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Ladies Pro Wrestling Volume 65

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Offline The Midnight Rider

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Ladies Pro Wrestling Volume 65
« on: August 08, 2020, 09:57:39 PM »
Our opening match is Julie who weighs in at 125 and is wearing a grey two piece. Her opponent is Whitney who weighs in at 200 and is wearing a silver one piece. Whitney looked at Julie and told her to give her best shoot. Julie would begin by trying to hit Whitney in the stomach. But every time Julie would land a blow Whitney would just laugh at her. Julie then hauled off and slapped Whitney in the face. Suddenly the smirk was gone from Whitney’s face and a look of fear would be on Julie’s. As Whitney would grab her by the throat and then sling her across the ring. Then when Julie would get to her feet she would be met with a huge shoulder block. Whitney then asked Julie if she was having fun. Whitney would then pick Julie up and give her a big bodyslam. Then she would drag Julie’s body over to the corner and quickly get to the second rope and come down with a big bonzi drop. It was simply academic at this point as the ref counted to three. After the match Whitney would bend down over Julie’s lifeless body and yell at her for agreeing to a match with her. Whitney then slapped Julie in the face as a receipt for the beginning of the match. Your winner of the match is Whitney.

Before our next match we are shown footage from last week. When Hailey was attacked by Mitzi after our main event. Then we see Hailey leaving the trainers room still favoring her neck. Hailey then looks at the camera and tells Mitzi that if she wants to get wild and crazy then she’ll see her in the ring.

Our main event is Becca who weighs in at 165 and is wearing a pink camo one piece. Her opponent is Heaven who weighs in at 140 and is wearing a a blue two piece. For the rookie Becca it was be her first big test against the veteran Heaven. And for several minutes her inexperience would show as Heaven would counter everything that Becca would throw out of her. Finally after a few minutes of being embarrassed Becca would roll out of the ring and try to regroup. Heaven would scream at her to get back in the ring. Becca would get back in before the ten count. She would then take advantage of the ref not being able to see everything and grab Heaven by her bottoms and throw her into the corner. Becca would then place use her foot to choke Heaven until the ref would step in and break it up. Then she would take Heaven and snapmare her over and kick her right in the back. But Heaven wouldn’t go away easily as she was able to move out of the way when Becca tried to drop an elbow. Both girls would lay on the mat for a few moments. Heaven was the first to get back up and she was go back to work. As she would give Becca several big elbows to the face. Then she would signal to the crowd that it was time for the rear view. Heaven would then bounce off the ropes but Becca would move out of the way leaving. Then she would take advantage of Heavens mistake and quickly grab her and put her in the Full Nelson. Becca would really crank up on the hold but Heaven would try every way she could to get to the ropes. Just when it looked like Heaven would break the hold. Becca would drag her to the middle of the ring and put even more pressure on Heaven’s back and neck. Finally the pain just became too much and Heaven would scream out her submission. Becca would then drop Heaven who would just crumble to the mat. Then Becca would walk around the ring and taunt the crowd. While Heaven would lay on the mat with tears streaming down her face and clutch at her neck. Your winner of the match is Becca.

Next time on LPW we will hear from Mitzi. Plus we will see Megan in action and in the main event it will be Gretchen vs Kelsea