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Two Couples Battle For Fun Pt 2

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Offline john54

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Two Couples Battle For Fun Pt 2
« on: June 19, 2019, 02:19:59 PM »
Dave and I naturally fell into the freestyle wrestling stance trying to look for an opening this left the family jewels dangling between our open legs. I heard Jacky opine to Mary “well neither of us are being short changed in the portion sizes”. Whether intentional or not this distracted Dave enough for me to dive in grab his leg and put him face down on the carpet. I lay across his back and pulled his leg up towards his back and tried to get in position by trapping his arm for a cross face hold. He countered throwing me off his back onto my back and ending kneeling between my open legs. He hooked both my legs with his arms behind my knees and pulled my legs up into a folding press. He hadn’t managed to get me locked but he was in control, I sprung one leg free but was still trapped by his body weight on the other. I heard Mary shout go for his balls and to my shock Jacky shouted go on squeeze them. Dave dutifully grabbed my balls and squeezed he said quietly in my ear “sorry it’s what they want to see, you will no doubt get me back”. I followed his meaning and let out a cry of pain. I let him keep the hold for a few seconds watching the girls move to get a better view of my predicament, then pushed with my trapped leg and rolled out.

I stood up massaging my balls which were uncomfortable not exactly sore. I looked at the girls and noticed their eyes were sparkling with drink and excitement. Jacky said sorry for supporting Dave but she had agreed with Mary they would only show partisan support during breaks, at all other times they would support the guy on top. That I would remember for later.
We took position again the same stance as we circled I thought this isn’t free style rules so I stood up Dave immediately went for a grab round the waist. I went back with his push, bent back down and grabbed him round the stomach lifting his feet of the ground and trapping his head between my thighs. As I lowered him I let go my right hand reached between his thighs from behind and grabbed a handful of dick and balls and squeezed. I then rolled forward pulling him to the carpet and got him in a great head scissors. His face was facing my feet, I tightened the grip of the scissors and clamped my hand firmly on his package, it looked painful hold to the spectators and it was most definitely uncomfortable. The girls lapped it up Dave couldn’t move or break out so he would have to submit. They were both shouting for me to squeeze harder, Dave of course tried to pull my hand away and exaggerated his cries of pain. I noticed Mary had her hand between the top of her thighs and was gently massaging her crotch with her thumbs. Jacky had her hands in her lap and was squirming in her seat. Dave finally relented and gave, I released him immediately. We stood up he was robing his neck with one hand and massaging his balls with the other.

Mary dashed across moved his hand away from his balls and started to massage them for him. Jacky came and kissed me her hand found my dick and she started to caress it gently while whispering in my ear how turned on she was getting. We separated, Dave and I gave each other a quick hug then grabbed a drink. I asked if I had hurt him he said not too badly but he had felt it, he asked me the same and got the same answer. So now we knew how far to go. As we squared off again I could see the effect Mary's massaging had had on Dave, he looked at me laughed and I saw what Jacky had done to me. Things had grown but neither of us had a full hard on.

We came together in the freestyle wrestling hold one hand behind the others neck and one hand one the others arm. Turning round in circles trying to get the advantage. Dave dropped to the ground pulling me with him. I landed sitting on his chest but he had the momentum and flipped us over and ended up sitting on my chest ideally placed for a schoolboy pin. I rolled over to throw him off but he went the opposite way, when I was face down he slipped his arm round my neck and put me in a side headlock. I quickly countered and applied the same hold to him, big mistake. After a long struggle he forced us into a standing position, grabbed my dick and balls with one hand and lifted his other arm was round my waist which helped with the lift. We fell to the floor he released his hold on my balls and flipped both my legs up catching them under his arm. He then put me in a neat folding press, just like he tried at the beginning of the bout. He then trapped one leg with his legs and the other leg with an arm leaving me folded on my back locked in position and him with one hand free. The girls shouted do it! My manhood was dangerously exposed and semi hard he grabbed my dick and pulled me further into the hold with it. He then got a better grip like he was strangling my cock and pulled again it was uncomfortable but not very painful. The girls were ecstatic, I could see them from my embarrassing position.  Dave called for me to give but I groaned and refused, my loving wife had her hand inside her pants and was rubbing gently, Mary was massaging her crotch. Both their eyes were sparkling with delight. I gave and Dave let me go again we hugged. Then I tended to my slightly injured parts.

Jacky came across and gently caressed my dick. Mary was kissing and fondling Dave. We had a couple more drinks and a rest all the time the girls were fondling us. We stood to go for the last fall but the ladies had a quick discussion. They announced change of rules for the last fall. They wanted to get involved, the last submission would be partly decided by them. The last fall would not be a submission, the wife of the person applying the immobilising hold would use her hands to make the pinned man come. Dave and I looked at each other wondering what had got into them. We felt like passengers on this train they were driving. By now we both had a raging hard on so wrestling would be difficult anyway.

We squared off both trying not to laugh at our pricks sticking out like flagpoles. Neither of us are in any way gay but the drink and the sexually explosive atmosphere had us in its hold. We made signs with our eyes while they girls topped up their drinks.
We didn’t circle each other we just came together and grabbed each other’s package with one hand and clasped the other on the back of each other’s neck. One of the girls shouted Oh yes! Then they started shouting encouragement it was a bit over the top. Crush his balls, rip his dick off but they were laughing when they said it. They were aware Dave and I had no intention of really physically hurting each other, although I must admit it was very uncomfortable. 
Dave suddenly released his left hand from the back of my neck bent down and grabbed my right leg, I was now hopping round the room. He gave a quick pull up, I lost balance and landed on my back. He came down on top of me but his action had unintended consequences, his balls had made contact with my shin. I saw it in his face and he whispered its Ok, but I now had the advantage. I immediately got behind him and applied a full nelson, I rolled onto my back holding his back to my chest and wrapped my legs round his preventing him from curling up. I called for Jacky to do her bit. She sprang forward and grabbed Dave’s prick and started moving her hand up and down, Mary shouted for her to grab it harder and do it quicker, she responded and Dave groaned with a combination of pain and pleasure. I must have relaxed because Dave got an arm free Jacky leapt out of the way. He twisted himself so his arms wrapped round my right arm and swung his legs up scissoring my left arm he was behind me and I was trapped. Your turn babe he shouted to Mary. I could have swung my legs about to try and break free but I didn’t want to accidentally hit Mary so I just pulled with my arms to no great effect.

Mary latched onto me and started moving her hands up and down. She started squeezing harder and moving faster at first it was painful then she eased up a bit and there was a real mixture of pain and pleasure I have never felt before. Dave was shouting go babe, Jacky yelled her encouragement make him come but don’t break it. I struggled and struggled I could see Mary’s nipples poking through her bra. My struggling just made Dave grip harder and Mary work harder. Then still moving up and down with one hand she cupped my balls with the other and squeezed it was none to gentle. I let out a moan of pain and ecstasy as shot my load all over my stomach. Mary raised her hands in victory and Dave released me and helped me to my feet. Jacky wiped my stomach with a wet towel and Dave and I gave each other a hug.

Our ladies came to us kissing and cuddling thanking us for the show and asking if we were ok. We both had some bruises and we were aching in certain parts of anatomy but we felt really good but not as sexually excited as our wives yet. Dave did broached a question that in all fairness had not been addressed. Were there no spoils for the victor? Both the girls answered well that would be up to Mark. I asked why? and got the answer. Jacky and Mary had suggested before the match that the loser’s wife should give the victor a blow job, but they never mentioned it because it might have been a step to far. Laughing they said no swallowing, I knew this was something Jacky detested anyway so I was not surprised. Well we were entering new territory with our friendship and who knew where it would lead so I said “to the victor his spoils”.

Jacky immediately put her drink down knelt in front of Dave and took him in hand before she started she told me I didn’t have to watch. I said punishment for losing but the idea of watch my wife give another man a blow job excited me. She got him hard and engulfed his dick with her moist lips. I couldn’t believe how much she could take in her mouth as she pulled her head backward and forward Dave held on to the sides of her head and started breathing deeply. Mary turned to me a said “don’t you wish it was me doing that to you”, I looked her straight in the eyes and said “you bet”. She replied “next time make sure you win because I would love to do that to you, Jacky has wanted to do that and more for a long time and so have I”. Dave started moaning and threw his head back, Jack pulled her head away as he shot his load over his belly, Jacky looked like she was the cat who got the cream. She sponged him down gently while he regained his breath.