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Taylor Vs Fergie story

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Offline fasteddy44641

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Taylor Vs Fergie story
« on: July 28, 2015, 11:39:15 AM »

   Fergie was sick and tired of taylor being all over the tv and radio all the time. Some even called her "America's girlfriend". Ugh she was so annoying. Then she saw this article titled "Taylor swift can probably kick your ass" it showed how Taylor learned some fighting moves and had been training for her  Bad Blood video. She laughed out loud to herself. She turned to her boyfriend and asked "do you see this shit? Taylor swift a fighter!? I would destory her!" Her boyfriend shrugged it off "oh let her be, she's just being cute." She squinted at her boyfriend. "You fucker she is my cute at all." Her boyfriend replied "oh now you're just being petty." But Stacy ferguson had already made up her mind to show the world how "cute" Taylor really was.
   A few days later Stacy ferguson found out what gym taylor trained at and showed looking her best. She also hinted to the paparazzi that she would be there in order to make sure there were plenty of cameras. After arriving she showed off at the punching bags for the cameras. It was let long till Taylor swift arrived for training as well. She went over to the mats and started training with her instructor. Suddenly the majority of the paparazzi were ignoring fergie in favor of Taylor.
   Even though she had hoped this would happen it still annoyed Fergie that the attention switched to Taylor so quickly. She waited a few more moments and then went over to Taylor and said. "Hey taylor why dont we spar for the cameras? It'll be great publicity for you new album. Taylor looked startled at first and looked around. "Uhmmm I don't....." Stacy cut her off. "Awww come on dont be a little wimp."
   Taylor was surprised Stacy would say something like that in front of a crowd like this but she couldn't back down now. Besides, Taylor thought, I'm in better shape than this trailer trash old woman. "Fine lets get in the ring and put on a show."
   They both kicked off their shoes and stepped into the ring bare foot. The cameras were gathered around the ring by the dozens and more and more papparazzi were pouring into the building.
   Stacy raised her fists, and said "Your move sweetie." mocking Taylor. Taylor wasn't going to take that and went a left right combo like she was trained but Fergie expected that and dodged and blocked and hit Taylor with a jab to her nose. Taylor's head was knocked back and she put her hand to her nose realizing Fergie was serious about this. Fergie raised her arms and laughed showing off for the crowd at her early upper hand. 'That all?" Taylor responded by faking a high kick but going in low and hitting Stacy in the thigh. She yelped and fell to one knee as Taylor followed up perfectly with a knee to her face. taylor looked down on the older woman. "Are you done?" Stacy held her chin embarrassed. She couldnt believe this little girl got the better of her. She looked up infuriated at the little slut. She jumped up and grabbed taylor by the waist and brought her down to the mat.
   Both women wrestled for control on the ground and after a few moments fergie gained control and pulled Taylor's hair hard and gained control. She wrapped get legs around Taylor's waist but taylor squirmed out. Annoyed fergie pulled taylors hair harder and put her head between her legs. Taylor squirmed frantically and kicked her legs wildly as fergie put on the pressure. Suddenly a wild kick hit fergie in the face by complete accident. Fergie released the hold and held her nose rolling in the mat. Taylor recovered and stood over Stacy. She tried to end things by stomping on her stomach. Fergie yelped and held her stomach. "Give up!" Taylor said. She went for another stomp but this time fergie caught her foot and pulled her off balance. Taylor fell like a tree to the ground.
   Fergie quickly got on top of Taylor and grabbed a fistful of her hair with her left hand and with her right she started punching taylor in the face. After a half a dozen punches taylors nose had blood dripping from it. Fergie let go of Taylor and the younger girl started trying to crawl away. Taylor was frantic now. Suddenly she was afraid. Stacy was enraged and Taylor didn't know what she was going to do. Fergie smiled as she saw Taylor crawling in the ground. She knew she had won and felt a triumph that was almost sexual. She stomped on taylors back hard to stop her escaping. She pressed her weight down on taylors back. Taylor screamed "aghhh no stop I quit!!!" But fergie didn't stop. She reached down and grabbed Taylor by her hair and pulled hard keeping her foot on taylors back bending her back into a C shape. "I'm not done with you yet you little slut! In going to show the world how pathetic you are." Taylors managers and friends tried to get to the ring to stop the fight but the crowd of cameraman frantically taking pictures and filming the fight wouldn't let them through.
   Taylor struggles and tries to pry Fergie's hand out of her hair, as tears stream down her face. Finally fergie releases the hold and throws Taylor to the ground. Taylor rolls onto her side and puts a hand to her back and moans in pain, as Fergie walks around posing for the cameras. Then she turns back to Taylor and grabs Taylor by the throat and lifts her to her feet. Taylor gags and stuggles against Fergie's grip with fear in her eyes. Taylor gasps "Please no.... stop!", but Fergie is having too much fun getting this much attention. She punches Taylor in the face five times before Taylor's arms fall limp to her sides. Fergie pulls Taylor's pants down around her ankles revealing a pair of cute pink panties. She lets her go and watch as Taylor tries to run and trips on her pants and falls on her face. Seeing Taylor feebly crawling away fergie's heart beats hard and her breath quickens in anticipation for her finisher. She ends the fight by slamming her bare foot down on Taylor's face. A loud SMACK is heard even over the sound of the crowd as her foot slams down on Taylor's cheek. Taylor's entire body quivers as it tries to fight unconsciousness, then goes still. taylor lies there drooling on the mat her pants around her ankles with Fergie's foot on her face. Fergie smiles cruely as she pushes her foot down hard on Taylor's face while posing for the crowd. She then rolls taylor onto her back. "I think this may end your pathetic career, I mean no parent is going to want there kid listening to the music of a girl who's pussy is plastered all of the internet huh?" and with that she pulls Taylor's panties down around her ankles and lets all the photographers snap pictures. fergie posed a bit for the cameras then left to let them focus on Taylor's, now revealed to the world, sex organ. She then rushed home to fuck her boyfriend as they watched the videos uploaded one after another by the photographers.


Offline Dan Zone43

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Re: Taylor Vs Fergie story
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2015, 01:26:15 AM »
Nice fight.  Fergie is so overlooked.   Who will she call out next?  Maybe Kaley Cuoco?



Offline fasteddy44641

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Re: Taylor Vs Fergie story
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2015, 01:40:28 AM »
Nice fight.  Fergie is so overlooked.   Who will she call out next?  Maybe Kaley Cuoco?


That's a good match up. I need another opponent for taylor as well. But I'll make lately vs fergie happen.


Offline Dan Zone43

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Re: Taylor Vs Fergie story
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2015, 12:24:21 PM »
Opponent for Taylor?   She's pissed after getting the crap beat out of her by Fergie.  She goes looking to beat up someone.  At a bar she finds...Britney Spears.  Who is better?  We'll find out.



Offline gene smith

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Re: Taylor Vs Fergie story
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2015, 08:06:00 PM »
Opponent for Taylor?   She's pissed after getting the crap beat out of her by Fergie.  She goes looking to beat up someone.  At a bar she finds...Britney Spears.  Who is better?  We'll find out.

i'd like to read that one
I CAN do I
I MUST do it
I WLL do it
Peter Cannon Thunderbolt