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WBACCF Watcher Tournament Fight QS bracket 1: Appleby/Mckellar, Clarke/Hale, SMG

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Before Alona Tal came along it was Shiri Appleby who brought out the best or worst in Kristin Kreuk.  She wanted another fight with Kreuk but wanted to prove she was a true star, back on TV she was intent on proving with age came renewal.

Her opponent was the smartest woman in the tournament and one of the strongest looking.  In shape that Shiri would never get to.  Danica McKellar promised she would resort to anything to win but both knew they weren’t about to attack nether regions to win this fight.

Though they had no real problem or historic issues the two went at it tooth and nail.  They hit all four corners of the class room during the fight.  Used desks as weapons and throughout the room was clothes and ripped out hair.

Danica had started to truly feel the heat of battle and her body while in great shape was starting to wear down when she was slammed into the chalk board.  She let out a groan and felt Shiri let go of her and she needed a moment.  She closed her eyes and sighed, that was enough to give her a moment but when her eyes reopened she wasn’t restarting the fight the fight was finished.

Shiri Appleby had told her friends all along if she gets a chance she will end the fight with Danica the way Kristin ended it with her.  Shiri hit a spinning kick and it knocked Danica out cold.  She looked down and her hand in a fist, foot ready to kick her fallen beaten foe she took a deep breath.

“I respect you came at me like you did and out of respect and no hate I’ll just leave.”

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Lucy Hale and Emilia Clarke had no amimosity but from the moment Emilia walked in all she heard was “I’ll beat you in place of Henstridge.”

They slapped and went around the room but Lucy wasn’t prepared for Emilia to be good at actual striking and combination of techniques.

Though she got her shots in and shouted at Elizabeth Henstridge with each hit. Lucy got distracted saying and was hit with a beauty knee to the ribs.  She quickly followed that with a gut wrench suplex onto the teachers desk.

Realizing she was in trouble lucy gasped out her surrender.  As she was leaving Emilia turned around “When you and Lizzie fight I hope I’m there to watch her beat you at what you do best.”

Lucy sat up on the desk “She has zero shot against me.”

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Sarah Michelle Gellar and Christina Ricci was expected to be a war but Sarah knew she had a striking advantage and she used it.

She also made a statement hitting Christina’s tits often with differing blows but as she started to throw Ricci around the room she finally said “In our twenties we’d catfight and you’d win.

Christina got madder and was hitting some hard moves on sarah got some of her clothes off and did damage. 

Sarah ended the fight pulling Christina’s shirt over her head and destroying her with a knee to the face.  Ricci dropped and refused to remove the shirt or get up

“Twenty years I waited to do that to you.”

Christina was crying on the ground she was totally not expecting that kind of fight from Sarah.  She wondered who could beat that kind of sarah Michelle Gellar.  Focused on her elite striking, ready to use any point to hurt and maim another woman while still possessing catfighting skill that made her the woman to beat in her early twenties.