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Friday Night Catfights

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Offline Tiger80

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Re: Friday Night Catfights
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2018, 06:00:58 PM »
Doesn't play for me either.......


Offline catfightlover40

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Re: Friday Night Catfights
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2018, 07:27:28 PM »
Looks like the list has some great potential but nothing plays for me.

Perhaps you have to sign up?


If you cherish your privacy, I 'd advise against signing up to websites where you can't control what's being shared and with whom, and QQ has been linked to such concerns. The links all point to the same video, and I could watch it, though it takes a bit of effort. For one, because for some strange reason Chinese videos seem to be uploaded with blasting audio, us either noise-canceling headphones or lower the volume... hard. Two, if you wish to watch it, use the single link without special characters in Google Translate.

P.S.: I'm not aware as to which browser QQ is set to be optimized, the translated page falls apart on Firefox, so while I could watch the video, I couldn't set sound, and there are 30 seconds waiting period.
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Offline catfightlover40

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Re: Friday Night Catfights
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2018, 06:09:27 PM »
You are right, the foreign websites are often very sketchy and your advice is sound.

Here are some more but from YT.

I'm just merely cautious if I'm seeking Chinese content, I usually go for Weibo or Baidu (the Chinese YouTube and Twitter) and more often than not, I compare a machine-translated term with the frequency locals talk about (so as to avoid mixing up catfight videos with the obligatory cat videos). As for sketchy... it doesn't need to be foreign. There's a thing I had to learn called SEO optimization, and it sounds nice on paper, but in reality one needs to find a reliable expert, because there are quite a few people out there who perform such "optimization" by placing the search terms on the website, all fine and good... until you realize they roped in a poor carpenter or baker into letting them place massively unrelated terms, like catfight videos or foot fetishism.

Then there are those who assume every fetish fan is a constant customer so they try everything to phish for bank data. There's a recent topic about a producer selling videos via misusing the trust of FCF members.
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Offline HooDoo

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Re: Friday Night Catfights
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2018, 02:02:11 AM »
You are right, the foreign websites are often very sketchy and your advice is sound.

Here are some more but from YT.

I'm just merely cautious if I'm seeking Chinese content, I usually go for Weibo or Baidu (the Chinese YouTube and Twitter) and more often than not, I compare a machine-translated term with the frequency locals talk about (so as to avoid mixing up catfight videos with the obligatory cat videos). As for sketchy... it doesn't need to be foreign. There's a thing I had to learn called SEO optimization, and it sounds nice on paper, but in reality one needs to find a reliable expert, because there are quite a few people out there who perform such "optimization" by placing the search terms on the website, all fine and good... until you realize they roped in a poor carpenter or baker into letting them place massively unrelated terms, like catfight videos or foot fetishism.

Then there are those who assume every fetish fan is a constant customer so they try everything to phish for bank data. There's a recent topic about a producer selling videos via misusing the trust of FCF members.

Again, thank you.