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The best catfight stroy I ever read

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The best catfight stroy I ever read
« on: February 05, 2021, 12:24:35 AM »
This is one of my favorite stories. I don't think it's on this board. I didn't write this. I don't know who did. The original author has been lost in the myriad of the internet.

Dancers Nylon CatFight

Toni and Kelly were both 18 year old college students pursuing a degree in dance when they ended up at the same university. Toni was a beautiful raven haired girl from Chicago of Caucasian and Puerto Rican descent. She stood 5'10" with a wonderfully proportioned dancer's build with sparkling deep brown eyes, a very charming smile, and a straight shoulder length hair. Kelly was an equally beautiful blonde from San Diego with the exact same dimensions. She had a sweet girl next door face and wore her sun brightened locks in a similar shoulder length style. The two were the recipients of the school's prestigious Rosenberg dance scholarship chosen from hundreds of applicants nationwide. As such both knew they were excellent dancers and were accustomed to being far better than their classmates and the center of attention in whatever production they were involved. Also being beautiful both were used to dating the most handsome men in their schools. The two thrived on two things: their superiority as dancers and the attention of men.

So it didn't take long for these two young ladies to feel the effect of the other's presence on campus. They first met before school started at a party for the new dance students. Every instructor at the gathering told both women basically the same thing: how glad they were to have them as students and how they should go meet the other Rosenberg recipient, Toni or Kelly. Finally the head of the department, Dr. Harris, led Toni to Kelly and introduced them.

"You're Toni?" "You're Kelly?" they said at once upon meeting and looked at the instructor with puzzled expressions.

"I know what the confusion is. This year due to a lack of quality male applicants and the outstanding qualification of you both, we decided to award you both rather than choose between you and go with a less deserving student just because he was male. That's the first time in all the Rosenberg's 46 years thats been done but its the first time we had to choose between such equally talented young women. Well I'll let you two talk. See you in class."

The two stood there silent still holding the handshake and feeling a flush come over both their faces as they looked over the other. This changed everything. Toni was stunning in her short-enough-to-turn-heads yet still classy-enough-to-be-respectable red silk party dress, white hose and matching red shoes. Kelly was also incredible in her almost identical black silk party dress, black hose, and black shoes. Both had their hair in an elegant upswept do. They looked at their clasped hands and noticed that with Kelly's deep tan her skin was almost identical in color to Toni's natural brown complexion.

They both felt suddenly competitive and wondered what "equally talented" really meant. Was it true, or was it just said in consideration of the other hopefully less talented dancer before them who would be competing for all the female leads, all the honors and openings in the dance program... They both decided to convince themselves of the latter discounting the threat of the other when they both became suddenly aware of the awkwardness of their silence and the instructors and other students who were watching their wordless locked stares.

"When I heard the name Toni, I thought you..." "I used to know a guy named Kelly............" they broke the silence at once.

"You thought I was I guy. I thought you were too." they said in unison and both laughed at the similarity of their thinking. For a moment the tension was broken and they engaged in casual conversation until they asked one another about their dance careers. This was a topic both could speak about for hours. Kelly started listing all the awards and competitions she had won and all the parts she had danced in such and such production until Toni finally couldn't bear Kelly boasting any longer. She started interjecting "Well so did I" and "Me too" to keep Kelly from forgetting just who she was talking to. Toni finally felt the need to put Kelly in her place. She interrupted with a story she thought would surely shut Kelly up about how she was chosen just from her reputation to perform a small role in a production with the Chicago Ballet last year and how much positive attention she had received from local media. Kelly was irritated at what she perceived as an attempt to belittle her achievements and interrupted with a similar story about how she had been chosen to perform with the San Diego Ballet.

"Excuse me Kelly, but I hadn't finished my story..." Toni broke in.

"Excuse me but I wasn't finished talking when you started your story" Kelly cut her off.

"I didn't think I would ever get a chance if I didn't" Toni replied in an icier tone.

"Pretty anxious to talk about yourself huh?" Kelly snapped back. "Not any more than you" Toni shot back.

At this point, both girls took notice of the escalating volume of their exchange and looked around to see if any one had noticed. They once again locked eyes.

Both girls leaned forward as though to whisper to the other and in a hushed yet angry tone said "At least I have a good reason!" They both replied at once "Whatever you bitch!"

The fact that they said the same thing at the same time had now lost it charm and Kelly and Toni both let out an exasperated groan.

They stopped to calm themselves as they both realized the situation was had the potential to get out of hand and make a very bad first impression for both of them.

"This is not the time or the place..." "Listen , we need to stop this......." they started together.

They paused, let out a collective sigh of frustation, eyes still locked. At least we said something different, they thought. They read each others faces and knew what the other was thinking.

"Lets just keep our distance when ever possible" Toni quickly blurted out trying to confirm their silent contract. "My thoughts exactly" Kelly responded before she was even finished.

They reached forward and shook hands to seal their deal. Both squeezed a little too hard. Each began to vengefully reciprocate until both were in pain. At the same time they let go with a gasp and turned to go to opposite ends of the party when a incredibly handsome young man walked up to the pair.

"Are you two playing mercy or something?" he smirked.

Kelly and Toni felt there faces go red as they exchanged glares. "Its a girl thing.." Toni said. "You wouldn't understand" Kelly finished her thought.

"Hi, my name's Steve. I had to meet the two big stars everyone's been talking about."

"Hi I'm Toni." "Hi I'm Kelly." both girls said as they collided hip-to-hip in an attempt to center themselves in front of him. Once again they turned red and traded angry glances. Trying to play off the incident, both looked back to him and nervously smiled, extending a handshake.

"Its nice to meet you Kelly" as he turned to the right and took her hand.

"Likewise" she said as she gave her best seductive half smile. She quickly shot Toni a gloating smirk over this small distinction of being the first addressed which was met with a glare from Toni. As turned back to Steve he had moved to the left in front of Toni and was shaking her hand.

"Nice to meet you too Toni"

"I know" she said. She and Steve chuckled at her witty remark to which Kelly rolled her eyes. "No really its nice to meet you too" said Toni as she smiled playfully and flirtaceously extended the contact of their hands.

Kelly then asked "So what year student are you?" to regain Steve's attention.

Toni quickly added "Yeah how long have you been going here?" in an attempt to retain his attention.

"Actually I'm a graduate student and am teaching some classes here. So I'm kind of like faculty. I'm hoping to be a professor here once I get my degree finished up this year. But I came over to find out about you two" carefully dividing his eye contact between the two attentive girls.

Steve was quite a ladies man and had a reputation for being a player, so he always looked forward to meeting new female student before they heard all the rumors and trying to sweep them off their feet which he often did successfully. He still had not decided which girl he found more desirable. He knew the key to making a good first impression, at least in his experience, was to let the woman talk about herself and act extremely interested in her. This would be a little more challenging since he was trying to pick up two girls at once but he felt up to it. He could see the competitiveness between the two and thought he maybe could it to his advantage since neither obviously wanted the other to have his attention.

He alternately asked each girl direct questions about her background, likes, dislikes, etc. The whole time the Toni and Kelly were still jockeying for position and when either one would speak she would try to inch forward and in sideways in front of her rival. Back and forth it went like this until both women were barely a foot in front of him, again hip-to-hip, and Toni's right and Kelly's left arm tangling in front of them as they tried to subtly push the other away.

Steve then asked a general question about their dance careers and both girls started answering at once neither willing to yield to the other. He held up his hands and said "How about we hear from just Toni for a moment? So how's the San Diego scene?"

Before answering she gave Kelly a gloating smirk much as Kelly had given her before. As she spoke she took an obvious step to the right in front of Kelly. She quickly got on to the subject of her dance achievements as Kelly fumed. It was now Kelly's turn to interject "Me too" and "So did I" which eventually turned to more catty remarks like "Well the competition isn't as tough as in California." When Toni got to the story about her perfoming with the Chicago Ballet, Kelly couldn't stand it anymore and interrupted with her own story. Toni paused for a moment and then cut Kelly off.

"As I was saying..."

Kelly paused and interrupted again. And then Toni cut her off. And then both were talking at once as though they were oblivious to one another.

Steve was going to stop them but was getting turned on as they fought to push one another. They had their arms behind each others back trying to pinch one another and were firmly pressing their sides together from shoulder to hip. Toni's white nylons audibly hissed against Kelly's black ones as she tried to shift her right leg in front of Kelly's left and Kelly tried for the opposite. He was mesmirized by the sight of their struggle and the sound of their sexy voices as one and then other would gain dominance and then both would merge into an unintelligible hum of feminity. He was getting more and more aroused as the heat of their physical contest caused their voices to become more determined and more angry and the sound of their tangling legs grew louder.

Though this only went on about a minute or two, he felt his face getting hot and felt as though he would burst. He needed to sit down and hide the bulge in his pants. "I think I need to get something to drink. Would either of you like something?"

They both stopped and became asshamedly aware of their condition. "Uh.. I'm okay.. thanks anyway." "None .. for me.. thanks though. they stammered.

As he walked away, Dr. Harris returned to see the two still standing very close arms around one another. "I'm glad to you two are getting along so well. You already look like old friends. Where did Steve go? I needed to speak with him."

"Over there" they pointed with their free arms.

"Thank you." As soon as Dr. Harris was out of ear shot they relaxed their phony smiles and separated.

"What do you think you are doing?" they turned and said to one another through gritted teeth.

"What happened to you staying out of my way?" "What about you keeping your distance?" they then asked. Both got a look of disgust at the nerve of the other to suggest they should leave.

The two girls knew this had to be settled and took a hold of each others arm each believing they were leading the other as they headed to the nearest exit.

"He probably left because of you making us look so stupid" said Kelly as they walked out into the warm summer night.

"I'm making us look stupid? What about you starting that shoving match" returned Toni as they continued walking.

"You started it! I'm not going to just take that from some immature little priss like you"...shouted Kelly as she turned to face Toni in a dark corner of the parking lot.

"You want to talk about maturity? How mature was it when you kept interrupting me?" Toni shot back taking a step forward.

"You were boring him to tears the way you were going on and on. He was being polite to listen that long. Its obvious he wants to talk to me more." replied Kelly with this step she raised her hands as though to shove Toni. Toni grabbed her hands and the two pushed with interlaced fingers.

"What?" Toni stepped forward with a shout and their connected hands moved to the sides as equal champagne glass shaped breasts made contact.

"I believe he talked to me first." Kelly moved in closer smashing their perky breasts flat and putting their button noses a paper's width apart. They had begun a test of strength with their upraised hands.

"Big Deal. When you were trying to talk over the top of me, he asked you to be quiet and let me talk. And you still had to butt in.." said Toni pushing their noses together.

"I was sparing him your ego trip." spat Kelly her lips rubbing Toni's.

"If he wanted to hear about you, he would have asked you. Just take a hint and LEAVE!" said Toni punctuating her last word with a thrust of her body that pushed Kelly back an inch.

"You should have LEFT when he came over to meet me. Youre way out of your league to compete with me for guys" said Kelly punctuating the LEFT with a return thrust that pushed Toni back.

"Maybe they think your pretty back home but your not on the beach in a thong now so.." shouted Toni as she pushed her face into Kelly's. Kelly didn't move and once again their noses flattened together as they felt each others angry breath. Their nyloned knees rubbed as they furiously pressed against one another.

"I don't think you know what you talking about slut!" yelled Kelly with their so close together that the motion of hers moved Toni's as well.

With this their nyloned knees slipped past one another and simultaneously Toni wrapped her left leg around Kelly's right and Kelly wrapped her left around Toni's right. They pushed their foreheads against one another and swe as they tightened their legs together and pushed each others arms. As they struggled their legs worked deep into one another's crotch raising both their dresses high on their lovely thighs. The nylons ground loudly together and produced a hot friction. Their faces were now cheek to cheek and sticking wetly together. Neither had ever engaged in any kind of combat like this before and both were slightly confused and scared by this desire to smash their bodies together and the erotic turn the fight had taken. They were also afraid of getting caught.

"Let's let Steve settle this" they said together with strained voices.

At that the tension of their bodies and the grinding of their hips slowly died away. The two silently walked side by side back to the women's restroom to fix their hair and makeup before confronting Steve.

As Toni and Kelly walked back to the building where they party was held they each replayed their encounter in their minds. They each wondered what might have happened if they had not stopped their pressing and grinding. Both girls began to look over at the other and relive the sensation of their contact. It was so confusing to both. They each knew they hated the other yet they could not deny the desire to connect once more body-to-body and dominate their rival. They were each thinking that they were alone in this feeling and were wondering how to approach the subject when they reached the door to the building.

They were both lost deep in thought and made no move to pull it open when both stepped to reach for the handle at once with their right hands. Toni had her body in front of Kelly when their hands collided. Kelly had her body so her left breast pressed in to the back of Toni when they turned to face each other making their noses touch. "Excuse me." they said in unison.

Kelly grabbed the door from behind and Toni's hand landed on top of Kelly's, a position which slightly twisted their arms together. The two pulled the door open and both walked through at once, Kelly stepping forward with her right leg and Toni with her left slightly twisting their torsos toward one another and allowing adjacent breasts to touch. As Kelly's left leg was still positioned behind Toni's right as they attempted to move these legs forward they became tangled enough that they had to grab onto one another for balance. So once again they were holding each other chest to chest, with interlocking glares both longing to fight and both seeing the desire to continue in the opponents eyes, but they were inside now just down the hall from the party so both knew it wasn't a good idea. They just stood there for a minute or two though both pushing into the other a little more until the door to the party opened and Steve came out.

They quickly separated and ran to him almost knocking him over. "Were you looking for me" asked Kelly. "No need to worry. I'm back." said Toni.

"Actually ladies I'm not feeling too good. I'm going to try and get some rest tonight." Steve was actually lying. While Toni and Kelly were outside, Dr. Harris was warning Steve that he and the faculty were aware of Steve's reputation as a player and they would be watching him to be sure he did not continue these practices as a student teacher. To hang around and try and pick up these two in front of everybody would be career suicide.

"Oh thats terrible. Is there anything I can do?" Kelly and Toni asked together.

"No I just need some rest. Are the two of you in the new campus directory?"

"I am. You can call me if you need anything?" "I am. If you need anything just call?" they said at once.

"Anything at all" Kelly added with a wink.

"Thanks. You two are sweet. You'll be hearing from me."

As he disappeared out the door the two turned to each other and said "He's leaving because of you" and graoned in frustration.

"Well now we still don't know" said Toni.

"Actually we both know and you won't admit it" said Kelly.

"Ok bitch. Let's go back to my dorm and finish this" said Toni.

"I'm more than ready but I want you to see how wrong you are which requires Steve. You know, I don't even think he's sick. He really seemed fine a couple of minutes ago. He was probably just trying to get away from you" said Kelly.

"No I think he was sick. Sick of you butting in" said Toni.

"Well we'll see who he calls tonight." said Kelly.

"Let's go home and find out." said Toni both girls slightly irritated by this anti climax.

As the girls walked out the door they noticed Steve was still within eyeshot. "I guess he didn't drive" said Toni. "Guess not" said Kelly.

"He's walking the direction of my Dorm." both said at once. "Where do you live?" both asked. "Hillsdale 5th Floor" both replied. They then realized they couldn't stay that close to each other that night with out finding out from Steve.

"When we get back to the dorms lets.." started Kelly "..find out where Steve lives..." "...and pay him a visit."

Both ended up riding up the elevator to their floor together and continued down the hall into the bathroom to fix their hair and makeup. They did so in silence glaring at one another occassionally in the mirror as other women came in and out until they were alone and Toni broke the silence. "If you're not going to back down, I hope you're ready for disappointment because Steve wants me" as she applied a fresh coat of cherry red lipstick and checked her teeth.

Kelly was applying her red-brown lipstick and said "If Steve chooses you, which will never happen, he'll be the one disappointed. I felt your body and its not any match for mine."

As both girls finished with their lipstick and turned to face one another, Toni replied "You think you're hot in that slut dress but he'll see whose body is better next week when you put on your leotard for class."

"Yeah mine! I could even look better in that dress" said Kelly "We'll see! I look better in anything you would" said Toni

They stepped toward each other with chests thrust outward and pressed together.

"Let's trade dresses and see who looks better" said Kelly. "If you can fit in mine" said Toni.

They simultaneously reached behind one another to unzip their dresses and backed apart enough to lower their dresses. "Why don't we go to my room for more privacy" they said together. "No mine" they both replied. "The storage room" they both replied. They stepped out into the hall and headed the direction of an empty dorm room which was used to keep extra matresses and furniture for the rooms.

Once again they stepped together and unzipped on another. After removing their their arms from the dresses they stepped back together and grabbed and lowered each others dresses at the same time never letting go of the other's dress which allowed their erect nipples to rub through Kelly's black lace bra and Toni's red lace bra. They were both very excited by the contact and started concentrating to flick their nipples together when they both began to mistrust the intentions of the other thinking this was an attempt to steal their dress and leave them stranded in the room.

They neither one would let go of the others dress and as they faced one another and simultaneously tried to lower the dress over each other's hips the found themselves at an impasse. Both had to stoop to lower the other's dress but the bending meant their own dress couldn't be removed. As they both tried to stoop to remove the dresses their upper bodies and knees pushed against one another and their hips moved away from each other This put their chins on each others shoulders, smashed their breasts together, and caused their nyloned knees to slip past one another.

"Would you quit fighting me?" Kelly yelled out. "Let me have your dress!" Toni yelled. "You first!" said Kelly. "No you!" said Toni.

As of a single mind both ladies changed approach and started lifting their rival's dress instead of lowering it. Once the dress had been lifted over the waist they had the same problem: unless one let go the dresses would go nowhere. Both dresses were bunched around their waists.

"If you don't let go our dresses will get wrinkled before we get them off." said Toni. "You mean if you don't let go" said Kelly. Kelly let go with hand to pinch Toni's butt to get her point across. "You bitch!" said Toni as she pinched Kelly's butt. At this point both began pinching the others butt to try and get the other to let go. Toni upped the ante by digging all of her fingernails in Kelly's buttocks and soon Kelly was doing the same. All the while both were pulling each others body closere and closer until their pelvises made contact through their hose. Without thinking they shifted so that each had her leg in her rival's crotch. They continued to grip each other by the butt as they tried to grind their leg into each others crotch. Toni then stuck her hand down Kelly's black pantyhose and started to scratch at her bareskin. Once again Kelly quickly followed suit. As the two got more aroused the forgot all about exchanging dresses were cupping one another's tight buttocks with both hands as they concentrated on trying to overwhelm each others body with their own. Kelly started to her own dress over her head and Toni did the same whole time keeping their crotches glued to the others thigh. They both haphazardly hung their dresses on the hook the back of the door and let their firm warm stomachs come in contact.

Both girls had outtie belly buttons which they started to press together. Every point on their two bodies lined up perfectly.

Just then there was a knock on the door to the room. "Is everything OK in there?" asked the voice of the RA. A girl saw you go in here about ten minutes ago and were concerned that neither of you had come out. Someone else heard yelling."

The two quickly separately and looked at one other. "Everything's alright. We're just talking " "We're fine. We're just talking."they said at once.

At that point they looked over over another's bodies, both making a face of mock disgust. Except for differences in underwear it was like looking in a mirror but neither would admit that.

They snatched each others dresses and put them on barely taking their eyes off of one another. They once again stepped together chest to chest and zipped their dresses up. Neither girl wanted to let go in fact they wanted to take the dresses off but by mutual silent agreement both left the room and went back to the bathroom to compare side by side in the full length mirror.

"See. I look better" they said to each other at once to which they both rolled their eyes.

"We need to switch shoes before going back out" said Kelly

They quickly switched heels. Now Kelly in red silk with black hose and red heels and Toni in black silk with white hose and black shoes.

"I think we should switch hose too" said Toni. "Yes we should." said Kelly and the two practically ran back to the storage room.

Once inside both began to pull down their hose. Toni stepped out of the right leg of her hose off first and stopped. Kelly took off her left and watched for Toni to continue.

Toni stepped close to Kelly and started to put her right leg in the left leg of Kelly black hose. "What are you doing?" demanded Kelly.

"Wait a second Kelly I want to see which color I like best with this dress"

"I don't think so. These black hose go much better with black than with red. Take off your hose." Kelly said while stepping backward.

"They're my pantyhose so I don't have to." realizing how much Kelly wanted her white hose. As she started to take her leg out of Kelly's hose and put back on her own, Kelly grabbed the right leg of Toni's white hose and started putting them on, making the girls face to face.

"Let go" shouted Toni "NO I want the white hose or I want my dress back" "I'm not taking them off" said Toni "Neither am I." said Kelly

With this both girls concentrated on pulling up the white pantyhose getting them mid thigh on both with the crotch stretched diagonally between them and leaving the black pair at their knees. "You are in them backwards. Just take them off. " said Toni "Well you'll have a hard time wearing them with me in them won't you." replied Kelly.

Toni and Kelly pulled the hose as far as they could matching every inch of progress the other made until the nylon was cutting into their asses. Their dresses were resting on the waist of the hose stretched between them exposing their sheer panties.

Toni lifted her left foot and used it to remove the black hose from her right foot and then using her dancer's flexibility lifted her right leg to work it into the right leg of the white hose that Kelly was wearing. Kelly realizing what Toni was attempting quickly lifted her right leg above the waistband as well and started working it into the leg Toni was wearing. Both were on their one pantyhose covered leg and gripping each others shoulders for balance with their other bare leg doubled up between their torsos as they worked their feet into one anothers waistband. As precarious as this positioning was it was impossible for them to stop the others efforts until the force of them putting their feet had pushed the hose back to mid-thigh on both of their support legs.

Toni had her leg up to mid calf in Kelly's side while Kelly had barely gotten past her foot in when Toni said in a strained voice "My leg is further in. You may as well quit." "I'll quit... when you get out." grunted Kelly with effort as both continued

"Even if you got all the way in you'd still have to take them off and turn them around and I'm not going to let that happen" said Toni.

With that Kelly forced her leg completely into Toni's side by pushing the hose down to their knees. "I don't care if I don't wear them at all so long as you don't either." said Kelly as she leaned right to grab the waistband of the hose.

While Kelly concentrated her efforts on doing that Toni forced her right leg in the side Kelly had on her left leg and leaned to her right to grab the waistband on that side. At both girls smuggly pulled up on the waistband on the leg they had just conquered they realized they were equally in the hose. The waistband was at mid thigh and with each strenuous pull the garment held their bodies tighter and tighter together. Their pubic bones crushed together pressing their wet panties tight. "Get out you bitch" they yelled into one anothers face. "Make me!" they both responded.

Both gave the pantyhose a final jerk upward which put the waistband at waist level. They could actually hear the nylon giving way as small holes and large runs formed in the fabric but enough was intact that they were still quite bonded together. In fact their pubic areas were so tightly pressed that the slightest motion by either one would stimulate them both. They forced their hands into the hose to grab one anothers ass as they strained to control one another. Soon both were pulling hard on one anothers panties until both had snapped. They felt their neatly trimmed bushes combine and their mingled juices flowing.

Both girls were surprised by the warm feeling of their exposed cxnts and naked pelvises connecting and were in a state of shock for a moment. Their eyes locked as they leaned back from each other with their upper bodies. They could feel runs forming in the nylon but they were still fused from waist to ankles. The pressure of the waistband straining to hold them together was somewhat painful but the crotch seam of the pantyhose stimulating to their anuses as the stretching had pulled it tight into both butts. As this was the first sexfight for both and in slightly unusual circumstances neither knew how to proceed. Without any discussion both reached around the others back to unzip and remove their dresses. Their stomachs were firm together and both were leaning back fighting their nipples together through their bras. After a few second though both were unfastening each others bra and resumed their breast war with their stiff nipples sending a tingling through both. They now totally nude except for their shared pantyhose. They tried to maneuever their cxnts against one another but the hose and the stickiness of their skin forced their lower bodies to move as one any motion being a compromise of their conflicting wills. Their public bones felt as though they had been fused together. "You stupid bitch. Look at us!" said Toni in a quiet growl. "You started this. This is what you wanted isn't." responded Kelly also quietly as they didn't want to be found in this state. They looked deep in to each others eyes nose to nose. "You slut!" "You whore!" they said at once causing their lips to rub together. Immediately both opened their mouths wide and sealed their lips fighting to push past each others tongue into the others mouth. They tightly bearhugged one another as they attempted to grind their pussies together but the gyration of their hips continued to be a single combination of their individual motions. As they got more sweaty struggling to control their shared legs and hips their skin began to slide a bit. If anything this made the struggle more intense becuase instead of trying to overcome skin to skin friction they now found themselves trying to stretch the already taut hose in opposite directions. Their shifting ended up with both girls having their feet turned out to their sides knees slightly bent and their inner thighs touching, a position made possible by their dancer's flexibilty. They now were rubbing their cxnts together as the nylon though still tight had been stretched out to the point that it no longer could oppose their powerful dancer's muscles. They slid their hips against one another until their rhythms combined into a mutually stimulating up and down motion. Their knees bent a little further, their stance a little lower, and their legs spread a little more with each cycle of the rhythm. Eventually the two had reached the floor in the splits their cxnts spread out against each other as far as possible. Sitting flat on the floor in the split position their mutual grind was hard to maintain. They stopped their sloppy kiss fight and tried to reposition. After some manoevering, both ended up with their left legs bent forward slightly at the hip and their right legs straight so that Kelly's left leg passed over Toni's right, and Kelly's left knee bent so that it hooked around and passed under Toni's knee. Toni's left leg was twisted around Kelly's right in the same way, a feat only possible by two limber dancers. They leaned back on their arms and pushed their pelvises even tighter, juicy cxnts melting together. They leaned back and ground together this way twisting their legs together with increasing pressure each pair of legs like two battling boa constrictors, each girl trying to dominate the other with her leg strength. Their legs were so tightly wrapped that through the fraying white pantyhose it was impossible to tell where one girls leg stopped and the other began or that any barrier between their leg flesh existed. As by mutual silent agreement both quit leaning back on their arms to push and smacked their upper torsoes back together to continue their tougue duel. The tightness of their locked legs maintained the pressure of their sealed cxnts while they kissed. For the next few moments every corresponding inch of their bodies was fused in tight contact from head to toe as each tried to overpower the other in this ultimate erotic battle, testing each muscle against each other. They pressed togeher so intensely it was though they wished to break through the skin that separated their bodies and touch their souls together. The electric feeling through out their combined bodies became more intense until an incredible orgasm merged them completely ever more, their pussies pulsing in sync, their streams of cum crashing head on and blending together and squirting from between their tightly sealed lips. The felt as though nothing was distinct between them as they shared this most gratifying and intense experience. Their kissing slowed and the pressure weakened until they held each other and panted on one another's shoulders. "Well you destroyed my white hose so I get your black ones", said Toni. Kelly:"No I think I won the battle so I will keep the hose and Steve." Toni: "No I get both. After all you came first" Kelly:"No you did. So I get both." BOTH: "Let's go to my room and settle this!" .