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NO HOLDS BARRED Fatal Ring match BeautifulDisasterJen Vs evelyn

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Offline stormbolt7

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NO HOLDS BARRED Fatal Ring match BeautifulDisasterJen Vs evelyn
« on: February 09, 2010, 02:02:52 AM »
It was sunny out, when a sexy lady named Jen, walked into my place.
Jen was slender, with a great figure. Her brown eyes set in a face, that had exotic over tones, of Mediteranean or Europen heritage to her beauty.
Jen was very alluring, in her body hugging dress.
Her curves pleasing, head to toe, front to back.
Her long dark hair, framing a face, I definately desired to kiss.
The tops, of her smooth skinned breasts heaving, nicely, in the low cut front of her dress.
The bottom just above her knees, giving me a very nice look, at her shapely legs as well.
Jen was the kind of woman, that seemed to smolder, standing still. The kind of beauty, you just want to pull into your arms, and make love to.
Yet for now, we were just friends, and as such. I could tell Jen was very upset.
To me she was simply Jen. Yet to many others she was known as Beautifuldisaster Jen. She was beautiful, and usually her opponents met disaster in the ring, when facing her.
Jen's body was all woman, yet this lady knew how to kick ass, as well.
I move closer, and take her hand, as she is almost trembling. "Jen what's wrong?" I ask, as her brown eyes meet mine.
"That bitch Evelyn, is driving me crazy." "I am going to meet her, and kick her ass to shut her up." Jen says, as we both know what this means.
Jen can handle herself well in a fight. Yet Evelyn never fought fair. She always had something else, for her to win with if she started losing.
As her eyes search mine, I smile. "Then I am going with you, you know that right?" I ask, as she smiles, and slips into my arms.
Jen pressing against me feeling wonderful, as I hold her as she whispers, "Thank you my friend." To me.
Jen makes a few calls, then we are on our way.
The gym, is part of a private club. Evelyn doing well for herself in her fixed fights.
A nice sized guy, with no apparent neck meets us, and leads us towards the boxing ring. We find his twin, even bigger, dumber, and uglier waiting for us to come in.
Great, we had walked into something here. I had no problem, standing by Jen's side.
Yet even if I got lucky, and beat goon brother number one. I knew there was very little chance I could survive them both.
Evelyn as always was stacking the deck in her favor.
I head up the steps, and hold the rope, for Jen to slip between and into the ring.
Her eyes troubled, as she thinks of what might happen to me, siding her this way.
Then she undoes and drops the robe, she has been wearing since the car. I feel my heart pound, as Jen truly is beautiful, and very sexy.
Her top, is cropped, showing her toned belly. With her dark hair, and exotic features, I could picture this woman, being one hell of a belly dancer.
Her legs, toned, and looking very nice, as she is wearing some stretched shorts, over her tight ass.
As we wait, Jen does some footwork, and tests the mat, as she dances over it a little, throwing a few jabs, into the air to begin warming up.
Our heads all turn, as applause is given, as Evelyn heads in from the locker area.
I had to admit, Evelyn looked simply stunning.
Long red hair, framing a surprisingly blue eyes face. Blue eyes and a red heads freckles, helping her to stand in any crowd.
Her body slender, yet full figured, as she struts to the ring, with confidence.
Evelyn is wearing a very over matched lace bra, with skin tight sweats that read, Red Hot across her ass.
"Ready to get your slutty ass beat?" Evelyn asks, as she soon enters the ring as well, to move, and warm up.
Her tits, threatening to pop free, with each light, bouncing step she takes on the mat surface.
Jen and Evelyn both glidng around as if they had springs on their feet, instead of shoes.
Jen's breasts, jiggling nicely beneath her top, as I realize the beauty wore no bra, beneath it. Yet her tits thrust proud, and firm beneath her top.
"So you did not get enough, when I beat you before?" Jen asks, as the red head tosses her hair, and laughs.
"Lucky punch, from a whore who's luck has run out." Evelyn says full of confidence.
"That is your corner, say your prayers, and goodbye to your boyfriend bitch!!" Evelyn says, as Jen and I move back to the indicated corner.
Jen's eyes on me with concern. "Get out of here, I did not know it would be like this." She says, as the goon squad looks on.
"Jen, we are in this together, and only way I leave you, is if they carry me out." I reply, as her eyes sparkle, and her soft sensuous lips press to mine.
Her one arm going around me, to pull me tight, as her chest presses to mine, and as I taste her kiss. Think I have died, and gone to heaven.
Jen not even saying anything as my one hand is to the small of her back, the other resting on her tight ass.
One of the muscle begins to whistle and applaud, until Evelyn hisses at him to shut the hell up.
Jen and I part, something new growing between us, as I help slide in her mouthpiece, and get her gloves on.
"Kick her ass baby." I tell her, as she nods, and Evelyn calls for attention again, as she begins to move out of her own corner. Gloves raised a bit.
"Tell you what lover boy, you can call the fight, before you drag her beaten ass out of here, sound good?" She asks, as I agree.
"Jen bitch, first one's face hits the canvas, is the loser." Evelyn informs her, as they move to the center ring face off.
"Hope you like the taste of the mat, and my gloves whore." Jen replies, as I tell them to touch gloves, and come out fighting.
Jen raises hers, as Evelyn tries getting the first cheap shot in. Jen reacting in time, to take the sucker punch, to her shoulder, instead of her head.
Her body turning a little, as the off target punch lands with less impact than planned.
Jen's brown eyes blaze with anger over the attempt.
Evelyn had planned to finish it, by her rules, with one cheap shot.
Now the fight was on, for real. With gloves held ready, in defensive posture. The two sexy ladies, begin to dance around the ring.
Feet advancing, as they test one anothers guard. Then moving back or side to side, as the other becomes the agressor.
"Bitch, forgot to tell you, this is a death match." "Your face will be shoved into the mat, after I beat you to death." Evelyn smiles, as the truth of things hits Jen. The red head was not just out to avenge a loss, she was out for Jen's blood, and very life.
I start to move, when I am yelled at by Evelyn's side show candidates. They both have guns, and they now are both pointed at me.
"Don't be stupid, let em fight it out or we drop you right now." The one with the IQ above the amount of bullets in his gun, informs me.
Jen is trying to look between me, them, and a very confident Evelyn.
Her eyes slide across mine, and I can see she is about to fall apart. Any other time, Jen was cool, and in control in a fight.
Yet now she had heard both of us could die, over this one.
"Jen, I know you can do it." I tell her, drinking in her beauty, as my eyes gaze at her face.
"Oh make me sick, only thing she is going to do, is drop dead." Evelyn says.
Yet my heart jumps, as I can see, my words, and support. Jen's mind was back in the game.
She turns fully to a gloating Evelyn. "Let's get it on, bitch!!!" She says, before sending a flurry of punches at Evelyn's head, and body.
Evelyn covering up well, yet some landing, as she gasps, and is driven back.
A very nice hit, going to Evelyn's sleek belly, as her right breast falls free of her bra, as she doubles up gasping.
Her tit, nice sized, and the nipple engorged, with her excitement.
Jen moves in to maybe finish her, when Evelyn lifts her knee, grabbing around Jen's head with one gloved hand, as she bends her, to take the knee to her stomach.
Jen's cry of pain, going through me, as she gasps, and tries sucking back in, the air driven from her body, as Evelyn punches her to the chest, as she backs away, trying to put her gloves up.
Then as Jen tries moving to the side, a punch lands to the side of her head.
Her eyes look dazed, as Jen moves on weak legs, towards the rope. Just managing to grab it, to hold herself up, before falling to the mat.
After the knee is given, I start to move in, as Evelyn was blatantly worried, and cheating now.
The sound of guns being cocked, and readied making me stop.
Evelyn, moves around, and kicks Jen, in her ass, as Jen whirls with a desperate punch, that misses by a large margin.
My heart is pounding, as my friend is hurting. I can see some blood, on her cheek, as she has been cut by a blow.
Her eyes showing she was trying to fight through it, as Evelyn was now taking her time, making fun of her, as she stalked her.
I was about to get myself shot, as I could not stand to see Jen lose or be hurt anymore due to this cheat fight, of Evelyn's.
When Jen's head comes up, her eyes meet mine, and she winks at me.
Evelyn bad mouthing her, as Jen turns, and drills a punch, right into the heaving right tit, of the red heads.
Eveyln looking as if she had walked into a wall, as she cries out, and staggers back.
Jen begins to unload, as Evelyn just tries to defend herself, as punch, after punch finds an opening.
Jen responding to the death threat to us both. Her warriors heart digging down, and going past her pain.
Things seem to be moving in slow motion, as Jen's arm arcs in, to find Evelyn's cheek.
Evelyn's mouth piece, along with a nice amount of blood, and saliva. Go flying from her mouth, as her head is snapped to the side, and she whirls, as if trying to dance drunk.
Her one knee buckling, and before another punch is needed. Evelyn, is lying sprawled on the canvas. Her ass, with Red Hot sticking into the air.
Jen places her foot, to Evelyn's ass, and shoves it. Laying her out fully, as she moans, and rolls in pain.
Jen turns to me holding out her arms, as I move to her, and take her into my embrace.
One of the brothers slipping into the ring, as Evelyvn slowly sits up, rage in her eyes.
Spitting, as she has him help her gloves come off, as she watches us.
I have Jen's gloves off, as Evelyn grabs Jens leg from behind, and sweeps it out from under her.
The two bodyguards grab me, as Evelyn crawls onto Jen, shoving her shirt up, exposing her pert breasts.
The two ladies both glistening with a light sheen of sweat, as she grabs both firm breasts, and begins to claw at, and twist them.
Jen writhing in pain, as she cries out, and tries to buck Evelyn off her.
I begin to struggle, as Evelyn grabs a hand full of Jen's hair. Then slams her head against the mat.
As Jen lay dazed, Evelyn strips Jen's clothing leaving her naked, and vulnerable.
Evelyn unclasps, and removes her own bra, as Jen weakly punches Evelyn's belly.
Her left tit swaying closely, as Jen lurches up, to bite the left tit, getting blood to flow, as she manages to get Evelyn to roll off her, before having her nipple bitten off.
Jen tries to move to cover the red head, when a leg, slams into Jen's side.
Jen is knocked to her side, the pain ripping through her body, as Evelyn slips onto her back.
Evelyn's bloody breast rubbing against Jen's back, as she rises to a kneeling position. As Evelyn wraps her own bra around Jen's throat, and begins to strangle her with it. While I try to do anything to get free, as they laugh on either side of me, as Jen's Hands claw the air, and her eyes plead with me. As the lace bites into her throat, and she struggles to breath.
Her grasping hands reaching behind her, and grabbing handfuls of red hair, as she begins yanking at Evelyn's head.
Blue eyes begin to widen, as her upper body is being stretched over, and down, across Jen's.
Jen's tongue begins to protrude from her mouth, as we all hear popping sounds. Followed by a dry crack, as Jen, has managed to snap Evelyn's neck.
The red heads arms fall, and dangle limply, as Jen slams her head back, and send Evelyn flopping limply onto the mat.
Her legs splayed, as her breasts quiverm and bounce.
Then slowly, as a final gasped breath escapes her.
Evelyn lays tits up, topless, and dead.
Her blue eyes staring in shock, and vacantly.
Jen is gagging, and gasping, as she claws the lace bra, from her tortured throat.
Her chest heaving, nipples engorged from her arousal, at the deadly encounter.
One of the goons let's my arm go. I tear my other free, and soon am on my knees by Jen's side. Holding her, and soothing her best I can.
We both look at the buxom red head laying dead on the mat.
Then to her hired help.
The larger of the two has his gun leveled at us, ready to fire.
His partner places his hand on his arm, and shakes his head. "No more paydays with the boss dead, let em go." He says, as I rise, and help Jen to her feet.
If she would let me, I was so going to massage and pamper her later. Who knows maybe our first kiss, was leading to more.
As we move to the edge of the ring to exit. The lead bodyguard watches us, as his partner moves to tend to Evelyn's slowly cooling body.
"You got a hell of a lady there, treat her right tonight." He says, as a salute to the victor Jen.
"I plan to." I inform him, as the look in her eyes, sends a few possible promises, as I let her put on my shirt, before wrapping her gently in her robe.
Taking my arm in hers, as they begin to clean the ring, before leaving behind us.
I get to leave with the dark haired beauty Jen. Who even before the fight, was a winner to me.


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: NO HOLDS BARRED Fatal Ring match BeautifulDisasterJen Vs evelyn
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2010, 01:07:34 AM »
Jessika ;

 :-[ Ummm no did not see anything about that ...
As you know, I am just starting to snoop around here. You should know me by now, that I do not try to make trouble in any forums.

Usually, I am jut popping in, to check threads, and messages.
So if you had not done this, I would not have had any idea at all.

Plus .. no I have no idea about any other such forums. So please feel free to post url ..
