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Ashley Graham vs. Kate Upton ~ Dominance in the Mud

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Offline Golden Goddess

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Ashley Graham vs. Kate Upton ~ Dominance in the Mud
« on: April 26, 2019, 11:04:01 AM »

Ashley Graham
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 186 lbs
Bra Size: 38D


Kate Upton
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 156 lbs
Measurements: 39-28-36
Bra Size: 34DD

In a...

Mud Pit Match. Both women will start in swimsuits. The start of the match will come after both women have entered the mud pit. Victory can be attained by submission, knockout, or pin. Both women can leave the pit after the bell has rung to start the match, but it will start a ten second count. If the fighter who is being counted out is not back in the pit before the count is over, they will be disqualified, and their opponent will be allowed to do with them as they please.

The arena is a circular wooden platform set up on the beach. A sunken pool lies in the middle of the platform, about six inches deep, filled with a thick, warm mud. On each side of the platform is a set of bleachers, curved around the platform, and there's an entrance tunnel set up in the center of each set of bleachers, allowing the competitors to each enter from an opposite side of the arena.

Kate Upton had her eyes closed, waiting patiently in her tent, set up on one side of the beach's mini arena, waiting for her match to begin. This was a big one. She had a lot of prove today. Ashley Graham was no slouch as far as opponents went, and Kate wasn't stupid. She had heard all of the buzz leading up to this fight. She had heard how the odds were in favor of Ashley. She had seen the bets piling up for the other woman. She heard read all the things people were saying online about the fight.

Kate doesn't stand a chance!

Ashley is gonna throw her around and then smother her out!

Upton's been on top for too long! Graham is going to teach her some humility!

No way Kate can match up to Ashley's size or her power!

Honestly, it made Kate angry. She was Kate fuckin' Upton. She couldn't remember a fight that she hadn't won! She had faced dozens of women, and dozens of women had been left beaten in her wake. The whole idea that Ashley was just going to step into the ring with her and dominate her like she was some kind of nobody was laughable. Size advantage? As far as Kate was concerned, it wasn't enough to matter. She had skill on her side, and plenty of experience, while Ashley didn't have many at all. Power? Come on. Kate was smart enough to not let Ashley get enough of a hold on her for that to matter.

In Kate's mind, she had already won. She was going to show Ashley and all of her fans who the queen was. She was going to give Ashley enough of a beatdown that she would never want to step into the ring again, and then, just to add insult to injury? She would make sure to knock the plus-sized model out with her most deadly weapons. She was going to end this via smother, just to send Graham home with that extra level of humiliation.

Meanwhile, on the other size of the arena...

Ashley Graham was pacing back and forth in her tent, anxiously awaiting the start of her match. Usually she was more confident about these things, but...her opponent for the afternoon was Kate Upton. Of all people, Kate freakin' Upton. This was her big chance. If she could take down Kate, she would rise up through the ranks of the league. She would become the top dog of the catfighting circuit. It was a huge opportunity, and the gravity and importance of the match had not been lost on the beautiful brunette. She had been gifted a rare chance, one that most women in her shoes would have been overjoyed for, but Ashley couldn't help but feel slightly on edge about the entire situation.

Just like Kate, she had seen the buzz online, she had read what people were saying, and quite frankly? She thought they were overselling her chances and underselling just how good Kate was. Ashley may have had the size advantage and the strength advantage, but she wasn't that much larger than Kate. Not only that, but the buxom blonde had far more experience than Ashley did, and Ashley knew you didn't get a reputation as the best around without having the skills to back it up. In her mind, Ashley knew she would have to be careful. If she could get her hands on Kate, and keep her close, she could control the match, but the moment Kate saw an opening...

Ashley shook her head, chasing the thoughts out of her mind. She needed to focus. She needed to get her head in the game. She had no doubt that Kate had her head on straight, and Ashley needed to get her mind right if she was going to stand any kind of chance. She took a deep breath, one intended to calm her nerves, and then looked down, taking a moment to adjust the top of her bikini, when an official suddenly stuck her head through the door to Ashley's tent, looking at her with a bright smile. "Miss Graham? We'll be ready soon. Listen for the announcement to enter, alright?

And back in Kate's tent, a similar thing happened: "Miss Upton? Two minutes. Miss Graham will enter first, and then you'll come after her."

In the arena proper, the audience was abuzz, waiting for the final fight of the day to begin. They had seen several other women fighting in the infamous mud pit, but this was the main event. Nearly everyone that was there was there to see Kate Upton fight, and to see whether or not she could overcome her challenge today. Whispers spread throughout the crowd, people discussing, debating, and arguing the fight ahead. It had been a long time since anyone had seen Kate lose, but she had never had a challenger that had been hyped up as much as Ashley Graham had been. There was an electricity in the air, an excitement that hadn't been felt in a long time, and everyone that was present just had to know: who would be the victor?

Luckily for the audience, they wouldn't be waiting much longer to find out!

"Ladies and gentlemen! Introducing first, in the white bikini...Aaaaaaashleeeeeey Graaaaaham!"

With her head held high, Ashley stepped out of her tent, beginning the long walk to the mud pit. She was okay now. She had calmed herself down, and she was ready for this. Every step she took was filled with a new confidence. The waiting was over, and it was finally time to get this over with. She was going to put Kate down, and teach this crowd who their new queen was. Today would be the day she defeated a living legend and made her mark on the catfighting league.

As she stepped out of her entrance tunnel and into the side of the mini-arena, the crowd erupted into loud applause and cheers. The sound of it brought a smile to Ashley's face. It filled her with a certain joy to know that the crowd was with her (at least for now, anyway). She took that feeling, that raw emotion and buried it down, pushing it into her core, letting it empower her. Even though she was feeling more confident, the brunette knew she'd need every bit of support she could get. She wasn't going to make the mistake of underestimating Kate. Not now, not ever.

When she finally reached the mud-filled pool, she glanced down at it, and then slowly stepped in, one bare foot after the other, letting the warm liquid ooze around her lower legs. It felt good. It felt familiar. Ashley had fought in the mud pit enough that it was a comforting sensation, and it immediately made her feel at home. She belonged here, and she was going to prove that to everyone and anyone that was watching. With a smile on her face, she settled into the mud, and then turned towards Kate's entrance, slowly folding her arms over her massive chest. She watched, waiting for the blonde to appear. She was ready for this, ready for Kate, ready to get things started, and soon enough...

"And the black bikini...your queen of the mud pit and catfighting champion...KAAAAAAAAATE UPTOOOOOOOON!"

And just like that, Ashley could feel some of her confidence slipping away. If the crowd had been loud for her, they were practically exploding for Kate. As the legendarily model made her appearance, it was obvious that she was the true fan favorite, and it was obvious that despite anyone claiming that they thought Ashley would win this, they were absolutely behind Upton. She was clearly the favorite, and there was no contest there.

The sight of Kate stepping out of her entrance tunnel and into the arena didn't help matters much either. The blonde bombshell was practically radiating confidence, her voluptuous body shining under the bright sunlight. She stepped out from her tunnel and planted both feet against the platform, placing her hands on her hips and adopting a cocky, full-of-herself pose, staring towards the mud pit and towards Ashley herself. Splashed across Upton's face was a smirk, somewhere between confident and disdainful, almost as if she couldn't believe what she was staring at. It was every bit what the audience had come to expect of Kate before her fights: arrogant, and sure that she was going to win.

On the inside, though? Kate could feeling her heart pounding faster. Ashley really was every bit as impressive looking as she had been made out to be. Kate might have been slightly taller, but Ashley was certainly thicker, and bigger in all the places that it counted. Though she would never let her arrogant mask fall, not in front of the fans, on the inside Kate knew the truth: she was about to about to go to war, and she was beginning to think that she might be ill-prepared for the battle ahead.

She chased away those thoughts, however, and dropped her pose, finally making her way to the pool of mud. Her gaze never left Ashley as she walked forward, Kate staring intently, almost coldly into her opponent's eyes. Just like the brunette before her, Kate stepped into the mud, one foot after the other, and then slowly made her way forward, to the center of the pit where Ashley was waiting for her. She stepped forward, until she and Ashley were standing close, just barely close enough that their chests pressed against each other's own. Ashley stared right back at her, unblinking, unmoving. Neither of the women were backing down, neither of them showing any signs that they were intimidated or scared of the other. There were no words between them, and even the crowd went quiet, an unsettling silence in the arena as the two goddesses faced each other down.

Then, out of nowhere, the ring bell rang out. It was like a gunshot, breaking the eerie calm and snapping everyone out of their daze.

The fight was finally on.

(To be continued...)


Offline Vitezislav

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Re: Ashley Graham vs. Kate Upton ~ Dominance in the Mud
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2019, 11:18:59 AM »
Awesome start of an epic battle.


Offline Golden Goddess

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Re: Ashley Graham vs. Kate Upton ~ Dominance in the Mud
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2019, 11:19:28 AM »

The fight itself should be up later on today!
« Last Edit: April 26, 2019, 11:19:47 AM by Golden Goddess »


Offline MisterSteel

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Re: Ashley Graham vs. Kate Upton ~ Dominance in the Mud
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2019, 10:36:46 PM »
An excellent story and an introduction to a new girl I'd never heard of! Time to expand the Tit-Fight Sim's roster.
My Trillian is inactive again, but if you're interested in setting something up with me, I can set up a private, open-edit Google Doc.


Offline Golden Goddess

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Re: Ashley Graham vs. Kate Upton ~ Dominance in the Mud
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2019, 04:16:16 AM »
An excellent story and an introduction to a new girl I'd never heard of! Time to expand the Tit-Fight Sim's roster.

Thanks man. It's only the first part, though. I'm working on the fight itself, and it's taking a lil' bit longer than I thought it would! I'm kind of a wordy writer and I tend to like my detailing, so it's going to end up a lil' longer than I had planned.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2019, 04:17:07 AM by Golden Goddess »


Offline ricky89

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Re: Ashley Graham vs. Kate Upton ~ Dominance in the Mud
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2019, 02:38:23 PM »
Great start, maybe the winner could fight Kelly Brook


Offline Golden Goddess

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Re: Ashley Graham vs. Kate Upton ~ Dominance in the Mud
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2019, 06:35:46 AM »
Psst. I haven't forgotten about this. I've been sidetracked with life and such.

I'm working on the fight itself, and hope to have it posted (somewhat) soon!


Offline Golden Goddess

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Re: Ashley Graham vs. Kate Upton ~ Dominance in the Mud
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2019, 05:57:54 AM »
The bell rang out, and both women quickly slide back a couple of steps in the mud, eyeing each other closely. Ashley was planning on playing it safe, waiting for Kate to attack first. She had a feeling that Kate's pride might cause her to do something reckless, and the curvaceous brunette wasn't entirely wrong. Kate, in fact, already knew exactly how she was going to begin her attack: she was going to bring the fight straight to Ashley, she was going to be unrelenting and unstoppable, doing everything she could to keep the brunette from gaining any ground. She was going to give Ashley no relief and no quarter, and she was going to do everything in her power to try and even the odds between the two of them.

There was, of course, a brief, almost unnoticeable hesitation in Kate's movements. It was one thing to look at the stats on paper and decide that Ashley's size advantage wouldn't be much of a factor, but it was a completely different thing to be standing right in front of her and seeing that difference for herself. Ashley was noticeably a bigger and thicker woman, and Kate quickly realized her slight height advantage would most likely be a non-factor in the match ahead. Regardless, she had her plan, and she was going to stick to it.

As the two women stepped back from each other, Kate quickly stepped right back in (or rather as quickly as one could move, wading through the mud that surrounded their feet). At the very least, she knew she had a speed advantage over the larger woman, and she planned on making full use of it against the larger model. As she stepped in, her hands lashed out, and Upton began to throw a series of quick, stiff jabs towards Ashley's generous bust. Her arms were like pistons, hammering the large tits of the brunette with a series of quick, stinging blows. Again and again her fists made contact, and Ashley actually found herself reeling back from Kate's blows. She hadn't been expecting the blonde to come in swinging like that, and the sheer ferocity of her assault had caught Graham off guard. Each blow actually hurt, and she had to admit: Kate was strong. She was quite strong, more so than she looked, and those punches had a hell of a lot of power behind them. Her tits were already starting to feel sore, and if Ashley had been a lesser woman, then she might have already been thinking of screaming out to the blonde to stop, to beg her to let up on her assault.

But Ashley was most certainly not a lesser woman!

After taking almost a half dozen of Kate's punches straight to her beautiful ladies, the brunette let out a loud roar, one that caused Kate to stop in mid-punch. The deafening sound had surprised her, and in that moment of hesitation, Ashley struck out. She lifted one of her arms up, and let it fly, backhanding Kate straight across the side of her face. The power of the sudden and surprising blow was enough to stop Kate's assault completely, and the impact of that one single strike caused the blonde to stagger backwards through the mud. Upton lifted a hand to her cheek as she tried to comprehend what had just happened. She felt like she had been hit by a truck! She had been slapped and backhanded by dozens of women in her past fights, but she couldn't remember anyone ever striking her that hard before!

While Kate stumbled around, Ashley decided to press her attack. She was feeling kind of angry about the blows to her jugs, and she wanted to get a little bit of payback for that...and with Kate stumbling back and starting to turn away from her, she had the perfect opportunity!  She moved in closer across the pit, turning with Kate to get behind the blonde, and once she was close enough she threw her arms around Kate and slid them around the woman's body. By the time Kate had shook off the daze of Ashley's backhand and realized what had happened, it was too late. Ashley was grabbing on to Kate's chest, each one of her strong hands latching onto one of Kate's infamous, giant breasts, and with a look of satisfaction on her face, the brunette began to squeeze. She held on tight, letting her fingertips sink deep into the soft tit-flesh of Kate's chest, eliciting a wail of pain from the blonde. Kate's head tilted back as she cried out, her face twisting around in pain as Ashley began to squeeze her tits, almost crushing them in her powerful grip.

Graham held on tight to the blonde, and pulled her in close, letting her own massive mammaries shove up against Kate's back as she squeezed her tight against her body. The crowd, naturally, was all about this kind of action, cheering and catcalling for Ashley as she held Kate close. It wasn't often that someone came along that could just manhandle Kate like this, and the audience couldn't deny they were enjoying the sight of the brunette beauty squeezing and kneading the Amazonian blonde's tits, playing with them like they were a set of stress balls.

In fact, the only person in the arena that really wasn't enjoying herself was Kate. She was squirming in Ashley's grip, her hands at the woman's wrists, pulling and jerking and trying to free herself from the hold of the larger model, but it was all in vain. Ashley had a tight hold on her, practically crushing her tits in her hands, and with every moment that passed by, with every cheer and whoop that came from the rowdy audience, Kate was feeling more and more embarrassed. She could handle the pain, it was nothing she hadn't dealt with before, but the pure humiliation of being so viciously groped like this by Graham was just too much to bear. She needed to make her escape, and quick, and luckily for her she had both the skill and experience to pull it off.

"What's wrong, Kate...? Having a little trouble? Can't get away, can you?" Ashley whispered to the blonde, teasing her in a quiet voice, but Kate didn't humor her with a response. Instead, she slid one of her long, toned legs backwards, hooking it around one of Ashley's own. At once, Ashley knew what was about to happen, but she didn't have time to stop it. Kate hooked her leg around Ashley's, and it gave it a pull, and then again. The first one caused Ashley to slip a little bit, and the brunette realized she was in trouble, but it was the second that caused her to outright lose her balance, slipping backwards in the slippery mud as her leg was pulled out from under her.

The two women went down, and went down hard. Ashley fell backwards and splashed into the mud, sending ripples throughout the pool as her body dropped down into the gooey liquid, and Kate, still in the woman's grasp, was pulled down with her. When Ashley hit the pool bottom, her body jerked from the impact, and in that moment her hands came free from Kate's chest...and unfortunately for Ashley? That opening was all the blonde needed to get back onto the attack.

When Ashley's hands fell away from her, Kate sat up quick, and scrambled to turn herself around. As the brunette lay there, briefly stunned by her fall into the pool, Kate moved to mount her.  She straddled the larger woman from above, looking down at her with a sneer. Bigger didn't always mean better, and Kate was going to prove it by knocking the thick bitch out. Ashley was going to sleep, and she was going to sleep fast! Kate's arms thrust downwards, grabbing the wrists of the plus-sized model-turned-catfighter, slamming them against the bottom of the pool. Then, the mud-covered blonde practically threw herself down onto her opponent, slamming her huge, heaving tits right into Ashley's face.

There was a shriek that came from the larger woman, but the crowd didn't hear it. Even if they weren't cheering so loudly for Kate, now that she was finally back on the attack, it would have been hard for them to hear anything coming from beneath the woman's breasts. Ashley's shout was muffled, her voice absorbed by the flesh of Kate's enormous tits. Beneath the blonde she squirmed, she writhed, and she bucked, trying to force off the smaller woman, but (for the moment, anyway!) Kate wasn't going anywhere. She was squeezing Ashley's wrists tight in her grip, pushing her upper body downwards to ensure that Ashley couldn't find even a bit of air. As the brunette twisted back and forth beneath her, Upton moved her own body from side to side. She was keeping pace with the plus-sized beauty's movements. She was doing everything she could to make sure that Ashley wasn't going to escape her. She had her right where she wanted her and she was not letting the brunette free!

Trapped beneath Kate, Ashley was starting to worry. More then just worry, she could feel the panic starting to set in. It was one thing to lose to Kate, but to lose this early in a match against her? And to be smothered out by her world-famous tits? It was a humiliation she would never be able to live down. Graham had to turn the tables, and she had to do it fast. She could feel the energy being sapped from her body, she could feel her precious supply of oxygen withering away, and she knew that she needed to make her escape right fucking now!

She stopped moving, trying to save her energy, and she began to focus. She was only going to get one chance, one shot at making her escape...

(To be continued...)
« Last Edit: August 06, 2019, 05:58:33 AM by Golden Goddess »


Offline Golden Goddess

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Re: Ashley Graham vs. Kate Upton ~ Dominance in the Mud
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2019, 06:06:29 AM »
I'm sorry about the long delay between the first part and this one. Real life got real busy for a while, but I finally got the bug back in me to get back to this. Hopefully y'all enjoy it!

And don't worry, I won't take this long to finish the rest of it!  ;)


Offline Happyfeet

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Re: Ashley Graham vs. Kate Upton ~ Dominance in the Mud
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2019, 05:03:09 PM »
This is great!


Offline Golden Goddess

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Re: Ashley Graham vs. Kate Upton ~ Dominance in the Mud
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2019, 08:31:28 AM »
That one shot was all she needed.

Summoning up all of her strength, Ashley suddenly bucked her body upwards, twisting it towards the side at the same time. Kate wasn't expecting such a sudden eruption of strength and desperation from the larger woman, and so as Ashley's body came bucking upwards, Kate felt her position slipping. When Ashley twisted, Kate felt herself sliding off of the bigger woman. It didn't help that it was hard to keep her mud-slick tits shoved down onto Ashley's face as the brunette struggled like this, turning the two of them onto their sides in the shallow pool. With a frustrated cry Kate decided to release Ashley's wrists and draw back from the brunette, sliding back away from her. It would be better to briefly retreat, she decided, then it would be to risk giving Ashley a chance to counterattack.

Ashley wasn't going to let her escape, however!

As soon as the two of them were turned onto their sides, and Kate's breasts slipped away from her face, the brunette took a huge breath, letting her lungs fill back up with air, and when Kate released her wrists, Ashley's hands snapped around to grab at the blonde's arms. She had trapped Kate once before, and after suffering the humiliation beneath Kate's chest, she was eager for some payback.

She quickly snatched Kate by the wrists, jerking her back towards herself as Upton tried to scoot away. Kate gasped out in surprise, and tried to keep scooting away, tried to slow Ashley's pulling, but the larger woman's greater strength was too much. Even with the brunette still gasping to fill her lungs, it didn't take long for Graham to jerk her back towards herself. She yanked Kate in, and the audience exploded into another round of loud cheers for the two of them. They wanted the two woman to stay up close and personal with each other, and Ashley obliging their desires was more than enough to get them shouting for the two women again.

As soon as Kate was dragged closer to her, Ashley released her wrists and reached up for her muddy blonde locks instead. Her hands lashed out, each of them taking a thick handful of Kate's hair, and soon after that, Ashley was pulling the woman in close, trying to force Upton's face into her own chest. She was in an awkward position to do such a thing, though, and it didn't help that once Kate realized what was happening, her hand shot up, grabbing onto Ashley's shoulders, pushing against her to stop the brunette's attack.

Ashley pulled Kate's hair, and Kate screeched at the sensation. Kate shoved against her shoulders, and Ashley grunted in annoyance. For the moment, the two of them were at a stalemate, neither of them able to completely stop the other woman or to get an advantage over her. A moment dragged by, and then another, when Kate finally spoke up, hissing at the bigger brunette.

"'s a s-stalement, Graham," she muttered, meeting Ashley's gaze. "So let's make a deal. Let go of my hair, and we'll both back off from each other. All we're doing right now is wearing ourselves out, you know?"

Ashley thought for a moment, then relunctantly gave Kate a nod, her head splashing in the mud. "Yeah. You're right. Count of three, and we'll reset, alright?" Kate nodded back at her, and after half a second, Ashley began her count.


At the sound of the final count, Ashley's hands dropped from Kate's hair, and Kate's hands let go of Ashley's shoulders. The two women quickly sat back up again, each of their bodies dripping with mud, burning beneath the sun. Another moment went by, the two of them staring at each other, panting and trying to catch their breath, and then each of them suddenly burst into motion, trying to climb back to their feet. Kate was a little bit faster though. She managed to get back to a standing position as Ashley was still scrambling to get up, and with a smirk on her face she decided to take full advantage of her position.

When Ashley had made it halfway up to a standing position, still hunching over in front of Kate, the blonde reached out and snagged her hair, keeping her head held downwards in front of her. A second after that, Kate's leg suddenly shot upwards, and her knee slammed straight into the center of Ashley's face. Ashley's head snapped backwards from the impact, and a dazed look crossed her face as her eyes began to roll back in her head. The crowd, naturally, began to rain a shower of boos upon Kate, but the blonde didn't care. She ignored them. Anything was legal in this match, and she was going to do anything she could to achieve victory and put Ashley into her place.

Ashley reeled backwards, her hands coming up to hold her face, and as she did so, Kate struck again. She stepped in and reached out, grabbing for Ashley's thin, dirty bikini top, and with another nasty smile, she started to tear outwards, yanking the top towards the sides. It took Ashley a moment to realize what was happening, but once she did she reached down and caught Kate by her wrists again, trying to stop her. It was too late, however. Ashley was still in a daze and Kate had a great grip, and with a bit of effort, the blonde's biceps bulging as she focused all of her strength into her action, the brunnette's bikini snapped right in the middle, her massive tits spilling outwards from their prison.

Ashley's hands fell from Kate's wrists and she stumbled back, her cheeks turning red beneath the mud that covered them. Her arms came up, hugging her chest as she stood there in awkward embarrassment, while Kate looked on in glee, obviously proud of herself.

"What's wrong, Ashley? Scared to show your ladies off?" Kate teased, sliding carefully through the mud back towards her. "It too bad, bitch. I plan on exposing all of you by the time this is over."

She moved in closer, carefully, but she wasn't careful enough. Ashley's brief moment of humiliation was quickly giving way to anger, and at this point she was getting tired of Kate. She was tired of the blonde's cheap shots, tired of her bitchiness, and at this point she was ready to give Upton a taste of payback. Kate stepped in, raising her arms towards Ashley, ready to go on the attack again, but as soon as she did, Ashley lashed out with an attack of her own. The brunette's thick arm came up, and just like at the start of their fight, she aimed a stiff slap towards Kate...but instead of aiming for her face, she struck the blonde squarely in the center of her famous rack!

The blonde's tits jiggled heavily from the impact, and Kate let out a loud scream. Ashley wasn't done though, lashing out with a second, and a third, two more hard strikes landing hard against Kate's heavy breasts. With each strike she took a step back, but Ashley stepped in after her to deliver the next. After the third, Ashley drew back her arm, and let one more stiff-palmed strike slam into Kate's boobs, and this elicited the loudest scream of all from Kate.

She hated this. Kate absolutely hated this! It felt like her tits were being put through hell and she couldn't deal with it! She reeled back from the strike, her arms coming up to hug at her chest, making an attempt to shield them, but Ashley didn't plan on launching another chop to Kate's jugs. Instead, Ashley darted in towards her. She dipped low, throwing her arms around Kate's waist, and with a roar she hauled the blonde bitch right up off of her feet!

She turned around, holding Kate aloft, just long enough to aim her towards the center of the mud pit. She took a couple of staggered steps forward, and then dropped down, slamming Upton down into the mud with all of her strength and all of her might. Kate struck the bottom of the pool and jerked about heavily, before going still in the thick sticky liquid. The mud had broken her fall, making Ashley's slam not hurt as much as it would have otherwise, but there was still enough power behind the move to leave Kate stunned, for the moment at least. That moment, however, that one brief moment, was all Ashley needed.

"You like my tits, huh, bitch? You want to see them so bad? Then let's get you an up close look at them..."

With Kate on her back, Ashley quickly slipped onto her, grabbing for Kate's wrists one more time. She was ready to end this, and she couldn't think of a better, more fitting way than to punish Kate with the same move she had tried to finish Graham off with.

She slid onto Upton and grabbed her wrists, slamming them against the bottom of the pool, and right after that, she slammed her giant, heaving tits down onto Kate. The blonde's face was shoved right into the center of Ashley's giant jugs, and she couldn't help but squeal and shout and scream as Ashley began her breast smother. The crowd jumped to their feet, screaming, cheering, some of them even beginning dueling chants as they watched the two women locked in what might be the final moments of their fight.





For Ashley and Kate though, those chants and screams might as well not have been happening. They weren't paying them any attention. Kate was too busy struggling to breath, kicking her legs futilely against the mud. She tried to arch her body upwards, she tried to twist and squirm beneath Ashley, but Kate was too big, too heavy, and she wasn't going anywhere. Ashley, on the other hand, was too busy making sure her position was secure, gripping the blonde's wrists so hard she could swear she could feel her knuckles turning white. She pushed down with her chest, making sure her tits were fit snug around Kate's face, making sure they were cutting off her air and draining the fight from her.

The moments dragged by. Seconds upon seconds went by, mounting upon each other, and with each passed instant, Kate's struggles grew less and less. Her legs eventually stopped kicking at the mud, and Ashley could feel the cries and whimpers beneath her tits growing less and less with each moment.

Eventually, eventually, when Ashley was sure that Kate was done with, she released her grip on the woman's wrists. She slowly sat up, mounting the blonde's body, and looked towards the side of the pool, nodding at the bikini-clad referee. With a nod in return, the referee waded into the pool towards the two of them, kneeling down to grab Kate's hand, lifting her arm into the air.

The crowd went silent. They waited, knowing that this might be it but that tiny bit of doubt still gnawing in their minds. Was this it? Was this the end of the match...?

The referee raised Kate's hand, and then released it. Ashley watched with bated breath, the audience watched on the edge of their seats...and Kate's arm dropped back down, splashing into the mud! The referee quickly stood up and turned to the timekeeper, gesturing for the sound of the bell, and as it rang out the announcer raised her microphone to her lips.

"And your winner, ladies and gentlemen...AAAAASHLEEEEEY GRA-HAAAAAM!"

With an expression of shock on her face, Ashley scrambled up to her feet, standing tall over the unconscious blonde as the referee raised her hand into the air. She could hardly believe it! She had taken down Kate Upton! Ashley was no slouch in a fight, but Kate was near legendary, and the fact that she had managed to beat the blonde was a huge accomplishment. Kate was good, she was damn good, but all Ashley had needed was a single moment to turn the tables on her and take the win.

With the crowd erupting into explosive cheers for her, Ashley stood proudly in the center of the ring, posing for her fans both old and new, not even minding anymore that her muddy tits were exposed for everyone to see. She stood there with her head held high, soaking in the crowd's adulation for a bit longer, before heading to the edge of the ring, ready to make her exit. Standing at the side of the ring was an official, handing a large towel to Ashley, the brunette starting to wipe herself down as she began heading back to her tent to clean herself up.

As she made her exit, however, Kate finally came to. She sat up, panting, raising her head upwards just in time to see Graham vanishing from sight. At once, Kate knew what had happened, and the thought infuriated her. She had let the beautiful brunette get the better of her, and proved everyone right that said she wouldn't stand a chance against. It would be a while before she could live this humilation down, and Upton knew it.

Hurrying to her feet, Kate stomped out of the pool, ignoring the towel that she was offered as she hurried back to her own tent. For the moment, she just wanted to be alone with her thoughts and her anger, and as she rushed back to the sanctuary of her tent and stepped inside, there was only a single line of thought in her mind.

This wasn't over. She would have her revenge on Graham. It might not be anytime soon, but she swore to herself that she would have her revenge on the woman.



Offline Golden Goddess

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Re: Ashley Graham vs. Kate Upton ~ Dominance in the Mud
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2019, 08:32:13 AM »
This took a bit longer than I had hoped, but we're finally finished!

Thoughts and comments are greatly appreciated. :)


Offline Celebrity Strapon Queen

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Re: Ashley Graham vs. Kate Upton ~ Dominance in the Mud
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2019, 05:08:10 AM »
Loved it


Offline tino02

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Re: Ashley Graham vs. Kate Upton ~ Dominance in the Mud
« Reply #13 on: October 12, 2019, 11:48:06 AM »
Epic your story.


Offline MisterSteel

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Re: Ashley Graham vs. Kate Upton ~ Dominance in the Mud
« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2019, 04:34:58 AM »
A fantastic match from start to finish. I eagerly hope to see more fights from you in the future.
My Trillian is inactive again, but if you're interested in setting something up with me, I can set up a private, open-edit Google Doc.