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Alissacutie VS Grlwrestler Joanne same dress, parking lot catfight.

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Offline stormbolt7

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I was looking very forward to getting to spend some time with Joanne. She did not live that far from me, and for a change we both had open weekends.

I didn't have to, but I was going to take Joanne out, for part of the night.
When I arrive, I am greeted by one simply beautiful lady. Joanne was dressed in a form fitting t-shirt, the pert breasts, and hard nipples beneath. Telling me, she was not wearing a bra, underneath.
Joanne's breasts definately firm, and fine.
A pair of hip, and figure hugging jeans. A simple outfit, yet Joanne still looked very hot in it.
Her blue eyes matching the smile on her pretty face, as she sees me enjoying the view. "Thanks but you can breathe now." She says before laughing, as she closes the door behind me.

"Sorry, I didn't know for sure when you were getting in, so I am not ready yet." She says, as I shake my head.
"Joanne you look fine, I would be happy being seen with you anywhere, just as is." I admit to her, as she laughs softly.
"You haven't seen anything yet." She says smiling, as if knowing a hidden secret.
Joanne gets me something to drink, and places me in front of the t.v. Then slips away to get ready.

I am flipping through channels, when she appears again.
This time I honestly, can not catch my breath, as she walks in.
Some light makeup, here and there. A black dress, that hangs nicely on her body.
Thin straps, over each shoulder, the rest of the top bare, to the line, running just above her breasts.
The dress, slender, and the bottom stopping well above her knees.
Some black stockings, on her very shapely legs, and a pair of black high heeled shoes. Joanne was looking definately part of the A list crowd.
Joanne walks over, grabs my hand and helps me up from the couch, while I still stare in awe, of her beauty.
Of the top of my head, thinking of maybe only one or two ladies, that could top this blue eyed blonde, in looks this night.
Joanne was simply beautiful, and hot.
Her face moves closer, as her lips brush mine lightly. "Thanks for the compliments." She says laughing, as I begin to breathe normal again.

We eat a light dinner, then head to a club. Joanne impressing me, with how smart and enjoyable she is to be with, as we arrive at the club, and head in to find a place to sit.
The evening is going very well, as Joanne sits by me, and the music thumps around us. Lights swirling around, shifting colors, and styles to fit the music.
Joanne is lifting her glass to take a drink from, when a woman chatting into a cell phone, stumbles against her, and the drink goes over Joanne, and down her top.
I try to stop thinking of how enjoyable it would be, to lick it from Joanne's firm breasts. When the lady that bumped into her begins going off.

"I just had this ugly cow, push me." She yells into her cell, trying to be heard over the music, and the crowd.
Joanne's eyes widen, as she turns to face the woman, while her nipples distend, as the cool liquid, has streamed over her very nice tits.
"Yes let me get outside, some blonde bitch is staring at me." Alissa says into her cell, as Joanne begins to stand up, from the table.
Alissa shakes her head. "Step off bitch, you don;t want any of this." The sexy Asian beauty says to Joanne, before shoving her back.

I move towards them, as Joanne slaps Alissa across her face, and hard.
Alissa's head jerks, as she stumbles a few steps back. Before glaring at Joanne. "I've gotta go!!" She yells into her phone before disconnecting.

"You want to try that outside you fat whore?" Alissa asks, her finger jabbing Joanne in her chest.
"After you slut!!" Joanne replies, and I quickly finding myself following the two hottest ladies in the club, outside to the parking lot.

High heels clacking, as they push past people trying to come in.
Then a little ways from the main door, as they turn to face one another.
I try to keep from opening my mouth and getting in trouble for stating the obvious.
Alissa was wearing almost exactly the same dress.
Thin straps over her shoulders. Long, silky black hair, framing a very pretty face, with dark eyes. Alissa's dress black, and equally figure hugging.
Alissa, and Joanne staring eye to eye, basically the same height, and weight. Joanne maybe having a pound or two on her. Yet not enough to make a difference.

"You care to apologize for being so rude, while I was on the phone skank?" Alissa asks, as I can see Joanne's temper rising.
Joanne was a wonderful lady, that would usually tolerate a lot. Yet Alissa kept running her mouth. Seeming to find every nerve she could to step on, and rub the wrong way.
"You even think it less important, you dumped my drink, while staggering around like a seeing eye whore?" Joanne gently hisses back.
"You dress like a whore, let's see if you have the body to match cow." Alissa says, grabbing Joanne's dress, and tearing it down.
Joanne's breasts fall free, to show me I was right, when seeing her bra-less in a t. Joanne had beautiful breasts.
Well formed and thrusting proud, and firm, as they quiver, and she tries to keep her footing.
The nipples almost begging to be caressed or licked and sucked on, as they stand erect.
Alissa, laughing, as she pulls the dress down, to tangle in Joanne's legs, and feet.
Joanne losing her balance, and falling backwards towards me.
As Alissa opens her phone again. I manage to catch Joanne, before she falls hard, to the parking lot pavement.
One hand, around her waist, the other to my shock, holding her heaving left breast.
I help stand her back up, as she kicks out of her dress, to stand in panties, stockings, and nothing else, but her own natural beauty.

"I shall call this one, slut at the club." Alissa says laughing, as she takes a photo, with her phone.

Joanne stalks over, grabs the phone, and smashes it down to the pavement. Alissa staring in anger, as it shatters.
Her eyes on the phone, as Joanne grabs Alissa's dress, and returns the favor of stripping it.
Alissa's skin is very soft and smooth looking, as her breasts jiggle, as she falls tangled by her dress, as Joanne almost did.
Soft silky black panties, and nothing else but Alissa.
I had to admit, if she was not being so out of line, with Joanne. I definately wished I had been closer, to be able to catch Alissa when she fell.
I hear the mild grunt, as her tight ass hits the pavement. Her tits bouncing nicely. Alissa's breasts slightly larger than Joanne's.
Firm, and supple, and heaving in anger.
With a screech of anger Alissa rises quickly. "That's it whore, time for you to go night, night!!" Alissa says, rising finger nails extended as claws.

"Any time, your ready for an ass beating." Joanne replies, ready as Alissa lunges at her.
One blonde, blue eyed beauty, meeting one dark haired Asian stunner.
Alissa tries bringing her knee, to Joanne's crotch, as soon as they come together. "Fucking blonde airheaded bimbo." Alissa spits at her, as Joanne blocks with her thigh, and rakes her nails across Alissa's right breast.
Alissa crying out, as thin ribbons of blood appear on the well formed breast, as Joanne follows with a slap to Alissa's head. That snaps it to the side, and drives Alissa to her knees.

"I bet your pussy, smells like days old sushi doesn't it bitch?" Joanne asks, as Alissa glares up at her.
Joanne grabbing Alissa's shoulder length dark hair, to use to control the Asian beauty. As Alissa brings her fist up into Joanne's belly.
Joanne doubles up, as Alissa grabs her panties, and yanks them up hard, before stripping them from Joanne.
Alissa using Joanne's panties, manages to tangle Joanne's sexy legs, and brings the blonde down, to the pavement.
With a cry of triumph. Alissa dives onto Joanne.
Her tits slamming against Joanne's as she lands on top of her.
I am ready to move in quick to end it, if Joanne looks like she is in danger of being seriously hurt.

Joanne and Alissa begin rolling on the ground, as soon wetness begins to show on both ladies bodies, from drinks emptied out on the pavement, before people headed into the club or got in cars to head home.
Legs writhing, as both try to gain control.
Breasts rubbing together, as arms flail, and nails claw.
Alissa cries out, as Joanne now has the black silk panties pulled into very tender areas on Alissa's body.

Alissa jerking her body, trying to work free, to ease her suffering. Then the panties are gone, and Alissa is fully naked, bleeding from nail rakes, from Joanne's fingers.
Yet Alissa still was looking very fit, and very enticing, naked and nicely shaped, head to toe.
Joanne rises to her one knee, as dressed in only one stocking now. The other torn from her shapely leg, as they rolled, and struggled.
Joanne was very impressive, and sexy. With nothing on but one stocking, on one leg.
Chest heaving, a few bloody marks on it, from Alissa's finger nails.

"Had enough you evening ruining whore?" Joanne asks, as she waits for Alissa to make a move.
"I wish I had the full bottle to pour over that ugly face of yours, slut!!" Alissa replies back, reminding Joanne how this started. As well as maybe Alissa had spilled Joanne's drink on purpose.
Alissa rises, to move closer to Joanne, trying to kick at her, as Joanne moves nicely, avoiding or blocking the kicks.
Then one lands against her right upper thigh, as Joanne staggers away from most of the blow.
"Cow, bitch, whore, ready to lick my pussy?" Alissa asks, as she rushes in, throwing a fist, at Joanne's left tit, and hitting it.
Joanne showing her pain, on her face.
Yet at the same time, manages to plant her feet, now free of her high heeled shoes.
As Alissa commits to the punch on Joanne's breast. Joanne brings her fist hard, to Alissa's right breast.
Alissa gasps, as she feels the pain, to her nail raked breast.
Alissa grabs Joanne's hair, but as she tries to yank Joanne's head down to her knee, rising up, to smash into it.

Joanne manages to grab Alissa's exposed pussy, and twist on it cruelly.
"Bitch, whore, let go !!!" Alissa cries out, as she tries to free herself, with out having any more pain or damage done to her pussy lips, as her head lowers to view what was needed to be done to free herself.
The leg raised to try and strike Joanne, lowered, and trying to stomp on Joanne's foot.
Even as Joanne releases Alissa's sex, to bring her fist up, and into Alissa's jaw.

I hear the crowd now, as they have gathered to watch. Someone slipping inside long enough to shout "Chick fight !!!" Before people began to come out and watch.
My attention fully on Joanne, and Alissa.
I move, as her dark eyes glassy looking, her head jerking with Joanne's punch.
This time as she falls I manage to catch Alissa.
Joanne standing gasping, her chest heaving, as she watches.
I hold Alissa to me, and help lower her to the ground, as applause and cheers of congratulations go up for Joanne. As most break apart, and head back inside, to drink, and talk about the fight.

Alissa's breast heaving against me, as I gently lay her down. Keeping her head cradled, as she stays conscious, but barely.
Joanne moves closer, looking absolutely gorgeous. Naked, and slightly glistening from spilled beverages, and a light sheen of sweat.
Alissa's arm clinging to mine, as she pulls against me. Trying to take some comfort, from my holding her.
Alissa was more than a cutie, she was a gorgeous woman.
Naked, clinging to me.
Joanne had won the fight. Yet I had to admit, even for starting it, and doing so much trash talking to Joanne.
I could see it being very easy, to enjoy having a woman as beautiful as Alissa by your side.

Joanne finds her panties and slips them on. Her dress ruined, I slip my shirt off, and give it to her, to cover herself some.
I could not help but admire Joanne's breasts, heaving slower, yet still pert, and hard nippled.
I would wait, until I knew Alissa was okay, and able to leave under her own power, before leaving with Joanne.
The lady definately impressing me, from the first moment I saw her. To her change to go out, as well as seeing the lovely blonde in all her glory.
Alissa was definately not a woman, you would forget. Beautiful in face, and naked body as well.

She begins to regain her senses, as I help her up, and she clings to me a bit.
Joanne watches as Alissa nods to her, then thanks me her voice soft, and pleasing.
Then leaves to gather her things, and go home for the night.
The night was done for, as we head back to her place.
Yet I had to enjoy, the fact I had been with the two most beautiful ladies in the place. Even if it was, while they were catfighting in the club parking lot.
Plus I was getting to leave with the lovely blonde grlwrestler Joanne. Not a bad way for the night to end in any way.   


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Alissacutie VS Grlwrestler Joanne same dress, parking lot catfight.
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2010, 03:00:15 AM »

Here is one of them.. looking for the other one.



Offline Marie B.

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Re: Alissacutie VS Grlwrestler Joanne same dress, parking lot catfight.
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2010, 02:20:25 PM »
Jeez, the two of them fight verbally as viciously as they do physically.

Good story, Storm.



Offline ~Rox Erotique~

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Re: Alissacutie VS Grlwrestler Joanne same dress, parking lot catfight.
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2010, 02:29:26 PM »
Enjoyed that Honey!

Thanks for sharing!

x G x
I'm paranoid and needy. So I think people are talking about me, but not as much as I'd like.