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My wife saga - Chapter 2

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My wife saga - Chapter 2
« on: May 08, 2011, 04:13:45 PM »
Here the second chapter of the 'saga'. Again I would like to get your feedbacks, inputs and suggestions: these are important to let me know what do you think about the story and to have support for the next chapters.. so do not be shy !!! - Again .. forgive my english
So the day came!
The evening before was terrific: I could see and feel the extreme level of tension and stress of my wife, she, even if I was trying to get some from here, almost did not say a single word and ate almost nothing going to bed very soon.
The same happened also in the morning and at early afternoon, approaching the challenge time, she before asked to me to go down in the garden waiting for her and the she stepped in the bathroom to prepare herself.
When I stepped down in the closed and reserved garden all our neighbours were already there sitting around the grass area appointed like a sort of ring and I felt myself very embarrassed because all the eyes were on me.
Let me introduce our neighbours so you can have an idea about them… they will have important roles in our ‘saga’.
First we have a very rich couple, considering their money they are really considered in the building. The man is called Rob, he is 60yo, about 5.6 for 179 lbs. His hair are still in place and are dyed black except on the head sides where they are white. On his face he has black moustache and he has a look vulgar and a thickset body exactly like his wife called Carla. She has the same age of Julie (55), is tall about 5.5 for at least 172 lbs. Her face, always with an heavy make-up, is ugly and squared and the mouth is prominent and big showing, when opened, prominent teeth. The hair are permed and curly badly dyed blonde long to the neck base. In conclusion two horrible persons with the only merit to have a lot of money.
On their left side there was a divorced woman living at the first floor with her new boyfriend. Her name is Joanna and she is 50 yo old, but she looks more than 10 years younger. She is really beautiful and, to give you an idea, she seems to me the double of he actress Senta Berger in her best shape. She is 5.5 tall for 142 lbs and her body is still perfect and toned: well formed sides and straight legs, a perfect ass so as the tits, a flat belly and as already said a face double of Senta always perfectly maked-up. The hair are thick and wavy combed back long to the mid back with an amazing coppered red color. Her only problem? She is unpleasant at least as she is beautiful, to give you an idea I have never heard her saying or answering a simple ‘Good day’.
Sitting at her side there was her boyfriend really worthy of her. He should be 45 yo, tall more than 6 fts for 172 lbs with a very athletic body, extremely formed muscles and a face we could define, to be a man, interesting for a woman. His hair are black and wavy always perfect. He is worthy of Joanna, not only for the great shape, but also because like his partner I never heard him to say a word.
And with this we have completed the presentation of our neighbours, but I noticed sitting there another couple not living in our building, but that I knew to be friend of the rich couple.
The name of the woman should be Sharon and she should be a little older than her friend Carla, so let say about 58yo for 5.2 ft and 150 lbs. Her face shows all her age with several wrinkles around the small eyes and the thin mouth, the body is also right for the age: a sort of little wardrobe without sides and muscles with an extreme prominent fat belly and falling tits. Her hair style is ridiculous , considering her age, with a straight and swallow gray bobcut with a fringe half covering the right eye and black dyed stripes. The make-up is an exact copy of the one of her friend with the old face heavily covered with greasepaint, dark red lipstick on the mouth and blue rimmel and black mascara around the eyes: in conclusion a real mask.
Her husband, called Anthony, should be 62yo for 5.4 ft and about 175 lbs, a sort of little barrel with a fat rounded and red face with few gray hair only on the head sides and extremely small eyes: in few words an insignificant little man.
Finally, standing behind the rich couple, there was Mary, the woman doing the cleaning of the common areas and of the garden of the building. She is 35 yo, tall 5.3 for about 142 lbs, so she is a little too robust, but her body is really toned and muscular, for sure effect oh the job she does. Her face is nice and well proportioned in eyes, incredibly blue, nose and mouth. Her hair are blonde in a spiked boycut. She is really a nice person always available to answer our requests and to support in case of need.
To close the presentations, I introduce myself. My name is Joe, 47 yo tall 5.9 for 164 lbs. I would say that my body is well proportioned, slim and toned even if not so muscular and I demonstrate less than my real age. My hair are black, only few of them are turning gray, and still in place even if with a little, let me say very little, receding hairline.
So now all the main characters of the saga have been discovered and we will see in the coming chapters how they will be part of the story.
Still with all the eyes of the attendees following me and feeling my embarrassment growing looking at some smirks of them, I took a chair and sat alone on the border of the grass area looking around nervously with the only good feeling that I was realizing that at least from outside the building no one could see what was going to happen here.
I was still considering that when suddenly I noticed that all the eyes were no more looking at me. I turned my eyes in the same direction and immediately I felt a sensation like as my heart was halting.
Julie was stepping out of the building and approaching us, her look was terrific and amazing at the same time. She was barefoot and wearing only black bra and panties showing a body that I could not imagine before: toned, well formed and with sculpted muscles.
The same surprise was on the faces of other attendees and looking at them Julie smiled and I could notice her satisfaction in her eyes.
My only comfort was noticing that her tits were really small and ridicolous respect the rest oh her body. Anyway the effect was incredible also because also her make-up was perfect with purple lipstick and a delicate line of rimmel around the eyes.
Her hair were heavily greased tightly pulled and combed back stuck on the head and tied on the nape in a short and slim glued pigtail.
She stepped in the grass area still smiling and after to have greeted the attendees she looked full of hate at me badly hissing out: ’Fucking man.. well? Where is the slut? Is she already escaped and hidden in the dirty hole she belongs?’
All the eyes were again on me and I can imagine that in that moment my face was turning red and purple while I was desperately trying to say something, but finally I saw my wife stepping out of the building.
I should have changed my expression because everyone turned to my wife and immediately I felt me better and, I would say, enthusiast.
My wife was really amazing and with satisfaction I noticed the surprise and the admiration of the attendees and still more I could see how changed the expression of Julie: she was no more smiling now, her face was now serious and worried and at the same time more angered.
Pat was wearing a tight and small red bikini that I have never seen before and putting in great evidence her beautiful tits and her sides, but, I have to admit, also her flabby belly. Anyway the overall look was great and impressing and she looked calm and was smiling clearly enjoying the envy in the eyes of the women and mainly of Julie and the admiration of the attending men.
The make-up was perfect with only few bright pink lipstick and a thin line of pink rimmel around her eyes and mascara on the eyebrows, her hair were styled in a tight French braid starting from the top of the forehead and closed at the top of the neck. As last touch she was wearing a silver bracelet, that I knew was a gift of her grandma, on the right ankle: a sort of amulet for her.
Overall the look of the two rivals was great: Julie appeared more toned and muscular, but for sure my wife was nicer and I was confident that her younger age could do the difference.
At that point my wife was stepped in the grass and the two rivals, looking each other in the eyes, started to slowly go on circle. Julie hissed out with hate and anger: ’I was waiting for this since long time.. little slut.. you will never forget this day, I’m going to ruin you and your life’/
-In your dream.. old ugly cow’ calmly replied Pat ‘shut up or you will be soon out of breath.. but you are right I will never forget the enjoy I will have today crushing you and making you my trophy’.
My God.. the fight was beginning.. Never before I had been so nervous, but at the same time excited and I could see the same excitement and level of nervousness in the eyes of other attendees.
(to be continued)