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Tara the Southern Belle vs Attache B.L.O.W. (Beautiful Ladies of Wrestling) 1-1

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B.L.O.W  - the Beautifual Ladies of Wrestling
Night One Match One

(This will be a new series I am starting, and I am looking for some input as to who you would like to see used a jobbers sticking along with the old GLOW theme...I have Tara, Scarlett, Americana, California Doll, and Jungle Girl lined up for action so far_

Carmen Electra: Welcome fans of foxy fighting to what promises to be a great opening night of action! I’m the lovely Carmen Electra sitting here along side of Leeann Tweeden bringing you the debut of the Beautiful Ladies of Wrestling.  Looking around the arena it’s amazing to see how many fans came out to support the opening night, and I would like to personally thank you for attending! 

Leeann Tweeden:  Seriously!  They told me you were stupid, but I hope that was your attempt at making a joke!  If the fans are sitting here with us in attendance they can’t hear you talking…when you speak, unfortunately you are talking to me and to the fans watching on Pay Per View you schmuk!

Carmen Electra: (Looking surprised and confused) Well…For those watching us on Pay-Per-View that were familiar with our last league we want to promise this time around things will be a lot different from anything you may have seen from us in the past!

Leeann Tweeden:  Holy shit…that was a run on sentence and a half!  Fans I am sorry I may have to look for a new partner here…they stuck me with this so I will do the best I can…but yes the last league was scripted and fake… kinda like you Carmen.  That federation was lame and it’s no wonder if is out of business!  None of the girls got hurt, no one got humiliated, and the action looked like it came from a B movie that you starred in...And let me just say you have had quiet a few successful blockbusters!  Now from what I am told that’s all about to change, well your career will still be in the toilet, but I am referring to the wrestling and fighting in this new league…and it damn well better change or this league will fold just as fast as that last one did!  The new federation has the perfect acronym in it’s name B.L.O.W.S.

Carmen Electra: Wait…What? I thought it was B.L.O.W without an S?….Standing for the “Beautiful Ladies of Wrestling.”

Leeann Tweeden: Figures a lowly grunt like you wouldn’t have gotten the memo!  The new federation is called B.L.O.W.S…. Standing for the Beautiful Ladies of Wrestling Squashed!  The new management wanted a completed overhaul…and I can’t wait to see how it turns out…he’s pitting the behemoths against the babes, the Beasts vs. the Barbies, the Humongous Heel’s vs. the Jokeable Jobbers…and since it’s not scripted, and this is totally live and only on pay per view this should prove very interesting!

Carmen Electra: This is the first I am hearing of this…I didn’t

Leeann Tweeden: (Interrupting) Ohhhhhhhhh no…you mean the owners didn’t ask for your permission to do what they wanted with their league!!! I must say I am stunned because normally they usually check with the no talent color commentary girls to get their opinion before making major executive decisions like how the federation should function…God are you useless!  Why don’t you go fetch me a drink or something…I can handle this by myself!

Carmen Electra: Well fans apparently I am the last to hear of the changes, but ahead of us tonight are 5 matches and each one promises to be thrilling.  Tonight we will be treated to two oil wrestling matches, a boxing match and a pair of other action packed wrestling matches…Now if that doesn’t get your blood boiling nothing will.

Leeann Tweeden: Yeah well let’s see how skilled these girls really are… so far I have heard a lot of hot air from you, but it’s time for some action!  Speaking of action, are you looking for some later on tonight…I mean that dress is something a hooker might not even wear!

Carmen Electra: What…what are you talking about?  This is a designer dress!

Leeann Tweeden: Hahaha! Did you design it by yourself... with getting laid in mind?  Let’s just say it’s not flattering to your figure…but then again everyone can’t look as good as me!  Fans I must say I really do look good tonight!  Carmen…that slit in the dress is almost exposing your crotch…have you no shame…what kinda message are you trying to send to everyone? 

Carmen Electra: I didn’t plan on sending a message to anyone Leeann.  I like this dress and I look damn good in it.  Now that’s enough talk about my dress and just in time because here comes the Tara the Southern Belle to get things started as she is going to go one on one against Attache in an oil wrestling match!

Leeann Tweeden: Wow Tara the Southern Belle… you don’t say!!!  How did we ever sign an A list wrestler like her to compete in this federation…that must have cost us millions to sign someone of her wrestling caliber…This federation is already starting off on the wrong foot if you ask me!

Carmen Electra: Fans our debut match will be a standard oil-wrestling contest, however instead of pin falls or submission the match must go for the duration of 15 minutes!  That’s right for one of these gals to win they must go the entire 15 minutes, and at the end of the time limit 3 impartial judges will each submit a vote as to who was victorious. 

Leeann Tweeden: Well here comes Tara the Southern Belle and she certainly looks like a slut!  I mean honestly that shiny metallic bra has to be half padding…is she really trying to pretend her tits are that big!  God even the way she is prancing down the isle…everything about her just screams slut!

Carmen Electra: Well the fans certainly love what the see as Tara the Southern Belle looks stunning! 

Leeann Tweeden: Well apparently we have differing opinions of stunning…and now look here comes Attache!  The Marine looking all business as she comes storming down the ramp wearing her camouflage bikini and an snarl on her puss!  Attache looks like she’s ready for business, and the Belle looks like she’s ready to lay on her back with her legs spread…do you see the difference here?

Carmen Electra: I am not even answering that.  Fans the Belle is definitely giving up some size here tonight, but she definitely looks athletic enough to hold her own against

Leeann Tweeden: (interrupting): Athletic enough?  The Belle is about as athletic as you are skilled at commentating!

Tara the Southern Belle 5’7” 104lbs 32B-23-34
Attache 5’6” 162lbs 34B-26-38

Both girls were kneeling in three inches of oil and it’s Attache the Marine, who slides forward gliding across the slick surface taking the fight right to Tara.  The Southern Belle was casually oiling up her incredible body, sliding globes of the sleek substance over her stomach and perky breasts when suddenly Attache’s left hand wrapped tightly in the Tara’s long hair and the Marine jerked straight back.  The Southern Belle yelped in surprised pain, as her scalp was suddenly ablaze as the Marina wildly tugged her long locks backward.  Tara began yelling out that she wasn’t ready to start fighting but Attache never slowed and the bell rang getting the first match of the night underway, the time began counting down from 15 minutes.  The marine tightened her grip on the Belle’s long locks and Attache evilly ripped backward, the shocked beauty’s face contorted in anguish and she quickly brought both hands up trying to pry her hair free from her attacker, leaving her tight midsection wide open.  Attache didn’t miss a beat and slammed a jarring hook flying forward flush into The Southern Belle’s washboard tummy, catching her just above her sexy metallic thong.   Tara was caught totally off guard and slumped onto all fours gasping for breath, her luscious red lips wide open and sucking in air. 

Leeann Tweeden: It’s going to be a long night if that’s the best this wanna be wrestler can do…it’s not even 10 seconds into the fight and the slut’s already on her knees!

Carmen Electra: Fans I’m sorry for my partner’s ignorance, but Attache chose not to wait for the bell and instead attacked the Southern Belle before the match!

Leeann Tweeden: Although I bet the Belle is used to spending time on her knees…she probably made a so-so living as a prostitute before she made the mistake of signing up for the league!

The Southern Belle was in incredible shape, and the blonde fought through the pain in her midsection and waited for Attache to turn her body so the Marine was facing her.  Her head was angled down at the oil, yet her eyes were starring right at Attache and Tara never let on to the forthcoming attack.  The Southern Belle suddenly launched forward driving herself off the ground slamming into the Marine’s meaty thighs driving her backward.  Down into the oil the two grapplers went and their bodies began going round and round, sexily rolling over each other as they fought for a dominant position.  The fans watched the glistening bodies with mouths wide open, as the Belle seemed to gain position, only then Attache would continue rolling and the Marine seemed to be in control.  Both girls hands were now latched into each other’s long locks and they wildly went about tugging and pulling on one another’s hair in an attempt to desperately gain position.  Both gals eye’s were squeezed shut as Attache and the Belle were giving it their all, screams filling the air as hair was ripped, tugged, and pulled, yet neither gave an inch as the girls continued going over one another’s body in the glistening liquid. 

Leeann Tweeden: Well at this rate we’re going to be here all night!  I for one would of thought more of the Belle than to resort to underhanded tactics like hair pulling!  Aren’t Southern Girls supposed to be wholesome…this one is a dirty cheating whore!

Carmen Electra: The fans are on their feet and are loving watching this back and forth action as both girls hands are entrenched in the other’s hair and neither girl is giving an inch!

The Southern Belle finally got position and seemed hell bent on pinning Attache, but the Marine was to strong and kept bucking and spinning out from underneath the smaller blonde, their soaking wet bodies sliding along smoothly over the surface of the oil.  They grappled and rolled, fought and struggled for dominance, as their bodies were entwined tighter and now both completely covered in oil, glistening in the lights.  The Marine was suddenly pinned against the canvas for a second time, and The Southern Belle managed to slide her incredible thighs around Attache’s midsection holding her in place against the canvas.  The Southern Belle suddenly looked clueless, she whipped her head around listening to the roars of the crowd, but Attache wasn’t about to lie around in the oil and wait for Tara to attack her.  The Marine couldn’t buck the blonde off her, but she quickly raked her long nails down The Southern Belle’s exposed thigh flesh.  The blonde howled in pain and quickly spun off the Marine and it was becoming obvious that The Southern Belle was in far over her head, and with both hands on her thighs she left herself open to attack.

Carmen Electra: Another questionable tactic their by Attache!

Leeann Tweeden: Are you really that much of a clueless moron!  It’s an oil-wrestling match…there’s no rules I was just kidding before!  And the Belle had her moment of glory pinning Attache for one second, then she looked like a deer in headlights…frozen!  That slut is going to get her beating now!

Attache began to show her in ring prowess and latched onto two thick handfuls of the Southern Belle’s long blonde hair, and a whine of pain filled the air, Tara’s lips quivering as pain flooded to life in her scalp.  The Southern Belle winced as she was violently tugged along the pit by the sadistic the Marine, the blonde sliding painfully across the oils sleek surface  being dragged around and around by the hair.  Attache began having her way with the blonde, pulling the Southern Belle back and forth across the pit with ease, the entire time using her long lovely locks as a handle.   Tara shrieked in agony, as she was whipped side to side and spun around the sleek oil pit, the Marine responding by slamming a quick kick crushing the blonde’s rib cage while still jerking her head painfully around by the hair.  The Belle’s arms gave way and the beauty went down chest first, and now Tara was laying face down in the oil, but the Marine still had two handfuls of her hair and continued yanking her along in tow.  Pulling and tugging, the seasoned attacker didn’t miss a beat, as she pulled the Belle up to her feet and then wildly flipped the aching blonde through the air with a quick hip toss.  The Southern Belle’s body literally spun in the air and then the beauty was flat on her back, sliding through the slick substance with both hands holding her burning scalp.   Charging forward cautiously in the oil, the Marine slid down and straddled the Belle’s tiny waist, pinning her back down into the oil.  This clearly wasn’t the start The Southern Belle had envisioned as she was held in place beneath the muscular girl’s thighs.  The Marine smiled and cocked a fist back and then began slamming punches into the blonde’s right thigh.  The Southern Belle’s sexy flesh jiggled wildly as punches flew through the air and slammed home again and again square into the same location on the blonde’s thigh catching her halfway up between knee and hip, the Marine clearly looking to soften her opponent up.

Leeann Tweeden: Well fans I guess the Marine doesn’t want the Southern Belle walking out of her tonight…it’s a good thing that blonde bimbo brought that goofy walking stick with her!

Carmen Electra: The Southern Belle needs to break free as her leg is getting hammered!  And that’s not a walking stick…it’s part of the Belle’s character!

Leeann Tweeden: After this match the Southern Belle can become a new character…The Southern Cripple…and instead of that stick for a prop she can use a wheel chair!

The Southern Belle began bucking her incredible hips but couldn't gain traction in the sleek oil and the Marine continued slamming punches into her aching thigh.  After a few painful punches Tara finally spun free but had already taken over ten grueling closed fisted shots to her leg, each one hammered home in the same location on her thigh.  The blonde spun to the side and was instantly rewarded with a jarring knee slamming home right into her lower back, the sexy oiled Goddess flopping around in the pit writhing in pain.  Another knee flew forward blasting into The Southern Belle’s back, and then punches began flying through the air, the blonde’s right thigh again catching a hellacious barrage of wild blows.  The marine was relentless as she sent punch after punch slamming home into The Southern Belle’s right thigh, Tara yelling in pain as her leg was throbbing from all of the abuse.  The Southern Belle’s groans filled the air, each whimper coinciding with a painful punch from her attacker, the thuds echoing from each closed fisted punch.   

Leeann Tweeden: Well the fans are certainly loving the action…although I don’t think I can sit through another 13 minutes of this crap!  I wish they gave us a TV to watch or something for moments like this!

Carmen Electra: There certainly is a lot of time left, but the Belle needs to turn things around soon if she hopes to have any kind of chance!

Leeann Tweeden: The Southern Belle has as much chance of winning the match as you do lasting as a color commentator…I wonder who I could get to replace you!  That guy in the first row…the one who is drooling and looks like he is about to pass out from the alcohol…I bet he would be better than you!

Suddenly Attache's hands stopped punching and the Marine diverted her attention towards the perky flopping melons jiggling around on The Southern Belle's chest.  The crowd goes wild when the Marine's hands shoot forward and latch onto the sexy metallic bra, and a wicked smile crosses Attache’s lips.   Tara lets out a whimper of fear as Attache’s fingers latched onto the material shielding her incredible breasts.  The poor The Southern Belle was defenseless to stop the attacking hellcat who had a secure grip and in seconds ripped the top right off the perky blonde Goddess, who up to this point, had never been seen topless.  Two prefect perky mounds of breast flesh were suddenly exposed, a small light triangle tan line jut covered each of the Southern Belle’s now rock hard silver dollar sized nipples, and the Marine hooted and hollered as she spun the top around and around high over her head celebrating her trophy.  The fans were rabid; chanting “Puppies!” and “Show us her tits!” while the Southern Belle lay mortified watching the swirling bra spinning over Attache’s head.  Totally in shock, stunned and embarrassed, Tara’s hands flew upward and each tried to shield her exposed orbs, covering as much of her flesh as she could.  Attache gazed down at the most perfect set of all natural tits she had ever seen, and the Marine was going to make sure this blonde bitch would pay!   

Leeann Tweeden: Dear god I thought that Southerner’s were supposed to be modest and all Bible thumping…and here this slut is showing us her tits only minutes into the match! 

Carmen Electra: This is uncalled for!  The poor Belle is clearly embarrassed and is not trying to show anyone her breasts!

Leeann Tweeden: Are you blind…look the itty-bitty-titty gal is clearly trying to show off those A-cuppers!

Attache spat on the blonde’s oil soaked body, and bent down with both hands again grabbing two thick handfuls of oil soaked hair.  The Southern Belle gasped as she was suddenly dragged around the pit like a rag doll, the Marine clearly making a statement, and the blonde’s exposed breasts flopped about her chest.  With one hand still holding The Southern Belle's hair, Attache’s right arm began peppering hard punches and closed fisted blows all slamming into the back of the blonde’s head.  A groan of pain filled the air as the Belle’s eyes rolled backward as her head was peppered with closed fisted blows, her knees going weak as she fought to break free.  The Southern Belle struggled briefly under the onslaught for a few seconds, then her arms gave out and she crashed chest first down flat into the oil.  The Marine slid down and resumed her wild attack, now both arms raising upward with closed fists and then slamming down all hammering home into the blonde’s upper back.  The Southern Belle groaned, tears coating her lovely eyes, and Tara was pinned in place chest first, oil coating her entire body, as her upper back took punch after punch, dull thuds and sobs filling the air.   

Leeann Tweeden: If nothing else the Belle does make a great punching bag!  I bet a lot of girls in the league will be happy to go up against her, as she has shown no signs of ability at all!

Carmen Electra: It’s been an up hill battle to say the least, but there’s still over ten minutes left and plenty of time for the Southern Belle to turn it around!

Leeann Tweeden: Suuureee…if the Belle turns this around I’ll just give you the keys and title to my car, the deed to my house, and maybe some of my clothes to wear since you clearly don’t know how to dress yourself…But it’ll be a cold day in hell before Tara wins this match!

The marine again grew tired of her violent attack, flipped the aching blonde on to her back and straddled the Belle’s tiny waist.  The Southern Belle’s perky breasts flopped around her chest and seemed to draw Attache’s attention as the evil Marine’s right hand reared back, flew forward and crushed the outside of the blonde’s exposed left breast.  Perky flesh flipped and flopped around on the Belle’s chest as her left breast smacked into her right breast and then they rebounded around before coming to rest.  The Southern Belle wailed in agony as her prized chest took another hellacious punch, this one pancaking her breast flesh straight downward against her chest bone.  Tara screamed out and begged for help as the Marine had her pinned to the oily canvas, her left breast taking a third punch, a dull thud echoing in the air as her mammary shook around wildly on her chest.  The Southern Belle had never experienced anything like this, her perfect mound of flesh was driven flat, and then hit from the side, and smashed flat again as the crazy the Marine attacked her left breast again and again.  Balled fists beat into The Southern Belle's breasts with regularity the crowd wildly screaming and cheering the hellacious attack.  Like a machine Attache's fists thudded into the poor Southern Belle's tits and the blonde’s screams and pleas echoed as she wildly tried to free her arms and shield her aching orbs.   

Leeann Tweeden: Well if the Belle was flat chested before she may not have tits when the Marine gets through here!

Carmen Electra: This is terrible!  The Belle needs to break free some how…how much abuse can this girl take!

Leeann Tweeden: Well don’t be to concerned I think titss that small probably can’t feel that much pain!

Attache continued to thrash The Southern Belle's oiled coated tits from side to side as this was getting to be much more brutal than anyone had envisioned.  Splats filled the air after each jarring hook slammed into The Southern Belle's aching orbs, which where being punished like there was no tomorrow.  The Southern Belle was whimpering and pleading for release, screaming her submission and praying for the breast beating to end.  The blonde's breasts flopped side to side and oil splattered outward, both aching orbs were already beginning to purple from the abuse.  Lifelessly, The Southern Belle’s head lolled back and forth in the oil, when Attache finally stopped her punching attack on the destroyed mounds of quivering flesh.  The Marine latched onto the blonde’s cheeks and slid her face forward hovering inches above The Southern Belle’s, and Attache tightly dug her fingernails into the Belle’s cheeks.  The marine’s mouth suddenly encompassed The Southern Belle’s luscious lips and the blonde bucked wildly as Attache's tongue began exploring around inside her mouth. 

Carmen Electra: WHHHATTT THE HELL?  I can’t believe what is going on here!

Leeann Tweeden: Well you can’t blame the Marine…she was probably off serving our country so ingrates like you don’t have to lift a finger, and she may not have had any quality time with anyone…give her a break!

Carmen Electra: The Belle clearly wants no part of this lesbian’s advance…the blonde is screaming and thrashing!

Leeann Tweeden: She probably loves it…it’s not like any guy would want to make out with her! this may be Tara’s only chance for some good ole lovin’!

Hips sliding forward, Attache began grinding her crotch into the blonde’s oil soaked thong bikini bottom as her tongue probed deeply inside The Southern Belle’s mouth.  The Southern Belle thrashed wildly in the oil, her body glistening as the Marine’s tongue snaked around and around her mouth in what was quite a sexy spectacle, the Marine's hands sexily fondling The Southern Belle's exposed breasts like a champ.  Attache slid her body up and down, wildly grinding on The Southern Belle's body below her, while the Marine’s left hand was gripping and squeezing the blonde's exposed breast flesh, while she continued flicking her tongue expertly probing the blonde’s mouth.  The Belle’s body bucked and slid, but Attache’s hips held tightly while her fingers kneaded the blonde’s exposed orbs, her level of arousal growing as her tongue continued exploring the Belle’s mouth.  Attache felt the blonde’s body starting to slide out from under hers and the Marine savagely bit down on The Southern Belle’s bottom lip, while digging her nails into the left beast, the blonde finally freeing herself but screaming in pain. 

Leeann Tweeden: See Attache was just being friendly…now let’s she what she has planned for the helpless Belle!

Carmen Electra: What a sick display…I thought this was going to be a wrestling federation, and instead it’s like I am watching a porno!

Leeann Tweeden: Please you of all people should talk of porno’s…do I need to bring up your stellar movie career…”The Chosen One, Legend of the Raven” did that win an Oscar or Academy Award, I forget but your tits were covered in milk and flopping all over the place if memory serves me…

Carmen Electra: Shut up and watch the match!

The Southern Belle lay on her back, both hands holding her swelling and discoloring breasts, when the Marine dove forward and slid her ass over The Southern Belle’s face.  The blonde was a second slow in getting her arms up, and Attache latched onto The Southern Belle’s wrists and pinned them in the oil under her knees.  The Southern Belle’s legs kicked wildly as she tried to buck free but her thrashing brought a horrendous round of closed fist punches, which she was helpless to defend against.   The next few minutes of action were an absolute destruction of Tara’s exposed midsection, ribs, and breasts as the blonde was literally used as a punching bag.  Tears streamed from her eyes as her breasts took jarring blows each more painful than the previous.  Her ribs and tight stomach was hit again and again, the Marine attacking her body like a woman possessed.  Tara wildly screamed her submission but there was still five minutes left on the clock, and the Marine didn’t seem to be slowing down.  The poor Southern Belle's breasts were already purple and swollen and each one was pummeled unmercifully again and again with closed fisted blows.  The Marine never waivered and just literally beat the stuffing out of the poor blonde beauties body, most shots crushing the blonde’s beaten breasts.  Again and again Attache wildly threw punches flying until her arms grew tired and the Marine finally rose up of The Southern Belle.  The blonde rolled onto her side in the oil, both hands cupping her suddenly swollen and bruised mammaries, sobbing like a baby as pain filled her entire midsection. 

Leeann Tweeden: I will say this has been a much better match than I originally envisioned…in fact the Tara can be used as a jobber any time!

Carmen Electra: Let’s hope Attache is done here as the poor beauty is just lying in a ball sobbing!

Attache looked up at the clock and saw she still had a minute left and decided that was ample time to inflict a little more pain into her beaten opponent.  Attache slid through the oil, latched onto both of The Southern Belle's ankles and spun the blonde's body so she was lying flat on her back.  The Southern Belle was still holding her mashed melons and never knew what was forthcoming as the Marine spread the blonde's incredible legs apart.  Attache smiled, brought her oil soaked foot up and drove it down blasting into square into The Southern Belle's spread open thong covered crotch.  The blonde's body convulsed on the ground and she was rewarded with another equally devastating stomp flush into her aching crotch.  Attache lost her grip on The Southern Belle's oily legs but the Marine didn't miss a beat, leapt in the air and drove down elbow first slamming into The Southern Belle's abused left breast flattening it against her chest.  The buzzard echoed through out the air signaling time was up, and the crowd screamed and chanted Attache's name.  The blonde was curled in a heap, sobbing and holding her destroyed body, one hand holding her swollen battered breasts while the other hand massaged her pulverized crotch.  The Southern Belle had never experienced anything like this, her breasts swollen to almost double their normal size.  Tara had no idea how long she lay there unmoving when finally someone from the back came down to the ring and helped her up to he feet.  The poor Southern Belle's legs almost buckled as her entire crotch was pulsing with pain, the blonde to sore to stand.  The crowd was going wild taunting the beaten beauty as she was helped to the back.

Leeann Tweeden: Better luck next time!  Wow I didn’t think it was possible to look that helpless but the Southern Belle sure did prove me wrong!

Carmen Eelctra: Let’s hope the next match is a little less pornographic and more even as up next we have the Belle’s partner, Scarlett the Southern Belle going against Big Bad Mamma in a standard wrestling match!

Leeann Tweeden: Wait a minute!  What!!!! That useless blonde bitch Tara has a partner!  I can’t wait to see this…and she’s going against Big Bad Mamma…oh dear lord this actually could be a great night after all!


Offline ballz_billy

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Great new series and I love the casting for tara!  What about a sexy school girl or sexy beergirl


Offline LoveSexyJobbers

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Gonna Love this series , I tried doing GLOW several times , too much work keeping up with storylines , but if you can take over here AWESOME , but 1 request , even though she was not a Jobber , my #1 GLOW regret , Susie Spirit being a protected Princess & NEVER losing , in my stories she loses & some by total squash & I hope she get's squashed here like she deserves
You never grow old until you stop being young


Offline jjj11100

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Great new series and I love the casting for tara!  What about a sexy school girl or sexy beergirl

I haven't thought of a beer girl...but for a school girl I was thinking a modified verision and using this


LSJ I wasn't planning on using Susie you have someone in mind?  I am assuming Susie has to be brunette...if not maybe something like this?


Anyone else any suggestions or ideas?


Offline LoveSexyJobbers

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Great new series and I love the casting for tara!  What about a sexy school girl or sexy beergirl

I haven't thought of a beer girl...but for a school girl I was thinking a modified verision and using this


LSJ I wasn't planning on using Susie you have someone in mind?  I am assuming Susie has to be brunette...if not maybe something like this?


Anyone else any suggestions or ideas?
How about the babe in the pink bathing suit as Debbie Debutante or she can be your California Doll , if you don't want to use Susie , I'll use Susie & SQUASH HER  ;D ;D ;D
You never grow old until you stop being young


Offline jjj11100

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What about the real Ms Olympia as Olympia (a muscle jobber)?


Good call I am sure there will be a few heels that need squashing.

LSJ  I suppose I could use here as Debbe Debutante...already have someone in mind for California Doll