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FTW Second Coming

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Offline Callista

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FTW Second Coming
« on: September 10, 2014, 09:33:27 AM »
The show opens with the camera focused on Callista Quinn. Quinn, wearing street clothes, sits down in the faux-leather chair in front of the desk of the FTW Commissioner. "Hello, Commissioner," the Countdown leader says with a bright smile that doesn't reach her eyes.

From off-camera, a woman's voice says, "I'll be brief. I will NOT have a repeat of First Strike, with Countdown running rampant. If it appears to be occurring again, I'll be forced to take steps, and there WILL be consequences."

"Commissioner, please," Callista says, that smile not slipping an inch from her face. "We don't need to have a row over this. You want us to dial it down a bit, maybe convince the owners that you can control us. I'm willing to play ball. But if I'm giving you something you want, it's only fair that you give me something I want." Callista smiles brightly across the desk.

« Last Edit: September 10, 2014, 09:34:19 AM by Callista »


Offline ThePurpleVixen

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Re: FTW Second Coming
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2014, 07:14:28 PM »
We fade to black from Callista's wicked machinations.

The screen displays the logos of the associated wrestling companies: All Phoenix Pro, Coastal Championship Wrestling, Slamabama Pro, Las Vegas Wrestling on the Strip, the Albion Wrestling Alliance, Lega Italia Wrestling, Steel Chicago, the Greater Ohio Valley League and Rose City Wrestling.  The logos all come together in a flare and become the logo for tonight's show:


Immediately, there's the sound of distortion and the logo shatters apart, falling towards the viewer as the driving fuzzy discordant metal guitars of Toledo, Ohio's own Lollipop Lust Kill snarls their way through a murder metal cover of a familiar tune.



Callista levels Emily Layne from behind with her trusty Maglite.

#Your own - personal - Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who cares#

The Countdown confront Tiffany and Lisa Starr in a back hallway, and Tiffany gets in the ref's face as Sadie makes her smirking escape from Lindsay Campbell.

#Your own - personal - Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who's there#

Rowan and Lord Tantalus go through their strange rituals in the darkness and Punky, in her horned skull respirator mask, turns and stalks away from her golden apple logo freshly tagged on a railcar.

#Feeling unknown
And you're all alone
Flesh and bone
By the telephone
Lift up the receiver
I'll make you a believer!#

Gemma gets right into Lisa Starr's face backstage, smash cutting to Lisa hitting the Straight Edge on Iron Michelle Blount and Gemma nailing a Mulkey with a Roxslide, then a jumpcut to footage that says "Courtesy of SPARK" featuring the two brawling inside a large house, showing the bitter rivalry between the two tattooed hellcats of FTW.

#Take second best
Put me to the test
Things on your chest
You need to confess
I will deliver -
You KNOW I'm a forgiver!#

A shot of the Red Enforcer folding his arms menacingly behind Gemma jumps to Lindsay Campbell putting her hands on her hips as she stands in almost the same posture behind Lisa Starr, followed by contrasting jumping shots of Red hitting the Hurricane Hugo straightjacket powerbomb and Lindsay hitting her Blue Flash chokeslam, emphasizing the power of both competitors.


Emily Layne hits Punky with the Snake Eyes on the steel railing!

#Your own - personal - Jesus;
Someone to hear your prayers,
Someone who cares#

Sadie hits the Angel's Kiss and Tiffany hits the Silver Strike, both on hapless jobbers.  Sadie locks in the Smiley Face on a screaming Shizuko and Tiffany hoists the Stomper up for the Flatliner.

#Your own - personal - Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who's there#

Sadie smirks and poses on the stage and peers intently into her little handicam she uses for her backstage promos, constrasting with Tiffany's glamorous professional entrance and sparkling persona.

#Saaaaaaave me
Saaaaaaaave me
Feeling unknown
And you're all alone
Flesh and bone
By the telephone
Lift up the receiver
I'll make you a believer
I will deliver
You know I'm a forgiver#

A long sequence of back and forths between Rowan and Punky - footage from Rose City, from All Phoenix, from House of Hardcore of the two of them just repeatedly destroying each other with suplexes, piledrivers and brutal submission holds, a huge array of moves that are often recorded with both women just masked in blood, fading to a long shot of the last kiss Punky gave Rowan on the word "forgiver".


A shot of Callista Quinn, her eyes cold as ice, dragging a bloody Emily Layne down the aisle.


Emily Layne hurls a dart into the forehead of Callista Quinn's 8x10.

#Your own - personal - Jesus


A final lingering shot of the new FTW championship belt.

The music becomes a background instrumental and fades to the sound of the roaring crowd at the Mid-Atlantic Sportatorium, visible in a crane shot.  The arena is not WWE sized but is certainly respectable, a full-sized venue that holds about 4500, built to replace the TV studio that formerly held that title.  Countdown merch is very popular throughout the crowd, but there are also I HATE THE COUNTDOWN shirts as well as Lisa Starr's logo, Lindsay's Dragon, Tiffany's shining crown and a handful of other popular FTW shirts.  The shot cuts to Larry van Keel, his sandy hair parted in the center and looking resplendent in a tan tweed suit and bright blue bowtie with his Ben Franklin glasses, and Rick "Precious" Perle, spraytan nicely contrasted in his pink satin jacket and white chinos, his thinning black hair pulled back into a tail.

LvK: And WELCOME, everyone, to the Mid-Atlantic Sportatorium in Greensboro, North Carolina!  I am your host for evening, Larry van Keel -

RP: - still wanted in every state between Pennsylvania and North Carolina for bunny smuggling -

LvK: ... and with me, as always, is Rick "Precious" Perle and THIS - is FTW SECOND COMING!

RP: I still can't believe we went with that name.

LvK: Neither can the Archdiocese of Minneapolis and St. Paul, but a few hundred Hail Marys and a large donation to the Church of St. Olaf later and HERE WE ARE!

RP: What's a little blasphemy as long as the Big Guy gets his baksheesh, right?

LvK: ... I'm going to assume you mean Kevin Nash.

RP: Nah.  If he was here, he'd already have the title.  And instead we're gonna see that title ON THE LINE for the first time, with the Countdown's mastermind Callista Quinn taking on that hot slice of sorpresata Emily Layne!

LvK: That's - actually, that's right! Great work, Rick!

RP: Just keepin' us on the rails, van Keel.

LvK: We WILL be seeing Quinn and Layne in the finals of a tournament for the world championship - although who knows what machinations Callista Quinn has undertaken with our own commissioner?

RP: Wait, when did we get a commissioner?

LvK: Read your emails, Rick! And in addition to the first ever contest for the coveted FTW title, we'll be seeing a grudge match that's spilled a lot of blood in the making of it as the Countdown's resident maniac Punky takes on Rowan Chance's chilling alter ego, Aika!

RP: That's one you're gonna wanna put the kids in bed for and probably cover your eyes for the scary parts.  I know I'm gonna hide behind van Keel here if I see any hooks comin' down from the ceiling.

LvK: Your courage is as boundless as your journalistic ethics, Rick.  The Countdown will be seeing more action as their muscle and menace, the Red Enforcer and "G-Force" Gemma Rox take on fan favorites, the Dragon Starrs!

RP: Now, THAT one I'll be keeping my eyes WIDE open for.  You think the Dragon's gonna wear those tiny shorts again?

LvK: God willing, Rick!  No shortage of bad blood there, as we'll see shortly when we hear from Lisa Starr and her partner Lindsay "The Dragon" Campbell - and there's no shortage of ill will in our first match of the evening, either, between the sweetly devious Sadie and the Platinum Queen, Tiffany.

RP: I dunno who to root for in that one.  They're both REALLY hot and I'm pretty sure both of them could just beat the crap outta me.  And that's also kinda hot.  I'm gonna pull for Sadie since she has no ethics to get in the way.

LvK: You are, as ever, a model of the ideal Freudian therapy patient, Rick.  Now let's hear from the Dragon Starrs!
"What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises—no matter the mood! Mood's a thing for cattle or making love or playing the baliset. It's not for fighting."
- Frank Herbert

Re: FTW Second Coming
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2014, 08:06:15 PM »
The camera fades in on Lisa Starr, standing in the locker room and getting ready for the big Tag Match against the Countdown later tonight...

Wrapping white tape around my wrists and knuckles. Not usually taping my hands for my matches, but I just KNOW that this tonight, this isn't gonna be one of your regular run-of-the-mill Tag matches. This one's against the Countdown! And with a big guy like Red and a brawler like Gemma in the ring things just HAVE to get rough! Wincing a little as I get the tape on too tight. Taking it off before starting over. „Allright, Sunny. Remember the plan? Remember what we're gonna do tonight??“

Silence as I keep taping my fists. „Sunny?“ I finish wrapping up my hands. Still no reply!! I turn, arms spread. „HEY! LINDSAY! Are you even...” Arms drop, face freezes into a look of confusion “...what the hell?“

The camera zooms out and shows the entire room. Lindsay Campbell is standing in front of her locker, wearing just her dark blue and red lycra wrestling shorts and a light pink bra. One of her socks is on the right foot, the other one in her right hand. In the other hand is an iPod. That firm ass of hers wiggles and shakes side to side in her tight shorts as it seems like she's dancing around there a little. And if you listen real close and put the volume to the max, you can actually hear her sing in a whispering tone.

Stepping up behind Lindsay, left hand going for the big, light blue and white headphones, a little red star on each earpiece.

A little startled as the headphones are pulled off my head. Spinning around to face whoever it was „Hey, what the...?!“ Seeing it's Lisa “Oh...ehm...hi!”

„What the hell are you doing? We're supposed to get ready for the ma...wait a moment!” Giving the headphones a closer look, raising an eyebrow at the Dragon. “Are these mine?”

Biting my bottom lip, looking into the ground for a moment, then shyly back into Lisa's eyes „I think so. I kinda...left mine at home, ya know?“

Holding the headphones up to my ears, hearing that light, cheerful whistling tone of Fitz and the Tantrums' “The Walker” “Forgot yours, huh? So you bring your iPod, but forget the headphones?”

“Well, I...ehm...yeah!”

We're just looking at each other for a few seconds, before I let out a soft sigh and hook the headphones over the back of Lindsay's neck. “Okay, whatever! Anyways...remember what we've been talking about? What we're gonna do in that ring tonight?”

“Ehm. We'll give it all we got?”

Raising an eyebrow at the tall ditz

“Never give up?” asking while my eyes narrow a bit in confusion and I tilt my head slightly to the side.

“Stop Cena-ing around!! The plan is to DO WHATEVER IT TAKES! Your goodie two-shoes approach may have worked against the Blue Fairy and Monstro, but this is the Countdown! They don't know rules! Well...maybe they do. But they also know how to bend and break them! To stand a chance against them we have to lower ourselves to their level!! Think you can do that, Sunny?”

Letting out a little giggle that almost sounds a little evil. A grin comes creeping across my lips. Nodding at Lisa “You know I'm totally capable of being mean and all! Just...ya know, maybe they're gonna play fair, and...”

“Oh shut it!” interrupting the naive babbling of my partner “These guys don't even know what fair means! You're acting like you haven't seen them in action before! Did you even listen to what I told you before your debut here?”

“Hey, since that day I have not ONCE touched your guitar!”

“...about the Countdown, Sunny. I told you something about the Countdown!”

“Hmmm...” My eyes narrow a little, head tilting further to the side as I think back. “Ehm....Ohhhh! Oh you told me to stay away from them! Cause they're dangerous, evil people who would just end up hurting and corrupting me if I spend too much time too close to them!” smiling brightly after remembering

“That's right, so...”

“...AAAAAND you also said that you can't have me corrupted and rotten like they are. Because you need ME around here to keep you calm...” brushing some of your blue hair out of your face “...and well-adjusted...” placing my thumbs on the corners of your lips, pushing them up a little into a smile on that, as so often, annoyed looking face of lil Lisa Starr “...and happy!”

My eyes drift to the side, looking over your shoulder as you get through my hair with your hand, then force a smile on my lips with your thumbs. I think the look in my eyes tells everyone exactly what I'm thinking and how I'm feeling right now. “ make everyone happy, now back to the plan maybe?!”

“Huh? Plan?” I ask as I finally start to work my way into the sock I've been holding in my hands since the beginning of the segment. Hopping on my other foot as I pull it on, and getting a VERY stern look from Lisa. “Oh...oh the plan! Yeah...yeah, the match. Got it!”

“What have I done to deserve this?” I mutter and shake my head “The stay away from Countdown rule is obviously out of order for this match, cause I'll have your back all match long. Now, but what we're gonna've seen Red's match vs this...former Rowan girl?”

The camera zooms in on the Dragon Starrs as they are lightly bent over, Lisa's arm across Lindsay's shoulder as they huddle up.

“Ohhhhhh no, no, no, no, NO! The girl with the mask is totally creeping me out! Last time I saw that promo? I couldn't get to sleep all night!”

Giving the Dragon a stern look “Couldn't sleep?! You're a wrestler, not a little girl! Grow up already, would ya?!” Letting out an annoyed sigh and shaking my head. “She hurt his arm! So, we're gonna...” raising my eyes, so does Lindsay and we look into the camera for a few seconds. Then my eyes drift over to Lindsay's barely covered chest. “Look, sweety...shouldn't you get changed?”

“Oh...yeah...probably!” Heading back towards my locker to finish slipping into my attire for tonight's match.

“Now to you...” Taking the camera in my right hand, staring right into it “Rox, Red, you're in for a rough night! If you think we're gonna fall to your bullying ways you're wrong! I'm sure none of your Countdown buddies is gonna have your back in that match cause they're busy with their own little demons. And in a fight with even numbers you guys don't stand a chance!”

Smirking into the camera “The fall of the Countdown starts tonight! You guys better bring some warm coats to the ring, because you're gonna be hit by a massive Midwestern Snowstorm!” Giving the camera a little shove to make the cameraman back up, then nodding at the door “You better get going now. But no worries! The Dragon Starrs will be back on screen soon enough.”

The image fades out as the cameraman steps backwards out of the room...


Offline BustyTiffany35

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Re: FTW Second Coming
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2014, 08:21:13 AM »


Instead of ABBA, AC/DC pumps loudly out of the speakers. "Thunderstruck" pulses into the arena and instantly the boos from the fans showering down on Ms. Davis shift to excited cheers. The sound of the AC/DC track can only mean the Platinum Queen is coming out for the match!

And goddamn does she look pissed.

I emerge on stage, decked out in a latex leopard print bustier that hugs my ample breasts and a pair of matching booty shorts that cling to my shapely hips. Fishnet stockings, knee-high wrestling boots, a simple choker and a kneepad on my left leg, all in black, complete my ring attire. My voluminous mass of flowing platinum blonde hair cascades around my face, down past my bare shoulders and ends off around my lower back.

Now, for a gal who just took a vicious crowbar beating from a crazed brat with obvious anger issues and a hair-trigger temper, I'm lookin' pretty good, real good. But I'm also showing quite clearly the affects of Sadie's vicious sneak attack, in the form of the white tape wrapped heavily around my right knee, and the noticeable limp in my step as I walk out.  The fans take note of that, as well as the icy, deathly look in my eyes..if looks could kill, well, I'd be trussed up like Hannibal Lecter and locked down in a cell for life. The fans can definitely tell that I am NOT in a pleasant mood!

I stop at the top of the ramp and my glaring green eyes lock down on the source of my rage, standing there in a white top, navy bikini bottoms, and a pair of black Troopa boots. The kid just stands there, staring at me with big, bewildered eyes, a clear sign of wild confusion etched across her pretty face. I let her stir for a moment, glaring a hole through her as my fingers tighten around the microphone that I brought with me. My music fades out, replaced by the buzzing roar of the audience. I bring the mic to my lips - definitely not to sing karaoke.

"Sadie, was it? It's a real pleasure to meet ya. I must admit, ya got a mean swing, kiddo. Why, any gal would be holed up in a hospital right about now if they suffered the kinda beating ya dished out on me. But, that's the thing. Ya didn't just beat on 'any gal'. No, ya chose to beat on a Queen.."

I take a step forward, fingers tightening around my microphone.

"And a Queen doesn't just stay down when ya knock her down. I don't just stay down when ya sneak up on me and knock me down. Ya can blindside me, strike me down, try and cripple me with a crowbar, but ya best believe I will ALWAYS get right back up! And once I do, I'll grab the lil' BRAT that struck me down and give her the *BEEP*ng spankin' she deserves!" 

I drop my mic onto the steel ramp and a loud excited cheer erupts from the audience. I continue glaring at the lil bundle of craziness who's looking a lot less confused and a lot more pissed with each passing moment. Balling my hands into tight fists, I start my march down the ramp, every step sending a jagged knife into my battered knee but I ignore the pain. I have only one goal in my mind and that's to tear this lil' gal apart!


Offline BustyTiffany35

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Re: FTW Second Coming
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2014, 03:52:56 AM »
Well, we're off to a mighty fine start..

I find myself laying inside the ring after Sadie roughly shoved me into it, breathing hard and trembling in agony as I clutch my battered, damaged knee. My scalp is practically burning from being dragged down the ramp and pulled around the ring by my mass of platinum blonde hair. My knee feels like a friggin' bomb just went off inside it, blowing it apart. It's a tattered mess, probably only being held together by the tape wrapped firmly around it. Gawd, it hurts so *BEEPING* much! I can barely focus on anything but that uncomfortable, stinging ache that's pulsing inside the battered joint. She did a real number on my knee with them elbows when she had me up on the ramp. But that ring bell, gawd, I can still feel the suffocating weight of it as she just SMASHED it down onto my knee! The lil' psycho brat, I swear I thought my leg was broken apart by the time she finished brutalizin' it with that bell! She's done a real good number on me, I haven't been left this badly hurt this early in a match in years..then again, the brat got herself a bit of a headstart in the parking lot, afterall. I'm starting to catch my breath when I wonder, where exactly is Sadie? I open my watery eyes and glance around, expecting her to be looming over me, ready and eager to torture me some more..

“You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life…"

I find Sadie, standing on the announcers' desk. Singing a classic ABBA song.

I stare at her blankly.

"See that girl, watch her scream, she is the Platinum Queen!”

My eyes narrow.

Are ya *BLEEPING* serious..

As the crowds begin to, rightfully, pelt the kid with food and garbage, I roll onto my front and push myself up. A flash of pain crosses my mind the moment my knee touches the canvas, and I wince and cry out in agony. It's in pretty bad shape, throbbing with a searing, painful ache that makes moving around difficult.

Difficult, sure. But, not impossible. I can put a lil' pressure on it, can still move hurts like hell to move, but I can't think about that right now. The kid might have put a mighty fine hurting on it, but she damn sure hasn't broken it..yet..

I take another deep breath as I stand on my feet, wobbling a bit as I stand. It's tough to even keep my balance, but I manage somehow. My hands rub and massage my battered, taped up knee, cringing as it stings with such pain from the beating it endured. It's gonna be hell finishing this match, but I'll get through this. I've been in this spot before, I know how to work with one limb down, I can manage the pain. Most importantly, I can win despite hurtin' this bad. I can get through this. With steely determination I start to ignore the pain buzzing away in my knee, instead focusing all my thoughts on Sadie. She's fast, real fast. The kid's probably the quickest gal I've ever faced in my entire career. She was zipping up and down that ramp in 3 seconds flat, and she was moving so fast as she assaulted me I couldn't even find the time to react to her attacks. And, she's crazy vicious to boot. She's like a gawd damn Loony Toons character, she's all over the place. But, she won't be able to keep that pace up for very long. Not after I get my hands on her..

I see her outside, still lookin' all smug over the beating she's done to me, and that cute lil' ABBA rendition she serenaded us all with. I start to seethe. She thinks she's got this all wrapped up, does she? Thinks she's got me all wrapped up, and ready to taken?!

Oh sugar, ya gone and done the dumbest thing in the match so far--

Sadie turns toward the ring, eager to continue playing with what she feels is her new "rag-doll". But she stops dead in her tracks, her eyes becoming as wide as saucers. A look of terror flashes across her face.

--ya turned your back on me.

Moments ago, I managed to get to my feet. Caught my breath, gathered my wits, even got a chance to fix my hair a bit. Then, I charged the ropes, as painfully as it was to do so, and TORPEDOED through the top and middle rope, soaring through the air to CRASH into Sadie as she turns back to the ring! My forearm SMASHES into her face, her head snaps back, and her tiny frame just LAUNCHES back as I fly into her!

The crowd ERUPTS with cheers as the suicide dive sends Sadie flying into the announcers' table with a explosive *THUD* while I crash and burn onto the arena floor! Immediately, I clutch my right leg, the pain as horrendous as ever! I'm wincing and clenching my jaw, working feverishly to block out the torturous pain that plagues my knee.

The fans are stomping their feet and applauding wildly, and my name is chanted excitedly throughout the arena! Despite the agony that I'm suffering through, hearing their voices and cheers of my fans brings a soft smile to my face, along with a much needed boost of morale. Still feeling groggy as hell, I shake my head to clear the cobwebs and glance up to see ya now curled nto a ball, clutching your head and face while groaning in pain. Taking a deep breath, I drag myself up onto my feet by gripping the ring apron. It feels even worse to move now, but I limp forward anyway, moving as quickly as I can toward ya as ya lay there in a heap.

I reach down, grab a handful of your hair -- see how much YOU like it when someone's constantly yanking on your hair! -- and pull ya up until you're standing upright. You're still in a painful daze, so I clutch your hair tightly in my hand, shake your head a bit, then BRING IT DOWN onto the announcer's table! Your forehead SMACKS right into the table top and bounces off the surface with a LOUD *thud*, causing ya to snap back and stand upright in a daze! I let go of your hair, turn around and WHIP my arm out, catching your throat with a LUNGING discuss closeline! The fans let out another hollering cheer as we both go down onto the arena floor, you going down first painfully onto your back with my arm draped over your neck!

We lay there for a few moments and once more I reach down and clutch my taped knee. I rub it for a few moments, massaging it as it throbs. I turn to ya when I notice ya stirring, rolling over onto your side and coughing loudly. The back of your head just bounced off the floor mats, the impact into the ground must have knocked some wind outta ya. But, you're still in this, or at least you're trying to get back into this.

Kid's got some heart. It's a shame she's a lil' cheatin', psycho brat..

I manage to get back to my feet, feeling sharp daggers of pain shoot into every inch of my knee as I do so. Ignoring the pain, I stand over Sadie and reach down low, grasping a handful of her long dark hair once more. Standing ya up, I bend forward in front of ya, wrap my arms around your waist and hoist ya up onto my shoulder. Admittedly, it's sorta hard to lift ya up, not because you're heavy -- ya weigh as much as a ziplock bag of feathers -- more so because of the condition of my knee. But I manage to anyway and get up so you're dangling over my shoulder. Then, while carrying your petite frame, I take a few steps forward before abruptly DIVING into the ring apron! My shoulder CRUSHES your tummy while the edge of the aproned ring STABS into your back! I hear ya squeal loudly as the ring and I sandwich ya, and I have to admit, I actually kinda like hearing that noise come outta your mouth.

I slip back, grab your hair roughly, turn sharply to my side, and just WHIP ya into the ring, rolling ya under the bottom rope to properly start this match. I'm about to follow the brat when I pause for a moment, the knee locking up on me as it throbs painfully. I grind my teeth and kick my right leg out, trying to sooth the pain and ignore the buzzing aches that hamper the joint, before I turn back to the ring and climb in through the ropes.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2014, 04:14:00 AM by BustyTiffany35 »


Offline BustyTiffany35

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Re: FTW Second Coming
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2014, 11:03:07 PM »
Great. The kid's not only fast, but she's tough as hell..

I'm still trying to wrap my throbbing head around how this brat came back at me so hard after I thrashed her around ringside, even now as she's busy wrapping me up in the ropes. The ring and the arena feels like it's twirling around me, as if Sadie strapped me to a carousel horse and cranked the ride's speed all way up to MAX and broke the brakes while she was at it. Well, she does have me all tied up, tangling the ring ropes tightly around my arms to keep me trapped and helpless. I could barely even put up a fight as my head was just throbbing and spinning too much for me to focus on resisting. Truth be told, that kick that she planted into my face upon entry into the ring rattled me good. I've been out of it ever since, and the repeated stomps to the back of my head didn't help. I would only come back to life each time she went back to torture the remnants of my knee, howling in severe agony and struggling futilely to escape the holds she'd trap my leg in. If the work she already put into damaging my knee wasn't bad enough, now the kid was going into overkill. That stretch muffler shredded my knee to pieces, but that figure fou-, um..what was it, again? Actually, I really don't know what she was trying to do with my leg and the ring post, but whatever she ended up doing damn near killed me!

As I kneel here, arms stretched out to my sides and tied up in the ropes, my disheveled mass of platinum blonde hair hanging wildly over my face as my head hangs low over my heaving, buxom chest, I can no longer ignore the intense pain that's practically glowing in my tattered knee. At the same time I can't even do much as my head's pounding so harshly for me to act. I hate to admit it, but Sadie truly has me at her mercy. I hang there helplessly, breathing hard, reeling badly and hoping that I'll have enough left in the tank to withstand her next attack, when--

“The winner takes it all
The loser's standing small
Beside the victory
That's her destiny!”

..more singing? Gawd, what is up with that kid and ABBA..

I turn my face to stare at her bewilderedly as she belts out a few lines of "Winner Takes it All". In that moment I strain to break free of the ropes but they hardly budge, and I suddenly don't know what's worse: having my knee crippled, my head stomped in, or being forced to listen to Sadie's atrocious singing.

Guess her gameplan is to torture me into defeat..

I watch as she moves back to me with a chorus of boos following after her, my whole body tensing up as she comes closer. I'm dreading what she has in store for me, but reeling from her attacks and tied up like this I can't properly defend myself. Then--SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK!  I let out a gasp and a yelp following every harsh slap that she smacks into my face! I feel her palm and knuckles rain down sharply against my cheeks and I can do nothing but endure them! Finally, she lets up, and my head hangs low again, leaving me panting for breath and feeling a lil' more humiliated than hurt. And awake. Those slaps, while embarrassing and stinging, have actually cleared the cobwebs from my spinning head and I slowly lift my eyes to glare at my lil' tormentor. She simply grins at me in that sinisterly psychotic yet strangely cute way of hers, taps me on my nose, and starts belting out more lines from an ABBA song. I furrow my brown, flinching defiantly in the ropes but they seemingly tighten around my arms.

Gawd. Now, winning is secondary. SHUTTING this brat UP is all I wanna do!!

She takes off, sprinting to the other side of the ring before coming back with a murderous glint in her eye -- and a flying forearm coming right at my face! With barely any time to spare, I snap my left leg up as high as I possibly can -- the flat of my boot driving into her forearm! Her body stops in mid-flight, awkwardly crashing into my foot, and I push her backward with a mighty THRUST! She crashes back onto the canvas, then goes tumbling backward a few feet to the resounding cheer of the fans!

Here's your *BEEPING* Waterloo, sugar!

Seeing the brat tumble onto the canvas in a heap, I let out a desperate sigh and work feverishly to untie myself! I pull my arms, trying hard to tug them free. Soon, I start thrashing wildly, struggling in vain to break out but the ropes just aren't letting go! Then, amid my frantic struggles, I spot Sadie getting to her feet! I stop and stare at her, this dreadful feeling creeping up inside me. That murderous look in her eyes has cranked up a few notches and she makes a quick line straight toward me! I simply stare at the kid as she gets closer, and for a brief moment I feel nervous. It's pretty obvious that she got all sorts of wicked intentions for me.. and I won't be able to do a damn thing to stop her! In her eyes she couldn't have found a more helpless, luscious target. I don't even struggle to escape or fight with the ropes anymore as Sadie closes in--instead, I kick Sadie right in the tummy! As she doubles over in shock and pain, I finally yank my arms free and find myself standing right in front of a bent-over Sadie. Sparing little time, I grab two thick handfuls of her flowing silky hair and I SHOVE her head in between my thick thighs. I bend over her and wrap my arms firmly around her trim waist, take a quick breath, and LIFT--

Hoisting Sadie up I flip her upside down and let her legs drape over my shoulders, before I just SLAM her down into the canvas with a thunderous powerbomb! A LOUD cheer erupts from the audiences as I PLANT the gorgeous lil' spitfire right into the mat, but I am NOT finished with her yet! Bending over her slightly, I take another breath before I wrap both my arms around her legs, both of which are still sticking up straight into the air. I clutch her ankles tightly and shift to the right so my back now lines up with the corner, facing the turnbuckles. I tense my body up and straighten myself, then I pull on Sadie's legs to make sure there's no bend in her knees. She's a complete straight line now, held upside down with her ankles tucked away beneath my arms. I take a moment to glance down at my wary foe. The powerbomb really took some fight outta her, but remarkably she looks like she's coming around again. Kid's got great resilience, I think to myself briefly, before I lean back, ALL the way back until I'm now laying on the canvas, pulling the brat's straight-stiff legs with me. Sadie on the other hand is now off her back and in the AIR, slingshotted right into the corner and shrieking the whole trip over!

Mm, she doesn't so bad now!

She collides with the turnbuckles, bouncing off of em' with a jolt, and warily she stumbles backward. In the meantime, I managed to get to my feet -- not nearly as smoothly or quick as I usually would, not with this banged up knee -- but I just manage to sneak up behind Sadie anyway as she staggers backward. I catch her as she bumps into me, my arms quickly wrapping around her waist, and I can feel the brat gasping as I hold her close to me.

Then, I throw her back into the air.

It takes a bit more effort on my part to lift Sadie up and German Suplex her than it'd normally would, all cause of my knee givin' me a ton of grief for trying to lift anything, but I manage. I send the lil' sexy brat sailing high into the air behind me to land painfully and unceremoniously onto the back of her head! The sound of her body impacting the ring is thunderous! Another rousing cheer rises from the fans and I take a few moments to soak them in as I lay flat on my back, while also taking a valuable second to collect myself.

It actually takes a bit longer than a sec to recollect myself. I knew Sadie was gonna be a handful, but I'm genuinely surprised that she'd take the fight to me like this. I know when I'm on a tough grind when MY offence is starting to exhaust ME. But, on the bright side, Sadie's slowing down a bit. Also, the throbbing in my head has subsided. The ache in my knee however continues to burn like an inferno. It's getting worse before it could even try and get better. I'm gonna have to end this soon, otherwise I'll be easy pickings for Ms. Davis the next time she's on the offensive.

I shake my head and roll over onto my stomach, pushing myself up with a grunt. I see Sadie laying a couple feet away from me, arms and legs spread apart, probably seeing a few birds fluttering in circles over her eyes. With a groan I crawl over to her, the frantic cheers of the fans encouraging me to crawl faster. I finally make it to the stunned and disoriented Sadie, just slumping over her and collapsing my weight on top of the little bundle of craziness. My right arm simply drapes over her chest as my body lays beside hers, and the fans start loudly chanting "ONE! TWO! THREEE!"--

--but, unfortunately, they're not the ones officiating this match.

The one who is--is in the corner, not counting the pin but instead holding his face. Something's in his eye, looks like.

Oh, for the love of  Agnetha Fältskog--if he doesn't get over here right this instant and count my FIST will be in his good eye!

I sigh in annoyance, groggily sitting up beside the still stunned Sadie to yell a string of obscenities at the ref.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2014, 07:10:22 AM by BustyTiffany35 »


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Re: FTW Second Coming
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2014, 09:30:23 AM »

Everything just hurts. My tailbone stings, my lower back is sore, head's spinning from all the stomps its taken thus far and the never-ending hair pulling. And then there's the horror story that is my right knee..
My legs crash heavily onto the mat once Sadie releases me from her Scorpion Deathlock and they both land into the canvas like deadweight. I lay there, broken and hurting, moaning in agony, my knee just SCREAMING now in horrific pain. I can barely move, that sharpshooter did such a number on me my body now just refuses to react as I lay in a tortured, worn down mess.

I really thought I had Sadie a moment ago. She was stumbling about wildly as if she had too much to drink, failing miserably to attack me but succeeding wonderfully at knocking the ref clean outta the ring. It was only a matter of jamming my fist down her throat before dustin' her off with the Flatliner. But, this kid just won't stay down! I went from nearly clobbering her pretty face into mush to screaming and hollerin' like a mad woman as she tortured me with that sharpshooter of hers! All within a flash. Scary to think about how things can change so quickly..even scarier when the 110 pounds of craziness that flipped everything on ya is now kneeling by your heavily taped leg, eagerly staring ya down with bad intentions glowing in her eyes. I cringe when her fingers start to claw at the tape, gasping aloud when I realize she's unravelling it from my knee! I can't even resist I'm hurting so badly, I just stare at her as she unwraps the tape and leaves my tattered knee unprotected, watching her helplessly as she lowers her mouth to kiss my aching knee. The mere touch of her soft, inviting lips on my battered knee makes me flinch. That wicked smile on her face as she glares at me makes me shiver all over.


A strangled groan barely escapes my mouth as I grind my teeth and dig my fingers frantically into the tape wrapped tightly around my throat! My breaths come in quick, desperate gasps as I strain to breathe, feeling light-headed the more Sadie yanks and rips on that tape. I claw at the tape, bury my nails into the canvas, and kick my feet out wildly behind me! I feel my upper torso lifting off the canvas, her heavy boot just digging into my back! An agonized cry bursts from my lips and I whimper painfully, knowing she's going to do whatever she can to choke me out. Then, who knows what she'll do with me next..No, I can't let her take me like this--I WON'T.

With a growl, I PUSH myself up abruptly, practically lifting her leg up even as her heavy boot lays between my shoulder blades! Then, I shift my upper torso, pushing my hips forward to kneel upright. My hope is to unbalance the brat so she can loosen up the hold on the tape. My knee's stinging unbearably as it digs into the canvas, but I ignore the pain as best as I can in hopes of accomplishing my plan. I go back to clawing at the tape, desperate to rip it free as breathing got a lot harder, when suddenly--

The tape loosens around my neck. I let out a gasp of relief.

"Ohh no you don't!!"

A pair of fists come CRASHING into the back of my skull and I let out a groan! Dazed, I slump forward a bit, struggling to clear my head when Sadie starts to wrap more of the tape around me! She twice loops some around my throat, then over my mouth, around the lower portion of my head, pinning my hair to the sides of my face, causing me to bite into the tape and gag on it! I gasp in shock, but am too slow to react, and she YANKS on the tape which pulls my head back painfully! She doesn't stop there and wraps more tape around my shoulders, below my buxom breasts, pinning my arms firmly to my sides! Finally, jerks my arms behind me and hastily ties my hands behind my back with the remaining ends of the tape! A dreadful feeling sinks in as Sadie has rendered me helpless once again! Muffled moans escape my gagged mouth as she sinks her hands deep into my hair and YANKS me up onto my shaky feet! I whimper as she drags me back into a corner, standing me up while she takes a seat on the top rope behind me. She lets me wonder for a moment what horrors she'll have in store for me, then RIPSon the tape around my throat from behind! My eyes bulge, my body squirms helplessly and I SHRIEK into the tape around my mouth as she starts to choke the hell outta me!

It's even HARDER to breathe now, I'm becoming more frantic with my struggles! Feeling so trapped, unable to resist and fight back.. My shapely hips shift from side to side, buxom chest thrusted out, legs kicking desperately. Hands straining to break free of the tape, muffled grunts and moans pushing past my gagged mouth. My head pulled back roughly as the tape digs harder and deeper into my throat, cutting into my windpipe. Head's feeling light, can barely breathe, eyes starting to close..

Then, laughter. Wicked, devious laughter spilling from my lil' tormentor. Sadie's face hovers close to mine, we're cheek to cheek as she yanks harshly on the tape wrapped around my throat. Her lips plant a kiss on my cheek that sends a cool chill down my ruined body. Then, she purrs into my ear, with the same candy-coated voice that she used when she first introduced herself in the parking lot:

“You can dance.. you can jive.. having the time of your life…Oohh.. See that girl, watch her scream, goodbye, my Platinum Queen..”


My eyes slowly open again, my entire helpless, battered body slowly coming to life.

Can't let her take me.. WON'T let her!

I hold my breath and tense up as Sadie continues to choke me as hard as she can. All the while I wiggle my hands frantically behind me until--I pull one free! I feel the tape around my chest and shoulders loosen and quickly I reach up with my free hand and grab a handful of Sadie's hair. Gripping the kid's silky long hair surprised her enough that she THANKFULLY stops strangling me! Tightening my hold on her hair until she start HOWLING like a banshee, I plant my feet firmly on the canvas and step forward -- and PULL! I FLIP her off the top rope, over my shoulder, and into the canvas with a harsh hairwhip snapmare! A deafening ROAR from the fans rises up all around us as we all watch Sadie crash and burn roughly into the mat four or five feet in front of me! As Sadie groggily rolls to her feet, I use these precious few moments to catch my breath and unravel the tape from my throat, mouth and upper body. Dispensing it into the corner behind me, I move forward--only to topple awkwardly onto my hands and knees! My right knee, it is almost completely broken! I whimper and grind my teeth as the pain plaguing it hits me at full force. Through glossy eyes I glance up to see Sadie is back on her feet, looking a lil glossed over herself. She turns to me, that angry look spreading across her features. I glare back at her, and start to shift my weight onto my left foot. She comes at me -- and I SPEAR her right outta her boots!!

Don't care if it hurts..don't care..gotta fight through it, stay on her..make her PAY..

I can hear the wind driven clean outta the kid as my shoulder DRIVES into her waist! Whatever's left of that wind inside her is knocked out even more once I slam her into the canvas! Her lil' body flails about as I land on top of her, and it quickly dawns on me that I have Sadie pinned beneath me. It's at that very moment that I just LET LOOSE. Like a machine gun my right forearm smashes repeatedly into her face! Over and over again I PUMMEL Sadie's face, her head bouncing off the mat following every blow! When she tries to cover up, I grab both her forearms roughly and SHOVE them over her head, pinning them down as painfully as I can to open her up for more forearms to her face! She let's out a cry and I switch from forearm shots to vicious SLAPS! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! I

"YOU, missy," I hiss in between thundering slaps, "are gonna have to learn some respect!"

I smack her silly, slapping her so hard my palm starts to sting. I'm about to knock her into next week with yet another slap, my hand held up high over my head, ready to strike like an agitated Viper -- but, I hesitate. Instead of slapping the piss outta the gal, I stare down at her coldly, and my expression softens. I see her whimpering there beneath me, eyes tightly shut, mouth agape and panting, both her cheeks as red as apples. The expression on her face speaks volumes, and it makes me slowly lower my palm. Even after EVERYTHING she's done to me, everything's put me through, that look of desperate fear mingling with radiant pain somehow calms my anger. Instead of slapping her, I lower my hand into her mass of matted hair--


Only instead of getting hair, my fingers are CHOMPED on by Sadie's teeth! *BEEPING* BRAT was playin' possum!!

At the very last stinkin' second she turned her face to my hand and BIT my fingers! I yank back my hand and hold it to my chest, glaring down at her in shock and rage. Sadie manages to wiggle out from under me, smiling devilishly though still looking pretty dazed from the torrent of slaps that I pounded into her. I reach forward to grab her, but instead I get a BOOT to my face! It's more of a push kick to shove me away from her than a real painful attack, but it still plants me on my ass. Sadie manages to get to her feet, though without that extra bouncy spring to her step that's been there throughout the entire match. She looks just as worse for wear as I, but she's still determined to punish me. Seeing me seated there on the canvas, she takes a chance and runs to the ropes, snaps off of em', and runs back at me--

That's it kiddo. Come to mama!

--only to run right into my waiting shoulders! As she ran the ropes, I pulled myself up into a crouched position. It didn't take Sadie long to return to me, and when she did, I made sure I was ready for the brat. She ran right into my Fireman's Carry and quickly I hoisted her up into the air! A split moment later I PLANT Sadie into the canvas with the Platinum Justice to a thunderous roar from the audience!

For a few moments I lay beside Sadie with an arm draped over her chest, breathing deeply while the fans buzz and cheer loudly all around us. Upon impact her body flailed and flopped about like a fish on land before finally collapsing into heap. She's definitely not getting up anytime soon.

However, I'm not finished with her just yet.

Slowly, I rise to my feet, fingers tangling in Sadie's hair to drag the lil' minx up with me. She barely offers any resistance as I clutch her hair in my fist. She leans back against me, her weight pressing completely against my body as I tower over her from behind. Then, I duck my head low, push it under her arm, wrap my arms around her waist and LIFT--

The gal's on my shoulders, stretched out in a Torture Rack. But her position up there lasts for a few brief moments as I throw her over to my right side and catch her head! Hooking it with my right arm, I drop down, and DRIVE the brat's head and face straight into the canvas with a DDT! The applause from the fans is DEAFENING!

The Flatliner just ENDS Sadie and she lays there in a crumbled heap! I sit down beside her, catching my breath and soaking in the cheers of the excited fans. I look up and see the ref FINALLY deciding to do his job and approach us. He looks a lil' dazed himself, but at least he's not in the corner sulking over gawd knows what. I push Ms. Davis over onto her back and roll on top of her, straddling her waist, grabbing her wrists and pinning them over her head. The ref..kinda just stares at me as I lay sprawled top of my vanquished foe..but quickly snaps into action when I shoot him a dirty glare. He slides down onto his side and slaps the mat--



The place just LIGHTS UP with cheers! I take in a long, comforting breath of relief as I taste the sweetness that comes with a hard earned victory. I'm still banged up and my knee is probably broken in a dozen places, but all that pain and anguish feels so far away. Instead, the feeling of triumph courses through me. I smile brightly as I get to my feet, still limping about but looking a million times better than only a few minutes ago. The ref holds up my wrist and a beaming smile touches my lips while my eyes sweep across the arena as I soak in the cheers and applause…my eyes drift over the sight of Sadie's battered form, moaning like a lil' baby as pain wracks her sexy body. Then, my eyes wander over to the pile of discarded tape in the corner. My eyes narrow wickedly and that smile on my lips deepens.

"Well sugar, this oughta teach ya to play fairly next time.."

I take a step back to admire my own work. Sadie now stands between the top and middle ropes. The mid-rope presses against her waist while her arms are pulled back and over the top rope. I used the tape to tie her wrists tightly together behind her back and I wrapped the remaining tape around her waist, pinning her hands to the small of her back and binding it all together with a firm knot. Sadie was still out of it from being planted with the Flatliner, which made tying her up all the more easier. But now she's coming back around, and I smile brightly as I watch her realize the predicament she's in. I step forward as she starts to squirm, clutching a tight handful of her hair to yank her head back. I lower my free hand down to the small of her back, letting it hover threateningly over her luscious lil' ass.

"THIS, kiddo!"

My palm comes down with a resounding *SMACK* right onto the derrière of Ms. Davis! She let's out a howl and her body squirms in the ropes while her hands strain with the tape, but that only causes me to clutch her hair even tighter and bring my hand back up again.

"This, is what happens--"

*SMACK* My hand comes down HARD once again!

"--to NAUGHTY--"


"--lil' BRATS, who--"


"--like to play--"




Sadie is reeling from the spanking, whimpering loudly and cussing up a storm as she continues to struggle! I soak it all in, savouring every bit of agony and humiliation this brat must be feeling from my spanking. With one last, stinging SPANK to Sadie's redden ass, I press closer to the bound and helpless gal until my lips are at her ear. With a silken voice, I purr into her ear:

"I hope ya learned your lesson, Princess, cause this is what'll happen to ya whenever ya try and mess with the Platinum Queen..your Platinum Queen.."

I turn my face to Sadie's and plant a soft kiss on her cheek before I let go of her hair. "Thunderstruck" kicks up on the speakers, blaring loudly over the cheers of the fans. I limp a step back away from the tied up Sadie, standing directly behind her now. Smiling wickedly, I tilt my head back and spread my arms out, posing behind the brat while she fumes and continues to struggle in the ropes..


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Re: FTW Second Coming
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2014, 02:06:10 AM »
*Meanwhile, backstage...*

As I approached the Countdown locker room, I steeled myself for a tough reception. The news I had to impart was NOT going to go well in certain circles, and I'd have to be on top of my game to make sure things went the way I wanted them to.

Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the door and....nearly got run over by Gemma darting past me. I looked back to see her in her ring gear, holding a pair of red spandex pants in her hands, a mad grin on her face, the sound of something between a giggle and a cackle coming from her.

“GEMMA!!” a baritone voice behind me roared. She didn't...I looked back and saw that, yes, she did. The Countdown's masked member had had his member unmasked. He still had his mask on, of course, but his pants were being waved at him from outside of the locker room. Red was caught in indecision as to whether to run out after them or not. Megan was by the TV again, fixated on...of course she was.

I fixed Red's problem by taking two quick steps towards Gemma and yanking the pants out of her hands and tossing them in Red's direction. “HEY!” she said indignantly, but was cut off by a quick shake of my head.

“We need to talk,” I said, inclining my head into the locker room. She flipped a middle finger in my direction but went back inside. Red was trying to pull on his clothes as quickly as possible, while Megan was still glued to the TV. Perfect.

Red, still struggling to put his Enforcer back in its sheath, looked over at Megan, "Hey, I was watching Sadie's match!"

"I'm sure she's doing fine," Megan answered.

“I told you the Commissioner would move against us," I said, raising my voice to try to pull attention away from the telly, "Well she has.” I paused for a second before continuing. Megan was, unsurprisingly, ignoring me, or at least giving the appearance of doing so. “First off, she has warned us of 'dire consequences' if we interfere in each other's matches tonight.”

Gemma sneered in response to that. Red was pulling on his boots. Megan was still focused on that TV. “Second, she....” I stopped, as if just now noticing Megan's distraction. “Megan, I don't feel I have your full attention.”

“You don't,” Megan answered without taking her eyes off of the match on the screen. I pursed my lips tightly, glaring at the purple back of Megan's head before walking in her direction. “Don't even think about touching me, Quinn, or I'll FUCK!” she shouted as the sole of my right boot crashed into the middle of Rowan's mask, the superkick sending the flat screen smashing up against the wall.

Megan sat for a long few quiet moments, staring at the shattered ruin of the TV.  Her hands curled into fists as she glared at the fractured flickering screen, and there was a long moment where the whole room teetered on the edge of mindless violence before she pushed up off the chair hard enough to topple it with a rough clatter.  Whirling, she slammed her back against the lockers hard enough to set the Master locks to swaying, and folded her arms across her chest, practically snarling.  "If this is more fucking political bullshit about your fucking belt-”

“It is not,” I said sharply, stepping out of the ready stance and clasping my hands behind my back. “She's switched your matches around. Megan, you're tagging with Red tonight. Gemma, you're facing Rowan.” There. That should do the trick. I unclasped my hands. Explosion imminent in five...four...three-

“I'LL KILL HER!” Megan shouted, darting towards the door, a bit quicker than my expectation, but the reaction was EXACTLY what I'd expected, so I was able to get both arms around her as she ran past me, tackling her over one of the benches. We landed in a heap on the ground, but that wasn't going to be enough to stop THIS crazy train. Gemma jumped into the fray, wrapping her arms around the lunatic's legs while I got her left arm scissored between my legs. “GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!” Megan yelled as she clawed at the floor with her free hand, trying to pull herself out from under me, “I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL HERRKKK—“

“Yes, I know,” I said as the Maglite I'd pulled out of my pocket and slipped over her head pressed up against her windpipe in a (very) modified crossface, “That's why I'm stopping you. And true, that's partly because of the aforementioned 'fucking political bullshit,' because I'm pretty sure my match doesn't happen if you commit a homicide tonight, but I'd note that YOUR chances of getting a match with Rowan are slim to none. Even if she goes and murders someone to get herself incarcerated as well, I'm gonna guess the state will be smart enough to stick you two in different prisons."

I loosened up the chokehold to let Megan breathe. She took in a deep breath, but before she could let out what I could only assume would be a torrent of invective, I pulled the torch back hard again, forcing the breath from her. “I do NOT want to hear it! I've no patience left for this. Bad enough you've decided to carry this obsession to the degree that you have, but you let all the world know you were obsessed. We all have weaknesses, but if you SHOW THEM TO THE WORLD, you cannot complain when someone hits you in them.”

At that point, Red had pulled his boots on, and he said, “Alright, enough. As cute as you all look down there, this ain't helpful!” That seemed a good idea, and I loosened my grip, pulling the Maglite away and pushing up off of Megan. Gemma did likewise. Megan DID let out a stream of cursing, but it was rasped hoarsely. The Red Enforcer offered a hand to her, which she accepted. “Come on. We got a match coming up, and if what boss-lady over here says about OTHER boss-lady is true, us not going out there is breach of contract. Probably means we both get fired. Now, maybe you don't mind that...” he said, before changing the subject. “Anyway, what say we go win that match and worry about tomorrow tomorrow.” I bit my tongue to keep from smirking. I knew keeping him in the fold would pay dividends.

Megan seemed to be weighing her options, at least one of which (if not more) was hitting me with something heavy, but she sighed and gave Red a short nod of her head. Clearing her throat, she glared in my direction and said, “This isn't over.”

“I am acutely aware of that,” I answered dryly, earning myself a pair of middle fingers from Megan and a headshake from Red. The pair of them headed out of the locker room, and after sparing a glance for Gemma, who'd gone to pull out her computer to order another TV, I let out a sighed breath.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2014, 08:18:57 AM by Callista »


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Re: FTW Second Coming
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2014, 09:40:35 AM »
LVK: And now we have few words from Emily Layne, one of the contenders for the World Heavyweight Championship which will happen later tonight!

RP: Lets hope she wont play with darts again!

The shot opens on a gleaming red billiard ball, printed with the smugly smiling face of the Countdown's Callista Quinn.

RP: *Sighs*

The camera pans up, looking across the table at a shadowed but very feminine figure, bending over the pool table with the cue stick in her hands.  Her cleavage practically spills from a low-cut black blouse, drawing wolf-whistles and raucous cheers from the crowd.  Someone at the announcer's table gasps and there's the thud of a microphone toppling over.

The shot tilts upwards a bit more, revealing the lovely features of Emily Layne.  She is concentrating on her shot before she takes it, rocketing the ball across the table and into a side pocket.  Layne straightens up, blowing on the tip of the cue as if blowing smoke from the barrel of a gun.

"Good evening, FTW!" Emily says, wearing a low black blouse tied just below her breasts.

"I guess this is what you all wanted to see tonight," Emily murmurs, her eyes on the camera.

Emily casually moves around the table towards the camera, turning and bending over the table again to line up another shot, this time bending over in front of the camera to provide a close up shot of her little black shorts, drawing more gasps from the crowd until the camera moves away, getting a shot of another pool ball with Calli's grinning face printed on it lined up on the table in front of Emily's cue.

She snaps the ball hard, shooting it into a corner pocket before she straightens up.

"You are here to see sweet, nice sexy Emily against that evil manipulative Quinn in the ring, isn't that right?"

She shakes her head, black curls falling around her shoulders.
"You will be disappointed.  Because you won't see that Emily anymore."

The camera pans over the pool table, which has three billiard balls left on it.

"They tried to kick me out of this business!  They tried to put me down, to break me!  But you know what?  I'M STILL HERE.  And I'm going kick *BEEP*ing ass!"

Emily bends over the table one more time to line up a shot and then picks up one of the balls, showing it to the camera with Punky's snarling face printed on it.

"This one already went down!" Emily giggles before tossing the ball over her shoulder to bounce away with a loud CLACK.

Emily lines up another shot as the camera zooms on one of the two remaining pool balls, another with Calli Quinn's face on it.

"Quinn came here pretending to save wrestling.  Tonight I'm going to save FTW from HER, and kick her back into the hole she crawled out of!"

Emily snaps another shot off and shoots Calli down the side pocket.  Emily straightens up, chalking her cue.
"And tonight, the World Championship belt will be around my waist!"

She grabs the last ball from the table, showing the FTW title belt printed on the curved surface.  She puts it down and bends over deliberately one more time before taking a last cracking shot.  The last ball sinks into the pocket and Emily throws the cue to the floor with a clatter.

RP: ...*coughs and wipes sweat off his forehead with a tissue* And I guess there is a commercial now

LVK: Not really Perle, we are going to..

RP: I said we need a bloody commercial now!

LVK: we dont!

RP: Someone throw me a coke!

LVK: I think a camomile would help you more!


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Re: FTW Too Much Cumming?
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2014, 02:38:49 AM »
The cameraman pans around quietly, barely a sound made as his feet tread ever so lightly down the corridor, like a gazelle trying to spot the lioness before she spots him. a voice can be heard, sweet, soft, English and slightly posh sounding... as the camera peeks around the corner a silhouette of Gemma Rox can be seen by an old arena curtain talking sweet nothings into her phone

"Hehehehe yeah, I had fun too. I'm glad you stayed the night..... Mmmmm...... The room service bill? Don't sweat it pumpkin, You can pay next time. Oh you're damn right there's gonna be a next time!" she giggles a little and bites her lip coyly as the mystery caller talks a little, the mic unable to pick up that half of the conversation "Tonight? Nah, I'm not worried. It'll be a lot more satisfying beating on that fucked up bitch. She should never have gotten up from the first beating we gave her..." but then the looming figure of Red Enforcer sweeps into vision and she stiffens up

"Hun I... I gotta go. Talk real soon babes" she finishes and hangs up

"Don't give me that look Red" The diminutive Englishwoman growls

"I'm not giving you a look" Red Fires back defensively

"Yes you fucking are... What? I can't see other people? This isn't a relationship Red it's a fucking business deal. You make that abundantly clear every time you drool over that Sadie kid" she hisses folding her arms angrily "Don't even know what you see in her. Tiffany didn't win that match tonight, your girl lost it. What was she even doing pulling back on that tape? She should have looped it around the throat THEN pulled. Rookie mistake..."

"She was trying to knock her out Gemma, not kill her." Red counters

"Like I said, rookie mistake. And she got a spanking because of it" Gemma smiles, rubbing Sadie's loss into Red's face

"Hey, lay off Sadie!" Red rumbles, a timbre of frustration resonating in his tone

"Why should I lay off her? I guess there isn't enough room with you laying on her every chance you get?!" Gemma bellows back "Or is that why you're so fucking tense? Your little bitch not putting out?"

Red squares off to Gemma, the mouthy tattooed lass pushing his buttons too far and the 5'3" pistol squares off right back. Through the eyes of the camera the sight is almost comical... Red towering over the 2 time Cheltenham all-girls school drop out but Red knows as well as anyone that she can punch well above her weight...

After a tense few moments Red hisses out "I got a match to get ready for, I don't have time for your *BEEP* Gemma. I just came to wish you good luck against Rowan tonight but seeing as I'm just a business associate I guess my friendly advice doesn't mean *BEEP*. See you back in the locker-room Rox..." he finishes and stomps away

Gemma's shoulders drop, the aggression replaced with regret "Red.... I.... I'm sorry. I was out of line... Red?! RED?!?!?!........FU#@&*K!" She roars, turning and pounding the wall with a heavy fist. It's at this time the camera man decides are tactical retreat would serve him better that discovery and the camera backs around the corner and fades out to black

x G x
I'm paranoid and needy. So I think people are talking about me, but not as much as I'd like.


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Re: FTW Second Coming
« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2014, 08:49:04 PM »
The screen goes black and a light Spanish guitar medley starts to play copying the background music of a famous American TV commercial
A deep voiced narrative starts….
In Kiev, she fought the invading Russian horde...
You see a grainy picture of me submitting a 300 lb wrestler to my Broken Link, an inverted cloverleaf hold with him on his belly, me behind him with his legs figure-foured in my arms… me pushing his ankles towards his head turning him into an upside-down backwards “C”
In Brazil, she won the Miss Universe Pageant on only the talent competition.
More grainy video of me in a mock beauty pageant with all of us in g-string binkinis. One video is of me breaking a kendo stick over a diva’s head.  The other has me in celebration holding the broken kendo stick in one hand, the trophy in the other as I ROOWWWRRR at the crowd…
Near Philadelphia, she harpooned and reeled in a whale …
The video is a little clearer and it’s me with my chain wrapped around the neck of Paul Heyman… My foot in his back and my body arched as I choke him mercilessly…
The screen goes black again….
And in FTW…
Dramatic pause…
She will be turning iron into gold…
Shows side by side pictures with me with my chain outstretched over my head and another picture of me smirking with my hands on my hips proudly with the FTW title belt digitally added to my waist.
Then a live shot of me in perfect HD quality.  I start with my back to the camera and then turn around, again hands on hips… My trademark iron chain loosely hanging around my neck, hair down wearing sunglasses…
I remove my sunglasses and stare into the camera with my dark, almond-shaped brown eyes… I smile and speak in a soft, hearty voice…
I am the Spectacular Tina Lee…. And I’m the most interesting wrestler in the world.  If anyone has a problem with that… hmmm… hehe… Well you’ll just have to wait and see... Keep fighting ladies.
Then there is a hard break with the sound music abruptly stopping with the sound of a scratching record… The screen goes black and there is a few seconds of silence…


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Re: FTW Second Coming
« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2014, 08:52:58 PM »
Then there is a hard break with the sound music abruptly stopping with the sound of a scratching record… The screen goes black and there is a few seconds of silence…
The music changes to my ring entrance theme… Survivor by Destinay’s Child…
The music plays and now it’s all in-ring highlights…
It starts with me bodyslamming my opponent… I pose for the crowd standing over her and gyrate my hips… Then I leap in the air and spread my legs crashing onto my opponent’s chest as I do a split, landing my patented Breathtaker splash.
In my voice, I calmly say
I am the leader of the old school…
The next video is from the floor looking into the ring… It starts with me in full sprint towards the ropes… I launch myself into the middle rope and quickly you see a very close up shot of me as I crash into the two wrestlers on the floor and our momentum takes out the cameraman who was too close… The camera is stuck facing the ceiling… After a second, I appear standing over it and give a wink to the camera…
A bit louder I say
I am Mizzzzz Fantabulous!!!
Another shot of me, striking down a much larger opponent, ducking her punches while landing quick short kicks to her legs and jabs to her face… As she begins to stumble back and wilt, I do a 360 counter clockwise spin and slam my right forearm into her jaw flattening her…
In FULL promo voice
And I am…. Madame Badassssss!
The next shot is a brawl outside of the ring, hair covering my face, chain dangling from my hand… I take a couple of punches and stagger back… I duck the third punch and spin clockwise, extending my arm and slamming my chain-wrapped hand into her face with a spinning back-fist.
Voice lowers and but stays intense…
Big or small, Man or woman… one or many…. If you face me… you WILL pay the IRON price
Finally, I drag another beaten ill-fated lady up to her feet… I spin her back to me and then face away from her… I line up my right shoulder to hers… My arm, snakes back for her arm… I twist slightly and haul her up across my back… I grab her ankles and hold her across my back setting up my Chain Splitter finisher… I yell out to the crowd who is jumping out of their seats… I then spin around in a circle and fall to my knees, giving her back a dangerous crank as I arch her with our momentum…
My voice again with loud and proud…
The final picture shows me standing in the corner… chain extended, head back, posing for an adoring crowd.
The video ends as the volume on the cheering crowd is increased… The still shot of me fades into black and white and then fades again into a black screen around a white silhouette.  The word “REAL” with the letters made of chain links stamped above my picture… Then the word “SPECTACULAR” written in normal but Bold text is stamped below…
A generic pitchman voice quickly says…


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Re: FTW Second Coming
« Reply #12 on: September 24, 2014, 08:39:50 AM »
(I gave this a polish, but it was another piece written by our very special*talent, Gemma Rox, and is from her perspective)
*short bus special, but special nonetheless
After making a quick call, I walk back into Fort Countdown. Not that our dressing room is precisely a fort. We've only got one defence for it: the certainty of instant and painful retribution. Everyone else on the roster knows to stay the fuck away when a show is on.

Callista is the only one in the dressing room, the others must have left for their match. Her body language is a bit hard to read, buried in that loose-fitting hoodie, but she strikes me as decidedly more tense than I'm used to. That ice cold exterior maybe has some pressure under it? “Hey boss, how’re you doing?” I ask.

“Fine,” she answers, not looking at me.

“I don’t buy that for a second,” I fire back plainly and she looks up, her eyes darkened under the shadow of her hoodie. Bringing her right hand up she pulls back the hood and I can see the micro-expressions are all there. Furrowed brow, clenched jaw, absent eyes...seems I was right with my assessment.

“Never clocked you for an observer, Rox. Just thought you liked to smash things,” she retorts.

“It suits me better to be pigeon-holed. If people want to think of me as a brawler then let them. Truth is I spent four years on the boxing circuit and am quite clinical and precise. Still...I can see why people make the mistake of calling me a brawler. I’m normally screaming bloody murder while I swing and follow it up with more than a couple of boots to the ribs when they’re down” I smile, drifting off into happy memories...

“Yeah, your anger is hard to miss. Maybe you should see someone about that?” she responds, then she just sighs...something is in her head space. “So how are you feeling Gemma? Rowan looks like she might be a handful tonight,” Calli asks. Maybe the first time in history she’s asked how I am doing. That confirms it. She’s tense.

“Tired” I reply honestly “Truth is I’ve been tired a lot lately. I’m 33 years old and in the best shape of my life but I often wonder what it would have been like if I got started in this career earlier,” I say ruefully.

“I was wondering about that. I can’t find anything on you in wrestling older than 2009. How come you came to the game so late?” She asks and I grit my teeth heavily as my pulse starts racing...I don't know why hearing that she's been checking up on me is a surprise—it shouldn't be—but it is.

“Truth is? 2009 wasn’t my first foray into wrestling. Took me a LONG time to work up the courage...” I sigh, thinking back, trying to let my anger subside, “I debuted 12 years ago when I was 21. Fresh-faced and full of life, I hit the small circuits hard, made a name for myself as a high flyer and hard hitter. Hehe...of course back then I was shy as a kitten so I wore a mask to hide behind. Hell, Lucha Libre was all the rage back then, and La Santa was big, so it played out well. The big boys liked what they saw and tested my footage with audience groups and my scores came back off the chart. I was all set for the big push.”

“So what happened?” Calli asks, relaxing a bit. I think my story is helping to take her mind off whatever is playing on her so I continue

“I had my debut” I answer plainly “I was put up against another masked new girl who didn’t test so well with the crowds but apparently had this god-given talent in the ring. I was looking forward to it, it was nice to rise up through the ranks with a friend and we were set to be rivals which was fun. They told me she'd had some matches before, and she was good—REAL good—so everyone, including me, thought she was going to win.”

“They told me that she'd hinted she might want to work me a little after the match, I was cool with that, just to get where I got I’d taken plenty of beatings, it’s part of the game, right? Well. Either she lied to them or they lied to me, because that wasn't a “little” beating I got. It was like she was trying to prove something. I dunno. Anyway, she beat the fucking shit out of me, I was in pieces..."
I growl, my fists clenching tightly now as Callista leans in, fully captivated.

“So...what then?” she asks, the tall woman unconsciously leaning forward, sitting on the edge of her seat...

“She went for her finisher. Crucifix power bomb. When I took it in the match, I was still there, y'know? Tucked my chin and took it on the back. Hurt like fuck but what're you gonna do? After having my head rammed into the post a dozen times or so? I was totally out of it. Took the landing right on the back of my head. Broke my neck..."

Calli sits back, her face somewhat ashen. It’s not often I see her look human, this is one of those rare times. Any tension that eased during the telling of my story is back with a vengeance. Her body is rigid and her face a little shocked “I dunno how I was still conscious. I wished I wasn't. But I was. Then she just stood over me and told me, 'Sorry, It’s just business.' Just Business?” I growl out. “JUST BUSINESS?!?!” I roar and swing, my taped fist annihilating a locked door with a resounding boom “I’M LAYING ON THE CANVAS TWITCHING, I CAN’T FEEL MY FUCKING LEGS AND IT’S JUST BUSINESS?!?!?!” I scream, my whole body just a fusion reactor of hate right now.

Along silence hangs over us both as I prowl back and forth the locker room for the moment, trying to calm myself. Eventually my pulse returns to normal. “So yeah...for a year I was in rehab, most of that time I was trapped. Trapped in my own FUCKING body. You know what it’s like having your own flesh and blood be a cage?!?!” I ask, my tone gravelly and dripping with bile. More silence...

Eventually the silence is broken “Did you ever find this girl?” she asks.

After a little pause, I reply, “I looked for her...”


“Nothing. She wrestled for a few more months, then disappeared. I don't know if she changed masks or just dropped out of wrestling. Management went quiet on me. Probably knew I wasn't after a rematch. I heard it from someone that they never even TOLD her what she'd done to me. After all...what if she had a crisis of conscience? Don’t wanna lose TWO prospects in the same night” I growl bitterly

“I tried to move on...tried to live a normal life. But I couldn’t hide from it. All this rage...while I was laying there, staring at my feet, hating myself, hating the world, willing them to move...That rage just built and built and built… 2 years later and it’s still burning bright.” I growl looking at the smashed locker. Callista's locker.

“Sorry about that” I throw in casually “But I guess now you know why I’m so angry...” I finish and walk out the door, needing some fresh air. Callista sits there, putting her hood back over her head, the tension she felt before our conversation returning tenfold as she sits in the aftermath of wrestler psych 101.


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Re: FTW Second Coming
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2014, 06:06:22 PM »
Lisa and I are in the dressing room, getting the finishing touches of our outfits on for our big Tag Match vs the Countdown. I finished changing and pack all my stuff into my sports bag. And just as I put it in my locker, I receive a little smack on my ass. I straighten up quickly, turning to see Lisa there “Stop doing that!” I pout as I rub my ass, but my partner's mind seems to be somewhere completely different and she kinda ignores my words!

“You ready for this, Lindsay?” she asks and my answer is a nod “I asked you a question. Are you ready for this?!” Looking a little confused. I mean, I just answered it!! “Eh...yeah, I am! Aren't you paying attention?” Lisa rolls her shoulders, takes a few deep breaths. She seems tensed, maybe even nervous or anxious. Finally our eyes meet, she grabs my shoulders and leans in close “Are. You. Ready for this?” She asks again

“Yes, I am!” I answer and she nods before speaking again. Louder this time, almost in a commanding tone.
“What are we gonna do tonight?”
“Beat the Countdown!”
“How are we gonna do it?”
“By doing whatever it takes!”
“By doing whatever it takes!”
She gives my shoulders a little shove
she almost yells at me!!

Feeling like this is my first day in the Army!! I never knew Lisa is a drill sergeant! After that little back and forth she nods at me “Alright, then...let's go kick some British and Red *BEEP*”

We head out of our dressing room and down the corridor. Me slightly behind my Tag Partner who seems to be in a bit of a hurry to get down to the ring. I mean...I'm excited about the match! A little nervous, too! But...she seems to take this WAY serious. No word is spoken before we reach the Gorilla position...early!!

Lisa looks at him, pretty pissed that we can't get out there yet! So...I decide to slip in between them and smile at the Gorilla guy to loosen things up a bit “Hi there! I'm Lindsay! Nice to meet you!” I extend my right hand, eyes closed as I give him the cutest smile I got...and nothing?! I open my eyes and see that both Lisa and the Gorilla guys stare at me with a raised eyebrow. “Hmf....fine!!” I huff out and fold my arms. If they don't wanna talk, let's just stand in awkward silence while waiting for the cue. Sure! Why not?!

RP: Do we still show commercials?

LvK: Not tonight, it's a PPV!

RP: lame is that?!

LvK: *sighs*

It takes a while, but finally I hear the ring bell!

Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is a TAG TEAM MATCH!

LvK: You just heard it! Our next match tonight, will be the Tag Match between the Dragon Starrs and the Countdown! What do you think, Rick? Who's gonna be victorious in this one?

RP: I have no idea! The Odd Couple of FTW had an impressive win over Monstro and the Blue Fairy last week, but one thing's for sure, what they're facing tonight is much better than those seamen!

Announcer: Introducing first...

The lights flicker, so does the screen as the rustling of a disturbed signal makes its way through the speakers for a few seconds. Things clear up as Dark New Day's “Pieces” starts playing and blue and bright yellow writing fades in on the black Titantron, reading “DRAGON STARRS”.

The Gorilla nods at us “Been about damn time...” Lisa mutters and makes her way out from behind the curtain, she's wearing a cropped, black leather jacket, zipper and buttons on the front are open, showing the front part of her torn black t-shirt. A red dragon wrapped around the shirt from top to bottom, ending right where she tore the bottom part off the t-shirt to make it end between chest and navel, showing off that chiseled six-pack she carries. There are also 3 stars on the top. A silver one right below the v-cut and a light blue one on each collarbone. A pair of tight black shorts on her legs with a thick blue, studded leather belt around the waist. Her legs covered by white and black, knee high length Converse boots with blue laces, and black knee pads right above them.

She stops at the top of the ramp, looking side to side before crouching with her left forearm across her left thigh. Her head is lowered as she raises her right fist, which is in a black, fingerless glove, before she drops that arm and puts the fist down on the ramp.

She's out like that for a few seconds before I run out from behind the curtain. Taking a few steps before jumping up. In the air I twist around 180 degrees and land on my feet right behind Lisa with my arms spread wide and my head tilted back. Closing my eyes as I take in the cheers from the crowd and the anticipation before this big match for us.

Dressed, as always, in a mix of bright neon-yellow and dark blue with red accents. A blue bikini top on top of a yellow sports-bra. A pair of tight blue shorts with a thick yellow stripe down the right side, and a red dragon climbing up the leg on the other. My yellow wrestling boots covered from the ankle up by blue leg-warmers. Wrists covered by yellow wrist bands, and my hair flows freely over a yellow headband.

As we stand there, the announcer continues: At a combined weight of 265 pound, the team of Lisa Starr and Lindsay Campbell. They are the Dragon Starrs!!


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Re: FTW Second Coming
« Reply #14 on: September 26, 2014, 02:13:45 AM »
*5 minutes ago*

*The camera focuses in on Punky dressed in punkytails held with grinning silver skull clasps, her fists and wrists wrapped halfway up the forearm in black and purple tape, nails and lips done in glossy black.  One of her new tees (available at, and!) with the sleeves and belly ripped away - it's a chalk stick figure in white with purple pigtails holding a blue steel chair and a red hammer at the end of each little stick figure arm, and in purple text over and below the figure it says STAND BACK - I'M GOING TO TRY VIOLENCE.  The shirt's over a black sports bra.  Lower she wears her red joshi micro-skirt with a black Anarchy logo on it over black boyshorts, knee-high black stockings and her blood-red Doc Martens.  She is stalking angrily in the back.  Her partner is in his classic Enforcer gear of black wrestling trunks with The Enforcer in red on the seat, black kneepads, black boots and his classic crimson mask.  He's striding at my full gate to keep up with his angry partner.*

"Look, Punky. I know you're pissed at what the Commish did. I know what it's like to have vengeance deferred. I also know what it's like to finally get that vengeance.....Hey, look. Stop!"

*He reaches out and grabs Punky from behind on both shoulders, wheeling her around to look at him. He's greeted with a face full of anger. Her jaw is set hard enough to grind her teeth into dust, fire is burning bright behind those dark eyes of hers, but he can also see..disappointment...yes. The veteran grappler is all too familiar with the mix of emotions that have to be playing about within his newly appointed partner. He also knows he has to tread carefully or she'll take out her anger and frustration and disappointment on him. *

"Puh.....Megan. Please. Just stop for a moment. Look at me. Really look."

*He does something rarely done at an arena where he is working, especially now in the day of every phone's a camera and the Internet is only a heartbeat away. The Enforcer notices the camera behind them and moves so he can't be seen from it. He pulls up his mask and looks his partner dead in the eye. *

"I know you won't believe me, but I do know what you're going through right now. I've been where you're at and I know where you're going. You'll have your shot at Rowan, trust me. Hell darlin' look at my shoulder and ask me if I don't think you should take your shot now. But the situation is what it is. *he takes a deep breath*  I need you. Right here, right now. I need a partner who will watch my back and help me crush Blonde Ambition out there.  We need to show them that Countdown is together and strong no matter what the Commissioner throws at us. They think we're easy pickings.  Of course, they also think I'm coming out with Gemma. I want you to take that anger and that hate and that frustration and aim it like a missile at the two blondes in the ring with us tonight. We take them down.  Convincingly. Countdown sends a message. And you send a message to Rowan. That no matter what mind games she's trying to play, you're stronger, craftier and more bat s*BEEP* crazy than she ever thought about being. Show her tonight by helping me show these young punks a lesson in the ring."

*He can see the wheels spinning in her head. She's bitter and she's angry. But she's listening. Soon that grimace of pain changes and turns into a slow, wicked smile.*

"Why should we wait for the ring?  Let's go."

*She starts to stride purposely to Gorilla.  The Enforcer pulls his mask down, turns towards the camera and smiles saying a little excitedly*

"That's my girl."
"We are all freaks here..stop backbiting each other :)" --nutmeg78

"Red's hair is as breathtaking as a flock of wild cardinals taking flight from a noble hillock." -- sadie