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Acceptance: The Moment of a Pin

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Acceptance: The Moment of a Pin
« on: October 22, 2014, 09:17:50 PM »
Hey got bored, wrote this maybe you'll like, hope you enjoy.

        THE FLOOR IS LAVA.                              
        For some unbeknownst reason that thought echoed in my head. An odd non sequitur  from my past firing from some frazzled neuron entrenched in a desperate situation.Senses bombarded, it searched to find past experience to motivate, to propel further. To assuage the scratching and clawing ego trying to tear through grey matter and move me to rectify what was quickly becoming futility, and surprisingly it worked. At least enough for me to slide my back away from the friction warmed, humid surface the mat had now become from my struggles. Palms slipping into my vision pressing to the tense muscle behind my rivals thighs, her hamstrings making her snowdrift hued skin stretch as they exuded power. The strained breathy rasp of a grunting wheeze slipping from my mouth, heating my lips with it perfidious nature sounding so unlike myself my mind wouldn't allow itself to accept that fact that it came from me. A noise came from a place of peril, of longing for the scene surrounding itself to disappear, to end. As if my psyche had reached out and tugged against the mental tether now built between us my counterparts neck turned, slowed by the drama embued in the moment. One greyish blue eye showing brightly from behind the disheveled strands of amber kissed hair that dangled in front of face as she looked over her shoulder. Batting a full and oily black painted lash down once as if to ask, "Whooo, little old me?". The flushed, crimson hued skin around her cheekbone raising as the ruby tinted corner of her lips slid upwards. A sharp record scratch sound cutting through the thick air as my feet slide against the mats plunging my toes and soles to the rubbery plane. Limbs shaking in exertion as I propelled them towards the ceiling, two drowning swimmers shaking as the tide battered against them. A foreign sensation of clarifying serenity seeping through my being as my opponents head snapped back forwards, her hair fanning out with the motion the light striking it just right as a scene of wavering grain fields drifting through my mind. The tips of her fingers sliding along my hips eliciting a trail of goosebumps as they slipped under the bands of my of my thonged wrap. Tugging against the white lace, tightening it against puckered labia, turning the soft fabric into a leash of the most delicate nature. A moment seared into my very core as will battled will, her arms shoving downwards as my legs pressed up until inevitability bathed us both. Prized limbs timbering like two giant redwoods in the forest as she exerted her will, collapsing them downwards. The world blurred a little with the water building in my eyes as they widened, vision assaulted as little by little centimeter by centimeter of goldencake skin was swallowed by the rounded sculpt of approaching porcelain buttocks. A forlorned groan panted out from between my lips as toes and ankles gave way to the smooth, ice like feel of her glassine shins sliding over my shoulders, the delectable feel soon replaced with the gravity enforced pressure of knees digging in. The rising and falling skin around my throat soon wrapped in the embering strangle of warmed cotton as her femininity took my breath away. Fingers pawing at the two rigid cheeks, sliding against the purple cotton that split them. Were they always this firm, when I first saw them I thought them clay, malleable but what rests atop me now feel more like marble, unyielding and permanent. Head swooning at the idea, gnawing and sawing away at my desire to persevere. Pressing up a little pressure coming off my throat, a spark, a chance, a reason to keep going quickly snatched away like a dream in the night as slender fingers wrapped my wrists tugging them off her in what almost felt like disdain. Pulling against them, snaring how I interact with the world like animals in a trap as she pressed her simmering loins back down against me, shaping my mouth into a slacken O'. There was nothing left, and she knew, she didn't ask, she didn't have to. Stripped bare, motionless, only one word flashed through my mind, screamed at my essence and finally slipped from my lips...ENOUGH.