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Night Club Rumble II, Tag Team Time

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Night Club Rumble II, Tag Team Time
« on: May 20, 2011, 08:10:29 PM »
This is the second part of the storyline of busty wrestler Aurora. This time she teams up with her sister to fight a stronger opponent.
Any suggestions for story development are welcome.
Pictures of the wrestlers are at the bottom of the post.
Enjoy reading...

„Ladies and Gentlemen! This will be absolutely crazy! A match to remember for years, I promise.”
Annie, a sexy little blonde, and announcer of the MPWF, the Midnight Pro Wrestling Federation, jumped enthusiastically through the ring. Everything on her voluptuous Body bounced, especially tits and ass.
“Tonight our veteran fighter Donna will fight in a Handicap Match against the “Devils Daughters”. Please welcome first DONNAAAAAAAAAA!”
The crowd cheered wildly when Donna came down the aisle, heading for the ring. She high fived her loyal fans and climbed into the ring. For her age she was in terrific shape. She started stretching while Annie introduced her to the audience:
“Donna is 45 years old, standing at 6’0. She weighs about 160 pounds, nearly all muscle. Her fight record in this federation is 35 wins, 10 draws and no loss yet.”
Donna was a sight to behold. She wore some kind of leather body suit leaving her strong arms and legs free. Her shoulder lengths blonde hair already matted to her face because of an intense warm up. Her muscled body glistened sexily in the spotlights.
“Her opponents tonight are two sisters, and at least one is well known to you. Please welcome Liz and Aurora, the “Devils Daughters!”
Aurora and Liz strutted confidently into the ring. A lot had happened during the last few months. Liz had congratulated Aurora to her victory and asked her to start some training sessions with her. Aurora got very used to it and liked it more and more. Soon their friendly matches turned more competitive and now was the first chance for them to fight side by side in a Tag Team Handicap Match.
“Weighing at 145 pounds with measurements of  40dd-26-38 is our newest wrestler! Her tag team partner for tonight is her sister Liz. At 26 she weighs 130 pounds with a 34 d-24-36 figure.”
Both were waving the crowd. Maybe they were the sexiest things in this league due to their hot outfits and bodies. Liz was very similar to her sister. Both had red shoulder lengths hair, Liz with some black and blonde streaks. Both were quite busty, but Liz was at least a cup size smaller than her voluptuous younger  sister. Liz wore a black bustier, showing an ample amount of cleavage.  Her outfit was completed by a combination of a black thong and a very small miniskirt.  Aurora had learned from her past match. Her nice DDs were exposed for everyone to see. So she chose a black leather top to hold the twins in place this time. Matching Hotpants completed her outfit.
“Now the rules:
1.   This is a NO Holds Barred Match.
2.   The sisters have to win within a fifteen minute time limit. Win by submission only.
3.   Double teaming is forbidden except for 15 seconds after a tag.

Aurora stayed in the ring while Liz climbed through the ropes. Donna was impressive. Aurora got goose bumps and shuddered a little in anticipation of her well experienced and muscled foe. Liz gave her a hard slap to her ass. “Get her sunshine!” The bell sounded and the fight started.
Aurora approached her directly and fired two forearm shots at her opponent’s chest. Donna took two steps back, but only to gain some momentum. She rammed a clothesline into Aurora’s chest area and rammed her into the ground. Aurora coughed and stumbled back to her feet, surprised by the strength of that old woman. Meanwhile Donna flipped into the ropes and prepared a Dropkick but Aurora was able to avoid the attack and Donna crashed to the canvas next to her. Aurora immediately used the advantage and kicked hard into her downed opponent’s body. She worked over her strong abs and took care of her boobs too, with several hard kicks. Donna moaned and tried to roll away. She escaped into the ropes and gripped the top rope but Aurora followed her and kicked her knee hard. Donna hobbled away but Aurora caught her. Then she put her into a Reverse Bearhug, lifted her up and crashed down her crotch into her kneecap with a forceful cxntbuster. “OOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHH!” Donna howled and fell to the ground into a fetal position. Aurora tagged with Liz. Aurora got Donna back to her feet by the hair and tried to fix her arms beneath her back. Liz attacked with a forceful kick to the belly, but Donna’s abs were able to take that kick without problems. However, it was still time for a second kick aimed to the head. Suddenly Donna shifted her head to the side and the kick met Aurora’s face which was directly behind Donna. Aurora fell like a stone. Liz had knocked her nearly out, opening a cut at Aurora’s eyebrow. “Oh my god”, Liz said. She was so shocked by the failed attack, that Donna had enough time to attack Liz with a Spear. She raced towards her and buried her shoulder brutally into her midsection. She had so much momentum that Liz crashed into the turnbuckle behind her. Donna followed up with five more Battering Ram like attacks to her opponent’s midsection. “OOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHHH! OOOOOOOOUUUUUUFFFFFFF! AAAAARRGHHHHHHHHH! OOOOOOOOOOOO!” Liz’ beautiful body collapsed in the corner. Donna continued the attack with several hard stomps to her downed enemy’s body. Her boot connected mostly with her upper body. The last three strikes connected with Liz’ full boobies within the confines of her top.  She crushed the tit meat totally, which brought new ideas to her mind. Since it was a No Holds Barred Match, who would care about a little booby punching?  She brought Liz back to her feet and draped her arms over the top rope. Donna began punching her fists like pistons  into those delicious D Cup tits of Liz. The impacts made Liz’ titties bounce and jiggle and soon they turned bright red. Every impact crushed her natural, sweaty orbs to her breastbone. Suddenly Donna was attacked with a fist strike to her cxnt from behind. Aurora had revered and tried to end the barrage of attacks to her sisters’  body. Donna went limp and fell to her knees. “Get out of here! You aren’t tagged in!” The ref grabbed Aurora’s arms and pushed her towards the other end of the ring and through the ropes.
 Actually Aurora was only left in the ring to have some time to recover, but she wasn’t allowed to get back into the fight without a tag. Meanwhile Donna got back to her feet.
“We have to talk later bitch”, she said. Donna fired a massive kick into Liz bust. It connected with her right boob and crushed it to the breaking point. Oh my god, do you wanna make it burst bitch?  Liz dropped silently to her ass, no sound escaping her lips. She was too much in pain right now. The kick had snapped her strap of the bustier and her right boob was in danger of falling out. Donna grabbed her legs and towed her a little more into the ring, but Liz was still lying in the ring near the turnbuckle. Donna grabbed the upper rope for leverage and jumped into the air. She came down crushing her boots into Liz’ tits brutally. “GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!” Liz shuddered from the impact. Her hooters were totally flattened and bulging to the sides beneath Donna’s boots. Donna grinned evilly seeing her opponent in tremendous pain. The straps of Liz’ bustier were gone by now and she was topless except for Donna’s combat boots and the 160 pounds within them. Donna made no effort to step from Liz’ tits, she stood there awaiting Liz’ submission. “You can take that Liz! You’re strong. Come on!” Aurora tried to encourage her sister and reached into the ring, but couldn’t get close enough for the tag. Liz was close to a submission due to the unbearable pain in her chest. Aurora couldn’t stand it any longer and rushed through the ropes crashing shoulder first into Donna’ s back. Both crashed to the ground on top of poor little Liz. The ref slowly counted, to signal Aurora to leave the ring. Aurora rose to her feet and left the ring. Liz desperately tried to crawl away. At the very last moment she reached her sisters’ hand and tagged. Donna was at her feet as Aurora, still bleeding from the little cut, dropkicked her to the ground. Both stood up very fast, but Donna was greeted with a knee strike to her unprepared abs. She doubled over as Aurora’ s knee connected with her forehead and shot her head backwards. Donna was on her knees as Aurora returned from the ropes crushing her tits with another dropkick and catapulting her several feet backwards. Donna moaned while Aurora got to the ringside to care for her sister. “Are you ok?” Liz still lay there moaning and grabbing both proud tits. The first black and blue bruises were showing up and her left nipple ring had been ripped out and left her nipple bleeding. “I’ll make that bitch regret. Trust me!”
Donna gets up very annoyed but is welcomed by a hard Shoulder Tackle from Aurora, slamming her to the ground. Two more times she is attacked by that move, when she finally decides to stay down for a moment to recover. The red headed fighter brings her back to her feet. She grabs her hair and slides
Donna’  s  forehead along the top rope. She shrieks from the pain but is able to get two hard elbow shots into Aurora’s belly button. So she is distracted for a second as Donna grabs her neck and pushes it on the bottom rope, choking her. She sits down on her shoulder and ads even more weight on her opponent’s throat. The ref counts: “One…Two…three…!” But Donna refused to break the hold, so the ref grabbed her by the shoulder and shifted her off her opponent. Donna  blated at him while Aurora is coughing and rubbing her throat. Donna hoists her up by the rubber back of her top. She slings her into the ropes and tries to clothesline her but she is met by a hard kick to her already injured knee. She grabs the top rope for leverage while a seconds strike connects brutally. “AAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!” Aurora fires some forearm shots to her chest to weaken her, then she grabs her legs and lets her fall to her bum. With several kicks she goes on weakening her thigh. Finally a pussy stomp breaks the resistance. Donna arches at the ground, while Aurora grabs a leg and tows her towards the turnbuckle. She slides out of the ring, grabs her foe’ s ankles and tows her brutally, pussy first, into the bottom of the turnbuckle. Her cxnt connects with the metal pole leaving her crying on the corner of the ring. Aurora celebrates her near victory. She grabs Donna’s  left leg, which she attacked before, and slams it knee first into the metal pole, too. Donna is wincing as three more strikes hit the target, but she refuses to give in. Aurora gets back into the ring and hoists Donna back to her feet. She grabs her waist area, lift lifts her up, and let her impact on the canvas neck first. Donna is dazed and in real pain. Aurora looks at her sister at ringside. She, on her feet again, wants some revenge. She tags her in. Both storm at Donna, who just got back to her feet unable to put full weigh on her left leg. They connected simultaneously with a flying Dropkick to her tits. Donna is shot backwards into the ropes and rebounds towards Liz. Still lying on her back Liz stomps her feet into Donna’ s abs catapulting her into a backflip over her. She slams down hard behind her and holds her back. The crowd went absolutely crazy at the wrestling action, loving to see the sexy fighter’s  brutal ring action. Aurora left the ring while Liz, still topless attacks the downed Donna with a series of elbow drops to her upper body. Liz tried to get Donna to her feet and sling her into the ropes, but suddenly the move was reversed and Liz met the ring ropes tits first. She turned and was met with a spear tackle to her midsection. Donna had found her fighting spirit and hoisted Liz into a bearhug, slamming her to the ground back first. The air left Liz’ lungs , leaving her stunned. Donna straddled her and let herself fall down on her abs, ramming her ass into Liz’ belly. Then she placed her knee on her foe’ s tits, crushing them again after the earlier treatment. Liz cried out loud having her sore boobies attacked again by Donna’ s knees. While she crushed the tit flesh, she fixed Liz’ arms to the ground, to stop her from fighting back. Liz buckled beneath her but was able to get rid of Donna. Donna suddenly turned 180´degrees and put Liz’ head between her strong thighs. Liz’ grunted into her pussy while Donna grabbed her naked boobs and buried her fingers into them. She added a twisting motion into the claw hold getting Liz’ to shriek as loud as she could. “This is fucking wrestling and no catfight bitch!” Aurora was furious. “So you wanna see me wrestle?” Donna got to her feet and grabbed Liz’ her to get her to her feet. She bent Liz upper body over and placed her head between her thighs. She hoisted her body upside down, preparing for a Piledriver. Moment later Liz head connected with a thud, her body crashing to the ground lifelessly. “Still have 6 minutes to kill your sister, old hag!” She repeated the move and Liz ‘ head was rammed down once again.
To stand that move safely, it is required for the wrestler who is driven into the ground, to press her head to the chest, and connect with the neck to avoid permanent damage, but Aurora wasn’ t sure, that Liz was still conscious. “Stop it, please!”  “Why should I?” “Take me instead, I can fucking take it!  But stop killing my sister!” “Maybe.  But I wanna have some free shots at your magnificent chest.” Aurora doesn’t hesitate and slipped through the ropes. Donna let Liz lifeless body fall to the ground and kicked it through the ropes out of the ring. “Turn around!” Donna grabbed Aurora’s black rubber top and opened it in the back. She flung it into the audience, leaving Aurora topless. She admired her soft heavy DD cups, glistening from all the sweat. “Move to the turnbuckle!” Aurora obeyed and took hold of the top ropes for support. Meanwhile Donna fired the first kick into the right breast. Aurora’s boob exploded in pain as her opponent’s combat boot connected and crushed the heavy orb violently. Five kicks followed into the same target, as each kick was supported by the audience with a loud extra cheer. The fighting spirit left Aurora totally, she just wanted to survive the next four minutes. Donna switched targets and attacked the other tit with equally hard kicks. Aurora took it really hard in the tit department to help her sister. Her “Punching bags” jiggled with every impact and compressed around the boot. The camera got in a close position to the attacked orbs and showed the shoe imprints  on the front of her impressive tits. Donna closed in, tired of the tit attacks and lifted Aurora on her shoulders. She put her into a backbreaker, jumping up and down to add more pain to her opponent’s spine. But suddenly her knee gave way because of the extra weight on her shoulders und Aurora crashed down to the canvas. Donna cursed at her handicap. Suddenly Aurora snaked her legs around Donna’ s throat and applied pressure with her strong legs. Desperately Donna tried to get out of the sleeper, but it was senseless. The ref counted and Aurora had to loosen the sleeperhold. Both fighters were exhausted and barely no time was left to get a submission out of Donna. No power was left in Aurora for further throws of her heavy opponent so she figured out, a jumping maneuver would be the last chance. She climbed the top turnbuckle and waited for Donna to get back to her feet. Donna stumbled towards her as Aurora jumped at her with a missile dropkick. She connected with her chest and her jaw and both crashed down on the canvas. Donna moaned and held her jaw in pain. She inspected it, if it was broken. But it obviously wasn’t. At the other side of the ring Liz had recovered somehow and tried to tag her exhausted sister. The ref was distracted for a few seconds as suddenly someone at ringside threw in two handfuls of thumbtacks. It was Mike, Donna’ s husband, who had climbed over the fence from the audience’ side. He retreated fast while Donna and Aurora got back to their feet. Aurora had injured her hip by falling incorrectly after the dropkick and that was Donna’ s chance. She kicked her in the stomach, doubling her over. Then she locked Aurora’ s head between her leg, hooked under her armpits and hoisted her upside down. It was a nearly magic wrestling moment. The 45 five your old wrestling goddess was in for the kill. Her muscles strained to hold her opponent upside down. Then she turned 180 degrees towards the thumbtacks and Aurora crashed down with an implant buster. Her upper body crashed down forcefully, thumbtacks burring into her natural tits and forehead. She rebounded from the tremendous impact and lay there on the side with a silent scream on her lips. Unbelievingly she looked down to her bust. Dozens of small wicked thumbtacks  had pierced her titflesh and small trickles of blood were forming on her tits. Her head was exploding with pain too from the tacks in her forehead. She still was in too much shock to speak. Donna smiled wickedly as she stood up and grinded her right boot into her opponent’ s left tit. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!” “I give I give, please stop!”
The ref raised Donna’ s arm to signal her victory.
Liz stormed from behind into the ring to check out her sister. “Weapons were not allowed ref. That’s illegal!” The ref replied: “I didn’t mention weapons, but neither did I ban them.” Donna suddenly kicked into Liz’ belly, although the match was over. Liz coughed and doubled over. She tried to avoid Donna’ s attack and fired punches into her kidneys. Donna wasn’t impressed by that and lifted Liz upside down. She thought about slamming Liz down with another Piledriver or doing the implant buster instead. She finally decided for the implant buster and Liz rushed down to the canvas as her sister did before. Her naked tits were pierced by several thumbtacks, which were left on the ground. Luckily her head didn’t get in contact with the thumbtacks, but her nose took lots of the force and started bleeding. The ref tried to stop Donna, but he wasn’t successfully. Liz was lifted to her feet again. Donna took her into a reverse bearhug. She lifted her into the air and then rammed her ass first into a Keister Bump into the remaining tacks. “AAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!” She finally left the ring with a smile, leaving her destroyed opponents crying and shuddering on the hard canvas. Both were sobbing badly and a medical team rushed into the ring to help somehow. The ring apron emptied because the audience went back to the dance floor, after that spectacular match. Only a few fans were still watching as the emergency medical technician pulled the tacks out of their foreheads. “How many fingers?” Aurora smiled at him with her tear stained face. “Maybe twenty, no wait..thirty?” “See you got your humor back honey.” He gently cupped her face. “Need help with that?” He looked down at her pierced boobies that looked like a Fakir Board. “No, thank you. We’ll take care of that by ourselves.” Aurora and Liz left the ring somewhat shaky but on the own legs, heading for the dressing room. They slumped down totally exhausted. They sat in front of each other pulling out the tacks out of their bruised tits as suddenly their mother entered. “Oh my god! I’m so sorry. I’m too late. What happened…?” “just got our asses kicked….”