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Bloody Sunday

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Offline billdozer152

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Bloody Sunday
« on: July 29, 2016, 06:02:25 AM »
Bloody Sunday- A sequel to Black Friday.

It had taken Missy about six weeks to heal from the injuries suffered at the hands of Gabriela. Her ribs and broken nose had healed for the most part and the swelling went down significantly. The effects of the emotional damage she sustained were still taking its toll. Missy took issue with the fact that her husband had sat and watched her get pummeled in front of the entire store. She had also discovered the extramarital affair that Mark began with the same woman whose fists turned her face into a bloody mess.

Upon confronting Mark about her discovery of his infidelity, they began to grow apart and were temporarily separated. Mark moved out of the house and in with Gabriela. After a short period of time, Mark realized the error of his ways and how much he actually loved Missy. He eventually came back and begged forgiveness. Against Missy's best instincts, she took him back and they planned to move on with their lives.

Unfortunately for Missy, Gabriela had grown attached to Mark and was not keen on letting him go. She had become possessive of a man who was not hers. She did not see herself as a homewrecker, but saw herself in Mark's future. She was not keen on being written off by Mark.
When Mark returned to Missy, he cut off Gabriela suddenly. He simply stated to Gabriela that he was going back to his wife. He deleted her number and stopped responding to her. Gabriela grew desparate to hear from him. She called repeatedly, sent numerous texts, and even went so far as to show up at the house, leaving when the police were called. Gabriela started to see Missy as the one who was driving a wedge between them, not the other way around.

Missy was afraid of Gabriela. She knew first hand what Gabriela, and her fists, were capable of. Had Gabriela not been pulled off of her the last time, who knows how badly she would have been beaten up. In addition to the size difference, strength, and overall fighting skill of Gabriela, she was afraid of the humiliation of getting beaten up by the woman who was actively sabotaging her life. Missy went on with her life and tried to ignore this woman. She told Mark to talk with Gabriela and end this. After talking with Mark, Gabriela became more desparate.

It was a warm Sunday morning, Gabriela was working in the side yard doing some gardening. She was wearing shorts and a bikini as she digged in the dirt. Mark and Mikey had went to the hardware store together and the house was empty. A chill ran down the spine of Missy as she heard the sound of Gabriela's voice, "You think you can take him away from me you fucking whore!" Missy turned around to face the woman. Her heart leapt into her throat as she saw the woman. Gabriela appeared to be somewhat drunk and was holding a beer in her hand. She had on gym shorts and a sports bra. Her beautiful brown skin glistened with oil as she set down her drink and paced towards Missy, cracking her knuckles. Missy had nowhere to go, she was trapped in the corner where the house connected to the wooden fence. Her cell phone was in the house. She managed to gain a moment of courage and said, "Back off!", as she held up the hand held shovel in a menacing manner. As Gabriela stepped in, Missy took a swing
at her.

Gabriela grabbed Missy by her wrist and squeezed. Missy whimpered as Gabriela's grip grew tighter. She tried to pry Gabriela's fingers away, but to no avail. As Gabriela twisted slowly, Missy dropped the shovel. Gabriela then back-handed Missy with a closed fist, reeling her back towards the wall, which prevented her from falling to the ground. She felt the pain from her reddened face and knew that she was going to have some bruising and swelling. She brought her hand to her face to rub the abrasion.She had no where to run, it was fight or flight, and she was going to have to fight her out of this. She stepped up and raised her fists. The problem with fight or flight is, that you have to know how to fight.

Gabriela's hand was on Missy's shoulder at this point. Her fist flew up slow and forcefully. The punch, which was half hook and half uppercut, had all the weight that Gabriela could push into it, including the twisting of her hips. The punch had landed high in Missy's sternum. Gabriella knuckles dug into Missy's torso, right below her breastbone. The punch, had actually lifted the much smaller woman in the air.

Missy didn't feel the pain at first, she just heard the smack of Gabriela's fist hitting her bare skin. As she was lifted in the air, she let out a sound from her throat that resembled a cross between a hiccup and a grunt. Then came the pain. It slowly filtered through her body, she tried to breath, but could not inhale. Missy doubled over, trying to make sense of what had happened in her mind. As Gabriela let go of her shoulded, she held her fist in Missy's chest. Missy slid off her fist and dropped to the ground, hyperventilating. She was on her knees, one hand holding her up, the other
lightly touching her chest, ever so gently.

Gabriela just stood there laughing. She taunted the poor woman as she suffered on the ground. She egged on the woman, who had little chance of even putting up a fight, let alone beating her. Even in her intoxicated state, Gabriela was confident that she would handle this poor woman.

Something, however, snapped inside the mind of Missy. As she sat for almost a minute, catching her breath, rage filled her body. The sweet, shy, demure, non-confrontational housewife normally would not dream of throwing a punch at the larger, stronger, tougher woman. This, however, was not a normal situation. Missy sprung up and put all of her weight into a punch that split Gabriela's lip. Her second punch missed completely and she started to fall down, but Gabriela caught her pulled her up and punched her square in this nose. Missy's nose crunched with an all too familiar
sound, as her recently healed nose was broken again. As blood began to ooze down Missy's face, she continued to swing blindly at Gabriela, who was holding Missy by the throat and out of the reach of her punches. As tears welled up in Missy's eyes, Gabriela let out a devastating two punch combo. The first punch hit her square in the mouth, cutting both of her upper and lower lips. The second landed on her cheek. As Gabriela's knuckles turned across the skin on her face, they cut her eye. Missy sprawled out on the ground. Knowing that her husband and son were on the way home, she wanted to make a run for it. As dazed as she was, she instinctively rolled over. As she pushed to the ground to make a run for it, her liver caught a full force kick, which sent her rolling into the dirt of the flower bed. Missy curled in the fetal position, she was hurt. For her the fight was done.

Gabriela wasn't done. She pulled up the bloodied woman, partially off the ground by the strap of the bikini and kissed her with her bloodied lips, before punching her in the jaw and knocking her out. Gabriela grabbed her beer and placed her heel in Missy's solar plexus grinding it in. This only got weak grunts from the semi-conscious woman.

Luckily, for Missy, the neighbor's across the street had called the police and the sirens could be heard approaching. Gabriela, poured the beer on Missy, and ran off, through the neighbors yard. The police pulled in, followed by an ambulance. She was treated and loaded into the ambulance. Mikey and Mark, pulled in just in time to see the bloodied and beaten matriarch loaded into the ambulance.

After she was treated and released from the hospital, Missy filed assault charges against Gabriela, who was arrested and served with an order of protection. Missy slowly healed from her second beating. She was humiliated and embarassed from the beating. The woman had humiliated her, not once, but twice.

When the day of court day came, Missy wept, as she tearfully sobbed the story to the jury. Gabriela, nonetheless, had a great lawyer and was found not guilty of all the major charges. As she left the courtroom, Gabriela smiled, winked, and blew a kiss at the woman. Missy turned her eyes, bowed her head, and walked away in shame.


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Bloody Sunday
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2016, 12:28:11 PM »
Does Missy have a sister who can help her?