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Rasslin Gal productions has the best B&C mauling FvsF content I've ever seen!

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Offline CecilBDmented

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The best breast and crotch grabbing FvsF I've ever seen!

It's almost a chore to get through some FvsF videos and I eventually came to the realization that I was not going to continue spending my money ordering any product that did not contain the content I wanted to see.  I was pleasantly surprised by this content and amazed that it came from a US producer  (shocked to find it's distributed by Leather & Lace)  I'd seen this series earlier but hesitated on a purchase because it was being sold by Leather and Lace whose offerings, more often than not, struck me as being overly-staged which consistently left me underwhelmed. However the RG series featuring breast and crotch mauling is absolutely superb.  

This producer avoids problems with companies like Chaos who either offered B&C mauling with women whose looks were often below the Mendoza line with bodies as flat as an ironing board. They also avoid the problems of producers like Kontex who insist on squeezing one or more fat-ass BBWs into every 3rd match regardless of how many times we tell them we don't want to see that shit. The women of RG while not CA beach bunnies or fitness models are fit and attractive with the perfect type of body that fits (hand in hand/crotch?) with B&C mauling FvsF content.

What I sincerely appreciate about this product and what makes it so much better than everyone else is that during the ENTIRE match each woman's hands frequently alternate between being buried in between her opponent's legs or clutching her breast.  There is no 3-5 minutes of rolling around grabbing each other's wrists or yanking hair (although there is a bit of hair pulling and a lot of stomach punching). If one woman has both her hands squeezing the other's breast, the other woman is reciprocating in kind or grabbing her opponent between the legs. Nothing gets in the way of these women doing what we came to see: Breast and Crotch grabbing!  RG-079 is a good example of what this producer has to offer.  So far I've seen 4 or 5 matches and only 1 of them was something I'd pass on.  The other 4 were brilliant!  

This producer "gets it".  Anyone else who is interested in their content should visit the site and look for the download link to find the pics to the RG series.  Look for anything with Breast & Crotch Mauling in the title.  You won't feel bad about spending your money on this product if you're a fan of B&C mauling FvsF.

This isn't an RG clip but I just found it and wanted folks to see it before it was yanked.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2014, 01:37:50 AM by CecilBDmented »


Offline maebus

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i have seen a few of the raslin girl clips, Couldnt agree with you more.  We seem to be on the same page of what a catfight should have.  My only beef with l&l is the website is super old and the sample clips don't match up with the pics so im not really sure what im gonna get.  Because i prefer certain girls over others.  If you haven't picked up bridal battle from cal wild its always been one of my favorites.


Offline maebus

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also what have the average run times been on vids?  I have never wanted to purchase because they are all $40 but have no runtimes.  Can't really spend 40 on a short vid.


Offline CecilBDmented

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also what have the average run times been on vids?  I have never wanted to purchase because they are all $40 but have no runtimes.  Can't really spend 40 on a short vid.

I may be able to help you out with that but I'll have to get back to you sometime mid week.  The offerings I saw were in the 30-50 minute realm but there were always 2 matches. I also believe RG is a bit pricey for today's standards. 


Offline rin753

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These are fake fights, right?