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Roommate War- Part 3: The Moms do Battle

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Roommate War- Part 3: The Moms do Battle
« on: August 17, 2023, 12:55:49 AM »
Hello everyone! Sorry that this story took so long to write, but it is finally here. I would greatly appreciate any feedback or any suggestions about where the story should go from here. The first two parts are linked on my profile if you missed them, and I would highly suggest reading them before this part if you have not already.

Author’s Note: Although the parts are written in a chronological order, the two women depicted in this part are not yet aware of the fight that took place in Part II.


Ashley woke with a start as she heard her alarm clock beep beside her head. She reached over and shut it off, quickly getting dressed before heading downstairs for her morning coffee. She planned to hit up a morning yoga session with her friend Amanda before she had go into work, and so she dressed in a light green tank top and black yoga pants.

As she watched the hot black liquid poor down into her mug she realized how quiet it was. Her husband was gone but he always left early for work. However, over the last month she had become accustomed to her son and daughter joining her for her for breakfast. Her son had been gone for several days, she had driven him to the airport so that he could catch his plane back Hawaii, where he was in his junior year of college. Her daughter she had  dropped off at her school, which was only around half an hour’s drive away, a little less than a week ago.

 “That had been an interesting trip.” She thought to herself.

When her daughter Alex had arrived home from her first semester away at school she had seemed a bit preoccupied whenever they would talk, and Ashley assumed something had gone wrong at school. When she had finally managed to wheedle the story out of her she had scarcely been able to believe her ears. Here, sitting alone with her coffee, her mind flashed back to the night her daughter described.

The night when she and her roommate had let a small tiff develop into one of the most desperate, intimate catfights she had ever heard of. She remembered laughing in disbelief as her daughter told her about how she pulled off her shirt after accidentally ripping Cat’s, and sitting on the very edge of her seat as her daughter described how Cat had pressed her foot to her throat and nearly made her pass out.

Alex had grinned sheepishly, half embarrassed, half proud, as she told her mother how she had grabbed her roommate’s pussy and forced her off, before mounting her and winning the fight herself. Ashley had sat there open mouthed and breathing heavy, looking her daughter over in shock. She had always been competitive (she got that from her), but she had never been the type to get into a fight. 

Over the next few weeks Ashley had been unable to stop thinking about her daughter’s battle. She had only ever been in one fight herself; a drunken hair-pulling contest with some slut at a bar when she was a few years older than her daughter was now, but she felt that hardly qualified as a fight compared to what Alex had experienced. She tried to imagine what it would be like, rolling around with another woman, having her tits squeezed and her ass spanked, being choked and choking her. It was primal, she told herself, two rivals struggling for dominance physically, rather than socially or emotionally as had become the norm in our thoroughly civilized world.

She had thought back to the women she had hated in her life, or even those that had just annoyed her. The bitchy cashier, the college lecturer who had criticized her paper in front of the whole class. Why had she never just challenged one of them to fight it out? She had smiled to herself as she imagined confronting Professor Seidel after that class, throwing her to the ground and forcing her to apologize. She felt herself getting hot as she imagined sitting on that bitch’s chest, looking down into her eyes in triumph.

One woman who stuck out in her mind was someone she had seen just yesterday. Melissa, the mother of her daughter’s roommate. She had never seen the other woman in anything even remotely revealing, but that seemed like it might be a good fight. She wondered if the other woman knew about their daughter’s tussle. Surely not, or she would have had her daughter switch rooms, she certainly wouldn’t have stood in the same room as her, smiling and friendly despite the tense atmosphere. But then again, Ashley knew and she had acted as though she didn’t.

She wondered what the girls would have said if she brought it up right there in the room? It had certainly been on her mind. She hadn’t been able to help herself when she had hugged the other mother goodbye, she had been so amped up when they had shut their daughters in their dorm that her hug had been a little tighter than was polite. She could say this for Melissa, she was no shrinking violet, she had squeezed her back just as hard.

She looked at the clock, she still had about 15 minutes before she had to leave for yoga. She sat on a bar stool in front of her kitchen counter and scooped up her phone, opening Facebook to have a little scroll before she had to leave. She almost spit her coffee out when she saw that she had a friend request from Melissa Williamson, the woman about whom she had just been thinking. Her mind raced, wondering why Melissa would try to friend her now. She quickly hit accept and started looking through the other woman’s profile.

She was two years older than her: 46 to her 44. Her Facebook wall was dominated by reposts of things she found interesting, though there were many pictures as well. Most of which were taken in front of various tourist attractions, or out to lunch with friends and never gave away much, with Melissa always being well dressed, if mildly conservative.

There was one set of pictures that she narrowed in on, taken about six months ago and posted by her husband. There were three pictures which her husband had captioned, “Here’s to a much deserved vacation. Happy Anniversary Babe!”

The first showed the two of them sitting down to a meal in a quaint café along a cobblestone street, the second showed the two of them leaning out over an infinity pool, staring at the sunset with their backs facing the camera. The third was the one that had caught Ashley’s attention. It showed the other woman sitting on a lounge in what appeared to be some sort of hotel resort. She was wearing a bright blue bikini, that went along with her blue eyes and blond hair. Ashley looked the picture over, examining the other mother’s body.

Melissa clearly took excellent care of herself, she could probably pass for a fit woman in her late thirties, and like her daughter it looked like she took her fitness seriously.

“They really had incredibly similar bodies,” Ashley thought. If she and the other mother were standing next to each other it would be difficult to determine whose body was better, even their tits looked like they were the same size. Ashley also knew from meeting her in person that they were almost exactly the same height, taller than either of their daughters at around 5’6, she guessed that their weights would be within a couple pounds of each other’s.

She put her phone down, realizing she needed to get ready to go to class. Struck with sudden inspiration, she picked it back up and scrolled through her own photos, quickly finding what she was looking for: a picture of her standing on a beach in Mexico from their vacation last year wearing a light yellow bikini and a floppy sun hat. She didn’t have any pictures of herself that displayed her body posted on Facebook, but if Melissa could show off her body online so could she, and she quickly opened the app, posting the picture with the caption, “Mexico last summer, can’t wait to get back to the sun!”  She looked it over, for some reason hoping that Melissa would see it. She quickly gulped down the last of her coffee and headed out the door for her morning yoga.

During her class, in the silence when she stretched and posed, all she could think about was Melissa. She imagined that she was here, and she imagined herself getting in her face and her refusing to back down, before they grabbed hold of each other and flung themselves around the yoga studio. She even found herself looking over at her friend Amanda, wondering who would win if they fought. What was happening to her, why couldn’t she stop thinking about this?

After the class finished, she changed into her work clothes and got ready to head in. Work seemed to drag by during the day, thankfully she was fairly busy, with a couple of client meetings to keep her occupied, but all she could think about was getting back on Facebook and seeing if Melissa had seen her post. When she finally got home she eagerly opened her phone. Melissa had indeed seen her picture, she had given it a like. Ashley also saw that she had a message from the other woman from about an hour ago.

Melissa: “Hey Ashley, how are you? I was hoping we could talk on here. My daughter, Cat was acting strange over break, I think maybe something happened at school. Do you know why that could be? Has Alex told you anything?”

Ashley thought, “Yes I know what happened, my daughter kicked your daughter’s ass.”

She saw that Melissa was still online. She opened a message of her own. She didn’t know whether to tell her or not. How would she react? Would she try to press charges or something? She decided to just be truthful.

Ashley: “Umm yeah, Alex did tell me what happened actually. It sounds like the two of them got into a little fight. Sorry.”

She had to wait for a couple of minutes before Melissa responded.

Melissa: “Oh, that’s ok. Cat told me as well, and it sounds like they are both to blame, you know how girls can get, especially trapped together in those tiny dorm rooms. I’m just happy neither of them got hurt.”

Ashely breathed a sigh of relief before messaging back.

Ashley: “Exactly, I’m glad you’re not angry. How is Cat doing?”

Melissa: “She’s doing fine, I think she was a little mad at first, but like I said she wasn’t really hurt.

Ashley: “That’s good, Alex was pretty much the same.”

Melissa: “Maybe it’s a good thing they got to blow off a little steam.”

Ashley swallowed. Melissa was definitely not mad. She decided to push their conversation further in this direction, typing out her reply.

Ashley: “Ha, ha, yeah it was probably pretty cathartic! Sometimes I wish I had the guts to just go for it, to lay it all on the line like that. It sounds like such a rush!”

Melissa: “I know right! I’m so competitive too. I swam in college and loved the feeling of just beating another girl in a race, I can’t imagine how good it must feel to physically force someone to admit you beat them.”

Ashley: “Tell me about it, ever since Alex told me what happened I haven’t been able to stop thinking about what it must have been like!”

Melissa: “Haha, I’ve been thinking the same thing! Have you ever actually been in a fight before?”

Ashley: “I pulled some girl’s hair when I was in college, not sure I’d call it a real fight though, it was over in about 20 seconds, nothing like our daughters did though. What about you?”

Melissa: “Not exactly. I wrestle with my husband now and again, but its not exactly competitive. I’ve had my eye on my sister-in-law though, if she says one more thing about my house we might just have to throw down! Hahaha.”

Ashley set her phone down for a minute, standing up to pace back and forth in thought. She suddenly had too much energy to sit still. It was clear that Melissa was not mad, and that she was not opposed to the idea of fighting. After messaging with her, Ashley suddenly realized she wanted to fight this woman more than anything. But how could she get there? She couldn’t just challenge her to a fight, right? She sat back down and picked up her phone.

Ashley: “You know, I’m kind of surprised you let Cat move back into the dorms this semester.”

Melissa: “Why is that?”

Ashley: “Well it might be awkward, having to live with the girl who beat you up. I just hope they don’t get into it again, Cat could get hurt even worse.”

Melissa: “Yeah, hopefully they won’t, but Cat didn’t exactly get beat up. I wouldn’t want your daughter to get hurt either.”

Ashley: “Oh I don’t think we have to worry about that, it wasn’t my daughter who was crying in the end.”

Melissa: “Your daughter only won because she fought dirty!! If she wouldn’t have grabbed Cat’s pussy she would have been choked out!”

Ashley caught her breath. So it looked like Cat had told her mother the whole story. She typed back.

Ashley: “Yeah keep on telling yourself that honey, we both know that if they fight again my daughter will kick your Cat’s ass just like she already did. Hell, I hope they do fight again so I can rub it your face!”

Melissa: “Fuck you ‘honey’, if they fight again Alex is going to be the one crying. And leave my daughter’s name out of your mouth!  If you want a fucking fight, pick on someone your own size, not my damn daughter!

Ashley held her breath, deciding to go for it. Her hands shook as she typed.

Ashley: “You’re my size bitch.”

There was a pause from Melissa, before it said she was typing again.

Melissa: “Do you wanna fight me slut? Cause that would be a big fucking mistake!”

Ashley: “Why not? My daughter kicked Cat’s ass and she made it sound so fun, I want to have a story of my own to tell her.”

Melissa: “Oh it is on bitch! If you wanna fight, we can fight, where do you want to do this?”

Ashley couldn’t believe it, she could feel her heart thumping with excitement.

Ashley: “My husband will be out of town this whole weekend, if you want to get your ass beat you can come on over. If you’re not too much of a chicken shit pussy. 1813 Sampson Drive.”

Melissa: “Oh you better believe I will be there bitch. Make sure you have some ice packs ready, cause tomorrow I’m going to fuck you up.”

With that Ashley set down her phone. She felt as if she had just run a race. Her head was spinning. Had she really just arranged to fight the mother of her daughter’s roommate? She thought about what they had said, and started to feel a bit of hesitation. She definitely wanted to fight, so much so that it may have clouded her judgement. She was a grown, professional woman; what would the people at the office say if she showed up next Monday with a black eye? 

She tried to calm herself down, reminding herself that Melissa had a job as well, surely she couldn’t just get into a full on brawl either. She would have to talk to her before hand and see if they could lay down some ground rules, though the thought of what her boss’ face would look like if he saw her come to work with a bunch of bruises on her face, like she was in Fight Club or something, made her smile to herself.

The rest of the night seemed to pass her by in a blur. She could hardly believe that after weeks of fantasizing about it she was actually going to fight another woman. She was extremely nervous but also strangely exited. At around 10:00pm she climbed into bed.

Ashley woke up the next morning and stared at the light seeping through her blinds. She could hardly believe that the conversation she and Melissa had had the previous night had really happened. She turned over, picking up her phone and looking back over the messages. Well, they were there so that meant that the whole thing hadn’t just been a dream. As the realization of what she had agreed to do set in, she began to feel the slight tugs of nervous nausea in her stomach. She didn’t get up, but continued to lay in bed staring at her window. She wondered if Melissa really would show up or if the two of them would just chalk their online confrontation up to late night bravado, in the heat of the vicarious excitement they felt thinking about their daughters fighting. She couldn’t decide whether or not she actually wanted Melissa to come.

Suddenly she heard the pinging sound of a notification come from her phone behind her. She quickly turned around to look. A message had appeared on her screen.

Melissa: “Are we still on for today bitch?”

Well, it looked like Melissa was still planning to go through with it. That was it. There was no way she was backing down now. She opened her phone to reply.

Ashley: “Oh you bet we are, if you really still want to get your ass kicked today feel free to stop by.”

Melissa: “Yeah, that is definitely not going to happen. I’ll be there at 11:00.”

Ashley felt her pulse begin to quicken. She looked up at her phone’s clock. It read 8:31am. She had about two and a half hours before she was going to get in a fight for the first time in over twenty years. She climbed out of bed and went downstairs thinking that some protein and fresh orange juice might give her enough energy to go through with this. She ate two eggs, a slice of toast, and drank her juice before she finally calmed down. This still didn’t feel real, but at least she didn’t feel like she needed to puke anymore. She wondered where their fight was going to happen. As it was happening at her house it seemed like she should have a room set up. They could fight in the dining room, it was certainly big enough but the hardwood floors wouldn’t exactly make for a soft landing. They could fight in the back yard, but what if the neighbors saw? It seemed too weird for Ashley to immediately invite this woman she was going to get into a fight with into her bedroom, so she settled on the living room. It had a nice soft carpet and was big enough to provide all the space they could need.

She started to prepare the room by pushing the couch up against the wall and the two lounge chairs up into opposite corners. She removed the coffee table entirely and took the nicknacks off of the one shelf. She threw a blanket over their TV, which was also sitting on the shelf above the fireplace. She tried to imagine what her daughter would say if she knew she was about to fight her roommate’s mother in their living room. She wondered if her fight was going to get as crazy as her daughter’s.

She didn’t really know what to do next. She thought about taking a shower but that seemed pointless so she went back to her room to get dressed for the fight. She decided on a light blue sports bra and matching yoga shorts. She checked the time again and saw that she had about 20 minutes before Melissa was supposed to arrive. She walked back into the living room, which had a large bay window overlooking the front yard and street. Ashley couldn’t sit still so instead of just pacing back and forth she decided to do some light yoga, facing the window so she would see Melissa when she arrived. She figured it would help her relax, plus it might be an advantage if Melissa was stiff from her car ride and she was all limbered up.

After what seemed like forever, Ashley stepped out of her pose and went to check the time on her phone. It was 11:06, Melissa was late. Could she have chickened out? Had she just been winding her up? Frustrated Ashley went to the kitchen to grab herself a glass of water, an extremely light sheen of perspiration shone on her pale skin.

When she came back into the living room her heartbeat sped up as she saw a white SUV parked in front of her drive. She set her cup down and walked over to the window. Just as she was looking out she saw the driver’s door open and Melissa step out and begin to make her way up the walkway. The other woman was dressed similarly, wearing tight white yoga shorts and what looked like a white sports bra underneath a pale green tank top. She noted with relief that the other woman also had her nails trimmed short, so she wouldn’t be at a disadvantage there.

Ashley could just make out the sound of her flip flops as they sounded on the pavement with each step. She had a small gym bag slung around her shoulders and Ashley had to stifle a nervous giggle at this. Melissa looked for all the world as though she were walking into a yoga class rather than a catfight. However, her blond hair was tied up in a youthful ponytail, which Ashley was quick to match.

As Ashley watched the other woman with her heart in her throat she wondered if she was crazy for doing this. What if Melissa beat the shit out of her, and in her own house? She tried to get that image out of her mind. They were the same size, and probably about the same strength, so even if she lost it was pretty unlikely she would really get her ass kicked.

Suddenly her musings were interrupted by the sound of the doorbell ringing. Ashley jumped slightly and dropped her phone down on to the couch before she hurried to the door. With a deep breath she pulled it open and came face to face with her opponent at last.

The two women stared awkwardly at each other for a moment, neither quite sure what to say before Melissa abruptly said, “Well, I’m here, are we doing this or what?”

Ashley replied “I’m surprised you actually turned up, I wasn’t sure you were going to show.” With that she turned around and started to make her way back into the living room, she could hear that Melissa was following along behind her.

“Of course I’m here,” Melissa snapped back, “it’s not like I’m afraid of you.”

They came into the living room, Melissa walked over to the couch pushed against the wall and set her gym bag down on it. She slipped off her flip flops and set them underneath the couch. She then pulled off her tank top which left her in an outfit nearly identical to Ashley’s except all in white rather than pale blue. Ashley had followed her into the room but had stopped at the opposite end of her long couch. She watched in silence as the other woman began to stretch, then began stretching herself so she wasn’t just standing there. God, it was awkward. They had both been so confident when texting but now that they were here in the same room, being faced with the need to back up their assertions of dominance, they didn’t seem to be able to look at each other.

Ashley didn’t know what to say, funnily enough she had never been in a situation like this, about to fight someone who was nearly a stranger, but whom she felt she knew so well after weeks of fantasizing. Still, she felt she had to say something to cut the tension so that it sprung into action.

She opened her mouth, then closed it again before finally saying, “So, you ready to see what it felt like for your daughter when she got her ass kicked?”

Instantly Melissa’s eyes snapped up to hers as she angrily replied, “Oh, please! My daughter was the one winning until your little tramp cheated!”

“It wasn’t my daughter who gave up honey,” Ashley replied with a mocking smile, “but hey, when you end up crying like Cat did, I have plenty of tissues for you in the next room.”

“Oh fuck you Ashley!” Melissa snapped back, “We’ll see how much shit you talk when you’ve got my ass in your face.”

Ashley saws Melissa’s eyes widen slightly as she said this, obviously taken aback by her own nerve, and she felt her eyes do the same. Where had that come from? This might turn out to be quite the battle.

Ashley had to respond to that, “If you think I’m going to have YOUR ass in MY face, and not the other way around, you are dreaming bitch.”

The two women stared at each other. Melissa looked like she wanted to respond but couldn’t think of anything else to say. They kept on stretching. Melissa went down into a full split in an impressive display of flexibility. Not to be outdone Ashley dropped into a split of her own, stretch her arms towards one leg and groaning softly at the strain. The two women stayed like this, both avoiding each others eyes while obviously looking at the other, their quickened breath sounding louder in the silence, both slightly flushed from their brief verbal exchange.

 Suddenly Melissa’s voice broke the silence. “So how are we doing this?”

Ashley looked up at her, “I don’t know, I guess we just go for it? Unless you think we should have some ground rules.”

Their false bravado seemed to have been replaced by an energy of nervous anticipation.

“Maybe we should have some boundaries,” Melissa replied, “Like, can we agree that we shouldn’t bite each other or gouge each other’s eyes out, or anything like that?”

“Definitely,” Ashley said, “I’m glad you said that actually. I think it would be good if we also agreed to not hit each other in the face. I don’t want to be all marked up in front of my clients.”

“That’s a good idea, my boss probably wouldn’t like it if I looked too banged up either.”

After another 30 seconds or so of stretching Ashley said, “Well I’m ready if you are. Should we get started?”

Melissa pulled herself out of her split and stood up. “Yeah, lets do it.”

Ashley mirrored the other woman’s movements as the two of them began to face off, shifting their weight from one foot to another and trying to decide on their first move. Suddenly Melissa lunged forward and Ashley moved to meet her, throwing her arms around her opponent and squeezing for all she was worth as she felt Melissa do the same.

Compressed in a furious bearhug the two women stumbled around the center of the room. Their heads were sat on their opponents shoulders, and their breasts were pressed firmly together as they pushed and pulled each other back and forth across the carpet, groaning and grunting into each others ears. Their breathing started to come with increasing difficulty as they both put all of their force into crushing the air out of the other. Neither of them seemed sure of what they were doing and so they just clung to each other, each attempting to simply outmuscle the other.

This went on for what felt like 5 minutes, but was in reality just under two before Ashley realized that it wasn’t working; although it was painful, neither of them were going get the other to submit just by squeezing the shit out of her, they were just too evenly matched. Just as she was trying to consider her next move through the pain that Melissa was inflicting on her, she felt the other woman’s arms release her midsection and droop slightly towards her sides. She pressed her advantage, leaning forward and bending Melissa back, going up on her toes so that she could squeeze even harder. She heard Melissa groan loudly, and then felt her arms swing up and wrap around her neck. Melissa turned her whole body, using Ashley’s unbalanced stance to her advantage as she flung her to the ground.

Ashley felt the air leave her lungs as she landed hard with Melissa on top of her. The other woman still had her arms wrapped around her head, but now her right tit was pressing firmly into Ashleys face, limiting her ability to breath. She began to panic slightly, realizing if she didn’t get out of this the fight would be over before it really started. She flailed around a little, eventually hooking her upper foot around Melissa’s calf and attempted to drag her over and underneath her but Melissa slipped her leg away and moved it out of reach.

The one advantage that Ashley still had was that, because Melissa was holding her head with both arms, both of Ashley’s hands were free. She reached her left one up, grabbing the base of Melissa’s ponytail and pulling it back. She saw the other woman grit her teeth in pain as her head was yanked back. Melissa’s tit started to raise off of her face, giving her room to draw a breath. Her other hand darted forward and grabbed Melissa’s raised breast eliciting an even louder groan. As she dug her fingers in she heard Melissa yell out.

“Arrgghhh, you dirty bitch! I see where Alex gets it from!”

Ashley didn’t respond. She felt Melissa pull her head towards her, trying to shove her breast back in her face. She saw her erect nipple through her sports bra and brought her fingers to it. Pinching it tightly and twisting. Melissa cried out again, and clearly she had had enough of this, as she released her grip on Ashley’s head.

Ashley’s head dropped back to the floor but before she could do anything Melissa shoved her shoulders to the ground and swung her leg over her stomach, mounting her fully. She wrapped both hands around Ashley’s wrist and painfully removed the hand from her nipple, before grabbing both of her wrists and leaning forward, using her weight and leverage to force Ashley’s hands roughly to the floor. As she leaned forward her breasts pressed into Ashley’s face again, and it was all the other woman could do to keep them from smothering her.

Ashley cried out in anger and frustration, “Get your fucking tits out of my face!”

Bringing her knee up sharply into the small of Melissa’s back and bucking as hard as she could, Ashley managed to heave the other woman off of her, quickly pulling her wrists out of her grips and shoving herself away.

They both quickly clambered to their feet, eyeing each other furiously before lunging together again, this time clasping their hands together in a classic test of strength, all uncertainty gone. Their fingers squeezed against each other, turning white with strain as they pushed each other back and forth, never moving more than a foot or so in either direction. Much like their daughters, the two mothers were almost exactly the same strength.

Ashley glared at her opponent, blue eyes boring into green as the two of them struggled against each other. Their seemingly identical breasts faced off as well, each pair of nipples jutting through the fabric of their sports bras as if they were challenging each other.

Obviously tiring of their stalemate, Melissa launched a kick at her, her foot striking the middle of her thigh. Ashley quickly responded by kicking the other woman in the shin, and they began to trade kicks back and forth along each other’s legs, hands still clasped tightly together, but now it was as if they were engaged in some strange, violent dance rather than just shoving against each other.

Their legs were beginning to redden from the repeated kicks when suddenly one of Melissa’s blows caught Ashley right in her vagina. She yelled out in pain as she felt her legs go weak and doubled over before dropping down to one knee as their hands unclasped and came apart. No longer facing any equal resistance, Melissa stepped forward and shoved Ashley to the ground, jumping down on top of her.

Ashley however, had already began to catch her breath, and she threw her arms around Melissa’s back and rolled her over coming up on top of her. Ashley could still feel the aching in her groin and was desperate to pay Melissa back in kind. She forced her right leg between Melissa’s and brought her knee up, sharply striking her opponent in her own pussy.

Melissa yelled out as she felt Ashley’s knee hit her. She felt a pain in her stomach that made her want to be sick. She realized that Ashley was pulling her leg back for another knee and quickly locked her both her legs around Ashley’s right one. Squeezing them together as tightly as she could, desperately trying to prevent another knee from hitting her. She managed to also wrap her own arms around Ashley’s back and with a groan of exertion, she heaved the other woman over.

The two mothers rolled back and forth, trading top position as they squeezed each other. They were so tightly entangled that neither one could strike the other, or really do anything more than try to stay on top of her rival. Their breasts were smashed together and they could each feel the other’s nipples dig into the engorged tissue of their breasts like hard little rocks.

After several minutes of rolling back and forth, Melissa threw Ashley over again, but found them stopped halfway through the roll as the other woman’s back pressed against her long couch. The two women faced each other on their sides, still hugging each other tightly. The only limb that was free was Ashley’s top leg, the one that was not trapped between Melissa’s. She stretched it down and used her foot to pry apart Melissa’s feet, as the other woman tried in vain to hold them together.

As soon as Melissa’s legs came apart Ashley kicked off the couch and pulled her own leg free she rolled on top of Melissa and released her bearhug, using her free arms to pull her opponent’s arms off of her before climbing up to sit on her stomach.

Melissa bucked and writhed, trying in vain to unseat Ashley as she felt the other woman slowly inching up to come and straddle her chest. She reached up to try to grab at Ashley’s tits but the other woman managed to grab her wrists.

Their arms pin-balled furiously as Melissa desperately tried to free her wrists and Ashley tried to force them to the ground. Ashley put all her weight and leverage behind her right arm, forcing Melissa’s to the floor and quickly trapping it under her leg before repeating this process on the left side. Melissa continued to buck, but again it was to no avail as Ashley scooted higher and higher up, eventually placing the seat of her tiny workout shorts on Melissa’s chin, and staring down into her rival’s eyes with a look of fierce triumph.

“So Mel,” Ashley said, panting heavily, “who is sitting on whose face?”

Melissa did not respond, but continued her struggle to escape. She bucked Ashley forward, almost managing to dislodge but the other woman was able to keep brace herself and keep her mount.

Suddenly Ashley had a thought. She looked around until she saw her phone laying near them on the couch where she had dropped it before the fight. Luckily it was just within arms length and she reached over to grab it, swiping left to open up her camera and turning it over to the front facing lens so she could see her own face. She extended her arm above her so that she could see both of them before taking a picture. She looked wild; her hair looked like a bird’s nest, there were red splotches and marks all over her body, and streaks of sweat ran down her face, chest, and lightly toned stomach. She looked with pride at her memento of her victory, before quickly throwing her phone back on the couch and turning her attention to the woman she held beneath her, who was still bucking and writhing to get away.

“You done yet?” Ashley asked, only to be answered with another powerful buck. She leaned back to catch her breath.

“Just so you know, I grew up riding hors-”

Her words were cut off as Melissa’s feet swung up to hook around her face, yanking her backwards and down to the ground. She quickly tried to sit up but Melissa’s feet were keeping her head pressed to the ground, preventing her from rising. She felt the other woman try to sit up into her, but quickly swung her right leg out and managed to force Melissa’s head down with her own foot, before bringing her left leg over and locking her ankles, just as Melissa was now doing. The two women thrashed around, both trying to escape. However, neither seemed to be able to make any progress as their heads were held down.

And so their tightly tangled forms inched along the floor due their aggressive movement, both on their backs looking straight up, only able to see the ceiling and their opponent’s feet.

They lay like this for about a minute neither able to free themselves or think of what to do next. Ashley felt Melissa’s legs start squeezing her sides and she tightened her core to try to lessen the pressure. She realized that she might be in trouble here. Her hips were on top of Melissa’s and that meant that while the other woman’s legs came up around her body, her own were not able to wrap around Melissa and squeeze her back.

She heard Melissa growl, “Give up bitch!”

“Fuck you whore!”

Ashley didn’t want to submit, she had Melissa trapped, in fact they were both stuck, but if Melissa was hurting her and she couldn’t hurt her back, she didn’t see what else she could do. Suddenly, she thought back to what her daughter had told her about her own fight, and how she had won it.

She reached her hand down under her own legs and crawled her fingers up the inside of Melissa’s thigh, reaching the hem of her skin tight shorts and forcing her fingers under it. She felt the heat and moisture of Melissa’s sex and she extended her fingers towards it, feeling the other mother try to shift her hips back and away from her scrambling fingers. Ashley exhaled in frustration as she realized that she couldn’t quite reach Melissa’s pussy. She settled for wrapping her fingers in her pubic hair and pulling as hard as she could from her awkward position.

She heard Melissa groan and quietly breath out a curse, before moving to respond. She felt the other woman’s hand wrap around her leg inch it’s way up towards her crotch, groping for anything to grab. She braced herself for pain before she realized that Melissa couldn’t quite reach her shorts, she had a brief moment of relief before she felt Melissa pinch her hard, quite high on the inside of her thigh.

The two women lay like this, gritting their teeth against the pain, each holding their opponent’s head down with their feet, pulling and pinching and squeezing at each other in this awkward war of attrition. After what felt like forever Ashley felt Melissa unlock her ankles and give up her pinching. She had a moment where she felt she could breath again before she felt Melissa pull her left leg back and press her toes into her jawline, pushing her backwards. Ashley still had a grip on Melissa’s pubic hair but released it, as she realized that it wouldn’t hold. The two women kicked themselves apart from each other, scrambling to their knees and flinging themselves at each other again.

 Melissa had managed to get up just slightly quicker and so she was on top as the two women crashed to the ground again. However, she realized a second too late that she had landed herself between Ashley’s legs when she felt the other woman’s scissors start to squeeze her sides. She grunted in pain and wrapped a hand in Ashley’s hair pulling it fiercely.


The two women froze and looked at each other, eyes wide with sudden panic as they were pulled back to reality by the ring of the doorbell. When they heard the lock turn and the door start to open they quickly released each other and scrambled apart as fast as they could.

They heard a voice call out from the hall  “Hey Ashley, I was just in the neighborhood so I thought I’d stop by to see if you wanted to go grab a coffee or something.”

Ashley recognized the voice as that of her best friend Amanda. The two of them were close enough that they had keys for each others houses and would often just let themselves in. Amanda came into the room, bright and smiling as usual, but pulled up short at the sight of the two women. Ashley realized how they must look, both very disheveled, with wild hair, reddened and flushed skin, standing there in their sports bras and tiny shorts drenched in sweat, erect nipples jutting out and clearly quite visible.

“Hey Mandy,” Ashley said as brightly as she could while trying to catch her breath, “This is my friend Melissa, we were just doing a little workout back here.”

“Oh…ok,” Amanda replied, looking awkward and maybe unconvinced as she stepped forward to shake Melissa’s hand, “Nice to meet you… have you guys been friends for a while then?”

“No, no,” Ashley said back as the other two introduced themselves, “we haven’t known each other for very long. Our daughters are roommates.”

“Ok cool. It’s nice that you two are becoming friends then! Do you want to get a coffee then Ash, or am I interrupting?

“No, you’re not, we just finished up here. I’d love to grab one, just give me a second to shower and change.”

“Nice. Sorry about just barging in, I didn’t know you had company. Do you want to come to Melissa?”

Melissa took a second before she awkwardly responded, “Oh no, thanks for asking but I have to get away anyway. Maybe next time.”

“Ok, well it was nice to meet you, maybe I’ll see you later, it would be fun for us all to hang out.”

“Yeah, definitely. That sounds good. It was nice to meet you too.”

And with that Melissa, pulled on her tank top and flip flops, grabbed her bag, and with one last awkward and conflicted look back at Ashley, she walked out to her car.

Ashley quickly showered and changed into a cute dress and leggings before leaving with Amanda for their coffee date. As she sat there, half listening to her friend talk about her day, she thought about what had just happened. She couldn’t believe that she had just gotten into her first fight since the 30 second scrap she had had in her 20’s. Her whole body ached and burned but her head was buzzing with adrenaline and residual excitement. She could not believe how amazing it had been, why had she never done this before? She had never been so turned on in her whole life, it was even better than what her daughter had described.

She wondered what Melissa was thinking. Surely the two of them couldn’t just leave it like they had, they were both too competitive to let their fight end in a draw. She heard Amanda pause, waiting for her to reply to a question she had obviously been too distracted to hear. She looked at her friend sitting with her at this fancy café.
What would she say if she knew that less than an hour ago, her and Melissa had been rolling around on the floor, each desperately trying to force the other mother to submit?


Alex was sitting in her dorm bed, looking over some lecture notes on the dimmed screen of the computer laying in her lap. Her roommate Cat was laying in her own bed, eyes hidden behind the sleeping mask she had taken to wearing. Weirdly enough, ever since they had fought each other for the second time around a week ago, they had become good friends again, talking and laughing about the fights they had had with each other. Although, behind the smiles and the laughing there was a definite competitive edge between them that had not been there before.

Her phone lit up the darkness as the screen came on to notify her of a new message. She opened her phone without looking at what it was, then almost dropped it when she saw the picture that appeared on her screen. It showed her mother, looking like a wild woman with her hair in a state of total disarray, her face and body covered in streaks of sweat, her sports bra translucent, and her eyes glowing with the wild light of primal triumph. It took Alex a second to realize that her mother was sitting on top of another woman, the sweat soaked crotch of her tiny shorts pressing into her chin. Her mouth actually fell open and her eyes widened with shock, and a little bit of awe when she realized that the woman whose straining face was trapped between her mother’s legs was none other than Melissa, the mother of the girl who was sleeping not ten feet away from her.

With trembling hands she typed out her reply, “OMG Mom, wtf! What happened?”

To be continued…


Offline Hammer48

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Re: Roommate War- Part 3: The Moms do Battle
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2023, 05:39:57 AM »
I was so happy to see this that I hit like before I'd even read it. Well done.


Offline Austin315

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Re: Roommate War- Part 3: The Moms do Battle
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2023, 03:06:33 AM »
Awesome continuation! Hopefully they double their workouts and come back for a rematch!


Offline Lightkeep11

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Re: Roommate War- Part 3: The Moms do Battle
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2023, 11:56:27 PM »
This part was so good. Cannot wait to see what happens next!


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Roommate War- Part 3: The Moms do Battle
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2023, 08:34:36 PM »
I like the feeling of wondering if you should accept a rival's Facebook friend request.

And the tension between the 4 women is realistic.


......if Amanda couldn't tell from the sweat and wrecked hair and heavy breathing that a fight had been in progress.....

......then how hard were they really fighting?


Offline finglock

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Re: Roommate War- Part 3: The Moms do Battle
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2023, 08:16:33 PM »
I like the feeling of wondering if you should accept a rival's Facebook friend request.

And the tension between the 4 women is realistic.


......if Amanda couldn't tell from the sweat and wrecked hair and heavy breathing that a fight had been in progress.....

......then how hard were they really fighting?

i think it's ok, they are beginners and kind of afraid.


Offline dtrain12575

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Re: Roommate War- Part 3: The Moms do Battle
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2023, 04:08:26 PM »
All three parts were great.....when will we see more.


Offline Damerei

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Re: Roommate War- Part 3: The Moms do Battle
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2024, 09:59:55 AM »
Thanks to everyone for all the great comments. I have been very busy and unfortunately have not had much time to write lately. However, I just started working on Part 4 yesterday, so hopefully it will be ready in a week or two. If anyone has any suggestions or anything that they want to see from the next part, I would love to hear any thoughts.



Offline Katff

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Re: Roommate War- Part 3: The Moms do Battle
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2024, 08:50:18 AM »
Hey there Damerei, Absolutely love this story and cant wait for part 4!  Sent you a personal message. Would love to hear your thoughts on it. Cheers


Offline diane p

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Re: Roommate War- Part 3: The Moms do Battle
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2024, 09:01:31 AM »
what if moms and daughters had a tagteam match ?
 just an idea  :)