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Beautiful n bodacious 70's catfight tourny Fin 4 Catherine Bach VS Raquel Welch

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Offline stormbolt7

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Here we go ....

Winner this one to move to the final battle ..

Damn .. Both ladies so fine ..posters and they seemed to influence some wardrobe styles.
2 smokin Hawt ladies here ..

Now which one wins? Which is sexier, better swimsuit body?


Offline griffin

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  • I love catfights!
Catherine Bach wins the catfight and has the better swimsuit body.


Offline hangaround

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WOW! Two of my all-time favorites going at it here. This is a tough one to call!!!
Raquel Welch in her prime was a sex symbol and many considered her to be the sexiest woman alive. Catherine, a sex symbol in her own right, never achieved the sex symbol status that Raquel did. Raquel had more curves than an hourglass and anyone who has seen her earlier films where she donned a bikini can attest to that fact. Her role as 'Lust' in Bedazzled with Dudley Moore was some sexy scenes and if that didn't get a rise out you, then you were just plain dead lol. And lets not forget about her catfight scenes in film. One Million Years BC...catfighting a raven-haired beauty in loin cloth type bikinis  ;) and her roll as KC in the Kansas City Bomber? She was a hellcat on skates! Also her little playful scrap with Faye Dunaway in the Three Musketeers. Now I don't know who was in charge of the Dukes of Hazzards BUT when it came to Catherine Bach catfighting, someone dropped the ball  >:( >:( >:( >:( Talk about a golden opportunity for such a leggy hottie as Daisy to get into ALL kinds of fights and it just NEVER happened  >:( >:( >:( >:(
So overall body/beauty Raquel Welch and as far as the catfighting part goes, if this were a one-off catfight I'd vote for Raquel but with Lynda Carter waiting in the wings, I think I'll give it to Catherine Bach because she'll stand a better chance of giving LC a close catfight.
This is just my personal take. I love Catherine Back but Raquel Welch is my all-time dream girl. Whoever wins this fight will for sure be getting my next vote.


Offline stormbolt7

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Wish I could remember the episode.
Think they did have Daisy get into it with another lady .
Dukes and outlaw crew. That had female.

Think they actually had Daisy and her end up in the mud, before it was settled.
Bo and Luke handling the guys.

Again though that was rare event.
Hope I'm remembering right.
Cool quick search found it

Treasure of Hazzard name of episode


Offline stormbolt7

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Have to admit I do not disagree with the results ..
Yet due to popularity in culture ... Figured Raquel would take it

THAT said your winner
CATHERINE BACH and what a close battle it was !!
Raquel got the vote for sexier swimsuit bod.
But Catherine wins and moves to the final..

Hopefully get that started this weekend still

THANKS for those of you keeping up with this.