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Britney Spears vs Jessica Simpson

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Britney Spears vs Jessica Simpson
« on: February 28, 2024, 03:07:37 AM »

Alexa Vega and Sarah Shahi tore each other apart again and now Alexa who was naked and bleeding but watched as they dragged8 a naked, bleeding and beaten Sarah Shahi outside “Don’t forget what happened you dirty whore.”

Security had to stop Alexa from going outside and then stop Sarah from coming back in “This isn’t done.” Sarah screamed as the door finally shut

“You should hope it is… Only reason I’m stopping is they stopped me.”

“You better hope they’re around next time you …”   

“Go Home Loser!  Look at the winner and go home and look at that belt you won knowing I’m the real champ”

They finally got Alexa away and got a bath robe around her.  She sat down “I said it all along that bitch is overrated and now I’ve beaten her damn near to death twice and she still wants more… NEXT TIME THERE WILL BE MORE YOU BITCH!”

Julianne looked at Alexa “She can’t hear you.”

“She knows what I’m saying and what I’m saying is true… She had a rep for years as being the baddest bitch around and I took that from here.  Any of you want to fight me at 100 % I’ll prove it.”

Jessica Simpson walked out, and the people went quiet.  This was a legends feud and each woman here grew up dancing to the music of these two women.  Jessica got her shoes off and put her hair back in a ponytail.  She had on jeans and a tank top, she took the jeans off and got in the cage.  She just stood in the middle with her hands on her hips waiting.

Britney came out and stood at the door.  Britney took off her shoes then put her hair in a ponytail.  Britney smiled, Jessica smiled then Britney took off her jeans and walked in got into the middle put her hands on her hips and pressed her chest into Jessica’s “Been a long time since we did this”

“Not by my choice Britney not by my choice.”

“Do you remember the last time you fought me.  You lost”

“Do you remember what happened.  I beat you twice and couldn’t stop because you need to be shut up”

“You were who was shut up in the end.”

“One on one last time we fought I owned you and couldn’t stop owning you and then you got lucky.”

“Ur the one woman who I never had any fear of and then you kept coming and I found out how stupid you are.  Can’t remember how long ago that was but I’m so happy to do it again.”

“Any of these other women want to call me stupid fine and dandy but you… You… You’re a dummy and a child in a woman’s body with a pea brain.  That body of yours is like your brain not a match for me.” 

“Who you think” Britney went to slap Jessica it was caught and Jessica responded hauling Britney in and slamming her chest into Britney putting her down

“I know this is the only area where you are a adult so I’m not bullying you.  As dumb and useless as you are you know what to do in these fights so I’m glad you’re free because I’m about to hurt you.”

“Hurt this”  Britney kicked Jessica between the legs from her ass.  “I beat you once dum dum and this time I’m making it permanent.”

It hurt enough to get Jessica to back up Britney got up and set herself up in a position to drive up and hit her shoulder into Jessica’s face.  “You had me again and I ended up being the one who walked away from the ring.  I’ll walk out of here and anytime you want war I’m the one who walks away.”
Britney began winging lefts and rights.  Spears had such unbridled power and Jessica Simpson was the one woman she saw who she refused to acknowledge can beat her and Britney was trying to end this fight quickly.

Jessica got hit a second time and dropped to her hands and knees.  She heard the punch fly over head Britey wasn’t looking where she was throwing so Simpson picked the ankle and took Spears down.

Jessica pulled Britney’s tank top down over her tits then went to grab the tits.  Britney slapped her away and turned her hips to get on top of Jessica “You like my tits because you wish you had my tits.”Britney ripped open the tank top of Jessica Simpson

Jessica slapped Britney twice and bucked Britney off tore off her tank top then Britney kicked away and both got up removed whatever was left of their shirts and were in hard working bras that could not contain the chests these women possessed.

“This look like jealousy of you.”  Jessica put her arms out the other women gasped at her large tits.

“Everyones jealous of me.” Britney put her arms out “I’m Britney bitch!”  She stepped forward thinking they would go tits on tits and Jessica kicked Britney in the stomach then clubbed her in the back until she dropped to a knee.

Britney just pushed forward and brought Jessica down.  Couple hammer fists to the tits and Jessica lifted her hips.  They switched positions and Jessica was hitting slaps to Britney who bridged up and sent Jessica up off her.  Britney was still between the legs and slid away before Jessica could face sit her.

They got up and Jessica pushed forward her tits hitting on Britney’s pushing Britney into the cage then grinding her tits into Britney’s “That feel like jealousy dummy.”

“Mm naha mrg.”  Britney was making weird sounds trying to push her way out of this.

“Great Britney is feeling jealous and envy now.  I don’t care Britney if I knock you out or make you cry and surrender because your body cant compete.”

Britney grabbed the back of the bra of Jessica Simpson and pulled.  The bra snapped and that was enough for Britney to get air and push off the cage sending both down.  Britney immediately jumped for a tit smother, but Jessica pushed her away and they got up to their feet and traded slaps.


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Re: Britney Spears vs Jessica Simpson
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2024, 03:10:56 AM »

Britney rushed at Jessica tried to push her into the cage but Jessica reversed it then slammed he rtits into Spears twice “Jealous yet…”  Britney powered Jessica before the tit on tit pin and slammed her tits into Jessicas getting a gasp from Jessica.

“No jealousy I’m Britney fucking…”  Britney never finished as Jessica came over Britney shoulder with a palm strike.

“I don’t care because I’m Jessica fucking.”  A knee to Britney’s hip and Britney leaned forward and hit a scorpion kick.  It connected with the face and when Britney stood back up she picked Jessicas ankle and brought Simpson to her ass.

“Jessicas getting fucked up is about it.”  Britney jumped into a slap then got turned around by Jessica and Jessica hit her own slap.

“This time I fuck you up and you stay down…Loser”

They were rolling taking turns slamming a head hitting a slap and whenever they could they’d slam their chest down on the other.  So much personal pride here, such a long-standing feud where even in public they made it clear they never liked each other and never tried to hide it. 

They were up on their feet and what wasn’t on t hem were shirts or a bra. Hands in hair “You want it Britney you don’t measure up and they see it you fossil.”

“Vegas body vs home body.”  Britney turned her wrists so Jessicas  head was facing her “Swing em bitch.”

“You don’t want to swing against me Britney.  Youre proud of your body but its not now or ever will be mine. “  They were shaking each others head violently

“I took everything  you ever could deliver and those never measured up you know it so I do want to swing.”  More blonde locks being ripped out

“Bitch I enjoyed the thought of taking a long drawn out beatdown of your dummy body.  We swing I end this to gosh darn quick.”

“Dummy, u’ve never ended me before and you wont now dummy.”

“Dummy I won every fight and you jumped me after the win taking and tealing the win. Dummy”

“The dummy is afraid to swing because I never lost to this dummy before and…”

“Ok dummy you want this fight to end early then lets fucking swing you fucking dumb dum.”

“Then lets go dumm…”  Britney never finished as they had began twisting and untwisting torso
swinging tits at the other and brought body in tighter so the loud impact of their large breasts swinging and connecting could be heard.

Three more impacts equally as loud but both began breathing hard after.  They weren’t in their twenties no more and this was a high impact stamina draining activity but got damn neither were going to give in.  Britney wanted it and Jessica was overconfident for it.

Jessica groaned and Britney took a break so she could say something Jessica swung back hard and Britney nearly dropped “Fuck you dummy” Jessica said swinging back the other way and Britney Spears was crying “your tits never measured up to mine dummy.”  Another hard unanswered swing.

There was a weird sound coming from Britney.  She was holding back tears and her breath she wanted to say enough but would not give Jessica that satisfaction.

Britney’s tits were being absolutely battered by Jessicas.  Each time Jessica hit now under one of Britneys arms you could see hir tit wrap around the side of her body.  Jessica was not letting up either she wasn’t giving Britney a chance to swing back.  Britney wanted all the smoke she was getting it and years of frustration of Jessica Simpson was coming out as her tits destroyed Britney Spears tits.

Britney never even realized she was losing a step now.  That was until her back got pressed against the cage.  Legs got weakened so the one place Britney likely was stronger than Jessica in had left.  This long time feud was looking bad now as Jessica got her tits under Britney’s and pushed up “Dummy…lose…. Dummyy.”

Jessica was not going to stop she had Britney Pinned and Britney was being humiliated by the tit on tit pin.  Britney demanded that and it backfired now Jessica was having her hands in Britneys face and clawing away.  “You dummy you are dumb.”

“Come on Jessica you won we all see it.”

Jessica backed away “You hear that dummy they all saw me beat you.  AGAIN, I BEAT YOU AGAIN”

Jessica turned her back and walked away then Britney got up.  Britney ran at Jessica but finally Jessica was used to this from Britney and ducked under used Britney’s own momentum and threw Britney face first into the cage.  “You did this to me how many times to get your tainted wins.”

Holding onto the hair she pulled Britney away ran at the other side and threw her face first “I learned which means you are the dummy not me.”  Grind Britney’s face.

Pull Britney away then throw Britney into the side facing Juliane this time make sure Britney’s tits really pressed into the cage links.  Rock her left and right the tit flesh oozing out “Do you know how many times she won because I thought the fight was over and I won.”

To the last side and Jessica kept throwing Britney face first until finally Jessica Simpson was pulled away from Britney Spears.

“No I got more.”  They were telling Jessica she won “You don’t understand what Britney is no one does but me.”

They started to help Britney up “Sorry you lost.”  Those words triggered Britney Spears “Jessica Simpson never.”  She broke away and jumped over the security and was laying in hard right hands to Simpsons face.

“She can’t beat me I’m Britney spears.”  The security was trying to get Britney away “Leave me be this is a fight.”

“She’s doing it again I won I won and she won’t admit to it.  That’s why I had to keep going” Jessica was trying to get back to fighting but security was in between them.  The other women came in and surrounded Jessica “You won we all saw it.”  Jessica looked absolutely relieved.

Jessica left the cage the victor and saw Britney Spears running at her to keep fighting and security grabbed her “You lost bitch… You finally lose they all seen it they seen me beat you.  Britney Spears, you dummy you need to leave I won… You aint no Jessica Simpson.”

(Upcoming: Kelly Monaco vs Sara Jean Underwood II, Julianne Hough vs Lea Michele; Adrienne Wilkinson vs Victoria Pratt; Ali Larter vs Shannon Elizabeth; Emma Watson vs Miley Cyrus III)