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Scissor Queen Vs Rough Neck Wrassler Double Indemnity

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Offline Wildthing2001

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Scissor Queen Vs Rough Neck Wrassler Double Indemnity
« on: October 27, 2021, 02:17:29 PM »
This is a on going tale of a macho guy who challenged the wrong gal to a NHB fight be sure to read the prior chapters of Scissor Queen Vs Rough Neck Wrassler . Be sure to read prior chapters to get up to speed on what has led up to this moment...
Scissor Queen Vs rough Neck Pt 5
 Shit I can’t sit here while that cxnt rides my babies face like it’s some kind of sex toy” Lucy says rising taking a step towards her trapped girlfriend. Hold it right there you’re not going to interfere in this after all my girl beat yours fair and square so to the winner goes the spoils” Olivia informs the redhead blocking her path.

 Get the fuck out of my way lard ass before I move you myself, don’t think just because you’re a couple of tons heavier than me I won’t kick your ass” the little Latina hisses from between clenched teeth showing that she’s not intimidated by the big blonde. Now hold on one minute ladies this is all supposed to be fun and sportsmanship like not turning into a real bitch brawl” I laugh trying g to calm the two angry woman.

 What the fuck did you just call us “they say in unison turning their ‘We hate penisi” glare on me which I haven’t seen since Karen saw me cooking in the kitchen with no clothes on. Come on girls you know I meant no harm it’s just what you’ve chicks been referring to each other all night Sooo I thought it was a Ok term to use” I laugh nervously trying to ease the rapidly rising tensions.
 Ain't no man especially a little pansy like you supposed to ever call me that unless they're willing to back it up now are you willing to back it up boy" Olivia challenges stepping up getting in my space bumping her big rack against my still tender nipples( compliments of that blonde bitch grinding away on my roomies face) . Fuck off little man and I’m not talking about your height “Olivia scoffs again bumping me backwards.
 The big bitches bravado trying to intimidate me plus Lucy's giggling at her making fun of the size of my member makes me lose my temper bumping Olivia back crushing her rather large rack.
 So it seems like you wanna  get another ass kicking bitch but I’m not as nice as my girl Ill rip your little wiener right off your pasty little body” Olivia screams shoving me so hard that I stumble back into fighting area.
 YOU WANT SOME COME GET SOME COW” I scream as I lose it not caring rather this buffalo butt bitch takes me apart or not. Knowing that Olivia isn’t the swiftest of woman I wait until she’s almost within arm’s reach before moving to my right shooting my knee up into her pudgy midsection. OOOPPPHH” is the sound the would be man-eater makes stopping in her tracks grabbing her stomach. I target Olivia’s most appetizing offering hitting her with a forearm smash once again crushing her mammoth melons.
 Told you not to fuck with me cxnt” I laugh dancing around sending quick jabs at Olivia’s dangling huge 55 GG breast. I then start to play dirty pulling Olivia’s shirt over her head swinging her around in a circle finally releasing the busty BBW whipping her into the corner . I follow sprinting quickly closing the distance between us leaping in the air performing a flying body splash.
 I bounce off the now sagging would be tough girl stepping back measuring her for another splash asking if she’s had enough or do I have to really work her whale like ass over. Fuck off piss boy once I get this fucking shirt off its over for you” Olivia screams shrugging the garment up getting it half way off as I’m about to resume my attack. I’m about to take a step when I’m assaulted by white hot spikes of pain freezing me in my tracks.  Aaaarrrgh” I cry out as I feel a weight crash down upon my back finally realizing that I’m being attacked from behind by Lucy who has decided to join the fray siding with the woman that she was just about to battle.
 The little sexy pixie jumps me from behind wrapping her legs around my waist reaching around grabbing a hold of my nipples.  My legs tremble under the weight and assault of my unwelcome passenger who releases my sore tenderized chest wrapping her slim but deceptively strong arms around my head and neck.

 Panic sets in as I realize that Lucy has just locked me in a tight sleeper hold and then to make matters worse Olivia has freed herself of her shirt standing huffing and puffing rubbing her belly which bears red marks where I struck. My turn now punk” is all Olivia grunts as she steps forward slamming a knee into my gut lifting me off my feet.

 Dropped to the mat lucky that Lucy is still attached or who knows what Olivia would have done instead she physically removes the little brunette battler throwing her to the side. I try and use the distraction to my advantage quickly rolling to my hands and knees watching Olivia deposited Lucy throwing her across the room where she lands a couple of feet away.
 I spring from my kneeling position slamming my shoulder into a just turning Olivia’s stomach surprisingly knocking his rotund opponent off her feet. I hit her hard but I didn’t think I still had my old football skills from high school as I perform a perfect SPEAR “as if I’m hitting a practice dummy on the old field.
I roll over scrambling to my feet expecting and receiving an attack from behind and am not disappointed as Bonnie leaps at me trying to catch me unaware again.


Offline Wildthing2001

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Re: Scissor Queen Vs Rough Neck Wrassler Double Indemnity
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2021, 02:38:20 PM »
Fool me once shame on you ,fool me twice well you know how the rest goes as does I who ducks down allowing a diving Lucy to sail harmlessly over my head crashing to the mat. I’m on her in the blink of an eye dropping an elbow down catching the little vixen across the back of her neck causing Lucy to cry out rolling over onto her back holding her neck leaving herself open to a stomp to the breadbasket. Air forced from her shapely frame I leap in the air coming down butt first onto her nice 36 C rack crushing out what fight she had left  before sliding down to sit upon her flat tummy. I lock her arms at her side using my knees keeping them restrained as I peel off her tube top t taking a sniff of it before throwing it over my shoulder.
 Nice little ta ta’s you’ve got here always wondered how they looked uncovered always wondered if you had little thick nubs for nipples or long thick pointy ones. IIIIIEEEEE, STOP YOU SON OF A BITCH I'M GOANNA FUCKING KILL YOU “ Lucy cries out as I pinch twist and then stretch her nipples pulling her big melons away  from her body.
Guess I was correct on the second choice huh Lucy's big thick nips “I tease bouncing as my prisoner tries to buck me off.  I’m having so much fun I it never occurs to me that my trapped opponent has stopped bucking and cursing.

Instead now a spiteful smile on her face as she sees something I don’t or should I say someone as a recovered Olivia makes her presence known slamming an elbow down across the back of my neck sending me crashing to the mat. I must escape knowing that I could handle one but not two of these hellacious Hellcats in a fight which is just what this has become . I crawl across the mat trying to make it to the exit only to be caught by my leg dragged back into the makeshift ring.
 Thrown into the corner followed by Olivia who leaps in the air huge ass crashing into my torso leaving me slumped against the turnbuckles. So where’s all the tough macho bullshit now” Lucy laughs before punting me right in the gonads. For any guy reading this who’s ever been hit in the balls full force. I don’t have to describe the pain. For any woman or guy whose never experienced this well let’s just say its Gods way of equalizing the sexes physically.
 The nut shot coupled with Olivia’s big booty bash leaves me a crumpled mess on the mat which my two angry antagonist takes advantage stomping and kicking while calling me every name in the book.
 Please no more please don’t do it I’m begging I wanna have kids someday” I beg as Lucy grabs one leg and Olivia the other spreading them wide. Please, please I wanna have kids someday stop whining like a little girl and take your punishment like a man “Olivia mocks as Lucy stomps down between my legs. Body shaking trying to hold back the bile that’s trying to force its way up my throat and out of my mouth eyes pleading as the ball busting bitches switch places. Dreading what I know is coming as Olivia raises her leg big grin on her face as big knee hovering over my crotch.  Say nighty night little boy” is all I remember before everything goes black …