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Ladies Pro Wrestling Volume 19

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Offline The Midnight Rider

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Ladies Pro Wrestling Volume 19
« on: August 06, 2019, 11:23:30 PM »
Our first match of the evening is Heaven who weighs in at 135 and is wearing a blue two piece. Her opponent is Tiffany who weighs in at 140 and is wearing a green and pink one piece. Heaven was able to get control early on by trapping Tiffany in a side headlock. Tiffany though isn't afraid to bend the rules. Eas able to get free by grabbing a handful of Heavens hair and yanking her to the ground. Then Tiffany spent several minutes working over Heavens mid section. By doing that Tiffany was setting Heaven up for her finishing move the Abdominal Stretch. Tiffany then picked up Heaven and whipped her into the ropes for the stretch. But Heaven was able to reverse and she sent Tiffany into the ropes. Then as Tiffany came running back Heaven was able to quickly turn around and jump and nail Tiffany in the face with her large ass. At that it was academic as Heaven laid on Tiffany's prone body as the ref counted to three. Your winner of the match is Heaven.

Our next match is Breeann who weighs in at 145 and is wearing a red two piece. Her opponent is Ashley who weighs in at 195 and is wearing a silver one piece. Breeann is a very formidable opponent for anyone. But tonight was just not her night. As the much larger Ashley was able to just dominate her for nearly five minutes. The pain for Breeann starting at the beginning when she tried to knock Ashley off her feet. But after a few shots Ashley just picked Breeann and slammed her to the mat. Next Ashley dropped a big leg right on to Breeann's chest. Ashley then told Breeann that her suffering was just about over. Then Ashley picked Breeann's limp body up and slaped on the bearhug. Quickly Breeann started screaming out her submission and that Ashley was breaking her ribs. Finally Ashley let Breeann crash down to the mat. Then the referee raised Ashley's hand as she stood over Breeann who was screaming in pain and holding her ribs. Your winner of the match is Ashley.

Before our final match it is announced that next week's main event will be six woman street fight battle royal. There will be two ways to be eliminated. First you can be eliminated by being thrown over the top rope. Second you can be stripped of your bikini. The winner of the match will receive Ten Thousand Dollars. The participants will be Natalie, McKenzie, Whitney, Tammy, Gretchen and Kristina.

Our final match of the evening is Leiah who weighs in at 135 and is wearing a green two piece. Her opponent is Marilee who weighs in at 165 and is wearing a multi colored one piece. These two have had many battles. But for whatever reason these two were extra vicious towards each other. At one point it looked like Marilee was going to score the win after nailing Leiah with the flying headbutt. Leiah however was able to kick out at two Marilee then placed a sleeper hold on Leiah. But Leiah was able to break that hold by hitting Marilee with a jawbreaker. Then with Marilee laying on the ground holding her chin. Leiah was able to turn over Marilee and apply the camel clutch. After a few seconds the pain was too much for Marilee to stand and she had to tap out. Leiah then told the crowd to look as Marilee was laying in pain. That she was wanting some tougher competition because the likes of Marilee and Hailey were just not cutting it for her. Your winner of the match is Leiah.