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Some new ideas for cyber matches... Pick Ya Poison!

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Offline laurenwantstowrestleyou

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Some new ideas for cyber matches... Pick Ya Poison!
« on: October 28, 2012, 08:11:04 AM »
Hi again everybody!

Instead of doing regular old matches (and don't get me wrong... there's nothing wrong with regular matches!) I'm gonna share some ideas for matches and wrestling games that we can do online... a few of these i've thought of and a few of these were some that i've heard from other people... but let me know what you think of them!

First up is what I call "Pick Ya Poison" In this game you and your partner basically take turns picking the holds and moves that you want your partner to put you in

It can go something like this...

Let's say we're doing a pro style match... i can start out by saying... i challenge you to put your side headlock on me... and you'd put your side headlock on me... maybe with me trying to resist you putting it on me for a turn or two.. but you'd get it on and work it for a few turns or so... and then you'd pick a hold and say to me... i challenge you to put me in a whatever... and i'd have to break out of the headlock and get you in whatever hold you wanted and work that for a few turns and then it would be my turn to pick a hold again and on and we go :)

It doesn't have to be a hold too... it could be a slam or a strike of some kind... like I challenge you to punch me in the stomach or dropkick me or bodyslam me or whatever...

"Pick Ya Poison" can be used to script a full match... or you can just use it to swap holds and put some hurt on each other until submission or knockout or whatever :)

Here are some tips to make this match work the best for both of you...

Obviously you all are probably gonna pick holds that you want to use and be in the most... but if you're planning on scripting a whole match... it'll be best in the beginning to pick holds that would typically be used in the beginning of a match... like the simple "wear down" holds like headlocks and arm bars and things of that nature... it might not be a good idea to break out the hardcore submission moves... like the figure four leg locks or boston crabs until the time seems appropriate for them...

Also you can pick moves that logically transition into each other well... for example... one of you has the other in a headlock on the mat... you could then say... i challenge you to put me in a headscissors... those two holds transition well

Anyway... I'd love to play this one with some of you all if you're interested... let me know what ya think or if ya have any questions ;)

I've a few more ideas which I'll put in another post :)



Offline lilfightingcutie2

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Re: Some new ideas for cyber matches... Pick Ya Poison!
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2012, 08:58:29 AM »
LOVE LOVE LOVE ya idea!!!! Ya so smart and creative!!! And the pick ya poison match is sooooo fun!!! Can't wait to do more with ya sweety!!


Offline sugarandsparklez

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Re: Some new ideas for cyber matches... Pick Ya Poison!
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2012, 05:57:12 PM »
I have done this before and really enjoyed it, just swapping ideas for holds and being quite creative with them too. You get to try things which are difficult in a competitive match.