upper body off the floor for maximum force. My opponent’s hands fell off my legs as the strength left his body; he was finished.

* * *

“Oh, no, no, no,” Cheryl moaned. “Get out of that! Come on! Fuck!”
“Do we have to pay him if he loses?” Meghan yawned.
“Paid him half up front,” Cheryl mumbled, willing her fighter to do something.

* * *

I released my legs slowly; if Sonny was faking and made a move, I’d be ready to clamp them around his neck again. He didn’t, looking peaceful - except for his beet-red face, he could’ve just been taking a nap. I straddled his flat chest, turning his head left and right; he was out of it. I left him laying there as I went over to my wife, who came out of her seat and grabbed me in a big hug.

“You did great, babe,” she whispered in my ear. “Now let’s fuck up this white boi.” We got into our strapons as Jaz mulled over what to do first. We decided to go with a classic spit roast, but before we got into position curiosity overcame me; I went over to Sonny’s bag with the thought of maybe using the strapons he’d brought along ourselves on him for that extra little bit of humiliation.That thought evaporated as I lifted one out of the bag; it must’ve been over a foot long, girthy and covered in wicked knobs and studs.

“Holy shit, look at this thing!” I tried to throw it to Jaz, but it was so heavy it only made it halfway across the room before landing with a thud. I picked up the other one, no less small and heavily ridged. I walked back to where Jaz was standing over Sonny. “Was he going to fuck us with these, or just hit us over the head with ‘em and knock us out?”

“Let me see that thing.” I handed it to her, watching her almost drop it with the unexpected weight. “God damn!” She leaned down and forced it into Sonny’s mouth, laughing as he gagged; despite my wife’s best efforts, she couldn’t get more than half of it actually in his mouth. “Sheesh. Well, we’re gonna keep these. Hang this shit up over the mantel!” She tossed it away and smiled down at our beaten opponent.

“Okay, playtime’s over. You just wait here like a good little bitch.” With that Jaz went over to Sonny’s bag, coming out with a set of leather-padded handcuffs and a spreader bar. “Nice of you to bring this shit over for us!” she purred as she walked back. We flipped Sonny over on his chest; he struggled, but Jaz pinned his shoulders down with her knees as I grabbed his wrists. We put the cuffs on, then pulled him up on all fours and I attached the spreader bar.

“Aahh, now doesn't that look nice?” Jaz purred, taking a step back to take in our humbled opponent. “You’re just our fuck toy now, son!” Sonny opened his mouth to say something, but Jaz stepped forward and shoved her strapon between his lips and started fucking his mouth. I went behind Sonny, slipping one finger into Sonny’s pussy; he was still wet from riding my face, and I scooted forward, pressing the tip of the strapon against his slit.
“No, no, no,” he gasped, Jaz pulling out enough to let him plead. “Please, don’t fuck me. I’m begging you - uhhhhh!” he grunted as I pushed in.
“Fuck, he’s tight!” I gasped. wanted to trash talk this guy like Jaz, and I sneered “Been a while since you’ve been stretched out like this, huh?” He just moaned as I started fucking him, my hips smacking into his small, white guy ass with each stroke.
“You like this shit?” Jaz taunted him as she resumed fucking his mouth. “Is this why you came here, so we’d use you like a little bitch?”

He couldn’t answer, and I reached down between his legs and started stroking his clit; it was quite big, oval-shaped, not quite large enough for me to get my hand around comfortably to do a traditional handjob. Instead I started running my fingertips up and down it, and for a guy who’d gotten his clit bitten and kneed into his hips, it seemed none the worse for wear; Sonny seemed to go crazy from the stimulation, his hips bucking back against me rhythmically as I fucked him.

“Look at this guy,” Jaz grunted. “Begging us to stop, when he clearly loves this shit! Well, white boi, we ain’t gonna stop, but you better not cum before I do!”

Sonny had no chance with my hand attacking his clit; I had to use my other hand to hold on tight as he started cumming, going off before me or Jaz even got close. His entire body shook as he climaxed, moaning what sounded like “Noooooo” and “Fuck” around Jaz’s dildo, his body thrusting back against me. Unable to hold himself up, his upper half collapsed to the mat.

* * *

“How much did you pay this guy again?” Meghan asked.
“Twenty five hundred bucks,” Cheryl moaned miserably.
“I think he’s toast. You remember our deal, right?”
“He could still come back,” Cheryl whispered, fighting back tears. “He could still win. He could still destroy them-”
“Babe,” Meghan rested one big hand on her lover’s shoulders. “It’s over. They beat him, they fucked him silly. Best you can do now is try and enjoy the show, since we’re paying for it.”
“Yeah. Yeah.” Cheryl sat back on the couch, resting her head in her hands. It was all over for Sonny.

* * *

“Worthless,” Jaz barked. “What did I tell you? You’re in deep shit now! Amy, come up here!” I pulled out as Jaz flipped Sonny over on his back. She grabbed my shoulders, guiding me so I was sitting on his face; she lined my pussy up with my mouth and gently pushed down until his lips were brushing my entrance. She went around between his legs, pushing them aside and lining up with his boi pussy. “Alright, Amy, go crazy.”

She slid home with a grunt and started fucking Sonny roughly as I began rocking my hips back and forth. The strapon I was wearing had the clit stimulator attachment, which was now in the way as I couldn’t reach down to play with it myself, but I didn’t want to take it off; it just meant Sonny was going to be in for a bit of a longer ride as I reached down to steady myself on his arms. I didn’t worry about being rough with him after what he’d done with me; Sonny didn’t seem to mind as he thrashed under me, flooded with pleasure from my wife fucking him. Jaz was keeping an eye on both of us, making sure I’d go first; when Sonny started getting close first, she yelled “No you don’t! You already came once without permission, bitch!”

She pinched his clit, and I felt him spasming underneath me. Jaz started edging him mercilessly, slapping and squeezing his clit whenever he got too close to cumming. When I hit my climax, Jaz finally relented, fucking Sonny through what sounded like a big one, his and my own panting moans and gasps mixing as we climaxed. Finished, I slowly climbed off Sonny; I needed a minute. For his part Sonny had a big, goofy relaxed smile on his face, which was soaked with my juices.

“Hey,” Jazmin hissed at him, sliding up so she was looking down at him. “Hey! White boi! You’re getting punished, you’re not supposed to be loving this! Ahh, I got it. Amy, where’d we pack the rubber bands?”
“Uh, in with your office stuff. Why-” she was already leaving to get them; I sat there recovering  until she returned with a few thick ones.
“Here, watch this,” she purred. “Let’s see if the sick fuck likes this!”
“Like what?” Sonny was slowly coming around, looking at Jaz in confusion; he had no idea what she was getting at until she smiled a really nasty smirk and went for his crotch, reaching for his clit with one outstretched rubber band.
“No!” Sonny wailed, scrabbling backwards away from her. “No, don’t! Please, not that!”

“Amy, get him!” My wife commanded. I got up and came around behind him, leaning down and getting him in a full nelson. Luckily he was still weak, and his frantic struggling didn’t do him any good as Jazmin came up and snapped a rubber band over his large clit with a loud, almost comical twang. I smiled, but Sonny didn’t find this funny, howling as his legs thrashed in helpless agony. Jaz applied a second, then a third, leaving Sonny limp and gasping in my arms. Jaz put her hand under his chin and made him look up at her, slapping him across the face. “How’s that feel, shithead? Your little dicklet hurt, white boi?”
“Please,” Sonny started.
“‘Please’, what? You gonna beg some more now?”
“Yes, please. I’m sorry. No more...”
“Huh. Let’s see how sorry you are.” Jaz loomed over him, pulling him up to his knees, pulling him forward between her legs. “Make me cum and maybe we’ll go easy on you, stupid ass white boi.”
Sonny dived in with desperate speed; I saw Jaz close her eyes with a happy sigh as he started eating her out. I came up behind her, reaching around her body to cup her tits, leaning forward and licking her neck. Jaz grabbed Sonny’s head, pulling him forward even more, moaning as she leaned back against me.

“Amy,” my wife purred. “Can you do something for me?”
“Sure, what is it?” I smiled as she whispered it to me. “Okay.” I went around to her front, grabbing Sonny’s hips and lifting him up a bit; he went with it, still eating out my wife as I slid underneath him, getting him a reverse cowgirl position over me. I thrust up, and Sonny froze with a gasp as I started fucking him. Jazmin gave him a hard slap and he went back to work on her.

“How’s this?” Jaz gloated. “You better make me cum before you do, motherfucker! You hear me? Oh, right, got your mouth full!” I held on to Sonny’s hips, a bit surprised to see how much he was enjoying this even with the rubber bands on his clit. He managed to last this time, finishing Jaz off with his mouth; she grabbed the back of his head as she started cumming, throwing her head back and screaming in victorious ecstasy. When she finished, she roughly grabbed Sonny’s shoulders and threw him down to the floor.

“Lay there, loser. Amy, let’s see if there’s anything else in his bag.” I got up and we pawed through what remained of his stuff; even with everything we’d taken out and used on him there was still a bottle of shaving cream (XL, enough for us both), a razor, two bright red ball gags, a paddle, a second set of handcuffs, and a second spreader bar. He’d clearly had some plans for us.

“Look at this shit,” Jaz hissed. “Well, I think I know who’s behind this.” She picked up one of the dildos Sonny had brought along and planted it on the floor, then pointed to it.

“Get on it ... impale your twat with it while facing the camera,” she snarled. “And don’t you touch those fuckin’ rubber bands, or I’ll let my girl bite that dicklet right off. Understand?”

Sonny nodded weakly, slowly getting up and squatting over it, lowering himself on it with a moan. Jaz walked over to where the webcam was still filming, leaning into the lens with a wide smile. “Hey, Cheryl. This your boi here getting himself off like a little bitch? Think you should ask for your money back!”

She motioned me over, and when I came close she threw one arm around my shoulders with a big grin, planting a wet kiss on my cheek. “You enjoying this show? I hope so, you paid for it!”

“Yeah,” I tried to think of a good line to add. “And, uh… um. Uh, he lost.”
“Nice try, babe,” Jaz whispered. We turned to enjoy the show; Sonny lasted a bit longer this time, but before too long he reached his peak, slamfucking the dildo through his climax, screaming “Fuuuuuucccccccckkkk!!!” as he came loud enough to shake the walls before falling over on his back, panting.

* * *

“I can’t watch this anymore!” Cheryl fled the room in tears, running into the master bedroom, throwing herself down on the mattress and sobbing. Meghan rolled her eyes and went back to watching the show. This was kind of hot; she started rubbing herself through her clothes as the two women destroyed the trans man.

* * *

“Wow. Do you think he learned his lesson?”

“Amy, you’re too nice.” Jaz went back over to his bag, pulling out the shaving cream and razor with a wicked grin. “I’m gonna shave that hairy bush, I’m tired of looking at it.”

She walked back over to where Sonny lay with his eyes closed, laying a few kicks into his side, prompting him to moan and cover his ribs. “Hear that, white boi? You’re gonna look like a little girl again when I’m done with you!”

She waved me over to hold Sonny down, although he seemed beyond the point of any resistance; he looked scared as Jaz squirted the shaving cream between his legs, shaking his head wordlessly, but I think we’d beaten and fucked the fight out of him. Jaz made sure the camera had a great view as she started shaving him, occasionally stopping to wipe any cream that stuck to her hand on Sonny’s chest.

“Ahh, that’s better,” Jaz giggled when she was done. “What a cute little pussy.” She gave it a playful slap, drawing a groan from Sonny. “Aww, poor baby. Are you a little sore? Well, we’re not done with you yet. Aw, no. There’s still one hole we haven’t used!” she cackled. “Amy, get behind him!”

I came up behind Sonny, pulling him up on all fours again. Jaz slid underneath him, positioning him under her dildo, grabbing his waist and slowly lowering him down on it. I squirted some lube onto his puckered brown hole and onto my dildo and then lined the tip of mine up with his asshole, savoring the moment for a second before pushing in. Sonny let out a long, low moan which turned into a wail of agony as I slid home; I gasped with delight as the clit stimulator pressed against my pleasure button.

Wordlessly we both went at Sonny, pounding him in both his holes as hard as we could from the start; I think he may have cum somewhere in there, but between his body shaking from each stroke my wife and I slammed home and his pathetic, mewling moans of pleasure, I can’t really say, and I guess in the end I don’t really care. I do know that Jaz came before I did, grunting louder and louder until she was howling, fucking Sonny even harder as she rode her climax, then falling back to the floor, limp, and I finished myself, going over the edge with a half dozen last strokes.

The three of us were left in a sweaty heap, Jaz flat on her back, Sonny laying on top of her, his massive, swollen clit still rubberbanded, the dildo still buried in his pussy; I was laying behind them, staring up at the ceiling and wondering how I kept getting myself into these situations. Jaz recovered first, throwing Sonny off her, getting up and going to the webcam, blowing it a kiss before grabbing it and smashing it on the floor. Jaz dragged him through the front door and literally threw him in the garbage, leaving him upside down in the trash can with the dildo still stuck in his pussy, feet sticking out the top of the barrel. I sure hope Cheryl got her money’s worth from the show; I know we sure did.


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Re: Amy & Cheryl & Jazmin
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2019, 08:47:15 AM »
Sonny (the transman): Oh MY GAWD!!!  :-[ :-\ That was so humiliating & embarrassing ... having my dicklit bitten, then choked out & finally fucked out of my mind ... and thrown like garbage afterwards into the trash can ... NOOO!!! ??? :o :'(

But on the other hand, yummy WOW!!!  ;D :P I know that it's going to sound highly subjective & prejudiced, but that was sensationally, orgasmically hot!  :P At the end of the story, I'm not only orgasmically satisfied multiple times, but also some two thousand plus bucks richer! So I'm not complaining ... LOL!  :D ;D

Besides in real life, I'm expected/demanded to top my wife and my girlfriends all the time, so it was awesome to imagine myself being on the receiving end for a change of a barrage of hot fucks as in this story!   ;) ;D Thanks so much for writing this FABULOUSLY KINKY story!  :-* :D
« Last Edit: May 16, 2019, 08:48:53 AM by SunnyB »
Proudly butch and living as a 'man'. In this catfight fantasy there are no losers, and in the end all should be winners!