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Dana M vs Asianbarbiedoll - Battle in the jungle

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Dana M vs Asianbarbiedoll - Battle in the jungle
« on: May 16, 2019, 05:32:50 PM »
We actually had a poll and unfortunately for me the public were right, I got my ass beat. The set up was that we had both been kidnapped and sent to Papua New Guinea. The only way one of us could get free was to fight for the villagers in a pit. Freedom for the winner, and you will see what happened to the loser.

It was a really fun set up and Dana was amazing, although anyone who has played with her will know that anyway! Loser had to post this log, so here goes! Please let me know if you enjoyed it, a rematch is very much on the cards!

Dana: I remember the exact moment I was kidnapped. I remember being on my way home just like any normal day, wondering what I was going to make myself to eat, what I was going to watch on netflix, getting my outfit ready for work the next day, when suddenly a van pulled up and I was dragged in. The next thing I know I woke in a warehouse, tied up and bruised. The next few days were dreadful, taken away on long journeys, always tied up, bundled onto private jets on dusty old airfields, and for the last few months, all I have known is that I am not in Belarus anymore. Its tropical, but with no phone, I have no idea where I am, and no amount of flirting with my beefy guards gets them to talk to me. It feels like over a month since I last had a shower, and the regular water and fruit, some occasional grilled meat is really not doing it for me. Just as I was worried I was losing my sanity, a tall, middled aged man came to see me. I knew that day was strange, I was allowed to be untied, but still guarded, and the atmosphere seemed different. He came to my room, and sat down on the floor with me "Hi Dana, I am sorry I have not come to see you sooner, but you have your chance at freedom". That's all I need to hear, it feels like a year when in reality it's actually been three weeks. There is no air con in here and the sweat drips from my matted hair "There will be an event where you can get your freedom. You have to prove yourself worthy in two ways though" He adds, waiting for my reaction. I want to wait, and not give him the satisfaction, but it's clear he is not going to speak until I do "I am calling the police!, HELP!!" He laughs and then viciously backhands me across my face "Stupid girl, no-one can hear you here, you are in Papua New Guinea, one of the most isolated areas on earth, I could kill you now if I wanted to, now, shall we try again?" I cower and nod "How do I get free". He tilts my head forward "By wrestling and humiliating another captive" yt

Justine: That last few weeks has been hell, being bundled into 4x4s, always hogtied, and shoved into rickety old jets. It seems I am staying where I am for a while though, this is the longest I haven't moved. The heat is strangling here, and I am in what seems to be an abandoned old building, under 24 hour guard. The door slams open, and a well dressed, wealthy looking man slowly walks in as the light blinds my eyes causing me to squint. "Hello and welcome to my game" "FUCK YOU, LET ME GO" I scream, rolling on the floor and fighting my binds "Cute, me smiles, before driving his foot into my toned midriff. I cough and curl up silently "You have a chance to be free here, but you have to listen carefully. In one week, you will be wrestling in front of the village, if you win, you get freedom, if not, well, you stay here." I glance up "You have me tied up, I can barely stand... How can I fight anyone!?" His chuckle is like nails on a blackboard "If you agree, for the next week you will be looked after like a queen, given the finest food, given physical exercise, and lots of rest, then on Wednesday, you wrestle. If you do try and escape, remember, you are in the forests and mountains, there is no chance of survival. If exposure and heat don't kill you, a local tribe will. Welcome to Papua New Guinea" I meekly nod, and feel him untying me "Take her to the training area" yt

Dana: Since I agreed I have been looked after really well, the guards now talk to me, I go on short runs with them, and have more food than I could wish for. The fresh fruit is delicious and the barbecued food at lunch is some of the best I have ever had, but there's a sense of impending doom meaning I can't enjoy any of it. I'm not sure what's more claustrophobic, the invasive hear or the sense that even though I am living out in the open, I am trapped by nature. I am showering under a waterfall every day, and feel cleaner, fitter and a little more stable than before. I know tomorrow though is my match, and Mr X wants to see me in the evening. That's what they call him. I have asked questions but it the only thing the guards wont talk about. I have been given a tablet with videos of people submission wrestling. Its very erotic, but also intense, chokeouts, scissorholds, thing I never knew about before, and there really is little else to occupy my mind. "Hello Dana" I hear, as he walks towards me "Tomorrow is the big day, are you ready?" I glance up from the screen "These wrestling matches, they aren't like those I have seen on TV, is this how you want me to wrestle?" He moves closer, sitting next to me, his hand invading the space on my thigh "Yes, you will be wrestling in front of a local tribe, in a small pit. To win you must climb out, but also, you must please the crowd, if they think you have not COMPLETELY humiliated the other girl, they will push you back in. Now, I have bought you a gift" He passes a Victoria Secret bag. In there is a small set of underwear "You will wrestle in these, now sleep well, you will need the rest yt

Justine: In some ways it feels like I am on holiday, I can laugh with the guards, eat great food, enjoy the sunshine and rest, but the spectre of my only chance of freedom is looming. Mr X meets me and explains the situation. I have been watching sexy wrestling matches on a tablet and at first they disgusted me, but the more I watched the more I enjoyed them, I mean its not like I have anything else to do with my time. I was given fresh clothes to wear, and well looked after since I 'agreed' to the terms "Justine, you must escape the pit, but also have sexually vanquished your opponent, otherwise the tribe will shove you back in, and I will warn you, they are VERY rough." I nod "Just like the videos right?" and he sagely nods back. "Ok, lets do this!" I smile "I need new videos though" I want to learn every skill, every facet, to give me every chance of freedom. If I lose I have still not been told what happens to me, but I am fearing the worst. My new tablet arrives almost immediately and I spend most of the night studying it. I don't even notice the bag until the morning. Opening it and seeing a box containing some yellow lingerie, a note to not open up fully until told. I am ready for this!

Dana: I am put into a pick up truck, given the front seat wile the guards are in the back, the closest thing to luxury you can get out here. I am driven for about two hours down dirt paths until I reach a clearing. I am told to shower under the waterfall, not as picturesque as the other one I am used to, but still beautiful. I let the water thrash down on my naked body, filled with nerves. I lept well last night through exhaustion, my body is aching now, but I am not sure if thats pain or anticipation. I left the bag on the grass by the side and finally slip the clothing on. A red bra fitting my 34b breasts perfectly. The underwire doesn't dig in, although the thong bottom does a bit, but thats how its designed, the front of them dipping low, and I am glad I was given the materials to groom myself the night before. My wet hair and no make up the only indication that I am not a lingerie model. I am walked back to the car and then driven maybe 5 minutes, getting our to a crowd of scantily dressed villagers, who part down the middle, where I am walked to a pit, about 6 foot down, and about 24 foot by 24 foot. It is quite confined, and as I lower myself down a makeshift iron ladder, barefoot, it feels even more confined. I am here, and this is happening. yt

Justine: I shower under the waterfall and the imminent danger means I am hyper-conscious to every noise, to every scent or sight, the water seeming cleaner than every before. I turn my attention back to the box and open it, stepping into the yellow panties, snugly fitting my womanly hips, but with gaps at the back, showing off my round, tanned cheeks. They aren't thong cut, more like full panties with cut outs. The top is loose and lacy, more of a bralette, not giving my puppies any lift, but fitting me snugly and showing off my natural 36c cleavage. I am driven a short drive to the first life I have seen other than my guards. Villagers straight out of a documentary make way, with spears and shields as I am hustled through the crowd to a pit, where I can just see the top of a brunette head. I lower myself down the ladder, not even looking at you. I spent all night awake studying videos and imagining what you may look like. It's partly fear why I don't turn. What if you are twice my size? I get to the bottom and can't wait any longer, turning to face an attractive, white brunette. Our eyes meet and we both know instantly, we know we are in the same position, we know we have no choice, and we know each other is the only thing that stands between freedom or an unknown fate. I take one long gulp of air, you look beatable. Its not in my nature to hurt people, and I am straight, this whole thing is alien to me, but I can tell in your expression, your movements, you are every but as nervous as me yt

Dana: I have never been in a fight in my life. I had had lots of arguments, but there never has been the sense that any of them could turn physical. The idea of a physical fight was never further from my mind, so wrestling, well I didn't even know what that was. This seems much more raw than what I associate with wrestling. There is no ring, no referee, no-one to say start, just us in this pit which feels all the more ominous because its so enclosed. The crowd just start slamming their spears into the ground and chanting "oomph, oomph, oomph" over and over and we naturally start to circle each other. I focus in on you, pretty, cute, but I can only see you as something I have to overcome. I scramble towards you and throw my arm around your head, my stronger right arm wrapping around you and dragging you down towards my hip and my side, squeezing my own forearm tightly to make sure I have a good grip. My are feet scramble on the dusty floor and my toes curl for leverage and grip. The second our bodies meet the crowd all cheer in high pitched yells. They know this is on. yt

Justine: The sound of their chanting and the spears slamming is even more powerful because it sounds like it is coming from directly over our heads, giving the pit a sonic ceiling. Part of me just wants to burst into tears, but my focus and drive is lasered on to you. I have studied, and know hat I am doing, and its time to do it. I circle you, ready to slip in at any second, but your arm gets their first and I bend over, your bicep pushing against my ear and my feet slipping on the dirt. My exposed as shoving backwards, the natural arch of my back giving the villagers a look at one hell of a hot booty. My arms wrap around your mid-section, hands tightening underneath you belly button. I crush you in my arms, trying to compress you tiny waist and make it even tinier. The gasping and moaning from inside the pit not quite drowned out by the quietening villagers. The sun beats down on my back, scorching me and reminding me this isn't my home. I drag you with my half bearhug hard to the left, and then do the same to the right, rag-dolling you one way and then the other, hoping for a slip of the foot or a loosening of your arm yt

Dana: I think things are going well, and am expecting your arms to wrap around me, thats what I would do if I were in your position, I don't think you will have quite that amount of power though, your arms corseting my waist, and then throwing me side to side. I don't lose my balance though and try and ride out your attempts. Your lower position means its difficult for you to get the leverage to throw me and I steady myself before throwing my hip into your middle and whipping my right shoulder forward, which throws my butt into your hip and, if it works, throws you over my body and onto the dirt floor, all while flipping you into the air. I want you on your back with my body landing squarely across your chest, with the headlock intact if I can manage to keep hold on impact. Everything seems to go silent as I try this, that might just be in my head though, hyper focused on the end goal of beating the hell out of this hot little Asian girl from some country I have probably never heard of. yt

Justine: Your body jolts to the side, but you never seem close to losing your balance. I retighten my grip just as I am thrown towards you. My feet leave the ground and I flip over you hip, landing hard on my back, a landing which is made even more impactful by you landing across the top of my chest. The landing stuns the air from my lungs and you landing across my chest is a double whammy of shock. Your headlock loosens a little but is soon tight again because the landing takes my breath away, and for a second or two there's no reaction from me. I glance forward to your cleavage, boobs pressed together, one compressed against my chest. Fuck! I think, I need to get the off me! I plant my own feet and then SLAM my hips up as hard as I can, a hip thrust which should show all of my power and flexibility built from dance classes and gym work. My hands reach down instead of up, flattening to the floor and giving myself some extra push to flip your body off from on top of my body, everything around me is blurred other than the sight of your cleavage in front of me, and the feel of your skin on my skin yt

Dana: I glance down at you, my flip coming off, and me lying perfectly across and on top of you. Your face trapped by my armpit and those pleading eyes looking up at me. I am able to take a closer look at your pretty face for the first time. "You are so done". The first time you hear my accented voice, even through the hoots an cheers of the villagers, and the relief and pleasure of getting you down is written in my tone. I just can't hide that feeling of elation, although it really doesn't last long. My body is lifted up as you hips slam upwards. I was completely unprepared for you fighting back, and my hips lift off you, before my body rolls over your head. My arm tightens for something to cling onto, to wrap around your head tighter to keep my grip, but your head has moved and it wraps around thin air. I roll over you completely and onto my front on the dirt floor. I thought for a second that I was going to thrash you, that sheer elation replaced by a sudden fear that you might be tougher than I thought, and the worry that I am now off you and temporarily can't see you. I push my hands to the ground and push myself up to my hands and knees quickly, turning to see where you are and not wanting to be prone yt

Justine: You fumble over my head and I spin around on the floor, keeping my eyes trained on you and starting to push myself up to my hands and knees at the same time. You do the same thing, but you are facing the other direction. This is my chance! I pounce. My toes curl into the baked floor and I thrust myself on top of you, hips slamming into your round, firm butt from behind and my body slamming on top of your back flattening you to your front underneath me. My arms loop under yours and, using one of the holds and moves I remember watching on the videos I was sent to revise during those long, terrifying days. My hands slip behind your head, a nelson I believe it was called. My legs spread either side of you to try and keep control of your hips, my arms doing the rest of the hard work. It feels like a whole new level of hot out here, and I am having to perform the most intense exercise you could imagine in it as well. I know I can beat this woman, despite knowing nothing about her. "Who's in control now!" Barely believing what I just said. I didn't think about it, it just came out.

Dana: I don't see you coming and before I can turn around, I crash down chest first hard into the dirt, arms splaying our and my cheek colliding with the ground. I don't get time to raise my head because your hands push down onto the back of my head, but as my cheek is already flat to the floor, you push it down even harder. I grimace as the sunlight fills my vision. My feet push into the floor and I force my knees under me which makes my back tilt forwards, knees moving towards my chest and my fingers spread, clawing at the dust for grip. The sweat on my back merges with the sweat on your front as I press my toes into the ground and then push upwards and to the left, hoping that I can roll you to the side, and roll you off me altogether. This is hard work, and I ignore your catcall, that half-American accent betraying that you are from a very different place than I am. The villagers cheering my escape attempt and your attempt to subdue me underneath you equally. yt

Justine: I spread my legs widely and flatten myself down on to you. I am expecting you to try to roll me off, or even to try to piston your body upwards and I am ready for it. I keep you planted exactly where you are despite your best efforts, my palms pressed to the side of your head, forcing your cheek down to the dirty ground in the modified nelson. "Scream for me white girl", the confidence starting to soar, I remember that the villagers have to see me putting on a performance, this has to be sexy. To keep you down I lift my hips, making a little space between myself and your ass and then I slam then down hard, driving my hips into that firm, almost perfect ass, which flattens you down into the ground even further. On impact, I keep my hips pressed to your ass and grind them down in a circle,e  as if I was trying to slowly work your body right into the ground. My hands never stop pushing your face down either, and the ground does not look smooth and comfortable in the slightest, that must hurt in itself. My heart is soaring, I am beating you and am a few minutes from freedom yt

Dana: I push upwards to to roll you off but it doesn't work. "Ooommmpphhh". My hips press to the ground and my body flattens under your hard pelvic thrust, smashing my crotch and belly into the dirt. The way my head is pressed down cheek first makes it difficult to lift my upper body, and your legs spreading gives you a wide and set base so thats its increasingly more difficult to move. My toes curl and press into the ground, but pushing and rolling didn't work before and I can;t get the grip I need, my toes keep slipping. I am going to have to fight back a little more carnally. I reach up with my right hand and grab a handful of your hair, getting a good grip and then dragging your head down towards my shoulder, twisting the locks in my fist to get a tighter and more painful hold. Your hips grinding into me fires something inside me, I am NOT going to be humiliated like THAT. Once your head is low enough, I grab as much dust as I can from the floor, and the nelson means I can only get a pinch, throwing it back towards your face and hoping I can find your eyes. Using the hairhold to hold your face in place yt

Justine: If the hairpulling is the best you can do then I have won this fight here and now. Sure, it hurts, but this isn't a playground scuffle or a nightclub catfight, this could be a fight for survival and I am ready to take some lost strands of hair if it means it's me who climbs out of the pit and not you. The comes your dirty trick. My eyes are blinded as scratchy sand is thrown into them and my hands go straight to my eyes, leaving your head completely, sitting up on you. It wasn't a handful, but it was painfully accurate and I try and wipe the dust from my eyes as quickly as I can, sat upright on you with all my efforts on this. It wasn't that I thought I had won, it was that I thought I was on the way to winning. Surely that's cheating? I hear no noise to suggest thats the case from anyone above us so I will just have to get on with it. I push my butt down into your back as hard as I can to try and keep you pinned down in at least some fashion, but I know my position is precarious yt

Dana: I feel you sit bolt upright on me, my arms and head free. I flatten my palms and shove myself up, trying to thrust you backwards. You are trying to drive your weight into my back but you don't have control of my body and I can easily twist. My hands plant and by body thrusts up, able to look up at the crowd and the fierce sunlight beaming down for the first time in a minute. There is no way you can stay on top of me as I thrust up with that kind of power and I am on me knees very quickly, with you toppling off behind me. I glance over my shoulder to see you sprawling in the dirt, a LOVELY sight. I pin around quickly, not knowing how tough and resilient you are, and taking no chances, I throw myself forward on to you while you are on your back. I don't worry about how or where I will land on top of you, the most important thing is getting on top so I can wear you down. I know I am physically fit and would wager a lot of money that I can outlast you if this comes down to endurance. It's just about slowly working the fight out of you, and metaphorically smothering your fire. yt

Justine: Your body powers up and I would have been able to resist it if only I was flat on you. Instead, because I am just straddling you wit my hands on my on face, wiping the sand from my eyes, I don't have the balance and I fall backwards. I am able to break my fall but you come after me with the power of a woman twice your size and land on top of me. Our eyes meet and our noses almost touch, there's a brief moment where everything seems to stop for a moment, like the world is frozen, and then it snaps away. My legs spread and wrap around your tight core. My hands plunge straight into your dark hair, getting two deep handfuls and then pulling hard, dragging your head back and at the same time trying to use my own powerful legs to keep your body locked on top of me. At first it was on instinct, but now I know that by dragging your head back and scissoring you I will be bending your spine and working your back as well "See, I can beat you from underneath as well". My lips curl into a smile, trying to get into your head, some of it for the crowd, although I'm not sure any of them can actually speak English, trying to work that hot body of yours over yt

Dana: I throw myself on top of you in a tangle of limbs, but it's my body on top of yours so I don't care. I don't give much thought to the next steps, assuming being on top means I will be winning. I feel your legs clap onto my sides, then AIIIEEEEE, your hands lift into my hair and drag my head back eyewateringly. There is very little as painful immediately as a hard hairpull and my face shows the sharp dragging feeling in my scalp. Fuck this hurts! My left hand pushes down to your hair and grabs it tightly, pinning your head down to the ground by it, gripping high against your scalp to ensure maximum pain. My right hand then pushes down on your throat, thumb and forefinger stretching and trapping your neck between then, pushing my weight down onto the choke, and then dragging our head up by your hair with my hairpull, so I am dragging your head up into your choke, making it twice as effective "Keep talking you little Asian whore, because I have no trouble fucking ending you" The anger possessing me all of a sudden. I am not a violent person at all, but the situation demands it, it demands that one of us gets free and the other doesn't yt

Justine:You start to worry, I can see that on your face and slowly I am starting to get the better of you. I lock my ankles and really tense my thighs, the muscles bulging against my skin, completely focused on your defeat, but then all my thoughts fly out of the window. My throat is swallowed by your hand, and the hard ground underneath me gives you something flat to crush my neck against. I can't gag, the choke is too violent, I immediately fall silent, face pinkening in the cheeks. I guess I have about 10 seconds to get out of this before I pass out. I have no time to think or consider my move, my hands come inside your arms and then my arms slam outwards into the crooks of your elbows, wanting your arms to fold and hands to fall away from my throat, not planning it but inadvertently targeting the weakest part of your arm. My feet plant on the hard ground, which I now try and use to MY advantage, and I drive my hips upwards with as much force as I can to knock you off me. Getting out of your strangling hands isn't enough, I feel dizzy and sick from that rough choke and I need you OFF me altogether yt

Dana: I can see your face turning a lovely shade of red, and I allow myself to start thinking that this could actually be over very quickly, this could all be over! Your counter is clever, knocking my arms out wide, meaning I fall on top of you and lose the stranglehold. Your bucking doesn't work though because I am flat on top of you so have a good base, I am too low to throw off. The first attack negated your second one, and even though I have lost the chokehold, I am still on top of you. Free from your legs, I wrap my shapely pins inside yours, using my ankles to hook your ankles, working you into a grapevine pin. I hope your attention is on the battle for our legs when my hands go straight up to grab your wrists, aiming to stretch your arms out over your head and pin them down together. If this works you will be stretched out and trapped. I am learning every second about wrestling and am coming to the conclusion it's as much about speed and aggression as it is about strength. If I can have you locked up and trapped within a few seconds, you have less time to counter me. yt

Justine: I can breathe again! My warm breath mixing with the warm air on your cheek when you fall face to face with me. I thrust upwards but your body stays glued to my body and I get nowhere at all. Your legs quickly ensnare mine, stretching them outwards, and I push my legs together to minimise the impact. Your get hold of my wrists and while I am concentrating on stopping you from spreading my legs, my arms are stretched up and over my head, meaning my upper body is stretched uncomfortable, and all I can do right now is use all the strength I have in my legs to stop you from spreading them wider and testing my flexibility. Our faces are so close and I am forced to look up at those smoldering eyes and little button nose. Ho the fuck can you be so pretty and so tough! Your hair falls around my face and for the first time I don't have a real answer about what to do or how to get out of this situation. My legs are staying only a foot or two apart thanks to my own sheer determination, but that doesn't mean I'm not stuck here under you. yt

Dana: I have you trapped. For the first time in this fight I have something I can work on. I know they wanted sexy entertainment and so far I am not sure we are hitting that mark. It would be cruel if I climbed out of this pit only to be pushed straight back in it because I hadn't put in enough of a show. I am confident your body is completely pinned, and although I am having trouble stretching your legs out, your knees must be under a lot of pressure and I know that you won't be able to hold out for long. With your wrists pressed together rather than out wide, I try to work them both under my left hand, so I can trap them both but free up my right arm. My right hand then glides down your arm teasingly, the back of my fingers stroking your bicep sensually until I get to the outside of your left breast "Oh hello, what do we have here" My hand slips inside your yellow lacy bralette, my knuckles pushing against the fabric, and my fingers curl around the meat of your breast. I raise an eyebrow, a moment only the two of use see, and then grip the flesh and twist it hard, digging my fingertips in and really working that boob while the villagers watching you writhe under me yt

Justine: I lock our legs in a position which isn't too bad, and although there is a lot of pressure on my knees, with my calves being stretched in opposite directions but my thighs staying planted, I am minimizing that by pushing my legs together so there is less pain. Your one and is enough to trap both arms, and thats because my arms are stretched out over my head so my movement is more limited. I feel your hand slide down my arm slowly and towards my chest, but I don't guess what you will actually do until your hand sneaks under my garments. Your fingers wrap around my tit, and I explode in shock and pain "OOWWWWWWWWWWEEEEEE" My head shakes in fury and the shock of it injects new desperation into my struggles. My legs flail and wriggle, my hips writhe and squirm against your hips and my arms pull wide. Instincts to stop you from touching anywhere sensitive kicking in and my body reacting without thinking, but with significant force to get you off. I can see the villagers peering down over your shoulder, and they can see where your hand is, and see from my reaction what you are doing yt

Dana: That look of panic on your face, the wide eyes, the shocked parting of your lips is just so satisfying, and I am getting more and more confident. Your arms slam wide, and my one hand is not enough to stop them so they break free of my grip, but your writhing isn't enough to dislodge me. I break the grapevine and slide up so that I am straddling your middle, just above the waistline of your panties. I am still on top but not as in control of you as I was before. I grab for both your wrists again, leaning down and then trying to cross your arms over your own neck. To stay on top of you I have to be brutal, and in any other situation in life I can't think of how or why I would be acting this sadistically, I have never even seen this in any of the clips we were given on the tablets, its just something my desperate mind dreamt up. If I can get this to work then I will have you trapped and choking again, and thats what I really want. I need to knock you out, thats not been made clear, but I can't see any other way I could escape the pit without you pulling me back in yt

Justine: I free my arms, but you don't budge from on top of me and slide up my body, quickly regaining my wrists. You are so aggressive, I don't seem to get a second to think or plan what I am going to do, and it means I am always trying to defend myself and stop you, rather than planning your destruction. My arm are forced to cross over my neck and although the choke isn't as painful or violent as your last one, I still get that sinking feeling as I feel the pressure exert on my windpipe. I shake my shoulders to try and struggle myself free, but there isn't much room for any kind of movement in my upper body. There is a little more space for my legs though and they kick furiously in the air. I can't turn my head so I am forced to look up at your pretty, white face. My leg doing all the struggling for me. I know I need to get out of this before too long as although it's not going to knock me out in seconds, it will still limit my oxygen, and with the struggling and power I need to throw you off, I need every breath I can. I kick my legs as high in the air as I can, thrusting my hips up, it's all I have yt

Dana: I press your wrists tightly to the ground, which means your biceps press to your exposed throat ever more tightly. That fear of being choked again is so sexy to watch, and I know my earlier choke has scarred you mentally. I can see that now so I try and make it more intense by crossing your arms as tightly as I can. I know the only way you will get loose from this position is with your legs. Your upper body is trapped, so I am ready for any counters such as thrusting or bridging. The advantage I have sitting on you is that I can feel the changes to your body's position, so I feel when you are about to kick your legs up. I lean into you and a able to ride out your kick, going chest to chest and keeping our arms trapped "Nice try, I always heard Asian girls were submissive, glad that you know your place!". I am less shocked at what I am saying than I was at the start, this is about impressing people. I slide my hips higher, sitting myself just under your breasts. I close my thighs a little into the outside of your ample chest and push my legs together, forcing your cleavage to deepen yt

Justine: I kick as hard as I can but you lie flatter on me and I can't get the power I need with you lower on me to throw you off. You tighten the chokehold and now I am suffering and really beginning to panic. I toes and fingers are feeling tingly through lack of air and my mind is drawing a blank on how else I can get free. You climb higher on me and force my tits together with your thighs. This makes me look a lot less sexy, but also means you are towering over me, which adds a psychological swerve to combine with the draining physical choke. I am going very red in the cheeks again and I really can't breathe. I try to kick my legs in the air again but I don't have the energy to get anywhere near the power that I did in the first kick. For the first time I start to give up hope that I am going t win this, and if I lose and see you go free, I just don't know what that would do to my mental well being, knowing I could have escaped if only I had beaten you. All I can do is keep kicking, and keep squirming my shoulders, but my lips are getting dry, the choke getting closer to knocking me out. I suddenly get an idea. I jerk my body and then close my eyes, trying to fight the temptations to struggle as hard as I can and just lying still, playing dead, my only hope is that you fall for this and get off before you choke me out, my eyes fluttering to show off my best acting skills yt

Dana: Your eyes are fluttering, your body starting to shut down, I can't hide my excitement "Yes! She's done!" I yell and the villagers all cheer. I know I have to be sexy with my win, so with your breasts trapped between my thighs I start to slowly hump, lifting my butt up and down, closing and opening my thighs so I crush your tits from both directions. My hands move up to my hair, lips parting to fake sexual enjoyment, and only part of it is fake. I'm not sure whether its the tress and pressure of the fight, the relief, or the feeling I get when I look down at this objectively sexy woman underneath me but it does get my tummy stirring. You eyes have been closed for 5 or 6 seconds now, and not wanting to end you, I release your arms and then pose, arms out and elbows bent in a muscle victory pose. I climb off you and get to my feet, tired and worn, I reach down and drag you by your top to your front, before removing it from you, lifting it over your head and throwing it up into the crowd. I then go to the ladder and start to climb. I thought the stripping and tit-riding would have pleased them, but I can hear angry murmuring as the villagers close ranks at the top of the ladder when I am about half way up, 6 or 7 ladder rungs from the ground yt

Justine: You don't let go straight away and I try and keep my body still and my eyelids from quivering as your choke continues. Just as I start to worry that you might choke me out with my own arms as I am playing dead you release them, and I make sure my body is completely limp, my arms flopping to my sides. I have to fight every urge in my body when you strip my top, but if I try and fight back now you will just overpower me and knock me out for real. I stay limp, the yellow, sweat soaked top removed from my body is someways a relief, as it was starting to rub against my skin. There's a few seconds where I hear nothing and then there is a murmuring from the crowd. I flicker my eyes open and see you ascending. I quietly get to my hands and knees and stalk after you. The villagers have closed you off, obviously feeling there wasn't enough sexual pzazz. I am closing from he other direction, you are trapped. I stand and reach up, swill feeling weak, but not needing to be full strength for this, I grab hold of your panties and then smile to the crowd above who are now baying for your blood "Nice try white girl!" I drag you down had, trying to pull you from some height down to the dirt floor by my feet, at my feet yt

Dana: I think this is over, I will be free, and I hope you are one day, but not today, today is MY time. Something isn't right though. The crowd are shaking their heads above me and are blocking the exit to the pit. What did I do!? I just won!? I can't understand what they are saying, but I think I know what the problem is, they want more of a show. They want you completely humiliated as well as beaten. Fine! If thats what it takes, thats what I'll do. Just as I am turning to face you again, expecting you to be knocked out or weakly writhing in the dirt, I am whipped right off the ladder. My back slams into the sun-baked ground hard, the back of my head following before lastly my limbs collapse down in a heap. The hot air feels like it's choking me and the sky is circling above me. The crowd above are all cheering, in the same way I wanted them to cheer when I was climbing out of the pit, but then your silhouette comes into view over the top of me, my body still reeling and recovering from the hard landing. I have to get up! I roll myself to my front, getting myself slowly into a position where I can get to my hands and knees yt

Justine: I drag you hard off the ladder and you THUMP down the ground with a sickening thud, even I have some sympathy for you. You must have thought that freedom was so close, but I dragged you by the thing away from it. There is no time for mercy though, you wouldn't show any to me and my life could all too literally depend on it. You roll to your front and I drop to my knees. The air rushing back into my body and the color returning to my cheeks. I throw my leg over you, straddling your waist, and then remembering a hold from my studying of those videos, I drag your arms backwards, holding your wrists, lifting your shoulders and head from the ground. I wriggle my legs forward, so my feet are in front of me and I use my legs to trap you arms behind your back, which presses your shoulderblades together, your fingers pointing to the sky. My heels cross around the back of your head, pushing your face into the hard ground, trapping you perfectly, just like it worked on the video clips. "You thought I was beat! Really! You are even more of an airhead than you look, now it's MY turn, and I know JUST what the crowd want" yt

Dana: Only seconds ago I thought I was free, I was climbing up that ladder having knocked you out. You couldn't have been knocked out to react that fast though. That sneaky fucking bitch tricked me! You straddle me just as I get to my front. My arms are dragged backwards and up and I feel your legs surround them. I remember seeing this on one of those clips, the moment your ankles cross behind me, I turn my head so its my cheek thats pressed to the dirt and not my nose and mouth. That doesn't make this less humiliating or less effective though. I can barely move locked up like this, none of my limbs are able to pose a threat to you, with my arms trapped and my legs limited in movement because I am on my front. I wriggle my hips and try and squirm my shoulders, but I am just driving myself into the ground, the rough dust and dirt under my exposed skin scratching and irritating me, being that close to winning and now being trapped in your legs is a hammer to my hope, and I have to try and find the mental strength from somewhere to keep doing, every part of me wants to just cry yt

Justine: You struggle, you squirm, you writhe, but none of what you do to try and get free gets close. I just tense my legs, forcing your arms closer together, increasing the pain and tightening the hold. I steady myself, my butt cheeks pressing and flattening against your back, my right hand reaches back and slaps the inside of your thighs, forcing your legs to open that little bit I need. When this happens my hand plunges between your legs from behind, middle fingers curling around your butt and pressing against your pussy, my index and little fingers curls in the sensitive area between your legs and your bikini line. I press all my fingers firmly, and push your face firmly into the dirt with my feet. The villagers start to chant a word, although I have no idea what it means, I just know that they seem happy. I will not be making the same mistake you did, I want them on my side. My topless breasts gleaming in the sun as my hand works your pussy. I must look like their new amazon goddess, you must look like the dirt you are scrabbling in. "Tell me white girl, have you had enough?" yt

Dana: Being trapped is bad enough, but when your hand invades me intimate space it becomes personal. You get my legs opened and then take full advantage. I clamp my legs shut but by the time I do you are already 'operating' down there. Your fingers pressed against my flower gives me that burning reason to not give up hope. The feminine pride, conditioned by society, to be classy and demure being ripped apart by you sluttiness kicks in. I can't let you get away with this. I start rocking myself side to side, with your hand back on my crotch your balance won't be quite a stable as it would be if you were focused on the hold entirely. I know I won't get free instantly, but each time I rock left, then right, then left, then right, I should be able to get a little further. If I can just fight you off to my side and your side I have so many more ways I can fight back, I just have to get off my front. Your tactics may have unlocked a she-devil, but unless I can get your hand off this she-devils pussy and your feet from my head, then I won't be able to expose what you have possibly unleashed yt

Justine: I had you where I wanted you, I still do, but me grabbing your sex seems to have given you a surge of fight and energy. As annoying as it is for me, I know that I must have really frustrated you to have that effect, and you flopping around in the dirt makes this move look even sexier. I keep my legs locked, and my hand stays between your legs, gripping even more firmly, but to get hold of your sex I have to lean back further, and that means your rolling side to side starts to work. I roll to my side, letting you have your way but careful not to lose the hold. On my left side it is much more awkward to reach so low, so my right hand reaches around and my fingers slip into the cup of your bra, I work to find your nipple and then pinch it between my thumb and forefinger, not letting your cute attempt at a comeback get to me "Whichever way you go, I've got you Eurogirl, now just admit that you are done". My voice sounds calm but it is a little frustrating that you won't just fold. You are still trapped, not quite a securely, but still tightly, and the crowd can see you much better now, and can see my hand in your top. This is the domination they wanted yt

Dana: I keep rocking, not concentrating on anything else than rocking side to side, and I eventually get my way, forcing us to my left side. Your hand slips into my bra, and my nipple starts to stiffen at your touch. It's not just the touch though, it's the intensity of the battle, the fear, the excitement, but mostly the fear of losing. I grimace and try and ignore what you are doing, I am halfway to getting free and I need to put all my concentration on that. There is no technique or art to what I do, it's just determination and brute strength. I shake my shoulders as hard as I can, wriggling my upper body to try and fight my arm free. My left arm, the lower one, is harder for you to secure like that, as you have less movement in your leg when it is flat to the ground. That's the arm that I focus on freeing, with you on you side, that leg can move a lot less. I HATE how you are fondling my breast in front of all these people, but I know the best way to get you back is to get free. "You want me to concede defeat? I have barely got started". I try and remove any shake, any wobble and any fear from my voice, to dent you with my own confidence even though you must think you've got me, and you almost have. If I don't get free now, I will start running out of options yt

Justine: You throwing yourself around like this must be burning energy. The hot sun is draining, and is sapping my fight so I know it must be doing the same to you, especially because you are moving far more than I am. Your right arm is firmly trapped, and your struggles do nothing to free that. It's your left arm I am worried about. It is starting to slip fee and I cam finding it hard to trap it. I pinch your nipple sharply and twist it as hard as I can in my knuckles, punishment for that sinking feeling I get that your left arm is starting to slip from my hold. I only have your forearm at this point, and my leg slides up to try and get your bicep but the sweat on our limbs makes that hard to do. All I can do is try and keep my leg glued to your forearm, that may just be enough to keep you held into place. "That's right, keep struggling in the heat,exactly what I want you bimbo white bitch". My fingers twisting your nipple hard and pulling you back towards me by it, using it as an extra grip to keep you in the hold yt

Dana: The heat is starting to take the fight out of me, but that glimmer of hope was all I needed, that feeling of my left arm getting free. Now it's only my forearm trapped I know it's easy to twist my arm free, but that's when the pain in my chest surges. I release a screeching scream as you twist my nipple, and for a few seconds forget about my arm, the pain in my nipple blinding everything. Once the shock dies away though, it's just the pain, and being so close to getting free distills my thoughts. Getting my arm free is the best way to get your fingers off my perfect nipple. I struggle and wriggle that trapped arm, until it's just my worst trapped, and then finally free altogether. This moves me almost to my back, with you having my one arm trapped. I know this could set you up for an armbar so I struggle, pull an flail that arm as hard as I can. Wanting to break that one free as well in the struggling, if I am successful, wanting to roll away from you completely. Not making any attempt to directly fight you right now, just focused on getting away from you. I want to hurt you, but I know I have to get away from you first, as fighting you in this position will only get me beaten yt

Justine: I can feel your arm slipping with ever second but I don't give up on the hold. I keep trying to tighten the leglock. I am hoping that the nipple attack acts as a useful distraction and I am savage at squeezing and twisting your erect nipple, knowing that this could be the moment I arm my freedom, and all I have to do is be cruel. It doesn't quite work and your arm finally pops free. I howl in absolute frustration, being so close to winning and having it snatched away from you is what you experienced minutes ago and now it's my turn. In my frustration you manage to escape, but there's no way I am going to allow this. I had you at my mercy and you must be more tired than me, you need the break far more so I won't give it to you. I crawl after you with the sun bouncing off my oatmeal skin-toned back, the dirt clinging to my knees. You are practically running away from me and my voice take a darker note. "Where do you think you are going white girl" as I see you rotate to your back and then pounce forward towards you, just wanting to get on top of you, not needing to plan next steps and get ahead of myself, I can work that out when I land yt

Dana: I slip free and start to roll away from you. I know I had a lucky escape there and I need to get my breath back, to regroup and come up with a strategy of besting you. I can see out of the corner of my eye that you are in hot pursuit though, crawling after me quickly and you look ready to pounce. I know you are in grabbing distance so I make my move. You have lead with your head, which leaves you open when I roll to my back and open my legs. I am looking for the headscissor, to capture your head as throw yourself forward into me. I close my legs tightly as you pounce and wrap my hands in your hair, hoping to control your head and get my strong thighs wrapped around you. If this works, then you have fallen right into my trap, and I should have you in a hold which will let me recover and steal some of that fire from you. My back rubbing against the rough dirt grates and scratches, but all that is invisible to my mind. Even the villagers right now blur out into nothing, it's just you and I in a battle under the hottest of hot condition, and I need to see those cute eyes of yours close. I lock my ankles and try and get as tight a hold as I can yt

Justine: As I fly at you, you on your back, I see your eyes widen and for a second I think I have got you. You lift your legs though and there's a quick moment where I can feel myself splashing onto of you, I know if I do you are finished. Then a second later, I realise that's not going to happen. Your legs lift in the air and its too late to try and adjust my fall. Oh shit! My head lands squarely between your thighs and they clamp around my head, tight to my ears. My chin lands onto your crotch, jarring my neck painfully as we come to a standstill on the ground. That hurt, and you have the perfect view to see my pained expression. My hands go straight to your thighs and I dig my fingertips into your muscle as hard as I can, trying to open up your legs so I can free my head. My bare breasts are planted on the ground, I push my feet into the hard floor to try and get to my knees, but the main struggle is trying to prise your legs open. I can hear the smothered sound of a roar from the villagers. Your thighs pressed so tightly to my ears that its hard to really make out any sound clearly. yt

Dana: It couldn't have worked any more perfectly and I lock my ankles straight away to stop you slipping free in the immediate chaos after landing. Your chin is pressed tightly to my mound and I tense my body, arching my back sensually to generate maximum crushing power. Your fingers press into my thighs but I know what this hold means, I know it's my chance to win. I reach down and grab your wrists, slamming them outwards hard, wanting to control your arms because I know if I do, I control you period. My hair is sticking to my reddened forehead, blowing some strands out of my eyes, I lift my hips and then slam my butt down hard, working your neck again. My hands are on your wrists so I have to push from my shoulderblades, I don't get huge lift, but I get enough to shock your body. "Sorry, did you want this 'white girl' to concede defeat? Let me think about that...No" My strong, toned legs squashing your head, and your pretty face right in front of me, inches from my crotch that minutes ago you were desecrating, now you have a good close up. "I think its you who needs to concede" yt

Justine: My hope was to slide free, or use my hands to fight myself free before you even got a chance to lock your legs around me properly but I miss that window and when your ankles lock I know that this could be trouble. My hands are gripping you, but you are determined and I won't be able to just prise your legs open that easily. I turn my attention to getting my knees under me, changing the angle and making it difficult for you. I feel woozy already, your legs seem so strong, but I know how important this next 30 seconds could be, so I fight through the pain and get myself up to my knees, ass in the air, back arched and legs spread, but now with a few more ways I can fight back. I can't let me comeback die like this! I had you! I have to get loose from you and I can have you again. I know it will be me climbing up that ladder, I just have to make it happen, positive mental attitude! My arms are trapped, and I keep pulling and fighting your grip, but you have my wrists rather than my fingers which makes it an unfair struggle. My knees are my only chance yt

Dana: I watch you carefully. It would be easy to get excited here, I have you trapped between my legs and your hot breath on my crotch, I can see the end in sight, scissoring you with my sexy thighs to unconsciousness. I want to start thinking about freedom, my heart is thumping in my chest, but I know this is the exact time not to let my emotions show, I am determined to keep cool. I got excited before and was dragged down from a ladder, I can't afford to have that again. I see you getting your knees under you, and see the effort it takes to drag your limbs in the right position. I patiently wait, letting you build up to your knees, and the second you get there I whip my hips to the right cruelly, rolling us both on your sides. I let you expend your energy getting there and whip away your hope. It's mean, but I am here to win, and only one of us is getting free, I have to make sure it's me. I can't deny it's personal now too after the crotch and breast grabs. My thighs stay attached to your ears, your chin still pressed to my crotch, my ankles still locked. You are in exactly the same position but now you are on your side yt

Justine: I get to my knees, and the next part of my plan is to lift myself all the way to my feet, but I don't manage to get that far. The second I think that I have some atability it is whipped from under me. I am slammed onto my side by the power of your python-like thighs and my neck crunches again against your leg, proving that wrestling can be every bit as brutal as a drag-down catfight. I thought I had the upper hand for a moment and the second I hit the dirt my resolve starts to drain. My hand slaps at your thigh, this is more in panic than in a genuine attempt to get free though. I realise that I am done, and I only have one option left, I have to play dead again. It may work, could you be stupid enough to fall for it twice? I think you might, and what other choice do I have. I make as much of a show of it as I can, knowing I need to be completely convincing. I whimper and moan, eyelids fluttering, and moaning "Please...." Before closing my eyes. The pressure on my head is so intense it's making my teeth hurt, but I have to act peaceful and still yt

Dana: I can see you starting to fade and I tense my legs even more, really trying to finish you off in this headscissor and I am so close to doing it. You start to flutter and fade, and just as I am about to release my legs, I remember what happened last time. You're very convincing, and I am sure I have knocked you out this time, but I have an idea to check. I roll you onto your back, the headscissor easing, but instead I am in a tight schoolgirl pin, thighs closed around your head, feet under your shoulderblades and my ass settled on the top of your chest. I look down and you still look out of it, maybe she is out? I glance up and motion at one of the villagers. They have bamboo sheathes over their penises, and I try the international body language for "Give me your penis sheath". One villager gets it and throws it down, showing himself in all his glory and not looking too ashamed to have been my volunteer. I hold it over your face with my right hand, and then my left hand glides back to your bare nipple, stroking a little, looking for a reaction. I see your eyelids flutter your lips part by only a millimeter, you're good! Just not god enough! I know you are awake! I pinch your nipple sharply, twisting it viciously between my thumb and finger, and then, when your mouth opens to scream, I ram the penis sheath straight between your parted lips into your hot mouth yt

Justine: I sit tight and make sure I don't move a muscle. Just like before the main concern is if you keep the hold on too long and I am actually knocked out, but this time there's an added concern, that you will see through my little game, I am rolled over to my back and I feel you sat astride me. The pressure off my head now, I imagine you are posing over me and making a show. As much as that's humiliating, I really don't mind. The pressure has gone from the headscissor and although your weight sits uncomfortably on my chest, it shows my plan is working. There is a short period of silence, and then I feel a sensation on m my bare nipple. I keep my eyes closed, remaining focused on not reacting to it. Your hand stops and I hold my vacant expression, my body still, then ARGHHHHHHHH! My eyes open as you viciously twist my nipple, coming to life immediately, my game up. My mouth opens wide then is filled with something hard. Fuck! I KNOW WHAT THAT IS! Its what the villagers where over their cocks. The hot weather has not made this any more pleasant, the salty, sweaty taste filling my tongue.I gag and my hands try to come up, but in the pin they are trapped under your arms. I push up with my tongue to get it out of my mouth. Fuck! yt

Dana: This faking little bitch thought I would fall for the same trick twice, well now look at you. A bamboo cock in your mouth and another woman's fingers molesting your stiff nipple. You try and shift your arms but I sit down hard, my shins trapping them tightly against the earth. I push the bamboo in and out a few times before jamming it in hard, choking you for a few seconds and then tossing it over my shoulders, letting you breathe for a second "Don't think that was mercy. You thought you could trick me again? If you weren't such a weak little Asian bitch you wouldn't need to be so pathetic" I slide my hips forward, hands working into your drenched hair and grabbing it tightly, pinning your head down and keeping your face up. I slide my crotch over my lips and to your nose, sitting myself full weight on you face, and holding your face up by your hair so you get the full effect. I saw this on the videos a few times, and know its the way the villagers will want this match ended. It's a humiliating way to be knocked out, not a punch, not an impact, but someone literally sitting on your mouth and nose to stop you breathing. This feels good though. My hips  start to move, rubbing myself on you yt

Justine: My tongue pushes up to dislodged the bamboo, but you only shove it deeper into my mouth until I think you are going to choke me with this! I fight it out of my mouth, but being trapped in a pin with no energy left, no fight and nothing left to give means that I know that there is more coming. Your ass wriggles upwards towards my face, and having researched these videos I know exactly what you are going to try. I turn my head, but your hold on my hair ensures that my head is dragged back hard to the left and my face is upturned. Your crotch rubs over my mouth, its a disgusting feeling and only made worse when you cut off my air altogether with the full face straddle. I watched these videos a few times and thought this looked hella fake, but now that you have the pin on me, I know all those women literally couldn't breathe. My legs kick hard, my hips bucking and thrusting, my body going into survival mode. Every limba nd every muscle fighting you as I know where this will end. No air = no getting free, and no getting free = you climbing up that ladder as the winner. The sun has taken every ounce of strength out of me, but anything I do have is oued into my resolve to throw you off yt

Dana: You push the sheath out, but I don't care too much about that. I only did it to humiliate you once I knew that you were faking me out again. I have a much more personal way of knocking you out and its obvious what that is as I slide up on you. I get my tight flower on your nose and then I start to grind myself down onto you. "ooohhh ahhhhhhhh" Biting my lip and putting on the full porn star performance for the villagers, who will have never seen porn before, but now they are seeing a live show. There is some point though where this stops being me putting on a show and starts being me really getting off. It must be the feeling of your hard nose against me, or the heat and the relief, but this is really fucking turning me on. The noises become more subdued, but also more real, moaning with pleasure as I fuck your face under me. The only thing that matters right now is you and I. I am not even thinking of my prized freedom. My hot sex squirming through those sweat-soaked panties, ribbing and sliding all over your face. I keep the pressure on your nose and mouth, making sure my performance doesn't stop me from smothering the life out of you yt

Justine: I am not lying on my back and simply taking it, it's just that there is really nothing I can do. I can't breathe, but at the same time need more strength than I have needed this entire match to try and wrestle you off me. I just don't have the power and you show your contempt for my struggles by putting on a sex show at the expense of my face. It feels forced and fake at first, you moan when you are barely touching me, but soon you seem to, hmm, enjoy it. You are rubbing yourself on me and are getting less controlled, but never uncontrolled. The contact between you womanhood and my face stays constant, and soon I am fast running out of oxygen. I start to feel sick, dizzy and my arms fall by my sides. This must be what it feels like to drown, I feel like I am in my own little dreamworld and none of this is real, but I know that this is all too real. An oxygen deprived nightmare coming to life. My body convulses, limbs witching and my ankles quivering, my last thought is the terror of not being able to move my own limbs anymore, my body completely shutting down, and then it's just darkness. My upturned face pressed to your crotch yt

Dana: You seem to be knocked out but I have been here before twice and you were faking it. Once I realised and caught you out, once I didn't. This is NOT going to happen again. I stay on your face, writhing and grinding my crotch onto your nose for another 20-30 seconds. There's no movement at all underneath me. I glance over my shoulder, and run my hand backwards, over your rounded breast and slick tummy. My fingers reach between your legs and then curl around your pussy, staying outside of your bottoms. I pull my fingers up sharply and press my thumb to your mound, crushing your crotch and then twisting my grip to look for a reaction, but again there's nothing. I crawl off you, but still wary, I kneel beside you and tweak both your nipples between my thumb and fingers. I don't even see a flicker from your eyelids though, you are out for real this time. I stand up and glance up at the crowd but they are inscrutable. Cheering just like they were before when I tried to ascend that ladder. I have a last trick up my sleeve. I walk over the the bamboo sheath and then back to you. I put the sheath between my teeth and then tuck my thumbs into the hips of your panties and roll them down your legs. I pull them off, and then wrap them around the bamboo shaft. My foot presses down between your breasts "I think we have a winner, and a stripped and humiliated loser!" The crowd roar, and I put the sheath between my teeth an go back to the ladder, scaling it again yt

Justine: I am completely out of it when you toy with my body. I have no knowledge of being stripped or any of this as you start to climb the ladder. The crowd at the top start to make way for you, and the only sign I am even alive as the lifting of my ribcage as I breathe. My arms splayed out to the sides and my legs close together, but my whole naked body exposed to the vicious sun. Beaten and humiliated.

Dana: I get to the top of the ladder and then help myself out of the pit, and straight away I have a sheet thrown over my shoulders and I am guided back to the waterfall. There I see the sharp, Western man who arranged this "Your flights leave tomorrow, if you breathe a word of this to anyone you will be back here fighting a much MUCH bigger woman, do you understand" I meekly nod, but it's with a smile. Maybe I want to come back...



Offline WindyRules

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Re: Dana M vs Asianbarbiedoll - Battle in the jungle
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2019, 03:09:12 PM »
A raw and physical battle for freedom in a jungle pit. These stylists put their all into writing this tale. The least I can do is leave a favorable comment. Bravo!


Offline beautygonebad

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Re: Dana M vs Asianbarbiedoll - Battle in the jungle
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2019, 07:43:18 AM »
Thanks for the thanks! We really had fun, and who knows what I will do when Justine steps to me next time ;)
Should have used the name Danamight.


Offline Katherine The Great

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Re: Dana M vs Asianbarbiedoll - Battle in the jungle
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2019, 12:23:06 PM »
Very well done! Bravo!


Offline LilMishyRocks

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Re: Dana M vs Asianbarbiedoll - Battle in the jungle
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2019, 09:16:01 PM »
It was a great try, Justine, and your writing was so good!  But I know from experience how sexy and dangerous Dana can be, and this match was no exception!  Nice job girls, and congrats, Dana!  :)
And in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make.  :)

Re: Dana M vs Asianbarbiedoll - Battle in the jungle
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2019, 09:32:54 AM »
That was intense!!! You two absolutely rocked that fight. Really good writing and so so sexy. I don’t usually read the chat logs but this drew me in.
"blondes do it best"


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Re: Dana M vs Asianbarbiedoll - Battle in the jungle
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2019, 08:51:13 AM »
Mmmm....another intense show put on in the board! A darker undertone set, with a sexy mood swaying along :)

Thanks Dana and Justine :)