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Local Competitors - Story 1

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Offline LoveSexyJobbers

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Local Competitors - Story 1
« on: September 30, 2020, 05:45:02 AM »

With the previous match ending and with the screen about to fade to it's commercial break, the last thing that popped up on the screen was a visual to let all know that a new heel female team, The Bad Girls would be in action in their debut.

3 minutes later, the show was back on the air and in the ring, two super adorable blondes smiled for the crowd and joked around with them as the two good girls were known in the area, both were 19 year old college coeds who wrestled locally and the fun went until the lights went out and not so ear catching music began to play as the new heel female tag team waited to come out as the fans were already booing despite still never even seeing who the Bad Girls playing the Bad Girls were.

Introduced though at weighing in at a combined 389 lbs and hailing from "Wherever they want to kick ass " they were Large Marge and Beulah Balbricker


The two big heels made their way to the ring like pretty much every heel does, pretending they would high five fans only to pull away at the last second, trading insults with the fans, and acting as if they were going to punch some , and of course, playing it up big time to the in their seats brave little kids, all of whom surely would be 110% on the side of those opponents of theirs.

As the Bad Girls approached the ring , the announcer then gave the age old introduction of letting the fans know "And their opponents, AREADY in the ring at this time, weighing in at a combined 204 lbs and hailing from Orlando, Florida, they are Team Starshine, Brooke & Lexi


The two blonde good girls of course acknowledged the crowd officially now as they wore matching fiery cammo shorts and white sneakers and while their tops matched, Brooke rocked an orange top and wore a big bow in her hair while Lexi rocked a yellowish top and after playing the crowd, they gave each other a good luck hug and high five as their opponents were just entering the ring.

With both teams ready, Brooke and Lexi had 1 last brainwork session on how to go at the big heels as Lexi left through the ropes as Brooke was going to go first while Marge moved forward to start it out for the bad girl Bad Girls.

Marge and Brooke locked up, quickly a huge mistake by the way undersized cute blonde good girl as Marge easily powered her off and pushed her right to the worst corner Brooke could go , Brooke going in fast as Marge like a lot of big ladies her size had that built in power, Marge followed slowly as Brooke neared the bad corner where Beulah slapped Brooke right into her mid as she approached , the huge hand of Beulah with the weight behind it had Brooke off guard from already being powered that way and despite her usually firm belly she has on her little powerful frame, in the meeting of big hand vs tight little tummy, the big hand won, especially since Brooke was not expecting it. Brooke stumbled back after the heavy tummy slap and turned just in time to receive a big punch from Marge in the same area where she just got the big slap , doubling her over.

Marge powered Brooke right back into the wrong corner, Brooke this time hitting the corner back first as Beulah let her right in there until she hit and Beulah quickly wrapped her hands around the back of Brooke's neck as Marge moved in and fired off another punch into Brooke' mid , and then a 2nd , and then a 3rd as Brooke got winded with every big heavy punch, as toned as she was, again, the weight behind the punch easily won out.

Marge tagged in Beulah and as Beulah came in, Marge hair bieled Brooke all the way across the ring , the crowd groaning from seeing the little blonde battler fly across the ring like she was a feather, landing at Lexi's feet and Lexi quickly tagged herself in as Beulah allowed her to do so while smiling, even allowing Lexi free entrance into the ring and to get set as she stayed away and teased Lexi "what you going to do little blonde shrimp?"

Lexi sprung forward and gave Beulah a pretty powerful dropkick for such a small woman her size, both her and Brooke were members of a local dance cheer squad as well, so they were quite fit and not as weak as they were little, but Beulah took the dropkick and did not even move a step, it was only when Lexi sprung up to her feet did Beulah threw her arms out and spun them around quickly making Lexi think the dropkick had some effect, so Lexi did it again, again it did nothing at all to the behemoth heel, but again, once Lexi sprung to her feet, all she saw was Beulah again reeling from the kick, Beulah this time took a step back to add to the rouse , Lexi seeing that only and again, believing her dropkicks were effective went for dropkick #3 , Beulah this time moved aside and quickly grabbed Lexi by her back legs as she went to get up, Lexi was not expecting it at all and realized she was helpless as the large heel effortlessly dragged her to the wrong corner.

Beulah though got to a certain point close to her corner and then stopped dragging the little blonde and walked around in front of her and as Lexi tried to figure out what the big girl had in store for her, she instead quickly had that train of thought end as she felt two big hands grab her ankles and pull her back with force towards the corner until poor Lexi felt a sharp pain between her legs as her travels ended as her crotch could go no further as the ring post emanated pain throughout her crotch area.

Beulah gave Lexi some relief by pulling her forward , but quickly let go , leaving her in arms reach of Marge who happily pulled Lexi back hard for another meeting with the ring post via crotch as the target , again the feel of cold hard steel made the pain of the impact shudder through Lexi's little body.

Beulah again grabbed Lexi by her arms and dragged her forward again, this time she dragged her around forcefully like a ragdoll, eventually dragging/tossing her in 1 full swoop to Brooke's feet to allow Brooke to give it another try as Beulah like Marge, gladly allowed the little blonde free entry and watched as Brooke like a cat sprung up onto the top turnbuckle and tried to cross body the big heel , Beulah it seemed, she had time to move, but instead, wanted to prove her power by letting the little blonde try her cross body dive.

Brooke dove down and despite her athletic move , she still had no weight behind her dive while Beulah and her weight anchored on the mat well and Beulah was able to catch the little blonde like she was a mere body sized pillow , Brooke kicked her legs and flailed her arms in hopes of escape, but Beulah ran with her and rammed her back into the ring post in the baddies corner and then while keeping hold of the blonde, Beulah lifted her up and draped her across the top turnbuckle and tagged back in Marge.

Beulah before leaving , balled up her arms and forearm bashed Brooke in her mid over & over, getting 5 in before the ref started to give her the 5 count to break it up, Marge being a veteran , knew just how long she could push the limits as she continued to forearm bash away at Brooke's open belly as she remained stretched out across the turnbuckle.

Marge came in and continued the forearm bash session, Brooke's small but firm belly offered no protection from the big balled up arms bashing into it and Marge like the veteran she was as well, also knew how far she could push the limits as the ref began his 5 count to get Marge to stop her attack since Brooke technically was on the ropes, breaking the session at 4 3/4 and walking away at that last moment to go and taunt a recovered Lexi.

With the ref following Marge, Beulah had free reign to resume the bashing from the outside as Brooke remained trapped on the ropes and at the mercy of the bigger veteran heels, Lexi of course noticed it and tried to enter the ring to help her partner, the ref as usual in this case, stopped her since there was no tag and it allowed Marge to return to continue to forearm away at Brooke's mid until the ref yet again gave her a 5 count to break, again she did well timed at 4 3/4 and tagged Beulah back in.

As Beulah reentered the ring, Marge freed Brooke from her torture perch by getting under Brooke and putting her onto her broad shoulders and walked away from the corner as Beulah got in and took a knee and waited as Marge tossed Brooke her way, Brooke's body shifting on the way down so her belly crashed down right into the big waiting knee of Beulah , taking more air out of the tiny blonde who probably had little to no air already from the rope belly bashing she just endured, luckily for Brooke , her momentum from taking the move she just took had her rolling painfully to the side where she was back at her partners feet where unluckily for Lexi, she tagged herself back in.

Unfortunately also for Lexi, this time she was not granted free access into the ring  as as she tried to enter through the ropes, Beulah stopped her trip in mid way as a kick upwards on the ropes made the hard ropes meet up with her crotch area , stunning her again as she again just like that was back in trouble.

Lexi fell through the ropes and onto the mat where Beulah dragged her towards the bad girls corner and began to stomp away at Lexi's legs , the stops aggravating the pain that still radiated in Lexi's crotch , but if there was any good thing here, the pain in her crotch went away as Beulah lifted Lexi's left leg and stomped away for 30 seconds before forcefully throwing down the leg and grabbing for the right leg where she gave that leg a stomping before stopping and tagging back in Marge.

Marge came in and began stomping up and down Lexi's left leg, starting at her ankle, up to her upper shin, to her knee, the 3 to her thigh before making her way back down , making two trips before shifting to Lexi's right leg and doing the same stomp fest there as the heels wanting to show their variety, were obliterating Lexi's legs while obliterating Brooke's belly , making the 2 rookies wish they were doing their usual physical activity where they did dance routines at various events as part of a dance/cheer squad as they put themselves through college where at this point , any class was better than the ass kicking 101 they were part of now.

Marge kept hold of Lexi's leg as she tagged back in Beulah, Beulah joining her partner as she grabbed the other leg where they in unison both jumped to the side while holding onto the leg they had hold of, making a wishbone out of Lexi's legs and pelvis, letting go at the last moment so they would not rip Lexi's legs off and after letting go and landing, Beulah went top rope as Marge gave Lexi's legs a break by scooping her up and bodyslamming her to the mat as the ref started his count, but the vet shad time to torture Lexi 2 on 1 some more as Marge held Lexi's legs apart as Beulah came crashing down head first into her crotch as Lexi's crotch again felt the pain as Beulah's hard as a rock head smashed into it and as Lexi rolled to the side in pain, Marge left the ring in time to avoid the Dq, but Beulah tagged her right back in , this time, Marge went up as Beulah bodyslammed Lexi and then held her legs split as Marge this time crashed her head down between Lexi's legs into her crotch , wiping the blonde out and that was followed by Marge folding Lexi's legs over her body and sitting on her as a cover, the ref just wanting it over made the count , 1-2-3.

Brooke however against her better judgement since she hated to lose, wanted to stop the pin, believing if they held on long enough, their way better conditioning would pay off as the big girls would tire out sooner rather than later, but when , not sooner this time as Brooke's desire to not lose earned her a big spear, the weight Beulah had behind it made it feel like Brooke had been hit with a wrecking ball and to add insult to injury , with Lexi laying out Beulah brought Brooke up and whipped her towards Marge who also gave Brooke a huge spear, Brooke going that way pretty much out on her feet , the second spear however left Brooke out now and Beulah for fun folded her legs over her little body and took a seat as Marge told the ref "Make the count on her also" and the ref complied , 1-2-3,

Marge and Beulah then stood together and allowed the ref to raise their arms in victory as the 2 smaller good girl blondes lay defeated on the mat until security went in and carried them from the ring.

The bad girl Bad Girls were victorious and tv footage from this match on YouTube were certain to be headed "The Bad Girls vs Local Competitors" and was sure to be on several "Squash Match" compilations and "Bad Girls Win " compilations.
You never grow old until you stop being young


Offline Maizenblue

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Re: Local Competitors - Story 1
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2020, 12:23:53 PM »
Amazing job. Thanks.

If you need anymore jobbers. Let me know.


Offline LoveSexyJobbers

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Re: Local Competitors - Story 1
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2020, 03:43:57 PM »
Amazing job. Thanks.

If you need anymore jobbers. Let me know.
Send another I guess
You never grow old until you stop being young