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THE BET: Sam and Her Sisters, Pandemonium at the Parade!

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Offline supporturgoddess7-11-57

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THE BET: Sam and Her Sisters, Pandemonium at the Parade!
« on: April 06, 2010, 01:54:06 PM »
          THE BET: Sam and Her Sisters, Pandemonium at the Parade!
                                                      By: Supporturgoddess

       My girlfriend’s little sister, tiny, dark-haired Melanie, was never the prettiest girl in her school, but she had always been the cutest, until a new girl moved to town several years ago. As cute as Melanie is, her rival, a living china doll with glowing blue eyes, ivory-white skin, and a mountain of curly, strawberry-blond hair, is cuter. The two became instant rivals, competing over everything. Even the new girl’s name seemed to force comparisons. My girlfriend’s sister’s name is Melanie. Her rival’s name is Melody. As years passed, Melody (who I’ll sometimes call “Dee” in order to cut down on the confusion) beat Melanie at spelling bees and track meets, school elections and beauty pageants. The feud started late in junior high, grew through high school, and continued into college. Fearing “Dee” might leave town after college, Melanie grew obsessed with beating Melody at least once. Each year, our small town holds an Easter parade. Various businesses and organizations build floats out of flatbed trucks and trailers. Prizes are given to the best entries. When Melanie learned Melody intended to enter, she became determined to beat her and take the top prize. She enlisted her middle sister, Jennifer, and then begged my ever-artistic girlfriend, Sam, to help her win.
       This presented me with the first of two problems. As much as they love each other, I’ve never known the Bryant sisters to spend any time together without fighting. My second problem is an annual one. Around Easter each year, the town puts on an art show. Although she never exhibits her own work, Samantha always insists we attend, if only to show support for her artistic friends. Unfortunately, Sam shows her support by buying a carload of junk we don’t need and can’t afford. I dreaded spending all day at the art show, but I had given my word to my girlfriend. So, I did what any red-blooded male would do. I tried to weasel out of my promise. One morning we sat around the table having breakfast. I moped, occasionally letting out heavy sighs.
       Sam shook her head. “One day at an art show won’t kill you. Remember, you promised to go with me!”
       I set my plan into motion. “Oh, I’m not worried about the show. You know if you spend all Saturday with your sisters, you’ll end up in a fight. You always do.”
       Though smiling, Sam’s mouth dropped open. “That’s not true!”
       “Yes, it is.”
       “It is not!”
       I sprang my trap. “I’ll BET you can’t go through the day without fighting!”
       “I’ll bet I can,” Sam shot back. “What do I get WHEN I win?”
       I replied, “IF you win, we’ll spend as much time as you want at the art show, but if I win, we skip it! Do we have a bet?”
       Sam shook my hand, firmly. “It’s a bet!”
       The next Saturday, we met Sam’s sisters, Jennifer and Melanie, in the town park. We saw rows of flatbeds and trailers lined side-by-side. Several young women worked on the floats. Some were already dressed in costumes, awaiting a photographer from the local paper who would take pictures of them with their floats for the next morning paper. Sam and her sisters gathered at a picnic table to lay out plans for their float. Melanie and Jennifer soon began a heated argument over whose plans were best--exactly as I knew they would--but Sam just sat there pleasantly, refusing to engage or take sides.
       Miffed by her older sister’s neutrality, Melanie shouted, “Why aren’t you saying anything?”
       Sam tilted her head toward me and said, “He bet me we can’t get through one day together without fighting. He thinks we’re a bunch of hot-headed, overly emotional females, who can’t control ourselves.”
       Sam was brilliant. It was a master stroke. Instantly, Sam’s sisters dropped their argument and turned on me. I would rather have faced a pack of hungry hyenas. Trust me, I was lucky to get out alive!
       Fortunately, the ladies had work to do. Sam’s plans were ambitious. I remained with her back at the picnic table, helping her with the mechanical parts of the float. Jennifer worked on the float itself. Melanie painted a rainbow on a large sheet of paneling laid out on the ground. With the sisters focusing on their work, my plan seemed doomed to fail. I was just about to admit I’d lost the bet, when a huge shadow covered Melanie. A figure stood imperiously over her, hands on hips. Melanie looked back and saw her hated rival, five-foot-tall Melody, standing on her own float, a short distance away.
       “So,” the doll-like figure said in a soft, high-pitched voice, “I guess you’re supposed to be my competition.”
       Melanie’s eyes narrowed. The two diminutive darlings began exchanging increasingly catty remarks about each other’s talents. Sam watched the whole thing anxiously, nervously biting her lower lip.
       Hoping to win the bet, I worked on Sam. “I dunno, Sam. I think that strawberry-blond is in better shape than Melanie. You’d better go and help!”
       Gripping the bench as if to hold herself down, Sam said, “Melanie’s as big as the other girl. My sister can fight her own battles.”
       While Melanie painted, “Dee” sanded her float down. A gust of wind blew sawdust across Melanie’s still-wet painting.
       Melanie screeched. “You’re doing that on purpose!”
       Melanie threw down her paint brush. Melody leapt down from her float. The two tiny dolls faced off. Seeing the fight about to begin, Jennifer marched toward her sister, but a statuesque girl with long, straight, blond hair blocked her path. Tina, Melody’s half-sister, stood behind her. Jen stood behind Melanie. A standoff ensued.
       Sam started to rise, but she sat back down. “No. I’m not going to lose our bet! Nothing can make me fight!”
       A shapely shadow covered Samantha. Sam looked up and back. Sam’s longtime enemy, carwash owner Kathy Kendal, stood behind her.
       “Stay put,” Kathy ordered. “I knew your mousy little sister would call her sisters in for help, so I decided to bring my sister to help Melody. You do know Melody’s our half-sister, don’t you?”
       Sam turned to me, eyes wide, breathing hard, the color draining from her face. “This can’t be happening!”
       Although over forty, Kathy, a blue-eyed blond of Swedish descent, was damn sexy, and she knew it. Kathy’s hobby was seducing any man in her path, married or not. She had once gone after me, leading Sam to fight her at her car wash. (Does anyone remember ‘Catfight at the Car Wash’?) I knew Kathy was itching for a rematch.
       Having no knowledge of my bet with Sam, Kathy took her unwillingness to fight as cowardice. She taunted poor Sam mercilessly. Due to our bet, Sam became a helpless human punching bag, taking vicious shot after vicious shot without responding. Finally Kathy turned to me, her hips practically resting in Sam’s face. She told me I should leave such a pitiful coward for a ‘real woman’ like her. I knew it was all meant to hurt Sam. Red faced and seething, Sam strained to hold her temper in check.
       Having been stalemated, the four other sisters had gone back to their work on the floats. Melanie slapped paint on her rainbow. “Dee” painted an eight-foot-tall, foam bunny rabbit glistening white. The taunting continued. Suddenly red paint spattered off Melanie’s brush and sprinkled across “Dee’s” white rabbit. Mouth wide open, “Dee” leapt from here float and stormed toward Melanie. The two stood nose-to-nose.
       “You did that on purpose!” “Dee” screeched.
       Melanie shrugged. “It was an accident.”
       “Oh,” Melody shot back, “you mean, like this?” She flicked her brush, covering Melanie’s rainbow with drops of white paint.
       Furious, Melanie flicked her own brush. Melody shut her eyes tightly, as drops of red paint hit her forehead. Melody shoved her brush into a can of light-blue paint and then slapped the brush across Melanie’s lips, wiping blue paint back and forth under Melanie’s nose! The two cuties began a screaming match. On one side stood Samantha’s sister Melanie, five-foot-nothing, short, raven-colored hair bouncing on her shoulders, wearing a pink top, white shorts, and tennis shoes. Across from her stood Melody, a pale-skinned human china doll with blue eyes, a mountain of curly, strawberry-blond hair that fell to the middle of her back, already wearing the costume she planned to wear on her float when the photographer came. The scene was surreal. Given the profanities spewed in their equally high-pitched, almost cartoon-like voices, a distant passerby might have thought Minnie Mouse and Daisy Duck were about to have a knife fight.
       Melody suddenly slapped Melanie, hard. Melanie seized “Dee’s” dress, spinning her around and tearing the flimsy costume completely off. Suddenly reduced to only her pink bra and panties, Melody screamed, vainly trying to cover her ivory-white body with her hands. Although Melody had near-perfect legs and fantastic breasts for a girl her size, she felt mortified! “Dee’s” sister, Tina, rushed in. Melanie’s middle sister, auburn-haired Jennifer, ran to block her. “Dee” spun Melanie with a vicious slap, then reached down and pulled Melanie’s white shorts down around her ankles! “Dee” grabbed her paintbrush, slathering blue paint back and forth across Melanie’s hips and between her legs! Melanie stood there, mouth wide open in shock and shame. “Dee” then grabbed Melanie’s pink blouse, ripping it off. Melanie fell, stumbling out of her shorts, leaving her in only her white bra and panties. Melody dove on top her. The two rolled, madly. Behind them, Jennifer and Tina circled slowly, Jennifer flat-footed, Tina up on her toes.
       Seeing her sisters in trouble, Sam tried to rise. Kathy yanked Sam down by her long, red hair! Sam hyperventilated; fists clenched so tightly her fingernails dug into her flesh.
       I couldn’t let Sam take any more abuse. I reached over for her hand and said, “I give up. You win the bet. Now, do what you have to do!”
       Samantha leapt up to help her sisters, but Kathy spun her around. Sam slapped Kathy. Kathy punched Sam, sending her falling to the ground. Kathy pinned Sam beneath her, leaning forward so her huge breasts smothered Sam! As Sam kicked at the dirt, Kathy grinned up at me. Her appetite for men had no “off switch”!
       Sam rolled on top, drove a fist deep in Kathy’s belly, and then bolted toward her sisters. Tina had Jennifer down, twisting her arm to the breaking point. Sam shoved her off. She heard footsteps running up from behind, but had no time to react. Kathy speared her from behind. A six-sister battle royal began! Melanie lie on her front, “Dee’s” legs wrapped around her stomach, crushing it. Slapping dirt, Melanie let out a harsh cry.
       Though taking a beating, Sam gasped, “Melanie!”
       Melanie squealed. “I’m…okay! I’ve (Ugh!) got her right (Eee!) where I want her!”
       Given a second wind, Jennifer had Tina hurting, but the blonde would not fall. Melanie fought free. When “Dee” came in on her, Melanie kicked, sending “Dee” back against her own float. Several figures fell off. Upon impact with the ground, the huge foam bunny rabbit’s head snapped off.
       Melody screamed, “You little bitch! You’ve ruined it!” She grabbed a fistful of green glitter, rubbing it in Melanie’s eyes. Melanie screamed, kicking wildly.
       Hearing Melanie’s cries, Sam called to her. Again, Melanie insisted, “I’ve… (Ahhhh!) got her right where I want her!”
       I hate to admit it, but Kathy was wiping the floor with Sam. When Samantha tried a bear hug, Kathy jammed her fingers in Sam’s eyes. Every fistfight ended with the crack of Kathy’s fist to Sam’s face, followed by the site of Sam spinning down and then fleeing. Sam fought tears of pain…and shame. Kathy was kicking her butt in front of me, and she knew it. I was worried. Other than her sisters, Sam had only fought two women. She had beaten Kathy at the car wash, but more by luck than skill. Sam’s other fight involved a beautiful Englishwoman named Jackie Addams, a woman who had humbled and almost destroyed Sam. Samantha has a fighter’s heart, but she lacks the killer instinct necessary to be good at fighting. Even in this fight, her inclination to save her sisters instead of concentrating on her own opponent cost her, dearly. I wanted to save Sam, but I knew that would be a humiliation Kathy would never let her live down. I had to let her fight.
       I heard a tremendous crash and turned in time to see a large trash can careening down the hill. As it rolled past, I saw Melanie’s legs sticking out of it. “Dee” came running after it, screaming threats about what she’d do when she caught her.
       Something told me Melanie’s fight wasn’t going very well.
       Kathy kept on beating the snot out of Sam. I followed the battle, as Sam retreated across the park and directly through a swing set. Sam grabbed a seat, throwing it at Kathy. Kathy dove down and ducked it. She had only begun to taunt Sam when the seat swung back and cracked into the back of her head. Kathy’s eyes crossed, and she fell dazed at Sam’s feet. Sam started in, but she heard her sisters yelling and ran to help. We came across Melody dunking Melanie’s face into various open paint cans. Melanie waved Sam off, insisting, “I’ve got her… (Choke!) right where I… (Gag!) want her!”
       We heard a terrible yell from Jennifer and ran to find her. We found her lying at Tina’s feet, lips and nose bleeding. Tina stood over her, motioning with one hand, taunting, “Get up! Get up!”
       Sam charged. Tina punched Sam’s mouth, sending her down. Sam spun, using her long legs to sweep Tina’s legs out from under her. Tina crashed down hard. Sam delivered a half-dozen punches, but suddenly screamed, caught from behind by Kathy, who pulled out red hair. Sam kicked and screamed.
       I glanced over my shoulder and saw Melanie staggering by in the distance, arms straight out in front of her like a zombie, groping blindly, a huge, foam bunny rabbit head shoved over her head down to her shoulders. “Dee” followed, repeatedly kicking Melanie’s hips.
       Again, I got the impression little Melanie wasn’t doing too well….
       Kathy sat on Sam’s stomach, shoving Easter eggs into her mouth. When my girlfriend’s mouth was totally stuffed full, Kathy slapped both Sam’s cheeks. Chewed Easter eggs erupted out of Sam’s mouth like lava from a volcano!
       Sam was losing, badly. I was about to stop it, but Sam gasped, “Go help my sisters! Please!” I knew better than to argue.
       I came across “Dee” sitting on Melanie, pinning Melanie’s shoulders under her knees in a schoolgirl pin. Melody was busy bitch-slapping Melanie into oblivion.
       “Dee” looked up at me and said, “Don’t worry. She obviously has me right where she wants me.”
       I almost stopped it, but a horrific cry sent me running to find Jennifer. Tina sat on Jen’s back, twisting her arm back and threatening to break it. As proud as Sam, Jen refused to beg, but I knew her arm was about to snap. Just before I could intervene, Sam ran past me and dove on Tina, yelling, “Get off my sister!” Sam was a wildcat, drowning Tina in fists. I looked back. Kathy lie spread eagle on her back, out cold. (Sam later explained, “She had me beat. One more stomp would have finished me, but you know Kathy. She has to gloat. She stepped back in a wide stance to mock me, leaving herself wide open. I kicked straight up between her legs. When she fell, she hit her head on a water fountain. It only took a few punches to finish her after that.”)
       Nose and mouth bloodied, Tina ran away. Sam marched forward, with Jennifer staggering along behind her.
       Poor Melanie lie flat on her back, helpless, beaten to a pulp. Her hated rival, Melody, stood triumphantly over her, hands on the sides of her hips. Melody laughed at Melanie. “So tell me, Bitch, do you still think you have me right where you want me?
       Melanie looked up and gasped. “As a matter of fact, I do!”
       Melanie’s eyes grew wide, as hands grabbed her by both shoulders and spun her around. Simultaneously, Sam’s fist slammed into Melody’s right cheek, and Jennifer’s fist plowed into her left cheek. The simultaneous blows from both Melanie’s sisters turned out Melody’s lights. She collapsed, unconscious.
       At that moment, the newspaper photographer finally arrived. Stunned, he stammered, “I’m…I’m supposed to take a picture of Melody Kendal and Melanie Bryant with their floats.”
       Melanie grinned victoriously, pulling up her unconscious rival’s head by her curly hair. “Here we are! Take your picture!”
       The photographer obliged! The picture of smiling Melanie posing victoriously over beaten Melody appeared in the newspaper. Sweet little Melanie finally had the last laugh!
       The three Bryant sisters staggered back to the picnic table. Though determined to finish the float, they agreed they had earned a rest. The sisters sat around the table, quietly sipping tea and eating French fries with ketchup. They sat side-by-side, their appearance absolutely disastrous! Almost every scrap of clothing had been ripped off their bodies.  Their hair, jutting out in wild directions, was full of twigs and other debris. Each woman was covered head to toe by paint, mud, and dirt.
        After a few moments of awkward silence, I reached over and dabbed my napkin on the corner of Sam’s mouth. “You spilled a drop of ketchup….”
       The sisters looked at each other and burst out laughing.
       Oh, by the way, the Kendal sisters had to drop out of the competition. Sam and her sisters won first prize!


Offline CrashCorrigan

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Re: THE BET: Sam and Her Sisters, Pandemonium at the Parade!
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2010, 08:50:53 PM »
Hilarious!  Another great job.  You write the best catfight stories I've seen here since toe2hoes.  Keep up the good work!


Offline Kayla

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Re: THE BET: Sam and Her Sisters, Pandemonium at the Parade!
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2010, 12:57:37 PM »
Tee hee!  :D Your stories never fail to delight & amuse - thanks!  8)

Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


Offline CrashCorrigan

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Re: THE BET: Sam and Her Sisters, Pandemonium at the Parade!
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2010, 07:34:50 PM »
Who's this toe2hoes ?

Ah yes, toe2hoes, International Man of Mystery. :D  He was here a year or so back, then disappeared, along with his stories, never to be seen again.  I would rank toe2hoes, along with supporturgoddess7-11-57, among the Top 5 catfight writers I've read. 

I'd really love to see the toe2hoes stories come back.


Offline CrashCorrigan

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Re: THE BET: Sam and Her Sisters, Pandemonium at the Parade!
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2010, 08:34:36 PM »
Received, and answered.  ;)