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Story for T AKA Tony Catfight at the beach, Vicky vs Lisa

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Offline MistressVicky

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Story for T AKA Tony Catfight at the beach, Vicky vs Lisa
« on: March 18, 2013, 11:33:15 PM »

Lisa is at the beach and she see’s Tony and Tony is walking toward the parking lot. Lisa decides to go after Tony and see if she could catch up to him. Tony’s car is right past Lisa’s car in the lot. Lisa is wearing her green bikini and barefooted and she sees a car pull next to her Mustang and as the women named Vicky gets out of car wearing jeans, white blouse and athletic shoes  she dings Lisa's door. Lisa is a bitch and when it comes to her car, she will drop the f bomb. Vicky starts to walk off as if nothing had happened. Lisa rushes to her car and she see’s the ding and she goes nuts and starts screaming, “get back here you dumb bitch, I want your insurance information. No one is ever prepared for how crazy little Vicky is and Vicky has a big nasty mouth. She holds up her middle finger up screaming, “fuck off bitch,” as she continues to walk quickly toward the beach

Lisa starts going after Vicky screaming, “get over here bitch and give me your insurance papers or I’ll slap you silly and scratch your fuckin eyes out.” By now a crowd has started to pay attention to the two woman screaming at each other and you can hear a guy screaming to his friends on the beach, “fight, fight two woman.” Vicky stops right in her tracks and she turns around and she puts her hands on her hips screaming, “I’d like to see you try it you fuckin bitch. I’ll knock the shit out of you and I’ll humiliate you so bad you’ll never,” but before Vicky can finish the sentence Lisa takes the open palm of her right hand and she swings it full force, roundhouse right at Vicky’s face. Vicky is fast and quickly she manages to step back and out of the way of Lisa’s hard smack, and Lisa’s slap misses Vicky completely. Lisa stumbles sideways a step off balance and as she regains her balance and comes swinging back around to face Vicky again, Vicky balls her left fist up hard and tight and she smashes it “bang,” right into Lisa’s nose. Vicky wears big rings and her rings smash against Lisa’s nose and blood starts rolling from her nose and Lisa’s head swings back.

Lisa is half a foot taller than Vicky and outweighs her by 25 lbs and Lisa is shocked. She can’t believe this skinny little slut has punched her face bloody. By now a crowd has started to make a circle around the two woman and they’re cheering. Lisa is not only angry, but she’s embarrassed too. She steps back and she puts her hand to her nose and seeing blood she screams, “Look at what you did to me you stupid little bitch. You don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into little girl. I’m going to knock the shit out of you and then I’ll sit right on that big mouth of yours and I’ll teach you a fuckin lesson you’ll never forget.”
Lisa lunges at Vicky grabbing for her hair with both of her hands, but once again Vicky uses her speed and she moves out of the way. Lisa turns to face Vicky again screaming, “Get over here you stupid little bitch.” Lisa lunges at Vicky and Vicky leaps back trying to get out of the way again, but this time Vicky backs up right into a parked car and Lisa manages to grab Vicky’s hair with both of her hands. Vicky grabs a hold of Lisa green bikini top as Lisa starts wrenching at her hair with all of her strength. Vicky starts screaming, “AAHH, AAHH, MY HAIR LET GO,” & Lisa’s bikini top rips right off of her chest in Vicky’s hand as Lisa drags Vicky away from the car and she bends Vicky over at her waist as she starts swinging her around in circles by her hair until Vicky loses her balance and trips, and Lisa still holding Vicky’s hair climbs right on top of Vicky, sitting right on her stomach. The crowd has grown much larger and they’re screaming now. Lisa looks down and she realizes that her breasts are exposed in front of all of these people and Lisa loses her temper.
She still has her hands wrapped through Vicky’s hair and she yanks Vicky’s head up off of the cement screaming, “you ripped my top off you whore. I’m going to strip you naked in front of all of these people. I’ll make you lick mycxnt clean and,” but Vicky is bucking & kicking & screaming, “get off of me cow,” and Vicky spit a big glob right in Lisa’s face. Lisa loses her temper and she starts “bang, bang, bang,” hammering Vicky’s head against the concrete. The crowd is really cheering Lisa and Lisa lets go of Vicky’s hair and she starts wiping the spit from her face screaming, “You’re going to lickme to orgasm right in front of all of these people you stupid little bitch. You’re going to be very sorry you ever started fuckin trouble with me.”

Vicky is still bucking and kicking and Vicky’s hands are free. Vicky reaches up with both of her hands and she takes her long, sharp  red fingernails and she starts grabbing, scratching, tearing at Lisa’s little breasts. Lisa screams, “AAAHHH,” as she leaps backwards off of Vicky trying to get to her feet, but she trips, and she falls right over onto her ass rubbing her bloody, aching breasts. Lisa has tears welling in her eyes as she screams, “You fuckin little bitch, I’m going to kill you. I’m going to fuckin kill you.” Vicky sits up and slowly she starts to get up onto her rubbery legs, and Vicky is shaking the cob webs out of her head. Lisa gets to her feet too and Lisa is still rubbing her aching, bloody breasts. Vicky raises her fist up like a man screaming, “You think you’re so fuckin tough bitch, put your fists up and fight me.” The crowd starts cheering and screaming.

Lisa’s face is beet red now and Lisa really loses her temper and she pulls her right fist all the way back and she lunges right after Vicky screaming, “I’m going to kill you, I’m going to fuckin kill you slut.” She sends a wild haymaker punch at Vicky’s face, but once again Vicky quickly steps to the side and out of the way and Lisa gets this totally shocked look across her face as she goes stumbling right past Vicky quite off balance. A look of shock turns to a look of anger as Lisa regains her balance and she spins right back around to face Vicky again, but as she does Vicky smashes her right fist “boom,” right into Lisa’s stomach. Lisa’s eyes almost bulge right out of her head as she puts her hands to her aching belly and she doubles over in pain gasping for air. Vicky grabs Lisa’s hair with both of her hands and she jerks Lisa’s head up. Then quickly she shoves her head back down as she raises her right knee and Lisa’s jaw smashes right into Vicky’s rising knee. You can hear Lisa’s teeth bang together and chatter in her head as her head swings straight up in the air, and Lisa is stood straight up on her feet. Then she raises up and she starts to teeter back on her high heels until her head comes back down, and when it does, Lisa is seeing stars, fuckin stars.

Vicky goes right after Lisa. She leaps right onto her, wrapping her legs around Lisa’s waist. She grabs her hair with both of her hands and she starts wrenching her head back and forth and back and forth.  Lisa screams, “AAHH, My HAIR LET GO,” as she goes stumbling backwards under the weight of Vicky until she loses her balance and she falls right over onto her back on the ground and Vicky is right on top of her. Vicky still has her hands wrapped through Lisa’s hair and she wrenches her head up off of the ground. Then she shoves her head back down “bang,” smacking it right against the concrete. Vicky jerks Lisa’s head up and she starts screaming in Lisa’s shocked face, just like Lisa had screamed in her face only minutes earlier. “Who’s going to get knocked silly now you stupid bitch.” She starts “bang, bang, bang, bang,” hammering Lisa’s head against the cement. Lisa gets this totally shocked and startled look across her face as insanely Vicky is “bang, bang, bang,” cracking her fuckin skull over and over again against the hard concrete until first Lisa’s eyes start swimming around in her head, and then she starts crying out, “stop, please stop enough.”

Vicky wrenches Lisa’s head up off of the cement screaming like a crazy woman right in Lisa’s dazed face. “Alright, you want me to stop beating you up you fuckin instigating bitch, you troublemaking cxnt, then you’re going to tell me what a stupid, pathetic ass hole you are for starting fuckin trouble with me. You’re going to tell me just how fuckin sorry you are for starting trouble with me, you got it.” Tears start welling in Lisa’s eyes and Lisa feebly she starts bucking and kicking and crying out, “please enough, please let me go.” This infuriates Vicky all over again and she takes her right fist, and Vicky wears big, heavy rings on her right hand too, and she starts “bang, bang, bang, bang,” hammering Lisa’s nose with her fully ringed fist. She’s bashing Lisa’s face in with her fully ringed fist. She’s knocking Lisa’s nose in with all of her big heavy rings and first blood starts rolling from Lisa’s nose, and Lisa starts crying out, “stop, please stop, I’m begging you, and then “bang bang, bang,” she breaks the fuckin bone of Lisa’s nose with all of her big rings and blood starts gushing from Lisa’s nose. Lisa starts crying. Tears start streaming down her cheeks and desperately she starts crying out, “I’m sorry, I’m a stupid, pathetic ass hole for starting trouble with you and I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
Tony’s cock is so hard it’s trying to break through his pants. He has been waiting a long time to see Lisa get beat up and humiliated and watching sexy, tough little Vicky knocking the shit out of Lisa and humiliating her is better than any fantasy he has ever had. Vicky gets up off of Lisa and everyone including Lisa thinks that her totally painful humiliating experience is finally over, but Vicky is crazy and right in front of everyone she takes off her shoes and she takes her jeans off. The crowd has gone silent as Vicky stands right over Lisa and slowly she starts to lower her panties screaming, “Look up. Look up at me you fuckin whore.” Lisa looks up through her tear filled eyes and realizing what is about to happen to her she starts crying even harder, crying out, “no, oh no please no.” Vicky sits down right on Lisa’s stomach and she starts laughing, screaming, “you thought you were so fuckin tough. You thought you were going to sit on my face and make me eat your cxnt and humiliate me. Well now I’m going to sit on your face and make you eat my cxnt and humiliate you. Now I want to hear you beg, fuckin beg me to let you lick my pussy.”
Lisa is crying  like a little girl and desperately she starts crying out, “Tony, Tony please help me, someone please help me, I’m begging you please help me,” but everyone is really getting off on watching this big, nasty bitch getting beat up by little Vicky, and everyone really wants to watch as Vicky forced Lisa to eat her out, and not one person would move a fuckin inch to help this big, mouth bitch, they all just stand there and watch as Vicky takes her full ringed right fist and she smashes it “bang,” right into the bone of Lisa’s already cracked nose, and this time you can really hear the bone break and the silence. Lisa’s nose is definitely broken now. Blood is squirting from her nose and it’s starting to get all puffy now. The crowd has gone silent. It’s so silent you can hear a pin drop. The only noise you can hear is Lisa crying like a baby. Vicky screams, “Say it bitch.” Lisa becomes submissive to Vicky again and she starts crying out, “please sit on my face and let me eat your cxnt. I’m begging you please humiliate me and let me lick your pussy.”

Vicky lowers her wet, hot cxnt right onto Vicky’s face and Lisa sticks her tongue out and she starts licking Vicky’s wet, hot pussy. She’s slurping away at her sweat soaking wet pussy, licking it over and over again, feverishly like a dog licking its master. Every man and every woman in the crowd is so excited, and Tony, he starts exploding right in his jeans as Lisa eats Vicky into a wild orgasm. Vicky starts “OOOHHH, OOOHHH, OOOHHH,” having one explosive orgasm right after another right on Lisa’s face. The crowd is going crazy. Vicky slowly gets up off of Lisa and Vicky is laughing as she looks down and see’s Lisa trying to spit out her cum and her juices. Lisa has a totally disgusted look on her face as desperately she’s trying to spit out every last drop of Vicky’ cxnt. Vicky remembers one last threat Lisa had made, & Vicky starts laughing as she leans over and screams, “what’s the matter whore, you don’t like the way I taste.” She once again stands right over Lisa and slowly she lowers her cxnt down so that it’s only inches over Lisa’s bloody, swollen face. Vicky grabs one of Lisa’s nipples and she twists at it really hard. Lisa screams, “AAAAHHHH,” and just then Vicky starts pissing in her mouth screaming, “let me help you wash that taste out of your mouth you stupid bitch, and you better swallow every last drop or I’ll stand you up and I’ll knock the shit out of you all over again. The crowd is going crazy as Lisa drinks each and every last drop of Vicky’s warm yellow piss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Offline MistressVicky

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Re: Story for T AKA Tony Catfight at the beach, Vicky vs Lisa
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2013, 11:37:16 PM »



Offline MistressVicky

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Re: Story for T AKA Tony Catfight at the beach, Vicky vs Lisa
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2013, 11:39:49 PM »



Offline T aka Tony

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Re: Story for T AKA Tony Catfight at the beach, Vicky vs Lisa
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2013, 03:33:57 PM »
Hey now Mistress Vicky, Great Story! I really enjoyed and lovedthe ending.
