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Ditte's defeats.

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Offline Dr Hansen

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Ditte's defeats.
« on: February 13, 2024, 08:21:55 PM »

First defeat.
Ditte vs Pia.
Tension had been building between Ditte and Pia for quite some time. Their once-friendly relationship had slowly transformed into a battle of egos, each trying to outdo the other. As their arguments and disagreements escalated, they reached a point of no return. A wrestling match was the only way to settle their differences.

Ditte, standing tall and confident, believed her size advantage would guarantee her victory. She had the upper hand physically, sporting a taller and more muscular build compared to Pia. With a mischievous smile, Ditte taunted Pia, fueling her own confidence and underestimating her opponent.

Little did Ditte know, Pia possessed a calculating mind and had been secretly honing her wrestling skills. She understood the importance of strategy and technique and had spent hours practicing behind closed doors. Pia entered the arena seemingly calm and collected, silently sizing up Ditte, who smirked arrogantly in response.

As the referee blew the whistle, the wrestling match began. Ditte immediately went on the offensive, using her strength and size to overpower Pia. But much to Ditte's surprise, Pia skillfully evaded her attempts, gracefully outmaneuvering her larger foe. The crowd watched in awe as Pia used her speed and agility to her advantage.

Despite Ditte's numerous attempts to take control of the match, Pia continued to exhibit outstanding skill and persistence. Each time Ditte thought she had the upper hand, Pia would skillfully reverse the situation, leaving her opponent frustrated and wide-eyed. It became painfully apparent to Ditte that her overconfidence had become her downfall.

In a stunning turn of events, Pia effortlessly forced Ditte to surrender not once, but five times in a row. The crowd was taken aback, erupting in applause and cheers for Pia's incredible display of skill and determination. Ditte's confidence shattered, replaced by a mix of embarrassment and admiration for Pia.

As the match concluded, Pia's victory was sealed, but she wanted to teach Ditte a valuable lesson in humility. With a compassionate yet fierce expression, Pia approached Ditte, twisting her arm behind her back forcing her to scream "AIIAAIAAH I GIVE UP! YOU'RE STRONGER! I'VE BEEN DEFEATED"
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Offline Dr Hansen

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Re: Ditte's defeats.
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2024, 08:27:04 PM »

Second defeat.

Ditte vs Lisa

Ditte stepped out of the wrestling ring with her head hung low, her heart heavy after her defeat to Pia. The crowd's cheers that once filled the air had dwindled to a mere murmur. She could taste the bitterness of failure, and it soured her mood further. As she made her way towards the locker room, a burst of uncontrollable giggles caught her attention.

Turning her gaze, Ditte saw a slim blonde named Lisa, standing amongst a group of spectators. The sound of her laughter grated on Ditte's frayed nerves. "What's so funny?" Ditte snapped, her anger getting the best of her. In an impulsive moment, she lunged forward and grabbed hold of Lisa's arm, hoping to silence her laughter.

Quick as a flash, Lisa evaded her grip, slipping behind her with ease. In one fluid motion, Lisa wrapped her arms around Ditte, applying a bearhug from behind. Ditte felt the air being squeezed from her lungs as they both stumbled to the ground. Gasping for breath, she struggled in Lisa's grip, her mind racing for a way to escape.

But Lisa wasn't done. Unyielding, she shifted her hold, contorting Ditte's arm into a hammerlock. Lisa's voice was firm but infused with amusement. "Are you ready to give up?" she asked, her tone challenging.

"OK! OK!" Ditte cried out, her voice tinged with defeat. The pain and humiliation were overwhelming, and she couldn't bear it any longer. "OK what?" Lisa prodded, relishing in Ditte's submission.

"OK! I GIVE UP!" Ditte's scream of surrender echoed in the arena, a stark reminder of her defeat. As Lisa released her grip, Ditte rose to her feet, her face now etched with anger. Blinded by frustration, she aimed an open-handed slap at Lisa, desperate to restore her lost dignity.

But Lisa proved to be nimble and evaded Ditte's slap effortlessly. In a display of agility, she swiftly took Ditte down, putting her in a Camel Clutch. Ditte's body arched unnaturally, the strain on her back intensifying with each passing second. "AIIIAAH, I GIVEEEE!" Ditte screamed, the pain searing through her.

This dance of dominance repeated itself three more times. Lisa, displaying her astounding versatility, utilized a surfboard resulting in Ditte sceaming ”AIIAAIAAH! I SUBMIIIT” Headscissors untill she readfaced crocked her admission of defeat. A full nelson camel clutch combination forced screams of submission from Ditte. The audience watched in awe as Lisa showcased her strength and skill, while Ditte swallowed her pride, yielding to her superior opponent.

As Ditte lay there, defeated for the second time that day.

Lisa straddled her back, grabb hold of her arms and pulled her up in a Camel Clutch position.

”What do you say now” Lisa said tauntingly ” Who is the winner?”

”Ngggga! You’re the winner” she croacked.

” What are you” Lisa asked ”I’m the loser” Ditte whispered.

”Say it loudler! I can barely hear you” Lisa demanded


The crowd erupted in thunderous applause!
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Offline Dr Hansen

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Re: Ditte's defeats.
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2024, 04:52:47 AM »

Third defeat.
Ditte was enjoying a peaceful day at the beach, the warm sand between her toes, and the sound of crashing waves filling her ears. As she lounged on her beach towel, soaking up the sun's rays, she couldn't help but feel a sense of calm and relaxation.

Little did she know, her tranquility was about to be interrupted by three girls in their late teens. Emma, Jessica, and Judy approached her, their exuberance and curiosity evident in their eyes. Emma, taking the lead, mustered the courage to ask, "Are you Ditte? We saw you lose in wrestling to Pia and Lisa last week, and we would like to face you as well."

Surprised and slightly taken aback by the unexpected request, Ditte hesitated for a moment before agreeing. She had never considered herself much of a wrestler, but the prospect of a new challenge excited her.

Emma, small and slim, stepped forward as Ditte's opponent for the first fall. As the match began, Ditte soon realized she was up against a formidable opponent. Emma swiftly caught Ditte in a figure-four headscissor, her strong legs squeezing the life out of Ditte. Desperately struggling to free herself, Ditte twisted and turned, her face flushing red from the exertion, before finally croaking, "I give."

Relieved to be released from the excruciating hold, Ditte and Emma stood up, their bodies glistening with sweat. Jessica, one of the spectators, raised Emma's arm, announcing, "Emma 1, Ditte 0."

Not one to back down easily, Ditte rallied her energy, determined to make a comeback. However, Emma displayed her prowess once again in the second fall. With a seamless transition, Emma locked Ditte in a double toed leglock surfboard combination, causing Ditte immense pain and she said ”I Give Up” through grittet teath. As Jessica raised Emma's arm again, declaring, "Emma 2, Ditte 0," Ditte felt her hopes diminishing.

The third fall saw Emma applying a brutal camel clutch, further demonstrating her strength and dominance. With Ditte's back arching, her body in agony she screamed ”AIIAAIAAH I SUBMIIIT ”Jessica confidently announced, "Emma 3, Ditte 0."

Exhausted and emotionally drained, Ditte fought to maintain her composure. But it was clear that Emma had established her superiority. In the fourth submission, Emma skillfully applied a hammerlock, causing Ditte to cry ”OH MY GOD! I GIVE UP” in agony. Jessica, her voice echoing through the beach, proclaimed, "Emma 4, Ditte 0."

Ditte's spirit was on the verge of breaking. Her body strained, battered, and bruised, she had little left to offer in the final round. Emma, sensing victory within her grasp, executed a devastating move. She pinned Ditte flat on her back, trapping her arms between her muscular legs. Ditte struggled with all her might, the desperation evident in her eyes, before finally screaming, "OK, OK, I GIVE UUUP! I’M DEFEATED!"

With an air of finality, Jessica announced, "Winner of the match with 5 submissions to 0 is Emma over Ditte."

Ditte lay on the beach, tears welling up in her eyes. She felt defeated, both physically and emotionally.
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Offline D69again

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Re: Ditte's defeats.
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2024, 05:18:25 AM »
Ditte is beautiful! A jobber but gorgeous!
Beware of Project 2025! Read it! At least read the highlights! The radical religious right are coming after us who like sites like this one. Vote, while you still can, to stop Project 2025.


Offline Dr Hansen

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Re: Ditte's defeats.
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2024, 02:43:01 PM »

Fourth defeat.
The sun beat down on the sandy beach as the waves crashed against the shore. The atmosphere was filled with anticipation as the wrestling match between Ditte and Jessica unfolded before the mesmerized audience.

Having just lost to Emma, Ditte was determined to prove herself. She locked eyes with Jessica, who was now her opponent, with an intense stare. The referee, Emma, stood between them, ready to officiate the match.

The bell rang, signaling the start of the first submission. Ditte lunged at Jessica, trying to gain the upper hand. But Jessica was quick to counter, trapping Ditte's legs and pulling back on her arms with a double-toed leglock surfboard combination. The pain shot through Ditte's body, forcing her to scream ”OOOH AAARGH! I GIVE! I GIVE! I GIIVEEE!”, much to the delight of the cheering crowd. Emma declared the score, "Jessica 1 Ditte 0."

Undeterred by her previous defeat, Ditte fought on, determined to turn the tide. But Jessica proved to be a formidable opponent. With a swift move, she locked Ditte in a tight bodyscissor, squeezing the air out of her. Ditte struggled, but it was no use, after a while she gasped ”Nggggah! I Submit”. Emma announced, "Jessica 2 Ditte 0."

The beach became a battlefield as the match intensified. With a display of superiority, Jessica executed a powerful boston Crab, causing Ditte to scream in agony as her body contorted. Emma's voice filled the air, "Jessica 3 Ditte 0."

Ditte's desperation grew with every submission she suffered. Jessica pressed on, relentless in her pursuit of victory. She applied a full nelson camel clutch combination, wrenching Ditte's back into a painful arch. The audience winced as Ditte's cries of ”I GIVE! I GIVEEEE!” echoed across the beach. Emma didn't hesitate to proclaim, "Jessica 4 Ditte 0."

It seemed as though all hope was lost for Ditte. She was bruised and battered, pushed to her limits while Jessica showed no mercy. But in the face of defeat, Ditte found a flicker of resilience. With a surge of adrenaline, she refused to give up.

In a final act of dominance, Jessica twisted Ditte's arm behind her back, parading her around in front of the cheering and laughing audience. Ditte's screams of both pain and admission of defeat ”AIIAAIAAH! LET ME GO! THE MATCH IS OVER! YOU DEFEATED ME! I’M A LOSER!” filled the air, leaving no doubt about the outcome of the match. Emma's voice boomed, "Winner of the match with 5 submissions to 0 is Jessica over Ditte."

The crowd erupted in applause, their laughter boomed across the beach.
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Offline Dr Hansen

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Re: Ditte's defeats.
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2024, 03:00:36 PM »

Fifth defeats.

Ditte vs Judy

The sun beat down on the sandy beach as Ditte stood in the makeshift wrestling ring, her dark hair cascading over her shoulders. She had just suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of Emma and Jessica, and now she faced her final challenger, Judy. Ditte's brows furrowed as she assessed her opponent, a smaller and more agile teen, but with a fire in her eyes that sent a shiver through Ditte's spine.

Jessica, the confident and authoritative referee, stood by the ring, ready to signal the beginning of the match. The crowd gathered around the ring, their voices mixing with the crashing sound of the waves, creating an electric atmosphere. Ditte could feel her heart racing, her adrenaline pumping through her veins.

With a shrill whistle, Jessica initiated the match, and Ditte lunged at Judy, her intentions clear. But Judy was quick and agile, dodging Ditte's advances with the grace of a sea lion frolicking in the waves. Ditte growled in frustration as Judy seized the opportunity and locked her in a double hammerlock. The pain shot through Ditte's arms and she screamed ”AIIAAIAAH! OK! I GIVE UP ”, the crowd erupting in cheers.

"Judy 1, Ditte 0!" Jessica announced, her voice echoing across the beach.

Not ready to give up, Ditte mustered her strength and fought back, attempting to regain control of the match. But Judy, like a nimble dolphin, slipped away from Ditte's clutches, countering her moves with precision and skill. Ditte soon found herself trapped in a figure-four headscissor, the pressure tightening around her neck. The pain was excruciating, forcing Ditte to submit once more, her screams echoing against the crashing waves.

"Judy 2, Ditte 0!" the referee declared, her voice carrying over the roaring crowd.

The match continued, each fall dominated by Judy's quickness and agility. She executed a devastating Camel clutch, wrenching Ditte's back and forcing her to  scream ”OOOH MY GOD! I SUBMIIIT ”

Tightening her grip, Judy transitioned seamlessly into a double toed-leglock surfboard combination. Ditte writhed in pain, her muscles protesting against the twisted positions her body was forced into. Unable to bear it any longer, Ditte cried out in agony ”AIIAAIAAH! PLEASE LET ME GO! I SURRENDER” signaling her defeat for the fourth time.

"Judy 4, Ditte 0!" Jessica's voice announced, the tension palpable.

The final fall came swiftly, Judy capturing Ditte in a punishing Boston Crab. Ditte fought valiantly, her body strained and exhausted, her screams of defiance filling the air. But, alas, her efforts proved to be in vain as Judy pinned her down, the weight of defeat resting heavily on Ditte's shoulders. With a final scream ”AARRGH! AIIAAIAAH! I’VE BEEN DEFEATED” i admission of her ultimate defeat.

"And the winner of the match, with five submissions to zero, is Judy over Ditte!" Jessica's voice boomed across the beach, swallowed by the resounding applause from the crowd.

As Ditte lay there, her chest heaving with exhaustion, Judy extended a hand to help her up. Despite the bitter taste of defeat, Ditte accepted the gesture, acknowledging Judy's victory raising her hand saying” She is the winner! I’m the loser” in a final admission of defeat.
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