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Playful real cousins

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Offline ooreach

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Playful real cousins
« on: August 29, 2019, 05:03:43 PM »
Real cousins. Voting poll as stopped. Light wrestling on a family vacation with a wardrobe malfunction. If there is a volume 2 it could become more intense. It's a niche of our viewers, but I enjoy writing these. Let me know, I always enjoy the comments. Thanks.

Playful real cousins: Chapter 1

This first chapter is written from the  account of an actually tussle these two had Three years ago at Hilton Head on vacation.  Just cousins being cousins. They were of legal age and some events might have been exaggerated by the tellers, the boys.
The second chapter is something that might have happened in the hotel room the two of them shared on this vacation.

Playful as cousins usually are they rough housed in the water on their extended family vacation to Hilton Head.
This was an annual event where both sides of their mom’s family got together bringing Rissy and her cousin Liv together. The only drawback is Sal and Chris, her brothers had to come.
Acually, it wasn’t that bad now that they were all grown up but she was still treated like the baby by everyone.  She had been old enough to drink for over 6 months already.
The boys started the usual play wrestling in and around the water and the girls joined in. Nothing unusual there and then the girls tag teamed Sal, the oldest and biggest of the cousins.
“You’re getting stronger there Rissy” Liv shouted over the waves rushing on shore.
“No shit” she barked back but toned it down to “I mean, thanks.”
Liv gave her a look and said with hands on her hips while wagging her finger at Rissy “you’re getting a little big for your britches, little cousin.”
Rissy walked right up to her and looked her in the eye with her own hands on hip “ I’m as big as you are, now.”
Liv laughed it off but Rissy was tired of being the little cousin. “Sal!” she barked to her oldest brother.
She walked behind Liv and said “ stand back to back.”  She called for her brother to come on over “ come see if we are the same height.”
Sal lumbered over and in his usual manner over annualized the situation. “ Honestly you two are the same height, but I’m seeing you in your sandals are probably adding an inch on you.
“Fine!” she threw her sandals off and moved backwards till her and her cousins backs touched.
Sal said “ stand up straight.”
Everyone knows what that means, they moved back till their butts touched.
Sal eyed the two up and said “ your just a bit shorter, still.”
Liv jumped up going “I still win.”
Rissy said “ by only a ‘bit’.”
Liv smirked and said “ and my boobs are still bigger than yours.”
Sal said embarrassingly as he walked away “I’m not measuring those for you.”
Rissy, short for Marissa and little sister, said as she charged her 4 year older cousin “ but I’m stronger then you now.”
Liv was laughting, as they often did when rough housing and tried to bat her youngest cousin away. Rissy managed to get her in a head lock pulling Liv half down.
Liv dug her bare feet into the sand widening her stance to keep her balance and Rissy tried for several minutes to topple her cousin.
Eventually Sal and Chris came over to watch as the two girls played.
“Get her rissy” Sal cheered.
“Liv, take her down a notch.” Chris roared.   
Liv, up to this point was purely defensive but realized Rissy was in fact, stronger then she had been last year so she decided she had better get involved in this tussle or she was about to find her butt planted in the sand by her baby cousin.
She wrapped an arm around Rissy and broke free of her head lock.
The two wildly danced around in a circle in mock wrestling poses half bent over with hands out stretched.
Black and brown hair bounced as blue and brown eyes smiled at the other.
Rissy played the aggressor as she had the axe to grind.
She lunged at Liv and Liv backed away.
“Are you chicken?” Rissy roared
Liv giggled and said “ no, I just have to watch myself. I don’t want to hurt you.”
Rissy smiled and said “ you don’t have to worry about me anymore.”
Sal couldn’t help but realize they were of equal height. He couldn’t say it outloud. His sister was really a pain lately since she turned 21. Playing the ‘I’m a grown women, so treat me like one.’ Card ALL THE TIME.
They had dressed in matching black sleeveless tops and matching blue jean shorts for family photos and as they circled in the hot summer sand both where getting sweaty.
“You better win, soon. I’m getting to hot out here to wrestle.” Liv chided.
“So you admit I’m stronger then you.” Rissy beamed.
Liv shrugged her shoulders “ not that it matters,” Rissy beamed even more until Liv continued “ but, no.”
“That’s it, now your going down.” Rissy screamed for theatrical affect as she charged at her older cousin.
She tackled Liv in a full charge just like her brother had taught her from his football days.
She partially deflected the attack by moving to the side but both girls did go down in the sand.
The two struggled with Liv on the bottom trying to get out from under her cousin.
She heard the two boy cousins yell “ air bags!”
In mid struggle Live gave a look at her two guy cousins like they were crazy.
Rissy saw the confusion and pausing for a moment in their struggle looked at her cousin and said, while grabbing her own breasts “ they think it’s funny when we fall down. Our tits are ‘air bags’ deploying.”
Liv rolled her eyes and said smiling at her loving ‘little cousins’ “boys” she muttered as she eyed her littlest cousin, who wasn’t very little right now.
They continued their battle where they had paused and moments later Liv showed her true worth and flipped Rissy over.
Rissy battled valiantly but couldn’t push her holder cousin off. Liv threw her leg over her waist and after a very short hand battle she pinned her wrists to the sand and heard Sal counting “One, Two,three. Ding, Ding, Ding! Liv wins!”
She threw her arms up in a victory pose fallowed by a most muscular.
She looked down to see Rissy pouting and sticking her tongue out at her.
Liv rolled off her 4 year younger cousin and was met by the boys reliving he highlights of the epic chick fight of all times for their clan.

Playful cousins Chapter 2:
The whole family met and had dinner. Uncle Bobby joined them from up in Ohio and they went out and had a few drinks.
The ‘kids’ as they were always called  eventually peeled off from the grown-ups and headed to the board walk for some young adult bonding time.
Sal Chris , Rissy and liv had spent their whole lives together. Liv was an only child but lived close enough and spent enough time that she considered them all her younger siblings.
As it got late they went back to their hotel rooms. Rissy and Liv had their own and Sal and Chris one of their own.
As Rissy and Liv got ready for bed Liv jumped in the shower after Rissy had finished her bathroom time.
Rissy was dressed in a cute spegetti strap half shirt with pink shorts.
Liv came out wearing Lace Trimmed black Cami Top  Plaid Shorts and began laughing when she saw Rissy had her bra on and was checking herself out in the mirror.
She laughted “ get that thing off, silly.”
“why, it’s not like I’ll stretch it out.” Rissy sighed.
Liv came over and gave her younger cousin a hug “ you could still grow. You’re a solid c-cup aren’t you?”
Rissy nodded as she took the top off and put her night shirt back on “ Yeah, but I’m happy I got more boob then mom did. Why couldn’t I be more like Aunt Lilonia?”
Liv shrugged her shoulders and teased “ we all can’t be as blessed.”
Rissy pushed her causing Liv to  almost tumble to the bed.
“I could have taken you, but I got distracted the Chris and Sal yelling.”
Liv put on a pretend pouty face “oh, poor baby. You’ll always be the youngest” and patted Rissy on the head. 
Rissy wasn’t mad, but she was determined when she charged at Liv and tackled her on the queen sized bed.
Liv laughed “ Oh, you still have energy, little one? Do you want to play?”
Both girls where well shaped but where on the plump side. Liv sported a solid D cup for her 5’7 frame and Rissy was right behind with a respectable c cup. Both girls topped out at around 150ish but with youth on their side they looked presentable.
Rissy pushed her cousin to the bed with Liv laughing. Rissy was able to get her leg over her cousin around her hips but Liv battled back and managed to push Rissy off the bed. This gave her time to roll and land on the side of the bed.
The stared at each other with Liv fully smiling while Rissy was intent.
Liv said “ why so glum?”
Rissy just pouted and said “ I can win.”
Liv said “ ok, if you want to I’ll say you won.”
Rissy got upset “ you always try and treat me like a little kid, I’m 21.”
“And I’m 25, I’ll always be older then you and your brothers.” Liv spouted, sounding like her aunte.
Rissy pouted and Liv looked and felt pity. She said “fine, if you want to let’s (in her best hillbilly accent) ‘wrastle’.”
Rissy looked up and with hope in her eyes said “ really? You won’t hold back?”
Liv smiled and said “ I don’t think I can afford to. Your almost as strong as me, now.”
Both girls knelt on the bed and met in  the middle clasping fingers pressing palms together.
Black haired Italian Liv with her big brown eyes stared at her pretty light browned and blue eyed cousin.
They bobbed back and forth pushing each other now both giggling as they playfully tussled on the bed.
Rissy pushed forward causing them to bump bodies as Liv eased up on her pushing causing them both to lose their breath for a second.
“Off, lucky we got air bags” Liv joked.
Rissy rolled her eyes and said “ now you’re as bad as the guys. That Shit hurts.”
Liv nodded her head and said “ it does sting, doesn’t it.”
They rejoined hands and Liv did managed to wrangle Rissy to the bed.
“Oh, no you don’t. Oh, no you don’t. Oh, no you don’t.”  Rissy spoke, almost as a mantra to herself.
Liv just laughed as she raised her well-formed leg  over her cousins waist “ Oh, yes I do. Oh, Yes I do. Oh, Yes, I do.”
Rissy fought with all her might and as Liv was about to fight for hand control Rissy did manage to squirm herself up and hold onto Liv’s neck dragging Liv down on top of her. 
Rissy muffled through her face, which was planted square between Liv’s ample breasts “ I can’t breath well in here.”
Liv struggling to break free said “ well, just let me go and you can breathe. Your smothering yourself in my bodacious ta-ta’s.
Rissy wined “ No, if I Do that you’ll win.”
Liv grunted, still trying to break free. Her bare feet where planted with her soles facing up and she had brought her knees in to rest against her cousins waist.
Rissy shrieked “ oh, stop, stop, stop.”
Liv said “ you ok?” and stopped struggling.
Rissy, still muffled in-between Liv’s bosom  said “ yeah, I think I got a killer wedgie going on.”
Liv joked “ I love you, but I ain’t picking that.” 
Liv said”  ok, I’ll get off of you, but you have to let go.”
Rissy did and as Liv jumped off her cousin she said “ I win!”
Rissy pulled her wedgie out and looked down and they both laughed when she found her spaghetti half  top had ridden well up past her bust line.
Liv said “I guess not the best choice in wrestling wear.”
Rissy said “ beats bikini’s.”
Liv said “ I’ll be fair, best 2 out of 3?”
Rissy said “ your on. Just don’t hold back.”
Liv, who didn’t suffer from ego honestly said “ oh, I’m not. You are as strong as I am.”
Rissy smiled and said “ ok, if there are any other issues we promise not to stop?”
Liv said “ ok, if your sure. You’re the one that whined about a wedgie.”
Rissy said “ it was the king of wedgies, that shit hurts.”
They met back up on the bed in a second test of strength.
Rissy smiled and just said “ I like your hair” and started pulling it.
Liv helped “ heay!”
Rissy smiled and said “all is fair in love and war.”
Liv said “ well I do love you, little cousin, so I guess it is war then” and grabbed a handful of Liv’s jet black hair.
Still smiling but not as broad each pulled just enough to cause pain. Both hands where involved.
Rissy said “ this is the first hair pulling catfight I’ve ever been in?”
Liv grimaced from the last pull Rissy gave and said “ this isn’t a catfight. Hairpulling, yes, not a catfight.”
Rissy speaking through her own pain from having Liv pull her hair pull for pull “ Oh, really. So you’ve actually been in a catfight?”
Liv pushed Rissy hard and ended up pushing her to the bed. Still with hands in each other’s hair she got her leg in between Rissy’s and pushed her head down before answering “ yes, I have. This is a hair pulling wrestling match on a bed. Not a catfight.”
Rissy respected Liv’s worldly knowledge having just graduated from college.
Rissy tried rocking her cousin who she felt crash on her. This broke their hair pulling hold and both locked up trying to throw bare legs over the other.
They made eye contact and both gave a quick smile but went right back to the contest as equally built young women rolled around on the bed.
Fleshy bare bellies pressed together as bare thighs wrapped and coiled. Each trying to get on top of the other.
A half minute later each girl came to a stand still. Liv craned her head back to look her cousin in her eyes. Rissy stopped for a second and liv said “ something doesn’t feel right?” It took Rissy a moment to realize what it was.
Both girls felt their bare bellies pressed together but they also felt at least one bare breast pressed against another bare breast.
They both looked down at their chests to confirm this and Liv said “ oh, wow. You are almost as big as I am.”
Rissy took the opportunity to press herself into Liv to her cousins complaining.
“We said no stopping. Just because the ‘air bags’ want to wrestle, too.”
Liv fought back but Rissy had managed to plant herself on her chest and they fought for hand control.
Rissy was strong and managed to get a hold of both of her wrists and while raising herself off of the bed she used her weight to press into Liv’s wrists.
Rissy watched as Rissy’s boobs swung just above hers and they brushed from time to time. Her nipples where hard and she felt every time her hard orbs came into contact with her cousins.
Rissy got over confident  by pulling her wrists in to close and Liv was able to push her arms out causing their ‘air bags’ to both crash into each other.”
Rissy cursed “ bare tits feel even worst when they smack together.”
Liv said “ tell me about it.”
Rissy managed to stay on top and though Liv struggled Rissy began counting “ One, Two, Three.”
She rolled off and did the triumph sigh, after she pulled her top down over her exposed chest.
Liv pulled her top down and said “ ok, you won that one.”
Rissy said “ happy no one was there to see that. It would have been awkward.”
Liv laughed. “That was a first, for me, too.”
“Final round?” Rissy asked.
Liv said reluctantly “ ok.”
Rissy said in a sly way “ these tops really aren’t meant for wrestling.”
Liv said “ I know, and where the hell did you get the idea to pull hair?”
Rissy said “ I wanted to win?”
Liv said “ ok, any other rules you want to let me know about NOW?”
Rissy said “ nope. I’ll let you know when they pop into my mind.”
Liv was tired and she said “ can I make a rule?”
Rissy said “ shoot.”
Liv was tired, and desperate to get out of this last round. She might lose and it was a gamble.
She took off her top exposing her large breasts that hung just a few inches exposing her hardened nipples. “ we do it topless.” She held her top in her hand and said “ this thing cost me $30.00.
She was surprised when Rissy shrugged and took her top off.
She had lost the bet and now the two stood hunched over bare chested circling on the carpeted hotel room at the local Ritz hotel.
Both came together and grabbed hair pulling harder than before. Blue eyes linked to brown as  bare feet dug into carpet.
Each spread their legs wide to give them a better stance so that when they were pushed off balance their feet thudded on the ground.
Bare breasts swung with each move and Rissy moved in crashing into her cousin grabbing her by the waist.
Liv tumbled to the ground struggling to break Rissy’s hold. Rissy did let go and before Liv could move away Rissy eyed her, smiled and tried to get on top of her.
Liv was able to hook her hands under Rissy’s arms and push her to the side.
Rissy fell and before Liv could recover Rissy had broken the hold and was coming at her.
She crawled onto her. Liv locked her two legs around Rissy’s one thigh to keep her from fully mounting her.
Liv wrapped her arms around Rissy’s neck  and pulled her to herself causing Rissy to crash fully onto Liv.
Rissy’s face fell into Liv’s chest.
Rissy grunted “ going topless might not have been the best choice.”
Liv grunted back “ you said ok.”
Rissy complained “ I thought you’d give up.”
Liv said” that’s why I suggest it, I though YOU’D give up.”
Rissy fought through the leg lock creeping up  the top of her breasts just brushing the bottom of Liv’s.
Liv fought but Rissy was just as strong and from her dominant position their breasts did come into contact.
Liv rocked to the side still holding on to her neck but Rissy just spread her legs back and threw her arms out to the side.
“well, this is awkward.” Rissy said looking down at their chest pressed together.”
Liv looked down to see two sets of cleavage “ could you point those missiles somewhere else?”
Rissy rolled her eyes back “ your nipples are poking me, too.”
Liv looked up and said “ count, already.”
Rissy, remember what this was all about counted “ one, two, three.”
She rolled off and quickly both girls got their tops back on.
“Pinky swear.” Liv demanded.
Rissy looked confused for a second.
Liv demanded again “ pinky swear that we won’t tell anyone about doing this.”
Rissy asked “ can I tell them I won?”
Liv said “ that’s ok, but not that we were topless.”
Rissy said “ agreed.” And the two cousins did pinky swear and hug.
In their deepest most secret thoughts they realized that the feel of another bare breast against theirs was not the worst feeling they had ever experienced, just that it was so weird being cousins.


« Last Edit: August 29, 2019, 05:07:43 PM by ooreach »


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Re: Playful real cousins
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2019, 11:24:42 PM »
Great story ooreach. Two evenly matched cousins alone in their hotel room having a playful match that starts becoming more intense. Since they have wrestled with each other numerous times in front of family it just stands to reason they have wrestled with each other when they're alone. Also I might add,with less inhibitions. Please continue with volume two.


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Re: Playful real cousins
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2019, 09:10:01 AM »
I Hope this is ok. I only posted part 1 a day ago but since the rest is done, here you go. It gets more intense so if you enjoy it great, if it's not your cup of tea, that's cool, too.

Playful real cousins 2
That event happened over the summer and Rissy and Liv went on with their lives.
Summer was coming to a close and Liv came over to visit with her family before heading back to college. She spent the week and it was on the final night that it ended up being a girls night. Sitting on the back patio the girls and their aunt sat and drank wine and talked about how grown up the cousins have gotten. Aunt excuses herself to retire and the two girls are left on the back porch a bit tipsy from all the wine.
“ so, what do you want to do now?” Rissy said wine glass in hand looking up at her older cousin.
Liv shrugged her shoulders and said “ we could go swimming. I don’t want to go to bed this early, it’s my last night.”
Both girls agreed and went to the pool right behind the house. It was dimly lit but there was enough light to see shadows and forms.
Both changed into their 2 piece bathing suits and where soon in the water. They tried a game of Marko Polo but soon found that being tipsy and spinning in the water with your eyes closed makes one really clumsy.
Liv called out “Marko” and Rissy spoke back “ polo” and moved out of the way. This continued for about a minute until Liv rushed forward and truly by luck rammed right into Rissy.  Well-endowed boob slammed into well-endowed boob as they also bumped heads and Liv even got smacked in the mouth lightly.
“Ouch!” both laughted “ lucky for our ‘air bags’” Rissy joked. Liv said “ yeah, lucky.”
They continued the game and this time it was Rissy that waited until Liv was close and she chest bumped her cousin.
“Ouch, G*d d*mn it!” Liv yelled. “ You did that one on purpose.” 
Rissy said “ sorry, in a snarky voice.”
Liv opened her eyes and said “ be nice or I’ll really kick your butt, this time.”
“What do you mean?” Rissy asked.
Liv shrugged and said “ you know.”
Rissy defensively asked “ No, what do you mean?”
Liv moved right up to her and as both girls bobbed in the 5 foot end of the pool bikini tops lightly bumped in each other from time to time.
“ Rissy, you know I LET you win.”
“Oh, really?!” Rissy laughed. 
Rissy chest bumped her saying “ sorry.”
Liv bumped back “ don’t start anything you cant handle, little girl.”
Rissy stood up high in the water and Liv fallowed both looking eye to eye as their chests touched.
“If you haven’t figured it out by now, I’m not little anymore.”  And bumped her chest hard enough into Liv to cause Liv to fall into the water.
“That’s it!” Liv screamed as she got back up and was surprised to see Rissy waiting. They both rushed together and slammed breasts not once but many times.  Finally coming together in a bear hug thrashing in the water.
Rissy was the first to break free and say “ let’s take this out of the pool or we are going to wake everyone up.
Rissy swam and got out of the pool with Liv right behind.
On the grass behind the pool both young women met and with outstretched hands circled.  Liv in her blue bikin and Rissy in her red and pink they interlaced fingers and began a test of strength pushing each other around the yard until Liv changed tactics and pulled when she felt Rissy push hard causing their bodies to smack together with the thud of breasts and bellies colliding. The pain was immediate.
“that frickin’ hurt!” Rissy hissed.
Liv acted all concerned “ Oh, poor baby. Can’t play with the big girls?”
Rissy got mad and charged at her older cousin and the two went down with hands in hair.
They were not screaming or shouting, it was totally quiet except for their breathing and grunting as the two pulled hair and rolled in the grass. Both trying to gain the top position they intertwined muscular thick and fleshy legs and thighs.
Bare bellies pressed together they where only slightly aware of skin on skin contact as they battled.
In the faint light they where fighting more by feel then sight and only barely noticed the feel of their bare thighs touching and their bare stomachs still wet from the water touching.  What each became away of was when their chests where not bikini top to bikini top but bear flesh on flesh.
“ Your nipples are stabbing my tits.” Liv growled.
“Well, yours aren’t feeling much nicer on mine.” Rissy growled back.
So close and lightly they rolled they could feel the others breath on their cheek and the smell the others wine breath.
Each wanted to dominate the other and neither was worried about how they were dressed.
Liv did manage to get her leg over hers younger cousin and was in the process of mounting her. Rissy fought to keep her off and out of desperation,
Liv felt Rissy’s hands cup both of her breasts and sqeeze.
“Ouch, you f*ckin’ b*tch!” Liv screamed and started swatting at Rissy’s hands and face.
Rissy took the moment to roll her cousin off while trying to defend herself.
They slap fought in little light hand hitting hand and face, shoulders, arms and chest.
Rissy managed to almost mount Liv when Liv hissed “ two can play this game.”
Rissy tried to block but couldn’t get balanced well enough and she felt Liv cup her breasts and sqeeze hard enough to bring tears to her eyes.
Rissy fell to the side and Liv wasn’t letting go. Rissy tried to slap her hands away but in desperation she grabbed for the nearest body part of Liv’s to attack, her breasts.
Both girls lay side by side in the grass with hand full of the others bosom in their hands kicking with feet.
“F*ckin’ let go!” “ No, you let go.” They hissed at each other.
Both equally matched and blessed girls continued to maul chests digging nails deeper.
Rissy blinked first pushing away and rolling only to find Liv on her knees as Rissy rose to hers.
They both crashed in the grass and began to roll body to body .
Liv managed to get on top with her leg getting caught in-between Rissy’s.
Rissy began to sqeeze when she felt her cousin trying to straddle her.
They fought with hands until Liv fell  on her.
Rissy grabbed hold and held Liv close suffocating her face as she was buried between her breasts. 
“Your tits are suffocationg me.” Liv muffled in a panic.
Rissy said “ do you give?”
Liv fought to get free but rissy said “ I’m going to win….again.”
Liv,in a panic fought with the only tools she had left, her trapped leg and rammed it forward as hard as she could into Rissy’s crotch.
Moments later Rissy paused and Liv heard her cousin stop breathing for a moment and felt herself being thrown off her cousin who rolled into a ball.
Liv paused In a panic and heard her cousin moan “ you f*cking cxnt kicked me?”
Liv said “ I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
Rissy said ‘ you better be, because In a minute I’m coming for you.”
Liv got up and stumbled into the house leaving Rissy on the lawn to recover at her own pace.

Playful real cousins 3
Liv sorta passed out and awoke to the feeling of someone getting into her bed. She woke to say “ I’m sorry” only to have the words taken away by the feel of Rissy on top of her mauling her women hood with a hand.
Liv was about to let out a scream but couldn’t get the sound to come out.
She fought to get her voice back as her 140 pound cousin was squarely on top of her.
She tried to get her off but only managed to free her hand enough to try and fight Rissy’s death grip on her box.
In desperation she attacked back causing Rissy to fall over.
Side by side they now mauled each other’s trimmed lady parts. Only breaking free to continued their struggle hand to hand.
Liv managed to mount her cousin with her thigh between Rissy’s.
Rissy put herself into a guarded position raising her hips while Liv pushed her hips in.
In the dark they realized they where now pressing bare clams and the movement was causing extreme pain and sharp spikes of pleasure.
As they continued to struggle their intense movment caused their vagina’s to rub together violently.
“Rissy hissed “ you trying to fight me or f*ck me?”
Liv didn’t answer as the movement became more rhythmic for both.
Moments later Liv mimicked back to Rissy “ are YOU trying to fight me or f*ck me”?
This time Rissy didn’t answer.
They continued to slap and grab as breasts. Battling hands off the others tits all the while their hips pumped and each felt the others women hood getting wetter with each rub.
Rissy spread her legs wide to except Liv’s violation and Liv spread herself wider to match.
Soon the hand fight slowed and Liv lay her hands on Rissy’s knees as Rissy balanced herself with hands to her side outstretched.
The rocking continued until Rissy let out a gasp and moan.
She stopped until Liv whispered “ just one more second.”
Rissy continued the rhythmic motion until she felt Liv’s legs go straight and she felt her quiver.
Both stopped and she pulled Liv to her.
They lay bare body to bare body just holding each other until Liv rolled over and they lay side by side arm in arm till morning.
In the morning both woke up hung over and confused. They looked at each other and realized it was not a dream as both had battle wounds to show.
Liv rose out of bed first to verify she was in fact naked as Rissy did, also.
They stood face to face looking each other up and down and Liv retreated to the bathroom off the bedroom to get dressed as Rissy changed into clothes in her room.
At breakfast they both sat down to the aunt asking “ did you girls have fun last night?”
Both girls looked at each other until Liv’s aunt said “what did you two do? Go skinny dipping?”
Aunt began spinning the tails of her risky behaviors when she and her cousins where young and finished  by saying “ Fine, you don’t have to tell me but, whatever you two did, I just hope you had fun.”
There was no need to pinky swear on this event. They would both take this secret to their grave.


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Re: Playful real cousins
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2019, 10:07:31 AM »
Very good !!
I liked it !


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Re: Playful real cousins
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2019, 01:59:13 PM »
Great story ooreach. Thanks for taking the time to write these stories, you definitely have a talent for it.


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Re: Playful real cousins
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2019, 02:08:12 PM »
Great series and beautiful opponents.


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Re: Playful real cousins
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2019, 11:09:54 AM »
Very nice storyline. Keep going.
The best way to settle rivalries between bitter rivals is to get down and dirty and let the claws talk...


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Re: Playful real cousins
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2019, 01:56:50 PM »
Hot story.
Go on !


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Re: Playful real cousins
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2020, 03:46:18 AM »
I love this!
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Offline ooreach

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Re: Playful real cousins
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2020, 12:47:23 AM »
Again, this is all fiction. No one is underage and this subject isn't for everyone. If it is, enjoy.

Chapter 3 Playful real cousins:
Rissy and Liv had a good day with their families and both stopped dead when Dale showed up.
They both rushed toward their favorite older cousin, each trying to get their hug in, first.
He barely had time to react when both bowled him over and practically fought to get their body close to his and hug him.
He laughed as these two had always been so competitive over him. He never realized how much he missed the attention these two would pay to him.
He finally was permitted to get off the ground and made his way to great all the relatives around.
“I’ve got to get back to work, tomorrow, but I wanted to stop by and see the family. “
Liv and Rissy where both devastated to hear they only had him for one night. 
He added “ If you two girls want, you can stay with me tonight. I’ve got the cabin right up the road.”
The aunt’s smiled and said “ Just make sure you don’t let the girls get in any trouble. You know how those two are around you.”
Dale smiled and said “ they will be fine.”
As night came the three of them walked to Dale’s cabin. They changed and went swimming, just as night fell.
As usual the two girls began to rough house with him in the water.
“You two have grown, since I’ve seen you last.” Dale laughed.
Rissy jumped on his back and Liv got him in a bearhug from the front and managed to drag him down into the 3 foot water they were in.
He got up and they both rushed at him again, causing him to back up.
Liv pushed Rissy out of the way allowing Liv to get to Dale first.
She began to struggle against her older cousin when from behind Rissy had gotten up and yanking her cousins hair hard dragged her out of the way.
The two young women turned on each other and began to slap and pull hair.
It wasn’t till almost a minute later they remembered Dale was watching.
He just stood in the water and smiled.
“you two really don’t have to fight over me.”
Both girls looked at each other sheepishly for a moment.
Rissy meekly stated  “ what if we wanted, too?”
Liv threw a look Rissy’s way.
Dale just smiled and laughed and turned around and walked to the shore.
The two girls fallowed pushing each other and whispering loudly.
He only caught a bit of the conversation.
All three out of the water he noticed how intense his two cousins where. Not little girls anymore they were full grown young women.
“How do you know he’d even like to see this?” Liv whispered.
Rissy whispered back “ he’s a guy. You remember he always liked to watch us wrestle when we were younger?”
The evening continued and Dale stated “ I have to get up early. You two share the inflatable on the floor and I’ll see you two in the morning.”
Both girls changed into their oversized shirts and reluctantly went to bed.
As soon as Dale left the room the two went to bed. Furious with one another they lay back to back.
Moments later Liv felt Rissy bump her butt into hers.
“Watch it” Liv whispered.
Rissy bumped her again.
Liv sighed loudly, but did not respond.
Rissy bumped her again and Liv rolled over.
“Do that again and see what happens, little cousin.
Rissy rolled over and in the dim light Liv felt as Rissy’s hands when roaming and felt her  stomach being pinched.
Liv let out a little yelp as she pinched back.
Both young women had shapely hourglass shapes with just enough baby fat left to be called voluptuous, not fat.
They lay side by side pinching at bellies and soon through the t-shirts finding fleshy ample breasts.
“You really want to do this with Dale just 15 feet away?” Liv whispered.
To their surprise they heard Dale say “ don’t stop on my account.”
They both paused their pinching attacks as they noticed Dale standing in the doorway.
“I always loved watching you two battle. It’s so cute and hot.”
Rissy thought for a second and said “who do you think will win?”
Liv spoke up “ of course I will.”
Rissy grabbed a piece of Liv’s breast and twisted growling “ you think so?”
Liv grabbed back and growled “ I guess we will see.”
The two women lay side by side pinching at nipples through cotton material.
Rissy upped the ante when she thrust her hand into Liv’s crotch.
Liv screamed in shock and later in pain as Rissy grabbed her opponent’s crotch causing Liv to flail around rolling off the air mattress.
Rissy laughed and said “ I win.”
Liv looked at Rissy and then at Dale, who was now sitting on a chair, just watching.
“I guess you did Rissy.” Dale complimented her.
Liv spoke up “ just that round.”
Dale smiled.  Those two would do anything to win his admiration.
“You two have grown up since the last time I’ve seen you .”  He stated.
Rissy looked into his brown eyes and smiled and didn’t notice, until it was too late that Liv had gotten to her knees and pounced on her.
Rissy closed her legs and fought to get Liv’s hand from out of her crotch area.
Painfully aware of her bottom half being exposed to Dale and Liv violating her with her hand she tried to force her cousins hand from that sensitive area.
Dale stated “ fight back, Rissy.  Grab her tits.”
Rissy complied and grabbed a hold of Liv’s braless breasts and began to do nails hard.
Soon both broke their holds and rolled away.
“good girls.” Dale exclaimed. “Why don’t you two get more comfortable?”
He got up and dropped his short.
Both sat there in awe as his huge erection was apparent in the dim light. 
They both stared in awe.
Rissy was the first to lift her nighty off and sat there with her lightly trimmed bush looking at Liv.
Liv looked at Dale, then his excited manhood and then at Rissy and took her night shirt off.
The two came together and began wrestling.
Fleshy but firm young thighs wrapped around each other as stomachs touched and breasts pressed together.
Hands in hair as they rolled back and forth.
The two had always been rivals for his attention and now they were battling over him. 
On some level he was their prize and they were going to dominate the other for him.
Hands went from pulling hair to raking backs as dale was treated to the sight of the two trading the top spot as they rolled back and forth.
The two equally matched women had very similar full butts.
Rissy finally got the top spot and managed to keep it.
Liv had her legs spread and managed to wrap them around rissy’s hips. She sqeezed hard.
Rissy tried to break her cousin’s leg lock and let out a loud moan of pain.
Liv tightened her grip hooking her pretty feet together behind Rissy’s bare back.
Rissy began to arch her body back and Liv yelled “ no you don’t” and reached up and wrapped her arms around Rissy’s neck.
Liv held on and began to pull herself and Liv up.
Rissy reached her hands around Liv’s waist and both where now close enough to be sitting with their ample breasts just barely brushing together.
This was painful for both but it caused Liv to lose her leg lock.
They both broke apart and scrambled to their feet.
Now their nakedness was in full view of Dale, but neither cared.
They came together with a battle cry and grabbed for air as chests smashed together.
They staggered around the floor until the both tripped on the air mattress and landed on the floor with Liv on top.
Rissy struggled but couldn’t over power Liv as her rival straddle her.
They struggled hard as Liv inched her way up finally sitting on Rissy’s stomach.
Rissy fought to get Liv off and felt her strength waning as Liv pinned one wrist and then the other.
Liv smiled at Rissy and then at Dale as she placed her knees on Rissy’s arms and asked Dale “ you want to see something special?”
Dale smiled and said “ I already am.”
Liv looked down at her younger cousin and slid her crotch to the point where it covered Rissy’s face.
Rissy let out a muffled scream and Liv closed her thighs to further muffle the sound.
Rissy let out a final burst of effort and tried to buck Liv off.
The two were evenly matched in age, weight and build. 
Dale got up and caressing Liv’s hair said “ I think you won that round.”
Liv smiled and got up.
Rissy just lay there for a moment not wanting to speak to either of them.


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Re: Playful real cousins
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2020, 11:45:20 PM »
A very beautiful, authentic story. You really went to a lot of trouble. All that fantasy from your head to your fingers, that takes a lot of effort.
About the story: I like it when best friends, cousins or even sisters test their strength and anger sometime in their teenage years. The best is when a playfight turns into something more serious


Offline ooreach

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Re: Playful real cousins
« Reply #11 on: November 08, 2020, 04:29:51 PM »
Chapter 4 playfull real cousins:
The smell of their womanly musk filled the air.
Rissy looked up at Liv and Dale as they made their way to his bed room.
“I’m not done, yet. We are tied one to one.”
Liv and Dale paused and Dale looked over his shoulder smiling “ I guess she does have a point.”
Liv sighed “ little cousin, I guess you really do want to get your ass beat?”
Rissy got up, her full women hood exposed for the other two to see.
Liv walked up to her, blue eyes stared into blue eyes.
Dale moved to them, not hiding his full hard errection.
He put a hand on the small of both their backs and gently pushed them till they stood nose to nose and nipple to nipple.
“I love how equal you two are. Same height, size and build. Even though we are just cousins through marriage, it’s so hot.”
Both shot him a look. They wanted to please him, they both wanted him but this was a new and uncomfortable position they had worked themselves into.
They knew they were equally matched. They had play fought for years and some of them had turned violent but now, there was a sexual tension.
They were challenging each other not only physically, but sexually. 
This was the first time that he was the prize in a more intimate way.
This wasn’t a battle of cousin’s but two young sexually charged females  fighting over a male.
“I want to see you two hug.” He huskily begged.
They shot him another look and he added “Please” as he pressed himself into them.
As he held them around their wastes he felt their arms reluctantly wrap around one another.
It was one thing to hug each other fully clothed but now that they were both naked  and in battle the feel of the other girls bare body against theirs was almost to repulsive for each to stand.
But, he was worth pleasing, worth fighting for.
They both felt his firm body pressing their closer together.
The feel of her sweat and skin touching hers.
The feel of her nipples poking at hers.
The smell of her womenhood mixing with hers.
He felt their ample breasts press together as their baby fat stomachs came together.
He pushed them closer till he felt their hips press together.
Each felt the light brush of the others fur patch against hers.
He moved their hands to their round rumps and while cupping a cheek he pressed them even closer.
They knew he liked the idea of their ‘beavers playing’. He always talked about breast fights and pussy fights.

He felt them tense arms as they began to squeeze their chests together.
Ample breast flesh poured out and touched his chest.
Each widened their foot stance to better get leverage. Each felt his manhood plunge  between them.
They felt it pulse with life as they tightened their hold. He placed  his ‘little man’ squarely between their hips.
They knew he liked this form of fight, they had done this before for him, just … never naked.
It was fun for him to make them compete. They were naturally very competitive with the other and did like to physically best each other.
Their breasts began to throb as their hard nipples dug into the others flesh.
The prior nipple squeezing contest left their breasts painful. 
Each hoped the other felt more pain. 
He let them continue for several minutes until he finally asked “ either going to give?”
Both said “ nope.”
He backed away and said “ I was hoping for that much. You both know what is next.”
They continued to coil now  staggering as each tried to hook a foot around the others leg.
Each trying to trip the other.  Strong thighs tighten as ass muscles flexed.
They both staggered as they had played this game before.
He moved away as they were fully engaged using all their equally matched strength.
A minute later both came tumbling to the ground still coiled together.
Side by side they now where free to fully coil legs.
Fully in a catball the two lay side by side and pressed young soft bodies together.
This was the first time they had done this in his presence naked.
It was  a stalemate until Rissy made the next move.
She released a hand and stuck it between their bodies  “what are you doing?” Liv hissed through strained voice.
Rissy’s hand found her target as she reached Liv’s crotch.
Liv didn’t back away but stated “ you really want to go there?” She dug her own hand between them.
Rissy didn’t answer  but excepted Liv’s fingers probing her women hood.
They knew this rule: the harder you dug into me the harder I dig into you.
One finger than two then three violated the others insides.
Liv flinched first making Rissy smile a painful smile.
Staring at each other  feeling the others breath on their face.
Liv readjusted herself and dug back in.
“Now we’re exploring each other in a new way, little cousin.”  Liv softly growled.
“your all wet, cousin.” Rissy softly growled back.
“Your just as wet. I can smell your juice from here.” Liv shuttered in repulsion.
Side by side Dale witnessed the two young women maul each other.
Liv pushed away and brought her other hand up to grab a handful of Rissy’s breast.
Rissy flinched and returned the tactic “ This is going to suck.”
Manicured nails began to dig into breasts. Each offering much more than a handful.
Still leg locked the two separated just enough to gain breast and pussy access.
Both women sported the look of intense pain as they locked eyes.
This was a test of pain as each attacked the center of the others intimate femaleness.
Their legs had locked so thighs locked. Not wanting to let the other get away.
Toes curled in pain as each had a look of intense pain on her face.
Liv let go to get a better breast hold and Rissy did the same.
Nail marks could be seen on each breast being attacked and now it was nipple sqeezing time.
Rissy let out a curse as Liv let out a low growling laugh.
In a flurry of strikes Rissy struck at Liv “ you think this is funny!?”
Liv answered back with a few strikes herself.
They both grabbed their previously breast grabbing hand and interlaced fingers digging nails deep into the others hands.
Arms strained as each fought hard to keep that hand from attacking, again.
Liv flinched first and kneed Rissy’s crotch as she forced herself out of Rissy’s reach.
Rissy was about to fallow but soon was bent over in pain. The shot to her crotch was true and it stung.
Liv got to her knees and jumped on Rissy.
Rissy managed to get her leg up to block Liv and flipped her to the side.
Both got to knees and wildly came together wildly throwing closed and open handed slaps and punches.
Dale tried to break them apart and became the victim of two adrenaline juiced young women.
As they struck at him and one of them punched him in his manhood they both yelled “ you wanted this, now you want to stop it?”
He fell over in a ball and the two gave one look at the other and attacked, again.
They struggled to their feet  clasping hands, bare palms pressed hard together.
Neither wishing to stop the fight but both fearful of another painful attack on their womenhood.
The two  strong women thudded bare feet on the wooden floor as each struggled around the small cabin room.
Liv became fearful and saw he opportunity and broke free and ran for the front door.
Rissy gave chase and as they both ran on the beach outside the cabin Liv tripped and Rissy came tumbling into her.
Rissy scampered onto the back of her downed cousin.
Liv fought to turn over but felt Rissy’s legs wrap around her.
She felt pain in her ribs as she was having trouble breathing.
Rissy had her on her side as she wrapped her ankles together.
Liv let out a cry of pain while Rissy smiled.
Rissy pulled her body forward and wrapped her arms around Liv’s head and pulled her close to her.
Liv felt her back bend backward and she flailed her arms to break free kicking her legs, in the sand she could get no traction.
Out of instinct liv slammed her head back hitting Rissy in the mouth.
Rissy got stars in her vision and began to lose control of her arms. She felt Liv slip away.
She woke just in time to see her cousin lay on top of her and with her legs spread wide she saw the look of a smile on Liv’s face.
Liv had pinned her hands above her head and she felt her knee against her crotch.
Liv said “good try, little cousin and drew back a sexy thigh and slam it hard into Rissy’s exposed crotch.
Rissy woke some time later to the sight of her night t-shirt beside her.
She pondered going in for another round or to slither back to her tent and call it a night.

Chapter 5: playful cousins

She got up nursing her aching crotch.
She staggered into the cabin to find Dale waiting there. He directed her to his bed.
Liv was waiting there.
“you two have enough trying to duke it out? Time to settle this women to women.” Dale smiled.
Liv spread her legs and motioned to Rissy “ Come and get some of this.”
She pointed to her wet swollen lips.
Rissy slowly crawled on the bed and looking between Liv and Dale she spread her legs and both came together crotch to crotch.
Dale watched as both young women brought their women bits together.
Clit to clit and lip to lip.
Thighs spread wide open to except the other.
“let’s settle this girl to girl.”
The feel of wetness met by wetness and the pain each had in the simply touching was much to handle.
The touched and rocked back and slammed forward to an explosion of pain and pleasure.
With each clam bump Dale watched their breasts bounce.
They grabbed hands to pull themselves together.
Neither had done this before, but they had learned of this from Dale a few years ago.
Three years ago when Rissy turned 18 they had a Truth or Dare party and had asked him what the kinkiest thing he had ever seen two women do. This was it and they both knew it was his ultimate fantasy.
Two women fighting sexually over him and he was the prize.
They slammed together and Rissy pushed harder forcing Liv back.
The extra grinding causing more pain and Liv was just a half foot from falling off the bed.
Liv pushed back harder and they locked crotches as each tried a test of strength while lip locked.
When they released their hold a sucking sound could be heard as both juice filled clams released.
Something stirred in both women. Something primal and dangerous.
They forgot all about Dale, only the other women mattered.
They were fighting with their most intimate of weapons each exposing herself to the other women’s weapon.
Two women could never be more intimate or violent sexually toward another.
The pumped beaver into beaver until each felt their crotches catch fire from the pain and hint of pleasure.
The next pounding Liv managed to push and move closer and Rissy was forced by brute strength back a full foot on the bed leaving the feel of a rash on her behind.
Liv thrust forward again and both closed their thighs around each other as they made contact to try and deflect some of the pain.
Liv growled her dark hair matted with sweat. 
A cruel smile on her face.
“I’m winning little” she was cut off by Rissy hissing “ stop calling me ‘little cousin’.” 
She punctuated the last by opening her thighs back up and pulling herself up.
Liv answered the call by raising herself up and they met still crotch to crotch but now each with an opponent’s breast in their claw.
From this award position they felt themselves falling back to the bed.
They released their breast hold and hugged digging nails into bare backs.
Not having leverage to slam hips they settled for rubbing clits painfully together.
Rissy found flesh and bit at Liv’s shoulder.
Liv howled in pain and closed her fists and began beating on Rissy’s back.
Rissy let go and tried to retreat but was held by Liv and felt wet lips and then teeth sink into her neck.
It was Rissy’s turn to howl .
She tried to pull away but both ended up side by side on the bed.
Biting, clawing and breasts and knees trying to c*nt punt the other. 
Liv managed a solid hit and it took a few long seconds for it to register on Rissy.
Liv struck again and this time Rissy rolled away howling in pain.
Liv jumped up ready to fight but stopped to the sound of the cabin door opening.
In stepped both of their mothers in bathrobes.
Both young women froze.
No matter how old you are you still fear disappointing your mother.
Rissy met her mother’s eyes and Liv her mom’s.
Silence filled the air except for sound of the young women breathing heavily.
“This is a fine mess you two got yourself into.” Liv’s mom stated.
“Yes, you two will have to finish this or your relationship will be strained for years.”
Both cousins where confused.
The mom’s said “ we’ve done this, too.”
The mom’s where in bathrobes and went into the kitchen.
“ We are going to fix you something to eat.” Rissy’s mom Kathy said.
“Yes, you two look hugary Liv’s mother Cindy added.”
Both naked cousins froze in confusion, retreating to the couch and where scampering to get clothes back on, embarrassed to be caught by their moms.
Then a commotion came from the kitchen.
The sound of thudding and banging of bodies against a fridge.
Both cousins forgot their nakeness and peered around the corner to witness both their mom’s standing
Bare chested in panties with their chests pressed together and a hand in each other’s crotch.
The older sisters broke their eye contact to see their daughters watching.
They grunted to their daughters “ it seems our family secret has made it to the next generation.”
Rissy and Liv cheered their mothers on as they battled in the kitchen before staggering into the living room.
The daughters cheered their mothers on as they rolled around the floor ripping panties off in short order.
Mammoth breasts flopped around as each 40 something women tangled.
Cindy soon had Kathy pinned and as Kathy tried bucking her older sister off Kathy laughed.
Rissy got mad and rushed up to push her aunt off of her mother.
Liv ran up to protect her mom and found Kathy attacking her.
Soon both sets of aunts and nieces where tangled on the floor.
The older women did not have the endurance of their younger opponents but made up for it in skill in getting their nieces into a head lock and leg lock.
“This is how you do it, dear.” Cindy taunted Rissy.
“I just wish you two had sisters to play with like we did growing up.” Kathy sighed.
Soon both aunts had their naked bodies sitting on top of their nude nieces and each had gotten their opponent into a school girl pin.
The older sisters looked at their beaten nieces and said “Not bad for first timers.”
Dale came out of the corner and smiled. His aunt's looked at him and said " ok, girls. One last lesson for the night. Let's go get him."