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Rite of Passage

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Offline RedEnforcer

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Rite of Passage
« on: February 14, 2011, 02:33:24 PM »
Below is a story I wrote for a contest on TinaD's website some years back. The image that inspired it can be seen at;u=3245;sa=pictures;view=16889

Enjoy! Also, all comments are welcome.

Rite of Passage

Kara found herself thinking back to those days of her youth. She knew even then that she was not one of the tribe which cared for her, but back then it mattered very little. At that time Nisa was her friend, ally and playmate. As such, Kara benefited by receiving the same sort of training the future Queen of the Lahpsas was enduring. Hunting, fishing, and most importantly, fighting was the education they both received. Most grumbled that the yellow haired strange child was getting the same attention as the first born daughter of the Queen. However, since the Queen herself found the strange child alone in the forest on her first hunt after bearing the future leader, the Queen took the child as a good omen and would have her raised alongside her own flesh and blood.
Nisa surveyed the land. This was to be hers to rule. The mighty lizards, the magnificent volcano, and the driving river were her domain and not that of that yellow haired bitch Kara. Nisa did not know when it happened exactly but for some reason as she neared the age of ascension, the men of the tribe began paying that yellow hair more attention than they did their very own Queen to be. Surely her mother would see that Kara was trying to take over the tribe, but no, her very own mother was under the yellow hair's spell. That was the only explanation for why her mother had ordered this Rite of Combat. Her mother had said that she, flesh of her flesh was the raving mad one and maybe unfit to lead. I will show her, Nisa thought, and that yellow hair's head will be mine to show the tribe as a trophy.
Kara did not want this. She did not want to lead the tribe or fight her former friend. But come tomorrow they would both be led to a clearing near the volcano and they would fight for control of the tribe. That morning both women were woken early and given a royal bath. Instead of their normal wear they were given matching leather bikini-type outfits. They were told that these outfits were the traditional fighting dress of the tribe. The Queen and the Elders led the two combatants to the clearing.
They were told of the ritual. Two women. They would fight however long it took. No weapons. The fight would go on until one woman was completely beaten and one woman was clearly the victor. Other than the restriction on weapons, nothing was restricted. This would be a battle for supremacy. One woman proving herself worthy of being Queen. The other, broken, battered, and most probably dead.
Nisa looked over her bigger opponent. Yes she was taller and yes her body more full, but Nisa was sure she would defeat her. Kara looked over at Nisa, hoping to see a glimmer of what was her friend. Instead she only saw the shadow of her former friend that had been twisted by jealousy and paranoia.
The two women approached each other and waited for the Queen to signal the start. Looking over the two women she felt were both her daughters with a slight twinge of sadness, the Queen raised her sword, and then slashed it downward to announce the commencement of the ritual fight.
Nisa quickly struck first swinging her right leg up savagely between Kara's legs. Kara's mouth open wide and a soundless scream escaped her lips as her hands flew down to her crotch and she dropped to her knees. Nisa then grabbed Kara's hair and yanked her head back and brought her right knee up into Kara's left breast again and again ramming the tender flesh hard against her ribs. Tears began to well up in Kara's eyes as the pain from her breast and her crotch overloaded her senses. Nisa tugged back and watched as Kara fell back to the ground, Confident that her foe was done for, Nisa moved to the next part of her plan, the humiliation. Nisa kicked Kara in her ribcage moving her over to her belly. Nisa then grabbed Kara's bottoms and yanked them up, forcing the material deep inside Kara's cheeks and crotch. Kara felt renewed pain in her crotch and struggled to push her upper body up off the ground feeling her breast and ribs throb with a dull ache. Nisa released Kara's bottoms and kneeled beside Kara and whispered with a deep, husky, almost feral voice, "Don't worry yellow hair, soon I will be done playing with you and you will never feel any pain ever again."
Kara knew in her heart that if she did not fight back soon, Nisa would kill her. Nisa grabbed Kara's hair again and jerked her back on her rear in front of her. She then reached down and grabbed Kara's top and pulled it up over her breasts and wrapped it around Kara's neck and began choking her. As Kara struggled wildly, flailing her arms and kicking out her legs desperate for air, Nisa manuevered Kara around to face the Queen and Elders. "Look at your Yellow Hair now. See how weak she is. She is not worthy to live much less lead our tribe."
After a few more seconds of this Nisa eased her grip and leaned to Kara's ear. Feeling her airway clear, Kara gulped down oxygen hungrily and slumped over ashamed at Nisa's words and her own inability to fight. Nisa whispered again to Kara, "Proud of your breasts aren't you Yellow Hair? No man will have them after I am done tearing and ripping at them."
Kara helplessly croaked, "Nnnoo..."
Nisa reached forward with her right hand, nails extended like tiger claws and put them on Kara's sternum, jabbing into her skin. Slowly and methodically Nisa dragged her nails across Kara's right breasts leaving red trails in their wake. Kara arched back and screamed loudly. As Nisa moved to whisper again in Kara's ear, Kara slammed the side of her head against Nisa's striking her right over her eye and stunning her. Seeing an opening, Kara crawled weakly away from Nisa looking to recover some while she had the chance.
Dazed, Nisa put her hand over her eye and felt the blood there. She realized that if she didn't get it stopped soon it would effectively blind her so she wiped it away and pressed down on it as she slowly made her way to her feet. Kara was only 2 feet away on her hands and knees wheezing and gasping. "Get ready to die now, yellow haired bitch."
Nisa slowly walked up to her opponent when suddenly Kara drove the heel of her left foot back and struck Nisa right above her leather bottoms. Nisa clutched her belly and staggered back as Kara's blow had driven the air from her lungs. Angrily Nisa moved forward toward her foe again. This time Kara had sat up and lunged forward driving her head into Nisa's belly. Again Nisa doubled over and staggered back at Kara's attack. Kara leaned forward and reached up and grabbed Nisa's hair and yanked her to the ground.
Kara knew this was her only chance. She rolled Nisa over to her back and placed her hand over her battered belly. She pressed her fingers down, feeling Nisa's muscles undulate beneath her hand. She jabbed down hard on her fingers finding the muscles she ws looking for and then clamped down with a claw hold she had learned from the Queen herself. Nisa screamed and wailed in pain, each yell making the hold worse as Kara dug in with the hold at every relaxing of Nisa's muscles. Nisa tried swinging her arms at Kara, but her larger foe kept her body out of the range of Nisa's arms. Finally, Nisa swung her leg over and kneed Kara in the side just hard enough to make her release the horrible hold.
Kara grabbed her side, gritted her teeth and pressed her advantage. She clasped her hands together and slammed them into Nisa's injured belly. Again and again. With each strike, Nisa's cries became more pitiful and her body spasmed more and more. Finally Kara straddled her opponent and grabbed her arms and pinned them to the ground. "Admit that you're beaten Nisa and let's end this."
"Never bitch, " Nisa said and then spat at Kara. "You'll have to kill me."
Kara then looked up at the Elders and the Queen looking for a sign. "She still fights. She must be beaten," said the Queen.
Kara then looked down at her friend and knew what she must do. She leaned down and placed Nisa's head against her breasts, then wrapped her arms around Nisa's head and pulled her tightly aginst her body. Nisa felt the lack of air and began wildly thrashing about. Kara held on firmly despite the struggles. Nisa then tried slamming punches against Kara's body and trying to use her feet to buck Kara off. Kara ignored the punches and held on while snaking her legs around Nisa's and spreading them wide keeping Nisa from getting any leverage. Nisa felt her lungs burning from lack of air and keep trying to slam her arms and elbows and fists into Kara. Kara felt the pain and tears return to her eyes but valiantly she held on knowing that soon Nisa's struggles would be over. Nisa's tried and tried to escape, striking Kara again and again, but soon her strength slowly ebbed and she felt herself slipping from consciousness. Kara realized that Nisa was out and released her hold and stood.
"You must finish this. She must be beaten, " said the head Elder.
Kara looked at Nisa and looked back at the Elder, "She is beaten. It is over. I will fight her no more."
Smiling the Queen looked at Kara. "You have learned the final lesson. Compassion. You are to be Queen and she is to be exiled to the Darklands or she may try to attack you again."
As Kara and the Queen and some of the Elders returned to the village, the rest of the Elders drug Nisa on and when she awoke she was told that she was to be exiled to the Darklands, never to return to the tribe upon pain of death. Nisa spat at the ground and told them, "Give this message to Yellow Hair and my mother. Tell them that this is not over. I will have Yellow Hair's head before I die."
Then Nisa turned and entered the mysterious Darklands leaving the Elders shaken because they knew she would return.
"We are all freaks here..stop backbiting each other :)" --nutmeg78

"Red's hair is as breathtaking as a flock of wild cardinals taking flight from a noble hillock." -- sadie


Offline RedEnforcer

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Re: Rite of Passage
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2011, 02:49:31 PM »
This was a great, exciting story (& think I've read before somewhere) ... thanks for posting!  ;D :D

But did you ever write a FOLLOW-UP? The ending certainly BEGS for another final (and perhaps fatal) showdown!  ::) I'd soooo LOVE to read that!  :P :) ;)


If you ever went to TinaD's website it was one of the stories listed there.  I'm glad you enjoyed it. I would like to think my writing has improved since then, but no, I never did a follow up.  I just might if I can think of an appropriate hook.  I have to admit tho, I think in the contest I had the best picture to work with. Boris Vallejo has always been a favorite of mine when it comes to depicting not just sexy women, but strong women who don't necessarily conform to society's idea of "supermodel."  I've got a few more stories I'm working on so maybe after those, I'll explore this tribe again.  Thanks very much for the comment :)
"We are all freaks here..stop backbiting each other :)" --nutmeg78

"Red's hair is as breathtaking as a flock of wild cardinals taking flight from a noble hillock." -- sadie


Offline Willie Slick

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Re: Rite of Passage
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2011, 07:15:11 AM »
I always really like that picture....your story brought it to life......well done..... ;)