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Housewife vs Wrestler - Part 2

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Housewife vs Wrestler - Part 2
« on: December 11, 2008, 10:07:06 PM »
As Shirley continues to bounce her sexy curvy butt all over Lisa's face, the wrestler's humiliation and embarrassment quickly turns to anger. In a fit of rage, she reaches up and is able to push the housewife off of her face. As Shirley rolls onto the floor beside her, Lisa pounces on her opponent and pins her down, straddling the housewife's belly. "If you ever put your fat butt in my face again, I will kill you!" the wrestler screams as she begins pounding Shirley's huge boobs. The housewife cries out in pain as Lisa uses her huge breasts for punching bags. After a flurry of punches, the wrestler grabs Shirley's short dark hair with both hands and jerks her up to her feet. She begins to reapply the full-nelson hold on the housewife. "This time I'm not letting go until you beg for mercy!" Lisa screams. The wrestler gets behind Shirley once again and forces her arms back while pushing her head forward in a full nelson. Only now, Shirley is prepared for the move and she reacts by slamming her right heel down hard back into Lisa's ankles. Lisa is shocked by the pain and loosens her grip on Shirley's arms. The housewife quickly spins around and begins punching sharply into the wrestler's large breasts. "How does it feel?" she asks Lisa as she now uses the wrestler's boobs for punching bags. Lisa tries to bring her arms up to defend her chest, but it is too little, too late. Shirley slams her left fist hard and deep into Lisa's big belly. When the wrestler doubles over, Shirley brings her knee up hard into Lisa's crotch. Lisa sinks to the floor moaning.

While Lisa is on her knees trying to recover from Shirley's attacks, the curvy housewife turns around and sticks her sexy butt in the wrestler's face again. "Kiss it!" she commands. Lisa is infuriated and slaps Shirley's right butt cheek hard, making it jiggle in her white cotton panties. The housewife spins back around quickly and slaps Lisa in the face. "Good! You've still got some fight left in you," Shirley smiles. Shirley grabs Lisa by her shoulder-length hair and slings her down to the floor, straddling the wrestler's big belly. Shirley reaches out with her left hand and slaps Lisa's right breast. "Look at these pathetic flabby boobs! Here let me show what a real woman's boobs are like," as she says this, the housewife pulls the wrestler's face into her massive breasts and begins to smother her. Lisa bucks her hips, kicks her legs, and flails her arms, trying to get out of the smother, but Shirley holds on to her tightly. "Just relax and enjoy it," Shirley taunts her opponent as the wrestler's muffled cries fill the room.

To be continued...



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Re: Housewife vs Wrestler - Part 2
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2008, 10:37:49 PM »
This story is getting intersting.  Thank you for writing this story fivesix.
