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Hatred 10

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Hatred 10
« on: July 24, 2021, 12:21:48 AM »
Chapter 10



"How's she doing?"

"She's...trying." Yuffie hedged her answer as Cloud gave her a stare. "But she and Siren didn't exactly meet under the best circumstances."

"I can imagine," Cloud agreed, after having watched the disc. He'd been ashamed of the erection he'd gotten at the sight of Tifa seemingly being dominated, but that arousal had quickly switched to horror over what the two women had done to one another coming to the end of the fight. "If I hadn't seen to recording I'd have thought you were lying about the damage. And Siren is responsible for all that?"

Yuffie hesitated to answer, following Cloud's eyes to the ring Joslyn and Tifa boxed at one another. At ringside both Barret and Cid stood watching the action, both bearing bruises and sore muscles after having gone in first and second respectively. Yet despite it all Tifa still looked fresh, despite the sheen of sweat. "I...want to say yes. But..."


"She has been becoming more aggressive recently." Yuffie replied. "Remember her outburst before you left?"

Cloud nodded. And though he didn't say it he also remembered her admission when he found her after her and M's fight. She was afraid she was regressing to to her pro - Avalanche mindset.  Ready to fight all the time she'd said. Cloud remembered going to the various pleasure districts back when he was just an army grunt and cheering the girls on whenever a fight broke out. It used to be a running joke that it was easier to break up a pair of drunks with broken bottles than to separate two hookers that had the claws out.

"You think that on some level she wanted to do even worse to that Elizabeth girl?"

"She herself says that she felt that way," Yuffie pointed out. "Only when she woke up afterwards did she feel shock at what she did."

"And what does your tenant have to say about all this?" Cloud asked, wincing as Josy got in a good hit that knocked Tifa back, to cheers from Barret and Cid. Tifa got up quickly, adjusting her headgear, showing no real affect from the blow as she now barraged her sister with a series of body blows. "Does she have any idea what Siren's endgame is?"

"Self gratification," Yuffie replied quickly, her face red. "Siren's sure you want to go with that...fine fine. Siren's a whore. All she wants is to experience as much pleasure and satisfaction as possible I'm NOT telling him that."

"Telling me what?" Cloud walked over to loom over her as he still could despite her changes. "I need to know Yuffie."

"It's nothing serious." Yuffie replied nervously. "Just that...based on the noise you've been making every night since you got back she's very evidently fond of the three of you.

"Are you sure that's something we should be happy about?" Cloud demanded, flushing slightly. He'd been hard pressed to satisfy both girls over the last couple of nights and he was damn sure that they were receiving coaching on some level.

"It's better than having her dislike you, Leviathan says," Yuffie replied. "Considering her flighty personality it's not outside the realm of possibility for her to work against you if you piss her off were definitely enjoying yourself."

"Well when you put it like that..." Cloud muttered turning back to the boxing match so see an exhausted Joslyn holding up her hands in surrender. Tifa, still looking fresh, now glanced over at Cloud and waved him over. "I still don't like this. I'm going to have to have to rely on you and yours to keep Siren in check in case she tries anything."

"Oh you don't need to worry about that," Yuffie answered, not wanting to mention that Leviathan had been keep a close watch on Siren ever since she'd possessed Tifa...especially at night. It had been one thing hearing them, but SEEING them, even if it was second hand...down below Cloud accepted a pair of gloves, and ignored the offered headgear before clambering into the ring.



Rufus raised his head at the sound of a helicopter approaching. He gave a grunt and returned his attention to his paperwork. It felt silly to be doing mundane tasks such as this when the world could be ending shortly, but he had to maintain appearances. His lack of concern at the Meteor hovering over them would inspire confidence in the plebs that Shinra had everything fully in hand.

Five minutes later however his intercom buzzed and, easily guessing the reason, he merely stated, "Send her in," before returning to perusing his files. Scarlet marched in, a sour look on her face, dropping heavily into a chair. "No luck I take it?"

"No, on both counts," she replied massaging her temples. Then she tossed out a pair a deep red materia. "We did find a couple, but no reaction. It's like they're ignoring me."

Rufus picked up the red stones, studying them closely. "And they ARE materia?" he asked.

"Most definitely. The reading we got were off the charts for both of them," Scarlet affirmed. "It does line up with what you said about Wutai, the girl being chosen, and what we saw on the disc...speaking of which...anything?"

"No," Rufus answered shortly, throwing the rocks back in her direction. "From the delivery kid to the company, we can't find anything on who sent it."

"Or why they sent it to you, of all people." Scarlet reminded him, pocketing the materia. "If anything I would've expected it to be sent to me or Viola. We were the one's with a stake in that fight."

"Maybe they thought sending it to me would create a scandal in our ranks," Rufus guessed, sitting back. "If anyone else was learn about your little hobby it would be quite a PR nightmare."

"Now you understand why I had those grunts disappear." Scarlet said, as she sauntered over and gently massaged at his shoulders. "Though this is not a hobby. It is quite a rush the feeling of beating another woman so totally. I can only imagine what it will feel like to do to that slut what I did to Victoria."

"Priorities." Rufus reminded her, rocking his neck in time were her probing fingers. "You need to find a way to counter Siren. If you run into her over the course of your investigations, fine. But don't go seeking her out. Especially not now since we have a third party involved in your business."

"Fine, fine," Scarlet pouted, before her pager buzzed. "Speaking of which, looks like work calls."

"Take care of yourself," Rufus said, surprising both Scarlet and himself. Especially since he meant it. She blinked then blew him a kiss before exiting the room. Rufus rubbed his jaw turning to watch the slow progress on the Sister Ray cannon. This had to work. Because if it didn't they'd have to pin their hopes on whatever crazy plan Avalanche was enacting.

Meanwhile, unnoticed inside of Scarlet's dress, one of the materia flashed at the mention of Siren's name and Scarlet's step momentarily faltered and the blue in her eyes deepened briefly.


"What do you have for me?" Scarlet demanded as she marched into Tseng's office. The long haired man ignored her briefly, talking into his phone, while the two women merely looked on curiously. "I'm a busy woman Tseng, so unless..."

"I'm looking into some rumors of an island far east of the northern crater." Tseng interrupted her. "They say you can see it at a distance, but once you try to get closer it disappears. It's considered bad luck to see or even talk about it."

"Would explain why my troopers have had no success," Scarlet muttered. "What about the second part of the riddle? Chocobos will lead the way?"

"We talked with local Chocobo breeders." Elena continued at Tseng's nod. "Didn't get an answer till we talked with Chocobo Sam from Sector Six. Supposedly there is a rare breed of Chocobo that is capable of crossing the ocean, but all the information on where to find or breed them was stolen."

"By who?"

"Us, apparently" Tseng replied. "Someone's been appropriating any and all books pertaining to Chocobos for some time now. The descriptions all match up. Creepy guy in a labcoat with long greasy black hair."

"Hojo," Scarlet grimaced. "What would HE want with chocobos, though it might be moot considering the state Cloud and his group left that floor in."

"The books may not have been there," Tseng pointed out. "He's been visiting Shinra's old lab in Nibelheim off and on for years now, and that also housed an extensive library. My last report has his visits picking up over the last few months."

"Well that's some good news at the least." Scarlet turned around to leave. "I'll head there personally with some of my men."

"There is a slight problem though, Avalanche has recently moved into Nibelheim for reasons unknown." Tseng stood up from his chair. "Based on what our insiders have heard they're still unaware that we have possession of a second materia. If you show up there now it could cause problems."

"There aren't exactly many reasons as to why they'd be there, Tseng. I've read the report on Cloud Strife." Scarlet replied.  She had a chance to back Tifa into a corner and she wasn't going to miss it. Promise to Rufus or not. "And also, considering their base of operation is mobile it is also not an impossibility that they may have discovered the island we're looking for."

"Are you proposing we try and capture them?" Tseng gave her a skeptical look. "Cloud alone would be a match for at least a division of soldiers, and that's before we even consider the Yuffie girl with that Leviathan serpent and the rest of them. We should wait for them to react to Reno and Rude's operation and then move in after they leave."

"And if they all don't leave?" Scarlet asked, arching an eyebrow. "Correct me if I'm wrong but weren't they down some members when they claimed the Corel materia."

Both Cissnei and Elena rose off their seats, severe looks on their faces at Scarlet throwing their failure back at them. Tseng lifted a hand, halting them before they got too close to the older woman.

"At least take Elena with you," the leader of the Turks gestured at their youngest member. "As added security, and an additional pair of eyes."

"No, I have an idea of what to look for. You'll need the extra eyes to make sure this isn't some kind of wild chase we're on." Scarlet shook her head. "I your suggestion. If the other two make enough of a ruckus then I shouldn't run into any issues. I will react accordingly if they leave behind anyone."

"Shall I still follow her?" Elena asked once the blonde exited the room. Tseng's lip curled in distaste as he considered his options.

"Yes," he nodded. "Nibelheim is a bad luck town for us. Whether she wants it or not, you'll be following her footsteps. Also keep an eye out for anything untoward."

"Sir," Elena saluted. Tseng saluted back as she marched out the door. He had seen her eyes light up when he mentioned Avalanche in Nibelheim. And there was just his gut feeling, and in his line of business trusting your gut often saved your life. Was it the group, or someone in it that had earned Scarlet's ire?



"This trip might be a bust," Cid grumbled. "If there was any information about the fourth materia here Shinra'd have spirited it away by now."

"Maybe, maybe not," Barret grunted, then pointed. "But they have been putting it off for quite awhile. Considering what's at stake it's only fair they get to put their affairs in order."

They referred to Cloud, Tifa and Joslyn that knelt praying before a small grave they had cleansed of the overgrowth. Whoever Shinra had sent to rebuild the town to hide it's burning apparently had had enough of a conscience to leave the graves be. Though not enough to maintain them.

"Honoring one's ancestors is not something one should forget," Nanaki rumbled. As someone who only recently, by his reckoning, believed his father a worthless coward he could relate to the sisters.

"Sorry for the wait," Cloud said as he walked up to their group. "You find anything?"

"Nothing," Cid replied. "This place seems to have been sanitized. Only place we haven't checked is the abandoned manor you advised us against."

"Yeah," Cloud's eyes looked haunted. "I was hoping we'd not have to go in there, but honestly it is the most likely...what?"

Cid had held up his hand as he pulled out his radio. "Talk to me. They did WHAT!?"

"What...who did what?" Barret jumped at the man's explosive outburst.

"Shinra, they're taking my rocket," Cid growled, fists clenching. "They're saying they're going to use it to launch the materia like a missile at Meteor."


"But that won't work," Tifa protested, as they hurried down the path the Highwind. "Would it?"

"Don't care," Cid snarled. "And even if it would, not with MY rocket!"

Tifa's attempt at a response was cut short as now Barret's radio went off.

"Yo, what is it?" He demanded, then paused. "You're sure? SHE'S coming HERE?"

"Now what?" Cloud demanded.

"Shinra's coming to Nibelheim," Barret replied. "Avalanche just got a hot tip that Shinra's coming to look for something vital to whatever plan they've got cooking. Apparently it's big enough for the top bitch herself to come personally."

"Scarlet's coming here!?" Tifa demanded. "They have any idea what she's looking for?"

"No clue," Barret replied. "But they insist the intel is good. Something big must be going down if she's leaving Midgar personally."

"They must be counting on us responding to the business over in Rocket Town. Scarlet doesn't take risks." Cloud said, while glancing over in Tifa's direction. "How're we going to do this?"

"This business in Rocket Town is too important," Tifa answered, keeping her face calm. "We'll need our heavy hitters if the numbers Cid got are accurate. I'll stay behind to keep an eye on things."

"Not alone you're damn well not," Cloud snapped. "The soldiers under her command are some of the best equipped in all of Shinra. Nibelheim is my hometown too, so I'm staying."

"They'll need you to fight the small army Shinra'll have over in Cid's village." She argued, her expression annoyed. "I have Siren with me now, you'll be giving our side a handicap if you stay."

"And they'll have Leviathan with them." Cloud replied, eyes narrowing. "I am NOT leaving you here alone."

"Tifa, Cloud is right," Barret placed a hand on her shoulder. "Scarlet's troops are no joke. She's no joke...and this IS his home as well."

Tifa clenched her fists, spun on her heel and stormed off leaving Barret feeling quite foolish.

"Right then, anyone else staying?" Cid remarked sarcastically. "Josy?"

"No, I'll be coming with you guys. Would be a good chance to see if my training's paying off." Josyln sidled up to Cloud as the others turned to walk off. "Go. You know why she's mad."

Cloud nodded as her took off in Tifa's direction while Yuffie slowed to allow Jo to catch up. "Are you sure you don't want to stay?"

"Not really," she admitted. "But this is something for them to deal with. I'd just be in the middle."

"Should I make a joke about that," Yuffie raised an eyebrow, before ducking a half hearted swing from her friend.


"Stupid idiot." Tifa grunted to herself as she made her way up Mount Nibel. There were places only the original town inhabitants would know of in the mountain, which made it the perfect place to lay low until Shinra...Scarlet showed up. She was done running and letting Scarlet come after her. Now she'd be the one doing the hunting.

"Which is exactly why he's determined to stay," Siren said, floating serenely alongside her. "He is quite the catch, you sure you want him spending more time with your sister than with you?"

"You stay out of that, and out of this." Tifa snapped. "I'm the one that pushed them together. And Scarlet is mine to deal with."

"Honey, you can lie to yourself but you can't lie to me." The feather clad woman smiled. "You never intended for them to get this close and enjoy it this much. You use violence as a way to vent, which is why you're so eager to go up against this Scarlet woman again."

Tifa kept silent. Everything Siren said had a ring of truth, because it was true. Who knew that Jo and Cloud would get that close and keep seeking each other out. At best she'd expected her sister to join them on occasion...not almost every damn night. Nor did she expect Cloud to relax his inhibitions around her so easily. She was...afraid.

What she'd dismissed as a crush, as mere puppy love, had bloomed into a full blown adoration. Whether it was because he had been her first, or maybe because he was just that damn good, Joslyn was now completely infatuated with him and Tifa Lockhart was the one to blame. She sat down on a convenient rock as she caught her breath. She was afraid of losing Cloud...again.

And just like before she couldn't bring herself to hate the one that could do it. She hadn't been able to hate Aerith because she'd been open with how she felt about Cloud while Tifa kept silent, and now she couldn't hate Josy because she was her sister...and because she, Tifa, was responsible for pushing them together. Even worse was how open Josy was about it when they were together.

"See, it's so much better to be honest with yourself," Siren said, her body floating out over the mountain's edge. "That's why you reacted so violently to Mikoto...was it... the second time. You're afraid that Cloud would come to enjoy his time with her."

"No...that's where you're wrong. I trust Cloud." Tifa shook her head reflexively, though she knew it unnecessary. "Josy, I take responsibility for. But he wouldn't toss me aside for her. I just don't like her. And she doesn't like me. "

"Just like you don't like Scarlet?"

"You say you can see my memories, you KNOW that's different." Tifa growled. "Bitch tried to kill me and Barret as propaganda. To shift the Shinra's blame onto us. Then she tried to kidnap me after drugging me. Beyond that she threatened  my family. That's why..."

"And that's why you tried to kill her," Siren finished. She floated upside down in front Tifa. "You hate her for bringing you down to her level."

"Among other things, yes, fine. I hate her guts for pulling me down into the mud with her." Tifa yelled out into the void. "She's been nothing but a thorn in my side since Junon. Maybe it would've been better if I HAD finished her off in Gold Saucer. Then we wouldn't be in this situation."

"And that's why I have to be here."

Tifa jumped off the rock, her feet slipping as she felt herself going over the edge. Right before she felt herself pulled back into a safe embrace. "Cloud?" She tried to push him away. "What are did you...?"

"You forget who it was that put most of these hideouts to use?" Cloud remarked, smiling in amusement as she kept trying to shove him away. "And you also seem to have forgotten who it was that convinced me going it alone didn't always work."

"I hate it when you do that," she murmured, stopping her struggles. "So who else stayed?"

"Just me," Cloud frowned. "Did you really try to kill Scarlet?"

"SIREN!" Tifa screamed in her head, as the goddess whistled innocently while winking in Cloud's direction, before sighing. "What did you hear?"

"Enough to get a feeling that it's probably a good thing that Jo didn't stay." Cloud stared down at her as he relaxed his arms. "Do you really think that poorly of me? I don't know if it's worse that you kept that from me or if you think all I care about is getting my dick wet."

"She was talking about coming after you and Josy, I'd only just gotten over whatever that shit was we inhaled and I wasn't exactly thinking straight." Tifa replied defensively. "You weren't didn't see what I saw. She's not going to stop and she'll use whatever means she has to get me to fight her."

"And Josy?" Cloud paused. "And M?"

Tifa flinched at those questions, before sitting back down. "I...didn't mind when Jo joined us from time to time. But now it feels like we hardly get any alone time, and you don't help with how willing you are whenever she pulls you off for a quickie."

"Might I remind you, again, that this was all your idea." Cloud's face was red though his answer was sharp. "And half the time you're the one pushing us together, like when you went to fight with M in Wutai."

"I know, dammit, I know." Tifa buried her head in hands. "I don't understand it myself. When we're together I don't mind, hell I enjoy it, but when we're done and I wake up in the night I just keep getting a nagging voice in my head that I'll lose you just like if..."

"...if Aerith was alive." Cloud finished quietly. It was a sore subject between them. Though he now knew that most of the affection between him and Aerith was due to his connection to Zack, there had been signs of her seeing him as who he was and not who's life he'd been living. "Tifa if you want me to break it off with Jo, you just need to say it."

"No...that might just make things worse." Tifa shook her head. "I need to figure this out...if I can't trust my own sister, who can I trust, eh?"

"Me. You can always trust me," Cloud replied, his expression serious. "So what was your plan for dealing with Scarlet?"

"I was just going to find a way to let her know I was here," Tifa answered. "Then she'd either send her goons to look for me or dismiss them to clear the way. Either would work for me."

"Too risky," Cloud said. "From what she did in Gold Saucer we know she's not above petty tricks. I'll handle the grunts and make some noise while you go deal with her."

"Fair enough. But no matter what you see, no matter what you hear, do not get involved." Tifa stared hard at him. "This is between her and me."

Cloud's expression was unhappy, knowing as well as she did that the likelihood that Scarlet would have some trick up her sleeve was high if she didn't leave immediately, but he nodded. "Fine, now lets get out of the cold. It IS just the two of us now."

Siren floated up behind them as Tifa blushed, taking Cloud's extended hand. It always amused her just how much emphasis the mortals placed on fidelity in their physical relationships. But then again, when you were effectively immortal the concept of remaining with just one partner for eternity was a horrifying thought. But perhaps that was why they were so nourishing to her kind.

If he was here, Ramuh would probably launch into some long winded sermon about how their fierce will and desire to leave their mark on a world that barely noticed their passing is what made them so perfect. But then again Ramuh had been in a depression ever since the passing of the Cetra.


<Three days later>

Tifa stretched as she rose off the crude bed they'd been sharing. The cave was warm and snug and it's entrance practically invisible behind the brush erected in front of it.

"Seems that you're a slow learner," Siren drily commented. "I told you on the first night you'd be sore if you tried anything on something as uncomfortable as that."

"I don't recall you complaining when he had my legs over my shoulders," Tifa sent back. "In fact I don't recall you being in any condition to say anything over the last couple of days."

"Credit where credit is due, it's rare to find a male with as much stamina as yours," Siren replied. "It why I tend to favor the females as a vessel. But do you think it's wise to take things as easy as you are with what's hanging over your head."

"Scarlet will either come or she won't," Tifa shrugged internally while she carefully dressed, having banged her head on the low ceiling enough times already. "If she does I'll deal with her and then she'll wander off to be pain in my backside at some later date."

"A bit overconfident aren't we? If what I've seen of your memories are true, this woman is a schemer, she wouldn't come here for you without some kind of plan." Siren noted. "Maybe you should tell Cloud..."

"If I do he'll worry more than he needs to." Tifa answered. "But you're right. I expect that she has something planned. I'll deal with it as it pops up."

A brief rustling sound got her attention as Cloud squeezed his way into their small hideaway, rubbing his hands against the cold. "Getting some activity in town and there was the sound of several helicopters. I think they're here."

"Good," she said, slipping on her top. "I was beginning to worry that we were being played."

"Best to wait until night," Cloud cautioned her as he moved to their dwindling stack of firewood. "Then we can move around with a bit more freedom."


"So this is their home," Scarlet remarked as she stepped from her personal craft. In order to maintain appearances none of the planted citizens would come to greet them, and she'd come with only a small escort to limit exposure. The ten men quickly fell in as they disembarked. "We might be here a while, so set up a headquarters in the Inn and make sure not to disturb anything. We want the place to remain as we found it."

"Ma'am!" They saluted before jogging off. Scarlet pulled her jacket closer and smiled to herself as she waved on a pair of her own scientists, strutting off in the direction of the old mansion. So this was where it all began. Fitting really that it should end here as well. First, of course, to business. While she had never been here personally she had gotten the building's layout from the Shinra servers, and she was aware enough of Hojo's mentality that there would likely be surprises and hidden rooms littered throughout. She hoped just the two she had with her would be enough.


"Well, well," Viola smiled viciously. "Welcome back."

Both Elizabeth and Vicky both regarded the redhead tiredly and with open hostility. Around them the Honeygirls continued their exercises doing their best to listen in while appearing NOT to be listening in. "What do you want Vi?" Vicky snapped.

"I was just wondering if a congratulation was in order, but then I take in Lizzy's appearance," Viola smirked at the anger that appeared on both sisters' faces at her use of the pet name. "Tifa proved too much even for you, eh. And after all that bragging..."

"Bitch cheated somehow," Vicky growled. "There's no way she..."

"Vicky...enough," Elizabeth spoke slowly, but with emphasis. "What do you want Viola? Pretty ballsy showing up after what happened last time."

"Ah yes...last time." Viola touched a finger to her chin, as she walked up push her chest at Elizabeth, noticing the wince as she did so. She lowered her head so that what she said was only between them. "I notice you're not wearing a certain piece of jewelry from...last time."

The silence from her declaration spoke volumes, and Liza's eyes narrowed as she squared her shoulders. "I see...when?"

"As soon as I'm sure you won't be able to say I took advantage," Viola hissed, allowing the fury she'd been holding back to show. "And this time it won't be behind the stage after hours like the first time, or back here in a pool of mud. Oh no no no, we're going to settle this onstage, in front of everyone."

"You really think a piece of jewelry is going to make that much of a difference?" Elizabeth gave an angry laugh. "You should remember that I didn't have that piece when we had our first fight."

"I do...and that's why I won," Viola stabbed a finger at the short brunette, opening the perennial wound that they both claimed to have won the savage catfight, that had become a fierce titfight, which had so split the Honeygirls into two cliques. And since they had been the only ones present there was no one prove either wrong. "This time, there'll be no question of who the winner is. Now...get the fuck out of my gym before I give the girls a teaser of what's to come."

Elizabeth's outrage was such that it didn't occur to her to point out that it wasn't HER gym, but that was by the by. Her breasts were in no condition to go up against Viola's now and trying to grab for hair would probably get her the same result. Swallowing her pride she turned and slunk out the door, Vicky and the laughter of the other girls following her.

"Lizzy, sis, you okay?" Vicky asked, concerned. "Do you need me to..."

"'re to do nothing!" Liza growled as they headed for the dressing room. "Nothing's changed. I'll just have to make sure and ruin her this time to the point where Andy'll have no use for her. And then..."

"And then?"

"And then I find Tifa again." Liza said, small girlish smile on her face. She never saw the concerned look on Vicky's face. And neither noticed the small camera that focused on the two.


"So who did win?" M asked as she sat on his bed. The owner of the Honeybee had just finished transferring her winnings and was now observing the two women as they wandered off the current camera.

"Now, now, That little bit of information will cost you...say a single night." Andrea replied as he turned to face her. He laughed at the expression she shot him. "Can't blame a guy for trying. Let's just say that I was quite disappointed they couldn't wait to be in front of a crowd before tearing into one another."

"All that tells me is that it must've been one hell of a fight." Mikoto remarked. "Any comparisons?"

Andrea leaned back in his chair as he pondered the question. "Perhaps your fight against that girl from Kalm...or maybe Tifa's fight against Joslyn."

M whistled at that. "That Kalm girl put up quite the fight. Managed to beat me in the catfight portion of our contest. If she'd had any actual experience I could have been in trouble. I think I might reserve a seat for this rematch."

"No need to be bitter, you know the sisters' fight is one of my most highly requested," Andrea chided her, grinning at the sour look on her face, before turning serious. "On the note of those particular two, what possessed you to send Tifa a warning? You realize you could have put a marker on your back for doing that."

"I think the fact that she was that probability," she replied, grimacing at the savagery the two women had exhibited. She glanced at Andrea. "Tell me you had no knowledge of that THING inside of her."

"Of course not," he frowned. "I'd love to figure out a way to bring it up. But right now, if it's possessing Tifa I think your odds of being the one to...ahem...flatten her have diminished significantly."

"Shows how little you truly understand women like us. And after just hearing what Viola had to say."

Andrea shot her a raised eyebrow.

"I may not like Lockhart, but I have to respect her ability...and I'm sure she feels the same way." M shimmered slightly as she slipped into the shadows of his room. "When we have it out it'll be a fair fight, our pride won't let us have anything but."

"That may be the case with you," Andrea mused as his gaze turned up to his collection focusing on an empty spot that represented a failure of his, but that confrontation had been totally unexpected and as such he wasn't disciplined for failing to catch it. "But what about one that doesn't care about anything but winning..."



"Ms. Scarlet, we're heading back to the Inn, will you be joining us?"

"No..." Scarlet looked up from the pile of books she'd been going through. "I'll be staying for a while longer. Have my security detail take you back."

"Is that wise Miss?" One of her researchers ventured to ask. "You'll be..."

"This is our town," she replied. "If there was a threat we would've heard about it by now."

As they left Scarlet sat back, massaging her temples. The library had been a treasure trove of information they could use. It even had several books on mysterious ruins and hidden islands. If they'd had access to this before they could've gained access to the Ancient Temple long before Avalanche and Sephiroth. But that was not what was on her mind. Had she been wrong in leaking her intention of coming to Nibelheim. She'd expected something by now, but night had fallen and nothing. Could Tifa have just opted to leave? Did she, not view Scarlet have a worthwhile threat?

No...Scarlet shook her head. She still remembered the look in Tifa's eyes when she'd held that tombstone over her head. Either something had happened or...she heard static scratching from the radio she used to communicate with her security. There was a thump and then a groan and then a flurry of communication as her troopers began calling in. She smiled to herself, getting up and moving to the hidden elevator which led to the library and lab.

Finally arriving at the second floor bedroom she moved to the main hall balcony that overlooked the entrance. And waited. It didn't take long as the door was thrown open and Tifa marched in wearing a dark top and dark pair of leggings. Looking up, their eyes met and Scarlet inclined her head before moving off to the room opposite. She could hear Tifa moving quickly as she ducked into the room taking a seat on the large safe they'd discovered, placing the radio carefully behind her body.

Tifa poked her head in warily as the room was only adequately lighted. She glanced left and right but the only one that seemed to be in the room was her blonde target, sitting primly, waiting. She still moved carefully however, fully aware that Shinra had been testing stealth gear.

"I'm assure you there's no one else," Scarlet said, guessing her intention. "It's just you and me here...but feel free to lock the door if that'll make you feel comfortable."

"I fully intended to anyway," Tifa narrowed her eyes as the lock clicked. Looking around the room she noticed it was surprisingly roomy, despite the large safe sitting heavily in a corner distinctly out of place with the soft carpeting.

"I was wondering if my invitation was a bit too obvious," Scarlet remarked, remaining seated as her blue eyes followed her dark haired young adversary. "Or maybe that you had decided discretion was the better part of valor."

"It was impossible to miss," Tifa shifted her weight, a feeling of unease weighing down on her. She expected Scarlet to be as arrogant as always, but this felt beyond that. And Siren was also deafeningly silent, almost as if she was hiding from something. "Our intel division is good, but unless it's Rufus or Heidegger they wouldn't have bothered naming names. It was obvious that you wanted me to know it would be you coming to my hometown."

"Your hometown, you say. I think we both know that's a lie." Scarlet chuckled at that. "I was impressed with the damage you inflicted on Elizabeth. Viola wasn't entirely confident you could pull it off. How's Siren by the way?"

" do you know about..." Tifa's posture shifted at Scarlet's words. Then the last line registered. "How do you know her name?"

"I didn' new friend did," Scarlet tapped a new bracelet on her left wrist as she rose smoothly to her stockinged feet. A band of gold topped with a red stone. A materia stone. The room abruptly turned cool and a faint bluish outline appeared alongside Scarlet. "Shiva has some history with Siren, so we came to an agreement."

The figure uttered what appeared to be a silent shriek and dove at, and then through, Tifa causing the young woman to stiffen with the sudden cold and then a painful tearing feeling as if a part of her was shorn away. "What...what did you do?" she gasped, stumbling back, before dropping to a knee.

"I just leveled the playing field. Shiva gets Siren, I get you." Scarlet purred as she shrugged off her typical red outfit, and kicked off her heels, her firm round boobs bouncing after being freed from their confines.

"Aren't you funny," Tifa grunted back, rising to her feet as she removed the dark top of her outfit, her boobs flowing out to jut menacingly in Scarlet's direction. "Last time I checked I didn't need outside help to kick your ass in Junon or in the Saucer."

"Ah, yes, the Saucer...remember this?" Scarlet pulled a small vial from a clasp just above her stockings. Tifa's eyes widened in shock, and then horror at the red liquid in the thin glass container that the blonde shook at her. "I see that you do. Don't worry this one isn't a gas. And it isn't for you."

In a single swift motion, Scarlet tilted back her head and swallowed most of the contents before replacing the stopper and tossing the vial to roll across the carpet and under the safe. She grimaced at the taste and though she couldn't see it, her eyes turned a deep red, before dimming to a light orange. "Damn, that's vile."

"What the hell're you playing at?" Tifa warily circled the other woman. "That stuff drove us mad and nearly made me kill you."

"Not this time, I've perfected it." Scarlet replied a smile curling her lips. "And I'm also ready to make you pay for all the humiliation you've heaped on me."

"You try to gas me, ambush me and then send some bitch at me like she was a guided missile and you're going to make ME pay?" Tifa felt her outrage grow with each word as the two women circled. "I felt bad about what I did to Elizabeth, but you...I'm going to enjoy crushing you."

"Then why don't you get over here and try," Scarlet said, her voice thick with emotion. The hate she had for this young woman had been building ever since she'd seen her at the entrance and was at an almost unbearable level.

"Happily," Tifa snarled as she threw herself at Scarlet. The collision knocked the blonde back as both women grabbed for hair as they crushed their chests together. Scarlet's arms went under Tifa's pits as she grabbed at the long dark hair even as the other woman's arms circled her neck, her fingers sinking deep into the thick blonde locks. "This time we'll have no interruptions to save you."

"I've never needed saving you little slut," Scarlet met Tifa's eyes as their breasts squashed together, the supple flesh spreading thickly, before they pulled back and shoved them together with force that caused both to wince. "You've never beaten me, or made me quit. This time you won't be walking away from this."

"Says the old cxnt I left crawling in the dirt," Tifa taunted, then gasped as Scarlet furiously slammed her tits into her own. Growling angrily Tifa bashed back, sending both set of boobs jiggling from the force of the blows. Pressing their cheeks together blonde and brunette leaned over and smashed their sizeable mammaries together viciously and repeatedly. This was the third time they were fighting to prove who's breasts were better and to both it was three times too many.

Spitefully they heaved their breasts together, pounding them together with as much violence as they could muster. To hurt the other woman as much as possible. The force behind each thrust flattened their treasured boobs almost completely but neither squealing woman relented in her efforts. Instead it spurred them on as they beat their breasts together harder, their entire bodies moving in time with their thrusts, relishing the pain since it meant the other was suffering as well. But it wasn't enough.

Releasing her hold on Tifa's hair, Scarlet got her hands on the girl's shoulders and pushed powerfully. A startled Tifa stumbled back surprised at the blonde's newfound strength before grunting as Scarlet swung, delivering a solid shot to the brunette's left tit. She jumped back, barely avoiding the blonde's second swing before lunging forward crashing all four fleshy mounds together. The loud SPLAT covered the twin cries of pain as the women bounced off one another before charging back in and swinging their boobs at one another in earnest.

Pounding their boobs together brutally Tifa and Scarlet fought in a stubborn, single minded, fashion near the center of the room with neither willing to give ground. Fierce grunts of determined effort issued forth from behind clenched teeth as both women sped up, pounding their breasts together with increasing intensity. At the end of one swing as their boobs smashed together Scarlet pushed her body forward shoving hard at the compressed flesh. Taken by surprise again, Tifa stumbled to the left before regaining her footing and shoving back.

Left tit crushed against left tit as the twin orbs flattened at the point of contact as their owners bared their teeth and snarled in fury at her opposite as they struggled to force the other down. Tifa shoved powerfully and for a long second Scarlet's right foot left the floor before she regained her balance. Shoving back she forced her brunette enemy's legs to buckle briefly before being forced back into a neutral position.

Screaming with effort Tifa exerted herself more than she thought she'd ever need to against the blonde, while Scarlet shouted in fury unable to believe even with the drug the brunette still proved almost immovable. Slowly their breasts slipped from the sweat that was beginning to cover both women and they stumbled past one another falling to the ground. Quick as cats they both jumped back to their feet spinning around to face their enemy.

Throwing themselves forward, this time they hurled their right boobs together. The collision of the two heavy orbs sent a shockwave through both women as the mounds crushed together almost flat from the pressure, their bodies rigid and stationary, maintaining the contact. Brown eyes glared into orange as frustration built in both women at the pain the other was causing.

"You bitch," Tifa hissed, breathing heavily. "Just how much do you know?"

"Enough to know that your little boy toy should be concerned," Scarlet taunted, panting. "It's not my thing, but maybe you shouldn't string him along if that's what you're into."

"Fuck you!" Tifa gritted out, shoving even harder at the older woman, hating the whine of pain that forced it's way from between her lips. "Fuck you, you cheating old whore."

"Keep it up, I heard worse from that little cxnt Vicky." Scarlet snarled, remembering what Viola had told her. Use the anger, don't let it use you. She could hear the frustration in Tifa's voice as their boobs battled evenly and her greatest advantage, her superior strength and endurance, was no longer a factor. "And I wasn't the one making out with Elizabeth."

Scarlet then screamed as Tifa thrust her body forward, furious at Scarlet throwing back the lengths she'd gone to finally win over her last opponent in her face, causing the blonde's body to tilt. Gasping, she brought her foot back down briefly, before the brunette shrieked with effort and Scarlet found herself pushed to the side and, with a hoarse groan of shock, forced to the ground.

"You bring that up again and I'll fucking ruin you," Tifa spat, her boobs rolling on her chest, fists clenching at her side. "Just flattening you will be the LEAST of what I'll do."

"You've tried twice and failed," Scarlet hissed in return, getting to her feet and swinging her breasts at Tifa who hurled her own in return. They grunted as the flesh splattered together wetly, fine droplets of sweat spraying off the women's bodies. "I'm going to finish what I started at the Saucer."

"Losing?" Tifa retorted as she grabbed at Scarlet's shoulder. Her attempt to pull her in for a slam was halted by the blonde as her fingers dug into the young woman's own shoulder. Scarlet smirked as Tifa blinked and the women stood rigid as strength fought strength the muscles in their backs and arms tensing with the effort.

"Making you my pet!" Scarlet sneered as she pulled their bodies to crash together, the SMACK of the four fleshy mounds loud and painful as Tifa's wail attested. But one did not engage in this kind of fight without expecting pain and as their bodies rebounded Tifa yanked at Scarlet, pulling the blonde woman into her chest with a loud TWHACK! Tifa winced at the sound, but Scarlet threw her head back yelling at the pain. As it came back down the look the two women shot one another was murderous as they pulled at the same time and the force as their boobs collided caused them to relinquish their grips as they staggered back white faced. Tifa's arm crossed over her chest, as if to protect it, while Scarlet bowed her body as she clutched at her tits. But the shock passed quickly and they grabbed again at one another.

Scarlet squealed as Tifa yelped while their bodies spun wildly around the room from the violent slams as they repeatedly pulled their bodies together, smashing their prized breasts in spiteful comparison, lost in the bitter hate they felt towards one another. Neither would suffer the humiliation of admitting the other was the better woman. There was only one way to settle this to both's satisfaction, and with that in mind their cries became louder and more insistent as the collisions of their breasts became more and more violent.

Their boobs became like battering rams, crashing together in fleshy, thunderous claps that caused involuntary whimpers or outright screams. Their fully erect nipples turned into needle sharp daggers that either crossed and added jolts of unwanted pleasure or stabbed deeply, painfully, into the rapidly reddening flesh. Scarlet reveled in the violence. This was what she'd been preparing for, to batter down the bitch that had humiliated her in Junon, once on the cannon and then by escaping and making her look incompetent. So despite the rising pain, despite the increasing exhaustion and the sweat that dripped form her body, Scarlet was fully committed to ending this tonight.

Tifa grimaced as Scarlet's firm boobs slammed into her own dense beauties. She knew just how tough the blonde's tits were after facing off against them twice. But she also knew that she'd beaten Scarlet twice already. If Yuffie hadn't interfered the second time they wouldn't be fighting for a third time...hell, she'd not have had to endure that horrific fight against Elizabeth. This time...she promised herself, as their breasts smacked together again, and again...when she was done Scarlet wouldn't dare want to even be on the same continent as her.

"Feel that, you...ow...fucking hag," Tifa grunted as they briefly slowed in their boob bashing to catch their breath. The blows during this period were slow, deliberate and powerful as they put as much weight as they could behind each thrust. "These are...ouch, bitch...boobs you only wish you...uhh...had."

"Only thing I...ugh...feel is your pathetic tits...oof...getting soft." Scarlet snapped back, blinking sweat from her eyes. "Big and weak and...yeow...useless.

"You would know about weak and...ow...useless," Tifa sneered, pulling Scarlet in before shifting her grip to the elbows. She rotated her upper body, boxing her breasts at Scarlet, getting a couple of free hits before Scarlet shifted her own grip to match. "Is that why you didn't co...come and fight in Wutai? Afraid I'd in front of Rufus...maybe he'd think it was time to swap you out for a younger model."

"You FUCKING little cxnt," Scarlet's eyes flared red as she punched her left boob deep into Tifa's causing the girl to yelp in surprised pain, before doing the same with her right, pausing to grind hard. "You think I'm afraid of YOU? ME! I eat little bitches like you for breakfast."

"I thought you said it wasn't your thing," Tifa grimaced at the pain, shoving her upper body forward, causing Scarlet's balance to shift before again boxing her breasts at the woman. She refused to retreat after getting a rise out of the hateful blonde. Tifa fired off a barrage of short, swift boob blows that startled her bosomy opponent, forcing Scarlet back a few steps towards the door, a strained smile crossing her lips. "And you were worried enough to drink some drug before taking me on so...nngh...yeah, you're scared titless of me!"

"You think you're so clever. You almost had me." Scarlet growled as she swung her body left and right rapidly, attempting to match Tifa's own rapid movements, but the result was a chaotic melee of breast flesh slapping together awkwardly. Ofttimes the bouncing orbs would collide on the backswing, or sometimes not at all, but what did connect would have the women squealing at the sharp stinging pain as their breathing became heavier from the rapid constant movement. "You sound...pant...tired Lockhart. Been slacking off in the...OW"

"Keep talking blondie," Tifa gasped. She'd not admit it out loud but she was surprised that Scarlet was still going as strong as she was. Their movements were uncontrolled and Tifa could feel the burning in her limbs at the rapid movements and the soreness as their breasts smashed together unevenly. "Soon as that shit you...ouch...took wears off you're in for of hurt. Just like last time"

Maintaining their grips they flailed at one another with their boobs, the hollow slapping sounds bouncing across the room. Thumping their breasts together furiously, their strikes became wilder and harder but they also began missing swings for their breasts to slap against the slim arms that made up their arena. One swing connected solidly and the recipient yelled in pain before a second strike, more luck than skill, crashed against the same breast causing her stumble to her side and go down on one knee.

Breathing heavily Tifa looked up into the blonde's cold eyes and growled at the mocking shake that had her breasts swaying. Jumping back to her feet she swung her monsters ferociously at Scalet's boobs who winced at the blow before also swinging back with her own as their tits bounced and crushed together. Grabbing once again at the other's arms their speed picked up again as their thick and resilient breasts clapped together loudly as their owners glared furiously into the eyes of their adversary.

Tifa's expression abruptly shifted as she felt Scarlet pull slightly to the left and a soft moan hiss out from behind clenched teeth. Staring hard at the blonde Tifa saw the sudden panic in her eyes as she tried to speed up her motions. Tifa however matched her, then surpassed her, pounding their heavy breasts together with pitiless violence. Her expression was merciless as she forced Scarlet back a step, before the stubborn blonde refused to move, battering her mammaries back at Tifa's monsters with a savagery that surprised the brunette.

Gradually their movements slowed, both from fatigue and pain, and the blows they hammered into one another became more calculated as they timed their blows to slam directly breast directly into breast. This maximized the not only pain they delivered, but also that they received as both women began grunting loudly with every other breast blow that saw their boobs smash into their opposite evenly, but with inconclusive results.

They fought warily now, maintaining their tight grip on each other's bicep. Neither expected a quick victory, but both had expected some conclusive results by now. Instead their boobs continued to battle evenly, still dense and firm, despite the rapidly spreading redness. Scarlet licked her lips, tiring of the slow pace and wanting to see Tifa on the ground again picked up speed delivering several hard rapid boob blows to Tifa's larger pair. The girl, however, simply tightened her grip on the blonde's bicep and smirked.

"Not this time," she hissed, swinging hard with her right breast as it brushed past Scarlet's left to hammer into her right, the flesh distorting from the difference in force as the blonde's boob was slammed back against her arm from the force. Scarlet groaned in pain as Tifa repeated the move on her left, her monsters beating the determined blonde's breasts back in humiliating fashion. She quickly shifted her pattern of attack and they slammed their left, then right boobs together in heavy powerful blows before another left sent Scarlet stumbling to sit down hard.

Tifa backed off a few steps as Scarlet shook her head. "Is that it?" Tifa demanded as she put her hands on hips, breasts moving in time with her breathing, scorn thick in her voice. "All that talk, all that effort, and this is the best fight you can give me? Going so far as to drug yourself...pathetic. At least Elizabeth, cxnt that she was, gave me one hell of a fight even after losing her advantage."

Scarlet didn't say anything, as got back to her feet carefully. Despite the fact that she just got levelled she wasn't feeling as hurt as you'd expect her to be. She focused her attention on Tifa, who stuck her chest out in challenge. Moving towards the woman slowly, she kept her eyes locked with the brunette, sticking out her own impressive rack to rest gently just out of nipple range of TIfa's menacing pair.

"Seems that while you can teach an old bitch new tricks, she still doesn't learn from from the old ones," Tifa remarked coolly, relishing the flash of anger behind the blonde's eyes. Slowly, without breaking contact, she raised her arms over her head.

"Let's test that theory," Scarlet retorted, pulling the brunette into her body harshly, arms wrapping snugly around Tifa's upper body. " I promise you this. I'm not stopping till I pop your fat, pathetic tits."

"You should try for something you could actually manage," Tifa replied, her own arms circling over Scarlet's. Their breathing quickened as their nipples met and jousted fiercely in a hidden battle as their dense boobs pressed together flattening at the tips, before the brunette's large pair flowed over the blonde's. "Just like last time, and the time before that...bigger and better."

Scarlet snarled as Tifa hissed and they crushed their bodies tighter together. The brunette twisted her body driving her larger boobs against the blonde one after the other causing the blonde to groan as the pain alternated. Scarlet retaliated by driving her chest forward as her breasts burrowed into Tifa's larger pair. As she pulled back Tifa rolled her breasts over and around Scarlet's slowly, causing the blonde to wince. Both attacked, never defended, every blow quickly reciprocated to ensure maximum pain and both sets gradually lost firmness, becoming looser and hanging lower.

As their breasts continued their battle below both kept their gazes fixated on the face of their opposite. As they twisted and ground their boobs together one would smile at the sudden exhalation of pain or a brief fluttering of the eyelids as she inflicted pain on her enemy. Eyes sparkled in triumph at the shame and anger in the other's eyes. Both wanted to make sure they witnessed every moment of agony the other experienced, and they wanted the other woman to know it as well.

So focused were they that neither heard the soft rattle of the door. Nor the soft gasp of shock as the groans they forced from one another passed beyond their personal arena.


Cloud made full speed for the mansion after dealing with the last of the troopers. While not SOLDIER grade, Scarlet's personal guard were far above the rank and file. Throwing open the door, he heard a sharp patter of retreating footsteps on the next level. Unslinging his sword he moved cautiously, pausing at a nearby door. Putting his ear to it, he heard the sound of moving feet and high pitch yelps.

"Not that door then," he muttered to himself, fighting the urge to look through the keyhole or bust down the door. Tifa would deal with Scarlet, instead he moved in the direction he'd heard the footsteps moving. The hallway ended at a small room, with a window that a child could barely fit through. Recognizing it from the information he'd scared out of the researchers, he felt along the wall for the hidden switch. At the click the hidden entrance slid open and the elevator made it's way up, clanking noisily. As he stepped inside, he kept his sword ready. If Scarlet had been the last one to use the contraption it should've already been at his floor. Whoever he'd heard had come down here.

He found himself in the room from Zack's memories. This was where Sephiroth had discovered the secret of his birth and what had caused the destruction of the original Nibelheim. He paused to glance at the books covering the table, raising an eyebrow at the choice of texts.

"Raising your Chocobo...Your Chocobo and You...Greens and what They're good for...since when has Shinra been interested in this?" He muttered to himself. "Sounds like something that Sage would be interested in...huh...Legends and Falsehoods. Maybe later."

Moving past the tables he headed for the security room. His job was to disable any security cams to ensure there wouldn't be any record of Tifa and Scarlet's...fight. He paused at the door briefly, then thrust it open violently, ducking as he came through. He'd barely gone low enough as he felt the arm of his assailant go through his hair before grabbing at the arm, then the throat. Six months earlier he would have ended the threat with a simple twist but now he slammed the person up against the wall, hesitating at the feminine cry.

"Elena?" He asked surprised, staring at the blonde face of the female Turk. She kneed at him ineffectually, before shoving her free hand at him with a taser. He dodged the strike and slapped the device from her hand casually. "What are you"

He noticed her face had a deep red tinge and now that he was no longer distracted he heard a light shuffling of feet and loud, but staticky, grunts intermixed cries of pain in two differing voices. Turning slowly he saw that one of the larger cameras was located in the locked room from earlier and was moving in time with Tifa and Scarlet as they staggered back and forth across the confines, their arms wrapped tightly around one another.

Neither woman appeared to able to maintain any advantage as Scarlet had Tifa up against the wall, pumping her boobs powerfully at the trapped woman, before the determined brunette pushed her older adversary back step by stubborn step until her panty clad butt hit up against the safe that occupied that corner of the room. Once there she shoved hard, bending the blonde, trying to force her onto her back but Scarlet fought back with a strength that disturbed Cloud.

Their bodies tilted as she fought her way off the safe and it almost looked as if they would lose their balance before their bodies went back upright. The mic in the room wasn't good enough to pick up what was being said, but their mouths were moving and whatever it was clearly fueled the fury of the women as their grunts and growls became fiercer as their bodies pumped violently together.

"What...they..." Elena stammered, her body trembling at the sight of the pair on the camera. That Scarlet could have hostility towards Lockhart was well in the realm of possibility, but the idea of her getting into a fight with Tifa was laughable considering the differences. But seeing them fighting like this was something she'd never have imagined.

"Not a word," Cloud warned, amused at the girl's reaction. Despite being a Turk she was obviously innocent and naive to the nastier part of being human...and a woman in particular. "Why are you here? All this sneaking clearly didn't come with Scarlet."

Elena clammed up, her professionalism kicking back in as she now literally kicked out, her leg swinging sharply between Cloud's legs. His eyes crossed and he gave an agonized groan as he slumped down. He managed to get a hand up to block a roundhouse kick that sent him rolling back against the main panel controlling the cameras before Elena yanked open the door. Grimacing at the pain he levered himself back to his feet chasing after her, his original plan forgotten.

Behind him on the screen, Tifa yelled in triumph, lifting Scarlet and tossing her to the ground. She wasn't there for long though, as she rolled twice in the opposite direction before springing to her feet and charging back at the girl. The brunette, preparing to jump at Scarlet, was caught by surprise and barely had time to set herself as the blonde barreled furiously into her, knocking her back. She barely managed to keep her footing as arms circled around backs, breasts flattened and nipples stabbed. Tifa for first time realized that she might have underestimated Scarlet's preparations. And the blonde's determination.


Back outside the mansion, the winds picked up and the populace looked up in surprise as snow began to fall. Slowly at first but then it quickly became difficult to see as it turned into a snowstorm. More than half of the troopers Cloud had knocked out would die from exposure by the time it was done but those responsible cared not a jot. High above the town a violent clashing of wind and ice caused the temperature to drop as Siren desperately fended off Shiva's furious assault.

"What are you doing?" Siren demanded as she channeled her control over the wind and air. "You know what damage can be caused when our kind battle."

"And why would a I care?" Shiva shrieked back as she cast water and ice and Siren's barrier. "You took Alexander from me. Even if I can't destroy you I can ensure the suffering of your vessel."

"What are you talking about?" Siren altered her plan, heating up the air around her changing Shiva's ice into water droplets which fell heavily below. "What have you done!?"

"I've blocked her connection to you," Shiva replied smugly, dropping the temperature around her to sub zero, as the water now became hail, crashing onto and through rooftops. "You will not be able to assist her in her battle."

Siren laughed loudly, surprising the Ice Queen who paused in her relentless assault. "Still as easily manipulated as ever. Tifa...the girl I'm with...FORBADE me from interfering in her fight. You holding me does nothing."

"You think I care about a fight between mortals," Shiva hissed as wind and ice howled around her. "The two of them can beat each other senseless and it matters not a drop to me. Finally finding you and making you pay for what you did to my brother is all I care about."

"You never do listen do you," Siren sighed. "You couldn't beat me five hundred years ago even when you had an Avatar. Maybe you'll be ready to listen after I put you back in your rock for another five hundred."

Clapping her hands together Siren fired a jet of superheated air at Shiva who responded with a deluge of frozen water. Below them the storm of their combat roiled and the wind howled yet in the eye of the storm, situated directly over the mansion, all remained calm and those within were clueless as to battle that raged outside.


As Cloud fought a running battle with Elena and Siren and Shiva's fight had Nibelheim engulfed in a storm the private war between Tifa and Scarlet kept both women ignorant to what was going on outside of the room they'd sealed themselves inside. Both now dripped with a thin coating of sweat that covered their bodies in a bright sheen as they staggered back and forth their boobs slipping and sliding at the briefest lapse in pressure.

With each shove, the breasts on the receiving end would flatten, it's mass being pushed back in on itself, before  rolling back out into it's original shape. The process would then repeat as the recipient counterattacked, shoving her breasts deep into the other's pair. Neither woman attempted to pull away, fully confident in her boobs ability to absorb punishment despite the slow but apparent loss of firmness as both sets wobbled and shook with increasing frequency as the fight went on.

Nipples proved deadly weapons as they threatened to puncture the taut flesh, stabbing deep or lining up against it's opposite and causing the women to shudder in pleasure as their tired legs felt weak from the sensation.

"Ready to quit yet," Tifa gasped, crushing Scarlet's body to her own. It couldn't just be what had been in the vial she realized. The blonde was fighting harder than she ever had and with a degree of skill that had been previously absent. It explained the absolute confidence she exuded despite the previous results. But more importantly Tifa could feel her arms tiring from maintaining the hold on the other woman and they began to quake with each squeeze and thrust.

"Why would I quit when I...nngh...have you right where I...hah...want you," Scarlet groaned back as she endured Tifa's hug before retaliating with a squeeze of her own. "I'm going to drag you out that door by your hair. You'll make a fine plaything for me and Rufus."

"By the time I'm...hnngh...done with you, you...your precious Rufus won't even look in your direction," Tifa threatened rolling her tits between their arms, nipples scraping along the tense and taut skin and areola, probing deep inside the confines of their compressed boobs for the sensitive areas to best inflict pain. Fatigue was dogging her heels and the movements began to slow, becoming more compact as she lingered on the spots where Scarlet winced. "You'll be lucky to have Heidegger give you a pity fuck."

Scarlet said nothing, but her face reddened and eyes narrowed, as she strained forward, powering the tired Tifa back up against a wall again. For the first time she believed she saw fear in the brunette's eyes. It was a beautiful sight. Grinding away furiously at the girl she brought her lips within inches of Tifa's ear. "If I pop these bags of yours, do you think he'll go for your sister, or that Yuffie girl?" Scarlet spat through clenched teeth, her voice soft and breath warm against the girl's ear as she ground her boobs into Tifa's. "Why don't..ow...we...ow...find..."

Scarlet's surprised whines of pain came from touching on Tifa's sore topic. Already worried and scared at the thought of losing Cloud to her sister, having the hated blonde bring it up infuriated her. Thrusting out with her tits Tifa maneuvered them until they had rotated completely and she now had Scarlet up against the wall. Baring her teeth at the other woman Tifa brought her face in close till their noses were touching as she growled furiously at the blonde who snarled back defiantly before groaning loudly as the younger woman loosened her grip just enough to batter her boobs at her rival, before tightening her arms as the blonde tried to bash back.

"cxnt...fight fair!" Scarlet grunted as Tifa repeated the maneuver, getting in several free sharp blows before resuming grinding before she could retaliate.

"That's funny...coming from you," Tifa replied mockingly, as she copied the move Naoko had used to considerable effect against Joslyn. Scarlet whined loudly as she did it a third time, before squirming wildly, rotating her upper body as Tifa struggled to keep her under control. As she gyrated, Scarlet's boobs slowly worked their way around and over Tifa's tits, who spotted the danger too late. With a strained smirk on her face Scarlet rose up on her toes and dropped her boobs to crash heavily onto the brunette's.

"Scream bitch!" Scarlet hissed at Tifa's yell, as she rested her foot against the wall and pushed them off of it to stagger towards the center of the room. Recognizing the effectiveness of the move she repeated it again, her heavy orbs splattering atop Tifa's monsters, causing the girl to stumble as her knees bent and her legs slipped from under her. Suddenly finding herself supporting Tifa's body Scarlet smiled down cruelly at the young woman, before rising to her toes as she prepared to deliver another blow. Tifa however got her feet back under her and shot up, their boobs smacking together with stunning force as both women screamed at the collision.

Sweat droplets popped into existence as blonde and brunette trembled from the force of that last blow. Tifa recovered first, bending her knees and slamming her tits into Scarlet's vulnerable undersides again causing the blonde to squeal in pain before smashing her breasts onto Tifa's sending the girl back down.

Almost as if they'd gotten a second wind they began attacking each other in earnest. Scarlet dropping her heavy swollen boobs onto Tifa's monsters, before she responded by hurling them upwards to smack loudly against the sensitive undersides. Occasionally, as their breasts leveled off, they leaned into one another driving their tits forward to balloon outwards. Both shrieked unashamedly at the intense pain but neither relented or even hesitated to keep beating their breasts together. A final boob uppercut knocked Scarlet loose, stumbling back as she lost her grip, the blonde's apparent wounded state invigorating Tifa. Striding forward she walked into a swing, right on right, that staggered her as she had not believed Scarlet capable of such a blow this late in the fight.

Roatating her body  Scarlet hurled her boob at Tifa again who swung her own in turn, the THWACK of the massive orbs colliding as loud as the bellow of pain from the two women who recoiled, bowing as they cradled their abused breasts. Glaring across at one another both swung from the hips putting as much force as they could behind the swing. As the boobs smashed into one another the flesh flattened as it quivered and shook violently. Blonde and brunette screamed in agony, but it was Tifa that tumbled to the ground from the force of the blow.

She fell heavily onto her side, a look of shock on her face. For her part Scarlet stumbled back, stunned both from the force of the blow and from Tifa's collapse. Both women stared at one another silently, as if unsure of what to make of this situation. Then Scarlet sneered as she ran her hands over and around her swollen breasts. "Guess bigger doesn't mean better," she mocked the fallen woman, using the same words Tifa had used against Elizabeth.

Shooting Scarlet a look of undiluted loathing Tifa carefully levered herself back to her feet. Wiping at the seat of her pants she stalked towards the blonde in a circular manner, swaying her body in a deliberately provocative manner that had her boobs bouncing and swaying from side to side. Nostrils flaring Scarlet recognized the taunt, and the challenge. Her own hips and breasts swaying she circled in the opposite direction as the women slowly closed the distance. As soon as they got in range both shrieked in a sudden fury and hurled their breasts at the other in a wild violent melee.

Blonde and brunette stared hard at the other as their boobs hammered together with loud WHACKS as they swallowed down screams of suffering. Tifa's bigger breasts gave her more weight to her swing which she used to painful effect as her tits thudded along the full length of Scarlet's boobs even as the taller blonde used her height to batter the brunette's orbs at a downward angle. This caused Tifa to exert more energy as they swung and had the girl panting harder and deeper the longer the wild fight went on.

Planting her hands on her hips Tifa increased the strength behind each swing, forcing increasing shouts of pain from the blonde. Copying the move Scarlet found the added support eased the pressure on her back and she gritted her teeth as the heavy boobs clashed with increasing violence. As Tifa slowed, drained from her previous effort, Scarlet now went on the attack getting almost two hits to every one of Tifa's. The brunette girl's eyes squeezed shut as she whipped her head back and forth at the pain, her dark hair flying wildly as sweat droplets were flung from her face.

"Got you now bitch," Scarlet gasped out, an eager smile on her face despite the agony of the breasts clapping together. "Weak ass...ohh...little slut, you're done."

"You only...uhh...wish," Tifa groaned back, her eyes shining with unshed tears. She shifted her attack, focusing on swinging her right boob into Scarlet's. The change in momentum had Scarlet waste precious energy as the swung her left tit at something that wasn't there for a few precious seconds. "I can go all night, think...think you can at your age?"

"You'll find...ow...out soon enough," Scarlet snarled, her fatigue clouding Viola's lessons as she swung her right as hard as she could at Tifa, relishing the girl's cries of suffering. The fact that she was reacting to Tifa registered in her mind but it was clearly an act of desperation. As their boobs crushed together the brunette's legs wobbled noticeably. So fixated on this that she ignored the fact that every other hit had her stagger as well, both women on legs that could barely support them a they hurled their right breasts together in bruising comparison.

And in this contest it was Scarlet that fell back sharply with a pained squeal. A savage strike had her stumble back with a pained moan before a second sharp, crushing, blow caused her to stiffen before tumbling to ground. She bounced once on her butt before coming to a stop, shaking her head, groaning. "Get up bitch," Tifa hoarsely demanded as she took a step back. Scarlet stared up, her breathing heavy. "Come on and fight me! I thought you were going to pop my tits."

Growling more like an animal than the self assured woman that she had been at the beginning Scarlet launched herself at her tormentor her swing sending Tifa's right breast wobbling violently as it bounced high on her chest, before their left tits smashed together with a force that rocked the women to their core and sent them reeling. Grabbing desperately at the other woman to keep balance, arms went around necks  and fingers gripped tightly at yellow and brown hair.

Dragging each other in close head went over shoulder as, without pause, they began thrusting their drenched mammaries to smack together wetly as they almost mindlessly continued their fight. Both sobbed openly at the continuous pain that made them only hate the one inflicting it even more. Which in turn spurred them to fight harder in order to make the other woman hurt just as bad. An unending cycle of pain and hate that grew in time with their frantic cries of agony with each smash of breast and breast and nipple on nipple.

Tifa reeled in disbelief at the pain Scarlet caused her. Her body almost on auto pilot as she hammered her tormented boobs into the blonde's, cringing at the sound and feeling of them crashing together while her throat ached from her repeated cries. What kept her going was the answering cries from Scarlet and the soft patter of moisture on the shoulder her head rested on. So she kept ramming her swollen breasts at the pair the other woman thrust back at her.

Scarlet whimpered in Tifa's ear, the only thing going through her mind was to need to keep thrusting at the brunette. Keeping slamming her aching boobs into her enemy's  chest as hard as she could, not to let up. Tifa had to fall soon, didn't she, the blonde thought as she stiffened in pain from the feeling of the brunette's dense monsters crushing against her own firm boobs. Her concoction ensured that she could fight Tifa strenght for strength and match her endurance. She couldn't know that the drug's effect had worn off. That her eyes now shone wetly in their original blue color.

Legs trembling from exhaustion finally gave out and Scarlet, swooning after absorbing a particularly weighty blow, dragged a moaning Tifa down with her. But that didn't stop them. Sinking to their knees they kept their sweat drenched bodies locked together hammering breasts into breasts for almost four minutes of torment as they swayed back and forth before it finally became all too much.

"Naaaaaarrrghhh!" Scarlet howled in abject agony as arms slipped from around Tifa's neck and she tumbled forward onto her stomach, head landing between the younger woman's legs. Her hands rested lightly on the girl's thighs as her body shook with shame and grief. And pain...incredible amounts of pain.

Tifa stared stupidly at the sight of the blonde's sweating, heaving, body arms hanging limply by her side. In a daze she tried to get to her feet managing to get one foot onto the carpet before giving a hoarse groan and falling to her side and rolling onto her back, her body lying beside and just above Scarlet's waist. Twitching from their nerves over saturation with pain, neither woman was capable of movement though fully conscious and aware of their suffering. They simply lay beside one another with the sound of the other's crying for company. They took some solace in the realization of the other woman's agony and the realization that at the least they'd made her hurt as bad as she was feeling.


Several floors below two blondes panted as they faced off, the remains of a ruined library surrounding them. Elena's pistol lay split in two over in the direction of the surveillance room, while Cloud's body bore several burn marks indicating the high level of charge the woman had her taser set on.

"Give it up Elena, you know you can't beat me," Cloud warned, as he held his sword up in front of him. If he wasn't interested in the contents of the library this fight would've been a lot easier. "Josy is quite fond of you and I wouldn't want to be the one who had to tell her you got hurt."

"And then what," Elena challenged him. "You lock me up on your Airship to be a guest for the foreseeable future?"

"Personally I'm fine with letting you go," Cloud replied. "I just need to know what you think Scarlet's doing here."

"You'd let me go..." Elena laughed. "Even knowing I'd tell Tseng about...them?"

"Elena, you're one of the reasons blondes like us have a bad name," Cloud chided. At her dirty look he rolled his eyes. "Think about it...if you tell Tseng about what's going on upstairs what do you think happens next, hmm? He'd be obligated to tell Rufus and just who do you think that little nugget of information would hurt?"

Elena opened her mouth, then shut it at the sickening realization that he was correct. Word getting out that Scarlet got into a fight with Tifa would do nothing more than bolster Scarlet's reputation...but word getting out about HOW they fought would shine a negative like on Shinra as a whole. Even if Rufus got rid of her, as unlikely as that scenario might be, eventually the truth would come out.

"So letting you go benefits me more than it does you," Cloud continued, leaving out the convenient bit that Rufus already knew, and was probably encouraging Scarlet. "Having the Shinra heads at each other's throats, more than usual anyway, only helps Avalanche."

Elena stood quietly for a moment as she took in what Cloud said. And also what she'd seen. Fact of the matter was that her suit was feeling very uncomfortable every time her mind went back to what she'd seen through the keyhole and then on the cameras. Then she shook her head, falling back into a ready stance, the taser at her side. "Doesn't matter what I think about Scarlet. I'm a Turk, and we always do our job."

"Fair enough," Cloud gave a nod of grudging approval. "Just be sure to have my back when Jo gives me an earful for the condition you're going to be in."

With that Elena ducked, wide eyed, as he flung his sword at her to rebound off the wall with a hollow CLONG before leaping forward, fist clenched.


Back upstairs numbness swept across Tifa's body, dulling the pain enough for her to consider movement. Groaning she rolled back onto her side, shoving her ragged wet hair from her face. Gritting her teeth she got her arms under her body, shoving to get to an upright position. Then stared in disbelief as Scarlet slowly dragged her body in the direction of the safe, probably planning to use it to pull herself to her feet.

"Not yet...not yet..." she heard the blonde mutter over and over as she crawled. Desperate now, Tifa forced her shrieking muscles to work as she got to her feet. Swaying on unsteady legs she rested against the wall, panting as she tried to recoup what energy she had left. Gingerly, her fingers went over her heavily hanging breasts, hissing in pain as the bruises and whimpering at how soft they felt and how low they hung. With that came the now familiar anger feeding her strength as she rose off the wall, ignoring the wet spot her back left and staggered over in Scarlet's direction.

"Not yet is...right," she croaked as she stepped over the blonde's body then paused at a soft slurping sound. She quickly grabbed at Scarlet's hair, yanking the woman's head back. Her eyes widened and she wasn't able to dodge the elbow that cracked against her face, sending her tumbling back to the floor. Quickly, with nervous energy, she shot back to her knees and crawled over to Scarlet's body, grabbing at the blonde's leg.

"Too late," Scarlet panted, as she turned around, waving the now completely drained vial. She threw it in Tifa's direction causing the girl to fall to the side as she dodged the tiny glass container that shattered against the far wall. The blonde sighed as she felt new energy course through her body. Only dregs had been left, but in her current condition beggars couldn't be choosers. She kicked her leg loose from Tifa's grasp as the brunette shuffled back warily. "Just needed a...pick me up."

With a sudden realization Tifa felt sick as she saw Scarlet's eyes go from blue, to a light orange. Realization that for an unspecified period she'd been bashing tits with a Scarlet not under the influence of her drug. And that the blonde had still fought her to a standstill. Granted it looked like the dose she'd taken had barely any effect, Tifa still kept her distance as Scarlet wearily pushed herself to her knees.

"What's...the matter Lockhart?" Scarlet asked haltingly, her lips curling. She spread her arms and gave her upper body a vigorous shake that had her breasts shaking violently. "You're not...scared of...this OLD woman are you?"

Tifa unconsciously shuffled back as Scarlet knee walked towards her before stopping herself. "Siren, where are you?" She hurled the thought deep into the recess of her mind but got back only silence. She could still sense her but it was as if through a thick fog. Tifa was on her own against a Scarlet that didn't care how she won, so long as she won. Her eyes went flat and Scarlet paused, suddenly cautious as Tifa halted in her retreat and slowly moved towards her.

"Scared of you? No." Tifa spat, her voice hoarse, as she held her arms out to her sides and gave her own chest a shake. She'd faced worse odds in Midgar's underbelly and come what may, she'd not show any weakness to this blonde cxnt. "Scared of what I'm going to do to you? Yes."

"Stuck up till...the end," Scarlet hissed, her fingers curling as she and Tifa squared off for what felt like the millionth time. That those were the same words that first bound the two women together passed under her notice. But what didn't was the fatigue in Tifa's face and the exhaustion in her eyes. Even better she could see just how low her breasts hung on her drenched body. Her own body hurt but even a few drops of her new solution dulled the pain that had her barely able to remain conscious. "I'm beat you, you fucking cow. hear me!"

"Better a cow...than an OLD wanna be," Tifa grunted, tensing her body as Scarlet moved closer. "You gonna talk, or fight?"

Scarlet's eyes flashed red as she threw herself bodily at Tifa. For a brief moment the younger woman held the enraged blonde back, before toppling over onto the floor. They rolled briskly across the carpeted floor as an exhausted, but still determined Tifa fought against a furious Scarlet who scented blood. Though they sought to crush the other's breasts in their violent humping motions that saw their boobs rippling as they were thrust together, the two women had finally lost themselves to their emotions.

Scarlet scratched at Tifa's back, dragging her nails slowly up the brunette's back causing her to yowl in pain as red lines formed on her back. Without nails of her own, Tifa retaliated by reversing her fists and driving her knuckles into the blonde's spine that her arc her body at the grinding pain. Such was her fury that Scarlet snapped at Tifa's lips as they rolled violently back and forth across the small room. And as runs in Scarlet's stockings split their length and Tifa's leggings tore at the rear the roll ended with them on their sides back at the safe, where it first started.

But neither sweaty beauty cared as they pumped and thrust their battered breasts together in a frantic attempt to force the other over. A long painful minute past, then a second, as they squashed their boobs together squealing at the insistent pain. Desperately Scarlet kneed at Tifa, who wrapped their legs together before the blonde could do any damage, but this movement distracted her for a few crucial seconds as the determined Scarlet redoubled her efforts. Tifa's eyes widened as the panting blonde gradually powered the younger woman down as she thrust back urgently, trying to halt her progress.

She succeeded briefly, but she couldn't recoup the lost ground and Scarlet was drawing on a well of energy Tifa didn't have. Though she fought with determinedly Tifa gave a frustrated cry as a savage grunt passed Scarlet's lips and Scarlet completed the roll and halted the brunette's last ditch effort to use the momentum to get them back to at least a neutral position.

Still their bodies rocked as Tifa continued to struggle to topple the woman on top as Scarlet smirked down at the tired brunette. "Got," she declared, grinding downwards. Tifa's lips were set up in a hard line as she endured Scarlet's grinding attack without a squeak, and even ground back as best she could form her lower position.

" nothing," she snarled back, staring pointedly at how their breasts rolled back and forth evenly. Any displaced flesh regained it's shape as soon as the mass shifted and neither set of boobs gave any indication of faltering. Scarlet's expression took on a look of frustration as she reared back, forcing Tifa's arms apart, before pinning the girl down. Their fingers locked and and arms spread to the side Tifa stared up defiantly at the older woman before inhaling deeply and causing her chest to expand and her breasts to swell. "NOTHING!"

"I've got YOU!" Scarlet repeated as she spat at Tifa, smiling as the spittle rolled down the brunette's cheek. "Remember did this me?" She asked, before dropping her boobs to splatter onto Tifa's rack. The girl cried out loudly at the loud SPLAT and her boobs flattened significantly as the blonde added a grind at the the end. But as she rose back on her arms the breasts slowly filled back in. Tifa smiled mockingly as she continued to struggle.

"Tits hanging a...a bit low, bitch." She gasped out, staring at how Scarlet's boobs dangled heavily from her chest. Though they retained their round shape, there was an obvious pull on the skin. Tifa marshaled her flagging reserves and strained her arms, raising them off the floor. Scarlet's eyes widened at this as she pushed back down, fingers curling tight to dig into the skin. But the brunette bore the pain stoically, knowing that if she didn't get the blonde off her now, she might not be able to again.

Scarlet whined in frustration as the she felt Tifa slowly forcing her arms back. Desperate she dropped her body, letting gravity smash her tits onto their rivals, onto the young woman briefly weakening her enough that she was able to push back. But as soon as the shock and pain wore off, her arms began pushing again their bodies tilting slightly. Frantic now, Scarlet dropped her tits onto Tifa a third time, hearing the girl grunt at the pain, before thrusting furiously with her chest, pushing her back. Tifa quickly reciprocated as both women bashed and rolled their boobs into one another, Tifa to push Scarlet off of her and Scarlet to keep the brunette beneath her.

"" Scarlet whimpered. She had had everything in her favor. Siren gotten rid of, Tifa away from her friends and a potion to give her the strength and endurance to rival the brunette. So how was she still unable to beat this goddam cxnt. Her breath was hot on Scarlet's sweating face even as she panted into Tifa's and their breasts wobbled and quivered in the face of the unending war they were engaged in. Her nipples were so sore that the act of them running along the soft flesh of Tifa's boobs hurt her almost as much as it must be hurting the brunette. "I will...I won't let..."

"You...gonna..." Tifa groaned, barely able to produce words or even think at this point. The only thing running through her mind was to keep pounding her breasts at the blonde woman slowly slipping off her body. That Scarlet's eyes had once again returned to their original blue was of no consolation as her body rebelled against her, muscles spasming at the agony, begging her to just end it. Punch her first into the face of blonde cxnt causing it suffering and then just toss her out the window. She could still do it, barely, and all her problems would be over. No more dealing with looking over her shoulder, and she could settle up with her M and her sister at a time of her choosing.

But she wouldn't do that. As much as she hated Scarlet, she wouldn't kill her...that would be too easy and quick and more importantly...that wasn't her. Likewise Scarlet wouldn't kill Tifa, if only to enjoy tormenting the younger woman. Both wanted to make the other suffer. This was not a rivalry built from mutual respect. It was one built out of mutual loathing. And with screams of bitter anger they released the other's hands as they wrapped their arms around the other and rolled slowly, kicking and kneeing at one another. Their proud, once firm breasts now jiggled and shook visibly in time with their rolling bodies causing as much pain to their owner as the one they were fighting. Meanwhile they wrapped their legs together to stop painful kicks...but this led to unintended effect as their tightly wrapped bodies rocked back and forth.

" are...MINE!" Scarlet groaned as their bodies slapped together, the unexpected consequence of their lower bodies coming into conflict affecting both her composure and her mind as her hips jerked uncontrollably at Tifa. "I...oh no...not"

"Sto..stop that," Tifa moaned as she rolled Scarlet under her, breasts smashing together and spreading painfully, even as she herself thrust her hips with uncontrolled urgency at the blonde. Crushing their bodies tighter together Tifa's fatigue coupled with the unwanted pleasure caused her grip to slip and, sensing weakness, Scarlet rolled the gasping brunette over and under her hips moving furiously despite her attempts to stop. "I don't...I'm!"

Abruptly blonde and brunette screamed as they slammed their drenched pussies together violently as they came, the pleasure rushing through them like a whirlwind, and their strength briefly increased to near manic levels as they rolled wildly sobbing in horror and sheer pleasure. It wasn't yet over as a second wave rushed through them as they thrashed wildly across the room, shrieking at the sensation, before collapsing with Scarlet resting atop Tifa's body. Both women lay in a daze at what had just happened and disgust at who had caused it.


Outside, Siren stiffened as she felt an echo of Tifa's unwilling orgasms her strength increasing as she hurled another blast of warm air at Shiva. It was faint, but she could feel Tifa still fighting, but fading fast. She couldn't afford to let this drag on for much longer. She dove at the Ice Queen shoving her away from the mansion and towards the town proper.

"What do you think you're doing?" Shiva snarled, her left arm shifting from a hand into a long blade that she slashed at Siren's body. Siren grabbed at the limb, shoving her free hand into Shiva's face.

"Ending this," she replied coolly. "I don't know what that woman promised you, or what she's done. But without an Avatar you can't maintain that body for too long...or go too far. Remember?"

Shiva's eyes widened as a blade of wind sliced across her face and Siren kicked her limp form away from the town. Just before it hit the town border her body shimmered before exploding into snow and Siren heard the screech of impotent rage as her essence flew back to her prison. It would be a long time before she would have enough power to be summoned again. But for now...

Siren spun around and aimed herself right at the mansion. She didn't know what was going on, but Tifa was suffering. And if Cloud hadn't intervened then it meant that was he was currently unable to.


"How...dare you..."

Tifa's head rolled to the side as she glared into Scarlet's blue eyes. They lay in a gentle, almost loving embrace after the intense orgasms that ravaged their exhausted bodies, but nothing had changed. There wasn't a sudden shift from hate to lust, or an unspoken understanding between them...oh no. If anything else their hate now burned brighter at the mutual violation as she weakly pushed at the blonde's body.

"How dare you...," Scarlet repeated as she pushed back, rising to straddle the brunette's body, while shoving her back onto the ground. Seeing, once again, those breasts that the girl was so proud of Scarlet snapped and grabbed, filling her hands as her fingers curled and nails sank deep. Tifa wailed at the resumption of the torture, but had enough sense remaining to latch her own hands onto Scarlet's dangling globes. "How dare that to me."

"You...enjoyed it...slut." Tifa moaned as her hands crushed and squeezed at the blonde's tits even while it felt as if her boobs were being torn from her chest. Her lack of nails put her at a significant disadvantage as Scarlet took sadistic glee in doing her best to force her fingers into Tifa's breasts. She came back by pinching at the blonde's nipples while focusing her efforts at driving her remaining fingers under the areola and tugging at Scarlet until she fell forward and the only thing separating them was their hands as they continued mauling at one another. "Just...another...high priced whore!"

Face to face Scarlet blinked as sweat and tears dripped from her face to patter onto Tifa's a smile forming at the girl's hitching gasps, despite the insults, as her agony grew. "I promised you...I'd pop your tits," she whispered, licking her lips as she pressed downward with her palms and her fingers dug into the spreading flesh. Her own breasts ached abominably but this was it, if she could just keep her pain under control. She kept her gaze focused on the young woman's face, seeing every tic, every muscle twitch as the girl fought against the torment Scarlet was inflicting on her.

Tifa was indeed at the end of her tether. She was completely exhausted from their vicious fight and then the twin, unexpected, orgasms had drained her. She could barely muster the energy to maul back the hated blonde, but she had no choice. She had to hope that Scarlet was as exhausted as she was and would soon collapse. But as time ticked by and the older woman retained an expression of absolute concentration as their hands crushed and squeezed Tifa began to realize just how badly she'd underestimated her blonde tormentor.

The agony was finally too much and Tifa relinquished her grip on Scarlet's left boob to grab at the blonde's wrist. She bit her lip hard enough to taste blood as she dragged the woman's hand away from her own tortured left breast, screaming as she felt her nails come free. "You cheating...old cxnt," she sobbed bitterly as she kept squeezing with her free hand. Then she screamed again as Scarlet's fingers clawed at her right breast. Then her eyes widened as the blonde leaned in close and dragged a soft pink tongue up her face.

"Beg me. Beg this old stop." Scarlet groaned, her breathing speeding up as her pain threshold was approached. "Beg...tell me who...who's the better woman...who tits!"

"," Tifa whimpered, pinching at Scarlet's nipple furiously even as her grip deformed the blonde's breast. "!"

"Wrong answer!" Scarlet snarled as she reared back, boob in tow. Tifa's face went white and hands slipped away as she shrieked in final, unbearable torment before going limp. Scarlet crushed and slapped at the mounds of flesh for several seconds before realization set in.

"Hah...hah...I did...I did it?" Scarlet peered down at the limp woman, slapping experimentally at Tifa's face. Placing her hands on her hips she sat back, basking in the euphoria. "I did it...I beat the slut."

Her expression turned calculating as she quickly glanced around the room, before grabbing up Tifa's top. Struggling, she flipped the girl over she rapidly tied the girl's hands and feet together. Exhausted, she smiled at her handiwork before scouring the room to find her radio. ", We are read...ready to depart. Exit code 22761."

There was a burst of static before a response came through. "Negative on retrieval. We got the mother of all snowstorms here. We already lost chopper team 2. Over."

"What storm?" Scarlet demanded, glancing out the window. "There's no storm. What're you...talking....about?"

Scarlet stood directly in front of the window and stared at the literal wall of frost that swirled feet from the mansion's gate. Then staggered back as she felt a tug on her arm. Glancing down she saw the stone turn blood red. "She's coming," was all she got before a thump from behind alerted her and she spun to see Tifa's body come back down to ground. Cursing she twisted around, grabbing at her own dress and moving to reinforce Tifa's bonds.

Even as she did that the door shuddered violently, once, twice, then splintered as Cloud burst into the room. He took one look at a hogtied Tifa and turned a murderous gaze on Scarlet. He unlimbered his sword, dropped a small sack he was carrying, and stalked towards her before halting at a pained gasp.

"No..." Tifa gasped out, struggling against the knot keeping her stationary. "Cloud...mine to...mine to deal with."

Scarlet smirked at Cloud as he looked clearly torn between giving in to his lover and killing her. The last thing she remembered was him smirking back, before the pommel of his sword crashed against her face.


"Bitch," Cloud spat as he spun away from her returning to Tifa's side cutting away the cloth holding her down. "Can you stand?"

"Siren's...helping," Tifa groaned, swaying as she struggled to her feet. She accept Cloud's jacket, slipping it over her upper body. "But I...can't...what're you...doing?"

"We can't afford to take our time," Cloud replied, scooping her up and holding her close. "She was calling for retrieval, so we've got to move."


"I...found someone downstairs." Cloud replied, exiting the room. "It's a long and...weird story. I'll go into detail once we get some distance."


Scarlet woke up to a pounding headache and winced as she touched at the bruise on her face. But despite the pain her body was in and the thudding pain in her head she laughed as she rolled onto her back.

She'd won. And even though she'd lost her trophy Tifa would never forget who was her better. She cocked her head at an unheard question.

"I laugh because my plan worked. I beat that cxnt," She replied, pushing herself up on her elbows. "It will always dog her heels knowing she lost to me."

She frowned at the reply. "It doesn't matter how the first two turned out, we were interrupted. This time there's no doubt. She was flat on her back. No the fact that she almost killed me the last time doesn't count."

Scarlet groaned as all her aches came back with a vengeance as she got to her feet. Even the soft sheer fabric of her dress caused pain as she slipped it over her body. Shiva was staying quiet for now, which suited Scarlet just fine. She didn't need some uppity spirit trying to talk down her moment of triumph. Looking out the window she frowned as the storm still raged, though with less obvious fury than earlier. "How long will this continue?"

"Good," she replied to Shiva's answer. "Just long enough for me to get what I need downstairs."

What she found in the library however left her stunned. Sword and burn marks littered the wall with books torn and strewn all about the floor. Suddenly worried she dashed for the security room and her fists clenched at how the panels and screens had been smashed beyond recovery.

"Well played Lockhart," she whispered to herself through gritted teeth. "Well played."

Suddenly furious she grabbed up a chair that had survived the destruction and hurled at the wreckage. No trophy, and now no recording to savor her victory. "Fine then," she spoke out loud. "Next time, cxnt...oh time."

Laughing to herself she wandered back into the main room she began digging through the pile of books, missing the hole peeking out from behind a conveniently toppled bookcase.


Just beyond the town borders Elena stumbled, blinking at the sudden shift in the weather. If anything the sudden warmth surprised her even more after she ran into the snowstorm surrounding the mansion after escaping from Cloud and that vampire...thing. She still shivered at how it had stared at her after hearing she worked for Shinra.

She needed to let Tseng know what had happened here, and more importantly...she hugged the small package she'd picked up in the abandoned house she'd taken shelter in briefly. Things were about to get a hell of a lot more complicated.


Cloud rested Tifa gently on their rough bed. It was unlikely that anyone had been able to follow them, even if they had been conscious but he wasn't taking any chances. Rising to leave he hesitated. Sitting back down, he opened his jacket carefully. Much of the redness and bruising was already fading, but the scratches and puncture wounds Scarlet had inflicted were still visible. He felt the same rage rising within in him that he'd felt upon entering the room.

"I shouldn't have agreed not to interfere," he whispered, stroking her hair, then blinked as her eyes opened.

"She would have resented you for it," Tifa replied...but the voice was not her own.

"Siren I'm guessing." Cloud's eyes narrowed as she nodded slowly, painfully. "Where is Tifa?"

"Resting, you needn't worry." She assured him. "She is still strong, and if what I feel from her is any indication, this is far from over."

"Then what?" Cloud demanded. "She goes after Scarlet and then Scarlet comes after her...neither will stop until they probably kill one another."

"That is one outcome," Siren replied cryptically. "Unfortunately it is out of our hands unless you plan to lock her away. Much like your vendetta against Sephiroth she's willing to accept help, but the fight is ultimately her own."

Cloud sat down, massaging his temples as he stared at his girlfriend's body. "So what happened? I'm guessing you're responsible for the storm you guided us through."

"Partially." She said. "This Scarlet woman got her hands on the materia containing Shiva, a particularly vindictive member of our kind that has a grudge against me. The storm is what happened when we came into conflict."

"She just happened to get her hands on a materia that contained someone with a grudge?" Cloud shook his head, not liking where this was going. "And the rest of it?"

"She apparently perfected the formula she used that drove people berserk in that Gold Saucer place." Siren continued. "It gave her heightened strength and endurance. She took a dose at the begining then near the end when Tifa started to gain an advantage. The memories are spotty while she's unconscious, but that's what I can make out."

"She knew..." Cloud murmured as he considered everything Siren had told him. "Son of a bitch...she KNEW Tifa would be here. No...she PLANNED on Tifa being here!"

"Yeah..." the voice was tired and weak and definetly not Siren. She reached a hand out to him which he grabbed, scooting in closer. "Bitch set up the entire thing. As much as I hate her guts I have to admit she played me like a fiddle."

"How're you doing? Siren said..."

"That this isn't over?" Tifa finished for him. "No it isn't. She beat me...I'll give her this one. But if she thinks I'll just curl up and cry because of it then she has no idea who she's dealing with!"

"When does this end Tifa?" Cloud demanded, tossing a look over his shoulder to ensure they were still alone. "It just keeps escalating. Scarlet clearly had plans for you, and if I hadn't chosen to stay who knows what would've happened."

"It won't...end. It's not that simple." Tifa admitted, as she looked at him. "This isn't something that can just be resolved by just winning one or two fights. The loser has to come to the conclusion that they can't win. The only way for these kind of contests ends is if one of us openly submits or..."

"Kills the other...that's what you were going to say. Because neither of you is willing to just walk away." Cloud said. Tifa nodded as he rubbed his face, rising to his feet. "Get some rest and let Siren do her work. Me and Vincent'll share guard duty."

"Cloud...please understand," Tifa called to him. He paused at the exit, not turning around. "I tried to walk away. This is the third time she's come after me, if you include her sending Elizabeth my way."

"You chose to be here, Tifa." Cloud reminded her. "She counted on you wanting this as much as she did. And she was right. She used herself as bait and you went after her like Yuffie after materia."

"I wanted to END this," Tifa snapped back. "To stop her from chasing after me. Would you have preferred it if she just ambushed me again? Or maybe you'd let me fight her if she got her hands on Josy!"

As soon as she said it Tifa regretted it. Cloud's back stiffened before he strode out without another word. She started to call for him, to apologize, then shut her mouth realizing that right now...they needed some time apart. She closed her eyes, resting her arm across her face, letting the tears of humiliation she'd been fighting back run down her face. She'd taken Scarlet lightly and paid the price for it. Next time...and there would be a next time...she'd not make the same mistake.


Just a heads up to what readers I have. Might only post the next chapter to Deviant Art depending on how much actual fighting it has in it.


Offline ninjoe42

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Re: Hatred 10
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2021, 07:35:50 AM »
So Tifa lost the catfight, not bad. Still hoping to see her get flattened and broken at some point though! Hopefully Scarlet, after having outfought her, goes on to out tit and outfuck her too.

Or Josy does, whichever lol


Offline ryu

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Re: Hatred 10
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2021, 06:04:17 PM »
Ah ! The Tifa vs Scarlet are always something special! I don't know if it's because the characters are well known and more developed, but the rivalry feels natural.
Especially glad that Scarlet won this, since the last 2 fights were in favor of Tifa. Evil ladies too deserve some love xD

Waiting their final fights, even if I feel like Scarlet is getting built to be destroyed, I'll cheer on her till the end!

Thanks for the great work.


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Re: Hatred 10
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2021, 12:23:51 PM »
Ah ! The Tifa vs Scarlet are always something special! I don't know if it's because the characters are well known and more developed, but the rivalry feels natural.
Especially glad that Scarlet won this, since the last 2 fights were in favor of Tifa. Evil ladies too deserve some love xD

Waiting their final fights, even if I feel like Scarlet is getting built to be destroyed, I'll cheer on her till the end!

Thanks for the great work.

I imagine you think that because of what she had to do to win. Remember, even if I don't use ingame mechanics and just stick to game lore, Scarlet has actual little chance against Tifa in a straight up fight unaided. While I write Tifa and others viewing this as "cheating", it is in actuality the only way Scarlet has a chance at fighting Tifa on an even footing.


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Re: Hatred 10
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2021, 01:08:22 PM »
I didn't really write that with the fact she "cheated" or any in-game mechanics/more in mind. It's just a feeling I have while reading the story. I feel like Scarlet has to do too much to win a tit fight, and was painted as a noob in the field, where based on her age and character that should be a field she'd master.

Of course Tifa could be her easily in a real fight, I think it wouldn't be interesting to argue about that.

Also, just a side note, but while Tifa's measurement t are official, Scarlets are nowhere to be found, yet if we go by the remake 3d models when characters are stripped down, Scarlet is at least of the same size.

Anyways, it is just my opinion on the story. You're the boss, you write, we read and clap :D


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Re: Hatred 10
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2021, 01:46:53 PM »
I didn't really write that with the fact she "cheated" or any in-game mechanics/more in mind. It's just a feeling I have while reading the story. I feel like Scarlet has to do too much to win a tit fight, and was painted as a noob in the field, where based on her age and character that should be a field she'd master.

Of course Tifa could be her easily in a real fight, I think it wouldn't be interesting to argue about that.

Also, just a side note, but while Tifa's measurement t are official, Scarlets are nowhere to be found, yet if we go by the remake 3d models when characters are stripped down, Scarlet is at least of the same size.

Anyways, it is just my opinion on the story. You're the boss, you write, we read and clap :D

This isn't something like BFS or Titfight Academy where you're in a small bubble where everyone knows multiple people that engages in these kind of fights. Scarlet was both surprised at Tifa's challenge in Chapter 1 just like how Tifa was surprised by her own fight in chapter 2. And then in chapter 3 Scarlet wondered just how widespread it was. Scarlet had no experience because she never realized it was a thing. But you could say she's a fast learner :D.

Also Scarlet's measurements are estimated around 83-58-84 while Tifa is a 92-60-88 so there is quite a difference. Tifa is just supposed to be using that sports bra you found in her house in the original. It was quite funny listening to "Game Journos" cheering at her bust getting shrunk and then insulting gamers when it came out they were wrong. Almost like it's a sin to like big boobs.


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Re: Hatred 10
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2021, 05:38:59 PM »
I didn't really write that with the fact she "cheated" or any in-game mechanics/more in mind. It's just a feeling I have while reading the story. I feel like Scarlet has to do too much to win a tit fight, and was painted as a noob in the field, where based on her age and character that should be a field she'd master.

Of course Tifa could be her easily in a real fight, I think it wouldn't be interesting to argue about that.

Also, just a side note, but while Tifa's measurement t are official, Scarlets are nowhere to be found, yet if we go by the remake 3d models when characters are stripped down, Scarlet is at least of the same size.

Anyways, it is just my opinion on the story. You're the boss, you write, we read and clap :D

This isn't something like BFS or Titfight Academy where you're in a small bubble where everyone knows multiple people that engages in these kind of fights. Scarlet was both surprised at Tifa's challenge in Chapter 1 just like how Tifa was surprised by her own fight in chapter 2. And then in chapter 3 Scarlet wondered just how widespread it was. Scarlet had no experience because she never realized it was a thing. But you could say she's a fast learner :D.

Also Scarlet's measurements are estimated around 83-58-84 while Tifa is a 92-60-88 so there is quite a difference. Tifa is just supposed to be using that sports bra you found in her house in the original. It was quite funny listening to "Game Journos" cheering at her bust getting shrunk and then insulting gamers when it came out they were wrong. Almost like it's a sin to like big boobs.

Yes I guess I assumed it was weird for them to engage in that kind of fights without knowing anything about it nor hearing anything about it. And since everybody was willing to tit fight, I expected Scarlet to be the one who would know the most about it.

As for the measurement, Tifa's were always official, on the other hand Scarlets are just a guess based on old design. On Remake she should be a good 88 at least.
Games studio are going crazy over tiddies size, nothing can be done against it, just look at tomb raider...


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Re: Hatred 10
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2021, 01:23:49 AM »
I didn't really write that with the fact she "cheated" or any in-game mechanics/more in mind. It's just a feeling I have while reading the story. I feel like Scarlet has to do too much to win a tit fight, and was painted as a noob in the field, where based on her age and character that should be a field she'd master.

Of course Tifa could be her easily in a real fight, I think it wouldn't be interesting to argue about that.

Also, just a side note, but while Tifa's measurement t are official, Scarlets are nowhere to be found, yet if we go by the remake 3d models when characters are stripped down, Scarlet is at least of the same size.

Anyways, it is just my opinion on the story. You're the boss, you write, we read and clap :D

This isn't something like BFS or Titfight Academy where you're in a small bubble where everyone knows multiple people that engages in these kind of fights. Scarlet was both surprised at Tifa's challenge in Chapter 1 just like how Tifa was surprised by her own fight in chapter 2. And then in chapter 3 Scarlet wondered just how widespread it was. Scarlet had no experience because she never realized it was a thing. But you could say she's a fast learner :D.

Also Scarlet's measurements are estimated around 83-58-84 while Tifa is a 92-60-88 so there is quite a difference. Tifa is just supposed to be using that sports bra you found in her house in the original. It was quite funny listening to "Game Journos" cheering at her bust getting shrunk and then insulting gamers when it came out they were wrong. Almost like it's a sin to like big boobs.

Yes I guess I assumed it was weird for them to engage in that kind of fights without knowing anything about it nor hearing anything about it. And since everybody was willing to tit fight, I expected Scarlet to be the one who would know the most about it.

As for the measurement, Tifa's were always official, on the other hand Scarlets are just a guess based on old design. On Remake she should be a good 88 at least.
Games studio are going crazy over tiddies size, nothing can be done against it, just look at tomb raider...

She didn't know about it, but she recognized Tifa challenging her and she wasn't about to back down. Which is why she went looking around afterwards which led to her finding the woman that first fought Tifa. And as for everyone being willing to titfight...the only place it's really being prevalent is the Honeybee. At Gold Saucer, Jo said that she was the only one that really participated in it. And M only does it because of her past with Dio and it occasionally being part of her matches.

And those measurements are based on her new character, not the old blocky original.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2021, 03:29:35 AM by Gradius »


Offline qwertyuiop666666

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Re: Hatred 10
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2021, 11:18:44 PM »
While I'm not terribly well-versed in the FF universe, I absolutely love this series. Tifa's psychological journey is one of my favourite type of catfight arcs. A rivalry starts off something petty, but grows into something deeply personal as the two women clash repeatedly without a definitive outcome. Over time, the original source of the grudge is forgotten or becomes irrelevant, yet the hatred takes on a life of its own, growing stronger each time they clash. Eventually, the hatred becomes all consuming, dragging both women down to a level they never thought they'd ever sunk to. The rivalry starts disrupting the daily lives of both women, causing them to lose loved ones as they can no longer put up with their obsession. From there, each fight grows more and more desperate, becomes more and more extreme, as the women implicitly know that the only way they could move on is through the utter and complete destruction of the other. At this point, neither can concede, as both have invested too much into this battle.

I'd say based on what I see, Tifa is starting to get sucked into this massive black hole. She's gotten more and more aggressive, she's letting her personal vendetta get in the ways of her relationship with Cloud (meanwhile, Scarlet is already way past the event horizon). Usually, in stories that I commission, this type of rivalry only ends in the death of one woman and the destruction of another. Much like a revenge arc, the final act of vengeance is rarely fulfilling, instead leaving the character empty and hollow. In my mind, in such a rivalry, the loser dies and the winner lives to suffer the cost of her obsession and do her best to put her life back in one piece.

Of course, this only happens if the pair are so evenly matched that they are able to clash repeatedly without ever reaching a definitive outcome. If, as Tifa says, she or Scarlet manages to beat each other so conclusively that the loser can't even begin to think of a rematch, than the victor will have a slightly better fate. Alternatively, a more wholesome version could include a loved one who stuck by her side during all of her vendettas, helping her center herself, and pulling her back from the whirlpool when she wanders too close.