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3d Art & Story - Tara vs Christina Pt. 2

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Offline freshfight

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3d Art & Story - Tara vs Christina Pt. 2
« on: December 13, 2008, 09:12:32 PM »

Christina attempted to gain a psychological advantage by trying to humble Tara's prize assets with her own busty chest but the blonde's breasts caved in without even putting up a fight. Christina, not used to her opponents having tougher breasts than her own, is horrified by what she sees.

"Something wrong Christina, maybe you forgot to pump those babies up before you left the house this morning"? Tara taunted.

Christina couldn't believe what she was seeing, she had never come across anyone that had a tougher chest than her. The humiliation that she felt turned into a rage that she had never felt before and she knew exactly where to direct it.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2008, 02:55:26 AM by freshfight »