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Cage Fight: Britney Spears vs Katy Perry & Rihanna

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Offline herboyfriend

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Cage Fight: Britney Spears vs Katy Perry & Rihanna
« on: March 08, 2015, 01:02:53 AM »
Britney Spears (33) apparently thoroughly misunderstood a quote appearing in a fashion magazine according to which Katy Perry (30) said, '?..I'll never have Britney's abs...'.
[Katy said this in real life, the beginning of the following 'events' is fiction from start]...

Britney, infuriated at Katy's words -  meant as a very humble compliment but erroneously taken as a verbal jab at the 'Oops I did It Again' singer - tweeted to Katy: _'Little bitch, are you insulting my body??'
Katy, after a first impulse of wanting to apologize to Britney and to explain her real intention when uttering the statement, eventually was rather nettled at the other woman's overreaction and replied with: 'Girl, you need to go back to school to learn how to read!'

Britney, now seething with anger, tweeted several threats back to Katy, in the most aggressive terms, and not hiding the fact that she was even well prepared to fight her.
Katy only realized how serious Britney was with everything she said when the blonde singer demanded unmistakably of Katy that she'd face her in a cage fight, with Britney's and Katy's fans to watch the two women's battle.

Katy was stunned when confronted with the situation she had got herself into. After the feud between her and Britney had been carried out in public she could not decline Britney's demand of a fight without losing her face - simultaneously, however, she knew better than to face Britney alone in a cage.
Katy's initial compliment implicitly was not restricted to Britney's abdominal muscles - the 'I Kissed A Girl' singer was completely aware that to be exposed to punches, kicks, and bear hugs from Britney - all by herself,  locked in a cage with her - was nothing to look forward to.
Katy was in need of support, urgently and quickly - and through her close friend Rihanna (27) that was what she got.
Rihanna, after Katy's urgent appeal to her, did not hesitate for one moment to join Katy, team up with her, and prepare herself to face Britney Spears, as a team together with Katy.

Britney, hearing of Katy's acceptance of the challenge under the condition that she would face her and Rihanna together in the cage fight, laughed, and immediately started to ridicule both women in the social media.
She called Katy and Rihanna 'two little girls neither of which would have the guts, fitness, or mental or physical strength to face her alone'.
Katy and Rihanna meanwhile verbalized their agreed opinion that Britney had proved herself to be a conceited, extremely arrogant bitch who had her downfall sealed by taking on the two friends together.

The evening has arrived on which the three girls are to fight in the cage, watched by thousands of fans who would support and cheer either Katy and Rihanna, or Britney.

Britney, to mock Katy and Rihanna, appears in the long flowing red skirt in which she once sang 'Toxic' which she is only to take off immediately before the fight, to reveal a leather bikini bottom matching her leather bra.
Katy wears the black bikini in which she once took the 'ice bucket challenge', having a bucketful of ice water emptied over her for a charity project.
Rihanna is dressed in a shiny white bikini.
 Britney and Katy, and Rihanna have entered the cage. Britney glares at the two taller women with her head held high while her opponents look down at their enemy grotesquely dressed in her floor length skirt, each admitting to herself that muscled Britney is a serious opponent even for the two women together, but also convinced that by taking on Rihanna and Katy together she has bitten off a chunk bigger than she can swallow.

Katy juts out her chin towards Britney, 'Okay, bitch, lets get this over with - let Riri and me show you how we cut your inflated ego down to your real size - which isn't much of a size once it's done!'
Britney smiles derisively, 'Oh my gaaawd - the only chance you two little lesbians have is getting down on your knees right now and begging that I accept your apologies. But if you're both stupid enough to go through with this - don't say I haven't warned you when I'm walking out of here leaving you to get carried out of this cage a miserable mess!'
Rihanna grabs Katy's hand, raising her own and Katy's, joined together, in the air, and announcing to Britney, 'You're a coward and a pretentious fucking brat! Katy was nice to you, but you're too stupid to understand that, and then you thought you was gonna step in this fucking cage with her to beat her up? - Yeah, you've got he bigger biceps and what have you, but maybe my friend has got the bigger brain, you numbskull! And because that girl has got more in her head than you she's got like, friends, you know!'
Britney laughs, 'Yeah?? Friends like you? And if I decided it's time to spank that little bubble pop whore's butt to teach her not to talk back at me, what ya think you're gonna do about it? Write a letter of disapproval?'
Katy, increasingly boiling over with anger at Britney, now takes a step forward towards her enemy and threatens her, 'Fucking shit whore, you have no idea what you've brought on yourself here tonight! We're so gonna kick your butt to make the shit exit through your throat! I'm gonna break half of your bones, Riri will do the other half. We tear your ovaries apart and stuff their remainders back up your nostrils. You hear me, you crazy, disgusting pop fake?? I'm gonna kick your teeth out before I rip your pussy in halves!'
Britney steps towards Katy now - their bodies nearly touch, and Britney, glaring up at Katy's eyes, hisses at her, 'You...piece...of...worthless...trash...'
She suddenly wraps her arms around Katy, catching the unprepared woman in a bear hug, and the strength of Britney's arms and shoulders crushing Katy against Britney's body tells Katy it was a wise decision not to come into the cage to fight her enemy alone. While Britney keeps her in the hold Katy has had the air pressed out of her lungs quickly, and struggles desperately against Britney's iron grip.
Rihanna steps behind Britney, grabs her hair, yanks her head back, and slams her elbow in the woman's face. With a scream of agony, Britney lets go of Katy and reels backwards with her hands covering her face.
Blood from Britney's nose oozes through her fingers.
Britney groans with pain while her eyes already look for Rihanna.
In the next moment, she raises her right arm, revealing a trickle of blood flowing from her nose into her mouth, and slams a hook into Rihanna's jaw to make her enemy spin around herself, swept off her feet, and crash into the cage's grid.
Britney runs after her, grabs Rihanna's hair and slams her head against the grid so powerfully that it leaves Rihanna stunned, coming to sit on the floor with her back and mistreated head resting against the grid.
Britney raises her right leg with the intention to kick Rihanna's head - but meanwhile Katy, crying out almost in shock, 'Riri! Nooo!', has run towards Britney and Rihanna, and now delivers a kick into Britney's butt. Britney for one short moment loses her balance, catching her own weight with one hand on the grid. She swings around and moves towards Katy.
Katy has wordless thoughts flashing through her mind which would perhaps translate into 'You can fight her! Don't, don't, don't let the bitch ever again make you go against that fucking strength in her arms with yours, just be fucking quick and you can fight her!'
Britney makes a move as if to jab Katy's chin, probably before delivering a devastating blow to her face - but Katy, knowing where her chances lie, is quicker. She bends her right knee with her fists raised, and slams a kick into Britney's pubic bone, so fast and powerful that Britney, with an inhuman cry of agony, crashes to the floor.
Katy, in the same second, is at Rihanna's side. Squatting next to her, with Britney's whimpering cries of pain in her ears, she takes Rihanna's arms and tries to help her becoming fully conscious again.
'Riri...wake up! Get up! Get up!' Katy urges her friend.
She knows she has to get Rihanna back on her feet before Britney recovers far enough to attack again...


Part of poll: - Who is the best pop singer, eclipsing all the other girls onstage?...

...Britney Spears ➡

...Katy Perry ➡

or, ...Rihanna ➡

Rihanna: 27 years, 5'8", 56kg, cup B

Katy Perry: 30 years, 5'7", 59kg, cup D

Britney Spears: 33 years, 5'4", 53kg, cup C
« Last Edit: March 08, 2015, 01:15:23 AM by herboyfriend »
Every excess is fine as long as you don't overdo it.


Offline herboyfriend

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Re: Cage Fight: Britney Spears vs Katy Perry & Rihanna
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2015, 01:17:46 AM »
Above: Katy Perry, eager to preserve her pride under her fans' watchful eyes, doesn't want to back down when threatened by an angry Britney Spears -but looking at the other girl's impressive arms, abs and legs, she knows she needs support...

Below: ...from her close friend Rihanna willing to join her in a brutal cage fight against Britney.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2015, 01:33:57 AM by herboyfriend »
Every excess is fine as long as you don't overdo it.


Offline herboyfriend

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Re: Cage Fight: Britney Spears vs Katy Perry & Rihanna
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2015, 01:35:02 AM »
Below: Rihanna is happy to support her friend Katy in her fight against Britney: '...That bitch is strong, but not as strong as the two of us together. Katy and me, we're going to fuck her up so bad!'
« Last Edit: March 08, 2015, 01:41:49 AM by herboyfriend »
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Offline herboyfriend

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Re: Cage Fight: Britney Spears vs Katy Perry & Rihanna
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2015, 01:43:32 AM »
Below: Britney is very confident that even Katy and Rihanna together will pose no threat to her at all: 'Really, those two weak minded, weak bodied, skinny girls think they can do something about a woman like me? Katy, that frightened little bunny, hasn't even got the guts to face me - yeah, well, I saw her taking one look at my biceps and another one at my forearms, and I could see her little bird brain ticking, ticking...and then, that genius drags her weedy friend - oops, excuse the pun - her friend Riri along into the cage? Yeah, I'm sooo fucking afraid of her, like I'm gonna break her in halves and then have fun with Katy - look, her and me in a cage, it's like a snake and a mouse, right? She'll run from corner to corner until I swallow her alive!'
« Last Edit: March 08, 2015, 01:59:45 AM by herboyfriend »
Every excess is fine as long as you don't overdo it.


Offline herboyfriend

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Re: Cage Fight: Britney Spears vs Katy Perry & Rihanna
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2015, 02:03:41 AM »
Below: Katy has no doubts she and Rihanna will dominate this fight: 'It's just so fucking great to have best friends like Riri. The difference is huge - if either me or her went into that cage alone, that fucking strong bitch would stomp any of us into the ground, but we as a team is another thing altogether: Now that loudmouthed bragging halfwit hasn't got a chance...we're gonna kick her around like a rag doll between us!'
« Last Edit: March 08, 2015, 02:20:48 AM by herboyfriend »
Every excess is fine as long as you don't overdo it.